Minelab Gold Monster 1000, Got One? Better Watch

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welcome to sunny Arizona I'm bill southern and you found nugget shooter journals today we're gonna talk a little bit about the MindLab gold master 1000 and this is one of my favorite VLF machines out there and we're gonna go over some myths and we're gonna go over some of the tools they use and answer a bunch of questions from you all and one of them is the main ones I get is why you always see me for the most part with that little bee 5 inch Quayle on my detector well my friends when I'm using this detector I am using the advantage of having a very powerful sensitive VLF machine to hunt small nuggets and hunt tailings piles I look for small stuff other people have missed yeah I don't find big stuff too if you get over it but it's ideal for hunting these shallow areas like you see here this has all been dry washed a couple times probably and I can't even count the number of small nuggets I pulled out here over the years and it's very shallow the pink stuff you see is a tuft bedrock that is here mixed with caliche and they've dug most of material off it in most of the little washes and the low spots and it's all in tailings piles now all over in there and all these tailings piles I've had some small nuggets in it so I'm not saying everybody needs to have more than one detector I do because I do this quite a bit and when I'm using the gold monster I use it for a reason and that's why the 5s coil stays on my machine I use it for planting small gold in tight places and most times in highly mineralized areas so the smaller coil gives me a little bit of an advantage and not having to hear quite as many hot rocks because I can work around them and then kick them out of the way and I'm getting small crevices and cracks and get up under the bushes real well and the gold monster is perfect for that for me so that's what I use for most of time and the tools I use when I'm hunting shallow bedrock or shallow areas like this like you pick and it's got a a magnet on it okay I always had that with me no matter where I go and this is a head one one of my new subscribers or new Watchers say that uh you couldn't believe I was using a scoop out there in the desert well I'll tell you what when you're digging in soft material and it's only two inches deep you really don't need the darn pick what's the point with the gold monster for digging small targets like that you move a bunch of dirt aggressively with a pick and you bury your small target and you spend more time looking for it it's easier to scrape the surface with one of these they're very strong and do it that way and I get asked a lot why I don't use a pin pointer and I use the to scoop over my hands method hoop scoop to hand scoop to and it's quicker and easier for me simple as that some people pin pointer may work better like I say in all my videos or most of them that I'm showing you how I do it not how other people do it different environments require different techniques and deeper ground requires different tools I would be using a pulse induction machine which I do have three of and I have other VLF machines I use but for what I'm doing now and high in an area like this it's the small bedrock and shallow ground and tailings piles I'm using that little coil if I want to go any deeper at all say deeper in five six inches I'm using the SGC 2300 my GP or the cheap easy depending on the depth of the soil in this part of the detecting hobby or business it's pretty important to match your machine to the ground you're using and sometimes people get hung up on one method and think that's going to work everywhere and that's not necessarily true not necessarily true at all anyway we're going to go over some stuff on this machine with you and I guess the biggest question was a lot of people asked about the coil then they asked why I have taper on my coil and you can see the black tape and there's the coil there and that is because no one's we figured out really quite why because they've done experiments the electromagnetic field where this coil seems to attract super fine black Sam finer than what's on that pick right there on that magnet you can see it but it's awful fine it gets down in the coil and as you're moving around and trying to ground bail so good move around it it really mess up your head try to get the thing stable so we keep them taped up and keep them clean I still clean it about once a week I suppose to keep it clean and also like the gold monster for another reason is there's no threshold and it's a very first machine I've ever had for gold hunting that has zero threshold and as a result of that I cannot wear headphones when I'm doing videos and stuff and just crank the volume up and still hear very well because I'm not listening like we always have had to in the past for just that little bump in the threshold that tells me there may be a target down below this machine ever either hears it or doesn't simple as that and once it's balanced and you keep it balanced the machine purrs right along but it's like anything else you still have to ground balance the machine whether it's in Auto you still have to ground balance it in manual and you start to maintain that balance in Auto it helps it maintain it for you and I bet some people say you can ground balance out nuggets and auto won't work because of that and manual is always better to go into again it depends on the ground you're working and circumstances that you're working under and we're gonna go over some of the settings on this thing and a couple test Nuggets I brought along just to drive that point home and again I had a lot of quest for that they wanted to hear the machine on different sizes and nuggets and try to go out and balance one out for you all and that sort of thing so we're gonna get with it and that's what I'm gonna do and if I have a little time I might even hunt a little bit but here we go I'm gonna get set up and rub we're gonna play around with the Machine a little bit show you some of the functions and how it works all righty we got a couple Nuggets here that have volunteered be testing our guts this one is very tiny I don't even know if you can see that little guy in there that's just a little bitty piece of real rough gold it's barely a signal and most other machines you'd never hear that little piece of gold and we're gonna throw it right down here by this stick and then our second volunteer is this one here it's about point four of a gram I got it taped in this little case and we're gonna do a little puttering around with signals and what they sound like and first we're gonna set up our machine and when you turn this guy on you start out by just hitting the button right here dying off and then you got your sensitivity and this is a round region reject and deep all metal and then you have your volume over here that's it that's all there is to this machine so you turn it on wait for it to beep it's doing EMI so it's getting really electromagnetic interference in the air for you and I had the volume all the way up and right now we're in Auto one that's the first time that Center blacks out right here and watch okay this is actually right here before it blacks out is actually the most sensitive setting on the machine that I've found but you can't ground ballast or most places and as with any metal detector being ground balanced properly is critical and otherwise you're gonna miss gold is what it is so anyway we're gonna start out this little deal in 101 and that's where I usually start people and you're just new to this gold detector all right now balancing takes a little bit seen around don't hold it in one spot people mess up here this thing has a 24-bit microprocessor here that just calms itself right down okay now it's balanced and you can move over this ground quite easily without a lot extra noise you hear little extra noise means the grounds changed it a little move it around rebalance and you're back in business okay here's that little bitty nugget right and here's our bigger one we're gonna net oh I guess four or five inches deep right there quite easily just that little blip makes me stop okay and if you also notice right here on the indicator in front of the machine right up on top here it tells you whether the machine thinks it's non ferrous or ferrous and though I dig almost all targets I also kind of look at this and the machines right most of the time but I have dug nuggets and some of them were iron stone mixed with gold and other types of nuggets that all went left which indicates a ferrous target or junk okay and this little nugget here one of the reasons I'm using it is it's going to show you that okay that's a little piece of gold my friends but it's all showing to the left and that's because along with that gold house bouncing back and forth with that gold a little bit of iron mixed with that goal there's magnetite in that nugget okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna trade balance these nuggets out there's rumors going on and round out there that if you're hunting OTO and you're gonna balance out Nuggets and you can't fight you'll miss them and I don't think that's true I'm not saying anybody's right or wrong I'm just saying I've not been able to do it okay and I'm gonna show you we're in Auto one and that's where a lot of people say you're gonna get in trouble and missed nuggets we're in Auto one here watch this now number one the machine's not meant to ground balanced in one spot like this it's meant to be like this good balanced move around give it a sample of the ground boom we're balanced okay you can swing over that all day that's signal is not changing okay same with this one there's no easy idabelle that went out okay so though the machine is not meant to be growling balanced over one spot I'm gonna do it anyway just to show you the machine is sensitive enough and with that 24-bit processor it's going to try to get rid of that nugget but it can't it may get rid of it under the coil using the balanced procedure improperly but so almost gotten rid of it right so a chirp there but watch as soon as I move the quail either way and the machine see some different dirt that nuggets back no problem okay Allisyn machine properly no nuggets back now again you don't wrong balance in one spot so to even be doing this I don't understand but here we go okay we move away back over the spot and then still there now I do ground balance out hot rocks sometimes just to make sure like this in one spot but I really balanced in one spot because the machines just not designed to do that and you're basically confusing it it needs a sampling of the ground okay remember microprocessor no machine out there has ever had this so to try to use the old ways to fake this machine you really have to rethink it because it does not work the same period if I'm holding still what's this machine still doing my friends right the processor is still working so now it's balancing itself for that one spot so when I try to hunt it seems out of balance balance again it balances rather quickly now because it remembers the ground of course that was loud now the hot spot on this machine because it's a double D coil oh boy I heard that ring didn't we get that off for a minute Tammy doesn't like when I take it off though okay the hot spot on this machine is where this part of the M meets that ENL these are double D coils they run like this little D here in a capital v on this side you can hear it from the edges but it's not going to give you as clear a picture of where that nugget is unless you use this very tip point right here but the machines still hotter right here and that's the hottest spot it's very easy to get used to looking at that spot okay watch that spot and little nuggets right there coming through it watch you can hear it up farther but get right to that one spot and you'll hear that little nugget better than anywhere else on the coil and that's was a good reason that we go very slow now you've seen some of the videos I pick up my speed a little bit when I'm going over a target and that helps me pinpoint because I focus on that spot on the coil watch that spot on the coil in relation to where that nugget is it's hearing it right down to seroquel they'll do it back here too but it's easier to have a focal point so I use that part of the M right here where it touches you nail it doesn't matter what size gold it is it's going to be the same place you can hear this one way out but listen and all that sound is right there therefore you know almost right where that nugget is before you dig I coined that phrase [Laughter] okay so that's how I pinpoint and there's other ways to do it out there and as you know me I never say anybody's wrong unless they're really wrong and I feel that it should be pointed out but everybody else a little differently we all have our own methods and we all have our own way of doing things and that makes a big difference right there okay and we're gonna go to hunt around here a little bit I guess and see what we can do and I'm trying to think of some more questions I've had from you all in this machine but in my opinion only I think it's the best feel life out there for finding gold and all VLS are limited by the technology okay the coil thing people ask me constantly like I said why do I only use the five-inch quo because I'm only using this machine to hunt shallow gold or in tailings piles stuff like that that I'm raking or sometimes prospecting just cuz it's so lightweight and I can run around the hills all day long without carrying one of my boat anchor Pete he had units there quite a bit heavier that makes a difference in that in the day especially when the guys prospecting and this machine will hear amazingly well so it'll hear a good sized target quite deep and it'll hear small targets deeper and a lot of machines out there probably in my opinion almost all of them except maybe the gold-bug tool get close but the master of the Gold Bug two takes a little more skill and I had one for years and years and love that machine and this is the first machine to replace it and I never thought that would happen okay so if I'm getting it in dirt deeper like I said I'm gonna use a pulse induction machine so bill what about the 5 by 10 coil this is a big question I get with a VLF machine you're not getting the huge difference in depth that we get on a pulse induction machine so you're gonna get more ground coverage and a little bit more depth simply because of the physics and how the coil goes it the signal goes into the ground but you're not gonna get the big depth advantage like on some of the pulse induction units when we switch say from a EDS coil to a 16 inch coil it's pretty incredible but there's a give-and-take there we have to give up a lot of the smaller targets with the bigger quails and go back over that same spot with a smaller coil if we feel there's shallow gold there because the the bigger coils are going on not listen to what shallow and are more focused on what's deep and the way you set the Machine up and how it's working has a lot to do with that that's a whole nother ballgame and I use pulse induction a lot but this machine I get a lot of questions on and you see me use it a lot so I'm doing my best to make sure people have a good experience when they buy this machine you're buying a quality product my lab really outdid themselves on this one but you got to remember that micro processors in there this doesn't work like what we're used to having so anyway you can use the bigger coil it's still gonna hear small stuff maybe not as small as that one I didn't bring it way to put on but it'll hear almost as small as that the difference also is you're going to hear more hot rocks because you're covering more ground with that bigger coil I'm able to poke around in in small places with this one the bigger coil might be a little bulky for that under bushes this slides under a nice and clean I like that too and I think we'll go ahead here a little bit yeah and put the Nestor test Rockets away and see if we can't actually find something other than bb's we dug a bunch of them here yesterday now we're a pretty small area right here from right in here around here and right up in here okay I'm gonna show you how many hot rocks we have to deal with in this spot and why I like Auto one she's not balanced right so it's all over the place so we're gonna balance it okay now listen to these rocks that's a good sounding signal maybe a little of the right so something like that I just kind of scoop a little dirt off the top if it's a small nugget you don't want to Ribery it it's gone no it's not strove it still going to the left I want to see them though so we're gonna move a little more dirt and some rocks out of the way here okay I'm thinking it's one of these two now it's all going to the right now I could've been going to the left for a couple reasons there could be one of those rocks is just hot enough next to the target to make the target sound funny and there's no reason to have a pic in here I'm gonna be easy scooping we're gonna see if we got it okay we got it in the scoop I'm gonna put the camera down we're gonna see what we got okay I'm back saying I don't have it sometimes I'll dump it on the scoop listen for it to hit okay we didn't have it still there now may just be a hot rock still ok we got it we got I'll check all targets even if I think it might be Iraq more trash because I've dug so many it turned out to be just a funny sounding piece of gold see that what starting to sound a little mushy interesting shower ok so where my hand stuff believe it or not in that little bit of powder just go in my head ok I'm here still still piece of metal maybe here no right back here somewhere little piece of screen it looks like little piece of wire let's see here yep ok so little piece of wire that they're using a classify material see it right there right there ok the machine wasn't sure which way to go on that it was telling me was trash and good then trash thing good but we identified it by eye and that is the key my friends identifying by eye alright let's get back and try for our gold well I got another signal right here dug a bunch would be a traitor it's right in here most of us right now some of the newer babies little annoyed ones will do that jump back and forth man we find a lot of babies right here now we're gonna go through the same side of tester we're not on good order to two or three inches I guess so back thought or one little more depth because the shoes more stable real close but it's just a little over three inches now we're gonna go into the hottest setting happen for me she's very noisy with it no matter how slow you gonna start get that probably is deeper problem though is you can't get the Machine stable to run like this maybe forever I like a stable machine now we're gonna go to eight clicks I'm not gonna get a balance in there now back to around three inches back here to seven but we're back to the same depth basically as you have in Auto one okay we're gonna go down to where we can balance a machine we're almost balanced now okay so there's not any depth advantage between these three settings I'm going to go back up here because I like the extra stableness this creates for you and again it's a 24-bit processor doesn't work the same as other machines that you can track out targets and whatnot so now we're gonna track this target out okay now remember you don't round balance in one spot you move it around do it wrong balance from one spot almost gets rid of quite can't you get away from it right back over it's still there balance it out again almost go away check the whole year in the machine recognizing this is about target immediately all right well it's quit monkeying around dig it up now again with these small targets oh yeah I don't move a lot of dirt I'll use the scoop it's just very shallow she's telling me it's right in here between these two rocks that's all through the right a little more dirt off okay there's a hot rock but we still have a target that accounts right there for wide the target was jumping back and forth it's jumping back and forth right now it's clearly hearing any target boy that's loud now says it's right here oh my god Doug enough babies today to satisfy me for a while this is what it is I guess we're going over this machine a little bit for you folks and all your armor is this how I do it now stuff about the machine I'm trained by mine lab so I do know what I'm talking about on that as far as my method that's my method it works for me ooh I see it right there this is not be be my mine looky there ya can't see it in the dirt right here dirty little it's a gold right there that's some caliche on it some dirt gold my friend's gold and we could not balance that target out we could not do it we tried we worked on that together I don't think I even brought a jar I must put it into my test nugget yeah gold nugget yeah I might write a little bit for one more and that's perfect I didn't expect that oh dropped it I'm good at that okay off we go well my friends that's it for today I hope I answered a few the questions you've all asked and hey I got a nugget why's that what a deal what a deal it was kind of a surprise but uh no monsters a really cool machine and follow some of these tips haven't given you you'll have a little more success if you haven't already and if you get any questions about a machine especially a my lab series of gold detectors ask me I mean hit me up with the questions and I'll put together a video and the other two machines I use quite a bit like I said are the SGC 2300 I love that machine it'll go very deep on a small piece of gold and I got my GP 35 hunters been modded by woody over in Australia and boy that's a crackerjack and also had the GPC 7000 which we're probably going to use a little bit this weekend so like I said I hope this hope if you like these videos hit that like button subscribe and ring the bell so you always see when I put up a video for not my friends Nuggets shooter and uh gold monster out [Music] [Music]
Views: 131,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold nuggets, metal detecting, gold prospecting, how to find gold, gold monster 1000, nugget shooting, gold hunting, gold monster, gold nugget, gold detecting, minelab metal detectors, minelab gold monster 1000, nugget hunting, arizona gold, arizona gold metal detecting, arizona gold prospecting, minelab gold, minelab gold detector, placer gold, equinox 800, where to find gold, minelab detectors, looking for gold, gold fever
Id: 5-Gv8ikepaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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