I attempted a Nuzlocke in Miitopia...

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metopia it's a game that sets you and a band of knees on a journey to save the kingdom from impending doom a big bad enemy and his army has taken over and you and the gang need to take them down before they steal the faces of everyone in the world what enter the nuzlocke a set of self-imposed rules often associated with pokemon but not this time so what is a mytopian nuzlocke you may be asking well one of me dies in battle they're just permanently dead there are various revival methods in battle so i made the decision to only class a me as dead by the time the battle ends and um yeah no that's about it so with that out of the way this is how my miitopia story began wow what am i wow cool obviously come on come on this is the world of mitopia it's a painting on my wall it is a world where every me can live in peace and harmony wow so happy or should i say okay yeah too happy and now they're dead but this gives a great and terrible shot some unspeakable creature made off with people's faces he's taken he's taken the faces what can we say they're they're gone looks like he's made some very scary looking character it looks like the the duplo characters from the lego movie behold a simple traveler me i that's me yawn and the butterfly fell asleep get it pokemon i don't like that where am i you're dead you died the butterfly got you apparently i can make myself more fabulous we'll do that yeah let's go for those at least there's some kind of expression in his eyes his cold dead eyes see it looks a bit too anime that's the problem now he doesn't have to see the horror that is this game i've spent long enough there we go he looks like this i'm gonna quickly interrupt and say we spent hours making and sourcing stealing other people's knees to make the ultimate roster from your favorite pop star post malone to um ash ketchum from pallet town we are here in greenhorn and oh no i've already seen the people i've selected it's steve hello keanu reeves i'm he's like free guy john wick oh no i need you a blessing please yeah this monster with people faces i we need your help john wick please green horn's a peaceful place a place yeah i i don't think it's going to be soon ah it's mario without a ha ha mario's life's just gone downhill looks like maybe he's had just one too many mushrooms a smile brings happiness don't you know thanks mario this is the cheeky child vin diesel what have i done uh hello asana yuki from sword art online the worried mother of vin diesel you can probably tell from the eyes or just from the detail in the characters which ones i made and which ones i stole my child is hustling yeah he makes some great films have you ever seen triple x's return of xander cage hello elon musk and steve you're so pretty steve he's a good looking guy isn't he minecraft steve oh hey ash ketchum from pallet town glad c hasn't aged a day over 10 still hello murder baby let's go you can probably tell from the detail on this face i didn't make this one i take it you've spoken to other townsfolk yes i spoke to every single person green horn's a nice town it's not going to be for long what is it the baby is by any chance is there a big bad monster coming from above oh hey bill gates owner of microsoft it's such a default me as well i didn't even do anything special with him uh welcome are you coming to install windows and every computer in the town what like what's going on i've come to wreck havoc and terror on this miserable little world and i'm starting with you people of green horn why why what not the baby it's time for your first test first first taste of true fear say goodbye to say goodbye to your faces why are you taking the faces mr bill gates is this for some new microsoft facial recognition now listen you faceless freak bill gates you can't say that i hope you like a life of wordless terror because yeah you've taken you've taken freedom of speech okay bill gates bye-bye the baby it's okay we'll see i'll save the town ash ash ketchum from palette please help my vintage oh sure please take this it's our family's good luck to um is it uh the fast and few it's franchise on dvd blu-ray could you look outside town for it yeah i'll have a look so this is a nuzlocke oh oh okay we've got bill gates first is someone trying to be a hero i am the hero i will save the day just you watch mr gates give vin diesel's face back all he has on one condition sure i will fight you vin diesel has a hazard can you hear me uh yes ominous voice coming from the the blu-ray fast and furious franchise on blu-ray dvd now you may not believe what i'm about to tell you but you are god yes please can i have help i bestow for funding the power of the gods got the gift of divine power sure thank you i can now do a job great thanks god it's like the job you would like your weapons and types of clothes will mat okay this is kind of important i guess i think we have to go warrior for our main character right sure is that link from the legend of zelda no not quite not quite this should be enough for you to deal with the dark lord's fiends thank you i'll cut them up whoa this is the battle banger theme i'd heard this is our first battle against the mini vin diesel slime sure so this is a nuzlocke and basically what i understand is you'll recruit me throughout the game and if those me's die like any nuzlocke i'm not going to use them anymore we're going to class them as dead like vin diesel's slime excellent work young hazard oh yeah it was nothing it was easy now that child should be safe and well yet we've saved child vin diesel now return to great why am i going back there it's only funny because it vin diesel he's back the child this child is going to grow up and make some great movies he has bags under his eyes he he's really lived a hard life for a three-year-old ho ho ho wonderful just wonderful now then hazard my i'm not your child god i have another task for you just save the world you've seen the deeds of dark lord bill gates i'd let him off he's having a hard time right he's got the divorce and stuff like just let him do his thing so i must ask you please save the world no vanquish bill gates and save the world sure i will defeat him thanks god thanks for our little chat that it has inspired me to save the world hello john wick i guess i need to kind of locate all these people now maybe yo we're off let's get this done yo where am i going okay sure ah it's the rock moth um i feel like if i just spam attack this early into the game we should be fine but i'm ready for my main character to just die money okay now what are here okay how how did you you were literally fine oh someone is on the way to hell they always say congratulations oh hi post malone die yo team hazar wins that's me i was worried for a moment yeah no we're good post malone's with us now on our journey to save the world from bill gates oh there's a sparkle on the ground oh we found post malone it's a banana whoa it has a weight okay sure post malone took out the banana hey we just got that oh and now we're eating it you're great we found it in post malone you can sleep with me we're going to become friends best of friends oh we can start war cry well obviously there's only one choice for this oh it has the perfect amount of characters excellent there we go that's that's more like it now you can see the barbed wire let's get it done oh this game's so weird why is why do you just walk and they just say stuff you've got banana post malone you don't need a meal and hazard trips and dies fantastic are you okay no i'm dead oh shut up seriously oh okay the mic attacks two people that's decent cool nice one goblin ham it's pretty messed up actually do we just cut them up and take the meat is john wick's face somewhere around here butterfly john wake post balloons turret good job post malone hi again god sprinkle this mysterious powder yeah sure thank you divine power from above john wick is free again you got a letter thank you for the help with vin diesel here's something that will help you with your troubles we've got a movie ticket me and post malone the boys it's a movie outing not quite a date but just two people hanging out together yes i mean the boys are going to the cafe or well this is a bit more intimate than i thought it would be the boys going out to the cafe together oh no [Music] why what was that music another letter we're popular today [Music] hello mario not quite not quite mario so i've heard the least okay amiibo yeah i'll i'll go i'll i'm going to find the amiibo fortnight uh amiibo great yeah thanks for tonight man can i just keep going on here i want i want to use i've got a load of amiibo oh we've got mario's hat back [Music] okay that's probably enough welcome back john wick what can you give us john wick i've saved your face money right there i'll take money any day okay we're at crossroads and obviously we're going on the tough path oh dear i'm hoping this isn't too tough like this is where i just lose the nuzlocke somehow that post malone's gonna die that was way too close who could it be welcome to the leon champion leon nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you too how's the the gala region doing buddy we need your help on this nuzlocke i heard you have a charizard that's the only reason i'm happy to see you yeah welcome leon thanks god and i can take it from here buddy i know what to do um i guess he has his own room oh well i can't say no to some leather armor for you hazard what do you want post malone you want a megaphone yeah sure sure we're definitely made of money just there's your megaphone enjoy leon you've just joined the team and you already want robes sure here you go buddy leon bought a robe he didn't i bought him a robe and now i have no money gambling i hate nintendo games because they're obviously for kids but this clearly says roulette and says everyone wins everyone wins come join come join the kitty casino everyone's a winner i'll take a banana oh oh we got slime jelly rare that that means that means we hit the jackpot kids keep gambling great we gotta go to the cafe again keep spinning the slot machine go till you broke i love it i really want this casual threads all right that's you gotta keep going till you win oh no no another banana please give me the casual threads oh it's the time it's the time no no no i don't want more of them everyone wins yes yes yes yes no no everyone wins let's eat some grub we've got so much of that jelly now i guess we just boost everyone's health super delicious wow that was good i feel like i just load up on hp on everyone right this took blood sweat and tears in the casino to get these hello scary ominous voice ah grace bill gates hello bill gates you just keep turning up like a bad penny whatever that means what i'm gonna i'm gonna search that up what does bad penny mean oh it means okay i get it thanks bill gates good one gonna be honest that doesn't look good who saved the day please be leon it's jesus christ you won't be getting your way for much longer no if the great sage jesus has anything to say about it didn't anyone tell you nobody likes a party pooper yeah jesus has come to crash the party wow thanks jesus you kind of saved me from dying do you want a quest to defeat the dark lord yet please join my team let's get it done we're off the boys are out i kind of like the chest i like the look of a chest it was only a matter of time it's a cloud cumulus oops what i guess he just killed someone like i mean we made it out like it was bad there but he did just walk in and slap the butterfly dead team leon so leon's just shown up and he's just taking over the team i i guess then thanks leon i'm so glad we're back at the back of the end because now i can spin the roulette wheel again okay i think i want the sword i'm not going to land on it like why would i land in it i'll land on the outing tickets let's try to win some gold paper okay we got done more wasted no how scissor this get this game is rigged this game is rigged scissors again [Music] yes we win money double or nothing we're teaching the kids right scissors again yes right okay i'm taking my winnings i'm gonna take it while i'm ahead this game is teaching the wrong habits for kids seriously but now i'm rich so gambling is good yeah it's a big chest like it's not gonna have any means in it right wow why did i get the treasure oh big attack i'll take that okay we got the chest right i'm happy to go back guys we can go back we don't need to fight anyone now easy goblin ham in terms of the nuzlocke there's not really been any worries yet but saying that this is where we're gonna just start losing what just happened i feel like we just grind these at least for a bit strange grove zelda this sounds like mystery dungeon we about to find out we're actually pokemon leon's excited whoa a wild pokemon who could it be the grass so this is pikachu smile shroom cool die mushroom yeah breakfast was great it's probably jelly i can't remember what i fed you but probably jelly hey it shows right i guess oh that's all you ever talk about you're all talking about food what was the point you're back now you can eat i still have no idea how these abilities work oh i think someone's at the door right back in a second just gonna get the door cuz that's funny hey it's peach that doesn't look like peach yeah i really really missed on this one to be honest the hair just uh maybe i can use the amiibo hair it is salvageable all my boys are just tall and there's peach welcome a very important goal we're also can i ask where is this food from i didn't have this food i only have jelly and sure it's been an arduous journey it's just the world the four of us have what do we have toast no it doesn't really look like princess peach still uh i feel like that's probably going to have some bonus with the b sword i have so sure buy it do i not actually get to choose anything from the shop they just kind of choose what they want and spend my money it wasn't the roulette machine oh well we have to go for it yep yeah yeah great wow is it the wig maybe i think i figured out how to fix princess peach i will fix princess peach after this remove wig wow princess peach is fixed oh we're back here right okay and i'm now a bumble bee i've got stuart sharply on with four of them it's just more annoying they have more more pointless dialogue to say yeah come on team shut up leon die come on leon or just eat a banana it's like a cinematic camera i i've just found this out i'm gonna be holding this from now on oh okay we might actually die that could have gone really bad i don't think that's steve that's that's the other one the the scary one okay we did it and we didn't die so that's something and i feel like this is still the tutorial so it's a good sign of things to come right peach needs armor so we don't die have i just been scammed what okay post malone you can have the the cool the cool rapper outfit yeah okay peach is just banned from the shop hello steve or steven elon musk sorry i completely forgot perfect i'm glad i could save the day it's all thanks to this man wearing a bee suit yes casino tickets this place looks nice and probably too high level we're gonna die oh pete okay peach died oh okay we are coming back to life i think is this allowed in the nuzlocke i'm i'm gonna say there's no way to avoid it so yes okay so i'm gonna ban the sprinkle revives but any other revives sure they can happen everyone is gonna level yeah we need to get out of this place this place is very high level wow hello serious soldier light yagami from death no nice to nice to meet you i'm sorry but i can't like unauthorized personnel into that shut up like we actually aren't allowed in i i guess we have to go back to death cavern and die we're not in the woods leon does this look like the woods um the chest is definitely going to have enemies right hey but we ain't noobs we just let let me just die hey at least the cloud dies in one hit now i might not die to the banshees right thanks to baby it's i the mayor is this the baby in character is this are these just ad-libs and thanks for the cinema tickets now let's gamble there's a there's a two-star two-star food again not really what we wanted but we've got one more goal yes that's good a 50 chance to get it but something useful oh it look it looks good so it is good so leon and postal owner off to the library oh yeah this looks like it would be uh built in the the underwater cabin that's probably floods twice a day you know never gonna complain about getting money we can leave now i've we've got the chest guys yeah yeah we can we can go oh a bigger chest oh this isn't good this one will be good for leon get it because he's an idiot oh come on guys you can just let me have my two chests and go home safely first cool quirk whoa princess peach please go to the the safe spot um you apparently die in two hits and we can't deal with that right now new skill uh yeah the lightning wow that move is actually good huh so does peach have a war cry yes wait what was it again perfect check on these two plebs we got a lot of time well i don't know what post millennium sounds like time for a new look me think no [Music] what i guess if he likes the wick he likes the wig why are you actually going to buy it this time and not um come back with a banana i we just can't afford it oh we can afford that though here you go post malone why why why we don't have any money and it's a new level yeah we can just fast forward oh no it's it's bill gates we haven't seen you in like an hour it's not even worth the effort to crush you myself oh no it's imp and his goons okay leon ah you killed them oh what does that move do god he went for leon cause we would have just died we're just gonna just gonna deal with that okay it has so much health we could actually just lose oh see i can't tell if i'm actually under leveled or if this game's just hard okay i'm actually gonna need to heal how do i eat the banana let's try again yes he's dead mario is dead and the blob is dead we're free it's getting too close i think i need to grind some levels after this mario's face has been returned and all is well oh joyous day shut up mario is there anyone still needing a face here ash ketchum he's had a really rough start to his pokemon journey wow okay well ash dies that was literally the first hit [Music] thanks vin diesel well i guess we saved pokemon ash ketchum from pallet town does this mean like yagami's gonna move when did the tongue get back to normal when when i saved it oh that's good news very good very good news indeed what the dark lord went to the castle that yeah that's bad how do we know that you got the mayor's introduction does that allow us past um light yagami soldier at the gates [Music] what's that sound it's like yagami oh i guess we get a horse we're gonna have the chunkiest boy perfect yep yeah we're done we're done here it's the fat devil horse the horse is in danger we we've kind of overleveled at this point unless they scale with us we'll find out now no it turns out they haven't they really don't and the horse joins your team what does the horse do in a surprising turn of events the horse jor the evil horse joined our party congrats everyone yeah so our horse will be called dumb uh slot machine everyone loves a good old gamble hey maybe my luck's turning around i think that's the best thing we could have got let's enter the castle hopefully light yagami lets us pass this time we have a royal decree are these enemies not just gonna die why were the enemies in the cave so hard to beat if we can literally just wipe these later game enemies now i i don't really get it presents for princess peach hazel you're an idiot you don't tell people you bought the present on sale rule number two hazard don't buy a framed picture of a bug as a present this guy's an idiot hi boris johnson i am the roman gourmet boris johnson yo cheesecake it's expensive it's not even that big an upgrade surely on whatever spend all the money i feel like i should be able to sell my old ones but i kind of haven't figured out how yet leon is cleaning you're pretty good at cleaning wow that's the best story ever we finally made it to green horn castle see i feel like we've been playing for three hours and this is just the end of the tutorial hello mr king hey you might know him from every bad movie role in the last 20 years it's your favorite actor vindi king adam sandler you're a large man mr adam sandler and the dark lord is here to take over the the land you should probably stop eating uh yeah this this miscreant did steal the people's faces uh that's what happened okay well it did happen you're just dumb aren't you i bet your face is about wait there we go bye bye oh you know what it kind of worn him oh well i guess we go find adam sandler's face oh okay what what is going on how can he do this horse malone horse horse malone it wasn't intentional but we're just gonna roll with it diglett oh yeah i forgot i don't control any of these people they just kind of do their own thing okay we've killed someone i haven't even taken a turn yet i get to kill oh sure thanks i always wanted to kill there we go oh well okay then peaches just whipped out a potion wait no yeah that's not a potion why did i just lose health hey steve my honey is so kind and handsome to boots here's hoping you find i thought there's going to be some kind of rhyme there i don't get it thanks steve banana i don't get these i don't get what's going on why why why horse malone horseme why can i not i don't even mean to say it but it's funny post malone wants to speak to the horse horse malone right now let's abuse the outings and make everyone friends almost time to we literally just got here didn't we hopefully peach can learn some skills that why why are we old now it was just this dream wow it's a classic in storytelling take damage okay that's probably useful actually because peach likes to die you know we've got one ticket i can't say no there was very little chance i got anything else but uh i think this is the best thing so i'll take it we're off to the seaside frame rate let's go the water physics are just too much yeah the switches frame rate killed them spam the library who's got the big brain oh someone has been shot outside the library that that's not good who got shot we don't know it was a gun shot i definitely heard a gun shot can i take the horse to the cinema is that possible that would be funny what how that's money money that's got gold means money i did not know you could get battles on the outings please don't die that wouldn't be good for the nuzlocke see the worst part here is i just cannot do anything i have to sit and just watch them i don't know if they're gonna die money yes we're rich peach can afford some armor defense is needed are you kidding me like i said before peach is banned from the shop post malone gets the microphone instead that's where it's come to you get nothing peach this is your fault [Music] are you kidding me stop getting bananas or sweets that's just a common occurrence isn't it going down the fishing spot and catching a banana yes i will take more money and i at least get to control one of the characters this time oh wow just a common occurrence apparently whenever he goes to the library there's a gunshot outside oh i'll slow it down to see what the big one is i swear if it's bananas bananas yeah i love that this game can be fast forwarded imagine if pokemon could be fast forwarded oh that would be so good oh what i can't use the same ones again yeah so i still have some boxed amiibo that you know i kind of have for display i'm really sure if it's worth opening just for the slot machine [Applause] yeah no that was not worth it oh well i guess we can play the game now let's get that bread rock muffs this late in the game are they not just gonna die in one hit oh wow though that was fun three different types of threads here here's the medal thanks nice medals okay yeah i know i'm amazing plea please stop 100 enemies rescued that's probably another medal let's be honest wow get along full of this fresh air sure leon yep you might even go for two long fills thank you trees thank you mr beast mr beast forest plantation we're beasting this it wasn't even a joke before but now it works for some reason why does it work it's allowed in the nuzlocke so that is very useful but the problem is peach is the only one that dies and peach is the only one that can resurrect at the moment so uh money big chess what's the goods and more yes another spin of the slot machine today is a good day i would trade peach's life for five spins of the slot machine it's time to gamble is anything good lollipop stuff that sounds like enough for me let's go oh what is the point yeah i know i'm i'm done we're getting that hazard's getting the armor oh my god are you kidding me oh i bet there's like a 10 chance of this happening as well and it's happened three times in the last like five okay peach this is your last chance [Music] hey like and subscribe because it literally took me 30 minutes to get the recording working again because i killed it when i waxed the table after getting another banana you serious i'm still mad thank god someone managed to buy something why am i still fighting these dumb mops they're just gonna die we're having a campfire it's not safe for everyone to go to sleep yeah there's too many mobs around someone will have to stay on the lookout who's it gonna be uh be a real shame if peach it died the two charted long into the night where they were both eaten by bears it's time horse malone wow well that moves actually really good deer has no deer houses still traveling are you saving me mitopia like oh keep at it i've got money riding on you i'm gonna be honest it sounds a lot like gambling and you're only 10. there's no way i can afford this no that's expensive a suit robe i'm gonna do my best impression of peach let's go i completely forgot it's perfect let's get down to business we have made it it's the adam sandal gollum i would have gone sandler but 10 characters is the limit adam sandal big attack can someone hear leon please i feel like if leon gets hit he's going to die oh free hp do it peach this golem hits heart leon [Music] wait what's happening what no [Music] oh okay that was a big a big save from post malone there why are you healing yourself he'll he leon needs healing i did not come prepared yes okay thankfully the ai is dumb and i believe it probably tries spreading the damage out to make it just that bit easier leon don't eat a sweet you literally need to heal why why why don't i have any control over these idiots oh he must be getting low now hide you kidding me uh i feel very betrayed neon move he should still survive though right right how do i how do i make peach heal [Music] leon's gone leon died yeah now who cares let's be honest who cares [Music] he's in his place now in the top right hand corner the room for the dead just a pile of bodies soon peach is cleaning okay i'm helping we made a development in the cleaning story right i need hazard to be the big hitter now with leon gone has is gonna have to do all the damage now that leon's gone actually i should put post malone in with a horse see this this is our team of four now hello light yagami i'm glad i could return safely i return adam sandler with your face hey my beloved face i'm gonna i'm just gonna make him have a really generic fat voice oh thank goodness the royal all right now he's sounding really posh yes thank you thank you thank you except our royal gratitude you know the dark lord bill gates is certainly no joke we're all in a lot of trouble with oh well now he's just gone full skyrim guard we'll go meet the princess i'll i'll introduce you to the soldiers first we've got left support uh kirito from sword art online i have but one job i support the king no matter how weighty it may be the right royal support david beckham or david beck in this case it's a lot of work supporting the king you've got to stay in shape you don't want to throw your back out yeah honestly i wouldn't be concerned about your back i'd more be concerned about your skull or just your any bone in your body if that lands on top of you it's not going to matter if your back's in good shape mate who is she see there's real suspense here because i've actually forgotten who i selected why did i pick mifra yeah i i stole this me hey apron says hey it's me i say i saved the land i'm yeah that's me is terry crews okay how would i know why he's probably fine oh sure i'll go check on terry crews for you hey oh adventurer yet are you kidding me how have you let him out of your sight again i know he's a troublesome child mr vin diesel i can't find him anywhere would you help me look for him sure terry crews finally found you buddy why is he looking for vin diesel oh jesus oh sorry cruz's spine just broke and his skull terry crews died before we even got to speak to him what a shame surely goblins are just going to die we don't even need the pincer attack he's going to die in one hit it's just overkill and the world is saved apart from terry crews he he died huh thank you so much for helping me you you don't look like you're doing too good buddy princess mifra is worried about you now she has more to worry about because his spine and skull are both broken we've returned to the castle so terry crews is safe yeah i wouldn't put it like that he's now in critical condition uh in hospital um but yeah yeah he's safe he's safe if you can call it that if the hospital gets attacked by a bill gates i'm gonna be honest terry crews isn't gonna make it [Music] money no no child you must forget about that cherry terry cruz chap why you're betrothed to prince pr har i need to fix her name that's when i didn't know he'd had the prefix prince so he's now prince prince harry the prince's fiancee should be on his way ah since you're here oh no i forgot fat voice would you mind soon to him to the castle what you obliged lend a hand too it's time to see the sequel oh well that felt pretty weak why why do they fall out that was the last straw what's my look pulls a gun i'm hoping that's probably a bit dark i am the wind no you're not i feel like going to the chest is going to be harder and we have three people now all of a sudden i'm forgetting leon is dead at least peach can buy some new armor and actually manage to buy it see the problem is i shouldn't have to worry about them accidentally coming back with a banana every time but that's what i have to come to expect we are actually rich i feel like 3000 is actually actually rich yeah now saying that people will be in the comments like oh i have ten thousand gold look at me haha shut up well did you have leon die in your run no i didn't think so it's still a traumatic time for me who will help peach peach didn't noise oh this game just gets worse peach has like a friendship level of 15 and didn't notice when hazard trips and breaks his nose [Music] are you kidding me game it's like would you like to continue playing this is what happened last time you continued to play some stuff to spend thankfully i can get peach's defense up two whole points i'm not going to hit the desk but i really want to dear how's it oh my days this this this the zella for flavor the texture the aroma indescribable in writing thanks i i guess we'll peach by the staff take your bets now yes it's a win in my book peach managed to buy something hello girl keeping me waiting oh it's the banger i love this track this is this is what i've been using in the intro prince of a nearby land prince harry you imbeciles take me to the princesses instant and don't wobble what a nice guy wow i feel like this enemy is going to be strong bang that was so well timed i believe yeah it's a cool dodge oh not so cool from peach and not so cool from post malone okay oh a triple attack die and we cut the griffin up for dinner of course i've returned well where is prince prince did he not make it it wouldn't be a problem if he didn't here's your reward money thanks adam sandler oh i managed to sneak in very cool terry crews you've got a very high pitched voice my friend did he your dog [Music] yeah the castle's on fire apparently and sandler those fear of the state maybe a calming fruit would help [Music] well that just seemed too easy back to the castle we go with our fruit oh this doesn't look good right we haven't had problems with imps in the past why i'm worried cool see how's this just always so cool he just dodges and stuff and it's nice and cool and nice and stuff like me nice and cool and awesome oh oh this looks like a boss fight uh hopefully we can do it with three people that yeah yeah i think we might lose because half our people aren't even healed never mind oh the horse attacks are just so strong it's too intense these hard battles i think i need to grind okay that's not good destroys my health oh peach why oh yeah someone else is evil wow what no [Music] yes wow cake oh not again how is he done terry why don't you save the day buddy goodness gracious what were those things oh um and you're just eating useless entire kingdom useless dark lord bill gates i saw him heading towards nightmare tower oh wow yeah that place looks fun wow wait here mithra no terry it's not that's not a good idea buddy okay ah well uh i guess we go there okay this doesn't look good this might finally be the first dungeon yeah this place looks fun we only have three characters it's okay if you're scared you know scared never you know what i'm really worried okay peach i i would be more worried for your life because if you're dead you're gone forever okay so we were struggling to fight one amp last time now we've got to fight two at once post malone with his uh whisk a whisk has more stats than you know like a sword it makes sense but you know what getting hit by a whisk it probably hurts okay that went pretty well i leveled up a few of my characters before coming in i'm i'm hoping this gives us the stats we need to not lose going up i you know that would probably be the right way to go we're climbing a tower so it would make sense to go uh up the stairs which way why why does it keep making me pick which way if i die i'm just going to feel like i've picked the wrong way i've seen the light at peach too don't say that last time someone saw the light we lost leon what why why the why slimes they can't joke around in times like this this is serious business we're fighting about 50 slimes oh my how's it look out one damage oh dumb what what our horse can blow fire why are we only finding this out now that's good i guess can the horse die please don't make the horse die he's probably our best character now found him in right level one has gone well you've rescued 250 people oh yeah hi god oh oh the gratitude of the people has awakened a new power within you truly you are a beacon of hope for all of metopia all right you may continue fighting monsters thanks horse malone okay i haven't played the game in months and i've still messed up and said horse malone it's now august okay the last video came out in june i haven't thought about mitopia in a month it's not crossed my mind but still horse malone gambling here we go is that good is that good i don't care no we didn't even get one okay we've got a steak oh that gave me the rush you don't know how hard it's been not gambling for a month let's go [Music] more steak onwards in the castle of doom oh okay so to make the goblins a mage they gave them glasses slow down shut up we go we're going fast speed i don't want to be here any longer than i need to be oh no another imp let's target the imp everyone kill the emp where is our horse learn these moves from compost blown finish it or just attack your team not quite what i had in mind we made it through another day you know i was expecting this to be harder but now i've said that we're definitely going to die in the next battle onwards can i see the top yet is that the top i feel like it's not going to be the top last night i saw i saw so what a ghost wow my heart was being so fast i i couldn't sleep maybe the problems with you jeez just suggest peach has a heart problem why don't you what are you trying to say that's the end we don't get to find out whether peach went to the doctors she didn't seek medical advice and drop dead the next day unfortunate oh that's a bit dark chest just got goodies in it it's got money we like money apart from the fact that no one wants any at the moment no one wants to buy anything here we go oh okay it's more these what okay our flamethrower is upgraded oh my god they're all dead oh no okay this is this is where we're in danger now because if all four target one character we we lose them please don't do that wait we resist that now oh this is gonna be easy resist again okay never mind i yeah it would i yeah they can't resist it love you all let's save peach from no she's still evil snap out of it how's it cuts peach's head off oh he actually just slapped her what is that hey you can't do that man dude no okay i to be clear i do not condone the uh the actions of hazard okay we're done here has the arcade changed it has oh let's give this a spin no it's bananas why how many do we have now a 13 great okay is this the top it i it looks like it would be the top and this is the end but i wouldn't be surprised if it isn't let's do this team if if there is a boss fight i wish you all okay the boss fight we've got a cutscene terry my buddy okay deep breaths princess mifra terry oh oh okay is that donkey kong oh it's okay terry the gang's here in 10 fps apparently we can do this there's only three of us if we stand strong and don't do stupid stuff like like like that like what what does that what does that do that did nothing post malone why put it oh oh that hurts okay they attacked twice in a row that's not good we barely even made a chunk in the health please can you you two just start attacking as well thank you 14 damage it all adds up okay here we go this is where dumb comes in and does 5 000 damage oh let's go dumb main character we have some of those like tag team attacks where we all run in and do damage we haven't had one of those yet it would really help right now oh okay that that was a charged up attack that wasn't very nice angry general donkey kong guess we go again come on yes the lender hand [Music] why why for the heels do they get off okay i guess let's try another jumps i feel like we just keep spamming this this is our best attack oh he did a cool dodge has is insane he's so oh one hp please heal yourself oh this team's just getting so smart we're all so cool and smart how did we manage to beat that big ape it was hot it was a hard battle but we did it no one died that's what we call good teamwork everyone actually did the the moves i would have wanted them to do we're a change team and we're strong together and we got lots of xp okay that was good okay we got some monkey protein is that just implying we ground them up into mush oh hey hey bill gates [Laughter] oh you've defeated one of my loyal servants there goes my good mood you'll pay for this oh yes you'll pay just you wait a classic boss move he's gonna fly away and he's guys yeah he's gone classic terry crews dead again thank you for saving me looks like i'll need another trip to the hospital after my legs and arms and now ribs are broken but this time i was worse than useless no you weren't terry you really did try [Music] his legs are miraculously fixed terry i would go go get seen about those ribs though no you took quite the punch what's just happened oh i like the castle uh hopefully the castle's safe now if we go in this imps i'm gonna cry wow this room's so spacious when he isn't here right guys i'm so happy okay oh thank you you don't know how good it feels to have my face back you've come through again for us a team oh no what was his voice you can't forget you've come through again for us it seems the least we could do is reward you well now he's just literally dribbling on his words we're most impressed with you as well terry crews but your majesty i truly did nothing he's not lying and in the light of your noble dude well we might see our way to allowing your relationship with the princess exclamation mark alexa play that one vine sound effect the the funny one oh mithra oh terry crews oh wow it's sad because we've only finished world one but honestly that prince prince harry what a prophetic specimen he turned out to be oh you were the one that oh he was watching i feel like he's gonna go on side with evil mr bill gates isn't he okay let's leave we're greatly indebted to you now give that dark lord what for off with you and he munches why can i speed up his eating funny he just like inflated i thought when we lost leon it was just gonna be so much harder with only three people phew light of the castle guard sir you're about to enter next door i get it what kind of enemies you're gonna get now this is where we get five griffin five golems right okay hi uh quick note while editing that's four i can't remember whether these take much damage oh he just blows steam and it does 30 damage oh wow okay we just wiped them out with two aoes our team is strong unless it's setting us up for failure where there's like i said five griffins adventure oh we'll see okay oh i need to heal my people this just feels like cheating every time yeah peach still attacks like a wet noodle pizza me too okay this cloud's about to die this cloud is dead okay we made it to the very ends of green horn who's this guy ahead of us lies the land of next door well anywho time for a fun farewell to the land of greenhorn and oh oh hey dude this is our safe zone hey man what what no what huh no they've taken our people including dead leon they've taken his corpse you're not having the best of times are you is this like the great reset when we go to a new land we lose our people i guess dark lord bill gates came while you were sleeping he spirited your friends away even i can't tell you where you're taking them if you hurry you might just be able to save them oh well there's no time to lose is there up oh it actually is the great reset i've not even got my armor yeah it's just a small hurdle that's not the the eight hours of gameplay that i've already had just gone and so i shall bestow upon you a new power oh wow cats yeah chef cat some of them don't sound good so i got imp maybe i can do the the move the move that makes them go evil i want to be able to do that i have wings now meanwhile my friends my friends and a reanimated corpse where on earth are we the last thing i remember is the dark lord attacking us the fiend must have dropped us down here there's doritos on the floor you'll be fine hang on where's hazar there's no sign of him at least look at least they gotta keep their stuff they've still got all their items and they look upon the sky it's all fade to fade to black can i like spend some money oh oh it's time to eat big monkey protein let's go on an outing who can i take oh wait all my friends are dead am i gonna have to fight enemies by myself so glisten on the ground oh there's something on the ground you can get a good observation ha ha is it a banana you know what it's actually useful now because i think he took all my bananas how can i see no i've still got them all great barbecue score we just toasted him that's dinner oh did dumb lose his levels plenty of dumb still op and he can just still do those 50 damage fire breaths [Music] yo someone's at the door oh is it tough traveling alone i've summoned you a friend i guess do it oh it's scientist professor oak welcome to the team um can i have a starter pokemon well we've gotta meet professor oak why would i make me's when i can uh steal amaze people spend hours on these me's i i don't have the time to do that so obviously i'm going to steal there we go see look it's good it's a good fit to the team professor okay he's all dressed he's got his mysterious potion let's feed them and now we have a selection welcome to the team here eat this charred scorpion hopefully you like it this this guy's a wronger that was literally black sure i i is every outfit gonna have wings now and be like i don't like this anymore oh there's a fork spear i need that no okay oh i want to know what his abilities do hopefully it's like poisonous gas oh yeah i forgot we're meeting jesus next where did it go this is very odd i can't find it anywhere it has to be around here hey can i help oh it's you i heard about your exploits like saving a whole kingdom yeah that was me excellent work by the way you've not seen the lamp around here okay i know my disney films looking for the lamp is bad that could be a twist imagine if jesus ends up being the body in the end if you lay your eyes upon it please do not touch it whatever you do oh yeah this guy's evil walking on sand is really hard yeah i think on the bright side we do have a horse that would help us walk in the desert but um no nearly there now we're as free as the wind let's go risky shortcut it's early enough in the game that i feel like we can trust our characters to not die what no no no no no no why is there two griffins at the the very start of the world when we're level one oh this is more like it these are the enemies we like to see oh it's so hot it's melting out here someone someone turn off the sun that sounds like something i'd say no no no we're going back towards where the griffins were oh okay wow good move oh oh the next team member already idris elba wow now this is a surprise not like i i just picked him i'm hazard great i can't wait for us to start adventuring i'm p i'm picking my team tactically here we need we need strong smart people okay uh well does anyone want any money i 140 wow really eating to the bank there has a hello who has never ending first of fun and games it's the quiz master the rock do you want to try my quiz who is it sure dwayne johnson i will take your quiz who is it with dwayne johnson i can see dwayne johnson being a game show host let's be honest that's where he's gonna go after he's taking up 50 movie roles who is professor oak that was hard well done don't worry i i know my friends who is post this man i made these me's i i know who's who you're trying to fool me you think i downloaded these me's uh oh this one's really hard but i made this one as well is you just making it too easy congratulations uh post malone isn't here anymore you don't have to say that you beat me fair and square oh you've gotta be joking why let me spend my money i have so much of it oh great battle [Music] all right 300 people time for more sprinkles thanks guards yeah give me my upgrade thank you yes people want to spend money it's not much but they want to spend some i'm happy maybe pete's just used up the entirety of the bad luck with items maybe everyone's actually just going to buy the stuff i want now i got a letter oh from light yagami i wonder if it was going to be from um vin diesel i found a rare kind of ticket now it's yours consider it a thank you for saving why is the guard giving me stuff oh blue sky sorry hello there oh oh no oh he's getting the magical lamp i was minding my own business when an evil mage trapped me inside don't open it please do it no oh god no no [Music] why does that look so good it's the genie of the lamp boss baby that fits so well with the character why free at last yeah this is calling the boss baby at three in the afternoon by rubbing the lamp um so what about my wish uh yeah let's be honest that wish never existed why would you do this man later hey dude why did you do that i'm just minding my own business i wasn't doing anything wrong yeah keep this i wonder how many people said will smith is the the genie of the lamp there oh we've made it to next door town oh hey hey sans so yeah every other play for us had sans in a more important role i thought sans you know what we'll just put him in some really useless role because it's not funny dancing guide sans welcome to next door really really really really yeah my son's voice pretty good hey dean norris [Music] [Laughter] it's the rambling old man talking about his minerals you there lad you're an old man out will you genie awoke from his slumber so and so went by the name of boss baby this is this is a this is a disaster run amok stealing our being belongings he did he stole my minerals but then came along the great sage jesus sucked boss baby right back into that lamp he's not seen the light of day again for some time i reckon i just hope he's learned his lesson i'm gonna let you know now calling the boss baby didn't go well hey oh it's the other mario my father is very ill i have unlimited money i'll i feel like i've just been scammed oh they were the ones that were dodgy i've just realized oh oh yeah we saw one dad the villager is an absolute scammer but that makes sense he's from animal crossing it's the word explorer red well i never this is exceedingly strange i should have been right on top of it red's out searching from youtube apparently oh oh yeah the the couple in the town cloud and steph are off did you even listen to a word i said oh give me a break i said this genie the lamp's been a real nuisance isn't he is he it's none of my business boss baby business hey desert celebrity ariana grande see this is funny at the moment because the fortnight event oh the humanity the genie of the lamp attacked us and he made off with all my hard-earned gold would you mind getting my gold back please uh i've accepted grande's request all right we need jesus oh wow the wetland way we're in a new area oh and it's uh it's a crossroads obviously uh chest means money uh but this weighs jesus we need jesus can we please drop the pace oh sure well just just for you idris elba we'll go slower oh i slowed down and you still fall over he will help i feel like i'd be the one that helps professor oak kind of just sends kids off with pokedexers he doesn't really um help anyone angel zelda was grateful to haza wow friends husband never ceases to amaze me oh that's just me fantastic and cool why are we fighting stone tablets it's all right professor jesus that wasn't even sped up he just came in with this the strip hack i should have just chose the warrior again oh is this the final member of our team hey it's it's l from uh death note there he is and that's it we have the team of four all right we forgot all guys this time welcome please call me l oh by the way where is it we're heading exactly oh if i knew i would tell you but i i i have no idea cheers for real are we gonna be okay no you joined the wrong team because if you die you're gone now people want to spend gold they want to spend money i want the food here we go no um you know i don't even need any money let's save our tickets we're not that desperate to gamble it all away are we are we hello jesus fancy seeing you here not like we traveled specifically here to me to see you fancy meeting you here yeah that's what i just said jesus yeah there's a genie running amok that's it's not ideal which you see the face on this genie that he is really something conveniently that is the very lamp i'm after it can be used to seal the villain just hold the lamp up and recite the incarnation just keep saying his name over and over boss baby boss baby i i still don't trust him i think he's a body the spell for the seal is the genie's name right but what was the genie's name again boss baby boss baby boss baby how could you forget oh we just finished the cleaning storyline and now we're going to start it all over again [Music] ah yep they can take the horse can take the horse for a fun day out let's go i thought i was going to be able to take the horse to the cinema that now that would have been something what's dumb doing he's having a str okay no i can't say that why i feel like this is going to be way too high leveled already wow listen to the echo in here yeah i keep jumping at every little noise oh really well then i'd better not do this red goblin this is where the red goblins are just like opie oh they do damage sprinkles sprinkles it's everyone's favorite sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle now you die is this gonna be our first ever trap chest the answer is no i to be honest that is still a trap i don't need money look how much i have i can't even spend it oh okay they look like enemies they're not gonna be fun to battle we'll try okay goblin well done uh you made them all angry and uh now they're just going to continuously attack until you're dead that that one really bad for you i'm going to be honest it's where i get like just like snakes head and that's going to be the meal for dinner fried cobra wow it's just good isn't it we just eat everything we kill we'll be fighting humans in a minute and it'll be like hey human remains that sounds like a great dinner a new skill ignite oh okay oh oh oh oh we can like ah what well it's just too much we can light his sword on fire ignite oh it's so strong professor oak is like the best character on our team all right mr hazel hi jeff bezos why are you in this cave come on jeffrey you can do it or has he got a letter well you know it would make sense for a postman to deliver a letter i don't really know what i was expecting dear hazza i've decided to relinquish something from my father's ample lardo to help you oh my god why the extra bananas were sent to your giant pile that's piling up outside the inn help i don't think i made elle's eyes quite right to be honest he they look like they're leaking i actually just go in anticipating that every time they're gonna fail to buy it i guess that they're you know they're not peach there he is boss baby i'm knackered oh what was that right it was a cow noise oh we're not ready for something like this yet we're all level five how there's no way this ignite spell is so good okay we did five damage big moves he didn't need to eat stop eating sweets everyone please don't eat sweets please just attack the enemy thank you no [Music] yeah let's be honest when someone's just joined the team it doesn't really hit the same it's a good thing he doesn't actually die oh thanks so i might just have a few sprinkles for you yeah you might just have a few of those sprinkles here you go um oh oh it's it's empty do we do we run i think we probably should run big damage please hazard oh everyone's so low on health we can do it team i know we're all low but if we all attack just now this is it no how's it don't seriously oh that dodge was so lucky we're just we're literally hanging on by afraid i like i want to run away but at the same time look how close we are do it ignite for the final attack finish him how did we survive that this team's amazing um i probably shouldn't have risked their life there but that was insane that was so good look how much xp oh we're all gonna be so big and strong it's weird to say that this is probably the most normal food we've received so far oh people actually want to buy stuff i'm happy i'm happy that this money's finally getting spent and elle gets a toy hammer a ketchup bottle right okay sure apparently that's better than his like test tube he had before uh you know what i could see you i could see someone doing some damage with ketchup bottle especially if you get like the big two kilogram bottles of it right you could you could knock someone out maybe oh come on it was going too well hp bananas now in stock 22. oh what why hey hey what makes you get go on the horse where are we going oh don't step on that oh okay i was gonna say i've learned from bowser's fury is one of our characters just dead what we'll meet you at the okay i thought i just lost someone imagine that it's just like oh yeah you picked to come this way and um one of your characters tragically fell and broke their leg it sounds like a d move yeehaw okay battle with three people i'm used to this running keeps you fit so does a mysterious jewel oh well that's a suspicious looking uh insert on the door that we just found a mysterious gem that's shaped in the same way as it [Music] oh i do like his music give all that treasure back come off it kid if you want listen to reason [Music] oh snap the lamp there's no way you can know how it works hold on boss baby oh i'll give all the treasure back every last coin hold on boss baby i'll give all the treasure back how long does this go on for what if i leave him b i'll return all the treasure to the townspeople were we right to trust him now that's the question oh see he's an honorary boss baby wow no people have next door i have a little present for you i hope you like the taste of despair i think we've made the wrong choice everyone i think we should have put the boss baby in the the in the lamp you there lad hear an old man out would you just when he thought he couldn't get any worse took the townspeople's face clean up oh there's another one of these then off we go to get the faces back for the town lately i've been mapping out the great pyramid for fun and profit uh can i have your your map please does that are you just gonna say the same thing again i guess you are that's nice right it's time to save some face oh no the ketchup's out professor oak no oh oh i knew there was a face down here oh it's it's a painting that's kind of funny because it's a big mountain in the picture and it's called grande ignite it's just so strong more aoes please uh let's just get rid of the cobras so that they don't cause any problems died it's all right professor oak's got it he i told you he's the single carry of the team he's the one doing the damage oh we're not done okay we're done no no you won't stop me playing i'm finishing this world and there's nothing you can do about a game i really like the ketchup bottle but this costs almost a thousand we're actually finally getting through this money you know it won't be long before i'm complaining that we have literally no money and before we were sat on stacks i'm glad ariana grande's face could be returned but we're not going back until we've saved someone else let's get this done which way oh well one's called treasure path and then that doesn't sound like a trap oh a chest maybe treasure path isn't a lie it's just some butterflies it's not like it's gonna actually matter when professor oak brings out the the gas oh yeah exactly see what was the point you thought you could fool me with treasure path it's easy another one do we trust the second chest yes oh i'm so glad we picked this way people's faces have been stolen here too well yeah this is where we're finally having the the realization of what's going on every place we're gonna go oh do we get speak to oh we gotta speak to our favorite man hello man just a minute there it's the rock he's back who has a never-ending first for fun and games and that's me i love gambling and stuff want to play general knowledge general knowledge is this gonna be game general knowledge or real world general knowledge because i suck at both question one how many limbs does oh okay how am i gonna know this uh eight oh well we tried why why would i have known that oh we found someone oh that's a big cobra [Music] it's the cloud cobra that one kind of rolls off the tongue oh hey you're not allowed to do that hey you can't call for help that's like just pulling out a second pokemon mid battle which coincidentally is what you can do and let's go he just finish it cloud is safe to return home to sephiroth it is an interesting timeline this one who gets this is that one piece time for a camping session last time we left peach out to die wow the stars are so pretty look a shooting star whoa wish on a shooting star what is your heart's desire not bananas i think we chose the wrong one oh it was the right choice food oh it's dinner for one dinner for one we've made it to the great pyramid seriously i thought we were almost done two golems last time we had to fight one leon died new skill righteous anger oh it didn't take long for him to miss they can sacrifice for each other how are the enemies getting smart yes one down oh it's a triple attack we haven't had one of these in a while oh that yeah that golem's dead a great pyramid why is this only appearing now where were we before let's go left wow music stopped oh we've got to save sans no please why is sans on the mona lisa wow this really is something we're actually doing pretty good damage so far wait has a no you know what hazard probably would have survived either way which kind of takes away from the effect wait oak now let's finally kill his dumb painting dancer's dead please never show me that painting again or just never show me sans again i'd be happy with that as well oh i like the odds one in three that could be good uh no yes yes no way did i guess that no what no one's gonna believe me but i haven't looked this up am i meant to know that is that something that i should know or is that just luck honestly i don't think i should have this chest yet what's inside please i don't need this oh yeah there goes oak wow oh it's the big one this has to have stuff in it right that's useless professor oak just has objectively the best outfits look at this poison flask that sounds good let's just have oak drink it oh no that's banana oh oh that's two bananas in a row oh that's that's good we got it finally i can die huh who turned the lights off uh look right someone explain what's happening why what is happening why is he having a birthday party did i set a birthday for him does this make any sense no ha is it really today how would i know here we go here's the fade to silence faces oh it's sword and shield pokemon sword and shield villager shield and mario mario blade what's that oh the shield can protect the sword no it's all right though we have oak's magic explosives oh they can actually attack together that's so much damage yes professor rogue he's stepped in at the most crucial time well i'm panicking trying to get the sprinkles out thank god yeah quite literally that we have these dumb sprinkles the second the enemies start getting these we we just lose unstable formula how much of this stuff does he have he's just literally loading the entire team up with explosives pokemon sword and shield is dead finally oh goodbye luigi and friend which lever do i pull um wow my favorite how kind of you game i'm very happy right now wow isn't this game so much fun how do we get through the door we need gems i haven't even seen any gems there's four holes well yeah well i guess we go back to the town here you go sans this belongs to you sadly here why don't you tap this oh and that's the gems right i guess we need to return everyone's face hey please give me a gem please it's back i can feel my face again i'm indebted to you truly i am here's a little token of my appreciation and it's gem d and you know what take this too oh we rich a dead end not so fast it okay yep yep okay yeah wow well i guess that's a coincidence isn't it it's time hey it's bill gates i know this guy so we meet again i thought i'd sealed away your powers oh wow it's mario odyssey all over oh that's that is terrified guys are truly terrifying why does it fit so well oh we're not doing very much damage this could be bad he's doing his big attack that can't be good oh it's it's not nice the damage is not nice uh sprinkles no no no no no no no please oh he healed him hey at least we can rely on oak's magic explosives those aoes hit so hard i've got sprinkles coming your way because that's this game at this point i am pharaoh allow me stop healing him dude idris no oh thank god oak's still around oh great yeah i'm glad they became acquainted before they both inevitably just die the curse is lifted finally please don't take idris no he's the only one actually doing any damage why would you do this please i know we have so many of them but please don't just give them away oh it's so bad why is hazard so weak oh and who's cursed now why can none of them resist it no idris heal him don't don't attack [Music] we could have revived him no oh hi robert downey jr oh no want to buy this photo i've just took i actually would have laughed if he just just held up a photo of idris just dead on the ground this is this is a really sad moment i'm sorry idris you've been demoed to the dead corner here you go boss baby hope you understand how much this face cost a good man died bringing this back to you the g is back in action seriously though who steals a face you know i've been asking myself that for the last 10 hours of this game i've been thinking about the things i did to everyone a lot yeah you know what that that was bad man you're gonna have to do something for us like big time like uh revive my friend where do i go now is boss baby gonna move this rock for us thanks boss baby just a minute there do you want to play my quiz who is it oh this one's easy this is not gonna ask me how many limbs a squid has oh this one's actually kind of hard with this one okay just gotta nail this last oh no no like it doesn't even look like him how am i no that's not leon why is he here why is he in the middle of the desert you i never thought i'd see the day he just gave away his giant wad of ham we've gone to the end of next door desert yeah all right yeah fantastic goodbye friends that i just made wait where are the others the dark lord's not made off with him has he well yeah he has and wow look you've lost all your stuff again dude how do you keep letting this happen like you didn't even wake up he just came and snatched your friends perhaps you were a little relaxed after saving next door i'm afraid i'll just have to restore what what job we gonna get this time like we've got all these great new abilities but we could choose cat meanwhile oh what's gonna happen now [Laughter] my new friends hi where'd you lot come from is that the evil lord dart is that the evil dark lord bill gates yes that's a tongue twister you're not friends with hazard are you it's like it's like that's going to be a problem well i guess i lost all my friends again thank god i've got this giant hunk of meat that the king gave me and here we go again back to having nothing at least we've still got dumb out and battle what was that even meant to be for some reason we're a cat now um don't know how i feel about this i just read the cat is actually good here we go again oh what is that oh oh oh why why does this exist kill it my god it dies in one hit i never want to see that again in my life get me out of here i don't want to be in this world anymore oh there's something on the ground well that's a surprise oh [Laughter] you've got me joking friend hello someone's at the door it's cynthia you know pokemon cynthia i you know i need to keep the pokemon references coming otherwise you know people won't click the thumbnails there'll be another two friends along to join the team shortly well that's to be expected what yeah i was like what can you actually buy for a cat i guess you get different paws what is there in the arcade anything good no but we're doing it anyway i love gambling i hate gambling let's head onwards into this place i've forgotten the name of already the realm of the faith oh it's jesus hey jesus i've heard you've been keeping yourself quite busy you should boss baby the error of his ways and now we're gonna show you because i'm still convinced this guy is evil how goes your pursuit of the dark lord um not good that certainly puts a spanner in your works yeah he just kind of keeps stealing my friends i might know which way the dark lord's gone oh by any chance he uh in this new realm that we're in and he's gonna take all my friends and everyone's face in the town no there'll be no pushovers if the dark lord's attacks you know something makes me think that's not true you're pretty good at cleaning i've been told that about 50 times oh oh no bob ross dude you okay ah it's terrible the dark lord he he's he's headed for the retreat oh wow it's like i predicted that he's gonna take some faces wow it's the elven retreat no we really went all out stealing me's this time hello scaredy cat tom from tom and jerry the yeah okay i want to take a moment to explain this one so during my uh me stealing spree uh the round three of the me stealing spree i encountered this is an attempt at thanos i want to emphasize the word attempt don't ask why any of these three got casted i just needed to fill some roles but don't worry we're more creative with the rest like um the green eyed lady this one fits pretty well everyone in this place loves those dumb fab fairies it's so lame i i agree this one about with their magic powers how can i beat that i can be useful too right well i can't help that you're an idiot jesus it's the lazy bones dry bones i just can't be bothered yeah honestly i know how you feel i'm about 15 hours into this game and i feel like we haven't even started the mischievous witch jennifer from from the witcher t i'm a witch don't you know be gone foul fiend oh huh oh somebody this is awful [Music] my sisters oh i didn't skip any of that i didn't get to read any of it monsters came and spirited away the two elder sisters i mean that's why i managed to piece together thanks ominous inside head voice hey you help me get my sister black emoji back no oh i didn't want you on my team oh i don't want i don't want this one oh okay it's fine it's not it's not one of those turkeys we're all good here let's go thinking emoji with a gun i keep thinking i've got link on my team it's just a fairy with a thinking emoji face oh welcome to the team aye aye super monkey ball i'm do you know i'm just so excited for the super monkey ball remix his mouth appears to be just a tiny bit broken who wants to buy something oh aye aye does test tube okay right look look look every time i select the one that's you know it sounds like it's friendly it's not monsters this one's definitely not gonna be a bait either yep there we go [Music] at least it's just a tomato right it should just die yep oh oh oh oh oh oh okay why does it look like stewart little just a minute there could you tell who someone is just by their outline time to play silly silhouettes um i get this just not gonna go well is it question one oh well uh obviously it's me question two uh it it's it's hazard again wow question free if it's hazard three times in a row uh why why why why why are you walking on your hands and feet tomato tomato tomato i love to sing because i'm not tamar tone deaf but you are brain dead you've rescued 500 people god okay that's a that's a big upgrade that's actually going to be very useful oh oh god shoot of the people has awakened a new power yeah yeah we get it and has it won once gloves mario gloves i'll take them oh it's the return of the ketchup bottle we need to get it ah spin till you win oh that's a big win we're eating tonight yes yes yes yes yes yes it's that easy you go i i now this oh this is a weapon put in the right hands well i guess we go into a sandy cavern oh oh orange cavern oh oh that is not a nice looking spider oh oh oh yes it's dead it's in here once oh i was gonna say if i was the bee armor no where's our fourth team member can we have them now please yeah it kind of be helpful oh i'm the master of these i've gone left about 50 times so right i won but did i really win okay 14 various dishes from all around the world apparently who wants what what does random do oh have a little souvenir i'll take it puzzling tablet i feel like because it's a named item and it isn't a banana that's probably pretty useful no i thought we were finally getting our fourth team member no it's like you've been playing too long please take a break you know play games for more than 30 minutes your eyes are to go square and you're going to die probably probably die who's hungry because we've got a feast random this is way more fun and way less time consuming random have we had enemies come out of a big chest yet is this the one no but honestly i kind of wish it was the color literally does nothing it just looks bad in every scenario okay i think we're ready to fight whatever citrus-based monster lives at the end of here you know what i wouldn't be surprised if it's literally just an orange an orange with eyes i wonder what today will bring you're in a good mood honestly you shouldn't be because someone uh might die oh we got we got bad music black emoji oh yeah that that's a problem come on then bill gates i know you're here oh [Music] ah oh no i actually wish that was an orange that would have been amazing let's go jump slash how much to oh that he does damage yeah we got we got sprinkles you know 120 of them at this point it's kind of fun to mash sprinkles to be honest come on aye aye do your move buddy oh how can ai do 80 damage explosive okay this is gonna do damage yo that's the first hundred damage we've seen laughing crying face oh it looks awful see whatever this meat actually says in dialogue it's just gonna seem dumb because it's got that face oh that was getting tolerable cookie can't even tell if it's a joke that's gonna be every line of dialogue this emoji just has so many utilities you can use it when you're laughing you can use it when you're sad or you can just use it at the end of every single message you ever send where now big big forest what what's with the double g i wonder if it's big hey uh we have a slight problem i have a corrupt file this is where you go oh no oh no we've lost about 30 minutes of gameplay but i still have my voice recording so thankfully with battle replays we should be good [Music] it's dawn keeping the pokemon characters coming yeah i this is i made another me you see i kind of stolen enough at this point it's okay the eyes are maybe a bit big and it kind of looks a bit weird if you look behind the hat flushed oh wow this one doesn't have a face either oh what is that owl why can't it head spin i don't think that's the way that owl's head spin is it let's go big attacks wow let's go big attacks one damage and the owl is dead okay that was way too easy we've definitely got a really hard boss at the end of this all right we've returned the flushed emoji sister this might be a joke because you see yeah you you get it by now you wanted to head east after the dark lord yes please come find us at the east gate don't leave me waiting uh are we not all just gonna walk there it's like literally two feet down the road hello ready girls come on emojis open the door for me oh oh i don't want to play this game anymore oh wow funny coincidence for bill gates to be stood on at the the other side thanks for opening the door ladies oh oh i think we did bad oh oh oh no it's just that that one let's see you try with that wimp fairy magic now and now it's time to pay a visit to our little elf friends don't take all the faces i just kind of wanted this world to end oh no i thought we're almost done i actually thought we were almost done with this world all these persons the dark lord must have flown off and had his fun right well where is he taking the faces this game it just it never ends oh there's three of them i forgot about fanos again oh so they can attack us and sometimes it just heals us instead yep we did it thanos and miles and uh camilla are saved oh it's tom um i get i guess we just use this see these enemies are harder but they're not hard enough which is why i'm very worried for this final boss oh it's jennifer slime oh honestly i feel like these were just mini bosses and we have something bad coming up next tad man another enemy oh i haven't seen this one before fiend what look what how [Music] that's gotta be a joke thank god he's getting revived like what can i do against that is there gonna be more of these enemies like how do you deal with that honestly this might be where the nuzlocke starts getting really hard devil's food yeah fantastic not going to be useful when we're all dead could do with a nice oh we still got another battle oh wow it's not like that was enough oh thankfully it's not another one of those fiends just another uh tad man at least they die in one hit please be done i don't want to do this anymore it's a chest do we trust it it might have a fiend in it [Music] it doesn't have a fiend in it that's good yes we're safe everyone lives for another day somehow who wants some stuff oh adventure armor yeah we let's just we need the maximum gear but i don't think there's anything that's going to resist 999 damage let's head onwards to what i think might be the final boss [Music] why does that look so good the eyes are so wonky hello uh frog actually this is just called frog it's the thinking frog oh imagine if that hit both of them that would have been that would have been pretty good it's sucking in a big breath oh it's sucking in a big breath again is this gonna this is gonna be a one-hit ko again isn't it i'm not looking forward to this oh no no no no oh you spewed out the breath oh it's not even that strong right okay well i i guess we just kind of use sprinkles uh you know what while we're here let's just do this as well might as well keep everyone topped up oh well do we finish in style double scratch even though it's not needed just because it looks cool wow the frog is dead why was the fiend harder than the boss nice cynthia gained a level and so did i and now i'm ready for our team to just be stolen as we head into the next world i can't help but feel like that was just a bit too easy for a final boss but mr camera's here so i think it is i think that was it okay let's see the photo come on hold it up it's so bad i feel like not buying his pictures has probably set me up for failure when he comes back as the final boss watching that almighty super dark lord cameraman robert downey jr and jeff bezos the postman it's the tag team here you go tom you're first on the list buddy please i want you to have this [Laughter] he knows me too well how kind of you that can buy me that can't buy me anything it really cannot buy me anything finally miles huzzah no it's it's hazard no no no you could no that's that's wrong okay we're all set cheers for everything you've done here oh i was about to be deleted again ah that was an experience i won't be repeating take take this and use it a cake we got three of these in the slot machine what what good is one cake and that's everybody that needed rescuing uh good because if you're about to say there was more i probably would have switched off the game well then your journey is far from over and we made you a promise so let's show them the way oh we we've got this again oh oh oh it's there's the extended cut how do i turn this off this there's no skip button i'm pressing i'm pressing every button on my control you look after yourself let's go team before you're all inevitably taken away i'm you know what i'm just ready for that to happen it's nice knowing you a lot um i hope we meet again soon gaza like how how have you let it happen again man what's this the third time now but wait i'm still oh that's right hey i've actually kept my stuff this time the dark lords couldn't seal away your white why couldn't he that this might be the final world carcass ascent well i have to fight the dark lord by myself i'll have to get my friends back first just so they can die in the second last battle mage goblin fine we've got dumb and uh dumb does this see it's not really obvious which one's gonna be safe fish that's not a fish oh fish arcade anything good cat suit well we'll give it a go we will not give it any more goes no oh we're all good i just hit my desk and it like died what could go wrong this time oh we've got the rock well just a minute there who has a never ending first for fun and games not me how many we talking that's steve that's oh my steve my my brain uh yes he did you couldn't give me something else you couldn't give me like spins with a slot machine anything something that would just just help whoa what hey what's that that's almost as bad as that turkey die why why didn't it die he he just looks way too happy for the current situation around him everything's burning all his friends have been stolen stop is there anything good oh steel claws that sounds like it's worth spinning the machine yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no yo i know these people it's jesus did you do this jesus oh no i've just figured it out we're gonna have to save all nine of our friends they were wandering around like well faceless chickens you see see the joke here is because this this game's gonna be easy we have the lord and savior on our team i'll be fighting with you from now on he's gonna make us get all the way to the end beat the boss and then he's gonna take the crown i can see it now i've been calling it jesus's clothes are so fashionable i you know what i kind of disagree they're about two 000 years old what is it friend why are you known as the great sage i'm just a magician who's traveling yeah evil magician dark magician after a while people get began calling me by other names including dark lord we actually got something that resembles a weapon for probably the first time ever oh no if we found it's l in a lava shroom slum slime slime magma l slime it's all right we've got jesus lightning just give me a second to yeah there we go we now have very very sharp claws that does so much damage thank you and goodbye else's face flew off off towards haven hollow that better be the place where we just were otherwise i am al can just stay there forever l i return with potentially good news buddy hey why is he wearing that outfit is that why i left him in ah my face it's back you saved me just like i knew you would all right we have a team free oh team of two plus jesus three ways um it says beginner i've played this game long enough to now probably realize intermediate is our best choice i bet pro and beginner are the two hard routes see it's not that bad it's not that bad dark dark dark griffin maybe this wasn't the easy intermediate route i thought it would be okay oh what just happened god you're back sprinkles bunny sprinkles i wonder if i'll find dawn's face soon um you know what something makes me think it's gonna be up now [Music] it's just so satisfying doing over 100 damage one hp whoa okay one more damage l would have been dead there was no way he could have got revived apparently luck is finally on our side jesus finished it all three of these teammates are my healers so it's gonna be me and three healers we're gonna die oh how's it long time no see no about five ten minutes maybe since you got kidnapped oh don't want emerald please don't mess it up we don't need any more of those like bananas and yeah we got it i wonder if peach's face is around here i wonder if peach's face is around here here no evil peach golem oh that's what we want to see oh no nice no no stop yes l survived marginally again somehow he's honestly just on the brink of death twice now third time's not going to be so lucky there we go finally now we've helped all three people let's just get back to him and hollow for now okay time to return the final face oh no no no why did i why did i give peter face back as i should have known you'd save me head to carcaton are we not already in carcatin divine gifts be who you want to be you and your team can now change jobs at will thing is if i change my job do i lose all the levels yo why we got buff cat i don't i don't like this i haven't liked many of the outfits but this one especially picking a new job but yep level one okay why would i do that this is this is looking less friendly by the minute i'm gonna be honest that's a bomb oh oh no oh god that's a lot of bombs is this gonna set off like a chin reaction oh oh no oh now that was a rumble that means bad oh didn't expect the nuzlocke to end like this where did everyone go nothing but to keep going why i ended up with l of all the people to be fair at least it's not peach oh wow look of course they didn't manage to make it round this is where we're gonna have to go back to get them well i just can't hang about let's keep going how are these ins still in business in fiery volcano of death that's been ravaged by the dark lord but don't worry in still in full operation oh i don't even get to control them like just i'll just be there on the sprinkles then that's gonna be my soul job wait look hey glad we all made it back together somehow what the hell is that is that pingu oh that's that's silence that's usually when there's a boss fight huh sounds like growling must be a dog or lots of them let's be careful like ground makes me think of oh it's a two-headed free-headed dog it's fluffy get the heart lads oh and it's got my friends on it oh god's coming in apparently i walk hyper sprinkles that sounds pretty good all right let's all get hyper then i guess oh my god i'm just giving them a lot of drugs oh they do a lot of damage but i don't have any control hazard would you like some more buddy yes the tag team wins that wasn't actually too hard well with special magical powder it wasn't too hard yay it's a shame two of them are dead who's that and who's this and aye aye welcome back so that six people rescued well then my work here is done where are you going to dark lord jesus suspicious that you leave this late into the game oh we actually do get them all well first of all you serve no use to us now look because leon's dead the way that i'm gonna solidify his death is i'm gonna make him change to a job that has level one so leon the warrior and idris also what job what would you do in your in the afterlife what would you work as idris i feel like idris would be a chef here we go you know what idris and leon can just kind of sit up there by themselves aye aye go be friends with a horse oh wow i wonder what that is that says dark lords that must be the dark lord's castle just above it it says dark lord's castle so has it do you have a war cry do i of course i do you think i'm this far into the game and i haven't used this yet do you want to usually do what it says oh we're camping outside the big bad boss castle this is called a barbecue which brave soul will try at night hazard he's the only one that's actually capable but the food wasn't good apparently he got poisoned was it peach cooking by any chance of course why wouldn't the chest just before the castle have bananas in it because you know that's that's just really what i need right now you've got another letter oh it's mario it all makes sense now mario had some of the hyper powder that's why it looks like that here we are i think we're in the end game now team this is where we finally lose what geez can we stop dying that's the second time in this world we've all been crushed by a rock where did everyone go oh we actually gonna have to do another one of these split up things left it's where we run into a fiend oh okay it's not fiend it's just different imps we're all good oh has this evil okay we've lost the one and only life source on our team nice one l oh what boss boss no please professor oak oh he doesn't he doesn't have a face oh i don't like that easy welcome all the pokemon characters are gonna be united meanwhile oh okay you know what that means goodbye let's go the other way like if there's actually gonna be fiends both ways we might be in trouble oh wow look it's it's a fork in the road and this is most definitely the first time i've been here there's something just is kind of drawing me to the left okay yeah that that's a bit better oh wait wait we have a boss fight with two people no it's the dark lord in the picture oh i'm watching dark lord cynthia no that should have been the one it's okay we have magic dust around here we know how this works yes there we go the final hit and cynthia has returned to the team yes a good teammate we can replace peach remember the dark lord bringing me here dresses are blank though probably because you didn't have a face wow don't miss a photo op wanna buy this photo hey that one's not too bad you know what yeah here you go buddy as you're doing business with you i honestly i just feel like it's a scam why would i even buy that and the team is back together hey wait look it's those idiots okay let's pick the gang there's just so many people okay who's first cynthia dawn aye aye there we go that's the team that's two fiends we're gonna run away it's no shame in running away from death because look we've got we've got a nice easy passage all the way around the edge we'll have to face some difficulty nope it's just like what we call foreshadowing oh just the final team i don't even know who we haven't got who still hasn't joined the team oh it's post malone he's been gone so long that i forgot he existed [Music] what is that post armor it's the future armor we only really have one solution for dealing with boss fights at the moment is kind of just give these two the magic dust and then rest in peace post malone armor and welcome back to the team body and that's all 10 of our people back oh there's no way we're going to have to use all 10 of them against the dark lord or something right it just kind of seems like it's setting it up for that a ten person party the world's our oyster we can do anything for example go home we can all go home the end hey that's a nice idea whoa city on i mean dark lord sounds a bit scary sure does that's why we've got to kill him guys we've got to finish the game oh lag 10 me's is too much on screen at one time there's just so much going on it's so oh everyone wants to buy stuff hazard wants boxing gloves he's about to start his youtube career mr hazel who jeff is he just delivering the dark lord's mail why why are you here i've got a letter dressed to mr hazar must be inside the dark lord's castle by now no i'm there right behind you why it's like spooky music but it's not the usual boss music oh it is a dragon he's got oh he oh oh i'm not i wasn't ready for this it's okay we have the magic powder you know how it works get him hazard oh just do so much damage with that this game half the battles using sprinkles so if you have a lot of sprinkles built up it's pretty easy i'm kind of learning how important sprinkles are they kind of define the entire game here we go big attack from hazard let's go that was like 400 damage it's pretty simple at this point give has a hyper powder that's how you win okay cynthia can have them all but i think i think we should be good we're about we're about to win how does it do a nice 200 damage here and we win 155 subscribe of course so the dragon kind of fell asleep this is this our new teammate the dragon just replaces the horse where am i oh dear this is embarrassing i he speaks english it's it's alduin obtober dominic well good night then please don't eat my horse when he walks past so we'll be at the dark lords front soon the final battle we're getting so close oh of course i fiend oh no i think this is a mandatory fiend dawn you're gonna have to be ready on the revive i hit cynthia right okay no no no don't you don't need to avenge okay they're right the feen's dead the finn's dead take our time don't don't dawn can revive it's it's it's all good it's all good around here we're fine don't do we're not going to kill all the people before please just do the move do the right thing yes yes and cynthia's back let's see how much damage this does oh i'm see i'm getting smart i didn't i didn't lose someone there old hazard would have lost someone now we're fine it's all good here we are we've come a long way this might be it we've lost many along the way leon and idris due to no fault of my own we have to do this for leon and idris we have to beat the dark lord well look who it is we're ready to fight you dark lord bill gates we're gonna do it for leon and for idris and for the other teammates that didn't make the cut oh you're gonna beat me up diddums bring it on dark lord bill gates oh my it's bill gates we've come so far but it's finally time there's the evil boss music oh this has been a long time coming and you know what we're about to start off with cynthia and hasa here's some magical dust 188 damage team dawn lighter hand they're all just so strong in friendship at this point luster here we go we're all gonna chip in we've worked so hard for this i can't let anyone fall now that's some damage he hasn't even got hit on us yet and we're just laying in the damage [Music] the dumb attacks are pretty weak at this point bill gates has been bullied he's been surrounded and just kicked in bill gates called the servant that's no hey no that's cheating no you can't do that but no what's the dawn oh hey give that back another how many can he call that's cheating after all his time you're telling me he could just steal hazard's face he could have made this such a short game subscribe we've made it through i think we top up the sprinkles but apart from that glitch don't attack bill gates get the faces back you know what time it is for you too here you go kill and that's dawn saved [Music] again for like the 50th time come on ii you know it would just actually help if it was just a health bar for them because you can only see if you're not hyper i don't i don't know if he's taking damage i don't know how much we've even done to him at the moment [Music] wait what okay this must be like phase two right oh no no no i'm not accepting that that's not a final boss nothing happened we barely had to do anything oh no that that looks like evil oh here it comes so someone destroyed that you know oh what's that bill gates did i did bill gates you don't know what you've been doing buddy you've been you've been running rampant in the where's he going hey hey come back oh hey jesus oh wait oh no did you just beat the dark lord yeah yeah i did but didn't feel like we really did anything because he only attacked twice oh jesus no kill it dude look out what happened did did jesus just the darker lord jesus i thought we were gonna be done with this game are we about to fight jesus this is even better than being a dark lord i am now an even darker lord watch me go hey no come back hey we want to finish this right now i want this game to be finished god stop your son please it's not just with this body you have to worry about this time oh yeah of course why wouldn't it the darker lord is stronger i think he can save the world again from even and even worse save the like the whole world the whole world again again hey dominic dominic the the dragon he looks sad are you sad kinda yeah i don't want to do another 50 hours ah i see the darker lord is it i can help i like helping get on my back this really is becoming how to train your dragon nine here we go why why why oh it's pretty dangerous dawn i don't think that's the way to do it where are we going we going straight to the final boss now why does it feel like we've just beaten the tutorial for the game there's the four worlds we've done at the front have we got three more worlds no wow i never knew the world was stupid neither did i the traveler's hub i don't recognize some of these people hey well informed bored jungle fit well well-informed bod not seen you around here before you're searching it to forward it to dart what somebody around town has got to know where the fellas have gone after all we've got travelers from all over the world here that that would make sense in the traveler's hub hello the abominable snowman is on a rampage everyone's in danger sure i'll help you random person gone to waste see that's that's like a joke maybe this isn't even snow maybe it's the ash of burning people why is it a different symbol yeah hey it really is pingu we can't kill these they're so cute we're saying that we do we do need to get past so that wasn't necessary guys just beat that penguin today at least we didn't kill the penguins and turn them into penguin steak i don't really know what the point of the game is now are we just clearing worlds until jesus comes out i've just taken this quest and i'm going to find the abominable snowman i don't don't really know why oh yeah it's a classic the giant hole in the snow how are the faces able to possess literal balls of ice slash water slash snow unstable formula it's just a goated move at this point oh yeah yeah that that makes sense snow is made out of milk whoa okay ai needs to get this weapon it does kind of look like jpeg slapped on a flask but oh i'd like to see it's good to see you the rock but you know what it just isn't because we're gonna get five bananas for beating this quiz come on then yeah there we go well done it's oh well that's the abominable snowman it's only right that we do it properly here you go strong hairs have the magic dust honestly yeah with the magic powder it just kind of feels like bullying okay someone actually told me i can check the oh well he's almost dead these enemies are feeling a bit too easy i i don't know whether i over levels phew that was a close one it must have been artificially created by the dark lord yeah you were the one that made us kill it i'm only here to do a job thank you person i've forgotten the name of saffy i don't know why they're in my world who are they okay i i kind of just froze i guess we go back to here then do i actually just have to do everyone's quest here these are my people mike wazowski well when i say my people my stolen people it's like a shark k whale is this a reference i'm not getting oh it's just it's just a killer whale that's that's the k you ever heard of hamburgers they say they're eaten in peculiar as a chef i have to try at least a chef that's never tried a hamburger i'll take you to see what a hamburger looks like i'm sure there's probably a mcdonald's in this town like can you not just go there julia okay who have we got fight here then of course bread ah and the nose oh this bread is dead that's a four-way attack oh emergency what oh no dawn is dying does that mean we can't use dawn now what shame we're gonna have to use someone else dawn's back that was a good sound effect i'm gonna have to steal that right where's this hamburger oh oh yeah why why wouldn't we get close to the hamburger and then end up in some mysterious woods this just looks like the the first world again please please don't make me go back there what what happened to the slime he he's not doing so well oh he's dead oh we're stuck okay let's just go through here and see where this ends up no i don't i don't want to be here we're going back oh we were bound to run into another fiend please don't kill peach it's cynthia that's good that peach can save the day still it's all good do the right thing peach it's a big moment yes we revived cynthia that's what we like to see i need to be looking up where these fiends are so i don't just run into this blind okay peach your time has come and welcome back dawn [Music] no i don't really want to be here i want to i want to be there why am i pointing at the screen no one can see this come on this better be the one please be the right teleporter oh see this would have been way easier just going to mcdonald's now we have to fight a hamburger with teeth if i got that as an order you know i wouldn't be happy what's it gonna be called they always have dumb names hamburger and bread the designers woke up and they're like you know what let's just start naming them literally you know how the boss fights go by now bring out the hyper sprinkles get him hazard and and i and dawn wow that was like a combined 400 damage shouldn't have got my hopes up no this this wasn't a nice hamburger i don't know who sent you this information so much easier to just buy them in the city next time like trust me on this do you know anything about the darker lord jesus or him yeah he lives in the apartment above me yeah yeah i'll i'll tell it i'll give him the word oh oh another emergency has us fallen ill and he's dying oh it's no it's ii you can't fall ill now your game releases in a few days oh we can win the black katana 50 50. we've got one shot of this there's no way we can fail 50 50 chance in gambling means we get it right this there's no way why why would you why all right i think we've got one more quest who's this it's show of course can i help you darker lord jesus is this person famous he is kinda he's like he's like in this book called the bible my friend monica said something about this she's a nimbus right now the numbers 2000 3000 4000 9000. flying broomstick shall i show you the way of course let's go to nimbus oh he's got he's got a hat now let's go and here we are in the clouds this looks like a nice place this is where the dark lord is they're so fluffy i wouldn't keep jumping you probably fall through we're in the cumulus in the clouds cloud city lando carissian better check the expiry date on what the clouds hey this is a banana hell oh my god our teammates are giving us bananas now i bought two and even up why are you buying bananas we don't need any ai's back he's beaten his illness just in time for super monkey ball banana mania i was about to say banana blitz that's another game there's futuristic robots in the futuristic city in the sky but don't worry the chef had never heard of a hamburger no one's thought you know what let's put that beef burger that we keep getting from the minotaurs in between the bread that would that would make too much sense what the hell that's a sword that katana was put to good use didn't even get to see a battle and it just chucked in the bin now we have golden fist why are we even here again i forgot what this guy even wants but let's do it for this guy default character moniker oh yeah of course monica and the goons oh oh feel free honestly feel free take them all you've got plenty of those to go around mega fire why do our guys not have that move that sounds cool oh and peach is the one to get the final hit of course at 29 damage took it the one damage over it needed probably yeah yeah who cares it's not like it's one of my guys ah it's good to be back who cares i was so shocked to see you become a monster oh yeah this guy wants to talk to you or something hey so where's jesus like we're up in the clouds you've probably seen him around here this is usually where he is an ominous shadow soaring across the sky no that's just requires a could that be the darker lord i also some giant tower in the sky around then it really is for quasi isn't it i wasn't joking oh and all this time it was behind the sky pillar skyscraper close enough emergency your entire team is dead nope no it's cynthia that no that's bad actually that's one of our attackers okay well i guess we go to the skyscraper so this is a skyscraper what you just learned about it you didn't know this existed 10 seconds ago what are you on about darker lord jesus should be here like sure put two and two together but it could be rayquaza like i said that's where my money is oh no we have to go collect no gather information on the traveler of course why not hey i'm back has the mcdonald's opened yet we've got ariana grande donkey kong buzz lightyear the baby and someone that's definitely not my character i want to find out who this is claudia of course director cat do you have a minute so my perfect little guy toby did a bad thing he turned up one day without a spooky looking jewel you know what i really need that so yep sure i'll help you where do we go oh okay we've got to go over there let's continue onwards into the eerie road wow this place was so happy there was a burger here before with teeth oh hey no this is my new friend i met like 10 minutes ago plea please no what is that claudia whisper the wisp oh it's a four-way pin so this dog is dead the dog's free he wasn't in the enemy here but don't worry we'll still have dog meat as our food doggy donut no that's even worse what if we turn him into a donut hey remember us yeah we met like 10 minutes ago we just saved your life your face got stolen the dog didn't die today is a good day hey you see that like gem thing can i can i you know can i can take that gem like off your hands like please is toby the dog is that what we were searching for i just haven't connected any of the story it's all just a blur one quest down we need three more there's so many of them and he's not even these two don't even have proper quests they're just there as bait let's do this because it says it's easy right you know we like stuff that's easy you've not seen any jewels in the shape of eyes or noses now you mention it i did get a hold of a weird jewel you know what just how stories usually work then sure yeah that's that's probably the one is that a new place oh of course that cave just came out of the ground wow this brings back memories not good ones someone died here right emergency who died now oh wow what a shame someone that's already dead died he found the mouth jewel looks like a bean let's go back to the yeah let's go back to the travelers hub do you need something for me okay let's go to buzz lightyears secret lab [Laughter] buzz i i don't think you can see buddy you might you might want to take the the wig off what no why have they made the penguins into robots hey don't do that right that's it on cynthia double slash oh that yeah they're dead rest in peace robot penguins i haven't shown this move yet i was doing this while i was grinding horseplay it uses my entire mp but watch this penguin die [Music] oh my god i'm so sorry robot penguin you didn't deserve that oh oh no buzz lightyear has become a boss oh oh [Music] robo buzz this is the greatest boss so far no i'm doing it wrong why they even attack you know how these work hybrid sprinkles now we're just kind of watching oh wow hey why's he got a gun god awoke shield sprinkles giving me one time protection from damage why are we getting something new this late into the game these two both have snipers aimed on them so [Music] here we go and those two magically avoided it oh robobuzz is dead it's just like so bad his eye patch is like stuck up his nose the nose jewel one more to go time to go back to the traveller's hub hopefully for the last time who gets to drink the big cart of oil cynthia's looking thirsty didn't mind it you literally just okay petrol tastes good hello donkey kong it's the thief donkey kong banana thief please take some of my bananas i have too many my friend was taken to well i guess we go back there then wow come on dk and we've made it to the last piece of the puzzle let's get it done of course that's why we're here to get it done oh it's a boss with a person's face wow it's like we've done this one before oh well you know how it goes it's kind of our repertoire at this point we just kind of whip out the hyper sprinkles and then we win that's a four-way attack oh okay the boss is dead round one imagine wow that was a real weak point ai probably the lowest damage in the team look dawn can do more damage i don't get it why is iii become such a weakling oh and another four-way attack on the okay hey no no hey you're not allowed to do that let's go iii i didn't know he could do that he just protected cynthia from something bad i'm sure we we can bring out the sprinkle oh okay the boss is dead well that was probably the easiest out of all four of them and that's the last piece of the puzzle slash door slash door puzzle finally we've managed to find all four jewels now we can finally get to the sky pillar skyscraper prepare yourselves team for what could be the end of the game you know what i said that last time it might not be they've got all the skyscraper jewels what is that what does that mean yeah i i don't really know considering this is a skyscraper can we not just fly to the top on the dragon no of course no that's not how games work we're going to land at the bottom and probably fight lots of enemies what strange face right gang and we go this is the skyscraper that's just next to cloud city and you know no one suspected a thing you know it doesn't look that evil let's be honest and the rocks here for some reason how did he even get past the door the skyscraper that voice it's darker lord jesus well well it's been a while how kind of you to pay me a visit okay i'll give you a hint what's in store for you i've summoned an old friend or two oh i guarantee this is gonna be a boss rush i do hope you're looking forward to a joyful reunion what is that what orochi i don't know how many we have to face in a row so i'm kind of cautious to use all my hypers but no hazard wants to show off oh wait what i thought that was like a boss that looked so cool i was not expecting that to just die i just hope we're leveled enough because if we come all this way and lose the nuzlocke now honestly i'd be pretty devastated we've gone left for majority of the game i think we have to do a right please don't get crushed by a rock it's got an exclamation mark on it that means important i guess it's going to be a boss isn't it it's bill gates but his face has been stolen it's the dark look this it's the light lord bill gates phantom of evil that's not good especially because we don't have our a team but we do have shield sprinkles so we'll put one there we'll hyper sprinkles and yeah that's probably about it i want to know how much damage we're doing here i'm going to be worried if this is actually really hard 308 damage peaches in a nightmare no peach has a shield let's go aye with the protects he's been on it at the moment oh that's a lot of damage let's you know you know what happens when there's damage you pull out the sprinkles oh the earth is angry please don't make hazar angry he's the one that actually does damage and your flower power never really does much the safety mask is so op it just stops the enemy attacking it it's really op actually it's a two-way pin so this could be some good damage we're just chipping away slowly oh it's time horseplay it's time to finish this that was a pretty fitting end to bill gates and we saved him for the second time welcome back bill gates you gonna join the team imagine that what i was joking oh do we dig wow we're rich that was bill gates stash 173 gold oh i think we might have what could be the final interaction with the rock it better be a good quiz how many legs does a frog have just a minute there it's your friendly neighborhood quiz master it's your boy the rock wow curtain conundrum you've done this one before let's do it again question one oh that was light uh and final question prince prince harry where does he go by the way he just kind of vanished i thought he was gonna come back congratulations you beat me fair and square cool thank you for some sweets i will treasure these and probably never use them well let's continue up the skyscraper oh no they're about to be crushed by another rock well i guess we split up again where did everyone go they they're dead this time they're dead well at least the two dead people are on the strong team means that the other guys might have a chance oh pink ufo ufo a and you ufob well at least to kept these names simple [Music] oh oh and then peach deleted the other one this is the ultimate team what oh we have a boss with three people oh what mifran adam sandler i told you it was a boss rush all the faces that we've beaten in every world's gonna be back and i don't know how we're gonna do this with three people this might be hard strong adam sandal gollum gold general mifra dumb snorts of the enemy let's go dumb doing 80 damage now that's a good horse bill gates is getting a turn oh what guy he's brought bananas hypo sprinkles are really helping out a lot here i don't know how hard this would be without them that's the golem dead that shield's kind of coming in clutch people probably be on really low health otherwise let's go bill gates with the one damage what guy oh no they're dead you know what wasn't too bad hopefully the other lot don't have to fight a boss that would probably be quite hard okay we have a boss with the weaker half of the team against boss and baby genie of the lamp boss baby he returns i'm just gonna try my best to make sure no one dies oh oh she's just the boss baby too is that does that film exist we need to be smart about this you two are too weak so you can have shields you two are the only ones that can do damage see you can go hyper 94 that it's okay it's not hazard damage but oh no that's not good i forgot about this boss so this is where he just died don't attack no that's pretty sad it's just one of these battles where all i do is control the sprinkles and you know what i'm kind of fine with that because that is the majority of this game at this point even the hyper sprinkles can't save dawn now no no no i forgot they could do that no don't give him bananas we need those said no one ever no okay you've cursed the two useless ones i'm fine with that oh i i did it wow i expected that to be way harder we still had like half our sprinkles that's how you know it was easy how does this keep happening my full face goes you darker lord and that's the team back together at least now i don't have to use the bad characters mr oh it's jeff bezos of course we haven't seen him in a while what's he got for us tada it's a letter who's giving us bananas today oh it's mario again oh that's the emojis i forgot they were bosses the laughing emoji pole the red thinking frog and flushed pull hasn't lost control cynthia lands a hand oh this is going to be a big attack 400 damage i see i've been grinding you may notice how good some of this gear's gone i've spent about two hours getting everyone up to speed let's turn that frown upside down yeah you know what maybe maybe i grinded gear just a bit too much and here they are the emojis are returned to the fab fairies please don't make us do the dance aha what a relief looks like the dark lords it's the darker lord everyone seems to keep forgetting darker lord jesus oh gosh we know you can do this well you know if everyone kind of just helped it would be so much easier i've got a chest it better be money it's a hot dog when i was a dark lord yes got to know a little how the dark lord thinks so what's the dark lord's goal pain suffering death yeah that's close enough well this is it i think we've reached the end of the line all those things i said about the dark lord before let's just assume we're seeing them again as we arrive at the end of the line with with bill gates for some reason i don't really know why he's come with us the dark lord forced monsters to build this tower so he'd have a place in the heavens to look down on humanity from the heavens yes high up in a place called the other world and this here is the way in let's get going then i can't go with you this place is cursed oh normal human could have survived there for long only the strongest like me as we head up to the heavens let's remember we're gonna do it for leon leon we're gonna do it for idris don't attack we're gonna beat the dark lord no uh the darker lord here we are the darker lord's domain hey jesus long time no see you know she finally made it up here i thought i was gonna die of boredom you give great sage jesus back leave him alone well then come and try your luck oh what hey no i need those stop hey they're people no [Music] the darker lord jesus now that's a good image come on then let us end this you'll have to fight with all 10 of your team all eight of your teammates because because two are dead i'm bringing them into the battle level one that's how we're keeping them dead let's do this this is it can we beat the metopian nuzlocke we need to make sure no one else dies i just hope this is gonna be possible jesus's left hand okay that's a good start that's yeah cynthia no don't wait let me give you your special sprinkles you know how this goes by now oh i don't know don't defend him he needs to just die please don't defend him he doesn't serve any purpose to us first use of the sprinkles idris is still with us somehow for some reason l took all the hits cynthia's big hit we need some big strong hits here 263 that's good that's a good start okay idris is finally gone rest in peace the ghost of idris don't no don't he doesn't need to be re why would you do that he serves no purpose you're just making it harder another 252 from cynthia the only one actually dealing damage yet stop crying he died a long time ago don't cry he just died such a long time ago stop reviving him please it's such a waste of turns we're gonna end up losing someone like l this is not good oh that was it that wasn't actually that much damage i was expecting it to be a bit harder at least now we actually have a team of three to fight the right hand [Music] jesus's right hand plus a staff apparently post malone we're relying on you for this one [Music] 152 that's good that's good enough wow oh we that's a target you know what we know what to do you taught us the new mechanic that was introduced in the last 10 minutes of the game glitch come on post malone another 150 145 we'll take it okay well that was a bit of overkill for just 30 damage jesus i thought we were gonna die hyper sprinkles i might have to keep them for the final part i think we can use one more we're doing pretty good i'm proud of the team i know i trained them up a lot but like this isn't going as horrible as i expected i expected someone to at least be dead by now glitch and the second hand is dead and it all comes down to this and now the final battle we did it good job guys everyone actually did pretty good and didn't die that was nice oh until phase two of course did i catch you at a bad time his face is just shows zero emotion allow me to show you my true power say your prayers this is it it's the final one oh never mind good job on the battle guys but that's your face is gone what is he just stolen my friends and he's turning them into a weapon it's time still got four hero three heroes left that guy doesn't really count he died a long time ago level one champion leon no matter what we have to win that's true imagine if we lost now jesus the darkest lord this isn't even the darker lord he's the doc okay this really is the end how many what what else can they add to the word the darkest lord is that what's next probably learned by now we have to start it off with a sprinkle onto hazard oh yes the good teammates are doing something that's a strong start but oh a servant has been called that's oh that's cheating you can't use post malone on me an l who's belonging l wow good one leon i'm glad you're contributing to the final battle with that one damage that's l coin gone volatile formula it's it's like fire now and it explodes please don't you okay why would you make ai angry luring leon into a nightmare never mind you protected literally nothing another hyper hit that's professor oak's coin gun how's it just kind of destroys 75 on to jesus another 73 stop cheating you can't keep calling my friends against me peach now the excitement has subsided i don't think so hazard here you go again how is leon not dead how has he not been attacked yet all we need to do is an aoe and he just dies oh and it's another explosion wow kaboom oh it's idris that's not really going to be useful for you he's level one as a showing off with a 355 damage attack wow oh leon's angry you don't know why he's still here and now the moment you've all been waiting for what i wasn't waiting for anything i was i thought we were doing okay phase two you can't really this isn't fair oh what i don't know what's going on but this animation is crazy whoa hey you can't do that right sprinkles don't know [Music] you could have killed anyone you could have taken leon but you took dawn hazard and i are gonna have to take us over the line and well i guess leon go angry leon's he's ready here he goes he's got an explosive sword look at him go one damage what have they levelled up to level two uh i'm glad they're finally acquainted come on has an iii big hits 260. finally you've taken him out he did not deserve to stand for that long one more time at least i didn't insta kill now i don't think we could have withstood another one that's it [Music] i got the final hit oh yeah he's dead is that it is it over jesus you okay i can't believe we lost dawn no oh not this time good job jesus imagine he just took jesus back and he's like yep time to do it all over again listen well dark curse you won't be able to move so don't bother trying hazard i'm truly grateful to you for rescuing me this is the story of the dark curse's past a long time ago he was just a normal human why does everyone ignore me please anyone just notice me then he became evil and destroyed the world that's his story yeah that's me he's just like you can't say this man that's slander that's not what happened so now i ask you hazza what up we do with this dark curse well break him we destroy him save him sounds more interesting it sounds like the game might continue let's do it just as i thought your kindness i think i chose the good route guys the good or the bad ending well you need to give him a face but i believe that should pose no trouble for you wow would you look at that after all this time it was youtube wait why is it still red and not being clicked to to gray i i don't know that's strange that you know it's really strange you know like and subscribe [Laughter] we actually made it with seven out of ten characters in the end can't believe dawn died honestly what tragic death this has been a great series and while it may not have seemed like at times i've really enjoyed this game thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Hazzaa
Views: 574,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hazzaa, Hazza, pokemon, nintendo, nintendo switch, pokemon challenge, nuzlocke, miitopia, miitopia switch, new miitopia, miitopia lets play, miitopia full game, miitopia playthrough, miitopia 2021, miitopia dark lord, hazzaa nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke
Id: 3xiG1ep8Kog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 45sec (8745 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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