Worlds Most Powerful Metal Detector, Maximum depth and sensitivity for finding gold

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hey I'm Chris Ralph the professional prospector and today we're here to talk about some metal detectors now I do a lot of metal detecting for gold and so today we're gonna talk about the world's most powerful metal detector and we're gonna define that what that means and everything I get a lot of questions about metal detectors for gold because I do a lot of metal detecting for gold in fact I kind of consult for some of the companies that manufacture them sometimes they want to know what people are interested in well I get asked what's the most sensitive metal detector what will see the smallest gold what will go the deepest what's the deepest detecting metal detector you know what's the cheapest you know I did one a little while ago on what's the lowest cost gold detector that really has the sensitivity to do the job so today we're talking about the world's most powerful metal detector now I want to say before we even get started this is not a sponsored video nobody's paying me to do this and the company that makes this detector they don't even know I'm doing it and I'm not really planning on telling them we're gonna talk about the advantages of this detector and we're gonna talk about the disadvantages because to tell you the truth there is no such thing as a perfect detector that can do anything and everything perfectly and just is nothing but good all of them have their advantages and their disadvantages and we're gonna talk about some of that stuff today now you might ask what do I mean by the most powerful metal detector well I mean a combination of both super depth and sensitivity to small stuff I mean I ain't talking about a detector that can see really small stuff but can also see stop really deep that's the power of metal detecting is to be able to see stuff and see it deep but not not necessarily have it have to be you know the size of an engine block or something in order to see it deep you want to be able to have great penetration and sensitivity to smallish targets that's that's what nugget detecting is all about now in order to be qualified for me to consider it as the world's most powerful detective our detector it has to be something that's publicly available I mean I'm not really interested in something that's only available to the military or if you're some super-secret top-secret spy or something like that it has to be something that you know anybody who has the money can go out and make a purchase of now speaking of having the money yeah this detector is not cheap okay if you want the most powerful metal detector you're gonna pay some box for it they think of it like other hobbies I mean if you want the world's best set of golf clubs yeah that's not gonna cost you 20 bucks you're gonna pay a lot more than that for it if you want the world's best bass fishing boat yeah that ain't gonna be cheap you want a super-powerful racecar that you could take down to the drag strip and and win races with yeah that's not gonna be cheap so I did already a video and I'm gonna put a link to it right here about the lowest cost metal detector that's made for Nuggets and has the oomph insensitivity to be a good gold detector I did already a video on that and I put a link to it there and if you're interested in low cost detectors there you go that's the one so you know there you go that's the video you want to see but if you're interested in shear power you know what is the most powerful detector out there well let's take a look at that and take a look at the different features of it the most powerful metal detector actually has its own special technology you know most detectors that are used out there in the field are of a technology called VLF it stands for very low frequency it's also called sometimes induction balance it's basically a technology where it's constantly inputting an a signal to the coil and and you basically have a transmitted coil and a received coil and your you're looking for a signal on the receive coil the transmit coil transmits the signal into the ground yeah now the other less common but used a lot by prospectors less common in the relic world for sure but not less common in the prospecting world is what they call pulse induction metal detectors and these are very powerful detectors that have great ability to ignore ground noise and and that kind of stuff but the world's most powerful detector has its own technology it's called zbt or zero voltage technology now maybe you'll ask if it's zero voltage does it need a battery no actually it does it doesn't mean that it runs on no voltage it means it has to do with the cycle of the transmit and receive and and the power of that but it has this zero voltage technology and it has way more windings on the received coils then any other detect I mean by far like 10 or 50 times more than other detectors and what that does is when a signal goes into the ground and and then it energizes the Nugget or whatever that you're looking for and that sends its own signal back to the detector well having a whole lot of windings there will make it more easy for the detector to see that very weak miniscule signal that the target puts back and if the target is teeny-tiny or if the target is down deep it's going to be producing a weak signal so that's important and like I say this own special technology no one else has it yet this world's most powerful detector has its own unique technology now it has another a lot of other features and let's talk about those right now it has built-in wireless audio now you know when you go on wrong especially in forest areas because I do some detecting in areas that are heavily bushy or forest II you know you've got a headphone cable going to your detector man it's easy for that to get caught on a bush or caught on a tree branch or something like that it's a pain in the neck and I have actually broken metal detectors going through the brush and having it catching them like yank and and either pulls it off your head or it just breaks the cable so you having a wireless technology is really good now most people have heard of Bluetooth and Bluetooth is a common thing but there's a problem with Bluetooth and metal detecting because you can get little Bluetooth transmitters and bluetooth headphones and you think well that that could do the job but the problem is is there's a delay in Bluetooth so if you're swinging your metal detector what will happen is as you swing over the target the Bluetooth will sound over here so it'll go beep well it's beeping over here then you swing back over it beep beeping over here now beep and and you have if you slow way down so that the delay doesn't hurt you so you're going be be you know if you slow way down then then it's it you'll be able to pinpoint the target but this this thing has a wireless headphone technology or wireless technology that's special proprietary stuff so that there's not a significant delay so when you swing over it beeps beeps beeps right over the target so there's not nothing oh I got a slow way down otherwise I'm gonna be thinking the target is here and there and everywhere so that's a special thing it has a built-in GPS so when you're out and about you know a lot of guys will take a GPS with them so they know where they're at and keep track of that well this detector has a GPS built into it and it'll keep track of where it's at for you and keep track of the path that you took and you could actually download that onto a map and see well where was I today you know where did I where did I actually wander through you know and and you can download that and the detector like I say has that GPS and tracking capacity built right into it it also has a really nice touchscreen so all the different options of how you want to set it up you can all do it just really easy on touchscreen and no scrolling through different menus or all there's different menus on the touch screen but there's there's not button button button button button button button button to advance to different settings and you know but down down down down down down down they did get to another one you can just choose things on the touchscreen pretty cool so another thing that it has another feature that the world's most powerful metal detector has is it has a really great ground balance system it's automatic tracking so you don't have to constantly be adjusting the ground balance or or thinking well do I need to check the ground balance and pump it and it automatically ground balances to its own right setting it has on the touch screen three different types of ground settings you only have a choice of three and basically it's really mild soils that are low mineralization a soil that's kind of a medium mineralization and soils that are really bad and really this is kind of a really really bad or really really mild most of the time I run in the middle one okay cuz most gold fields have some mineralization they're not near zero and unless you're in Australia or some other places where it's Superbad you probably don't need the the really strong ground mineralisation but if it's a great system it's self tracking and it works really well another feature that it has is the automatic canceling of electromagnetic noise now we don't notice normally notice this and in most detectors it's really not a big concern the electromagnetic noise of radio waves and you know other TV transmission and other kinds of electrical electronic cell phone transmission it's not gonna affect your detector that much although I will tell you you don't want to be having a cellphone on you while you're using this detector because just the transmission of the cell phone will interfere something but it has this system to automatically trance or to cancel that noise and so because when you get us basically the world's most powerful metal detector yeah you're you're gonna start hearing every little thing you're gonna hear all those I mean it's not like you're gonna hear a radio signal from 100 miles away but what you're gonna hear is you know noise in your metal detector that's caused not by the ground or any target but just caused by the electromagnetic waves that are everywhere okay so another feature that it has is that it has an optional really big coil I got one of those and I'll show it to you in a minute but with that really huge coil it has as amazing depth it has surprising depth with just the regular standard coil which I'm going to show you but with the the big coil it's even deeper so what is it you know we've talked about it quite a bit what is the world's most powerful metal detector well I'm gonna show ya so what is the world's most powerful metal detector this is it it's mine labs GPZ 7000 it's a detector that i've been involved with for a long time the standard coil you can see is really big and there actually isn't the smaller coil but that's a whole nother issue that well it belongs in the decent damages category that we're going to talk about in a minute but this is an awesome coil it has found for me this detector nuggets that I was shocked at how deep they were cuz hey look I've been detecting for Nuggets for decades of prospecting for you know without a metal detector for a lot longer than that and so I know I know what detectors are capable of and what they're not capable of and believe me there's limits to everything even to the world's most powerful metal detector there's limits and this detector has found me every year that I've had it it's found me gold that I'm just shocked that it was able to find so let me tell you with the world's most powerful metal detector here are some nice really big chunky nuggets that I found with this detector truly it's an amazingly powerful detector I was able to find some of these bigger nuggets at depths that are just really surprising so this is to go to show you that three and a half ounces of gold well that's quite a bit of money and the big nuggets that I found they were down deep and so it was quite a fine and surprised me quite a bit by how powerful this this detector really is here's an example of some wiry and mossy gold the type that this detector just excels on it really beats anything hand-down for depth of detection on this kind of gold it does better than anything else on the chunky stuff but it just does amazing on this wiry stuff you see the solid stuff most detectors just about any detector will sound off a lot better on stuff that's all then this wiry or mossy type of gold so a lot of times this gold when it occurs just gets left behind in the ground the biggest piece that's shown here up in the upper left hand corner is over 20 grams that means it's over two thirds of an ounce this is that's a thousand-dollar nugget just for the gold and then on top of which that kind of wiry crystalline pattern would fetch a higher specimen value as well so this is a pretty spectacular example of what this detector can do and here is that extra large coil the coil that comes with it it doesn't come with it it's an accessory coil and this thing can give you amazing depth it look how huge it is it's just organic and of course you know the old rule that bigger coils give you deeper detection on larger targets so if you want to go for the smallest targets this isn't your first choice but if you're going for the depth and a penetration on bigger nuggets and other targets this is an amazing tool so it's available as an accessory and honestly I think it's well worth it okay so I've told you a little bit about my success with with this detector and and like I say I've found with it nuggets that could not be found with any other metal detector on the market it's just amazing on gold that's a little bit mathy or wiry a specimen type Gold it's it's just beats everything on the market hands-down and even on more solid stuff it is an amazing detector that's why I think legit legit it's the world's most powerful metal detector now even though it's an amazing detector it has its limitations one of the limitations is that thing is heavy it's heavy now if you're just gonna like check a hole like I used it this summer to check some holes that I'm dry wash and I found gold with it gold that I wouldn't have found otherwise I checked around in areas that were overgrown with with growth and went over the top of it with this coil and because the growth you know the coil had to be four or five inches off the ground surface it still found nuggets down quite a ways deep into the soil even though it had to be up so far above the soil because of the the ground cover so it's heavy and if you're just going out for a short check of a hole then you know you don't need the support because I can hold it for a while here but if you're gonna go out and detect for half a day or a few hours or whatever you have to wear a harness and in fact it comes with a harness because they realized that in addition to being the most powerful detector on the market it's also the heaviest and and with the the big the big optional accessory coil it's even heavier so it has a disadvantage in its weight it also has a disadvantage in that there is no small coil available this standard coil is the smallest coil available you know users in America have a long asked hey can't you get us a coil that's a little smaller than this because you know when you're trying to fit in between rocks and under bushes through bushes and that kind of stuff yeah this is a really big coil to be working with a lot of prospectors are used to using coil smaller than this so that's a disadvantage another disadvantage is that there is no discrimination mud just none whatsoever it's if it beeps you got to dig it so you know I have this discussion with a lot of guys a lot of prospectors and most prospectors will tell you dig it all that's discrimination never use it and for for most places you know where there's mild to moderate trash yeah I agree you should take it all so discrimination isn't gonna do you any good but there are places that are just loaded overloaded with trash and you know when it's overloaded with trash having an option of some discrimination and a smaller coil is helpful because when you get in a super trashy area with this you may be seeing two or three or four trash targets at once with this coil depending on where you're where the trash is and where your coil is and when you're seeing multiple targets with a coil it's just really confusing to the coil because you're getting signals from here and there and everywhere so when you're when you're doing trashy areas you want a super trashy real trashy if it's not super trashy don't use the discrimination but if it is super trashy and you're hunting there you want a detector that has the capacity to do some discrimination now I did a special video on how to achieve accurate discrimination how to understand discrimination on metal detectors that haven't now like this one this one doesn't have it but on the ones that do you know it's worth understanding how those work and I'm gonna put a link to that right up here and you should check that out if you have any interest if your detector has discrimination and you want to know how to use it better and get better results with it check that out cuz you'll learn a lot now finally the last thing that I want to mention far as disadvantages of this detector it's really expensive it is not cheap as I kind of mentioned at the beginning of this video if you want the best of something matter what hobby you're interested in or rather what your your work is or line of work you know if you're a professional electrician you want the best of tools you don't want a $9 a 99 cent voltmeter from Walmart you want some standard you know one that's made for everyday use and this is a detector made like I say to be the world's most powerful metal detector but it comes with the world's most powerful price so that's another disadvantage of this is that it's it's it's not cheap so I want to consider like I say I've considered the world's most powerful metal detector and I want to say that there is no such thing as one detector that does everything perfectly I mean think about like this if you went to a car dealer and you said hey I want a car that sporty and super fast well the car do say oh yeah we got some sports cars over here and then you'd say well I want it to be super fast but I've got a family of four kids and my wife so I wanted to be able to fit six people me and my wife and my four kids the guy who's sporty and fit six and and then you say well I like to do off-roading so I wanted to be able to go anywhere and drive anywhere and be an off-road vehicle and I want it to be luxurious on the inside and oh by the way I want to get 50 miles to the gallon the the by then the car salesman is gonna be laughing that you'd said yeah there's no such thing as a car that does all those things you know you can get a car that gets 50 miles of the gallon maybe you can get a card that has off wheel off-road capability and can go you know just about anywhere that's possible you can get cars that are luxurious and will fit the family of six okay you can get a sports car that race is really fast and you could take it down to the track and race it and win some awards with it yeah maybe but you're not going to get it all rolled into one and it's the same with metal detectors there's no one detector that's good for everything and could do everything perfectly yeah no such beast that doesn't exist this is the world's most powerful metal detector like I say this is not a sponsored video I'm doing this because it's my opinion it's my opinion after using this for years and I've used other detectors both by mine lab and by other people and and that kind of stuff and this is the world's most powerful metal detector so the best use for this detector is really in kind of open areas like open desert areas there's a lot open desert areas like that in Australia but there's a lot of them in the southwest in desert parts of California and Nevada and Arizona some parts of Oregon and Idaho and a few other places because the big coil it's not great for areas with tight rocks and boulders and fitting it in around you know trees and and that kind of stuff that's that's really not the best environment for this it's also best environment for deep stuff where there's not huge amounts of trash because it has no discrimination huge amounts of trash or tough it's because the way the coil is designed it's a little bit more difficult to pinpoint the targets and takes a little bit more practice to pinpoint targets especially really small ones and it's amazing the small bits of gold that it'll find but you may find yourself chasing around those little bits of gold for a little bit longer than you might expect it just is a little bit more difficult to pinpoint but it works well and I've found really small gold with this so it is the world's most powerful metal detector and like I say open areas without huge amounts of trash and gold that may be deep because this thing those are the best areas for it now if you want to learn to become a better prospector overall you want it up your skills and make yourself a better metal detector operator and find more gold and have more success with that I wrote a book about gold and about finding gold it's called Fistful of gold it's got everything you need and I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about it right now ok so I wanted to tell you a little bit more about my book I want it to be able to share the knowledge that I've gained about finding gold and and how to be successful and so I spent years literally writing this book Fistful of gold it's more than 350 pages long and which is why I say it's an encyclopedia of everything you need to know about finding your own gold I've sold more than eight thousand copies and I've got a lot of really great feedback on it it just is the most complete book on the market it has information about finding gold that literally is not available in any other book that you're gonna find for prospectors because I took technical stuff from geologists and other mineral scientists and I've translated that into language that the average guy can understand you don't need a PhD to go out and find gold but the information that scientists have learned over recent decades can can be of a lot of help to people so it's in this book if you're interested about finding gold panning sluicing nugget detecting a dry washing the geology of gold deposits and how they form it's all in here and like I say it's more than 350 pages long so if you'll just go to the description underneath this video you can take a look I've got a link in there to take you to Amazon to the site where the book is sold and I think you'll you'll really enjoy it take a look at all the people who've commented on this and have really liked the book it has a very very high rating for a book and also I have a website my own free website that you can take a look at I've got all kinds of information on here about doing research and how to find gold a lot of good information stuff that basically couldn't fit into my book and so I put it on this website and I have a link also for that in the video description so take a look in the description and you can click on the link and it'll take you to my website [Music] and finally if you like this presentation I've got a lot more coming out here's a three and a half ounces of gold that I found a couple years back in one area I've got a lot more of these videos coming on gold gemstones hardrock placer a lot of metal detecting there'll be lots of metal detecting stuff so if you really enjoyed this click the subscribe button and then take the notification bell off and YouTube will let you know when I publish new stuff and hit the like button as well and please comment on these videos because I'm interested in what you have to say and I promise to answer any questions you have so if you are wondering about anything you're thinking maybe I didn't cover something thoroughly enough in a video then let me know and I'll be happy to try and help you out and give you whatever information you need so thanks a lot and I hope you enjoyed this and we'll see you again real soon
Channel: Chris Ralph, Professional Prospector
Views: 170,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0woAGJZtT2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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