The BEST Metal Detector in 2021 | Top 15 Metal Detectors

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all right so today we're down here at the aussie detector store and we're going to determine what the best metal detector is for you and your budget so let's get into it all right let's start off with the lowest cost machines these are machines under 500 now please consider every price i mentioned in this video is in australian dollars and it is a recommended retail price so you could find it at higher or lower prices elsewhere but yeah for today's video we're just gonna be referring to the recommended retail price so to start off we have the minelab go find now this is the go find 22 it is probably the lowest cost machine on the market by a recognized manufacturer so this is as you can see very compact now the build quality may not be as high as say a ctx or an equinox but um for what you're paying for it is actually not too bad now i wouldn't recommend this to people if you have the budget to spend more this would be more oriented as say a christmas present for a young kid um say 14 and under this would be a perfect christmas gift now this comes in three different models the gophone 22 44 and 66. they're all very similar with just a few different functionalities one thing to consider is this isn't waterproof so you wouldn't want to go anywhere near water with this machine all right let's move on to the next one all right so the next machine or series of machines would be the vanquish series now this is another mine lab uh product they come in the vanquish 340 440 and 540 prices and functionality go up consecutively with those three um model numbers now the main thing to consider here is the control box isn't waterproof but the search coil is and with this these machines you do get the capability to actually swap over to aftermarket coils in other sizes which is excellent gives you great versatility you can you know do more with your machine now between the three machines i'm going to keep this very brief because we've got a lot of machines to get through so this is the 340 here with the 440 and 540 you do get added functionality such as notch discrimination um segmented um sensitivity that kind of thing so it's just uh things to consider there's plenty of resources online but they are great machines for their price they're all multi-frequency uh the only downside for most people is that they're not waterproof apart from that they're really close to a equinox machine they're just yeah a little bit more basic but technology is pretty similar great value for money now similar in price to the vanquish 440 is the noctis simplex which i have here now the difference here is this doesn't have the same multi-iq technology that the vanquish series has but this is waterproof and it is completely waterproof to three meters so that is a big plus for many people that want to do things in lakes and beaches and just want to have that security that even if you're not putting the control box under water if you drop it in you'll be very safe so this is an octa simplex it's around 500 and it is a very capable machine of quite a good build quality now a downside to this being in australia is the australian detecting market is dominated by two brands mainly minelab and garrett now the nokta brand is becoming more large in australia but it's not as stocked as say the minelab or garrett brands are so it could be hard to come by and it could also be hard to come by aftermarket coils just something to consider but it is a very capable machine so that is the noctur simplex now i wasn't actually going to include this it's not written into the to the notes for this video but the knock to pulse dive this is kind of a machine of its own it's in its own niche it is a handheld so it's almost like a pinpointer well it really is a pinpointer with a search coil on the end and this is for underwater hunting saying um you know bedrock bottom swimming holes um lakes that kind of thing so yeah that's the the knock the pulse dive it's obviously waterproof um it's it's basically a pinpoint on steroids so yeah it's a pretty cool piece of kit i haven't had the chance to use one of these before but i've seen plenty of people online and they really seem to enjoy it and being so minimalist i guess you'd call it very low on material costs that kind of thing um these are you know just under three hundred dollars so that's that's pretty cool okay now moving into the next price bracket of 500 to 1 000 we have the minelab vanquish 540 now this is the top of the line of the vanquish series i showed you the 340 and 440 before and the the 540 here just crosses that 500 mark once again it's a great bit of kit not waterproof in terms of the control box but the coil is waterproof to one meter with this one a great advantage or a disadvantage it depends on your lifestyle is the interchangeable batteries so with the vanquish series these are you know replaceable batteries whether it be rechargeable or not they can be removed and replaced so you can bring spares with you now you could see this as a downside or an advantage but the equinox series are rechargeable as in the battery is actually in the hand grip of the machine so it can't be removed and replaced so if you're in the middle of nowhere with no source of charging batteries could be very handy for you downside of this is you do have to carry about shoes with you but yeah once again vanquish series simple to use interchangeable coils only downside is they are not waterproof in terms of the control box and now moving up in both functionality and price we are right on the verge of that thousand dollar mark here this is the equinox 600 now this is an excellent machine it is an extremely popular machine the equinox series is probably the most popular metal detector series to have ever existed ever anywhere they are so popular it's because of their amazing price point and their amazing versatility um yeah it's just there's so much packed into this machine it's it's unbelievable so let's get into it first of all three meters waterproof so this is the lowest cost mine machine that is actually waterproof um on the market today as well as this you have six detecting modes park one park two field one field two beach one beach two you don't have the gold mode on this because you don't have the 40 kilohertz function whereas you do on the equinox 800 which is in the next price bracket another great thing about this machine is you know you've got wireless headphones you have the options to change between frequencies you can stay on multi or you can switch between which is you know a great function so you want to get some depth you want to get some some high sensitivity you can do that in terms of the user interface it is absolutely incredible extremely easy to use the screen's great it's got a light at the back which i some of my previous machines i really wish they had a light at the back because you know when you're detecting on the beach low light maybe in the shade yeah it's just it's it's it's great for the money it's an excellent machine once again you have the ability to change between the coils you've got this coil you've got a 17 inch and a six inch all have their own uses and benefits which is yeah excellent once again this has the battery built into the hand grip there which is good you don't have to carry around batteries um double a batteries but then if you do run out in the field you will have to have some source of power with you uh whether that be you know a battery pack or a cigarette lighter in your car something like that so that is the equinox 600 okay now we're moving into the final bracket um and this is thousand dollar plus now with this bracket this is basically as high as you're going to go in terms of coin and relic machines the next bracket of course is the pulse induction machines and we'll get into those in just a bit now to start off we're going to head straight to the equinox 800 now this is my personal machine that i'm holding right here so it is a bit dirty but it has been out and used so the only difference between this one and the 600 really is the added gold feature now this has the added 40 kilohertz function which is just great for say gold bearing areas so this is a very low cost in terms of gold machines this is a low cost uh way to both cover coin and relic and gold detecting it's kind of an umbrella machine now you're not going to get the functionality of say a gpz 7000 or even an sdc 2300 but the option is always there if the if the opportunity presents itself to you so that is the minelab equinox 800 okay next and a very similar price tag to the 800 is the xp orx now this is an extremely light machine it barely weighs anything now another great thing about this machine is not only is it lightweight but it's extremely portable as you can see it's got these little locking mechanisms here and you can really you know make it quite compact and that remote actually comes off and you know fold the coil down and that'll fit in your backpack no problem um another great thing about this is that it's actually wireless so you're never going to get tangled in cords the headphones are wireless this speaks to the coil wirelessly and um yeah there is a lot of interchangeability with these you can get multiple coils you can run multiple remotes headphones everything it's just the xp brand is you know in its own league it's it's it's its own kind of style of machine that you won't see in any other brand build quality is excellent um as you would expect and the only downside to this is it is not waterproof without the proper housing and obviously the wireless function will not work underwater so you will need to get a an extra cord another downside in my opinion other people probably wouldn't agree with this but you have to charge everything separately your headphones are separate your coils separate this is separate so you will have three chords running from the same usb outlet which is good because you get a three-way cord but you do need to always make sure that you have everything charged up now this machine is oriented towards gold this white coil is a high frequency coil but you can use this on coin and relic it is absolutely fine to use um for both but once again you will not get the sensitivity or the you know the gold strengths as you will with an sdc um or a 7000 obviously so that is the xp orx and next up we have the xp deus now this is the top of the line in the xp range this will be this is considerably more than the orx in the equinox 800 but it is an excellent machine i've heard people refer to this as the rolls royce of metal detecting it is a personal opinion obviously people have biases to their brands but build quality as excellent once again it's not waterproof without that housing but with this machine it really is something special when updates come out you can update your machine so your software will never really run out of date as some others will the minelab the newer mine lab ranges of equinox can actually be updated which is really cool and the same with the vanquish older versions of machines unfortunately you cannot but the deus is the king of functionality i reckon you would call it uh there are so many options and um small details that you can play with and choose from i have had the opportunity to use the dies a few times i did like it with my machines i do like them to be waterproof i know i'm not going to use it in water too often but you know look at my past few videos i have been at the lake um where i have needed the equinox 800 which is waterproof so with each machine no matter what machine you're looking at just make sure you consider every little thing where you're going to use it what your budget is and whether you need it to be waterproof now if you're going to be in the middle of new south wales on some dried out paddock you're not going to need a waterproof detector so don't even worry about that the rain you can get rain covers that kind of thing so just make sure you consider all the little things and what you actually need not what you think you need because yeah and finally we have the minelab ctx 3030. so this is the grandfather of metal detecting this was an ultimate machine um it did come out in 2012 so i'm hoping that mindlab may come out with an updated version very soon since this is eight coming on nine years old now um it does have a bit of weight to it but the power and the the performance is amazing but since the equinox came out i'm very much leaning towards the equinox as you know it's an amazing machine amazing functionality for the price point where this is actually you know a little over a thousand dollars more so in my opinion i'll definitely go with the 800 over the ctx but again that is personal opinion and now before we get into the pulse induction machines just a quick honorable mention this is the gold monster 1000 it's a very similar price point to the equinox 800. this one is more focused on gold rather than queen and relic and it is a very simple and easy machine to use there are barely any buttons or functions on there which is a downside but in terms of entry level gold detecting at a really affordable price this is definitely something to consider all right now we are on to the pulse induction machines first of all my favorite the lowest cost of the minelab range in pulse induction the scc 2300 now this is ultra compact it's not too heavy um but yeah look how compact that thing is it's like just a little bit bigger than the size of my head it's about the size of say a loaf of bread um it is just incredible uh in terms of ease of use there is two switches on there one of them is an on and off switch the other one is for sensitivity simple easy to use i love it and you also have a noise cancel and ground balance button on the remote but just look at that portability one of the great things about this it's waterproof dust proof which is great i wouldn't really be looking for gold in water some people do but um yeah that's just not for me for the price and what you can do with it it's it's really a great machine as you can see you know the only bits of gold i've ever found was with an sdc so definitely i may have some bias there but i love this machine portability price point and use it's it ticks all the boxes and now the detector that is worth more than my car the gpz 7000 now this thing is an absolute beast i have i personally have only got to use this thing once found no gold with it but hey it was really interesting to use has got a bit of weight to it especially when you start adding on some larger coils but um in terms of price this is about double the price of the sdc but you do you know it goes deeper it's it's got the functionality it's got an lcd screen there as you can see you can go through all your functions all your settings this one is like the ctx but for gold so many things you can customize with it change yeah and it's a really really powerful machine and as with all these machines the price really does reflect the usability of it uh but you do have to consider you know the law of diminishing returns and what is exactly right for you so you're going to go detecting on the beach i would much rather a knock the simplex or a vanquish than one of these um just because this would be screaming in your head on the beach and you would not use this so every machine has their pros and cons you wouldn't just go with the most expensive because that would make no sense i would not use this on the beach but i'd much rather this on the gold fields than a simplex or a vanquish because you know this packs the punch so that is the gpz 7000 in the minelab gold detecting range there is also the gpx 5000 i haven't got any on hand with me today to show you unfortunately but that is just an in between between the sdc and the gp z7000 um it is in between in terms of price point as well now in terms of the four categories the three price points as well as the pulse induction machine my picks for each the first would be the noctis simplex just because it's waterproof and it has all that functionality just starting off detecting you want to try little bits of everything so it's a great machine to choose and then the 500 to 1 000 category i would have to go with the vanquish 540 especially the pro pack which is just under 700 now in the pro pack you actually get two coils which you know gives you a bit more functionality versatility you save some money on that as well the thing with the vanquish series is they're so close to an equinox they just don't have that waterproof capability or you know the the the user interface that the equinox has so for five hundred to a thousand dollars i'll be picking up the minelab vanquish 540. now a thousand dollars plus this is where you gotta really put some thought into it into where you're going to be detecting so i'm not really going to put my opinion on this one but i'm just going to say one thing and that is i personally use the equinox 800 i'm loving it it is a little over a thousand dollars so it is that thousand dollar plus bracket uh but for what you get for the money is just absolutely incredible and i'm loving it but um once you get to that price point it is up to um you know what you like what brands you like what you really need when you go detecting and yeah unless you've got the money to throw around um you may not want to start at this price point you want to start the 500 to 1000 mark really get your feel for the hobby and which direction you would like to go whether it be beach um solely beach coin and relic or gold detecting and of course the pulse induction category what's my favorite now it may surprise a few of you seeing us have used a four thousand dollar and a ten thousand dollar machine but i'm going to go with the scc 2300 now it may be the cheapest of the three but um in terms of portability functionality and ease of use it is just absolutely incredible i don't have the most experience in gold detecting i'm more of a coin and relic gun myself so this was just absolutely perfect for me now when you're buying a metal detector especially your first metal detector here are a few things that people you know glaze over and don't really think to look at when you're determining a budget make sure you factor in money for a pin pointer now a pin pointer i won't get into two depth of it once you've found your target which is you know in the size of your coil this really helps pinpoint it to not only save you time but also save you know the grass being torn up and everything because you want to keep those holes as neat as possible so it's really money for time with this thing you can save yourself you know 10 minutes per hole especially if it's saying you know as small as a 22 round bullet uh this will definitely save you some time you know in terms of pinpointer and cost it is personal choice but most of them start around 200 and cap off at around 300 uh yeah but it is yeah it's whatever you decide most pinpointers are pretty alike just make sure if you're going to be using underwater make sure it's a waterproof pinpointer another thing to consider is digging equipment now in your budget you must account for the appropriate digging equipment now i wouldn't go to taking on a beach with a pick like this and i certainly wouldn't go detecting in the middle of a gold field with a sand scoop that's sure so you need the appropriate digging equipment if you don't have some already make sure you factor that in because um yeah you'll definitely regret it otherwise and some other accessories that aren't exactly needed but um definitely help out the first one would be a fines bag now a good quality finds bag will last you for years now you could go with say an ammunitions bag or a tool belt or you could go something specially designed for detecting where you've got a pinpointer holder water bottle holder good fines area trash phones area and um yeah really set yourself up another thing to consider is a good quality set of headphones especially if you're looking for gold you could go with headphones or a speaker such as a booster yeah that will really help out especially for gold when you're listening for those really faint targets and the last thing of course is with every metal detector apart from the go find series they are interchangeable coils so further down the line you could pick up some more coils i like to think of detecting as very similar to photography or videography you have your body of the camera or you know the the control box of your detector and you can interchange your lens or or your coils so the two things to consider when you're looking for a metal detector first thing you need to think about is budget second thing is where you're going to use it once you have those two things sorted out it will be a breeze it's just you know narrowing down functionality and um yeah brand basically all right guys i really hope you found that video helpful and hopefully you're leaving with less questions that you came in as you can see there are many different machines with many different functions capabilities and build qualities and these are across quite a wide price range and cost is generally consistent with quality so definitely keep that in mind all right guys thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Digging Australia
Views: 136,087
Rating: 4.8377953 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, Digging Australia, dirt fishing, metal detecting Australia, silver coins, relic hunting, coin shooting, coin and relic hunting, Coins found metal detecting in Australia, Aussie metal detecting, Silver found metal detecting, Metal detecting Australian beach, Beach detecting in australia, bottle digging, Bottle digging in australia, treasure, gold, metal, detector, australia, australian, history, treasure hunting, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds
Id: fGmBydnBwAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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