Beating Every Boss in Elden Ring With a Different Weapon

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hello everyone today I'm going to be doing another challenge run in Elden ring where I kill all the bosses in the game except I'm only allowed to use one weapon for each boss this means that after I kill a boss I will have to discard the weapon I used and find another there's 165 bosses but thankfully there's also more than 165 weapons and this isn't even counting Shields bows spells SEALS or stats I'm also implementing the region lock rule in this challenge which means that I must kill every boss in an area before I'm allowed to move on to the next zone of my choosing so for example this means I must kill all 31 bosses in Lim grave then I can do 27 bosses in the hernia 43 and Altus Plateau you get the idea this was a blast of a challenge run as it allowed me to try a bunch of different weapons that I've never used before and I'd highly recommend trying it out yourself if you've had the urge to replay Elden ring or maybe you could just wait for the DLC surely that's coming soon please Miyazaki anyways that about wraps up what the challenge run is all about but before I get into the video I'd like to give a shout out to the sponsor for today enlisted enlisted is a new kind of first-person shooter that manages to seamlessly combine PVP and PVE combat by allowing you to fight in massive scale battles where you control large squads of customizable AI soldiers against hundreds of enemies led by other players themselves the game also features multiple campaigns each featuring their own unique weapons vehicles and Equipment experience the outskirts of Moscow in 1941 all the way to the heart of Berlin in 1945. each campaign will also take you to a very different scenario but all while remaining very faithful to the historical time frame that it takes place in the PVP in the game is also very realistic with vehicle damage being very prominent and kill times being very low so for those looking for a more hardcore experience enlisted should be right up your alley enlisted also features over a hundred different weapons tanks and aircrafts throughout the game control a famous tank like the M4 Sherman or fire gun you've probably never heard of like the vg2 they've also put incredible attention to detail on these weapons tanks and aircrafts by providing authentic sounds and Graphics to help you really feel immersed in the world of enlisted I played and listed back on PC during the release with my friends and we had a blast so now is a great time to get it because if you use my link you'll also receive a free bonus pack for enlisted which includes multiple weapons soldiers and a premium account so get it now on PC Xbox series X PS5 and previous gen consoles thank you so much enlisted for sponsoring the video and I hope you guys enjoy all right guys here we go let the suffering begin are we killing Scion yeah I don't really want to use the knife on this guy I'm out of here dude see ya [Applause] [Music] Howard no no no guys we could just fist soldier of godric to death if there's any boss to fist it would be him but I don't this thing does like four [ __ ] damage don't worry tauren Fortune is on her side yeah yeah I'm getting the chests don't worry I already know about these that's what I was talking about but I mean I know I honestly know where most of the weapons are but if you if you notice that I missed something feel free to tell me I'm just going like full casual with this run right now Chad oh God am I dead well like I said all casual you're always full casual okay dude sober stream when I am perfectly sober oh [ __ ] off okay I'm just we're just having a good time why am I not allowed to just have fun EP where's the EP IC oh yeah it's in is it in the chest here thank you Chad you guys are a bunch of experts all right we got ourselves some golden bow oh the horsey what are you doing I'm just kind of curious if it's possible okay all right sorry Chad I will stop pulling horses help Alex I will help him and I will not kill him even though I probably should well played today well played well I'm out now I Caleb Wiles what did the dragonfly leave God where'd it go where'd it go where did that [ __ ] thing go the Dr the movement of the dragonfly oh there you are you little bastard I'm gonna go get the physic and then we're gonna start killing some [ __ ] chat never see Hobb do this much prep Hobbs hob doesn't do challenge runs well I mean he does no hit runs which is a challenge but different also it isn't the isn't the setup for no hit runs like two hours long my runs are way way way way way way easier uh-huh it's not a competition also no no hit any percent in this game I could literally do in like a few days all right uh what boss do I fight first chat well we could get The Bloodhounds Fang foreign okay so the thing the thing is though guys I don't I don't know if I want to discard the weapon I would rather send it to storage what are the rules for bosses that jump off the edge I mean we could say gravity is a weapon so I'm only allowed to do it to one boss okay I'm gonna get these extra runes over here and then we are gonna go slay a bunch of bosses because we have uh almost 20 weapons and use about three I could use almost all the weapons my dude once I pop the physic yeah godric's Rune will also help a lot in fact that's probably what I should do I should just just try to get godrics rune yeah I might just rush Stormville uh all right let's fight Margaret nice Ferry it's fine guys oh my God that also oh my God I'm dead I'm gonna die I'm gonna die tomorrow I'm going to die [Music] all right let's put away my big PP and my little Club ditch the weapon if you die to a boss and then then what and then I just run out of weapons if I die too much this is why I'm in the One streaming The Challenge and not you okay uh sorry that maybe that was a little harsh I don't know uh let's use relax okay this guy is destroyed foreign not a problem 162 more bosses to go all right we gotta get to we gotta get to that boss here I might get murdered here chat everybody it's a little close [Music] oh geez no no come on ruin our baby come on or just kill me all right three deaths all right let's go fight uh let's go fight this guy no oh that's okay we almost got him Chad my health is a little low he's so washed you know what you're an [ __ ] I got you cocky dude okay what am I doing all right no more messing around Chad all right well we're we're off to such a good start here trap yeah I was just messing around now it's time to give him the beating of his life thought he was gonna thought he was gonna do a different attack four bosses in okay listen this guy is honestly these enemies are the leonides are [ __ ] scary okay Cruise one more boss down we could use the torch for the well I don't know the air tree Avatar is really easy I mean anyways I forgot about the weapon art on this thing nice all right now we got bubble physic too all right we can go do the average jail I guess hit him with the impaling thread all right lay it nice and slow [Music] why do I think that's the breath it's the AOE why are you doing that Noe I'm not even close to you [ __ ] man [Music] oh yeah impaling thrust is the way to go look at that range yeah I know you're not getting me with that that's this time but oh yeah look at that oh geez come on dude what are you naming the [ __ ] turn the crap oh [Music] what thank you I got him oh he's [ __ ] this guy gets the radagons I didn't realize yo that's good totally intended all right what weapon do we what fight is this even I don't I don't know is this the Double Cat foreign oh my god dude oh I must have died okay that dungeon is done a few dungeons over here that's a good idea oh it's this guy uh do I have any weapons with fire damage what's up I'm done I'm not I'm dead died to a flower what is he doing I'm so sorry believers okay insane kick stagger all right one more boss down all right Bastard Sword it is I guess oh we have holy damage oh my God rip that guy maybe I should have done NG plus honestly I don't know limb Graves Lim grave is just easy in general though just the guy who died to the flower okay man we do still need to kill the deaf bird and the Knights cavalry look at them off he's screwed oh come on oh my God look at that damage don't you dare foreign let's go kill the deathbird with the Knight Riders flail oh wait it has bleed build up uh I might actually hold on to this then actually let's use the large Club let's Bonk him foreign [Music] I just I shouldn't have used barbaric Roar it makes the art the charts start to take so long [Music] oh god oh it's grabbing again come on dude do the pack man why aren't you pecking me oh no it was okay I'm I'm not using barbarico anymore it's suicide it's absolute suicide I am blaming the ash of War dude all right got him all right let's go fight the ruined Bear all right bud oh I did not kill Kenneth we should go pay him a visit I guess talk to him before killing him for an extra weapon does he really give you a weapon finally no go on thank you I'm sorry Chad but he should have given me the golden seed as well maybe we should go pay Alexander a visit to chat all right well we can go kill the boat man it's okay this is not this is not a top tier weapon man it's okay but uh we could go kill the dragon or you know let's go to Morton tunnel first I can't remember is the the anchor down here oh it's from the boss all right this boss is like so easy okay this weapons might be Overkill uh rip that guy kind of want to go smash the dragon with my anchor all right foreign [Music] like all the way up the freaking Hill man this guy I'll store weapon after I kill this boss I guess all right well this boss is easy a lot easier Goodbye Mr troll all right let's go kill the other cavalry all right here here you go are you guys ready for this oh look at that no hit baby do I want to kill patches I don't care about the magma whip from his quest uh true I guess we yeah I guess we can let him live foreign it even gave me the gesture what the [ __ ] man uh okay go do The Crucible night I guess I'll just use the Broad Sword I guess I'll just use some Square Off cheese kind of hard to hit with square off actually oh God oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die chat space that NADA not my finest I'll admit slow and steady all right what do we got left Chad we got 18 bosses uh we've got the Knight Castle or no not not night Cavalry we got the death bird and the the [ __ ] yes the [ __ ] you know who I'm talking about oh all right charge R2 for the Stagger and charge fourth deaf bird foreign goodbye Claymore there's a dungeon down here to the left holy [ __ ] oh my God that's a lot of damage uh what other bosses we've got well we have the pumpkin head okay sorcery is unlocked well some all right what else to kill oh yeah we've got a got a grave over there light roll is so good I'm like okay dude don't worry I'm not gonna be op for much longer okay let's go to the Uchi Uchi dungeon uh what is this the black knife assassin can you backstab these guys yeah with the dagger I guess [Music] dagger fight what do we have soldier of God I guess we can go kill Rick well we could fist Rick I think I'm going to there's probably somebody in chat named Rick who is just like what the [ __ ] did you just say fisting commence oh yeah all right oh yeah we have one cave down here I did forget yeah we forgot about that one [Applause] holy [ __ ] bro it's fun nice all right not bad six down all right let's go kill the beastman we'll survive the crap oh God he's dead can you see death oh he's dead oh yeah I didn't kill tree Sentinel forgot about him dude how did I how could I forget my boy foreign tree Spirit now chat foreign [Music] I got caught on the butt oh that was a bad idea nice one more hit no okay we should go get the jump attack Talisman over here extra stamina region from the turtle oh my god oh no damn it all right you're making me take out the big guns okay what weapon do we use Chad use some brick hammer all right all right I will not Jesus dude I'm getting [ __ ] crap oh my God it's that slow all right we got one Estus cold [Music] air oh my strength buff ran out all right well good thing we got it there all right I am gonna get godric spray rune [Music] to liernia all right what weapon I guess we could do this ever jail up here I'll just use the Highland ax holy sh h child I'm I chose a bad weapon for this [Music] this guy has so much poise foreign no I don't know how else to fight this guy because he had so much hyper armor and I even believe this guy [Music] nice all right I believe there's a dungeon down here I remember what uh oh it's a clean Rod night can't backstab this boss can't you oh yeah these guys are super weak to fire oh yeah we get this one my bad uh I'm I'm gonna go get a free kill chat all right here you go guys I know I said I wasn't gonna use spells but it's just I need I need everybody to know about this if you don't know that'll down sir there we go I was waiting until I wanted to wait until he got close yeah he'll heel uh kills them in two hits basically alrighty what do we use for Loretta should we whip Loretta this is mainly decks though I need more Dex Chad oh we're in the water yeah yeah let's do it come here you little [ __ ] oh no uh oh oh [Music] bad all right I'm gonna get chilling Mist down here can I just bully him with this [Music] just hit him with a few more of these [Music] all right epic fight nailed it where to next I might go do the night Cavalry oh man look at that baby oh foreign not a problem just doing that for uh more DPS bigger uh repost damage ah he's standing on the rocks don't you dare please IBM them that was that was bad choice that's fine oh come on man all right got him oh first try baby still gotta holy [ __ ] what the f I was [ __ ] around tonight oh my God and hit me three times are you kidding oh Jesus Christ man I I can't believe this I can't believe this dude I was just oh my room died to a to allow her died to a rock I am not doing good today screw you buddy all right uh okay what weapon should I use here you know the tree spear would probably be good here but I don't want to use it on this guy because he's pretty easy I think 15 great arrows is enough chat now let's just block him with the mace dude I'll throw away both of them chat foreign I think it's this is it this Tower you mean something oh no it's found in the battlefield okay yeah I think that's just like on the ground but what's up here oh the I'm gonna die dude come on man yeah you're going off the ledge now bud how does that feel oh he dropped something a robe I guess we can go in the Crystal Cave over here pretty sure bad let's go to uh go to Raya I suppose I'll get your necklace all right I'm just gonna kill him I wanted to do a guard counter I'm goofing around too much I said I didn't die marica's tits oh yes thank you did I forget I am Raya most tarnished are doomed to wander the outskirts of the lands between peering wistfully at the Towering archery but you are no ordinary tarnished all right uh oh [ __ ] I still didn't go down to the dungeon over here okay dude okay 43 down okay so we got that dungeon this one this dungeon the jail we got the death bird over here there's another death bird here that we could kill I guess there's also the dragon and the jail here and the aired tree Avatar all right time to whack some balls foreign on the ground stop [Music] oh he's yelling at me oh holy okay I am all right respect the balls I know you're about to stun are you not gonna bro why aren't you stunning hey Bavarian thank you for the two gifted Subs all right we got not sure what to use for this fight ah whatever there's plenty of other really good fire weapons that we can use instead I'll just use this here it should be pretty strong be bear Witness all right now we can and such a cool weapon art the heck was that attack did like no damage foreign I should have quit out that was four I got hit by four attacks at once there dude oh man I just I hate I hate putting out I don't know what to use here what boss is this even oh yes the [ __ ] snail foreign [Laughter] look at him go oh that looks so stupid all right you know what I know where I'm gonna go I am gonna go to the academy it's okay probably just Bonk these guys with the shield isn't it like stallion in here like Honestly though what was I supposed to do there I'm just getting [ __ ] pelted man I couldn't [ __ ] heal I couldn't even loot the goddamn item they were hitting me so often oh my God I I did not give them enough respect dude do I want to use the tree spear on these guys I kind of want to just use like a shield can you scrape that I think you can crystallians are like super easy to break their poise they can't really do anything another one doesn't really attack you because from soft Nerf their AI like insane amount other one just likes to watch it's kind of here goodbye black leather Shield I really won't miss you to be honest okay let's uh let's go to the black knife or let's go kill this aired tree Avatar I want to save my bleed weapons for late game oh no oh oh I'm so glad that means the range on this thing isn't bad [Music] nice oh my God what is that range foreign this weapon is sick holy crap goodbye tree spear I'll miss you I'm gonna go get the end physic apparently I never got that yet all right well we got the in physic uh what weapon do we want to use for this big boy the Rose's ax all right yeah let's try roses sky wow that damage ain't bad boys breaks there we go all right and we get a weapon for killing him which is pretty convenient got magma worm down I guess let's let's go uh kill the what's the name of this guy again the shade whoa whoa what the [ __ ] was that oh I couldn't even do anything all right I'm gonna use this curved sword whatever I know it's like a decent sword but [Music] wow that's cool man I love just exploding wow it's like I couldn't even react should have leveled up my health more foreign I can kill this boss and like half a goddamn second that hit me I'm dead I'm dead skeletons are the problem here God damn it man remember when you were good okay dude yeah yeah screamer died you're bad wow so washed up I'm so original dude this is like PTSD from my infinite NG plus run this was like one of the hardest dungeons in the entire run all right let's just let's kill the skeletons let's stop [ __ ] around and trying to rush the boss oh no [Music] not gonna lie trap this fight is [ __ ] annoying as hell this [ __ ] is pissing me off dude foreign I use holy pots on the skellies Bro there's literally a million things I could have done make that not horrible and I didn't do any of them all right so we killed these two we still need to kill the we still need to kill the air tree Avatar foreign down this the damage is not great but uh wild strikes all right well now we got the magic damage boost pretty nice all right yeah let's go kill the omen let's do the omen killer foreign oh my God there were post damage is insane I don't think I killed the dragon yet all right Mr Dragon you're going down foreign foreign maybe I didn't kill the death bird here let's go check foreign that attack is it's like I don't even know oh geez he's doing the big the big boom Oh my God right it's so big in this oh Jesus wow that was pretty good and yeah this is why I was telling you before Chad you know that you know that Cemetery shade that I was struggling on that's what would have happened to him if I used sacred blade all right uh let's go to the graph that Scion this guy is so strong come on boys break good fight uh yeah let's go yeah we can go do the Bell bearing hunter or actually we'll kill we'll kill red wolf and then we can take the teleporter Punk oh my God we were posted them hello nice Parry all right I'm gonna go use the bathroom while this uh cutscene plays be back in a sec [Music] okay oh oh I'm back am I even gonna be able to two cycle with this thing I hope so [Music] nice you can charge R2 let's chunker this jump attack spam honestly darker two oh [Music] my God all right chat one more boss in leernia and then we go somewhere else I'm not sure where I don't I don't know where I'm gonna go next okay what weapon do we use for this [ __ ] troll knight sword okay foreign not too shabby pretty good actually all right 58 bosses down liernia is done where to next yeah we can go underground let's go uh let's go down the elevator over here and we can kill moose the damage isn't gonna be good though we should be able to believe him thank you that was oh come on that was sick come on bleed frog please ah well those bleed resins did nothing all right one more boss chat I was gonna say like when is this guy he does a lot of damage here we oh come on what's happening oh [ __ ] nice okay chat so it's either I mean it's either Altus Plateau or Khalid I think Altus Plateau is probably the the play I'm probably just gonna go start off by running straight to this this dungeon I guess let's just smash him chat oh this is perfect actually all right let's do the AOE dude he dodged it all bro are you I just killed the snail oh come on man that's so baloney unbelievable I he okay you know it's my fault I got greedy but man I really thought I had that yeah yeah rip Ruiner I know foreign stop [ __ ] doing that can't attack when he summons like this Stefan he can't stop he won't stop dude like how long one of those skulls literally lasts for like 30 [ __ ] seconds the J the big giant one like will it go will it [ __ ] go away oh now I'm dead you bud full aggro full aggro don't let them cast yeah oh oh that's cool that's cool it still went off even though they were there was there was I couldn't even say anything play it safe play it safe for the skulls no no no be careful be careful all right here we go oh yeah fun I'm gonna go explore all this a little bit we could kill the godskin apostle [Music] nice maybe I shouldn't have used Dragon Halbert here but nice well goodbye dragon halberd okay oh it's a crystalian uh just use this shed it'll be easy goodbye family heads oh yeah we got the somber Bell now nice okay I'm gonna go get the smithing the smithing Bell you know what we could probably we could kill the Onyx Lord pretty easily up here we might as well just do this dungeon he bleeds Mayo yeah it's weird but I'm pretty sure you can beat him right oh no there you can wow that's a tough fight okay so we could try to do draconic tree Sentinel bro oh come on I kind of need to get um all right I'm gonna go kill I'm gonna go kill uh Aggie or whatever the [ __ ] the what what is the what is the bot Maggie foreign by the way this ash of Ward does 40 posture damage it's actually insane foreign all right I'm coming back for Revenge yeah that's uh I think that's a little bit better so bad at fighting this guy's chance oh no oh nice oh that's already too late whatever all right uh where to now I don't want to run to the Shaded Castle Michael I'm gonna go grab the mine along the way as well I can't remember what boss is in this cave oh is this is the Great Club Guy this is the Great Club guy isn't it oh I got the hiccups chat oh I got the hiccups my audio my audio God the [ __ ] hiccups man my audio broke is my game about to crash dude what is going on oh it crashed nice you know maybe it's charging attack let's just keep charge attacking dude oh stop Jesus is he done he's not done oh my God my camera was like stuck in the [ __ ] wall dude jeez this guy is crazy man come on this should kill him surely we still need to kill the falling star beast and also God for Roy hopefully this won't be too bad if I can get head shots on them I think jump attacks are going to be the play here if we didn't get if we can get a stun it's like 800 damage okay not too bad okay got him 69 bosses down let's go kill the omen killer and the flower we can get a weapon over there too all right Chad are you ready for this we're just gonna Roar [Music] oh no no no no no no we need to hit this guy with the charger too oh yeah oh yeah oh no I have died to a flower before Chad so careful here nice okay we got ourselves the cleaver uh okay yeah let's let's go do this side Tim I think we can backstab him so it should be pretty good foreign that actually worked pretty well you know what I'm gonna go kill this deaf Bird by the tree yeah we could also kill the Bell bearing Hunter right now I guess Archer too okay all right hit him with the charger too thank you all right I'm gonna go upgrade that torch I'm I don't know I'm gonna upgrade this thing kind of high that that guy that black knife assassin has a lot of Health all right let's torch this [ __ ] where is he thank you for letting me heal [Music] foreign [Music] goodbye um I don't know what boss this is ah an ancient hero of zammer oh great oh wow yeah that damage is pretty good oh my God oh my God we just chased him so hard poor guy all right uh we could go do Crucible Duo foreign foreign probably should have used uh the weapon art more it's actually pretty good I think oh you know we still didn't kill we did not kill the was it Miss begotten and perfumer oh yeah take that Trisha bro this I gotta say the freaking dude the winged Crystal tier is like the best physic it's so good all right uh uh let's go explore the castle oh it's the troll oh it's the troll guy all right well great stars is pretty strong and now we got an even better weapon well not bad uh you know what let's let's just go kill Golden God hurry I guess I just gotta decide on a freaking weapon dude does the kick do any posture damage it does foreign nice all right well we could go do oh you know I do think I still need to kill worm face nice oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay all right okay um I'm thinking we should just probably go to mount gilmir you can bleed these guys right goodbye foreign all right that was pretty good oh [ __ ] what do I want to kill this guy with I don't know what weapon to use Chad he's coming use the hook claws I'm dead I'm going [ __ ] papega brain spamming mode oh my God that one shot me oh my geek yes here we go chat no more goofing around bro this [ __ ] [ __ ] is so this [ __ ] is so scuffed man it's so scuffed oh my God hey why are you on he's like hiding on the rock man we're gonna bleed proc soon come on baby I know you're close come on there we go okay I need need to stabilize all right there we go good my my poor stamina dude oh my God I cannot hit him in the head dude oh oh my God what yeah [ __ ] you buddy oh foreign yeah I should get the omen killer mask extra strength uh I think this guy broke [Music] well that was that was that was brilliant Okay so we've got we've got two of the Demi humans there's the demi-human over here by commod Azure that I need to do and then there's also the one by the campsite I guess I'll do the campsite one first okay Goodbye Oh yeah we get the jar can it let's go kill the other dummy human boss I guess foreign Maggie fall off the ledge here you can [ __ ] [Laughter] hey I didn't mean to okay chat okay well I kind of did but I wasn't sure if it was gonna work all right uh what else should we do I guess we'll just go in volcano manner jeez oh nice that's good all right well towns are so good right um so yeah I mean I should probably just use serpent Hunter on record right I mean it's a weapon uh foreign he didn't do his special move yeah sorry I kind of bullied him too much I'm trying to think Chad is there what what other bosses uh could I have left oh uh virgin abductors actually that damage dude all right those guys are extremely weak to lightning and they're in the water so yeah you you just do like crazy damage I didn't kill the Mariner up here either okay this damage is not great but it's acceptable this fight is exhilarating this is this is awesome all right well that was that was exhilarating what is in this dungeon chat enlighten me kind of crazy oh it's a it's a watchdog what do I want to use on this guy foreign why do I pick your weapon during the boss fighting out before because I go through the fog gate and then I don't even I and then it's and then it's too late all right there are so many bosses in Altus have I got all of them now I feel like I'm somehow still missing some oh yeah the red yeah the red wolf right oh yeah and the tree worm okay so tree worm red wolf and the sanguine Noble all right nice fight so lansex uh let's let's go do sanguine Noble and this guy is pretty good at pairing bro he's pretty good I'm gonna pair you oh never mind [ __ ] this guy dude [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy bro all right you yeah Perry my jump attacks then [ __ ] you want to do it that way huh oh God oh God he's gonna kill me okay this is fine all right now we go now we now all right we are strong he can't hurt us now Chad yeah what are you gonna do now [ __ ] oh God okay I gotta get out of that laughs got him yeah I spam jump attacks he's spamming Perry on me what what you think I like being parried no I don't so yes I'm going to [ __ ] jump attack okay uh we've got lansex go kill the dragon [ __ ] this guy does a lot of damage too get in there chat where is he oh fine everything's fine torrent [Music] oh whoa that Torrance head popping out of the Dragon so we got the no we got the noble we got lansex morgots and the tree Spirit yes the tree spirit I was like I know I'm forgetting one all right this is just lovely this is my favorite spot to fight right next to this tree oh no fine I guess we can go down to the sewers hold on Moog I'm just just getting ready man I can't what am I doing dude get us done nice foreign yeah just stay right there perfect ah thank you yes stay right there foreign what is happening holy all right whatever I'm not gonna goof around so weird I don't understand how that works oh shoot oh no this is too late isn't it we still have another boss in the sewer as well oh right morgot morgot's like no you're not going down there buddy graceless tarnished have it right up on my meager grave no you're not going down there buddy [Music] foreign oh yeah we're fisting baby oh my God dude fists are insanely open now what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude current patch fists are insane what what the hell man what are those charge r2s what the hell are those charge r2s they're so fast um all right what uh do we have anything else uh any other bosses in Altus I think oh yeah there's one boss in the sewers right if only I had a bit more poise thank you there we go that was that was pretty satisfying hopefully I've killed everything in Altus I'm like 99 sure I have the two Omens and the dark I guess I had yeah I didn't I didn't do those I guess those technically are part of Altus still right up the butt okay all right he's this guy ain't messing around dude oh that knocks him down oh that's pretty strong foreign you backstab them uh you know what I think you might be right oh hey what what the [ __ ] was this what was that man all right all right you know what you're no fun you're no fun buddy I have so much PTSD from greeting man only I could uh use torrent here just zip ah yes uh yes that that looks good they haven't fixed Zips they're never gonna fix Zips bro they don't know how to fix them so I'm pretty sure we got everything in Altus uh I can double check the night Cavalry here though maybe I didn't do it I did not okay well good thing I checked that holy crap oh you know I also just thought I just realized did I did I kill the double Sentinels because I I know I ran past them [ __ ] I don't oh my God I might have not killed the double Sentinels dude thank you play like play like we actually know what we're doing foreign okay I'm pretty sure we got everything in all this now [Laughter] all right chap well I mean I'm pretty sure that's uh that is the end of Altus I think it might be time to go to Caleb do underground I could go take the underground over here in leernia yeah there's the dragonkin down here oh God I didn't uh what weapon should I use chat I use the omen killer cleaver ignored I'm sorry oh I tried [Music] what am I doing dude all right good fight all right I'm going to Caleb okay it's night time might go kill the death bird holy moly that damage done well that was easy all right let's let's go to let's go run through this swamp all right let's just go kill Commander Nile all right I'm gonna use Qatar for this guy and I think I'm gonna poison him oh my God isn't this plus six why is this damage so bad foreign yeah it should still be okay wait why did that do so much wait do they have shields on there we go no don't do that I don't like that he [ __ ] buffed them too dude why does that give them so much resistance all right one more boss down all right one sec chat I'm gonna go wash my hands and then we will kill radon come on bleed bleed all right well that works we could use Blasphemous blade for this guy I don't know man this is a pretty tough tree spirit this one oh I don't want to use it I don't want to use it use the Naga Kiba foreign dude what is going on okay well we're going in a damn Circle oh yeah I think I remember wait it's not this one right no it's not oh God Chad I'm sorry dude I don't remember this okay a muck has rotted my brain what just leave me alone oh my God bro no it's the wrong [ __ ] window again it's that window oh my God all right chap luckily you know the video is gonna be edited and nobody's gonna see this so it's fine no nobody's gonna know you're gonna make a comment about it you know I could have also done a zip chat can you zip straight up there oh you definitely can I bet the FPS is too [ __ ] here okay well whatever we already hit it anyways washed up okay now now you're gonna make me try again all right I see I see how it is yeah all right come on no don't [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] I blame the FPS there's too many enemies fighting here my FPS isn't stable enough pretty quick your chat you know what I'll try doing a zip later when I'm in an area that isn't filled with seven million enemies how have I not bled yet all right well oh there it is okay all right good fight where's the zip you guys want to see a zip now Lim grave bro I don't want I lost my ruin Arc how am I in Lim grave I might use like a bleed weapon I could use Saint Trina's sword for this guy but I don't think it's gonna be very good nice all right another sleep I love you you can kind of just like chain it gotta say I I think uh I think this was a good weapon choice for this boss not bad all right I'm gonna go try to get the runes great sword time to stamp how hot that Miss man I'm fat rolling oh wow that's actually a really interesting I wonder if that's consistent that's so cool [Music] I'll rip that guy all right ruin great sword very nice might go kill the double pumpkins I guess settle down fellas all right let's just go kill the other one set him with a jump attack there there we go all right all right uh did I do this catacomb I think I just ran in here and then left do I want to use the giant Crusher on this guy I guess so foreign all right all right I'm gonna go kill the night cavalry all right we are just flying through Caleb oh you know I should really go get the gold Scarab yeah I'm a little op for this place to be honest Chad all right we could go oh let's go get moonvale all right I'm just gonna poison this magma worm surely we can poison him right oh we did Poison him nice let's bleed him up and he stuns any staggers there we go oh no bleed but hey we got moonvale okay let's go get the ore blade oh yeah the regalia oh [ __ ] I never picked that up in Lim grave I forgot might just use the wakazashi for this guy I guess plus zero yeah all right we got the wakazashi for a total of one minute goodbye and we got the regalia man we are stacked up I still need to go kill this arid tree Avatar all right you know what Chad I'll I'm gonna throw away the meteoric ore blade anyways but I'm sorry it's just too it's too much fun not to do this time to fight foreign we could go kill uh the Bell bearing Hunter this guy is scary though okay sorry Chad I gotta be right back I'm gonna go get some more water I think about what weapon I want to use here hello foreign in four months I don't know how to play okay let's go kill the ball bearing Hunter [Music] what the [ __ ] oh no Chris come back please help I'm suffering there's a there's a dog oh no oh no no we got this oh there's a phone you tried your best I sounded much better 10 seconds ago well sorry I'm not a girl we could just fist him with the says this all right I'm trying to think what other bosses I have left uh we can go to Celia I guess oh my God I'm a little I'm a little strong chat oh wow it has some really long range though I'm gonna handle these guys off of a fresh character yeah full weapon actually and it's gone all right we'll go up to the plague church I guess we could do a do triple cristalian three one three and one by one crystalians yeah yeah they nerfed it so much you could probably use anything here really I could just smash them with their Intrigue great Shield I guess thank you Yep this fight has been nerfed uh significantly the other one's just dancing [Laughter] that was that was epic oh I forgot the golden Scarab oh whatever these guys don't give anything anyways I'm gonna go kill xykes all right I want to see what kind of damage we can get with this not bad oh no this Shield was higher upgrade it would be doing even better it's not bad though at all stun him stun him please all right we got him I think chap come on I just keep burning oh my God stop oh okay all right I remembered the Scarab this time uh you know let's actually go kill the falling star Beast I guess I'll just take the teleporter fine oh look at that big Damage Big damage yeah jump attacks definitely seem to be the play oh oh don't forget we need to go kill the Beast the Beast Bros use the show weapon bro there's enough there's there's still so many good weapons left like and apparently I stun him in one Moon Veil thank you oh my goodness you know what I I I'm like I'm treating Moon Veil like it's a melee attack but it's not like what what am I doing [Laughter] all right any good fire weapon I could use for this air tree Avatar it's I feel like it's always raining in this part of the game oh my gosh oh okay trying to think if we missed anything I think we might only have uh the Black Blade Kindred left and the ever jail oh yeah the bridge Dragon yeah yeah the bridge Dragon oh yeah and the Knights Cavalry you're right we didn't do the night oh let's just use the knock sword for this guy oh I still have the Scarab on all right 40 40 more bosses chat oh God I hate fighting these guys legit can I just cheese him Chad yeah you can just backstab him and prevent him from like reassembling the horse every time don't you do that goodbye let's go kill the dragon but I feel like his head is like so hard to hit right now we should be close to getting us done but he probably just reset it with this fire okay I think I think dragons take quite a while to reset yeah they do freaking Dragon dude oh my God bro you just did that what the what are you what are you what what okay again there we go all right good fight okay Black Blade kindred okay yeah I definitely didn't need to upgrade here to be honest but headshot oh yeah that's a nice fight all right that is Caleb done I'm pretty sure um I'm gonna go to knockrun and go do the mimic and the moose and the gargs I used a boiled crab at least we have frostbite he's trying to poison me I'm gonna poison you [ __ ] come on stop it the mimic is like the dumbest fight why is there two mimic fights as well like wasn't one enough Miyazaki why why is there two oh we're almost there I'm falling asleep dude uh that was awful okay I guess let's look at some blood stains I knew that was gonna happen time the [ __ ] get around it the turnaround animation with torrent is so troll dude I feel like he's so close to having his posture broken no stop that okay goodbye Commander standard rip ghost Pig I think I might use radons for uh for this fight there we go come here [ __ ] oh how have you not stunned yet um [Music] oh yeah all right that was nice I guess we could go we can go to deep root you know what let's go to deep root the fun way oopsies let's try this again I messed up foreign okay you need to do it the other way well you want to see something funny Chad give me your [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Laughter] all right I'm sorry Chad I'll throw away the I'll throw away the black Albert anyways but invalid it listen it was worth it all right dude that fight is [ __ ] easy anyways I mean sorry Chad I just wanted to show you something fun okay now now the next time you play Elden ring you can do the same thing you can go go explode that guy off the ledge no thank you I'll play it how it's meant to be played all right let's go do fia's Champs conversion [Music] foreign nice more goodbye all right FIA is ready for us so that's good headshot oh my God I can't believe I actually hit that wow wow I I just have done like no damage to this guy I should just attack his butt ah there we go we finally hit it well that is deep root depths done all right let's go kill us though wow that damn yeah dude I I definitely didn't need to upgrade this thing well this Estelle is honestly pretty weak though he gets he gets kind of destroyed like either way [Music] yeah you can time warn but the timing the timing is like super cursed for dodging the AOE all right that was a good fight whatever I'm using it chat he's so hard to hit though hard to hit yeah he is hard to hit surprisingly doesn't really make sense but it's true wasting this nice weapon guys shut up not wasting anything I'm just our wanting oh get off of me all right let's go to Moonlight altar we'll kill the dragon and electo and then I think it's time to go to mountaintops finally foreign wow 14 20 damage why would that was so much oh no oh no no he's really close to stunning I think [Music] foreign oh no this could be bad kill him no he's not dead oh God oh you bastard good fight I might use the dragon scale blade for this fight it's not going to be very good oh wait an inflicts frostbite though okay this was actually a good choice then stay right there he's confused here chat she sorry all right just yeah stay right there oh no what what [Music] oh oh oh we got the spot again laughs all right not bad all right 138 bosses it is mountain tops time chat all right chat time for some sick parries foreign nice you know I should probably spend some of my Souls for 300 000. broke what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] oh my God foreign I was gonna say he's got a stun soon got him foreign we got two more weapons all right well let's just go do this dungeon I guess okay yeah sure we'll use the poker why not foreign that was ridiculous wow he got wrecked good choice all right so since these are summons I can't bleed or frostbite them so I probably just want something with like decent pure damage on it whatever you say again it's done foreign [Music] oh right it's not over yet there we go might just use the staff of the Avatar and just smash this guy I'm gonna sit on your face buddy oh let me out one more thank you all right you know what we gotta kill him with Chad all right are you ready for this chat the most epic kill you've ever seen oh no I just need them dude stop all right come on one more try come on come on give me a give me a no that's not it damn it I'm gonna die bro all right screw you I'm not dying to this guy well we can kill whatever what's his face up here first and go kill vike oh God ah yes that's my favorite attack that one's great dude it's just so great I just love how it it just combos me all right got a little greedy you know just make just gotta make it close Chad gotta put on a show uh what boss is this chat oh it's a zammer guy yes keep jumping back keep jumping back oh God all right not too shabby and we got the curve sword I guess we can go do Nile right now I didn't pay out the gamble ball I'm not in charge of it sonaf is honestly still pretty good the damage it's doing is not bad considering it's a plus it's plus four so and I just like keep my distance and keep doing this oh yeah we got another weapon from him too just want to see how much damage I can deal oh wow that has a really good range oh my God that damage this [ __ ] boss just die die no no oh you know let's use the candle stand for this I think that'd be good right there we go oh beautiful I think we just have fire Giant all right I'm down to use this I think that'd be good oh wait you can hit his foot you can like hit his the back of his leg with like the AOE or something it does more damage I feel like uh this does really good posture damage too this weapon art there we go yeah that weapon art is pretty good so we can either go to snow field or Ferrum I guess we'll probably go to snow field first and just do Ferrum and everything back back to back I can't remember does does the mimic at like the bottom of this area here does does that count as a boss that Miss oh no nice good finisher how many runes do you get from this 60 000. bro this mimic gives like as much as we're done there's the double Knight Cavalry up here I guess I'm gonna use this rip the spear bro no no not the Lightning Man oh God dang it I didn't even realize those orbs were there those the lightning things are so freaking Opie going full cheese mode and you can't stop me foreign one down all right I could I could fight the other guy right up the butt that's actually more through the chest all right good fight all right let's go let's go do Giga Estelle I guess [Music] foreign that was a nice fight all right let's go do the magma worm there we go keep swinging keep swinging Buddies swing in the octopus goodbye all right I'm going to use the bastard Stars since I also I still have the magic boost on the physic I feel like baby stun him oh get it all right uh we can go do the death bird I guess bro I just want to hit you in the head man I don't think he's gonna let me though whatever dude rip that guy I mean the thing is moog is technically part of snow field anyways so it doesn't really matter if I go do him right now but but yeah we do have a catacomb I mean I guess I can go do those first I don't know we could just use the great hammer or something matter but you know what let's let's fist him I'm pretty sure we can fist him suck this looks pretty good foreign that was uh pretty strong actually isn't there one boss I'm missing still oh yeah the air tree right all right goodbye Blasphemous blade [Music] one more all right now we can go to Moog it's done foreign he was not being nice there money all right to ordna crouching during the magic slashes does that actually work foreign oh the butt in the face bye Loretta okay I could I could kill Millennia with the the fire braid I guess okay let's whip Millennia into shape foreign that's beautiful you still gotta chat [Music] foreign foreign [Music] here we go oh I don't have any more golden foul foots oh well okay listen I've practiced Millennia a lot that's why I'm pretty good at her because I've I've fought Millennia so many times for the ruin level one all right Chad For Old Times Sake come on baby oh yeah let's do it [Music] oh no dude really black flame tornado just gotta kill this guy man ah the belly blast my favorite oh nice big damage [Music] let's heal up play it safe nice [Music] oh I still had the gold Scarab on all right bloody helis let's go oh no I'm just gonna run just run just run oh geez am I gonna get a bleed proc this entire Fight Man there's the bleed baby with my with my luck I'm gonna miss one of my attacks somehow it's gonna like go through his chest dude all right nice dude I don't think this is gonna do that much damage oh did anybody here see that new movie in theaters called the plane is it any good I think I can trigger this nice foreign really great zip up top no I gotta kill Gideon man at least he's got a bunch of the shitty spells now bastard Gideon Rune the 69 you piece of crap I'm using the tree dodged it dodged it how dude he dodged that oh stop stop he chart he's charging he's charging why are you charging is this a thing I don't think I've ever seen him charge that dude what are you aiming at man stop huh I'm losing it dude oh seems similar to someone's PVP build ah yes [Laughter] that was the whole point are we set no we're we're not using rivers of blood yeah this this weapon chat yeah you you like this weapon well too bad 13 27 man that is wild this weapon's so good okay we should be able to stun him with the charger too here I think oh nope we already stunned him never mind [Music] all right two more bosses well one more boss technically but we'll use two weapons uh here we go all right are you ready for this damage chat here we go foreign [Music] [Music] whoo nice spot that timing all right GG oh yeah let's summon Ronnie ah that was a fun run I'm glad I finally finished it yeah Gideon ruined the 69 deaths rip if you're hearing this I want to say thank you for watching The Challenge run and thank you enlisted for sponsoring the video be sure to get the game on PS5 Xbox and PC Now using the link in the video description and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 1,146,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden, Ring, Challenge, Run, Distortion2, Dist, Speedrun, From, Software
Id: pirQL-Boync
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 23sec (9563 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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