Teachers, What Is the Dumbest Question a Student Has Ever Asked You?

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professors and teachers of reddit what is the dumbest question a student has ever asked you i did the walking tour in berlin someone asked the guide what's the worst question you have been asked he said well this guy from australia after the three-hour tour was finished asked okay so how did hitler get here from australia he hesitated and said hitler was from austria the dude looked confused and said yeah so am i so i'm wondering why he came all the way to europe to do all the things he did the tour guide said he almost felt bad but had to be honest a u.s trailer is the county you are from austria is a european country just next to germany imagining hitler with an aussie accent right now and a hatred for the british because former penal colony i had a handful of middle school students insist that mount rushmore was a work of nature i honestly thought this for a good portion of my childhood to be fair i'm not american and i hadn't seen a photo of it so i didn't really understand it was a real carving i thought people just saw the faces in it like they might see the man in the moon we were talking about cells cell parts cell organelles pars around a model of a cell for them to look at nothing but cells sells cells student gets it and asks me what planet is this not a teacher but i once worked with a jamaican that thought that jews were time travelers because it was the year 5775 according to the hebrew calendar it took me an hour to try to explain that jews weren't from the future he still didn't get it bill and ted's excellent hasidic adventure one of my students asked why white people are mostly in charge of the government if black people were here first we live in the us i told him that actually native americans were here first and he scoffed at me not a teacher but in a history lesson during year 11 we watched a recreation of the nuke that hit hiroshima the video showed buildings collapsing and a guy being vaporized after the video ended there was a brief silence before this girl said would that kill you do you want us to write our names on it in english ask the puzzled white american teenager in our rural american high school english class i still have no idea what she meant maybe she meant print and not cursive once i had a student turn in photocopies of another student's homework like the actual copies not that he rewrote them himself not the teacher but my classmate back in high school asked how the astronaut could land on the moon when it was flat and had no gravity without even hesitating my chemistry teacher explained that they shot a harpoon gun at the moon and looped around it until they ran out of rope but to walk in the moon they used a harpoon gun in each hand to this day i don't know how he explained that without laughing we're whalers on the moon we carry a harpoon but there ain't no whales so we tell tall tales and sing our wailing tune someone once asked my college professor who used to teach skydiving if he had ever been killed while skydiving he had not this was about a month into the school year a student would have a pencil at the beginning of class but would lose it somehow and need another one which would inevitably disappear i was confused because he wasn't dropping them on the floor so how was he losing them i happened to see him throw a perfectly good if dull pencil into the garbage bin i immediately rush over going wahaha buddy why are you throwing that away there's nothing wrong with it him looking at me like i'm a bit slow um it's done me him i can't write with it anymore right so i need to throw it away isn't that what you do when they stop writing me i then pick the pencil out of the garbage bin it was just papers luckily and sharpened it right in front of him wiped it off and showed him me okay you can write with it now he looked at me like i just cured cancer it was hilarious as a side note he was only seven i still find it funny he thought you just threw dull pencils away though goddammit i was picturing a senior in high school doing that it was a question about a question i was proctoring a university exam kid puts his hand up i tell him per university policy look to keep this fair i can't really answer any questions you're to write down your assumptions about the question beside it in case something is wrong and it'll be taken into account when it's marked if something is wrong with the question a university kid on his business program asks me okay um sorry what is in button cheyenne i thought he was being a smart but so i said write down what you assume to be an assumption along with your assumption and it will be take and as i'm saying it i can see the blood draining from the poor kid's face as i realize he doesn't know so i stopped and said sorry then told him just to write what you think the problem is with the question beside it i was in high school in 1972 long before the internet was a thing during a health class discussing nutrition we were going over various food groups and the benefits the nutrients and vitamins played on our bodies organ function etc a 16 year old kid actually seemed to be under the notion cauliflower was a bread and not a vegetable not sure the reasoning there maybe he had never seen one since they were fairly unheard of in the area we grew up in he was thinking of cauliflower not a teacher but a classmate recently asked if there was more than one moon because it's in all different countries at once like it could be in turkey and antarctica at once know what i mean i was bewildered just remember every time you look up at the moon i too will be looking at a moon not the same moon obviously that's impossible not a question but a great anecdote nonetheless while discussing places in washington dc with my drama club kids i explained what the mall is the grass promenade area between the capital and washington monument which many important buildings border one of my juniors at the time looked at me in horror and said oh my god i didn't know it wasn't a shopping mall i wrote an essay in social studies about how terrible it was that they were thinking of putting a holocaust memorial in a mall i used the phrase and frank shouldn't be next to a food court it's been four years and i still laugh just thinking about it poor naive girl not a teacher but a classmate asked our teacher who had no sense of taste if you can't taste anything then why do you eat related i work with a summer camp and take crackers with cheese or hummus and veggies for lunch one day a kid asked me why i don't eat real food all from the same girl we were in washington dc and at the end of the trip she had to have a teacher point out where we were on a map because she thought we were in washington state she asked if rocks were living organisms she asked why california doesn't just drink the ocean water in all honors classes somehow just not the brightest she asked if rocks were living organisms to be fair settlers pioneers used to ride those babies for miles not in my class but i had someone ask aren't egyptians extinct in complete seriousness the guy sitting behind him was egyptian and he just dropped his head to the table in seventh grade a kid asked how they put out fires before electricity he thought water had to be refrigerated to put out a fire because cold puts out hot dog now you'll tell me there are volcanoes at the bottom of the ocean so this was a question i asked a particular sweet but unsophisticated 17 year old student that i loved we were at the smithsonian museums in dc me so would you like to go with our group into the air and space museum her that sounds so boring yuck no me it's one of the most popular museums on them all her air and space museum why would anyone want to see that me uh you think it's just a museum full of air and space don't you huh yes haha i grew up in maryland and we went to the dc museums a lot i remember thinking it was called the aaron space museum but couldn't figure out who this person was in seventh grade history the teacher had told us that if you flip the image of europe it looks like the queen so this guy two seats behind me brilliantly blurts out did they do that on purpose apparently someone decided to tell him about the great european coastal remodeling to shape europe like the british queen hey slatti bartfest took requests i think i used to take undergrad labs and got some real stunners top would have to be the student asking for the diluted water i'm so guilty of doing this i say this all the time and i totally mean to say distilled water for some reason it always just comes out as diluted first day of public speaking after going over the entire syllabus and every assignment will we have to give speeches i am a high school science teacher i've given this answer before but i'll say it again here i had a student ask mr mookie prime i dreamed that i was raped by a foot what does it mean seeing my blank stir she continued you studied physics so you must know all about dreams it means that evil is a foot not a professor but i am a professor's assistant and i am in charge of doing their daily quizzes i will often have a joke silly answer to multiple choice questions for option e without fail even after informing them that e is never the right answer someone would answer e so where it might not be a dumb question it sure is a case of a dumb answer it's me i always have to pick a funny answer not a teacher but i was an english tutor in college one time after work i was just chatting with my last student of the night when the conversation turned to horses as our college had a large equine department she asked and this is verbatim cows are just horses that got fat right i couldn't believe it i always tried my best not to make anyone i cheated feel stupid but i couldn't help but hysterically laugh not a teacher but i took a science fiction literature class in uni and a fellow classmate said she didn't find her reading relevant because there haven't been any wars in like 200 years my friends who was multitasking half-life 2 on his laptop through the lecture jaw dropped as he turned to look at her if the class gamer looks away to stare at you in horror you fricked up hard i'm not a teacher but one of my classmates kept asking if government's people countries were good or bad in our civics class um is stalin good or bad is england bad referring to constitutional monarchy is communism good or bad keep in mind that she has already turned 15 a result of growing up watching disney movies and children's media in general in my world history class we had the dumbest student in our group she asked how do eskimos build igloos when they have pores she thought polar bears were eskimos later in the class she pulls out a can of beans and a can opener and proceeds to open the can and eat in the middle of class the teacher both times just stared at her and all baby polar bears being eskimos so cute met a student who was coming to my school the next year me what kinds of books do you like to read student i don't really like to read me okay well what was the last book that you read student you mean like chapter book i taught 11th grade they probably meant novel as opposed to a magazine or textbook we have a take-home exam for the course the questions are released at the start of the exam period and the students have two weeks to complete the answers it's dead easy student emails me this question paraphrasing so since the take-home exam falls during the exam period doesn't that mean it clashes with my other exams can i get a deferment i had no idea how to explain to her that no a take-home exam which you have two weeks to complete does not clash with other normal exams during the exam period and no you can't get a deferment on a freaking take-home exam that you can complete literally whenever you want jesus christ that is the only stupid question i can actually think of the stupid questions are the ones that have nothing to do with course content and everything to do with trying to weasel out of doing coursework to be fair i remember some people from both high school and college who absolutely freaked out over every exam and spend something like a week straight doing nothing but prepping for it i never understood that but i mean if that's the only way it works for them i teach 8th grade science i had a student ask when pluto was going to blow up since it had become a star now that it wasn't a planet anymore in sixth grade we were talking about the pope and this girl asks the teacher is the pope jewish to which our teacher patiently responds no he is catholic after thinking for a moment the girl continues then why does he wear such a funny hat this next one isn't so much a stupid question but by far the most hilarious sequence of events i've witnessed during my childhood was in a ninth grade history class and our first test was on global geography capitals fun facts etc basic stuff day before the test we have a board race as a fun way to prepare so it's this girl's turn to race to the board the question is what is the capital of island now this is a gimme so it's an all-out sprint to the board said girl trips over a backpack and eats absolute crap her competitor is barreled over laughing as is the rest of the class determined not to blow such an easy question she miraculously recovers dashes to the board and confidently writes her answer cleveland you know in movies when someone freaks up and there is this cricket noise pretty much that happened in complete silence her competitor walks to the board and writes the correct answer she turns bright red and darts out of the room slamming the door behind her as she does the clock on the wall falls to the ground and shatters we didn't get anything done for the rest of that class i've always wondered how she did on that test i feel like that ninth grader needs a hug but i'm too busy rolling on the floor laughing after uttering and translating a german phrase er stenken dan handeln first think then act a student asked what language that was to which i said german she replied with i love it when people can speak a dead language i looked up and stared through the drop ceiling and into the soul of the universe asking how and why i should go on while i was proctoring an exam someone asked is a seller molecule this was in a senior 400 level biochemistry course not a teacher but my classmate once asked if nicolo machiavelli was a christian or an antichrist think she meant atheist i know i'm late but i have to add this one there was this girl in my college zoology class who told the teacher she didn't believe humans were mammals or animals at all she was a biology major lol not a question but sophomore year of high school our history teacher was going around the classroom getting people to name presidents one girl said harrison ford if only she'd paused significantly in the middle she'd have been right twice instead of wrong ones history teacher here why are all the states mixed up it'd be easier to remember them if they named them in alphabetical order like have all the states that start whether they border each other to be fair this isn't a bad idea in theory this is easy i am nine years into my teaching career and only one question has ever been so dumb watching apollo 13 the scene is when they first tell houston they have a problem and they show mission control and a student says something to her friend her friend says you can't ask him that naturally my interest is peaked i walk back and ask her what her question is are all of those guys there named houston first off how many guys have you met they are named houston second what are the odds that there are 40 of them in the same room gee whiz this is actually a dumb question i asked in my honors civics class my teacher was talking about rhode island and how the first people there walked there from maine i asked how did they cross the water cue look of bafflement on everyone's face me you know because it's an island i learned that day that rhode island actually isn't an island still think it's a stupid name i might be late to the thread and am not a teacher but regardless this is a really stupid question when i was in sixth grade i think it was sixth we were talking about john smith in social studies one girl asks the teacher if john smith was george washington the teacher says no with a disappointed tone of the stupidity of the question she then asked if he is abraham lincoln i just couldn't understand how someone could ask so stupid of questions maybe they thought john smith was akin to john doe most of my dumb questions i get happen like this okay we will review on tuesday and the test will be in thursday review tuesday and test on thursday any questions everyone got it kevin you got a question is the test thursday yes kevin it's on thursday sammy you got a question yes we will have a review on tuesday anyone else then tuesday comes and i get professor are we having a test today freaking this this this breathes into a paper bag i teach eighth grade and have a student who relishes the chance to ask extremely inappropriate questions apropos of nothing multiple times if he isn't acknowledged the first time my go-to answer has become you should ask your mother which he seems to forget is the go-to and results in massive sulking every time it works especially well times when this has paid off nicely in recent days miss reddish is it true that pregnant women get really frisky miss reddish what is cackling fit b miss reddish do people really like to have sex with donkeys okay we're reading a midsummer night's dream right now so it wasn't quite apropos of nothing but it would be nearly irrelevant if he actually read the play better response i'm not sure but i'll call your mother tonight and let her know you're curious i was in a college history class the teacher was discussing dams that were built during the great depression a girl up front raised her hand and said where did they find the water mobile mammogram truck is at school kid coach what's a mammogram me an x-ray of the mammary glands kid so they're checking for alzheimer's me yep that's what they are doing bless his heart if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, students, dumbest question, dumbest students, learning, learn, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: ZWpRt_ZGjfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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