Beating Every Boss in Elden Ring With a Different Spell/Summon

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hello everyone welcome to one of the most challenging and complicated runs I've done in Elementary in this challenge we're going to be beating every boss in Elden ring except we are only allowed to kill a boss with either one spell or one summon we can't use both so it has to be one or the other there are 165 bosses in Elden ring and roughly 180 spells and summons combined so thankfully there is enough to complete the challenge however I also decided to region lock this run because quite frankly Elder ring challenge runs are too easy if you just allow yourself to go anywhere and what region lock means is that I have to kill every boss in the zone before I'm allowed to move on to the next one for example there's 31 bosses in Lim grave so I need to find 31 spells and summons in the zone and use them to kill every boss before I can move on to liernia or Khalid you get that this run that's some really intense moments and we managed to bring glory to a lot of the really crappy summons Noble Source where I'm looking at you but before we get into the video I'd like to give shout out to this video's sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is an extremely comprehensive vehicle combat game that features over 2 000 different tanks planes helicopters and ships that you can use in large PVP battles every vehicle in the game is incredibly authentic as well helping you to feel truly immersed while controlling these massive machines in combat Vehicles also have a highly in-depth customization system allowing you to apply camouflage decorations and even historical markings to make your vehicle truly unique and PVP of battles are available at various levels of immersion so all types of players can enjoy the game no matter your playstyle and for those with beastly rigs the game also has 4K support to take your experience even further one of the most impressive features in War Thunder to me though is their incredibly complex vehicle damage system that models combat simulation down to every individual part War Thunder is available now on PC PlayStation and Xbox and if you use my link in the description you can get a registration pack with premium Vehicles accounts boosters and much more thank you so much War Thunder for sponsoring the video and I hope you guys enjoy the challenge run um so yeah but I'm only going to be able to use them for one boss anyways man I don't know where all the summons are to be honest yeah I know a lot of them are from bosses that you kill I guess I can go back to the church and just get the wolves kill Margaret with the spell to get access to Ash upgrades yeah it would also give a lot of uh but also give a lot of runes you know I think I should probably try to do patches early on as well so I can get golden foul foots is this it there we go okay I want to kill Margaret like I really want to kill Margaret I just I don't know what spell to kill him with try the jellyfish first you can try all right Jolly come on we just we just need the toxic chat try to heal up the jelly it's gonna take so many days no no no we got this Chad oh there we go it's not very good though the Jelly's dead off to a good start all right let's just kill Margaret with the Mist all right chat uh it's gonna be a while [Music] all right we got him die oh God I'm so glad this is over all right goodbye poison Mist I can't say I'll miss you I'm gonna get a little bit of Health we can upgrade our summons chat [Applause] black knife assassin you think the godric soldiers can take him team oh yeah baby eight okay it's not bad I yeah I don't know if I oh 32. [Music] big heels baby okay I'll get him oh this is easy this is like in the bag and we got the faith we got the faith buff ooh the R2 nice [Music] oh the double charge oh oh 71. nice teamwork one more boss down where to next okay oh another summon you know what I'm gonna go kill the pumpkin head because that will give us access to a bunch of sorceries as well definitely use a summon for Pumpkinhead I think but the question is what's some what summon all right you got this team big heels baby oh yeah look at that it's like I'm playing a goddamn MMO keep it up team keep it up I'm out I'm out of juice there's nothing I can do oh no they're no all right come on get get his attention no no they're dying no no we can do that though I just need a little bit more Mana come on guys you can do it great work team all right but we can get a lot of spells now pebble Ark all right what Boss Next chat I guess we can go through castlemorne he does so much damage he's so strong I don't think the imps are going to be able to kill him wow they're not bad it seems doable oh no oh God okay oh look at that bleed though I mean maybe this guy can just do it dude maybe he's maybe he's a giga chat him oh look at that oh no he's dead damn it I feel like I should kill godric right now just to get a bunch of level UPS here we go hopefully this isn't too bad that is pretty bad dude hell yeah okay this is this ain't happening chat it's not happening we could try flame sling oh yeah that's now that's some damage that's gonna hit me oh God no oh Jesus okay it's fine I don't like this please no oh my God am I gonna die dude stop stop rolling my attacks man oh my God I am not dying to God trick again I swear it's not a melee attack bro what is oh my God what is the range on that no oh my [ __ ] god what what is happening screw you buddy oh the the Kobe uh we could go do Castle try castlemore again now you got this guys I need to keep them like really topped up if I can because they take a lot of damage real quick oh look at that bleed okay nice that's good oh another bleed oh my God we're so close oh no guys kill him oh my oh okay good job him yeah we could go do Impaler catacomb I'm just not really sure what uh what to use all right nice let's use the jellyfish on patches can you not summon for patches I guess not I guess we could use rain core on patches oh all right this is a good this is a good choice I think we're doing it [Music] come on all right all right jelly go oh bro you're attacking the you're attacking the fog gate the boss is over here jelly 27. come on no all right you know what this is just this is just suffering bro this freaking imp is trolling everything this is miserable bro he's just beating the [ __ ] out of the jellyfish stop meleeing man I need your poison oh my God the jelly is literally just stuck in the corner oh my God we got poison I don't have much I don't have like any heels left for the jelly though dude is the poison gonna do enough jelly maybe somehow the poison will do enough maybe it lasts long enough it's not gonna last long enough dude oh oh good job jelly all right what is next go get them wolves bark bark nah I don't know I think wolves are still okay here honestly I honestly think though summons multiple multiple enemy summons should are I feel like they're the best if there's any summons to save it's probably ones that are like multiple enemies all right yeah we can try the noble sorcerer against the Beast man all right you got this buddy what are you [ __ ] shooting at oh my God here we go oh geez dude he can't even [ __ ] aim 13 this is ridiculous nine this is the shittiest summon ever bro I think we might just have to put this guy in the in the dumpster I could try using a summon here but there's yeah there's like a million mobs let's try Crystal burst Maybe it's not bad I should not have uh aggro at both of them we almost got one there we go all right man I'm honestly not sure we're even gonna have enough spells or summons for Lim grave we still have a lot of bosses left in Lim great man so what boss do we have here I can maybe use a summon for the shade it's pretty weak maybe the bird he's doing that he's not doing bad foreign keep it up birdie come on get him buddy oh yeah very nice all right well let's just give our stuff to selling I guess okay so we do have three or four more spells so that's nice at least all right what boss do I want to do next man this is actually gonna be so tight though like we're barely if if we even if it's even possible we're barely gonna have enough summons and like honestly I I feel like I need to kill something with that Noble sorcerer I think there's like barely gonna be enough oh we might get a stun here too goodbye okay we got Oleg uh what summon do I want to use here like I I want to save these these summons chat but I just I literally can't foreign oh God yeah he's so done dude he dodged my heel again you how he was still alive oh my God you dodged my heel again okay so somehow maybe somehow nope never mind all right all right come on you got this big damage okay nice that's good all right nice didn't dodge my heel please little oh my God he he hit him in the head finish him oh good job all right let's take our boy back out come on keep shooting buddy no he's still hitting him no oh maybe the flower is easier I actually feel like this is more doable than the Beast Man so no he's he's got pretty good resistance against this this is like I think this is gonna work actually this is the dumbest [ __ ] ever dude God oh no okay please you gotta kill the flowers my man oh my God okay all the flowers are dead now it's pure DPS time baby let's buff them up with golden bow I'm not sure if it's actually worth golden bowing him or not but three extra damage [Music] [Applause] let's go oh okay all right goodbye Noble sorcerer you he did a lovely job we can go kill the Mariner I guess as you can see the Spells are uh spells are a little bit better than the summons so I can only get one spell all right and now we got another summon chat all right I might kill kill the Beast Man with the skeletons I guess oh man this is this is beautiful compared to the noble get him all right finish him all right Oleg [ __ ] him up bud I think if anybody could kill a bear it would be out like he's he's he's Giga Chad look at that foreign get them Okay so we've got two summons left [ __ ] them up guys damn the Demi humans seem very good yeah I I gotta say I do kind of feel sad using this summon because man these guys are really good thank you all right dude easy Fight Man let's just try to use the last summon I guess sandwich is okay but the problem is the air tree Avatar does so much damage I'm gonna try the Golem instead he doesn't do nearly as much damage as the avatar so that's good he's a little tankier but the damage is more manageable I think this will I think this might be doable oh my God this guy's crazy oh the jump oh 200. oh the jump finisher beautiful so we basically finished limb grave now it's just destroyed the rest of the bosses with spells this is Alden ring all right good fight all right let's see how much damage is this gonna do to the death bird I expect big big damage no that's not that great but yeah it's okay look at that damage oh t-pose all right nice oh God he's on the cliff again get down here dumbass I mean you could just stay right there actually this is kind of working well for me there we go it's melee attacks finally maybe I'll just melt the aired tree with this [Music] let's go kill The Crucible Knight makes me sad using slicer so early but I can I can only use it for one boss anyways so nice nice that damage though might use crystal barrage on the Bloodhound Knight here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] dude this is like the worst boss ever man for this oh 100 damage Bell bearing Hunter I guess honestly it's the summon the summons are the hard part about this run like all of the Spells are good enough at least if you have the stats and the proper like physics and talismans all of the Spells will do decent damage [Music] one more one more again foreign all right three more bosses oh my God black flame is so strong dude [Music] foreign let's go kill Rick with my last offensive spell bro this is ridiculous that this actually ended up working out all right Rick oh oh my God he's dead all right uh there's like a lot of a lot of stuff that I'm gonna need to pick up in leernia the place is massive there's so many spells okay so there's two summons in this area I don't know if there's one outside or if they're both inside the catacomb oh there we go they Garden something and Magic Clint blade oh yeah I think I yeah nice one Elden ring speedruns first came out I kind of want to try to kill red wolf with the page 66 though heel is just not very good though because damage is there but my healing is not no foreign Pages pages of machine dude this is easy come on finish him oh you got this champ you got this one come on one more what a legend what do we kill the Scion with we could try thorns so bad bro and it damages you spell is just pitiful I guess I could use gravity well God gravity well is also terrible but one more let's go get that summoned I might try the soldiers here I think I think that's not a bad idea for Loretta oh this is gonna be free dude I already know for a fact this is in the bag bro these guys are Chad oh God oh no I didn't cut him with that no we need to heal up the tank what is he doing bro get in there what do I pay you for all right let's golden bow them nice that was good bow come on dude attack what are you doing why are the plebs so much better than you do do something he's just throwing rocks he's throwing magic rocks oh my God oh Jesus I might as well just let him die he's just oh wait he's going in no he's not never mind oh nice he runs in just to throw another rock this guy is insane actually though please attack something dude what the hell is this oh no oh God all right well it's all up to these guys come on please there's no way they don't have this oh you know I should probably use Briars of sin for balls let's actually go do ball let's go kill balls no oh geez all right just wait for this 10-year long attack we did it wow no hit [Music] it's pretty good get him nice oh yeah this [ __ ] does like crazy toys damage we're gonna get another spell from this guy as well which is nice stun oh whoops I did that too early if only I could summon for this guy because this would be a really easy guy to kill with summons all right we have five different summons we've got the albanurics they're all doubles minus the hawk all right well here we go 50 damage not bad I think this might work Chad I feel like feel like this guy is not gonna be able to hit the bird very often yeah we're we're chilling dude as long as we don't let the bird just get comboed out should be all right just watching the bird fight and trying to heal it's annoying this bird is constantly all over the room we're almost there buddy oh my God be nice good job bud I don't know if I'm gonna be able to kill the the burial Watchdog with a summon I could try but hey get the hell back here guys I'm trying to buff you oh they're pretty tanky though actually keep it up guys can they actually inflict frostbite you think I think I think this might be oh God I think this might be possible statue true don't think you can freeze a statue [Music] yeah I mean it's it's one more summoned down we're gonna go try the sell sword for the crystalian now oh my God he's going in dude I'm trying to buff you oh my God he knocked him down this guy's Giga Chad yeah I think I think this guy's got this no problem how is he not broken it yet like if he can if he can break the crystalian then he's got this but I I don't know man I'm out of juice he's dead oh my God he's gonna die dude no oh my [ __ ] God bro oh yes pin him pin him in the corner yes oh beautiful okay we've got three ashes left we could probably use like the avionette or the marionette to kill uh the Bloodhound Fang guy they're doing pretty good oh my God foreign oh my God it's like break dancing on his ass they're gonna go kill some they're gonna kill everything oh God that attack is so stupid dude foreign be going better if you weren't facing everything dude face tanking is the way I feel like maybe the marionette soldiers could uh could handle the the cemetery shade maybe all right this might be really cursed but oh it's gonna die oh no look how many arrows there are all over the place dude what is this oh my God this is so scary I'm quitting out oh God okay God that was something else all right I don't know I actually feel like it might be possible I'll try again I guess I mean if if I get lucky like look at that damage right there just miss he misses everything dude all right I'm done feeding deaths to this [ __ ] all right let's go kill that magma worm and hopefully headshots should do a lot of damage here all right nice let's go try this again oh look at this damage from this guy come on come on baby yes keep going keep going heal keep going keep keep firing yeah okay so uh we still have one one more boss that we have to kill in this dungeon there dude so many SP oh my God I killed him so many spells in this game are really good it's a little Overkill but I'm okay with that all right we've killed 15 bosses we have 12 left in leernia if this is your Redemption bud I mean he's doing good damage I just need to keep healing him like literally Non-Stop just keep healing oh oh God I can't I keep doing too much dude he just keeps spamming the fire [Music] okay I gotta kill one more time oh he got him oh yes oh thank you oh all right let's go murder ranala oh my god wow this spell is insane oh there we go come on one more baby one more one more yes yes oh yeah summon would not I don't think a summoned would be able to kill this snail either at least if if it if it could it would take an eternity all right and now we have another sorcerer what's that what is the difference between this guy and the other guy this one sucks oh even better oh yeah thank you one more maybe two more nice we've got another death bird we could kill I suppose he's also going to give us another spell yep stay right there that's perfect thank you yep just stay right there I just turned off the AI I just turned off the AI because I was a little uh having a little hard time chat so all right nice good fight [Music] oh my God that's so good destroyed come on finish him skulls there we go nice uh all right chat we've got one boss left and we are going to say goodbye to our heel spell all right here we go Chad one and the two good fight so we are going down to siofra that is what we have to do [Music] this spell is pretty good all right well we got another summon all right brilliant fights just beautiful and now we go to Altus baby oh yes okay well the question is what what do we kill DTS with all right well I guess we just try the land squirts I don't know come on squirt it up fellas all right well we got two left he's kind of [ __ ] them up pretty bad Chad no I'm I'm definitely screwed here right now duties okay wait he's poisoned hey come here [ __ ] I'm here I'm here dude stop wait he's not poisoned wait what was he oh my God no he's just insane I think we should maybe just kill him with the spell DTS is like one of the strongest bosses in all this I always roll too early man throw that hitbox man [Music] okay no joke so now the question is what do we kill golden Godfrey with what do we even try to kill him with all right perfumer car man let's go oh look at that damage oh God he takes a lot he's dead nice shot foreign yeah shoot him in the bud boom dude can you not do a five hit combo on my summon come on man I think if anything can do it it would be the lane Del soldiers no stop focusing that guy oh come on man no that's rough oh my God [ __ ] dude we don't we don't need the Talisman slot that badly let's just go try let's just go try to do some other dungeons oh look at that he missed this guy's actually kind of a Chad though what the [ __ ] what this guy's tanky as [ __ ] [Music] this guy's crazy I think I I think he can actually do this well [ __ ] if he can just kill the omen killer then it's fine but he keeps targeting the damn flower [Music] oh my God oh my God it's like I I can't keep track of the Buffs it's like I I really don't know man that is such a brutal combo that you just did okay double heel we need to give him Terra Magica I'm gonna give him golden bow he needs another Holy Ground okay well he's in the Holy Ground that's good foreign Magica another great heel more great heels more great heels more great heels other heel another Holy Ground [Music] oh yeah oh [ __ ] him up buddy oh it's not happening this there's no way there's no way they said oh thank God I don't know if anything is going to be able to do this let's try let's try Dolores wow it has 300 health too instead I don't know we could try the Miss begotten here oh God oh maybe not stay right in the corner oh no he's dead you know what let's go try the Miss begotten here oh the headshot the damage isn't great I'll admit but this this Miss begotten Justice oh the melee attacks actually do good damage the range attacks are bad though oh God ouch yeah I think we'll I think we got we can get this keep it up bud come on finish this ugly bastard off come on oh the giant rats and the Langdale soldiers are really good I feel like these three are all really good the soldiers the militia and the giant rats I feel like that all three of those could be used to kill a lot of bosses yeah I guess we should just get the upgrades with the cat I mean that I I bet the dung eater might be able to do it but yeah I don't know I mean there's no other summon that seems capable of killing this thing well he's got this easily though I know I know it kind of sucks using him here because he's a really good summon but at the same time it's like no other summon would have been able to do this so you know what we might be able to kill the red wolf with something pretty weak the red wolf doesn't have that much health even this one I think 140 whoa baby this guy's a chad if he melees he does good damage keep it up champ ah yes this is the per this is the perfect Strat right here chat all right so the red wolf stays right there and then uh the guy shoots him in the butt until he dies oh nope only two shots unfortunately Nice Shot bud just keep healing keep healing come on bud one more swing finish him stop bullying him dude what a legend all right and now we got another summon Bloodhound Knight flow [Music] you can see this being possible it's going to take an eternity though [Music] oh [ __ ] damn he buffed himself with blood boiler aromatic though yo this guy is going in holy crap [Music] damn 300 damage this guy's going in I hope come on Carmen finish him finish him laughs all right well here we go man serpent please be good come on snake there we go no no oh this is looking really good I don't want to jinx it but it's back in the Holy Ground as well that's so good all right I'm gonna rebuff him sooner rather than later while he's had full health he's got him right in the fire oh my God he's he's destroying him come on baby finish him oh let's go let's go try it let's go try to see if we could get something to kill the ancient hero of zammer I think that's a good play let's try flow against this dude I feel like I would I would be okay with using flow here potentially I don't know if it's gonna work but I think oh I don't know he I feel like he's doing pretty good right like he's not taking that much damage right now and I think he can bleed right oh yeah look at that oh oh no keep it up flow oh the bleed proc nice you're killing it bud [Music] all right big Holy Ground you got this flow just keep it up just a little bit more come on baby finish him what a legend all right now we got our boy Kristoff what could The Nomad kill if anything oh yeah maybe sanguine Noble we could try there I think he can do this dude he's Wrecking this guy is crazy dude he's crazy [Laughter] he's doing it yeah try Kristoff yeah because this guy is tanky as [ __ ] foreign I'm not tanky enough though apparently oh this is perfect yes no no don't come over here no no no no bro come oh yeah Kristoff is just soloing the perfumer dude I don't even have to worry foreign oh he did nice good job Kristoff come on Kristoff get in the Holy Ground come on bud I mean it's just a matter of time he's got this just a few more attacks Bud come on nice plus five for Golden Godfrey this should be doable I think he really doesn't like when I use Holy Ground please for the love of God just let me do it there we go all right this is perfect like Holy Ground is so good when they're stuck in the corner like this like look at that healing over time that they have it's actually insane [Music] they're doing it come on just a little more finish him beautiful yeah I'm thinking we might squirt uh on morgot that might be a good idea bro I cannot got this Champs keep it up nice okay that's good okay we got two sports left that's all right oh no keep it up squirts buddy no oh God we just got one left oh [ __ ] [ __ ] this isn't gonna one shot me right no Jesus blessing protection keep healing keep healing Holy Ground please nice keep going squirts just keep healing no my squirts okay we got one left keep it up champ please well here we go please don't let it run out oh God I'm so scared I think we got him surely please oh yes the squirts let's go I'm gonna go try the vulgar militia on the noble now that they're plus five oh oh he's gonna they're okay they're okay Holy Ground oh they got this come on finish him just a few more hits they don't even need me anymore [Music] also where is the other guy is he like AFK like what is actually happening this fight is so boring foreign Epic Rolo I don't know what however you say it Let's uh let's try them for the double crystalian I think once he breaks their Poise he's should be good okay well even if he even if he somehow managed to poison break them he's still dead so we uh we could try the rats I mean they're doing good damage like if they if they break them then it's over they got this [Music] wait they broke that guy they broke that guy they did it oh my God get them rats oh come on they should break this guy then soon too oh there it is finish him feast all right well we only have Rolo Trisha Latina jar white and Dolores left so we could do Moog instead with maybe discus of light could be okay against him there we go nice oh wow that did like no damage yeah this is I'm pretty sure he'll be able to do this oh yeah there's the bleed there we there it is Trisha could kill this guy yeah but Trisha Trisha can also kill the Onyx Lord oh the big bleed come on bleed proc you're so close oh there it is well we could either upgrade Trisha or the jar white puppet all right plus six Trisha let's go uh have her fight the Onyx Lord see how it goes doing good Trisha keep it up Trisha you're so slow come on just a few more attacks Trisha oh my god oh there we go big damage finish him thank you I'm not sure I need to use any more summons at this point foreign driving me crazy buddy oh my God we stunned them foreign I feel like my spells aren't even going to reach his face it's good damage so far though I'm getting out of here thank you [Music] [Music] nice oh my gosh that took ages okay car in retaliation God's Gonna Apostle oh yeah go try that right now I guess [Music] epic fight here chat come on throw another Fireball another Fireball no no not that we did it 80 bosses down I honestly wonder if I could use the jar white puppet I mean he throws fire pots which theoretically should do a lot of damage and he can bleed them nice oh my God the frostbite oh God oh big damage no no oh no oh no no they double [ __ ] put the blessing on them that's good nice damage foreign nice oh that was a good bleed pot oh hell yeah no no yes attack me three golden bow oh he's killed one oh God okay okay oh no okay keep yelling keep healing okay okay come on bud finish this piece of [ __ ] no please oh my God oh okay all right we got two summons left but yeah you can use Latina if you keep Latina far enough away apparently I don't think I don't think there's pathfinding on these [Music] uh uh okay is she gonna jump down or is she just gonna shoot from up there you think this is uh apparently working I hired a sniper moments later what she's did she break its face she's doing so much damage now all right good fight lieutenant Flawless victory no hit if I could have done that with Dolores maybe it would have taken 10 years longer though now we can just go we can just go ape [ __ ] with the Spells really foreign oh right wait Noble presence does black flame bro getting stun soon oh right in the face barely seems like a challenge run without the summons yeah I mean like the the summons are what makes the Run difficult obviously come on finish him oh so we got him what a fight foreign just need to kill one there we go oh that was oh my God I stunned him look at that oh my God that damage is insane foreign [Laughter] [Music] headshots oh my God they got headshots yo this is the perfect spot chat one more oh what a fight streamer this spell is so good I can't believe your way to stick it like five damage so oh yeah there's also the soul jars wasted spell they're weak to lightning it's fine chat there's still plenty of good spells left it's okay [Laughter] good fight whoa we did this all right one more boss left Chad goodbye okay I believe that is the end of Altus Plateau chat all right down to Ansel River all right guys you got this some of them bubbles wow that actually did good damage not bad fellas not bad at all look at that what are they they're insane these guys what the heck oh look at that oh 268 have to say they're not doing great damage but they're getting there and that's what counts oh God nice bubbles one more bubble yeah oh my God oh that was so close that was actually so close all right well let's go to moog's area we can do Moog so what spell will I be able to use on this guy because man my spells are not great we really are gonna need to kill him with comedy sure I think whoo here we go baby oh yeah wow I am good at this video game let's go to Caleb chat finally doesn't even cost Mana beautiful we got him all right time for Destruction no no what am I doing there we go okay laughs probably like that don't you all right fear how do you say her name feralina oh yeah that's easy it's convenient so we can get another summon from killing the boss all right here we go they're doing good damage I guess it's okay to use them here it's gonna explode I'm okay on Mana we're chilling these guys are so tanky it's kind of insane all right nice good fight and we got ourselves oga I'm I'm gonna go kill battle mage shoes with something hey bro bro you got like one Health man can you die please oh yeah this is a cemetery shade mess them up guys oh [ __ ] doing pretty good damage foreign and now we got ourselves another summon 149. please throw a holy pot oh no oh halfway there Chad lady I rolled I can't believe I just died to this guy bro oh my oh my [ __ ] God I'm so bad oh my God one more nice well done oh it's an air tree burial Watchdog Duo gosh I feel like the Redan soldiers could probably do that maybe foreign good damage oh God oh good positioning oh no that's not good yes come on all right we got they got it now it's easy it's in the bag finish it uh where can we use the Miranda Sprouts I think we'll do the pumpkin heads I think you can poison them Knox priests um you know what I actually think it might be better there now that you mentioned that oh look at that damage Holy Ground come on Start Head bashing and they're doing good damage beautiful come on head bash oh yeah you're so close nice one down all right guys here we go sold jars you think they can do a chat place your beds oh look at that damage oh my God they're they're so good actually oh look at that damage 200. I mean they're doing okay it's just gonna take a while but if they can break them they're gonna do way more damage for all this is lovely oh this is a painful fight I've already used a lot of flasks too but I mean if they can just take out one will be good [Music] yes okay one down all right okay nice oh my God oh this is so intense chat oh no bro it's over I want to cry it's so sad [Music] screw you oh God I'm so glad we're done with that it just does I'm kind of curious I don't know if I'm gonna be able to heal them enough we Spam The Hammer attack this is what he needs to do come on finish him [Music] the hammer oh come on oh okay oh there we go hit him in the butt that time oh my God that was that was beautiful damage dude what stop spinning come on just kill him oh yeah beautiful all right now we're chilling beautiful all right so I mean oga cristalian and pumpkin head are all really good the rot dog is honestly really good too putrid corpse and Dolores we're going to use for mimic so well we can go try the plus eight doggo for the apostle [Music] well he rotted which is good well uh we just roll with it see if it's enough I guess [Music] foreign [Laughter] there it is I knew it oh my God oh that's good RNG nice it's probably not enough dude he put He rotted so early come on baby come on baby [Laughter] can you summon for the night cavalries no okay I don't know what I want to use I have so many spells it's kind of ridiculous how does my rocks taste thank you [Laughter] we could kill the death bird oh yeah we also have the clean rot nights [ __ ] we haven't done those yet I'll be honest I don't even think I almost feel like I could just go AFK and he'll kill them for me in fact I'm just gonna eat some food and enjoy the show [Music] let's go use the pumpkin head on the falling star Beast all right this pumpkin head is gonna just like demolish oh the headshot he doesn't do great DPS Buddies very tanky foreign man it's funny this fight is like so I don't even have to worry and then that that souljar fight was like the most stressful boss fight of my life one more oh one more for real there we go all right well let's go kill the Black Blade kindred one more goodbye let's go to the bridge and kill the dragon [Music] foreign oh I might just go use oga for uh the air tree Avatar here I guess the oga doesn't give a [ __ ] oh my God oh God I was not respecting the air tree enough [Music] no not him come on man maybe I should drop down to the lower branch all right oh God not your finest play all right oga keep it up champ oh no he's pissed oh ogre oh God no no Olga's gonna get knocked off the cliff bro I I'm just not even gonna try you could put him up against The Crucible Miss begotten again all right oga [ __ ] him up reign of arrows it didn't hit anything just let him keep shooting come on I'll go just kill this [ __ ] oh yeah beautiful come on just a few more hits one more beautiful now it is time to destroy the rest of Khalid all right we got two summons left God we have used so many summons it's crazy only I didn't get hit by that attack [Music] one more you can frostbite crucibles right yeah okay I thought so [Music] got him foreign [Laughter] I believe this is the last boss though and then uh then we can move on to another area sure now it is time to go to knockrun all right so the Strat for this chat we're gonna Reese because the the mimic copies your stats so uh we're gonna Respec all right so anyways we're gonna unequip everything take off all of our talismans and we're going to equip data cars whoa so we take double damage we'll just put on all the Scorpion charms all right we have minus 166 defense all right Dolores hopefully you can kill my mimic 81 oh my God come on Dolores [Music] this might take a while but it I mean Dolores hit him come on he's he's wide open Dolores what are you doing oh nice okay my strap oh oh down he goes dude I am like covered in blood ah yes the great Shield soldiers the further we've gotten this challenge the more like doable it seems to be honest [Music] [Music] all right I kind of want to try Crystal torrent on the Gargoyles I know they're weak to Magic so I feel like it might be good screw you buddy is he dead he's dead foreign good fight I don't know what I'm gonna use for Fears champions do the funny kill here just for the hell of it that's not how it's done chat that's not how it's done just wait for him to jump down this isn't going this isn't going the way I wanted it to you so you just keep spamming and well there there you go we did it rejection all right good fight [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God that damage [Music] there we go the head shot all right well I suppose we'll go to Lake of rot and Moonlight altar now I wonder how much damage this is going to do I feel like it's going to be really strong [Music] it's kind of annoying this isn't quite as good as I expected all right death lightning here we go [Music] oh he's dead the frostbite damage is good foreign all right one more summon all right so Moonlight altar is done we basically only have mountain tops and snow field left and Fair Missoula well I gotta kill this Knight cavalry foreign ah this is where you get the ashes I see look at that damage already I'm more likely to die than he is actually true okay I need to keep healing him though foreign just a few more beautiful let's see how these great Shield soldiers do oh this other guy is just now he's getting bullied well to be honest all they need to do is kill the summons if they can kill the summons then it's probably fine well maybe oh my God yeah this looks kind of grim I'm not gonna lie if I use a bewitching branch this will probably be doable well we'll take the other one all right we need to buff them up [Music] bro he takes so much damage can I even heal him oh I can all right uh well send the boys I mean technically we haven't used a summon yet those were fake summons foreign oh my God they might die though honestly I might die I think they're doing good damage though actually also I don't know why but Nile just keeps doing this really slow attack probably because they're blocking they need another Holy Ground the boss's input reading is working against it I know nice kick come on Buddies these guys are so strong yeah Mausoleum soldiers could probably do the godskin duo Spirit collar snail I imagine I know they're really good all right well we could try Tish on fire giant I'm down oh opening with the oh oh it hit nice oh God ouch oopsies oh another one another one get out of there teach unfortunate dude tisha's spamming the Spells so much like look at that [ __ ] dude it's casual 5 000 damage what the hell's going on with fire Giants Health here though where's phase two why is phase two triggering at twenty percent what the [ __ ] is going on yeah I guess it's because the leg break you take scripted damage when he rips off his leg oh yeah look how low he is that's insane come on just one more oh there it is all right good job Tish all right let's go to the Giants catacomb over here with the hero's grave it's fine I have some more breath hey hey all right well I'm just gonna kill the air trees how much damage does this do oh you guys are dead should we use Eldon Stars let's kill this death bird I just I really thought this would be better against the death bird I really did [Music] oh hell yeah goodbye wow this is an epic battle you know we we could put the mausoleum soldiers up against the Black Blade too oh man they actually they're not quite as tanky as I thought oh yeah he has a he put a healing debuff on them I think These Guys these guys can definitely do this though they do really good damage I oh God that attack is a team Destroyer they lost a friend I know I know I'm sorry I don't know Giga Estelle does more damage than this I think I'm okay with using these guys here honestly Black Blade Kindred is still pretty [ __ ] strong so yeah Giga Estelle is so strong come on guys one more hit thank you attack or just stand all right well that was a lot of damage but this is good [Music] laughs okay where is he where is he let me add him [Music] oh yeah look at that baby whoo I think we got him Chad beautiful fight all right I think that is everything in the mountaintops it's time to go to the halig tree let's go uh use them putrid corpse ashes I guess data cars whoa all right beautiful come on guys 250. [Music] that one guy's not even looking at the mimic yeah he's he's having a rough day well I mean though what are they attack [Music] oh yeah I could have equipped the Scarab helmet too oh down he goes great fight well fought black Flame monkamon so I think I'm gonna go kill the devil Knight Cavalry with stars of rune they're pathfinding around here isn't the greatest oh [ __ ] okay no no no no no no no [Music] no no no oh torrent's dead oh God where where is this guy come on this is perfect just yeah that's that's good yeah I might just do the skip guys sorry we could maybe use a summon for Loretta okay this guy is like an absolute unit oh my God this guy is so good foreign I could keep him for a different boss he's pretty he's pretty sick I mean Loretta's Loretta's pretty hard though to be honest Loretta's definitely up there as like one of the harder bosses guy has like 10 000 health nice so there's three summons left in the game we have five summons that we need to use on 13 bosses we're gonna get the Haley tree soldiers and then the Pharaoh Missoula beastmen and also clean rot Knight Finlay we're not using a summon for millennia I already know that much I mean we could just Knight Comet her it would be very good uh yes Briars of punishment God I wonder how horrible that is against millennia so uh this probably isn't gonna work or I guess it is this bleed shouldn't she have like bled by now or something there we go what does Tara Magica Buffet then if it does magic damage what does I messed up we could go get the better Graven School Talisman I guess from the snow fields because why not well let's see what the damage is like now oh wow a bit better [Music] too far away use something not as easy is way more aggressive in this phase so I'm not going to be able to like I can head around this foreign baby keep casting oh yeah we gotta go kill the air tree time to give him the burnout Flame oh beautiful I don't know if we're gonna find anything that these freaking soldiers can do let's just summon this I just want to see what these soldiers are like I mean they already poisoned him though wait people people were like these guys are horrible they're not horrible they're pretty good what the hell are you guys on about somebody's like this is the shittiest summon in the game like bro what great he does insane damage uh why did that guy why did that guy seppuku laughs oh no chat huh that I deserve this of course the ah the Roar the freaking Roar bro keep it up fellas I'm not goofing around this time 10 more bosses four more summons all right hopefully this hopefully these guys do some good damage they're pretty tanky right yeah yeah they got this not a problem for my bubble boys the thing is you can't do they are doing so much damage you can't use moog's teleport if you're trapped man these bubble these guys are actually quite strong I'm not gonna lie I mean they don't have that much health against like a really strong boss they would definitely die quite fast they only have like 3 000 HP but oh my God [Music] oh no no wait is he alive he's alive stay alive buddy no oh I'm so sorry let's go kill the magma worm I'm scared I don't even want to say anything he's not getting close to the ledge though you know what I I'll admit maybe you guys are right maybe you do need to stay further back or maybe magma worms positioning is just better this time I'm not really sure but I'm not gonna go up to heal I don't I don't trust it I'll just let him tank the lava it's fine he has enough help oh my God Chad it's happening oh no no no no no no see [ __ ] you chat I was right oh my God okay just it's fine it's fine just get the get the [ __ ] mag orange attention oh God no come on dude do that do the ash of War do the ash of War yes yes one more one more yeah yeah oh foreign will go in melee now did two BR I mean Finley did two raw breaths and now hasn't done one in like three minutes for what feels like three [ __ ] minutes so [ __ ] random I mean I'm just I'm fighting a losing battle here unless we can get the rod it's just I don't have enough Mana wait we got Rod oh my God we got it [Music] god I didn't even realize Finley you're doing it you're doing it buddy keep it up champ keep it up the pukes oh my God we we did it yes oh I'm so happy uh I was actually thinking about leaving the fight but then when I saw those two pukes I was like maybe just maybe oh [ __ ] you know feels good man goodbye come down here [ __ ] bro this is it's not working nearly as well as I would have hoped I'm not gonna lie I mean it was okay but all right God skin Duo all right the final summon of the Run chat man I'm I'm really happy we were able to finish this run though Throne has been a really it's been really fun yes no yeah oh all right maxed out Beast Man how many bosses left uh five it's definitely not bad I don't know if it's worth charging or not [Music] yeah no it's definitely better just to just a Spam as well try some frozen lightning spear here all right three more bosses all right we're gonna try to summon the beastmen here all right let's go oh my God Gideon you're not looking too hot here my my bud done [Music] the final Summit of the Run come on guys finish him he's insane he can kill him oh my God what was that insane he was not going down without a fight my God we'll try scarlettionia see what it's like come on baby um another one another one oh oh no you want to go Bud hey hey here we go dude here's the Strat chat oh that's not the strap oh yeah there we go baby come on oh come on yeah thank you all right well we could use two spells because I mean it's technically one boss but for this we'll use two spells just for the hell of it oh God I thought I would have killed him with that all right I'm gonna try to heal up to full goodbye the battle is over I see if you made it to the end I just want to say thank you for watching The Challenge run and thank you again more Thunder for sponsoring this video the game is available now on Playstation Xbox and PC so be sure to use the link in the description to get it now thank you so much and I'll see you guys next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 953,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring distortion2, distortion2, elden ring distortion2 challenge run, elden ring summon only, elden ring spell only, elden ring all bosses, distortion2 all bosses elden ring
Id: WskUMq4yuMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 35sec (8795 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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