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have you just bought a metal detector got no idea what you're doing well stick around because i'm going to try and show you exactly what you can do with your metal detector greetings and welcome today i am going to show you how you can effectively use your brand new metal detector and enjoy this fascinating hobby we're going to be discussing the metal detectors we're going to be discussing the equipment that you need the land that you're going to be detecting on and most importantly we're going to discuss technique because technique is key in this hobby so yeah stick around so first things first you're obviously going to need a mel detector this is an xp deus 2 metal detector it's quite an expensive male detector but you don't need an expensive metal detector you can pick something up for 100 or you can pick something up for 1500 at the end of the day they will detect metal but some are lighter some are faster some will dig less trash some are better at discriminating et cetera et cetera but for today i'm going to show you the xp days 2 and where to get started so what else do you need other than your metal detector you're going to need a pin pointer this will help you find your targets in the holes just like this closer you get the louder it beeps you're also going to need one of these that's right this is a spade so you're going to be able to dig all your targets all your signals your gold your silver and ring pulls and whatnot this is a noble mdt stainless steel should last forever finally you're going to need a fines pouch something like this you can put your pinpointer in it all your fines go inside here and your junk of course uh yeah that's it that is all the kit that you need to go so here are several other items that i carry around with me as well as my other kit so this thing is called a coin pod these are awesome you can store your coins in there keep them nice and safe this is a water spray bottle great for cleaning coins so you can spray the dirt off without scratching them last but not least i always carry a bit of a toothbrush so i can uh you know clean stuff not essential kit but handy so let's look at the metal detector let's listen to the sounds and let's try and learn how to metal detect right so let's turn on our brand new metal detector your on button might be somewhere else but my on button is here so when you turn it on it will load up i'm not using headphones so i'm going to push this button here which means i'm not using headphones so the machine is now on so let's get a bit of metal and wave it over the coil make sure it's working make sure it picks up some or some metal that sounds like it's working to me so let's let's pick the machine up and let's go and find some signals so the next thing we're going to talk about is technique how to swing your metal detector you want to be swinging so you're skimming the grass close to the grass as you can possibly get every sweep don't do this that's the last thing you want to be doing because you're not going to find anything close to the grass every swing every inch of the swing so after that the most important thing is you need somewhere to go now i've been male detecting for eight years so i've accumulated quite a few permissions my current one which is directly behind me this is the the georgian hall grounds i've had lots and lots of stuff on here and now i can find coins on here so yeah let's see if we can go and find some signals this one sounds good this is our first signal we've found a target with our metal detector so we've got an 83 on our screen which is a high number which means it's a high conductor it's repeatable it's short it's sharp very coin like oh something similar small so let's have a look and see what our target is we dig where the signal is loudest right over it there we're going to dig a nice round plug not all the way around three quarters my experience tells me this is probably going to be a piece of lead so we're gonna use our pin pointer to help guide us we'll switch it on and then we'll have a look in the hole okay so it's right there we're gonna need the spade let's see if we can find it now we can right down there look we have found our first coin of the day let's get this out and have a closer look see that young man on there is king edward the seventh that is a british pre-decimal half penny the date will be between 1900 and 1910 so yeah we'll find our first coin with our brand new mail detector great how do you determine the size of a target down there i have two targets the top of a can on the left and then a tiny little rivet from something or other on the right so let's go over them and listen to the sounds that they make so let's start with the little one [Music] so that makes a cute little sound doesn't it short sharp now let's go over the big one now listen to the difference in sound also i can pick that up a lot higher up big thick sound little quick sound that is literally how you determine the size of a target so this is the next signal that we're going to look at today 79 78 sounds okay that one to me i think we'll dig that and have a look so again we're gonna get our pinpointer into the hole it's right there whatever it is oh that is a piece of lead white gold is what i call that derbyshire is full of lead could have been a pot mend or something like that but we're not really interested in that for the minute so yeah let's carry on let's find some more targets so when you're metal detecting you should always respect the land to try and fill in your holes as neat as possible the ground's very dry here today i'm going to take a little bit of soil out of this not a lot and this will just pop straight in then i'm going to jump on it now that is perfect absolutely perfect let's carry on let's go and find some more right i've found another signal that we're going to look at excuse me so it's a solid 80 it's very repeatable and it's small so it sounds good but what's interesting about this one is it's near iron can you hear that so this is a piece of iron i'm going to show you what kind of noise your metal detector will make when it goes over iron [Music] as you can hear it's giving me a grunt or a quack so you know that's iron most decent metal detectors will tell you when you've got iron [Music] and that is how you identify iron listen to these grunts and quacks so that's called an iron grunt that's something we don't want to dig but my target is right next to wine some male detectors might not be able to pick that up but this one can because it's a good one so let's get this out and see what we've got do we have a coin we have a ring pulled a bit of lead who knows it could be anything that is what is amazing about this hobby just don't know what you're gonna get well it's buried a bit further down can we get it now we can what is that well i'm not actually sure on that potentially it's bronze possibly georgian not too sure but we've found something else with our metal detector haven't we we're doing it we're winning so how do you determine the depth of your target well again quite simple on my piece of paper down there i've got a big chunk of lead so that's a big screaming signal the further away i move the quieter it goes look far away it's faint then when i'm close it's screaming [Music] and it's as simple as that okay so we've located another signal now this one is interesting because it sounds different to our other ones so this is called a mid-tone as you can see it's coming up 69 70. so that is sort of ring pulls gold bits of foil stuff like that kind of range not silver not copper so let's have a look see what we've got under this uh on this bit of grass remember where it's loudest you're right over it this is a classic signal for a ring pull i'm right on a footpath but you never know there's only one way to find out let his dig and have a look at yourself ah look at that now this is something we will find a lot of i was right to call it that's my experience which told me that was probably going to be a ring pull and it is a ring pull we'll put that in the rubbish get rid of it so we never have to dig it again so we've located yet another target have a listen to this one my machine is telling me there's something good there listen how high pitched that is high number as well 88 it's small it's sharp it's repeatable for me that has to be a coin so let's dig and have a look that's the kind of signal that gets me quite excited right over it just there yeah this could be a silver coin it could be a modern coin but i'm very very confident that it is a coin of some sort we can immediately see a green imprint and there's a coin in the bottom of the hole so let's fish it out of there and see what we've got i think i know what it is i think that's going to be a three pence a british pre-decimal coin from around the 1940s it's not in very good condition ah look we can see a date 1941 but the important thing is we find another coin with our metal detector the things are going really well [Music] [Music] right i've located another target this one sounds great listen how high pitched that is high number 90 could be silver could be a modern one p but i don't think it's very shallow so i think it's going to be modern how can i tell it's shallow well it's really loud as i pull this coil away you'll notice the sound fades which means the target's getting deeper so you know the depth when you're metal detecting faint is deep loud is shallow of course it's all size dependent as well pick the center of the sound are we going to find a silver coin today with our metal detector that would be awesome i don't think we are but you never know hmm what do we have ah we found it look at that it's a modern one pence i thought it would be queen elizabeth ii our current queen spendable modern one pence piece so this one here is a good example of a deep target a deep signal you hear that it's very faint isn't it so that means that is deep probably eight inches plus so let's dig down and have a look big rock i'm gonna try and dig down as deep as we can here right on it but it's a little bit deeper as you can see i've dug more than the depth of my pin pointer there and look we've got this little round heavy object let's have a closer look at this so it's actually made of lead and it's got a hole all the way through it i find a lot of these on here it's actually a weight off a rabbit net so yeah that's pretty cool i have found three of these today now they well i'm having quite a good time with my metal detector today learning how to use it it's not actually that hard when you think about it but i do know that it is tough when you first pick a machine up you turn it on and you don't know what you're doing it can be frustrating so stick with your machine the most important thing to do with your machine is learn it learn what sounds it's making learn the numbers learn the tones learn the land that you're mel detecting on and eventually it will all come together and you will become a really confident and good metal detectorist a lot of people give in too easy and i'm a bit of a sucker for that to be fair i've got no patience but i stuck at metal detecting and now yeah i'm obsessed with it it can become an obsession so yeah learn your machine learn the land and you'll do very well in this hobby [Music] okay here we go this one is tickling my fancy quite a bit just there a 94 screaming high pitch i believe it's small enough to be a coin it could be two pence piece though let's have a look see what we've found of course it could be too big to be anything cool it could be junk i can see it it's a belt buckle off an old belt look what a great signal that was that'll be made of copper find a lot of these come and find for a metal the tetris belt buckle i want to show you this this is called a coin ball i had a signal in the 70s i dug it and look we have imprint and we have coin in this case it looks to be a queen victoria half penny look at that we've got a date on it as well 18 something or other i can't quite see i'll clean it up and show you a close-up so i used the sweat on my palm just to wipe it gently and look we've got a beautiful portrait of queen victoria there queen of england from the 18 mid 1800s to about 1901 1900 the date on this particular one is 1862. common date but yeah lovely nice old victorian pre-decimal half penny so what have we found today we found some pre-decimal coins we found some lead weights we found a couple of unknown pieces so yeah we've proved that our metal detector works and we've had a good time digging these last bits of history so yeah uh good luck out there i hope you can find some cool stuff too so this is just some of the junk that i've found today pieces of lead bits of canned ring pulls and whatnot this can all be recycled i put this in different buckets at home take it all to the scrap man and get some money so yeah always take your trash so you'll never have to dig it again so that's it i'm going to call it an end to the day i really hope you enjoyed this video i hope you learned something from it because i remember how tough it was when i first started metal detecting all those years ago i'd really appreciate it if you'd leave this video a thumbs up leave a comment in the comment section let me know what your thoughts i love to hear people's feedback i always reply to everybody also if you're new to the channel i would really appreciate it if you would subscribe and check out some of my other videos i worked really hard on my channel i've got lots of cool videos lots of cool finds so yeah i really really would appreciate it if you click subscribe so yeah i uh i look forward to seeing you all on a future episode so yeah take care so what have we learned today in this video we've learned about metal detectors in the kit that we need to go metal detecting we've learned about technique making sure we brush the grass with every swing we've learned about target's size and target depth and how to identify iron we learnt to respect the land that we detect and also the land owner we've learned how to have fun and enjoy this fascinating hobby [Music] i'd like to thank you for watching i'd love it if you'd like this video subscribe to the channel leave me a comment let me know your thoughts on this and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: The Dukes Of Derbyshire
Views: 46,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metaldetecting, treasurehunting, relic, artifact, coins, Georgian, lead, detectorist, gold, silver, countryside, derbyshire, dales, detecting, metal, dukes, field, uk, XP, ORX, XPORX, history, Regton, thedukesofderbyshire, medieval, Deus2
Id: UmR8OgI43uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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