BB All Achievements Speedrun in 3:29:26

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a altered Eris thanks for the 7 bucks that don't worry too much about getting frustrated with the runs everyone's here to watch you succeed and there's gonna be some bumps along the way yeah I know it's honestly like I'm okay I'm okay with like resetting and [ __ ] it's just all of these deaths are so easy to employ if I just paid a little bit more attention like I should I need to be I need to be very very well whatever there's no point in explaining it it's just all these deaths have been so done Mike I play really well for thirty minutes and then I get to shadows and I I make a mistake and then I die in a half a second to a fire breath attack it's like it's just so annoying you you little Moby hello erodes Oh xD oh it seems to me it's enough to make him out sick [Music] a paladin thanks for the bits man thank you dude [Music] you're what take this a little hunch oh this place hey hip-hop doing okay I'm not not great though I've just been stressing out like crazy lately all achievements with viewers of God take a combo I'm just a bit worried that well I don't I don't want to I don't want to talk about my personal [ __ ] on my son stream I don't know I don't want to make people feel bad or anything yeah that guy only drops a thousand blood echoes that I googled my symptoms no it's nothing nothing like that I just I don't know just worried that something might be dangerously wrong but hopefully hopefully that's not the case I don't know I'll find out later this week so let's see [Music] [Applause] you what's up OPG [Applause] [Music] hello pinpoint Punk what's going on you you [Music] you you you you I got a little bit too close there where's Eileen are you down there are you in the know this is the she's not what's supposed to happen I need henna I need Henrik to not I need hey I need to kill Henrik at the top of the staircase I'm pretty sure otherwise the glitch doesn't work oh my gosh we'll find out I guess well Lucas okay luckily the glitch still worked thank God we lost like do some on a time there but still worked you you [Music] yeah so I saw the video of Tommy Rizzo playing [ __ ] Dark Souls I think he just tried to like punch the asylum demon to death and just kept dying I forgot to grab the cannon now now it's time to get wombo-combo by seven spiders all at the exact same time [Music] right now right now is goes bad man almost just got combo okay random spider from off the screen I love it yeah if you won psychodrama it's extremely difficult to get the the teleport or like the instant teleport a surgeon simcha TV thanks for gifting us up to lbu welcome dude [Music] you this is the record rod now this is a slightly slower weapon in the record this routes a little bit easier marking system hello Connie I didn't need to pick that up that's right [Applause] that's a decent float all right not a run going thank [ __ ] god there's staff that increases an item drops I don't know arcane might affect it but the irony the eye runes effect item drops I know that I'm not sure if the arcane set does though I feel like it does but I can't remember it doesn't crease traps out you're not going to [Music] yeah normally I have three motives but with this route I did it slightly different hey rip map thank you for the five months three sub looks a lot dude [Applause] I forgot to grab the pellet that's okay grab the pod and uh I can grab the pellet after I get the bud rock instead does the wreck have deaths I think the recce was deathless there's a few minutes to be saved against the record but I'm running a slightly slower route so record is very unlikely how much slower is it mmm like a minute or two I think maybe two or three minutes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you panic dissing up thing goes bad man you have to go in select your channel settings I think them's dang names names really doesn't like just snap guys thrust attack 23% killing this awful emote well I was planning on killing it and then I got gifted all the way to 45 seven months so it just sits there yet if the mother brain built up frenzy there you'd probably need to you'd probably need like 30 vials to kill it I don't even know if I don't even know if you'd have enough vials to be able to kill it you neat you would need to go down with like zero insight and the best friend's ear is this gear in the game and a full set of blood vials just have sedatives yeah I suppose the mother brain builds up frenzy so fast though sedatives would still be more effective than than blood vials wanna stop doing that attack what is this like infinite knowledge [Music] [Music] almost ivan worthy RNG the two attacks that I had to roll it would have been Ivan tear you you I haven't ear what nurse would jump out of balance did you see that he's grinding he's he's grinding all bosses Ren's again and he's doing he's doing runs without uh without blood cocktails good stuff it doesn't look that bad yeah it didn't seem too bad but it's still still more cancered to force upon yourself [Music] it's funny though names Ivan said like in his in his TV in his TV run he said he said that he's done with the category until like new skips are found I think I think my French orangy memeing made him come back to run the game and set an actual unbeatable time but maybe not maybe the BSB time save is enough to warrant grinding again [Applause] yeah Ivan's Ivan's living failures split was called dis chat but he got he changed it he got he got rid of it oh whoops it's funny yeah also oku Haku thank you for the 12-month reset dude the thanks for the year of great content entertain me and getting bedtimes no problem dude thank you Oh Kohaku and the ruiner of dreams thanks for the 14 months 3 sub thank you for the good luck you and karma koala thanks for the host bed you did or were you up to today karma koala past your halt you're 120 all bosses pays to orphan is tired I see it's a solid time for this run around like three and a half hours in game time is a pretty decent home what's nice telephone you you you [Music] [Music] yeah cleric is generally a lot of people end up fighting cleric beast is the first boss in my first playthrough I did clerk piece first I didn't buy the Kirk hammer I know I bought the cane it doesn't matter the splits are the splits are kind of wrong I know the split says Kirk hammer but the threaded kick the reason the reason you normally buy the Kirk hammer is because if you do the optimal route for this run you do sewer skip at the start of the run so you don't get the saw hunter badge which means you're unable to buy the threaded cane which means for the orphanage key skip you need the Kirk hammer but since I am doing a slightly different route I pick up the saw hunter badge at the start of the run which means I can get the threaded cane instead which is slightly better for the orphanage key skip have I seen golfing over it yeah I've I've already beaten it now I did it on streem [Applause] damn I beat the game twice as fast as Ella feels good when I play games off stream not very often Oh caliber Lord I played absolve er is that like the kungfu fighting game yeah I played that if I'm if I'm remembering the name correctly I don't know I thought example is alright I came dyed so hard yeah going home All Right see you later Mario [Music] and I [ __ ] up with this popular pellets why pick up the blood because I need nine ritual blood five or later in the run [Music] all right have a good night Oh Kohaku see you later man I need some knives then I need to go call witches you [Applause] [Applause] mmm yeah shallots amygdala is pretty scary you [ __ ] piece of garbage if she instantly hits me off the ledge when I load in here I'm gonna be [ __ ] salty [ __ ] you [Applause] [Applause] now madman's knowledge doesn't doesn't increase difficulty what have insight makes a few things slightly more difficult like frenzy affects you faster if you have higher insight and frenzy affects you a little bit faster and there's more there's more enemies in some areas but it's really it's pretty negligible yeah it affects peace meter if you're using beefs blood pellets but most people aren't going to be using be slug pellets on their first playthrough unless they've like watched a speedrun or something the thing is beast blood pellets these blood pellets are like certain weapons you can't even use these blood pellets with anyway so it's really not a big deal these blood pellets make the game too easy in my opinion bucking PewDiePie's first playthrough a blood-borne was with saw cleaver and beast blood pellets mmm let elixirs okay but it's not that great that elixir might be useful in PvP I'm not really sure oh yeah I didn't split this let's split on the lever welp I didn't find the skip and darks was one he just he did the skip that was already known about so they named it after they changed the name I think it used to be called just like Griggs dialogue skip or something then they changed it I wouldn't even say he popularized it it's not like he he didn't even realize what he did it's not like it's not like he did the skip and he's like speedrunning community' I figured out I figured out a skip it's like no he just it was just a funny coincidence that he did it in his playthrough so they named it after him he draw he drew attention to it now he didn't like but literally like don't don't don't act like PewDiePie had any and it's not like the speedrunning community it's like oh my god PewDiePie found his skip the skip was known about for like a year before he did it like someone sounds butthurt okay hey pit leak thank you so much for the sub man a red Deeks thank you so much for the sub man thank you dude beast dad Michael oh my gosh dude thank you for the the 25000 bits again all to ego thank you man what the heck thank you very much dude and you seem like a very nice streamer won't be able to watch you more until you come back from Paris well I hope you enjoy your trip to Paris or whatever you're doing doing down in Paris thank you so much man I really appreciate it dude oh whoops don't split oh right the notifications are broke I'm curious and how did you find my stream all to ego you don't mind me asking [Music] yeah thank you so much for the bits that's super generous of you man does my face rumor is still around I think not sure I haven't seen I haven't seen her in chat a few days from YouTube you got blood for another day and you really suck at the King so you wanted to watch someone else play it instead gotcha thank thank you so much dude hopefully my streams can help you a little bit [Music] I love when I try to pick up an item and my character just doesn't pick like I press the button and I don't pick it up and spray it it is great well there goes two minutes probably did it just quit out oh well hey LD NK thanks for the goods man [Music] it's our way of donating on Twitch [Applause] just keep rolling back seems to be a really good strap yeah Gomorrah okay this guy really knows how to r1 spam dude you are a god oh my god dude please there goes all of my [ __ ] love vials sometimes that guy is so easy to kill and sometimes he is the absolute worst sometimes you just you hit a like you hit him five times in a row and then you hit him another five times in a row and then he dies and then sometimes he just [ __ ] goes apeshit and just makes it impossible to kill him oh my god you are you did beware three men door shield team nice [Music] I still do solas marathons no not really well I've only done it I've only done a souls marathon once pretty much it's definitely not a common thing [Music] yeah that falling mob does this a decent amount of damage actually murder [Applause] oh why I get that death animation so often [Applause] [Music] don't don't compare your first playthrough with a speedrun you're just gonna end up feeling bad it's not a good idea all right I'm gonna hit brows hello Ellie yeah there's a strap where you can not wear you can skip using a blue elixir but for an all achievements run you have plenty of blue elixirs [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah I need I need to kill them with a backstab because it gives me an extra it gives me 700,000 blood echoes anybody is curious uh I gotta love it I should use a blue elixir there that attack is so garbage so [ __ ] garbage yeah I definitely should use a blue elixir there I had a feeling that was gonna happen I just knew it I just [ __ ] knew it that is such a dumb attack like my main issue with that attack is there's no there's like absolutely no there's no [ __ ] likes where the hell are my blood echoes who has my [ __ ] blood echoes what's going on what is this thing up why do you have my blood echoes that's not right oh [ __ ] Lobos thank you for the raid man what's going on everybody no sorry I'm just focused on putting my blood echoes goddamn it thank you so much for the raid though man thank you for the 19 month reset welcome back and dumb Joe thank you for the seven month reset as well yeah the I like that new high emote it's really good it's a much more much more happy looking really nice then how many new how many new emotes do you have Lobos I need to check No I think I need to refresh my chat god I have so many I have so many [ __ ] subscriptions dude I can't even you slowly up uploading a bunch of redone ones gotcha Julia's redoing them Julia what's is that the is that her full name or is that her twitch name yeah they look they look really good [Music] Oh God that was almost death I was scary are we going to visceral orphan today I'm going to try I didn't think I missed that skipper this room takes about four hours fish so yeah there's a there's a glitch I'm gonna be doing on orphan of cos here which is going to give me a lot of blood echoes so get ready a godly 9 thanks a lot for the prime sub man thank you dude [Applause] I messed up that's okay try again I I transformed my weapon I need to throw the knife and then transform my weapon but I transformed my weapon and then tried to throw the knife you have to throw the knife like instantly but I screwed up okay well luckily we still have enough of knives yet so it's okay it was I've been having a really hard time with this glitch it's not even it's not even a hard glitch like at all I just always screw it up all right let's try this again I don't really know how to parry or fin except for like that one attack that he'd bet he spans so hey godly 9 thanks for the prime sub thank you dude okay well let's try this again successfully this time [Applause] Oh God [Applause] almost [ __ ] it up again Jesus Christ I hope I have enough knives [Music] good we did it alright okay thank God yeah you get a ton of levelup's it's really nice hey Emporia thanks a lot for the prime set man thank you dude the reason that glitch works is because I have three I have three of the air ruins equipped the glitch only works if you for some reason orphan is like visceral ruins are glitched on orphan for some reason and so like the visceral rune that increased that it restores your HP with the visceral attack that an orphan that you'll get full HP and the same thing applies to the runes that the runes that increase your your blood echoes I think you just automatically get the item yeah they're glitched on failures as well which I I did yeah I like the Platinum run it's a nice change of pace because I've compared to like the constant resets of all bosses runs although I've been resetting my Platinum runs a lot lately too just because I've been making a lot of mistakes you [Music] I don't know if here what am I supposed to you I think there will come a time where you try really hard to get a good platinum run probably not I do this category more for fun then they like do it super seriously yeah you kept his legs you have to do an old one apparently okay stop doing that please [Music] Foreman presents you you you [Applause] this rules do so much damage if you have 50 skill it's insane [Music] I do chalice and orphan on the third playthrough now I do all the DLCs in the first playthrough the second playthroughs are just like I need to it's just like too many percent runs more or less by that when do you buy all the weapons it doesn't really matter when I buy them I think I buy them in like ng+ - I can really buy them whenever whenever it's convenient yeah there's three ending achievements so I have to beat the game three times fish omgscoots was still around well you can get it if you subscribe to surf scoots but that's that's the only way sorry true oops for filing yeah you can get all the endings if you do save file if you make save files but it's not allowed in the speedrun what's that smell [Music] yeah the split says saw-edged but I these slits are kind of incorrect my I've already picked up the saw badge in the first playthrough all right I don't need to open this all right so now we get to do the Emilia skip I'm sure some of you guys from Lobos Lobos stream probably haven't seen before just the sentence gate skip of blood-borne it's actually the skip is used for the any percent run and it's really really useful for the all achievements run [Music] hello you ah almost mmm this snip still exists because I got we had him so like I added dis snip as a joke when I was at like I was at like 35 emotes lots or something when I added it 36 37 I don't know I was somewhere around there and then man this so hard to land on this railing but yeah I'm at I got gift there's been an insane amount of gifted subs lately so I'm at 45 sub emo slots now so dis snip is gonna be staying for a while until I can find something to replace it with yeah I still have I still have eight more emote slots to fill right now now you don't lose the amout slots anymore you used to upload a mirror dis nope you have become a fan favorite yeah sorry a great us Cherno v2 oh yeah I need to make sure to grab the [Music] did I already pick up the cannon no I didn't okay uh after you said that LD MK I thought maybe I'd already picked it up when I seen ready player one now I have not I haven't heard great things about it been terrible idea it's got pretty good reviews okay that's good yeah there was just some people talking about it in my stream last night that's all which sounded blood-borne and noisy the most I haven't really ever thought about that [Music] oops that's good flight shouldn't listener reviews I mean yeah like if a movie if a concept for a movie sounds interesting to you and like you've been wanting to watch it and the reviews aren't good like I don't know I would say I'd say still go watch it and see for yourself but if it's a movie that you were on the fence about in the first place it's probably not a bad idea to to check their reviews that it's not just teleport away on this was not I screwed up I did too much damage at the start of the fight which screwed everything over but luckily we didn't die that's all that really matters hey Santiago thank you so much for the samman welcome dude and north haverbrook thank you for the two-month reset as well welcome back yeah I already did the old hunter DLC stuff this is a good run I mean it's okay I've made quite a few minutes of mistakes but it's not okay run that then one reborn gets destroyed he's so easy an ng+ it's really nice oh you know what I just realized though it's you actually want to pick up you want to pick up another 18% Jen at some point I guess I can pick it up after me Kailash oh [ __ ] first fry [Music] I just realized something does is there a dough is there a door that that oh no I wasn't sure if there were two entrances into this room I wasn't sure if I could pick up the jelly and then pick up the Augier instead it doesn't seem like doesn't seem seem like it would work I don't even know why I bothered going that guy there's not really any reason so I don't I don't need to kill the lizard there so I can just run past him sobbing deal oh it's fine now I didn't finish my run last night now you don't need to kill the bloody crow for platinum thankfully [Music] it's almost bad I was scary alright I'm gonna grab this gem here it's only three percent extra damage and I'd be better off grabbing the IV better off grad I should grab the gym whatever it's not I should grab another 18% gem on the way to one reborn instead of grabbing this one but this blood-borne my favorite game of all time my favorite games probably shouted Colossus blood barn is quite good as well I don't really need more beasts hood oh my gosh alter-ego oh jeez my bit my bit notifications gonna be broken again thank you for the 25000 bits man you are you are going crazy with the bits Thank You Man I really appreciate it dude plus meant EMFs thank you all see you go for the bits man super generous of me man and yet magic runes thank you for the 12-month re7 welcome back [Music] [Music] [Music] I was a really good fight is there the twitch noise sorry I need I need to update I'll update my OBS studio after this stream hopefully that'll fix the [ __ ] twitch noise thing [Applause] [ __ ] you werewolf a puma beard oh thank you for the three months reset man welcome back [Music] [Applause] you okay sauce fear variably the late of Mercy for counter epics holy blade writer polish chikage rifle spear steak driver tonight hrus macarius wheel blunderbuss booking pistol hug big rifle piercing hi full flame sprayer rosemary nice to buy two of these and/or those I think good you oh it seems to me it's enough to make a man sick [Music] that I get here way fast again yeah well I'm basically just doing any percent runs right now so yeah it only takes like half an hour to do a 90 percent run an ng+ it's quite fast [Music] oh yeah I need to put in a 10% Jim I forgot well I'll do it I'll do it before I like go to the chalice dungeons or something these guys are thank you a Santiago thanks for the thousand bits man thank you very much dude Oh skip so bad at this skip hey mr. boorish it's you Oh yeah I've had split I have splits for this run I just haven't uh I'm not running against my PB splits because they're pretty good and it felt like right now if I if I was running into my PB splits I would be like plus five minutes and I would just I don't know I'd probably be too motivated and I probably would have already reset if I was running against my PB splits so I I have like I have like five to ten minutes to save in the chalice dungeons against my PB but all of my main game stuff is quite solid my PB is like three hours and 37 minutes in game time until I know what's written there yeah it says for cold-blood flower bud beast bud pellets and weapons but I already bought the weapons and I already bought the cold Bloods and I already got I have enough of these dead poet's how would you do a dark sorcery all achievements run very slowly Dark Souls 3 all achievements is pretty trash she's a ton of farming and all items run I'm not sure about that maybe good spiders are so [ __ ] in this game honestly so [ __ ] that's [ __ ] jump attack from the spider did 80% of my health I don't know why they had to make the spider just be so insanely overpowered in this game like the spiders the spiders do more damage than Ronnie's himself it's so [ __ ] hello ghosts feel now I never ran paper mario 64 although I used to watch speedruns of it and I I really liked the game yeah I never ran it I know that you can see that kind of information on YouTube be Krieg's I'm not sure if twitch has the same type of information it might haven't really looked into it mm this headgear has a lot of be stood on it it has 56 piece too compared to like everything else that I have has like 5 a moon thing though thank you so much for the crime subdued thanks a lot man hello cheese [Music] hey abyss thanks for the set man going on dude okay it kind of just buries nice guy like some I don't know some days yeah it just it just varies there's not really one like guaranteed run killer I mean the hardest skip in the blood-borne run for example is the lecture hall skip but in terms of bossfights certain but some days some bosses will be like super easy in other days they'll troll you that crazy [Music] [Music] piece of trash [Music] hey Adams thank you for the 13 month reset welcome back man let's go wimon on speedrunning odyssey because in sick of the motion controls and I'm sick of the game so I'm running this yeah I would much better than this my gonna play tropical freeze I've always wanted to I just haven't paper lawnmower effect okay all right chalice time you [Music] oh yeah the AC perception yeah you can go above 50 but it's not nearly as impactful you you all right sooner Cacambo have a good one dude the level is my endurance I have 18 endurance and I have the 15% stamina gemin as well seven is back I'm for roly-poly dude [Music] it's because of bull I mean 50 strength and 50 skill add a ton of damage and so DB spud pellets God if he interrupted me I would have been annoyed it was a tiny guy holding a lantern there you you you yeah I probably don't need to use pellets at least for like the first two bosses are you serious we [ __ ] pull the lever spam are one it's fine I like how that guy is slowly walking towards me and then the second I used the both hunters mark he start sprinting good stuff good stuff Jesus I'm confused anyway I was looking at the wrong part of my notes oops what the hell is the ladder whether it is they were meant for those fireball ladies do a [ __ ] ton of damage it's pretty insane actually Beal for Amelia skip any % run don't you dare okay now you can co-op in the dungeons so dang romantic or yes bad man these red guys ran interrupt me now please don't please don't pissed off how the big guys name the gun yeah it's like they're aiming down sights or something time for our one spend the boss hey white fox thank you for the three-month reset man welcome back there's a lot white box no I'm saying the boss spams r1 not me hey euro thinks left for the prime set man Thank You euro you'll be heading off all right have a good night flip J I will double are you supposed to be these dungeons I don't know I mean the last dungeon set of dungeons I did probably like for that whole 50 or 60 maybe maybe even a little bit less I'm not sure what am i doing on the ladders doing a glitch okay that guys did more than I tried to Parian but I forgot to add my torch out not my greatest fight axel you you all right I need to kill these guys nice that's good what are my gems I have three 18% fiscal gems while you're not able to stagger oh [ __ ] I'm not supposed to mark out there damn moxie gone forever rip [Music] [Music] she's so hard hit him [Music] I did an animation cancel on her I guess I might have actually now that I think about it I might I might have saved like half a second on a lever rip my room alright let's go get some more pellets I mean I don't really care EMP I'll make sure not to cut out on the lever next time it's not like this is record pace anyways I really don't care like I'm not that's not I'm just gonna reset right now like I don't know what you want from me like I didn't even I didn't even think about it I messed up I'm sorry forgive me I've sinned yeah so like the only time I quit out is when I pull that lever right there EMP I because of the ladder warping thing like I might have I might have saved I might have saved literally a tenth of a second on the quit out there like the game doesn't even let you quit out on the lever until until like the animations finished in the first place [ __ ] oh it's pretty Oh No yeah okay you can't go for to transform attacks just guaranteed suicide can't do it I can only go for one you really want to make sure she doesn't buff her weapon otherwise that otherwise that's what happens you can parry spam but parry spamming is not very good it's not a good strategy I hate when she pops her weapon oh good god damn it stop going for two or two [ __ ] transform attacks god I know better than this on my PB this is the boss that I died to like five times as well because I just can't I can't help myself from being greedy it's impossible I always I just don't go for to Trant like you cannot go for to transform attacks she will kill you every time well not every time but most of the time she'll kill you like just don't do it what's so hard about that just don't [ __ ] do it now and use the pellet [Music] a ducky Koya thank you so much for this up man thanks a lot Akiko just gotta make sure if she doesn't buff as long as she doesn't above it's fine I don't know that's what I was trying to do a British but it wasn't really working that well maybe I just wasn't fast enough [Applause] I like how she just teleports out of nowhere he's like oh hi oh hi there time to die hey moxie thanks love for the soap Thank You moxie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of my [Music] [Music] almost almost got me [Music] yeah you can get if you hit his head enough you can get a visceral attack but it's kind of it's kind of hard to get a visceral attack on undefiled amygdala unless you just focus the head the focusing the head is slower in my opinion like if you if you're lucky you can get a you can just get the foot stomp loop and you can just keep hitting his second left arm all right that's good now my son just focusing on the fight that's all long of that potent lever that's all that matters higher polo scorpion just demolish we do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's fun yeah you can parry her I don't know if you can backstabber though you you yes wanted to parry [ __ ] beasts possess soul why are you so hard together [Applause] okay [Music] nice all right I think that's a PB it should be a PB I hope my the in-game time on my last run was 337 so I think this should be better 3:29 nice not bad I mean yes that is not bad and I I know that there was a few things I messed up on in the run at the start so the record is 313 I mean I
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 273,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, All Achievements, Bloodborne, PB, Speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 50sec (14030 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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