Twelve prospecting mistakes that stop you from finding gold – successful gold prospecting techniques

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hi I'm Chris Ralph the professional prospector and hey today I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about being a better prospector have you ever wanted to go out find your own gold you know there's a lot of people that do that but gold is is difficult to find I mean if it were easy and there were just gobs of it everywhere it wouldn't be $1,500 an ounce about as I'm recording this it wouldn't be that kind of value now it's difficult enough but if you learn the skills you can be successful the problem is a lot of guys commit common mistakes or have thoughts in their mind that are just wrong and it hurts them it takes gold from being difficult to being super difficult so if you want to be more successful in prospecting and you want to find more gold you want to avoid these prospecting mistakes now I've got 45 years of prospecting experience I've been doing it for a long long time I have a degree in mining engineering so I even have you no formal education related to prospecting and I found a lot of gold kind of like this and the gold that I found has been you know really productive for me and it's been worth a lot of money and I've learned a lot over all the years that I've been prospecting so let me give you talk to you about these prospecting mistakes they met wrong attitudes that you need to avoid if you want to be a very successful prospector the first thing I want to talk to you about the first big mistake that a lot of guys make when they're out looking for gold and honestly if you take away only one point out of all the stuff I'm going to talk to you about today if you take away only one point this is the one I want you to get so listen close you see a lot of guys will just go out to a goal barring area area where they think there's gold and they'll say no okay over there looks good and and they go over to that spot and they start digging and they dig and dig and dig and they'll spend all day or if they're gonna be there for several days they might spend days digging in that same spot whether they do good or not they're getting a little gold they'll just keep digging thinking wrong maybe I'll get to bedrock or maybe I'll get to a good spot on bedrock or something I'll happen and and I'll get into some good gold well this is a huge mistake that a lot of guys make you see if you're gonna find gold you've got to go out and find it you've got to go out the prospect prospect first and then mine second you see don't just pick a spot and then stay there what you got to do is go out and sample you pick up fatherless good sample that see if it is good then if it isn't find another spot see if it's good find another spot see if it's good find another spot see if it's good and keep trying different places until you find a spot that's really good okay this is how you are successful in gold if you don't sample if you don't try different places if you just pick a spot at the beginning and say okay that's where I'm gonna dig this weekend your chances of being successful are greatly decreased the truth is about gold and I got to tell you this there's another thing you got to learn is that gold placer gold nuggets and gold bits of alluvial gold in the gravel are almost always really spotty you know to be some good gold here but that won't be very good over here only maybe a few feet away and then that's how it works you can go to a rich gold bearing stream and and take some pans out of this area and do well but if you started over this other place you would've done so well if you start over there you want that so well so the truth is there's way more low-grade places than there are high grade so if you just go out and randomly pick a place and go dig there your chances of doing well or not good because there's more more barren to low-grade kind of places way more of those than there are of the high-grade spots and even as you're just learning you know if you've been prospecting for decades like me you may be able to go out and have a little bit better odds of picking those good places just because you've done it so many times but if you're new you gotta keep sampling and sampling and sampling sampling and not give up that's a real key to doing better with your prospecting so that's my number one thing that you got to learn to be a better prospector mistake to avoid number two the number two one is the cold is always on the bedrock you know a lot of guys get that they get that in their head that you know the only place there's gonna be any decent gold is run it on the bedrock and sometimes they'll throw out the material that's close to bedrock but not quite on it yet and throw out good stuff you know it's not uncommon at all that there is such a thing called the false bedrock and there'll be a layer maybe anywhere from a foot to several feet above the actual bedrock that has a really good goal and if you're not aware of this well you're still several feet away from bedrock you just assume it's all on the bedrock and so you'll just throw it all out and you lose that goal so you know here I'll show you a picture of some really beautiful looking bedrock and sure enough in this place which is up on the Yuba River in Sierra County it's a gorgeous spot but the gold is heat even there the gold is here and there like I told you with sampling gravels the same things which comes with sampling bedrock you know there'll be spots on the bedrock that are really good and other spots in not so great and you've got to be able to sample around and find those really good ones and stick to them a mine em you know if you if you just find a little tiny bit you know you need to keep looking in different spots another lesson that go through that that the gold really isn't always on bedrock is that there are placer formed in the desert here I'll show you one that was from a trip I made to Western Australia this is a spot where the gold is basically concentrated on the surface by blowing winds the material that whatever is light and and weathered eventually blows or through rain it washes away even in a desert II place eventually they get enough rain to washed up away and so the gold in these places they're called Aeolian classes they're not in stream beds they'll be concentrated on the surface and actually once you get too far down below the surface if you're going down through all the soil to try and reach bedrock you're actually gonna get less and less and less gold so you don't want to do that you want to remember that there are places like this in the desert especially but you know it doesn't have to be super desert it just you know kind of dry places where you form plasters are they and they tend to be kind of lavish the surface the topography tends to be kind of flattish and there but when you find a place like this don't start digging down because you're only just gonna find that you're getting out of the goal so that's my number two number three number three is that the gold is always on the inside vent well you know sometimes it is just like sometimes it is on the bedrock and in the crevices of the bedrock but inside bins are a little more tricky sometimes like this picture the inside Bend is just covered with branches and twigs and stuff and that may force the gold out into the river because the gold isn't gonna you know the water flow isn't going to go where those are you may find it so dense it's almost impossible to dig so there also can be other issues with the gold being on the inside band there can be complex outcrops of bedrock and that kind of stuff that can push the gold away move it out from from the inside band another issue with inside bends is that it works best in big streams like the one I showed you where you've got a lot of water flow and a good good consistent water flow it's it's that kind of environment where inside bands are most useful if you're a narrow little ravines and and narrow little creeks with not so much water or just intermittent water or in the desert where you have intermittent water flow only when there's a big storm you know the inside pen thing doesn't work nearly as well because basically these things are generally steeper they're more turbulent and so you don't get the even curve flow where you get the deposition on the inside Bend it's definitely a system where big wide rivers with constant curvature and not you know unusual outcrops of bedrock that's the most common places where you will get the gold on the inside Bend but like I say there are places where that just doesn't work so don't assume because if you get if you don't find it on the inside Bend it isn't there that it doesn't mean that it isn't there number four is to always follow the black sands that wherever there's black sand there's gonna be gold well that's not true that's even less true than the last couple of ones that I've done there's plenty of places where there's gobs of black sand and almost no gold virtually nothing and there's places where there's almost no black sand and there's pretty good gold so don't ignore the places that have a pretty good gold just because they don't have enough black sand for you to be interested in it black sand is is a an indicator sometimes and you know here's a picture of some small gold that I got you can see the black sand with it it this was a place where definitely gold and black sand occurred together so it's not like it ever works it just isn't always reliable and and it can believing that this is always true can lead to mistakes there are metal detector modes a lot of metal detectors that have a thing where you can follow the blacks and mineralization with your metal detector as you go along I will tell you that that technique almost never works now I'm not saying that there isn't some place somewhere some time somebody was able to make that work I'm sure there was but nine or nine and a half times out of ten you know 19 times out of 20 it's not going to work there's too many other things that can show as mineralization on your metal detector and like I say there's cases where there's gold without black sand and there's cases where there's black sand without gold so and your detector has no idea only you would know that if you had experience in the area so don't think that you know don't make the mistake of assuming that the gold is always with the black sand and if you can get black sand you're gonna get gold because it's just not the case my number 5 error is the idea that gold is easy to find it's no big deal you can go anywhere I mean there's videos that say you can go out and get gold good gold every time any place it doesn't make any difference yeah well most of the people that really think gold is easy to find have never done it before they've never found any actually maybe they've seen it on a youtube video that some guy just goes out and picks up rocks next to the river and their giant nuggets we're gonna talk about YouTube in a second but you know gold is not easy to find it's work and I'll show you it it's it's an effort you know you've got to work to get the gold that you find and prospecting to find gold is work to taking those samples and and trying to figure out the best area and testing it and and getting in there and working it and getting the gold out you know getting gold isn't easy and there's a reason why gold isn't easy well because it's rare there just isn't a lot of gold out there to be found and if there was gobs and gobs of gold everywhere you could just walk up to any old stream and pick up tennis ball and golf ball and walnut sized nuggets just as you walked along and and you know throw them in your backpack and go home with a backpack full of gold every time that's crazy and if it was like that well it isn't like that let's just be honest you know if you would have been in California a hundred and seventy five years ago or more or less you know if you'd have been in California in 1848 when call was first discovered by James Marshall if you'd have been one of the crew working on Sutter's Mill helping to build it when they found gold you know those guys were going out and getting a couple ounces a day so that would be the equivalent you know you could go out and get three thousand dollars worth of gold a day hey I'd be pretty good if I knew a place where I could go get three thousand dollars worth every single day day after day after day after day I wouldn't be filming this video I'd be out there digging but you know I I have days spectacular days every once in a while but there are not that common and I wasn't there in 1848 I wasn't even there in 18-49 when the big rush happened because actually they discovered it in 48 but the bigger influx came in 49 if you're there at the original discovery of some of these places sure but I'm sorry you and I are 150 years blast too late so what we're working on is what's been left behind and the outlier stock so you know we got to work harder for it but you know it's worth more dollars per ounce then it was because back in the day pure gold was twenty dollars and 67 cents an ounce and the Nuggets they were finding or up here so they were little less than that so anyway that's something to remember and something that you gotta not get in your head because people who think gold is easy and then they go out and find out what reality is reality hits them in the head and and then they get discouraged and they give up every guy that I've talked to that's like that I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna find a couple ounces a day every day I'm gonna make $200,000 a year digging for gold in the stream bed with a pan every guy that tells me that you know one they've never actually found gold before and two they go out and try it and after a few days or a week or whatever they give it up they never do it again so gold can be found you can find good amounts of gold I have you could too but it's not really easy so my number six my number six mistake not to make is the idea that gold is just everywhere that you could go to any old stream you know you can go to you know a river or drainage dits outside the main town and just pick up giant nuggets you know gold is not everywhere now there are tiny traces of gold in a lot of different kinds of rocks and there are a lot of places where if you went there and you carefully pan through a whole lot of material and or you could find bedrock and clean out crevices you might get a tiny speck or two of gold now are you willing to work all day for a half a penny worth of gold me no I'm not willing to work all day for a half a cent you got to be able to realize that some places are just better than others and there are places that are rich you know like I say I've found more than an ounce in the gold plenty times more than half an ounce a lot of times but you know it's not every day and the gold isn't everywhere so what do you do about gold not being everywhere or gold a rich deposits of gold or not everywhere well you learn to do research you know there's a lot of old publications that are written in the old days so I'm written pretty new that will tell you about where was gold was found in the past and it's in those areas or very near those areas that you're most likely to do well because you're you're basically in an area where gold has been found I have a shot here a picture to show you this picture shows workings in California that go on for miles and you can follow those workings and and find gold all along them I found gold for quite a length along that stretch of that direction that that pictures be is taken so you know there is a lot of gold out there and there are a lot of areas that have gold but it's not everywhere there's a lot of areas that are pretty darn low grade that you know you're not really worth your time you know you might find a speck or two but you're not going to do much better than that so gold isn't everywhere number seven everything you see on television or YouTube is totally factual it's you can put the bank on you know you could bet your bet your your paycheck on that because it's it's always totally true yeah you don't believe that not very many people believe that but you know many people will believe it more true than they really ought to you know the TV prospecting shows the average person calls them a reality TV show the truth is and the TV biz they don't call those reality shows they call them unscripted which is the truth because they don't really have like a script where actor a says blah blah blah blah bond actor P says well that means ba ba ba ba boo ba and and you know there's a dialogue that goes back and forth but it's written down on a piece of paper this guy says this that guy says that this guy responds you know it's not a a scripted drama TV show it's unscripted but if you think the producers don't influence what they just are observer like a hidden observer and they don't influence what's going on on those reality shows then - you're dreaming it it really is something that's engineered and designed and configured and set up by the producers and the directors and the cameraman and all that sort of thing because they want Rob all they want all things that will you know make you want to watch and it's not just getting good gold it's it's a you know fights between the people out there and and people yelling at each other and I don't like you and all that kind of crazy stuff it's just silliness you know if you know you you probably worked in in a place where you've been an employee and you know there's sometimes disagreements between employees disagreements between employees and bosses it happens and you know if the things are bad enough people get fired or people quit or you know people get transferred around yeah it happens but it doesn't happen every half-hour because if it happens every half-hour won't be long in somebody will be going and you know on a TV show it can happen every half-hour because that's what they're trying to do now YouTube is a whole nother universe if if the TV reality shows are set up and engineered and and you know guided in certain directions to produce what the producer wants to see YouTube stuff is mmm like a fairy tale now there's real prospectors out finding real gold on YouTube don't get me wrong hey I go on find real gold on YouTube you know and there's a number of good guys I'm actually gonna do a whole video on nothing but people finding crazy stuff on YouTube and talk about the good guys and talk about guys that are just totally bogus there are guys out on YouTube because one if you make an amazing find people want to see that people want to participate in that at least in the sense of you know they're observing it and they get the you know it's a kind of a vicarious experience but that's you get to be a part of that in a way and so people will you know I found a dry and nugget your people will want to look at that and those guys that are doing those the fake nuggets you know they're making many thousands of dollars a month they're making a good living filming a few videos now how do they get all those big nuggets they take spray paint cans and paint rocks or maybe some of them use a paintbrush I don't know but they're painting rocks from a guy who's been involved with rocks for decades and decades I can look at those painted rocks and see that's a painted rock that's not a nugget I can tell the difference and you know there's certain things that you should look for one of them is they don't have a lot of dialogue real prospectors like I am like other guys they're doing it they'll be telling you what they're seeing you know what they're thinking why they're there you know various things that can be educational and you can learn something from that but the guys that are you know just doing it painting rocks and you know putting them in the ground don't look what I found you know they're you know they're not say anything you might mind when they when they pull a $50,000 now get out of the ground they say wow you know and believe me if I hold a fifty thousand dollar nugget out of the ground I'd say a lot more than just wow they might be saying stuff before and stuff afterwards and you know what I was thinking and you know it would be the whole thing whereas these guys they don't say much a lot of times their gold is found in places where I as an experienced prospector look and say in that there won't be called their goal doesn't float on top of sand gold does not if it's almost never found in lomi kind of soil like would be good to grow vegetables in but like some of the guys because they paint their rocks they kind of put soil on it to kind of hide that make it look like oh just came out of the ground when when I look at that so I don't think that's not the kind of soil that gold comes in and so it's kind of funny so anyway you you got to take everything on YouTube with with a grain of salt and like I say watch the guys that seem to be doing real prospecting and the guys that are making fines that are just so unbelievable over the top yeah it it's if it's so hard to believe that it can hardly be believed then it probably shouldn't be believed number eight so number eight is if it's yellow it has to be gold doesn't it well look I sneaked that and again inexperienced guys mostly here's a mineral it sir this is a mineral and and it's yellow coming yellow gold in color yeah it's not gold that isn't gold that's actually a lead mineral a lot of guys get really excited about finding gold and one of the things that you should learn to do if you're gonna be a prospector is learn to identify gold and recognize gold not everything that has a yellow color is gold and in fact there's a whole lot of earthy yellow minerals like that that are not gold at all gold is a metal and it looks metallic it looks like a metal and if it's earthy and that kind of stuff and looks about as metallic as a brick then it's not gone gold is metallic now you might say what about things like pyrite pyrite you know it's it's yellow and it's metallic and and here's a picture of some pyrite yeah well so you can see on this pie right it is yellow and it is metallic looking but one of the tricks of pyrite if you find pyrite is if you hit it with a hammer a pirate will just bust into a whole bunch of bits whereas gold if you hit it with a hammer will just push down and flatten it's a lot different type of thing go pyrite is brittle now another thing that people sometimes mistake as gold is matera mineral called mica and you can have kind of a gold looking almost metallic kind of a luster to it in one direction but if you turn it the other direction then it doesn't look metallic or gold at all usually you look if it looks metallic and yellow in this direction you turn it this direction it looks like like you're kind of looking at the edge of a book because what happens with mica is it's a whole bunch of little flat plates just like a book is a whole bunch of sheets of paper stacked up and so a lot of times yellow the yellow mica which is normally it's a mica called muscovite but sometimes biotite it can be yellow too and people will see that and it's shiny and sparkly and and kind of metallic looking and they'll pick that up and I've known people who spent hours and picked up hold jars of that kind of stuff and they bring it into a prospecting store and say look at my gold and the prospecting star donor has to say oh sorry that's my kid that's that's not gold and it's not worth anything even though you spent hours thinking that bottle but the goal or full of mica up now gold will look like metallic gold no matter what angle you look at it you know also if you put it in in the sunlight it'll look metallic if you put it in the shade you look metallic it looks mad like no matter what because it's a metal whereas mica it has kind of a weird reflectance to it and that's what gives it that sort of metallic look in one direction but if you turn it put in the shade whatever it stops instantly looking it instantly stops looking like a metal so there's some ways and probably eventually I'll do a video with some mic end with some pyrite and some other things it will try some experiments and I'll show you on camera how that all works but anyway that's a primer to learn that not everything that's yellow is called number 9 of my mistakes to avoid is the idea that all the old timers got it all you know the old timers they could move mountains and redirect streams and pare down hills and do all kinds of other stuff they got all the gold I mean what's left is not worth having there's just maybe a couple specks that's not true the old-timers did get a lot of gold no doubt about it they got tons they got millions of ounces of gold out of the hills and streams and in a lot of states and especially the western states California Alaska Nevada Colorado Arizona a lot of those states produced minute and I'm not trying to leave anybody out there's a lot of states too that produce a lot ago but the old-timers I promise you did not get it all and that's our task that's why it's not easy like I say getting gold isn't easy but it takes work but old-timers didn't get it all now here's a picture of some old-time workings you can see they just tore down the hillside here they ripped it apart through the big rocks up in a pile well guess what I found gold around these places like this and some pretty nice gold too so you know just because the old-timers worked it doesn't mean that there's not good gold left for you and me the number 10 mistake to avoid is the idea that everything worth having if there is something worth having has already been claimed no need to worry about it somebody else owns it nothing you can do can't get access it's already you know there if there is something to be had it's under claim and in assessable to you that's not really true I mean to be honest yes sure a lot of places are claimed and and you know some place with claims of good gold but there are places out there that you can get decent gold and you can go work it and you can find gold and it's not claimed I personally have gone out and staked claims in places and found good gold in places it takes more work it takes more research it takes study it takes thinking about things and figuring stuff out it takes going out in the field and actually doing some sampling and testing and panning and whatever metal detecting whatever you do it takes testing to see if there's really decent gold there and so no you know like this map shows not everything you know this is a famous mining district called Paw Paw Nevada and there were certainly zillions of claims there in the early days far more than actually this map you could Jo's but there are still claims that still places that could be claimed and places that you can go out and find good gold and you might be able to know somebody who has claim and get permission a lot of prospecting clubs from the GPA which is a big national club you can look up GPA on the internet down to small local clubs one of the big things that clubs do is they have claims of their own and they provide their members with access that they can go out and get gold and you know that's a great opportunity and especially if you're a new guy getting started I suggest joining a club getting to know some guys because the other good thing about club is there's almost always experienced folks there that can help you learn the skills the trade to learn the trade of prosper okay so you know not everything worth having is already claimed and there are ways that you can get access to good places my number 11 prospecting mistake to avoid is the idea that if at first you don't succeed well just give up and go someplace else you know a lot of guys will go out to a place you know they don't know whether they're gonna find gold they go out there the first time and give it a try and they're not super successful and so they just give up well you know there's more to it than that especially when you go into a new place it takes some time to kind of figure the place out and get the lay of the land and figure out where where any gold that the old-timers left behind me is gonna be and you know I've had places you know like this that are big huge diggings and most of the places in there most the spots in and around these diggings you know there's numbers go up but there are places around there where there is some good gold left and it takes time to explore and learn what those places are are like and what you should be looking for and in any particular place and you know that's that's how you succeed is by learning what those successful places are gonna be like and it takes time and I will tell you that I've had places that I've gone to and the first time I went there didn't get anything second time you know maybe I got a little bit third time more fourth and fifth and six times a lot more so you know I always tell people that that there's a home court advantage for prospecting that when you know a place and you know it well you'll know where to look where the best places are to find gold and the way that you learn where the best place to start to find gold in a place is by finding gold there or having somebody that has that goal pointed out to you it's it's a real art and and so you need perseverance perseverance has to be an important part of every prospector that you have the ability to stick to it know if every day is gonna be a great day in order to have the great days you have to stick to it through the lean days and if you don't have that stick to it if you don't have that persistence you're probably not gonna learn to be a great prospector so accept that you know some days are gonna be better than others and you know if at first you don't succeed then try try again right if you first you don't succeed keep plugging away cuz I've gone to plenty of places where I haven't done all that well on the first day and yet I've later done really well so persistence is important all right my twelfth mistake that you want to avoid is the idea that it takes gobs of money to buy all the equipment that you need to find gold and a lot of guys and may get this from some of those reality TV prospecting shows mining shows you know they show a guy he's got you know half a million dollars worth of equipment or more and he's got you know 15 or 20 employees and you know they're digging digging digging and running millions of yards of material through a wash plant yeah I mean that's one way to mined gold I'm not saying that's invalid but you don't need to operate that way there are other possibilities and you can be successful with a lot less equipment I mean I've found good gold and you can't do with nothing more than just a pan and some hand tools hand tools a little pick to dig and and a little shovel to dig and and your your gold pan and maybe snuffer bottle to suck the gold out of the pan when you're down to the bottom you know you can get started that way for 20 or 30 bucks and and that's how I suggest that you start if you're interested in finding gold for yourself start small get a pan buy a book or to learn about it join the club find some gold and then if you find that you really like doing this get some more equipment and a little money and if you find you really like that spends more money me you know I've been doing this for more than 45 years I've accumulated an awful lot of equipment over all the years that I've been involved I've got dry washers I've got dredges I've got sluice boxes I got a gob of pans I've got crushers and I've got all kinds of things to extract the gold from the that wherever it is I find it whether it be in a hard rock or gravels or wherever the desert or the mountains it don't make no difference I've got the tools I need but you don't have to start out with all that you know you can be really successful with just an individual with the tools and the knowledge of finding gold I've actually had years where me with my hand tools I've found more gold than the guys with the millions of dollars worth of equipment and 20 employees you know pretty sad when one guy with metal detectors and shovels and pans and that kind of stuff can find more gold in the summer than twenty guys with bulldozers and front-end loaders and wash plants and move million yards and that kind of stuff pretty sad but it all boils down to what you know see prospecting is a skill and it's a skill like a trade I mean you know if you don't you don't buy a pipe wrench and then and maybe some teflon tape and decide you're now a journeyman plumber you don't buy a voltmeter and some black electrical tape and say okay now I'm a journeyman electrician doesn't work that way what makes a plumber a plumber or an electrician electrician is what they know it's it's the skill that they have to do they're trained and it's the same thing with prospecting you'll learn what it takes to be successful as a prospector you'll learn how to find gold you gain experience and and you become good at what you do and some of that you can learn by reading books and that sort of thing some you can learn by having people teach you some you can learn by well some has to be learned by having boots on the ground and actually doing it but books are a good way to learn I mean you can save a lot of trial and error by reading about how to become a better prospector and to that end I actually spent a few years writing a book called Fistful of gold and that's what it's about teaching you how you can go out and find this full of gold now you know it has all kinds of stuff it's literally like an encyclopedia from geology to you name it and I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about my book right now okay so I wanted to tell you a little bit more about my book I wanted to be able to share the knowledge that I've gained about finding gold and and how to be successful and so I spent years literally writing this book Fistful of gold it's more than three hundred and fifty pages long and which is why I say it's an encyclopedia of everything you need to know about finding your own gold I've sold more than eight thousand copies and I've got a lot of really great feedback on it it just is the most complete book on the market it has information about finding gold that literally is not available in any other book that you're going to find four prospectors because I took technical stuff from geologists and other mineral scientists and I've translated that in to language that the average guy can understand you don't need a PhD to go out and find gold but the information that scientists have learned over recent decades can can be of a lot of help to people so it's in this book if you're interested about finding gold panning sluicing nugget detecting a dry washing the geology of gold deposits and how they form it's all in here and like I say it's more than 350 pages long so if you'll just go to the description underneath this video you can take a look I've got a link in there to take you to Amazon to the site where the book is sold and I think you'll you'll really enjoy it take a look at all the people who've commented on this and have really liked the book it has a very very high rating for a book and also I have a website my own free website that you can take a look at I've got all kinds of information on here about doing research and how to find gold a lot of good information stuff that basically couldn't fit into my book and so I put it on this website and I have a link also for that in the video description so take a look in the description and you can click on the link and it'll take you to my website [Music] and finally if you like this presentation I've got a lot more coming out here's a three and a half ounces of gold that I found a couple years back in one area I've got a lot more of these videos coming on gold gemstones hardrock placer a lot of metal detecting there'll be lots of metal detecting stuff so if you really enjoyed this click the subscribe button and then take the notification bell off and YouTube will let you know when I publish new stuff and hit the like button as well and please comment on these videos because I'm interested in what you have to say and I promise to answer any questions you have so if you are wondering about anything or think maybe I didn't cover something thoroughly enough in a video then let me know and I'll be happy to try and help you out and give you whatever information you need so thanks a lot and I hope you enjoyed this and we'll see you again real soon
Channel: Chris Ralph, Professional Prospector
Views: 224,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MQFfj1lPtzE
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Length: 44min 35sec (2675 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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