Deepest Friend Secrets You Learned While They Were Wasted

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what is the deepest secret a friend has told you all wasted one of my best friends growing up recently confessed in a drunken haze to me that his dad had molested him and his brother for four years it didn't stop until his uncle caught his dad in the act and almost beat him to death his uncle's brief prison stay was always a mystery before that row good for the uncle at my wedding reception the best man's wife got drunk enough to confess to me that she was in love with my brand new husband and had been for years but the time was never right for them to be together she rambled on about maybe someday they would both be single at the same time my old high school boyfriend that i hadn't seen for three years now age 23 but still cared for appeared at my door two nights before his wedding and told me he still loved me and was only marrying his fiancee to please her her parents and his parents he said he felt trapped and put his arms around me and started sobbing with his head on my shoulder we talked a while and he sobered up a bit he married the girl and they had a child but he died of testicular cancer at age 25. i have never told anyone of this until now but sometimes i still dream about him bro this is like an entire movie in one paragraph i don't know it was in a club it was really loud and i simply couldn't make out what she was saying but from her tone in general manner i could tell it was very important so i tried to look like i was listening sympathetically and then gave a bunch of the most general generic advice i could possibly think of she started crying gave me a hug and said i knew you'd understand at this point i thought it would be much too upsetting to hear that i hadn't actually heard anything the next day she thanked me for being so cool about it i still don't know what it is and i've never told her that i never heard her i could easily see this working it's all about making very generic comments that are catch-alls or general issues nothing too specific well you know that's just one of those things people go through you know in the long run this is just going to make you stronger etc brilliant comma and the worst thing is i'm black but i got a small dong my buddy told me that in 10th grade and i've never forgotten it well he was 15 at the time maybe since then his teeny weeny has blossomed into the giant purple meat hammer that every black male deserves my father got wasted when my mom was in the hospital for surgery it was pretty serious and we were all stressed out so we all drank together one night eventually we started talking about my mom and her idiosyncrasies i asked him why she was always so forgiving and kind to my little sister when she was so stern and by the books with me my father told me that my mother had a child when she was 14 and this child was born on the 25th of october my mother gave this child up for adoption because she was young and unable to care for it but when my little sister the one i knew about and had grown up with was born it was also on october 25 this wrecked my mom and she thought it was god's way of punishing her for abandoning a child my mother refused to hold a look at my little sister for the first few months of her life i don't recall this as i was very young at this time because she couldn't deal with her guilt and grief eventually she was able to reconcile with her past and come to accept my little sister now she treats my little sister with super kindness etc because of her guilt over the way she treated her in her first months of life i found out that night that i have a half sister out there somewhere whom i've never met since that night my father and i have never again spoken of this and my mother doesn't know that i know not the deepest perhaps but funniest him you know i got involved in a threesome once me really him with two other guys me okay him yeah i learned two things that time me him it hurts and i'm not gay i imagine him thinking i'm not really sure who i am i've had some confusing boners in my day i am going to get to the bottom of this my brother was an army ranger for four years and while crap faced drunk told me he had to fight child soldiers during his time in the army that's awful i can't imagine how heavily that weighs on his conscience in high school we were wasted she told me that the little girl she babysits is actually her child that she gave up for adoption a few years ago no idea my good lesbian friend had a child at 14 not to mention a child that i've met before and had no idea it was hers god that must be heartbreaking having to take care of your own child without being able to spill those beans we have this friend who has a lightning bolt tattoo that we always make fun of mostly because he won't tell us what it means and it looks like the gatorade symbol one night a couple of months ago he and i get drunk off straight vodka he starts talking about getting more tattoos and his ideas so i asked him if he'd tell me what the lightning bolt meant he said back in 2008 he was going through a really rough patch and he started thinking about suicide on one particularly hard night he finally decided to go through with it he had access to a couple of guns took one and put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger the gun jammed he said the instant he pulled that trigger he regretted it beyond words and had never been more grateful for life apparently that night there was a really rare thunder and lightning storm we almost never get those here and he saw the flash of lightning and realized his time wasn't up yet he said he learned that night that no matter how bad life gets it really does go on he got the lightning bolt to two to remind himself i had a new understanding of him that night he made it up so y'all would stop giving him crap about his tattoo he got drunk after watching bolt that his dad wasn't really a diplomat always abroad he was a rach addict that odin died i know it could happen to anyone but this guy is so polished well adjusted and just awesome you'd never be able to tell he comes from such a place of hurt he told me all the fricked up crap his dad did to his family before he died even breaking in and stealing all their valuables to sell after his mom kicked him out the path to a healthy perspective on life is usually paved with hardship one of my buddies and i were pledging the same fraternity when he dropped a big one i knew he was from some country in africa but he had been very private about it for the most part now i know why he had been taken from his village in uganda when he was very young and forced to watch them kill his family he then killed about 14 people as a child soldier heavy stuff holy freak that's like the worst crap i've seen here poor freaking guy my friend told me how his girlfriend cheated on him during prom with another guy from his prom group and she got knocked up crap went down annex broke down while drunk one night and told me his uncle had molested him when he was a kid he's never told anyone in his family and apparently the uncle was moving to be closer to family and the ex was going to have to see his uncle again after many years my husband's brother got drunk the night before my wedding and said my husband wasn't right for me but he was he tried to make out with me i declined he went back to his hotel room where his girlfriend apparently tried to stab him with a steak knife from room service i was about 16 or 17. we were all partying in the house since my parents were on vacation at one point a good friend came running up to me giggling and whispered into my ear my older brother used to rape me when i was six years old making the brother 16 at the time my friend then ran away giggling some more i brought this up to her at another time when we were both sober and she just looked at me horrified and didn't say anything so i didn't press it not sure if she was serious or not she still kept in touch with him and was on good terms with him years later my best friend had shared something like that too when we were drinking it was her uncle though she was being raped since she was six years old and it continued until she was 14. my brother's girlfriend started crying and told me she was with him so she could spend more time with me because she loved me but never had the courage to ask me out and settled for my brother they broke up a few months later i never got with her nor told my brother what happened my brother gets tons of girlfriends and i don't and this must be why that my best friend would let random guys freak her in her dorm while she was sleeping she did not understand why i did not want to do that my friend who i thought was as straight as they come came out to me and revealed that he had been in a relationship with his roommate for several months he then told me how his boyfriend would cheat on him by bringing a guy over and having sex on their bed while he was sleeping thinking my friend wouldn't find out and yes he wouldn't even have come out of me had he not needed advice on how to deal with his boyfriend i was like wtf just go break up with him couple of weeks ago one of my friends said he didn't care if he died not that he was suicidal or anything just if that the house set on fire he wouldn't move very odd and sad drunk and 4am conversation freaking wisconsin this is a feeling often described by depressed people not me but a friend of mine was told this he was sober and this other guy who was hammered recognized him at a party he says hey i know you you work in the post office on campus to which my friend responds uhhh yeah so drunk guy says guess what you shipped 25 pounds of our marijuana from the student store in flat rate boxes thanks man then walked away he was stunned and amazed my best friend and i were out at a pub in 2010 and he was pretty wasted and i hadn't seen him in about six months which was rare for us because we were pretty close he told me he thought he was going to die soon he said he has never felt like this before but i could tell he was really bothered we brushed it off of course after a few minutes of talking about it he laughed and said but hey if i go crack a beer at my funeral have a party act the next month i was the last one to leave his coffin as they began to shovel him in the ground he was locked out of his parents house and grabbed a ladder to get in his second floor bedroom window he lost his footing when he got to the top and fell he broke his neck and was found face down in the grass the next morning 23 years old it's a secret because i think he wanted to talk about it but didn't want anyone to think he was crazy so he told his best friend my buddy admitted to letting a gay guy blow him because he was so frisky i then offered to blow him and he laughed his butt off so this wasn't a friend but a random drunk dude five of us are sitting at a big round table at an all-night diner right next to our bar it's a very common place to go after bar close and one of two of the only places open that late so dude comes in wasted of course sits down on the opposite side of the table and says i have aids frick i have aids now i don't think he meant to say this and they way he said it makes me believe it was one of those things that was on his mind and drunkenly came out we all just look at each other for a minute and are like all right dude that sucks we kind of go off into our own drunken conversations after talking about it for a second or two cue drunk girl who has been around all night wanting to frick aids man she walks in and sits down next to him and one of our group is like dudes got aids yellow kind of buttholes with soft hearts she starts freaking out on all five of us thinking we're all in on a dong block aids dude is denying he ever said he had aids it goes on eventually they leave i'm pretty sure she fricked him tldr random wasted dude tells a group of strangers he has aids after bragging about how easy it was to get played in college he left the room and he didn't know that i had gotten up and followed him until i gasped after he muttered to himself heck i've only freaked fat sorority girls this made me laugh so hard i can only imagine the sound of defeat in his voice my friend recently told me how depressed he was and all the things in his life that were making him that way family life girls he's a super upbeat guy so it saddened me that he's feeling this way and that so much crappy stuff is going on for him same situation man my best friend is like this ever since his gf of 2.5 years cheated on him when he went into the air force he hasn't been quite the same since and it kills me to see him never quite fully happy my friend told me about her depression and anxiety along with how she's been hearing voices in her head for a long time because we were both pretty drunk i responded with even in the wizarding world hearing voices is a bad sign best way to respond in that situation equals that a straight so he strenuously claimed conservative friend once told me of how he had sucked off several random men at parties and enjoyed being anally fingered it came completely out of left field i guess he wasn't as straight as he insisted he was i have a buddy who is six feet four inches 250 pounds solid guy played minor league hockey a few years back we were drinking years ago and he told me that he loved tori amos no you don't understand i freaking live for tori he admitted to having had seen her over a dozen times in concert and told me he was considering getting a tattoo it never came up again after that tori amos is amazing i'll say that stone sober this doesn't really count since it was me and not my friend but years after high school i called the home of a friend from high school to get her number i was wasted the mom recognized my voice but apologized because her daughter had just moved to a new place and she didn't have a phone set up yet so i figured that it'd be a perfect time well wasted to confess to the high school crush i had on the mum the one on the phone with me apparently she was flatted this was unwise of me though because her husband my friend's stepfather was a former nfl lineman coma the mom recognized my voice but apologized because her daughter had just moved to a new place and she didn't have a phone set up yet the days before cell phones dude my dad straight up killed someone once dave shut up no seriously he told me he did he dumped his body in the ocean the police questioned him but they didn't have any evidence his dad did spend some time amount of time in prison and dave talked about all the drugs his dad used to do even how his dad recommended doing drugs his story unfortunately seems plausible c is a truth serum c is a truth serum this is especially true if you lock yourself in the bathroom and have an 11 hour conversation with yourself while finishing up a half one of my close friends told me he fricked his mom his dad left them when he was 17. i'm talking packed and moved to an unknown country one day his mom got drunk that night and he himself smoked a lot of weed the dad barely had a sexual relationship with her so they seduced each other and fricked all night i asked him about it after he sobered up naturally he freaked out but i assured him i wouldn't tell anyone i'd known him since college and he'd come through for me plenty of times but that's not the worst of it apparently he got her pregnant they aborted the child frick never go full oedipus my first girlfriend's best friend once told me that my gf had been raped by a family friend that let them live on his land for free in exchange for the family to freaking serve him cook him dinner feed his dogs clean his house and apparently rape their freaking daughter christ the rage it burns us while drunk my dad revealed to me that when he was in vietnam as a radio guy he called in an airstrike that ended up spraying napalm over his platoon he didn't know if it was his mistake or the pilots but i knew then why he didn't talk about vietnam while sober a friend of mine recounted to me in horrible if slurred detail how while his family were away on holiday he walked into town during the dead of night with a hatchet up his sleeve and caved in the head of a homeless man before walking home in tears holy crap a s face friend once told me his father used to systematically cheat on his mother and that he had a son from one of these affairs literally my friend's brother from another mother who was the same age as us he was crying terribly and i didn't really know what to do this was when i was 17 or so i'm 27 today it made me realize just how bad cheating is don't cheat if it's not working try to fix it or just end it but don't cheat cheating is the worse happened to me too last year too that she was quick to break up with me and say she found someone else still feels like utter crap to be replaced throw away i went to the bar to tell my friend that i wanted to start dating another common friend of ours for context he had been chasing her for a many months she did not want anything to do with him and did not give him any indication that she did but he kept trying she and i had amazing chemistry but i did not want to start dating her until he knew it was going to happen he got really mad at me because he had already pictured me attending his wedding and our kids playing together in 20 years anyway i tell him we get drunk and he says it is my fault karma is a true bee i asked him to clarify and he confesses that he freaked his stepmom while his dad was away in a business trip apparently they were on the brink of divorce she had already cheated with other guys she was one of those chicks with fake tea and he hated that he was not strong-willed enough to say no to that i'm a real mother sucker he said while he cried he proceeded to tell me how his dad went crying to him to tell him about his upcoming divorce and that he had to hear all that and felt horrible i felt horrible he felt horrible i really liked this guy as friend but with all the crap that happened that night we completely disconnected i tried to reach out to repair our friendship but he did not want any of that and went around saying horrible things about my current gf and i she and i ended up moving cities to start fresh with a new circle of friends even now i still miss that guy and feel bad that we don't talk to each other nevertheless that girl has given me the best six years of my life and i cannot fathom spending the rest of my life with anybody else life is complicated stepmother i guess this isn't much but considering she was such a devout christian and such a virgin it was something she essentially told me that she liked feeling the pressure of someone else's boobs on her body i had a girl confess all her skeletons raped abused growing up aborted her baby from the rape eating disorder self-harm she's the saddest person i've ever known but you'd never be able to guess that from the outside she wants to be a mom and forge her future still goes to school and is a really sweet person i wish i had known her sooner so i could help more a friend came out to me and a bunch of our friends while drunk there was an awkward silence before i yelled let's drink to that and nothing really changed you're the perfect friend to come out to apparently throw away last night i was hammered and talking to my cousin best friend and i told him something i've never told anyone i was raped by our cousin when i was six seven years old i'm a 31 year old male woke up this morning hoping it was just a dream nope freshman year three gay friends who didn't know associated with each other independently got drunk sat me down and in a dead serious tone of voice explained to me that deep down they weren't actually gay they were just black women in tiny white men's bodies this has to be the weirdest thing in the thread in college there was one guy in our group of friends who started acting funny close to the end of third year but we were all worried about him but he seemed mostly okay and we were guys so we didn't push i thought maybe he was gay and working up the courage to come out so i just tried to be extra friendly and there for him q2 nights before the end of exams he and i are out drinking and i finally call him on it you've had something on your mind for a while now and i want you to tell me what it is it turns out that he had decided to kill himself and had come up with and planned to do it it was a thursday and he was going to go through with it on a saturday we were already drunk off our asses so not knowing what else to do i just pushed him for more details of his plan and told him that i loved him crashed woke up the next morning to my alarm set for 7 am and a scrolled note to myself saying frank is going to kill himself tomorrow stop him not knowing what else to do i called his mother and threw a hung over hayes managed to get her to accept that this was real and that if we handled it right we could stop him and get him through this by the time i hung up with her we had a solid plan in place had him picked up by the cops and institutionalized for three days and put on suicide watch parents siblings friends and counselors were all there for him he got through his depression and twenty years later he's still okay it ruined the whole group dynamic though everyone was so upset that we all stopped hanging around together after that miss those guys but no regrets if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: deepest secrets, deepest secrets reddit, deepest secret confessions, deepest secrets revealed, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: G2ThGf24QAk
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Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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