WORLDS FIRST Bloodborne All Bosses Speedrun in Under One Hour! (WR)

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yeah i watched queen's gambit that was enjoyable show i watched um there was a movie that the actress from queen's gambit was in uh recently the last night in soho that movie was actually quite good i would recommend it if you're looking for like a horror drama thriller movie you hated that movie dang i liked it quite a lot you know [Music] so [Music] oh my god what's up dude hand that wasn't too bad oh yeah i finally got larksa to watch cabin in the woods the other night i love that movie oh if i get hit on the ladder i'm not going to die this time because i actually have health [Applause] the stoner saves the day yeah the stoner is like my favorite he's like the best character in the movie yo what's up lark they never made a sequel yet well they can't really make a sequel based on how the movie ended no spoilers i guess but his copy thermos bong oh my god this [ __ ] game dude [ __ ] off [ __ ] stored roll store roll up the ass [Music] hey the nibbler thank you for the 15 months god wow how many hours have i played in bloodborne good question i'm not really sure the answer to that but another story roll my favorite yay still washed i have world record thank you very much my god [Music] thank you for the four months although to be honest like record is the only reason i have wrecked i mean not that i'm bad at this game but like the main reason i have record is because of this new route new route is pretty fast that's that was good and it's not that hard to get sub hour you just need like a relatively clean run sub 59 is definitely quite quite tough though i would say at least for now that was actually a very good shadows fight well it could have been a little bit better but like i really can't complain about that one that was quite speedy this is definitely gonna be a gold i think sorry that was a good shadow's beating is that better happy now huh [Music] why the quit out there because there's a [ __ ] [ __ ] bug that's gonna try to kill me i know cam i didn't feel like using cam people kept being annoying about cam yesterday so just chilling um i don't know if oh my god sakes dude [Applause] okay okay dude okay dude [ __ ] nice nice nice i didn't want to be ahead anyways i was too far ahead i had to i had to waste some time so the other runners can catch up you know [Music] so so yeah well luckily the new strats made me lose not as much time as i normally would have without the new strats i would have lost like 18 seconds there but because the new strat i uh the new not buying blood vials in the hunter's dream saves like six or seven seconds i think so we're still ahead it's all good nice what's that smell the sweet blood oh it seems to me it's enough to make a man sick god dude what the [ __ ] is this rng man oh my [ __ ] god i just uh i should have baited him out further up the staircase it's just he was he was like right behind me so i i don't know whatever dude just stay positive we got a run going it's all right yeah trapping in the corner did not help well trapping in the corner was fine but the problem was he he [ __ ] rolled away from me and then like i missed two or three attacks that was the main issue okay i guess that management was kind of bad it's okay it's my biggest time save ludwig maria and mikala [Music] let us pray let us wish to partake in communion you should have countered but doing your mom yeah i mean i'm not just asking a genuine question [Applause] um feels good [Music] hmm yeah that that's the dlc item so hmm so [Music] be nice if you could enter the dlc straight away at least for this for this route it would be fast as hell bro what the [ __ ] is happening here oh my god that was so oh my [ __ ] god i'm like it's so scary [Music] normally those guys are fighting but like normally it doesn't take them that long to fight nor normally the big guy kills them all really fast but he was like he was struggling this time all right oh god dude okay it's fine that was sketchy but it's okay oh jesus new dvd killer is out oh my god who cares [Music] i gotta say dude that that new killer in dvd looks like horrible i'd like the model is so [ __ ] weird oh [Music] no i got the afk bug again if you toggle your weapons the bug actually just goes [ __ ] afk i mean i don't i don't know how precise it is but oh that's oh god i just realized though oh [ __ ] that's such a fake gold that's not [ __ ] me i didn't actually save that much time dude it's just because i didn't [ __ ] quit out bucks uh i really should not heal twice there i mean i guess it's fine i get i pick up six more blood vials over here anyways but it's like like you literally did not really get hit by anything if you do get hit your runs probably [ __ ] anyways no that one's not fake the only reason the other one was fake is because i know i normally quit out there but before the skip to rom you normally always have to quit out you either have to quit out or use a blue elixir but because i toggled my weapons the the [ __ ] centipede firebug thing didn't aggro to me so i just went for the skip without putting out so i saved like 20 seconds but i didn't actually save 20. [Music] bro he's [ __ ] bouncing around dude it's like a [ __ ] pinball man jesus christ please my uh tiny tony has been acquired okay what's up simply it's a new glitch that was found recently there we go yeah this this glitch was this glitch with the it's with the cannon it uh was discovered like three or four days ago and it's pretty [ __ ] opie it's a bit of an understatement i mean yeah i guess it's insanely opie who's running for the record uh nobody's really oh my god i thought i was gonna get [ __ ] ass blasted there nobody uh nobody's really doing not not too many people are doing runs well zeus is doing runs but he hasn't practiced that much i don't think oh jesus dude like i lined it up right but then my oh so [ __ ] dude yeah i saved it but my shot like my character aimed super far to the right i didn't want him to but uh [Music] forgot to kill i need to oh after i kill amygdala i need to equip the shock lever same with after lawrence dying light 2 has gone gold nice yeah i'm really i'm excited for dying light too i'll actually have time to play it now because uh it's is coming out before elton ring well as long as it doesn't get delayed again yeah ah yeah i mean i think everything is going to be viable in elden ring from what we've seen in the network test though magic is magic is very strong and is very easy as well [Music] hmm i mean i'm i honestly like that magic is strong but at the same time i i hope that they make like the thing is we haven't seen that many well we've only seen like one main boss in well or i guess two kind of but we've mainly seen like one main boss in eldon ring so uh yeah i hope that i hope that the the main bosses and whatnot are going to punish magic and ranged effectively that's one thing that i've noticed from software has always kind of had an issue with is whenever they implement ranged or magic into their games a lot of the bosses kind of like have a really hard time punishing it yeah market throws daggers which is good all right come on swedish mikko swedish me go [ __ ] you need a little rest after that one a fight where the [ __ ] am i oh my god hmm yeah jump attacks seem very strong in elden ring which is cool like weapon arts and jump attacks and attacks that you would normally never use in a souls game actually seem kind of worthwhile now which is pretty nice because pretty much like all the previous souls games have just been r1 spam simulators so it's kind of nice to see that's not the case maybe these chunks are not needed uh we've been thinking about it it's hard to say though is there going to be a separate no whirly gig cannon cannon category uh well most likely the noclip category is going to not allow the use of the cannon but people are we're still kind of figuring out the leaderboard situation i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose a second here i think okay um i was confused you done streaming nice did you finish another trial i stopped right before it the trial is going to take like three hours why would it not be allowed uh well he people want to preserve like the old saw cleaver route mainly hey zagrani thank you for the 649s so you can actually just yolo if if ludwig does the aoe there you can actually just you can actually just start shooting him right away but i'm kind of scared of doing that so i didn't i'm pretty sure it's fine your strat didn't kill me this time thankfully also i'm like 20 i'm like 20 seconds but i i got the bug to go afk before rom again by the way i was just i was toggling my left hand over and over again on the way to the bug and it worked so i don't even know i don't i don't know how precise it is but yeah i'm like 20 seconds ahead further ahead than i actually am right now because i didn't put out haram so i got like a [ __ ] 20 second cold there [Music] pretty sure i don't need to shoot that guy because this was very fast oh god jesus oh my god [Applause] now so [Music] all right here we go we won't shake [Music] uh now hmm [Music] clean well i didn't die so hmm oh yeah romantic or haiti i i tested it or well i tried it out and it's definitely faster to skip the antidotes you can skip the antidotes and then grab those extra vials in the woods and then if you do that you don't have to you don't have to buy any blood vials in the dream which is definitely faster speed yeah i'm only like i'm actually only like 50 seconds ahead right now the maria fight's pretty rng well i mean i say only 50 because i just want i don't want you guys to think i'm a minute ten ahead when i'm not why not pause on load screens because it's honestly pretty [ __ ] annoying to constantly pause if i can i put uh why arcane because we need to use tiny tony so i should not have healed there i don't know why i even did that hey pixel phony thank you for the three gift subs buddy thank you thank so i can do the bastard dash instead of rolling you only get the fast dash if you're locked on it's very negligible but it's a little bit faster and thank you for the prime sub as well pixel well it's not to skip a stored roll it's just the roll and like the dash animation is faster if you're locked on bad stamina management yeah i gotta fix my gold here it's messed up uh yeah they're not actually stored roles in bloodborne they're more like i don't even know what to call them honestly if you roll in between all the celestial emissaries since they die you've crashed the game what sounds a little [ __ ] up uh [Music] so all right tiny tony let's do this hmm how consistent is that i mean as long as you aim correctly it's it's 100 consistent perfect my aim was slightly too far left but it'll do it'll do is it possible to move the guy scythe guy in the doorway faster uh i mean i could probably pan him but it's gonna be rng because like sometimes the the guy in the doorway will instantly attack you and then it's like super free but he doesn't he doesn't always instantly like then it's faster he doesn't always um all right grand cathedral how high does your blood tinge need to be for the cannon to be effective well blood tinge doesn't really do that much for the cannon like you can see right now i only have plus 91 attack from my blood tinge levels so i'm getting like two upgrades worth of blood like attack rating we use in-game time that's why my pb is [Applause] the gatling gun [Music] i need to quit out here i'm gonna die i'm pretty sure i would have died there if i didn't yeah well like the whirly gig saw you can you can transfer the you can you can get infinite ammo with any gun with the whirly gig saw but apparently you can also do the glitch with the gatling gun l2 because it's also like a continuous fire but if you if you swap the gatling gun l2 to another gun then it still uses ammo so it's kind of like i think it's kind of like pointless also even even if they got like the gatling gun is also in the dlc and it's well you have to kill a [ __ ] hunter get it so it's not very efficient speed wise it's pausing time while quitting the main menu allowed yeah i mean the splits are literally completely irrelevant i could i could be doing the speed run right now without any splits on the screen and it wouldn't wouldn't matter [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh yeah this is the career record route robots yeah romanticore has the [ __ ] danny devito gif of him shooting the guns i was i i was looking for that that gif but i could not i could not find it or not i couldn't find like a chroma keyed version anyways you're like a green screen version i don't know where the [ __ ] you got that from [Music] which keeps deleting your clips because of the gif what the [ __ ] uh oh hey the wonder of you thank you for the prime sub dude thank you very much oh man when this route gets really optimized getting getting good miko rng is actually going to probably like [ __ ] make or break getting record well not just mikko i guess like maria and german ah [Applause] yeah sometimes logarius like will dodge sideways but that was really good i mean mikko's like consistent it's just depending on the rng he gives you you can lose a lot of time you know i'm still going to do the i'm still going to do the two dodges to the side at the start here i think it gives i think i like how it works better [Music] all right well that wasn't the greatest it'll do that was really good nice oh my god yeah world record i'll make you the best chicken fried rice 59 20. let's go then oh yeah like the the chicken breasts that i got are the biggest chicken breasts i've ever seen oh crazy he likes insane like it weighs like three chickens one chicken breast i took a picture of him look at it well we got the sub at one hour dude we made history the first souls all bosses game to go sub one hour well except for demon souls but that doesn't really count a soupier thank you so much for the 20 gift subs and t-bone thank you for the two months thank you thank you i like punch also omg it's fruits thank you for the three gift subs and the pepino thank you for the two months hey dubby thank you for the gift sub to me and be walter thank you for the gift sub too i suck i suck fat [ __ ] nice hmm hey useless useless rory thank you for the 10 gifts make sure to check your prime subs guys this is the one and only sub one hour blood well this is the first sub one hour run let's go hey look dead thank you for the five you have subs and john mcgee thank you for the prime sub these subs would not be in youtube i mean i'll i'll have i'll have a bit of the end of the run in the youtube video so i always do hey extrav thank you for the sub smell you later thank you for the sub man fleet lap thank you oh well that was a nice run the early game was still bad though and uh bsb was kind of sloppy amygdala was bad uh let's see what else was bad maria was bad or everything else was pretty okay though moon presence was actually quite good german was mediocre though a irony within irony within irony without thank you for the two months and rewound
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 539,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, BOW, Bloodborne, ELDEN, FROM, GLITCH, NEW, RING, SOFTWARE, WTF, DARK, SOULS, SEKIRO
Id: FiBL_x3QsA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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