Detecting Gold in Nevada

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[Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Music] well I got a chance to sneak off for for a day and uh head out here in Nevada this is a spot an old friend of mine brought me to years ago um first time I hunted this place I was using a uh Compass Yukon 77b as a metal detector so uh that's been 30 35 years ago okay my experience out here is limited to this one area this the only place I've uh really done any metal detecting for gold in Nevada um you know I'm a Believer in the theory no since leaving gold to find gold uh the gold I find out here is actually fairly small I've never found anything over half penny weight size but I've always found something so I keep coming back whenever I get the chance now when when I'm in working the area here what I do is uh I take and grid off an area and I don't know about 3T squares and and uh I work that square very carefully um I cover every inch of it and when I'm convinced there's absolutely nothing in that then I move over to the next one and I find that's a lot more efficient than just wondering about trying to find something uh you get a little more systematic and uh I try to keep track areas I've been before so I don't go over the same area and Grant you my note TR the best I'm trying to figure out what I was talking about last year well according to my notes right in here is where I left off last time I was out here so I'm going to GP me an area right here and uh see if we can locate anything so let's get the looking now when I do my gitting I just make a minimal line just have a basis one [Applause] here and then off of that 90° I go about every 3 ft put a little hash mark and then head back up to the start and uh run another Baseline and the bushes and all that I just include them right in there cuz I find people uh they don't like to work in the brush so uh I find uh some usually a better spot to look for gold okay okay well today I'm going to be using my whes TDI um the machine you use I don't think makes a whole lot of difference as long as you stay with a major brand with a machine that's designed to find gold what's going to make the difference is learning how to run your machine I I can't emphasize it enough um learn the machine inside out uh experiment with it at home bury items at home uh change the adjustments read the manual I mean everything you can because let's face it the machines are not cheap so if you're going to spend the money on the machine take the time and learn how to run it and you learn how to run your machine to its capability you will find gold um the the most people I encounter that that can't find gold all they've done is put their machine on preset and went out and you know they say the machine's no good cuz they're not finding anything the machines are good just learn to run them that I like I said I can't emphasize it enough okay well now I'm going to go ahead and get off my soap box and uh we're going to see if we can find some gold now when I'm detecting you want to uh take your time I go over the the gritted area One Direction and make sure I go no more than half a loop each time I I move forward uh as you go down your your uh area that you're detecting gets smaller so you want to keep that down to a minimal then once I go over the area that way I'll I'll turn 90° and go over it again and I just keep doing that till I get a signal or I I uh finish at grid now you can you can tell by the sound of the target I got a got an iron Target there um even though it's an iron Target I dig them anyway I dig every single Target when I'm nugget hunting and if nothing else you need to get it out of there cuz there could be a a nugget laying right next to it so let's grab our rake and get that out of there okay let's narrow our Target down a little bit gravel back that's right there on the surface oh there we go piece of wire [Applause] okay okay let tar it right there whatever it is we moved [Music] it w a good old 22 casing okay keep moving [Applause] on sounds like we got another 22 casing [Applause] yep another 22 Kine okay not getting much gold but I'm getting quite a collection of brass that Target sounds a little [Applause] [Music] better yep we got us a little beach gold actually that's a fairly decent piece for here over here by the camera you can see it or not all right I'll put that one in the jar all right first P of gold okay well well we've been working here for a couple hours now and uh we're killing the 22 casings but uh not finding any more gold so uh I'm going to pack up and we're going to head down around the corner and uh try down by the Gul there and see if we can turn up something down [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] w wo okay uh we got us a Target here pretty small though I think that might be it right [Music] there yep that's it and we have us a little tiny nugget here now the gold gold here is covered with some kind of a deposit you got to kind of Beat It Up um let me get up closer to the camera here see if it'll focus on this you can see there's a little little piece of gold there we're going to stick this one in Stick this one in the pack okay now we covered that grid completely and we we have no Targets in it so we'll just move over to the next grid and do the same thing [Music] again okay I've got a small Target here let me uh move this mic over to where you can you can hear the Target too okay it's not a real big Target but out here usually if it's a Target it's a 22 bullet or it's gold so let's take a look and see if we can find it now what I do is I just pull back the surface in the area and then check it not in there still got our Target and each time you cover a little more little more ground okay got it out of the hole I had it [Music] okay we got it in our hand just keep working it down okay okay that looks like it right there not very big but it's a little piece let me uh get this up by the camera if you can see that I can't hardly make out whether or not the camera is filming it or not but it looks like a little rough piece now the uh the gold here is it's kind of hard to tell you got to go just by the by the detector um cuz when uh you get home you got to bust it up and whatever this is covering it you got to break it off but it's another little piece of gold there so we'll put that in the bag and look for some more it's been quite a while since we've uh got even the slightest little beep um starting to get kind of warm out here too um I'm going to go down here uh take a look alongside this Gully on the bank of the Gully for a little bit and uh we'll give that a go and see if we can turn up anything when you're detecting don't be afraid to to drag your loop on the ground don't bang it on the ground but don't be afraid to drag it on the ground but make sure you got a make sure you got a uh loop cover on there so you don't wear your Loop out Loop covers are uh pretty cheap and they'll take all the wear and tear uh cuz dragging over the Rocks we'll wear a hole in the loop pretty quick and once you wear a hole in that Loop that Loop is junk okay not getting much here now uh on this target you'll notice uh I'm goingon to explain it and then I'll go back over it again but if you'll listen to the Target it's not a very sharp Target which leads me to believe this is just a piece of junk uh let me uh situate this mic and I'll go over that Target again see if you notice it sounds like the target covers a large area where a a nugget has a very distinct uh sharpness to the tone so uh let's dig this up see if we can find what it is okay we're getting close we dug it [Music] up okay we got it in our [Music] hand y a piece of wire it's been down there for Oak quite a while all right we to Hole up and let's keep looking you want to make sure you bury your hole for two reasons number one you don't want to leave a bunch of holes so the place looks looks terrible number two you don't want to let everybody know where you're looking somebody sees a whole bunch of holes dug they'll think there's something there to look for okay well it's getting a little too warm for this whole boy out here so I'm calling it a day uh we are going home with pieces of gold um what I'll do is uh when I get home get them cleaned up I'll uh uh stick a picture of them in the video so uh you can see what we ended up with now even if you're not into metal detecting and uh you know you got no reason to go out in the desert look for nuggets uh I would strongly suggest a trip to the desert in the early spring just for the sheer beauty of it uh this place is fantastic this time of year the flowers are blooming the weather's beautiful uh there's Wildlife everywhere I mean it just just to come out and spend a day out here uh you'll be amazed it's well worth the trip well it took almost a week after I got home to get that gold cleaned up but uh finally got it cleaned up and turned out to be real pretty stuff uh not real big but it's still nice looking gold so uh see if I can get a close-up shot here of it we got a three pieces all cleaned up here this uh this one here is the first one we found then the one over here is that uh little coarse one uh they cleaned up pretty nice after getting a little AER bath but uh total weight was just right under half penny weight so not bad I've had worse days so now if you enjoyed the video um metal detecting mining just outdoor uh fun stuff to do uh subscribe to my YouTube channel and uh that way uh next time I go out make another video you'll know about it till then you have a wonderful [Music] [Music] day and uh I just got buzzed by a hummingbird thought that with loose [Music] devotion I never thought that you would go and I know that sometimes we play with fire still with
Channel: Two Toes
Views: 239,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two toes, gold mining basics, nugget hunting, metal detecting, gold, prospecting, desert, finding gold, how to, nugget shooting
Id: 9NhT9D4kIZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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