How to choose the best prospecting metal detector for you - Gold nugget metal detector review choice

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hey I'm Chris Ralph the professional prospector and today we're gonna talk about how to choose the right prospecting metal detector for you now you know people ask me what is the best detector well one of the things I want to say is there is no one perfect detector there's no one detector to rule them all it that doesn't exist there's a right detector out there for you and I'm gonna help you today figure out what that is the best detector for you we're gonna go over 10 important considerations that you need to think about in selecting the right detector for you now if you don't want to be disappointed with the product did you get you know if you want to be successful in finding gold then you'll want to think about these 10 things that I'm gonna go over today and kind of mull them over in your mind and then use that information to help you select the detector that will work the best for you I want to say that I'm not a dealer and I don't sell metal detectors I you know I don't care what detector you buy I'm just a guy with 40 years of experience that wants to help you get the best detector that will work the best for you and help you find some gold this is not a sponsored video there's like I say there's no manufacturer that even knows that I'm doing this I'm not planning on telling any of them you know they're they do their own thing and I do mine and because it's not sponsored and there's nobody telling me what to say there's nobody saying hey Chris pushed my product nope not gonna do that I'm just gonna put in there I'm gonna talk about what I think is best and the things that you need to think about in making a metal detector purchase now metal detectors are something that you can actually find a huge amount of gold with that I want to show you some examples of some of the gold that I've found over the years just a a peek at some of the gold I found you really can find quite a bit of gold in just a very short time with a metal detector I put up a few photos here of some of the things that done you get over a patch because nuggets tend to occur in groups and suddenly you're getting nugget after nugget after nugget just because they couldn't occur in a group that way so let's get going with my 10 important considerations that you need to think about when you are going to maybe purchase a metal detector now the first and probably the biggest issue that most people have is the price I'm sorry but detectors that are sensitive enough to be used for gold detecting are not super cheap and you know it's not something that you're gonna go out and spend you know 20 bucks or even 50 bucks you're not gonna get a metal detector that's usable for finding gold with something like that you need to consider what you want to spend and what your budget is and of course I don't know what your budget is you're gonna have to determine that yourself that's gonna be something that you think about see what you can and you know honestly I told this to people a bunch of times when people say they're really expensive I said well you know maybe you need to save up for a little while maybe it's something that you know just go out and buy our lark that you you know spend some time saving up for so that you know you can get that really great detector that will help you find some really good gold a lot of times people will send me comments and that kind of stuff in my videos saying hey what about this detector or that one and almost always you know I'll row I'd recommend this one or that one and they'll send me these things and it'll say it'll be a link to some super cheap Chinese knockoff thing that you know is you know probably okay for hunting for coins in parks and schools but we're going to talk about that in just a minute why you really want a gold oriented detector if you're gonna hunt gold yeah a cheap detector for parks and schools for hunting coins is really not such a great idea we'll talk about that in a second but anyway getting back to the price thing you need to think about the ballpark of what you can afford and you know get the best you can afford now not always it isn't always that the most expensive detector is the best one for you we're gonna think about all these different factors and take a look at that and I'm gonna help you decide what the best one for you is but I can tell you that always the cheapest SuperDuper you know 75 or 80 or even $100 detector that isn't going to be the right one for you now one of the next big consideration this is going to be actually our second consideration that you need to take into account after price is the kind of technology you want to buy now there's two main kinds of technology that's out there that's available for metal detectors that are commonly used to find gold and that is one it's called VLF and the other is called pulse induction there's actually a third one then we're gonna talk about that a little bit called zero voltage transmission but pulse and VLF are the two most common ones and we'll take a look at that some more but let me explain to you a little bit about pulse versus VLF these are the types that most people will buy when they go out and select their detector or the next detector or their first detector for going out and prospecting and finding gold so the VOF is going to be generally the less expensive one and it basically I'm not gonna get into the physics of metal detecting because you probably aren't interested in that but the idea behind the LFS is that they constantly are transmitting a signal into the ground their signal actually looks like a sine wave goes up and down and what happens is the shorter or the more the higher the frequency so if they're gonna versus going the higher the frequency the more sensitive they are - really tiny objects but the the worse their discrimination is so ones with really super high frequency are some of the detectors that are most sensitive to really tiny gold and I actually did a video on the most sensitive metal detectors for gold and I'll put a link to that in the bottom there if you're interested in taking a look at those after this video is over but I'll get back to it so there's this VLF and they're also the other downside of blf is that they're more sensitive to mineralization ground mineralization in the ground so almost all ground soils have some iron in them and it just so happens that because gold occurs in mineralized areas it just so happens that the gold is most common in areas that tend to have a lot of iron in the soil no that's not a hundred percent the time in the case but it is generally true that generally areas that have gold generally are higher on your mineralization scale the other thing that you can have a problem with mineralization with iron and soil is what they call hot rocks and you can get out to certain places especially in places where there's like a river gravel or stream gravel and you'll have rocks of different kinds and your detector will adjust itself to one kind but then come into contact with a pebble of another kind of rock and it will actually sound off and that's your hot rock type of response a lot of times it'll be but that's kind of the sound that it makes you see kind of like that that's that's the what prospectors call a Boeing sound that that a metal detector will make on how rock but not all hot rocks give clearly that kind of sound some of them actually sound pretty good so the elapsed are less expensive they can be more sensitive to tiny gold that's good thing they are more sensitive also though to soil mineralization and hot rocks so there's kind of a you know good and bad like I say there is no one perfect detector to rule them all there's not one you know gold detector and you'll see at the it toward the end of this video I'm gonna show you some different detectors that I have and it's like I don't have just one detector I have a whole collection of them because they're tools and sometimes some applications this tool is the best on some applications that tool is the best just like when you're you know going out in the garage to work on something if you're gonna cut a piece of wood well you want a saw that's the tool you want you don't want hammer to cut a piece of wood with that would make any sense and metal detectors are almost the same thing you know they're there's there's they're more flexible than your hammer versus saw but you get the point the point is that detectors are optimized for certain kinds of conditions so I mentioned the BLM right so the next other alternative is what's called a pulse induction RPI that type of detector it's a different kind of technology instead of being a continuous wave of energy basically the pulse induction detector will put out a pulse of energy into the ground then stop wait a short period of time we're talking like millisecond not mean milliseconds microseconds you fifty or a hundred microseconds and so I'm gonna stop for a very short period of time and then look for for the response in the ground that short period of time where it switches off and and then then goes to look the the timeframe that it switches off allows it to be way less sensitive to ground mineralization and hot rocks and so in areas where the hot rocks would just drive you nuts or the ground they just drive you nuts using the VLF and go out there with a pulse induction machine just right over it I had a situation a few years back where I was with some other folks in a gold old gold mine pit in California and the guy had found a couple of nuggets but man the ground was just making so much noise he couldn't you know figure out where things were so I got I had a pulse induction machine with me and I went out there and went over and so I couldn't get gold here you go there you get gold here and you know all that ground noise that was just killing him and and making it so that he couldn't use his machine the pulse induction machine just ignored that and sounded off on the goal and he found some really good gold there that guy I think that morning picked up like better than a quarter of an ass a call so he did pretty good so pulse induction machines they tend to be more expensive right they are generally less sensitive to really tiny gold but they do a great job in ignoring soil mineralization and hot rocks now there's different types of detectors that are designed for different purposes you know that they an engineer that's designing a detector he optimizes the instrument to what he thinks the customer will want and so there are detectors that are optimized really just for looking for gold nuggets and there are detectors that are optimized really just for looking for coins and and rings and that sort of stuff like out at a park or school or on an old house side or something like that and there are also machines that are designed to kind of optimize for both now I you can say well I want a both machine because well what happens is is the bulb is a compromise so it's not the world's greatest coin machine but it's not the world's greatest gold machine it's kind of okay for both not great but okay and and that's kind of what you get with with these kind of compromised machines not that they're bad there's really good machines and the truth is the manufacturers sell an awful lot of those those multi-purpose machines because let's face it log guys say hey I can't afford a collection of detectors like like Chris or Elvis you know I can only afford to buy one because they're expensive so I'm gonna get me a multi-purpose machine it's not a bad choice and a lot of people will will choose to make that choice it's not a bad choice but I will tell you sincerely that and I own multi-purpose machines that most of the time I'm with a VLF that's designed for finding gold or a pulse induction machine that's for finding gold not kind of compromise that's okay at both so that's touches the tools that I use when I'm out finding gold but before I get off this topic I want to say you don't want a coin machine and I'm gonna explain to you why cuz I get a lot of questions about this what about my old grandpa's coin machine or even the new coin machine that that you know I can buy off of ebay or something well here's the thing coin machines are optimized for coins and rings and that kind of stuff targets that are you know full sized bullets and that kind of stuff you know if you're hunting relics that kind of stuff is big and here's the thing a coin say a nickel was typical coin not it's kind of in the middle not the biggest coins not the smallest a nickel is roughly on the order of about a quarter of an ounce nugget it's roughly the equivalent to a quarter ounce nugget and if I can tell you that I found thousands of nuggets over the years with my metal detectors and I probably found 50 or 60 nuggets that are quarter-ounce are larger so what's gonna happen is you go to some place with a coin machine and basically you're blowing off all the small goal you'll functionally be ignoring 90% of the gold in the ground they're also quarry machines are not optimized for rough ground conditions they're not optimized to handle really mineralized ground or ground with a lot of hot rocks whatever problems you have with those your coin machine is gonna make it worse and you know if you I don't know all I can say is if you go out there with a coin machine looking for gold you're basically blowing off 90% of the gold you're just ignoring it so if that's okay with you okay you know it's okay by me like you say I'm not a dealer I don't care what you buy you know there's not it's not a personal thing with me I'm just trying to give you the right information to help you make the right choice okay so consideration number four okay we've we've talked about already about the the money the technology and the kinds of detectors on the market that was our first three this is number four and number four is the types of coils that the detector comes with you see coils actually make a huge difference in how the detector performs and there are many gold detectors a number of them that either come with more than one coil or they have an optional coil that you can get a second coil and generally speaking the well it is a fact that the larger coils see bigger objects deeper and the smaller coils see small objects but only shallower so a big object shallow yeah Luco will have no problems seeing it but a smaller object you know down a little deeper the big coil isn't going to see it so a lot of times getting the maximum depth doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna get maximum gold sometimes in fact a lot of times especially if you're in an area with a lot of little gold hunting with a VLF because it's more sensitive to small gold hunting with a VLF with a small coil makes way more sense than another detector with a big coil you might not get the maximum depth but it's not always about depth you're there to find gold not to penetrate deep into the soil you're there to find gold so you want to choose the coil that's gonna give you the best gold find and a lot of times that's the small coil some detectors will come with a bigger coil standard some detectors will come with a smaller coil standard and some come with both and so you get a Chu you get a choice having a choice is good having a acessory coil if you get only one kuo with your machine having the accessory coil with it that's a good idea it gives you more options one of the some of the multi-purpose machines and I'm gonna talk to them about those in a minute come with more than one coil and really the little coil is what you want to find gold and the bigger coil is what you want if you're gonna go hunting coins and rings and that kind of stuff at parks and schools so that's how you use the multi-purpose machine with one coil it's really more focused one way with the other coil it's really more focused the other way okay consideration number five I get asked a lot from people how deep does your detector go you know how deep does this detector go well you know the depth of detection depends a lot on various factors one of the factors is the size of the target all right so a little tiny speck type of gold like these even with a sensitive detector you might only get a depth of a half an inch on the other hand with really large nuggets perhaps like this you might get depths of you know eighteen inches to two foot with a really large detector and a large coil but it buries the the size of the coil and the size of the target are not the only factors involved in how deep a detector will penetrate into the ground and see a nugget there's the shape of the nugget is a big factor you know how solid the nugget is that if the nugget is really solid the detector will see see it deeper if it's kind of leafy and wiry kind of like this the detector may not see it anywhere nearly as deep so solid is better than than wiry but you don't get a chance to choose what type of gold is in the ground waiting for you you have to look for what's there so the the nature of the gold the other thing is the mineralization in the ground I mentioned that almost all soil in gold areas has a certain amount of iron and it buries you know some places it's a lot iron some places it's a moderate amount and then all in between but with minos ation in the ground especially with VA laps that the the signal as it's going into the ground from the coil gets eaten up by the iron in the ground and I'm not using scientific terms so if you're you know the science of this you'll know that I'm doing you know explanation type work right not a scientific paper but basically what happens is the signal from the coil as it's going through iron soil gets attenuated and and it's interesting that with the same size coil and really mild ground conditions a pulse induction machine will see just about the same depth as a viola there's no extra depth in really mild soils now if you start having more mineralization which is normal in a lot most gold districts then the pea I will win because it's it's gonna see deeper what happens with the VLF is this the signal gets weaker and weaker as it go through the iron so depth of detection it depends a lot on the soil too so shape of nugget soil size of coil size of the nugget you know how big it is you know all these factors and more actually come into play with determining how deep a detector will see a nugget so it's not a straightforward answer you know you're looking for oh 10 inches you know there is no answer like that if somebody tells you oh this detector will detect 10 inches it doesn't even mean anything you know it has to you know first you have to ask is how deep a lot of times they do that coin machines and they have a standard target like okay it'll detect a quarter at 10 inches and the assumption is mild soil okay quarters are all the same size all the same shape and mild soil is mild soil so you wanted an answer of how deep this detector will go honestly if if a dealer tells you how deep it'll go and doesn't qualify with Oh type of soil and shape and dug in size knowing you probably ought to take that dealer off your list of people to buy from because they're they don't know you either they're not telling you the truth or they don't know how it detectors work number six is the ease of use now especially for new guys you want a detector that you can pretty much pick up and use without a lot of difficulty there's enough difficulty in hot rocks and terrain and other things that are out there in the field you don't want the detector to add to your level of difficulty right when you're on prospecting so ease of use is an important thing and it's true some detectors are much easier to use than others some detectors have an automatic ground balance mode now you say well I would always run my detector an automatic how come they don't all have it well you sacrifice something with automatic balance when you have your automatic ground balance on you're losing a little sensitivity and so if you want maximum sensitivity then you turn the ground balance off but then if the ground changes you're out of ground balance so I'm going to do a video on this to explain ground balance in the future but just know that ease of use is an important factor especially for new prospectors and some detectors are easier to use than others another thing that you want to consider is what works in your area now maybe you're a member of a prospecting Club or you know some experienced prospectors and you can ask them hey what do you guys like you know you go what are you when you go out and find gold what do you like what detector do you like to use because conditions vary I mentioned that some places are a lot more mineralized than others and some places man they're so mineralized that's really hard to use a VLF you almost really need a pulse induction detector but there are other places that the soil is mild enough you can use a BLF without too much problem so what's the gold where's the gold in your area well how do you get that answered if you don't know somebody really the answer is to join a club and I'm going to tell you more toward the end of this video I'm going to tell you that what you know as a prospector is what's gonna make you more and more successful it's a skill level and it's a skill that you have to learn so talking to experienced folks and getting their input that's a good thing you might talk to some of the dealers in the area that you live if you've got prospecting detector dealers and and you can talk to them well what do you think is is good in this area they'll tell you and you know even in most areas there's mild areas and more mineralized areas and if you get a B LF you just may need to not go to those super heavy mineralized areas just because you know they're gonna be so mineralized they're gonna give you fit with your VLF so you know it's just a matter of selecting the right area in a prospect and that's not such a bad thing really it isn't so consideration number eight consideration number eight is sip think about maybe buying a used detector that can save a lot of money you get there's a lot of detectors on the market I'll tell you guys that buy them and they don't learn the skills of what it takes to find gold as a prospector they don't affect a lot of them they find that they don't even get out and use it much and after a year or two they put it up for sale and if you can find some of those you might be able to get some really good deals on an almost brand-new detector and where I would look for some of these is some of the prospectors forums there's a number of them out there there's actually forums on the internet and you could just go into Google and look for gold prospecting forum and you probably get several of them listed on there and the number of them have equipment for sale kind of listings and that's where you might look for a detector that you might be able to get a good deal on so consider the possibility of use detectors long as they're in good shape oh my one piece of advice on this never buy a detector that's broken to begin with if the guy says yeah this is a good detector but I broke in a few years ago and I have never bothered to get it fixed yeah that's that's a really bad sign if if it doesn't work if you can't you know show you that it works when you go to buy it and you know you shouldn't buy it because I've heard of ones where people have purchased detectors and they never worked they were bad detectors something wrong they were broke beyond repair or something like that so always make sure when you're buying a used one that it's in good condition when you buy it number nine is to buy from a reliable dealer that's an important thing seriously I have heard horror stories about people buying detectors I'm I'm not know I'll be honest here's the thing the Chinese companies make these detector nah cause because detectors are expensive I started out consideration number one is figure what you can afford some of these detectors sell for thousands of dollars and what the Chinese do because in Chinese there's in China there's no copyright laws so you can copy whatever you know you print a book well print out of the guy's book if you can print it and sell for cheaper than the n-no there you go and so what they do is they find these expensive detectors they buy one and then they make a copy of it it doesn't necessarily work it just looks exactly like them I actually met a guy who spent thousands of dollars buying an expensive detector but it was a Chinese knockoff he thought he'd save himself a couple thousand bucks he still spent several thousand buying it you know it was the detector I think at the time sold for almost five and I think he paid three so you saved two grand right it never worked okay and I took a look at it and I took a big cell phone at the time I still do and and I had the thing on and I rolled the cell phone over the coil and of course the cell phone has all kinds of meddling at the frame of the cell phone is all metal and it should've just screamed overload out blow your ears off kind of a signal not a sound and so if you want a detector that doesn't detect metal yeah maybe you should buy a cheap one like that but I don't think you do I think you want one that works and so buy from a reliable dealer that way you're gonna get something if the dealer won't stand behind his product if it doesn't work or it's broken or whatever you know get something that works and get something from a reliable dealer that's my consideration number nine okay so number ten is if at all possible get your detector from someone who will give you a lesson or some instruction about how to use it a demonstration about how to use it out in the field hopefully on the field in an area that has nuggets and so you get a chance to really try it out and and see how it is and and so reputable dealer and one hopefully that will give you a lesson out in the field because that's a happy and good thing to have so that's my ten considerations but I'm going to now take a look at some of those things and we're gonna look at some detectors together and we'll sum up and and apply our ten considerations in making that choice for you okay we've been talking about lots of different kinds of detectors and considerations that you need to go through and think about before you actually make a purchase let's take a look at a couple of them okay I've got here the gold monster by mine lab and turn it so that you can kind of see mostly the whole thing huh there's the back end and the armrest and goes like this and there's the front end with that you say that the that's the small coil here's the display that you get and there's various settings all right I'm not going to try and teach you how to use it I'll do a separate video one of these days on setting up the gold monster to find gold but the gold Monster is comparatively you know not super expensive but a detective it's very sensitive and optimized for finding gold it's a great detector I use mine quite a bit another detector in the same category which is the the category of high-frequency BL apps the gold monsters one but another one is the Gold Bug 2 by Fisher I've got this this one shortens Downie's more easily I've got a cover over the case on mine just for protecting it anyway this is also a very sensitive detector it's the highest frequency detector that you know for regular detecting across the ground that you can buy there is someone like probe type detectors that are not really made for covering ground anyway this is a great detector and another choice in that high-frequency VLF kind of market and as you can see I have the small coil on this one too just as I have the small coil on the gold monster because small coil is where you want to be for finding small gold and with this high frequency that's what this type of detector is optimized for so those were some high frequency BLM's and I just actually did a whole video on the most sensitive metal detectors and I talked about a number of them and showed some of them and if you're thinking about that kind of option you should watch that video I'll put a link to it in the description but it's a good detector that you should seriously consider now the next category that we have that I want to talk about is what I call the multi-purpose VLF and this is the Fisher gold-bug Pro and different from the gold-bug - all right it's only a different detector and other than the the handle really doesn't look similar at all but anyway the control panel is here you can see that I have the small coil on it and I used this for finding gold I actually did a whole video on the most sensitive metal detector out there right now I'm sorry nothing less than the the lowest-cost VLF that's out there that's sensitive enough to find gold and that actually is this detector if you want to learn more about the gold bla Pro take a look that other video that I did it's a good solid detector and relatively low in price and with a small coil it's good enough for gold and with a big coil it's not too bad for hunting coins and relics it parks some schools another detector that I have and use is this is white MXT my white's detector and I used this you can see that I have a bigger coil I have a much larger coil and that's because I do use this for huntingpol coins and and that kind of stuff at parks and schools this is my preferred detector for that kind of application so the next entry in my detector collection is the SDC 2300 by mine lab this is a pulse induction machine and it has basically a fixed coil although there are some aftermarket makers who make different coils for this it really is not so much intended down interchangeable coils but this is a pulse induction machine it offers excellent resistance to hot rocks and mineralized soil so it's what I choose to use in areas that have highly mineralized ground and lots of hot rocks it the coil that it has is an 8 inch mono type coil and it this detector is actually pretty darn sensitive it's not as sensitive as the high frequency vo apps but it's in the ballpark as of sensitivity with the multi-purpose type Philips I don't know that it'll equal every multi-purpose VLF but it will equal a lot of them and it's it's a detector that I use quite a bit it's good for pinpointing so you know if you have a moderate amount of trash that this is not a bad detector you're gonna dig trash because you can't tell the difference between between you know trash and gold or trash and non-ferrous targets but still this is a good detector that I use quite frequently in a number of places in both California Nevada finally for showing off detectors I have this this is mine Labs GPZ 7000 this is pretty much the most expensive detector on the market you can see it has a really big coil this is my big coil detector for if I you know want to see things deep it has amazing sensitivity to small gold for a detector with a big giant coil like this it really is an excellent detector it does pretty good on mineralized soil and ground conditions but like I say it is the most expensive metal detector for gold on the market that you can buy you know easily enough that's pretty common it's not custom or anything but anyway great detector another option if if you're looking for gold and kind of money's no object there are some people out there it's not me but there are people like that and the fact if you think that coil is big yeah well I've got this coil for the same detector it's humongous so there are ways of finding things that are down deep and having a big coil you know at least as an option it's a great tool and I'd like my my GPC 7000 it's something I use frequently I've found some really amazing gold with it so that's are kind of going through and showing some of the different kinds of technology of course there are other makers that make products in these categories you know garrett makes the 80 gold which is a multi-purpose kind of machine there are other people that make money safe the multi-purpose machines are real popular because a lot of guys are interested in looking for gold but they also want to find find coins and rings and that kind of stuff so they choose a compromise machine they're not bad really I use mine too sometimes they're great so that's that's my display of detectors so let's talk about some final things and sum this up I've listed off 10 things that I think are important considerations and I want you to think about those carefully before you buy any detector you might even watch this video a second time just to make up on a few points that you might have missed in addition to having a great detector you also need to know what you're doing to find gold it's just not the tool you know a great pipe wrench or you know good saw doesn't make a carpenter pipe wrench doesn't make up voltmeter doesn't make somebody an electrician it's the skill and knowledge that those trade guys have to be able to do their trade and prospecting is the same thing what you know makes a huge difference and I wrote a book called Fistful of gold and you know I'm just showing this to you right now this is an encyclopedia full of information and it's just got gobs and gobs and gobs and gobs of material on how to find gold yeah the point of the book is to help you find this full of gold so I think you gotta take a look at this you might even try buying this before you buy your detector because you'll learn a lot in the pages of the book I also have a website it's called Nevada outback gems that has all kinds of stuff it has a bunch of material that I couldn't put in my book so cuz the book is long enough already and so it has all this other material and a lot of good information and might take a look at the website too and then of course obviously you're watching it I have YouTube videos so I have quite a few of them now this is I think the 64th video that I've got out there and I got plans to do a whole lot more in the coming year so you know stay tuned take a look at some of my other videos you might go on to my page and and scroll down and see if there's any topics of interest on YouTube that you might want to pick up cuz they've got a lot of videos about metal detecting about different kinds of metal detectors about tips and techniques for when you're out in the field with your metal detector finding gold so I got a lot of information about gold on my website I'm sorry I'm on my youtube channel and you really should probably take a look at some of those and you know if you're interested in seeing more in the future be sure to subscribe so the more you learn about finding gold the more successful you're going to be and the more enjoyment you're gonna have when you get out there to look for gold remember that it's prospecting is a skill like I say like a trade skill plumber or electrician you learn how to prospect and find gold you're gonna be way more successful once you get that experience over when you're brand-new so anything when you're new to bring yourself more experience and more knowledge is going to help you remember that when you're thinking about going out to find gold I've got a lot more videos coming up including a series that I'm doing in fact this is the first one in the series of videos to help new guys or inexperienced guys or guys that are just learning how to find more gold I'm gonna have a video on you know finding your first nugget with a metal detector so well we've got a lot of good stuff planned so like I say subscribe and hang around and you're gonna see some great videos in the future from me and if you're interested in gold this is the place to be
Channel: Chris Ralph, Professional Prospector
Views: 38,695
Rating: 4.8533201 out of 5
Id: SqwkpH9LZIM
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Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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