Can You Beat DARK SOULS 1 With Only Indirect Damage?

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hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs you know we've played Dark Souls I quite a bit on this channel some might even say too much and despite my chall run list having a seemingly endless supply of video ideas in store for this game it is starting to feel like too much of a good thing at least it was until I realized I have some truly awful ideas left in the barrel ideas that should never see the light of day or at the very least should never be attempted by one with some semblance of Sanity let me say that a bit louder do not attempt this run hear that Dark Souls Community my videos aren't dares they're warnings so please stop trying to oh my God why so in the spirit of protecting the community from themselves today we're going to find out can you beat Dark Souls 1 with only indirect damage now then what the heck are we talking about well it's simple really when you play Dark Souls you can swing a weapon if that weapon hits an enemy that enemy takes damage this is what I would consider direct damage as your button press has immediately resulted in the physical pain of another creature however there are several other things we can do in Dark Souls to remove enemies from the playing field things that for lack of a better metaphor keep the blood off our hands some of these things are pretty obvious for example hiring a mercenary to do our killing for us but unlike Dark Souls 2 which has enough NPC summons to fight almost every single boss don't ask me how I know that Dark Souls 1 has a very limited pool of Cooperative NPCs to pull from so we're going to have to get creative I hope you're ready because this was one of the strangest runs I've ever done for Dark Souls 1 but before we get too deep into the video I have an announcement to make and no this isn't a sponsor break this is just lemon or rather this is yep that's right I'm a plushy now thanks to the good people over at makeship we officially have a cuddleable lemon plushy complete with detachable legally distinct firebomb lemon for scale this little guy is soft patient and more than happy to just hang out no matter what you're doing you can take on car rides enjoy the local Wildlife big some treats for your loved ones or just whisper secrets to trees together I uh I don't like the John Wick series oh God help lemon lemon he's only available for limited time so if you're interested make sure you head on over to makeship and get him before he's gone I'll put a link in the description and in a pin comment and probably advertise it a few more times on the channel just in case you missed the announcement but yeah that's all I wanted to say thanks for not skipping ahead I really do appreciate it anyway let's get into it I create a pancer give him the master key then start the run in firing Shrine because tutorial levels don't count and after shoving some free Humanity someone just left lying around into our pocket we take the Firelink Shrine elevator down into Nando use the master key to open up the door to the valley of Drakes sneak down into BL town and rest at the bonfire on the bottom floor so far so good and it's here that we find our first indirect form of damage poison missed the way I see it status effects that do no damage when initially applied aren't direct damage after all it's not my fault the enemies choose to breathe in the fumes which means poison and toxic are perfectly acceptable for the run so long as it's not applied by a damage dealing weapon next we'll pop a Humanity use it to remove our Teriyaki flavored seasoning then wander back to the BL Town elevator until our meaty body attracts the nearby Invader hello Mildred I hope you're ready I have big plans for you uh you stuck big plans for you Oho boy ladies and gentlemen the Dark Souls 1 AI now remember I'm not allowed to do any direct damage so in order to defeat Mildred she'll have to defeat herself unfortunately for her wearing a bag over your face tends to make it hard to see which is a problem when you're trying to fight on rickety platforming and so after several failed attempts to do literally anything we have our first confirmed indirect kill of the run I Jam all of my Souls into Vitality since that's really the only thing that'll matter in this run make my way into quay's domain and lo and behold look who it is miled or mandri back for another wait wait no now I know you're thinking lemon you picked up poison mist why aren't you using it easy because quag is immune to it in fact most bosses are which is why we're going to need to turn to Mildred to what the [ __ ] is she doing which is why we're going to need to this uh this run is going to be a bad time isn't it all right Mildred finally figured out the lava and it's right about here we noticed two things first off Mildred does pretty decent damage not amazing but still decent and second despite being coated head to toe in lava and consistently getting slapped around with a flame sword M's fire defense is through the roof which is great considering most of the fire damage he suffers is self-inflicted now unfortunately this first attempt was a bust getting stuck in the lava for the entire first half of the fight definitely didn't help much but once our summon is killed we can actually just start and quit out of the fight and after loading our game back up we find ourselves right outside the boss fog again Humanity still intact and since I'm not the one getting slapped around by quag we even still have all of our supplies okay new plan I sprinted as far and as fast as I could in the beginning of the fight which caused quag to spitter lava away from Mildred's pathing after that I did my best to be a nuisance hoping the boss would Target me and give Mildred a few free hits which kind of worked though not as well as I would have liked but after several minutes of ducking and weaving she's done it quag is chopped into tiny bits and Mildred lives up to her accidental name which means we've got one Bell rung hell of a strong start but now for something completely different hello there I convince Ingy that I'm all about that chaos Covenant Life then relive some Ocarina of Time trauma and after making sure that my service was no longer in doubt I made my way into the demon ruins now for the hard part after removing my helmet which is absolutely crucial I made it my mission to antagonize a nearby egg carrier unfortunately while I can poison them it doesn't make them aggressive even more unfortunately we can now see what kind of damage we're looking at for the poison Mist three damage per second rip riveting now it is worth noting that poison lasts for 3 minutes so a single proc of poison does approximately 540 damage but that still doesn't solve our current problem thankfully I'm just an idiot there are several aggressive egg carriers just a little further down now for the next problem getting them to bite me if you can bait it out the Eggman will attempt to Grapple you and if he succeeds his parasite will attach itself to your head face hugger style I let this happen several times and then I wait and wait and and wait some more did you see that here keep watching maybe he'll do it again there right there that animation where your character acts like they've got lice is how you know you've done it correctly because believe it or not if you let yourself get grappled by an Eggman while you're not wearing a helmet there's a slight chance you'll get infected the first stage is itching but the second stage well that's something else and there we go egg had achieved now before you go and get excited no this had not just become an egg parasite only run that's one of the other terrible runs I have at the bottom of my challenge run barrel and we won't be digging that one out anytime soon the real reason we did this is because Ingy here is a bit Prejudice and won't talk to anyone who doesn't have eggs but now that we do he's kind enough to not only give me the Cure but also offer us access to his inventory which includes two things I desperately need another cast of poison mist and toxic Mist I'm sorry you want how much in this economy well guess it's time to get grinding oh but make sure you remove the egg head first otherwise a portion of your souls gets eaten by the Paras site it's a whole thing well at least the grind is painless simply ignore everyone's personal space then watch as everyone around you dies a slow presumably agonizing death the area of effect for poison mist is actually pretty large and lasts longer than you think and a single cast can infect entire Legions of enemies which is very helpful considering we only have three casts look at that like a bunch of wriggling disgusting dominoes this might take a while but after a few hours of grinding and listening to H bomber guy talk about pathologic we've done it one cast of to toxic at our disposal I'll come back for the other poison Mist later I need a break from staring at lava now toxic Mist isn't all that much different than poison Mist the radius cast time and effect are all pretty much the same however you'll notice one key difference it does six damage instead of three more importantly you can stack it with poison mist and toxic last 10 minutes instead of three a little napkin math later and you'll realize that a single proc of toxic does roughly 3,600 damage not bad not bad at all assuming we can proc poison and toxic with a single cast our maximum damage potential is 5,220 but that's a pretty big assumption for one not all enemies can be proed with a single cast since some of them have higher poison resistance than others and for two an enemy has to sit around in my fog in order to get poisoned and as clunky as Dark Souls 1 is it's amazing how quickly the enemies in this game start acting like they're in bloodborne when you're trying to get them to stand still further exacerbating the problem is poison Mist itself locking on to enemies is a terrible idea since you'll end up spitting your mist completely past your Target and in the off chance that you do finally proc your status effect I hope you're ready to squint at your screen because the only way to tell that a boss is poisoned is by watching its health bar no damage numbers for you you get to count pixels now after a second or two the boss will have a purple Cloud around it so at least there's that but there's a bigger reason I'm upset that we don't get any damage numbers I just cast toxic Mist did it hit are we doing more damage now or did I whiff it may not sound that important after all this is probably the least interactive boss fight you ever seen we're literally just walking around the arena and in the worst case scenario we'll just have to start over but L you forget if I have to start over I have to do all of this all over again minutes upon minutes of slowly walking away hoping you're not wasting your time because if that toxic didn't proc we just wasted upwards of 10 minutes per attempt oh and God help you if you die in the middle of a fight thankfully the toxic must have proed because after several minutes the Taurus demon Kels over of his own accord why is this more stressful than actually fighting the bosses oh hey there Solair I have a proposition if you have a moment Solair stop my wife might be watching after Solair agrees that we should engage in Jolly cooperation later I Sprint my way through the undead Bergen Parish then make my way through the deep root Basin and grab myself the grass Crest Shield we're going to be doing a lot of running away today so we might as well regenerate our stamina faster you know what while I'm in town let's grab a few things for our build I poison a nearby mimic tree doing just enough damage to scrape by in a single cast then grab myself the wolf ring which boost my poise almost almost as much as wearing the elite night armor would which will be important when we're trying to burp in an enemy's face for several seconds and after coming back while human I reveal which Beatrice's secret summon sign then run away to leave her to deal with all the enemies I brought along I'm sure she's fine and after she finally remembers how stairs work we can move on to the next boss the Moonlight Butterfly unfortunately for me the butterfly is immune to both poison and toxic so my only contribution to this fight is acting as a damage sponge but as it turns out I was worried for for no reason be's damage is actually really impressive and much like Mildred her magic defense is through the roof it's almost like she was specifically created to help with this fight or something wait hold on there's the Dark Souls AI we know and love yeah go on give him the stick don't give him the stick and a few minutes later it's over the giant magic butterfly destroyed by Magic yeah I don't know either be seems super excited about it though and if she's happy I'm happy right on to the next fight in order to move forward we'll need to kill the Gargoyles but we're going to need some help to do it I grabb the mystery key then mysteriously get caught in a doorway then proceed to mysteriously Panic until I am mysteriously killed by every single enemy in the room all right gang let's split up and look for Clues okay new plan let's hire some help go on cair get in there no just use your sword Solair I swear to Gwyn I will and after watching Solair progress to the church at a speed that would make geological erosion embarrassed we free lotrek and convince him to help us with our next mission and with a full party summoned it's time to dish out some pain today's meal is a perfectly sized portion of patience served with a light sauce of undetectable anger paired with a finely aged glass of bordom and frustration you know I was worried that bringing in several summons would bloat the boss's Health pool too much but uh yeah no I think we're going to be fine I run interference for the second gargoyle while Solair and lre finish off the first and after a few more swings down goes the first gargoyle and then down goes the second I think I had a harder time setting up the fight than I did actually doing it why do I get the feeling that's going to be a reoccurring theme in this run well anyway that's another Bell rung which means the path to send Fortress Is Now open however we skipped over a few bosses and I am curious if there's a way to beat them without direct damage so we're not moving on just yet side note I found a better way to cast my Miss spells if you look down at the ground without locking on you can more or less cast them at your feet which is a lot more predictable than trying to measure out the Spell's maximum distance and hoping for the best in any case it's time to tackle our first optional boss the stray demon so good news bad news the good news is that the stray demon barely moves at all which makes setting up Mist extremely easy and by the looks of it poison M procs with a single cast the bad news is that I have to literally count pixels to see if we're doing any damage that does not bode well I cast toxic Mist to speed up the process but because the poison effect is already on the demon and because the damage ticks are so small I can't really tell if I hit it or not which is a problem because the stray demon has 5,250 health so I did the only thing I could think of I restarted the fight then cast toxic Mist first to confirm that it proed and with that wheel in motion we just need to cast the rest of our poison Mist only there's a slight problem remember the maximum potential damage I calculated earlier well it was 5,220 30 points shy of the Stray Demon's Health pool which means we are either in for a devastating defeat with the stray demon surviving by the skin of its teeth or my math is somehow wrong and we're going to win by the skin of ours and thankfully miraculously it looks like the ladder finally my notoriously bad math is paying off and so after watching a health bar drain pixel by pixel for 10 minutes straight I turned to deliver the killing mist and misjudged the Demon's AOE effect then watched in horror as it set up another blast killing me instantly so that's fun but now that I know it's possible I can't just walk away and even went so far as to set up a timer on my phone that went off every 3 minutes that way I could spit Mist without worrying if I was overlapping the cooldowns and after almost exactly 10 minutes of running in circles it's over stray demon defeated by the very Aid breathed I don't forget the doll then book it all the way back down to Blight Town because I did forget to buy the three additional castings of poison mist and after that fight we just had I'd rather not waste another 20 minutes wondering if I have enough poison or not look at all this poison Mist I'm packing I can't wait to tell the fire keep oh well on to the next boss we skipped over the kaer demon I do some quick circling to get off a poison Mist then watch as all three of the enemies in the room start to tick down you'll love to see it and a short while later that's two doggos gone which means we just need to find an opening to toxic the Capper demon and even though I made the rookie mistake of locking on while casting I was able to lure the demon into the Mist anyway resulting in his death about 5 minutes later easy game for babies what's next ah right the depths also technically optional since we already beat quag but we might as well try it out I poison Kirk which goes about as well for him as you'd expect then after clearing out the Sorcerer And His rats in the upstairs balcony I summon salair to my Aid since I'll need all the help I can get unfortunately because I did things all out of order lre summon sign is nowhere to be found so it'll just be us Sun Bros for this fight all right the gaping dragon don't worry salair I'll distract it salair oh boy this is going to be bad so two problems the first is that this thing is completely immune to poison and toxic the second is that cair is not immune to damage and is actually really bad at this fight due to how much of a bully the gaping dragon is he didn't even clear two portions of the health bar before biting the dust that's not even worth retrying yet I might be able to rustle up something special for the gaping dragon later but for now let's move on but not to send Fortress oh good Heavens no no it's time to Sprint our way through the catacombs like a madman I take a shortcut down to the halfway point of the level then take another leap of faith down onto the platform below where I find another summonable NPC Paladin Leroy at our service like most paladins Leroy hates necromancy and also like most paladins Leroy's IQ is about as low as my willingness to play Elder ring thankfully Leroy hits with a ferocity of a, sons and can take out half of pin wheel's Health in a single hit combine that with some generous usage of Wrath of the Gods and pin wheel is evaporated into nothingness in only a few minutes giving us not only the right of kindling which will be super helpful against orene and SM but also a mask of the Father which is less helpful but not unappreciated but with that taken care of it's time for sends I hyped this snake man up and tell him that he can catch falling Boulders which was a lie then collect my next Ring The Ring Of Steel protection because extra defense is always nice to have I also out of my way to grab the flame stone plate ring because we'll need that fire protection later on in the run after that I gave the firebomb giant some fumes to breathe in which did work but was a bit too slow for my liking so I decided to Outsource the solution instead hello tarus I have work for you an easy Victory let's give you a harder challenge yeah the Iron Golem there's not much to say about this fight if I'm being honest unlike some of the other techniques we'll be using during this run the fact that tarus can kill the Iron Golem all by himself is almost common knowledge at this point so long as tarus stay in the main Arena and far enough away from The Ledges the likelihood of him dying from the Golem's attacks is minimal of course you won't get the cool falling animation unless you decide to risk tarus life on the ledges but I'm perfectly okay with an easy Victory moving right along into an Orlando Gods give me strength getting to or and SM is our first challenge but it's not as bad as you think just lure all the painting Guardians off the rafters with some Hardcore Parkour for style give the silver Knight Archer something to chase which inevitably leads to him falling as well then jump the banister on the stairs to immediately unlock the shortcut to on and easy peasy but here's the thing orstein and SM have thousands of HP each and we don't really have that kind of damage output so we're going to need a little help isn't that right Solair you really are fond of chatting with me aren't you if I didn't know better I think you have feelings for me soir stop it I'm a married man I grab a few goodies for later because boy howdy will we need them then take a slight detour to invade L's world this child run is hard enough as it is I can't afford to have false friends stabbing me in the back while doing it and with a healthy dose of poison into toxic applied we just need to play keep away until L Trek's Health runs out and there we go Target destroyed a shame our friendship had to end this way but you gave me no choice now then let's see the power of true friendship shall we I use Solair to clear the room before the boss area which doesn't go particularly well but after a few saving quits Solair eventually gets the job done and after one more save and quit to make sure that c is at maximum health it's time to see if this run is dead for the halfway point no don't look at the video run time that's cheating the plan is simple enough distract one boss so that cair can hopefully kill the other and honestly I don't really care which one he chooses Solair can do some heavy damage to Smo but seems to have an easier time fighting Ornstein due to orstein not having so many pushing attacks and since SM is very easy to distract so long as you keep him away from cair's duel it isn't long before orstein is killed and we can move on to Super Smo and it's right about here where things get tricky unfortunately super Smo is no easier for cair than regular SM was and the damage has definitely dropped off now that we're in phase two combine this with the fact that Solair doesn't understand the concept of stay out of the danger Circle and he's not long for this world however his sacrifice was not in vain because now we can um why is it sm's health going down okay let's try that again please work I can't keep Solair alive for two full phases please God oh okay we have movement but this does present a problem smoke can't be poisoned unless we use two casts of poison Mist which means means that despite my constant muttered curses the likelihood of smoke getting toxic with only a single cast is probably zero as well and guess which boss has too much health for three poison Mist to kill him but before we give up let's do a bit more testing Solair tends to get about the same amount of damage in every time so we aren't going to be able to push that much further but maybe my angle was off the last time I used toxic Mist this time I aimed carefully keeping SM in the Mist for the entire duration and oh my god it works super Smo has 4,9 4 HP combine the full length of a toxic mist and the Damage that Solair was able to do before biting the dust and we should be able to squeak out a victory here with the five poison Mists I have remaining fighting against super orstein may have been easier resistance wise since orstein has a much lower resistance to poison and toxic but with smow we can bait him into attacking this pillar over and over again which makes waiting out the 10-minute toxic timer much easier I reapply poison once the toxic runs out which is a little more nerve-wracking than it should be then watch and Delight as smoke collapses in a shuttering Heap somehow someway we're halfway there I accept the Lord vessel from guir which means we can finally warp between bonfires then warp back to Firelink Shrine to talk to framp so uh is there another way to Firelink alter CU I will gladly take the stairs if they exist and with the Lord vessel placed it's time for the hard part of the Run that's right you heard me it gets harder from here time to rebuild our character I say hide to se take a ride on the Crystal Bounce House Panic only briefly before the poison Mist kicks in and kills the jail guard who only has 2 Hp by the way then very quickly and nimbly breathe all over the two pakas that hide in the back of the room before making a daring escape and after running around the room for several minutes watching their health bars finally tick down to zero I can run back into the room to collect my prizes soothing sunlight and bountiful sunlight these two Miracles are very unique because they do what every Miracle should be able to do but don't that's right they heal other players Bountiful sunlight heals 10 HP every second for 60 seconds while soothing sunlight heals players and one burst healing six times your talisman's magic adjustment stat so for example if you had a plain old Talisman you would have 200 magic adjust which means it heals for a whopping 1200 Health not bad for a single cast now unfortunately you do need to be in the princess's Guard Covenant to use these Miracles but we don't really have a reason to be in the chaos servant Covenant anymore so it's all good now then time to start removing bosses off the second half of our list first let's start with Priscilla she only has 2300 HP and doesn't aggro to you unless you do Direct damage to her so we should be able to take her out pretty easily there's just one tiny problem her poison and toxic resistance are even higher than sm's she's not immune but it does take three casts of poison Mist to even get it to proc and sadly after doing a bit of research I found out that the true damage of poison mist is actually 678 which is much better than our original guess of 540 but nowhere near enough to kill Priscilla with only two procs and if it takes three casts of poison Mist to trigger poison then the one cast of toxic Mist we have isn't going to be nearly enough if only there was another way to trigger toxic without actually doing any physical damage oh wait there is I'm not happy about it but dung pies exist in Dark Souls and throwing them does zero damage but applies toxic to both the sender and the receiver so much like the Mist spells this doesn't count as direct damage and is therefore completely fair game God I wish it wasn't but be that as it may Priscilla eventually gets toxic after about seven dung pies I don't think I can insult everyone's favorite waifu any more than I just have hey like it describe so with that out of the way let's see if we can fix our past mistake with the gaping dragon cair you've literally slain the Guardians of gods at this point how are you dying well we've learned two things today so is apparently Benjamin Button and can level backwards instead of forwards and the gaping dragon is impossible to beat with indirect damage since it's immune to poison and toxic and someone can't seem to get his act together despite my constant healing three health bars you couldn't even give me three health bars unbelievable I tried this fight several times but the most Solair could ever give me was for and some change so yeah going to chalk this one up to Impossible and move on all right moving forward our next targets are the four Lords that guard pieces of Gwynn's Soul so we might as well collect everything we need to reach them let's start with cth it took several casts to poison her since she hops all around the arena and doesn't like to sit in the Mist for very long but eventually her health started to tick down combine that with a few pies and we should be in the clear the good news is that from here on out this fight was extremely easy as all I had to do was two-and a great shield and just play keep away the bad news is that this is the absolute longest that have had to watch Sif limp around and suffer God I hate this why is this a thing eventually I couldn't take it anymore and had to run and hide behind our tor's gravestone I'm not crying I just have something in both of my eyes I'm not proud of this fight now here's the thing at this point in the Run there's only a few bosses left and while a good number of them are probably doable there's just a Teensy tiny problem where every single Lord Soul boss is immune to status effects so we're going to need a new plan but that's where my boy Oswald comes in OS W here sells a spell that does indirect damage in Spades that's right it's time for a little karmic Justice now chances are unless you were big on the PVP scene back in Dark Souls 1's Heyday you have no idea what this miracle even is and I don't blame you because this thing has the most [ __ ] up mechanics in the entire game basically when you cast karmic Justice you now have a 60-second window to fulfill the miracle requirements if you fulfill those requirements the spell causes God herself to explode out of you dealing massive damage to everything around you what are those requirements oh nothing crazy just take damage five times in a row with each hit being no longer than 3 seconds from the others you know in the slowest and clunkiest Souls game but here's the thing if you can actually get this miracle to go off the damage it does scales with your magic adjust and not the magic adjust of your Talisman The Magic adjust of whatever you're holding in your right hand at the time of the explosion I'm sure you see where we're going with this yep we're going hunted for the strongest magic adjust items in the game the easiest one to obtain at the moment is actually on Rea here if she dies we get her Talisman which has 234 magic adjust only one problem though she's immune to poison and toxic and her followers despite being hollowed can't hit her which means I need them to trigger karmic Justice which will hopefully be enough to kill her in one blast you'd think getting smacked around from two different sides would be enough but Dark Souls enemies always take these weird pauses between attacks which makes it really difficult to get the five hits I need eventually though we get it was that it was it enough damage nope she's still alive and now she just healed back to full health fantastic well the good news is that rehea is aggressive now so it's a lot easier to trigger kic justice but the bad news is that she just keeps healing back to full and no matter how quickly I reapply karmic Justice and no matter how menacingly I stand next to her she always pulls away and heals back to full every time she gets Gob smacked screw it I'm out of ideas poison poison everywhere wait what so yeah turns out NPCs that are unaggressive can't be poisoned unless you Ager them in some way seems kind of arbitrary since that doesn't apply to Priscilla but hey I ret talsman whatever now I'm going to go out on a limb here but something tells me that if a single cast of kic Justice couldn't kill rehea four casts aren't going to be enough to kill the endgame bosses but lucky for us there are a few ways to improve the kic Justice damage outside of the magic adjust stat for example there's the crown of dusk headset which improves magic damage by 20% and all we need to do is kill this Hydra in order to spawn the Golden Golem holding dusk hostage and yeah no this Hydra is immune to poison into toxic which means we can't get the DUS Crown Dusk Ring or access the DLC okay well what about better magic ad just in general we've already got 234 but there's definitely higher ones out there like the tin crystallization Catalyst I mean it's an absolute pain to push Logan through his quest line with this build but sure why not prepare to be impressed you know what Logan if you can make it past this hord of pakas on your own I will be I find Logan tucked away in the archives then purchase all of his sorceries from him to push him forward wait why aren't you crazy you're supposed to be crazy Well turns out I've been wrong about Logan's quest line criteria the entire time I've played Dark Souls you not only have to buy all of his spells you also have to kill SE so yeah that should be fun my first attempt went uh badly and my second attempt was marred by the fact that I was cursed now but I had an idea SE will break his immortality Crystal himself if you line his breath attack up properly but we need some fast and consistent damage to trigger karmic Justice and it just so happens that se is more than happy to provide all right you big lizard I delivered justice for all the well that's not good all right well what if we go get the red tearstone ring and give him a blast of that nope so turns out that se magical dragon that he is is actually pretty damn resistant to Magic damage who would have guessed and before anyone suggested in the comments no you cannot get yourself into hyper mode turns out kmic Justice is one of those spells that doesn't stack with power within so it's not even an option which means that se is impossible to kill with indirect damage officially ending the run unless what if there was a way around SE what if we killed every single boss we possibly could and somehow found a way around the ones we can't you know what let's do it we've already spent countless hours getting this far what's a few dozen more so first up is ceaseless discharge and I already knew he was immune to toxic and poison but I just wanted to be sure after all it wouldn't be the first time that Dark Souls make zero logical sense and maybe these dung pies count as hits even though they don't do damage okay they don't but now we know so ceaseless is a no-o but we don't have to kill him to progress all we need to do is jump off this Cliff roll to negate some of the Fall damage then very quickly run through the lava and across this lava fall to the relative safety of the other side and thanks to our Armor's High fire resistance and the flame stone plate ring we grabbed earlier we do just that then it's just a matter of removing the grubs in our lawn with some allnatural pesticides and we have access to a bonfire so we never have to do that again where's the bonfire where's the bonfire game so turns out that bonfire doesn't exist if you haven't killed ceaseless cool no pressure I'll just kill the demon fire Sage on the first try yep no pressure at all everything's going to be fine oh God please no thankfully when rsof copy pasted the Asylum Demon they left in the code that makes him able to be poisoned and toxic so this boss fight is just a waiting game and with a little bit of testing I found a safe spot to sit in while the toxic does all the work sheesh thought I was playing Dark Souls not RuneScape up next is the centipede demon but we've got to make a stop first we head down into the chaos Covenant shortcut which is closed for us non-believers but that won't matter in a minute the chaos bugs that hop all around the area are poison and when killed drop 30 Souls each however if we aim up a little bit before casting we can actually cast poison Mist through the door poisoning the bugs on the other side and if one of those bugs drops 100 Souls instead of 30 upon death then congratulations you've officially killed the chaos bug that latches onto cair's face further into his quest line which means sunro is safe and free to travel with me into the next Boss Arena now I don't have the lava ring but I'm hoping that cair does otherwise this is going to be a really short fight and after running over to the safe space on the right side of the Arena we can see that Solair can in fact run through Lava with minimal damage of course that doesn't mean he can't be snacked on by the SBE demon but one battle at a time we had a few close calls with Solair nearly biffing it halfway through the fight but between my toxic damage and Solair chipping away at its Health it's not much longer before the SED demon dies a death of a Thousand Cuts why after all this searching I still cannot find it I just I just want him to be happy you know moving along I throw on the Dark Moon Seance ring to remove the false statue in an Orlando then intrude on quin's hallway to prove that a God can bleed well maybe not bleed cough themselves to death unfortunately gindin doesn't give us much time to throw dung Pi or cast Miss spells before they teleport away and by the time I've reached them again I think the status effect has already gone back to zero so instead we take the scenic route and run all the way to the back of the hallway where gwindel and courteously breathes in my Mists and accepts a very poor excuse for a pie until they're both poisoned and toxic after that it's just a matter of slowly circling around them until the deed is finally done fun fact killing gindin does not remove the Godmother illusion which means we are still technically members of The Princess Guard it's okay I don't get it either but what I do get is gwindel and's helmet which gives me an extra 10% magic damage and yes that applies to karmic Justice maybe this will be enough to make the difference for SE yeah no I don't know why I even thought that guess the tin crystallization Catalyst just isn't meant to be but maybe with a little enemy luring we can settle for second place after all Logan does still drop his St when he dies and although his current staff isn't as strong as the crystal one it's still one of the best staves in the game and With a Little Help from the crystal soldiers we've done it Logan dies from his own hubris and we collect a spell we can't use and I uh no take backs Finders Keepers you'll never take me alive so yeah I have no [ __ ] clue why or how that worked but my only guess is that he already changed inventories because we bought all of his spells maybe I don't know man I just work here but now for something completely different Neato lord of the underworld and allaround pain in my side like the other Lords he's immune to poison and toxic so a beefed up kic justice is really the only option we've got but with the red tearstone ring crown of the dark sun and the Ring of the sun's firstborn which gives us an extra 20% Miracle damage we just might be able to pull something off oh by fletchy that's more than a quarter of his health of course staying in that just about to die sweet spot with six skeletons and a lich bearing down on you isn't exactly easy so we're going to have to get a bit experimental I tried putting out some heavier armor which mitigated some of the damage but also made it extremely hard to get away from his AOE attacks and after several hours of failed attempts trying to Glass Cannon my way through the fight and learning that his grab attack makes him immune to damage for some reason I decided to go with the age-old strategy of not even trying and you know what it worked turns out we didn't need four red tearstone ring karmic Justice blasts we just needed one the other three blasts were more than enough to take out Neato at their regular strength and with that that's a lord soul collected I'm honestly shocked we were able to pull that off well if we were ble to beat one Lord Soul what's to say we can't beat another yeah we might even have a bit of help this time around hey B how's life after several resets I was able to finally get beatric to ignore the ghosts and walk through the fog wall and so began the slow terrible fight that is the Four Kings that uh that's some bad damage there kid please tell me you've got something stronger in that spell book of yours maybe a soul spear okay just great Heavy Soul Arrow okay well I hate to say it but something tells me that beatric is more hurtful than helpful guess we're on our own with this one so I have some good news and a lot of bad news the good news is that the Four Kings can absolutely trigger karmic Justice when all four of them are on the field at once and it does a pretty significant amount of damage the bad news is that not only do you need all four Kings on the field but they need to be close together to get that huge damage you also need to choose between your two rings because we lose one ring slot to the abyss and the run back to this fight is absolutely atrocious but good news again we can actually use havl Shield during this fight since the Four Kings attacks are both physical and magical which means a little bit of Chip damage always slips past and can trigger karmic Justice see that that's called the compliment sandwich it helps take the sting out of well it took several hours but we finally got it the Four Kings blasted to smithin by their own Karma God is this what the One-Shot contestants felt like this is awful why did I make them do this last but not least on our little trip is the Bed of Chaos I don't think there's any way to beat it but I figured I might as well stop by and confirm as expected it can't be poisoned or toxic and having karmic Justice on doesn't do any good because the only attack that can reach in here is The Firestorm attack which only hits you once not multiple times so yeah B of chaos is also a no-o but hey two out of four ain't bad so with the door to the Kil of the first flame firmly sealed and the DLC content locked behind the Hydra how are we going to beat the game well it feels dirty to even say it out loud but we're going to have to resort to a glitch y did you see that the speedr runners in the audience just perked up I've never really used glitches in Dark Souls 1 before so bear with me if my explanation is a little lackluster but essentially what we're going to be doing is is casting the homward miracle in such a way that we trick the game into sending me to the wrong location a wrong warp if you will by putting a Talisman in both hands we're going to cast force with the left hand while nearly simultaneously casting Homeward with the right hand I say nearly because we need to cast Homeward one frame after we cast Force which for all of you math nerds out there gives us a window of 0.016 seconds do it right and your hands will glow yellow with hom word going off and sending you to the wrong location there's actually a whole chart online somewhere showing what bonfires you need to rest at and what location you need to wrong warp from if you're interested but we only care about one location the Kil of the first flame so with that terrible and completely unsatisfactory understanding of what's going on let's get into the setup we have to go to Firelink alter rest at the bonfire warp to Undead Parish then immediately go up the stairs here and perform a plunging attack at this banister yes I made that look easy and no I will not show you the hours of practice this took then very carefully you need to turn around to look at the bonfire then wrong cast h word on the first attempt which will carry you off the banister and allow you to hopefully sit down at the bonfire while the hom word animation triggers dang it I was at this for hours just falling off the railing and mistiming my button presses over and over but then when all hope seemed lost a miracle happened or technically [Music] two I helped the Black Knights realize their dreams of being based jumpers without parachutes then made a horrifying realization I forgot salair hey salair what you doing here pal was it all a lie have I done this all for nothing I can honestly say I've never heard this dialogue before because believe it or not I'm about to do something that I've never done in my 1,000 plus hours of playing Dark Souls 1 I'm going to summon Solair to help me fight Gwyn let's earn that son together And So It Begins the final fight of Dark Souls 1 using a Buckler I'm able to Parry Gwynn's attacks away from me which simultaneously minimizes the damage he can do to me and cair and also gives cair an opening for attacks which he may or may not take advantage of ah crap you know I should probably be tanking those hits instead of cair come on Gwyn fight me no me not soir all right let me do a little preemptive healing there we are and now we give him a bit of the Wombo Combo yes dude and in a surprisingly short amount of time it's over it's actually over a majority of Dark Souls one beaten with indirect damage only and with one final heal for cair it's time to claim our very own son that was one heck of a challeng run easily up there with emulation only as far as difficulty goes but if there's one thing I love about the Dark Souls series it's how absolutely wild you can get when thinking outside the box thanks for watching hopefully you had a good time and maybe even learned something new in the process as a quick reminder the lemon plushy is on sale now and will be for limited time only so make sure you grab one of those if you're interested but other than that that's all I've got take care of yourselves be good to one another I'll see you all again soon [Music]
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 664,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, challenge run, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, elden ring, demons souls, sekiro, bloodborne, dark souls indirect damage, dark souls challenge run, dark souls backlogs, dark souls indirect damage only, dark souls poison mist, dark souls toxic mist, dark souls npc, dark souls npc only, dark souls poison mist only, dark souls toxic mist only, dark souls poop only, dark souls dung pies, dark souls dung pies only, ds1, ds2, ds3, er, shadows die twice, bb, des
Id: nsJaE6_3Zng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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