Best Cheap Gold Nugget Metal Detector

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hey I'm Chris Ralph the professional prospector and the price of gold has really been rocketing up recently and because of that a lot of guys are interested in metal detecting for gold nuggets now that something might do quite a bit but you know gold nugget detectors can be kind of pricey and so I thought I'd do a video on what I think is the best gold nugget detector out there for a moderate or comparatively inexpensive price basically the best low-cost nugget detector available on the market and I'm here to show it to you we're gonna talk all about it today so stay tuned you see the the detector that I think is the best on the market for a low-cost in meaning that the cheapest good gold nugget detector is the Fisher gold bug Pro and I've used this detector I've used it quite a bit I found nuggets with it and I've had good luck in fact I started a small gold rush and I freaked out with this detector you might sound kind of crazy but I went with some people from Fisher to Africa to help train Africans in finding gold nuggets with metal detectors so a lot of the area in Africa especially West Africa to where we were hasn't had never seen a metal detector before and really had only lightly been prospecting so we went there to help train guys and and we got to an area that they'd found some gold in that region and some of the African guys actually asked me they said man can you help us you'll help us find more gold here and man I thought you know I could find more gold deposits if I had you know several days or a week but you know they had like a couple hours at that location so they took us to what was clearly like an old farmer's field I mean you could see little bits of corn stalks the ground and the fact there was even an old bull with big ol horns over in one corner of the field just kind of lazy taking it easy and but it's a good place for everybody to gather and we talked and we talked about the Gold Bug Pro and a lot of other metal detectors and how metal detectors find gold nuggets through electronics okay and after we were done we had a number of units and another of detectors and we gave the guys a chance to give it a try for themselves and I took one of them and started going around this field and oh I found a few pieces of trash but this thing has good discrimination so it does a good job of discriminating on trash and finally I got a target and I thought well what is this and I dug it up and it was a Threepenny weight nugget pretty impressive and it was the the first real significant gold that had been found out in that farmer's field and so everything I called everybody over and showed him the gold and they were kind of excited and so they went out with renewed vigor and started doing some more detecting the local guys did and sure enough like it wasn't another ten or fifteen minutes and one of the local guys found a half ounce nugget it was really impressive and then another few minutes later and another guy found a nugget and then another and by that time it was getting to where it was time for us to leave we had other places we had to go and so we got in our cars and started heading back to the highway and manas as we were going all those guys have cell phones and they're all calling each other on their cell phone and telling them of course they're speaking french or whatever and telling me each other hey gold it's gold out here and as we were driving back there literally guys on little motor scooters driving the other way toward where we were with their metal detectors strapped to their back they're driving long and apparently we got a call from from one of them one of the guys later that night and they'd found over two and a half ounces of gold just that afternoon and when I went back to Africa a year later I met one of the guys that that was part of our team that had been there not one of the local guys that was lived in that area but one of the guys on the team and he said all that area is nothing but holes now it's been totally dug up and all kinds of gold have been found so I started a little bit of gold rush in Africa with the Fisher Gold Bug it is really a good detector for gold and we're gonna talk a lot more about it in the coming segments we're gonna talk about its features and some other things and and why you need a gold detector because you know even this detector which is like I say the most inexpensive really good gold detector on the market you still can buy some cheaper but this is what you need to find gold because it's it's sensitive it can find small nuggets and it has good handling of rough ground and hot rocks and that sort of thing so we're gonna talk about this in just a minute so I get guys that ask me you know how come I just can't buy on $60.00 metal detector that's a Chinese knockoff on Amazon you know how come I can't use that detector to find gold or how come I can't use my my grandpa's 1990 detector that he had left to me and here he left in the garage you know he found a couple coins with that thing well there's a reason why you can't use inexpensive relic and coin type detectors because they're just not made to for two reasons basically the first reason is they're not made to find small gold nuggets both of those machines are designed around finding coins or rings which are much larger I mean a nickel is basically the equivalent of something a little more than a quarter ounce nugget well a quarter ounce nugget you know I've found plenty of quarter ounce nuggets over the years and bigger too but it's a pretty small percentage of my finds over the years and basically if you could only find you know things that are like a quarter ounce nugget you would be missing almost all the gold so you need something that will find small gold and this detector the gold bug Pro will do that the other thing that coin relic detectors don't have is they're not really designed for difficult ground conditions the truth is just for the geology of it that most gold is found associated with iron just in the mineralization that creates gold is also a mineralization that creates iron in the rocks now very rarely is it actually a full-on iron deposit that could be mined for its iron but it's more iron a lot more iron in the ground than is typical for the kinds of grounds that you would probably see with a coin and relic detector so you have tin there and a lot more hot rocks which hot rocks are basically individual rocks that have a lot more iron in them and are a lot different than the ground around them so you have to have a detector that's designed to deal with difficult ground conditions and designed to see really small gold nuggets now some things people will ask me about this I'm sure is well it's still pretty expensive is it as good as detectors that cost several hundred dollars more no actually it's a really good detector and it's very capable of finding gold and small gold but there are detectors on the market that cost a little more that we'll see a little bit smaller gold and there are detectors on the market pulse induction type machines that are a lot more expensive that will ignore the ground conditions better than this will so yeah you can spend more money and get a little bit better detector but the truth is as far as bang for the buck this is the detector that you want because you know yes you can spend several hundred dollars more and get a little bit more performance and yes you can spend several thousand dollars more and get even more a little bit more performance but bang for the buck this is the detector really the gold bug Pro and that's why it's so popular in Africa telling you about being in Africa the guys who are prospecting in Africa they don't have a lot of money and it's not like they're you know collecting you know ten thousand dollars a year or 20 or 50 or whatever as a salary those guys are living on a dollar a day you know a few hundred dollars a year and so you know unexpensive detector might be 10 or 15 years wages so something like this even this is a year year and a half's wages it so they want to get the best bang for the buck and that's what this detector is it's a bang for the buck detector okay for this segment I have a list of the features because it has a lot of features and I didn't want to forget so I mentioned that it does have a discrimination mode and for for using it for coin and relic it actually that discrimination mode is pretty good in fact there are versions of this detector but they're basically the same that are made actually for coin and relic but the design of this this is why I rate this as the highest as low-cost gold machine the design was primarily for gold that's why it's called the Gold Bug Pro okay and allotted there's a lot of machines on the market that are called dual purpose you know that that say well you can find golf with it and yes you know you can also use it for coin and relics but this machine was dime designed primarily for gold and that's why like I say I rate it so highly but like I say it also can be used for coin and relic and that's an important thing it has a no motion pinpoint mode which basically the coil we put in that mode it just makes a sound that gets louder and louder as you come closer to the target so it'd be a you know if you were going over the target like that it and that helps you pinpoint so it's for a beginner that makes pinpointing really easy and pinpointing a lot of times is a big deal for especially for new prospectors who haven't got a lot of experience with metal detectors it has a computerized ground grab which basically a lot of older machines and some still on the market have manual adjusting ground balance and remember I told you that that being able to ground balance in difficult conditions is an important thing for a gold detector and this machine it doesn't have an an automated mode where it's constantly adjusting the ground balance itself but it does how about what they call ground grab so it's got a computer in the background that's measuring the ground and thinking what should be adjusted for it but it won't adjust itself until you press the button so there's what they call ground ground and when you press the ground grab button it'll rebalance the the ground balance so if you get to where it's a little noisier and you're thinking well I should check the ground balance you can pump that you can do that ground grab and get the machine to adjust itself it doesn't do the continuous adjustment of ground conditions because you actually lose a little bit of sensitivity doing that now it comes with some accessory coils and basically this is the the B coil that comes with it and some of you guys might think well the big coil sees deeper and it's bigger covers more ground but the truth is this is the coil you want to use if you're gonna take this detector and use it for coin and relic hunting but the little coil that I have on it is the coil you want to use if you're hunting gold the truth is yes this covers more ground but you lose a lot of sensitivity to the tiniest gold when you move up to this big coil if you want to see that tiny coil you want the little coil on you just you want to see that tiny gold you want the little coil on your machine so it does come with accessory coils and and like you say the versions actually the versions that are made for ground detecting coins and relics and that sort of thing come with the big coil and then for them the little coil is an accessory so anyway it does have accessory coils and there are very good reasons for having both of them both the big one and the small one that depends on what you want to use your detector for it does have a ground readout and it does have a tone discrimination where targets that are our iron sound different than Earth iron or hot rocks sound different than non ferrous something like gold or lead or copper or anything that that's not iron it has a signal strength indicator a target ID and like I said it has high sensitivity you can adjust the sensitivity up it does have a oughta bowl a threshold which is part of getting the maximum sensitivity out of these the coins a lot of coin and relic machines are actually designed to run silent and only beep when they go over a target when you're looking for the smallest gold and the highest level of sensitivity you want to be able to hear the threshold a little bit it should be a faint you know in the background that you can hear if you can't hear if you've lower the threshold to where it's running silent you're losing sensitivity and so that's another reason that the threshold issue is why you really need a gold detector instead of just a coin and relic machine to try and use that to hunt gold no matter what headphones you like it does have a speaker of its own so you don't have to have a headphone but it has both an eighth inch and a quarter inch which is interesting that has both options so whatever headphones you like you can choose which one you want and go with either either size runs on one a single 9-volt battery and the battery lasts 15 hours so you get a lot of use out of one battery and I actually use a rechargeable so I get lots and lots of uses out of that one battery it runs at a nineteen kilohertz operating frequency which is kind of a compromise some of those more sensitivity higher dollar metal detectors that are out there on the market run at a higher frequency than 19 or 50 60 something like that they're also more they're sent a little bit more sensitive to tiny gold but they're also more sensitive to ground mineralization than hot rocks it's kind of a trade off so at 19 use keep 19 kilohertz you keep most of the sensitivity to small goal lose some of that bad sensitivity to mineralization in hot rocks the detector itself only weighs two and a half pounds as it's currently configured here which is really light some of those high-dollar detectors the really super expensive ones I have one that I really like it weighs three times what this weighs it weighs over seven pounds so it's light and easy to use if you have back problems this thing isn't going to kill you it comes with a five-year warranty so that's pretty good and it's made in the United States so it's got a lot of great features it's like I say this is my top recommendation for an inexpensive at least comparatively inexpensive low cost nugget detector hey one of the things about choosing a metal detector is that a lot of guys have different opinions and different thoughts on this and if you disagree with my opinion about the Gold Bug Pro you maybe you like a Garrett or a mine lab or whites you know feel free to comment in the comment section and I'll try to answer any questions that's they think if you have if you think there's something about the Gold Bug pro that I haven't covered you still got some other questions about it well putting a comment in the comment section below and I will do my best to answer whatever questions you have so like you say whatever your thoughts whether you disagree with me that this is the best low cost metal detector or not or whether you have further questions about it and give me a comment and I'll be happy to answer it I'm looking forward to talking with you and we'll go ahead and go and finish up now so we've been talking today about Fisher's Gold Bug pro what I think is the best cheap or inexpensive gold detector even though it's not cheap I mean there are cheaper metal detectors out there but this one is good enough to find gold and works well and like say is a great bang for your buck now I'd like to talk a little bit about the advantages and disadvantages okay one is even though it's an inexpensive gold detector yeah it's still not cheap but I think that if you spend less than this and just get a machine that's oriented to coin and relic hunting and maybe the the manufacturer claims that it has a gold mode I don't think you're gonna get the sensitivity you need to be successful finding gold there are machines more expensive that are a little more sensitive but you know again this is the best bang for your buck about you can pay more and get a little bit better machine now it's not a pulse induction machine so when you get to the worst of ground conditions the really bad hot rocks and really bad mineralized ground like any DLF which is what this is and there's a lot of other gold oriented the LFS on the market like any DLF in really bad ground conditions it's it's going to struggle that's just the nature of the beast okay and you know if you're gonna get a pulse induction machine you're gonna spend a little bit more to get it and and there's there's compromises with pulse induction to form any pulse induction machines you sacrifice that small gold sensitivity but there are pulse induction machines that are pretty sensitive to fine gall to small gold so but again they're they're not Jake man they're heavier so there's the advantages and disadvantages no matter what metal detector you choose there is know people often ask this question what's the best metal detector well there is no one best there really isn't there are different kinds of detectors and they have different strengths and weaknesses and like all metal detectors the Gold Book Pro has its strengths and weaknesses the strength is that it's a great bang for your buck and it's sensitive to small goal that's very capable and hey I started a little mini gold rush in Africa whether one but it also like a BL app in the worst kind of ground conditions it's gonna struggle so you know you could think about this you might want to I'm gonna put a link to Amazon to their webpage for the Gold Bug Pro in the description down below this video and go on there and check it out you'll find a lot of really good comments about the machine and mostly a very very high rating I mean it ranks real high the people who bought them like them including me I have one I like it okay so you know I want to consider that and you know if you like it and you're you're in the market you've seen that price of gold is skyrocketing upward like it has been yeah you might think about picking up one of these detectors now being successful as a prospector is not just about owning a good detector that's so that's the first step you gotta have something good if you're gonna go out and detect Nuggets but the rest of it is the knowledge that you have about finding gold because a detector well it'll pinpoint a goal but pinpoint where gold is but you've got to take it to a good place and you've got to get the coil over a nugget in order for the detect to sound off you don't put the quill over a shallow enough nugget the metal detector no matter how great it is can't help you find gold so if you want to learn more about finding gold I've written an extensive book it's over 350 pages it's an encyclopedia prospecting for gold everything you need to know and I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about that right now okay so I wanted to tell you a little bit more about my book I want it to be able to share the knowledge that I've gained about finding gold and and how to be successful and so I spent years literally writing this book Fistful of gold it's more than 350 pages long and which is why I say it's an encyclopedia of everything you need to know about finding your own gold I've sold more than eight thousand copies and I've got a lot of really great feedback on it it just is the most complete book on the market it has information about finding gold that literally is not available in any other book that you're gonna find for prospectors because I took technical stuff from geologists and other mineral scientists and I've translated that into language that the average guy can understand you don't need a PhD to go out and find gold but the information that scientists have learned over recent decades can can be of a lot of help to people so it's in this book if you're interested about finding gold panning sluicing nugget detecting a dry washing the geology of gold deposits and how they form it's all in here and like I say it's more than 350 pages long so if you'll just go to the description underneath this video you can take a look I've got a link in there to take you to Amazon to the site where the book is sold and I think you'll you'll really enjoy it take a look at all the people who've commented on this and have really liked the book it has a very very high rating for a book and also I have a website my own free website that you can take a look at I've got all kinds of information on here about doing research and how to find gold a lot of good information stuff that basically couldn't fit into my book and so I put it on this website and I have a link also for that in the video description so take a look in the description and you can click on the link and it'll take you to my website and finally if you like this presentation I've got a lot more coming out here's a three and a half ounces of gold that I found a couple years back in one area I've got a lot more of these videos coming on gold gemstones hardrock placer a lot of metal detecting there'll be lots of metal detecting stuff so if you really enjoyed this click the subscribe button and then take the notification bell off and YouTube will let you know when I publish new stuff and hit the like button as well and please comment on these videos because I'm interested in what you have to say and I promise to answer any questions you have so if you are wondering about anything you're thinking maybe I didn't cover something thoroughly enough in a video then let me know and I'll be happy to try and help you out and give you whatever information you need so thanks a lot and I hope you enjoyed this and we'll see you again real soon
Channel: Chris Ralph, Professional Prospector
Views: 105,106
Rating: 4.8157139 out of 5
Keywords: Best gold detector, best cheap nugget detector, low cost nugget detector, Fisher Gold Bug Pro
Id: 5An2cS2K1Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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