VG Myths - Can You Beat Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Without Spirits or Skills?

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Completely nuts

I just want to mention that the first run of this I'm aware of is from

This one might be more impressive because I think the Umidah one took advantage of off-stage Chrom up-B dying last in earlier patches.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/No_Mycologist_7878 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

She actually did it. The actual mad lass.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Spleenseer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I dunno, a feat like that seems like it'd take a whole lot of skills to pull off

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/reaperfan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pretty insane she did this but jesus christ what a smug ass narration. I had to turn it off after a few minutes.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/01001101010000100 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
good morning everybody and welcome back to vg myths the online internet video game tv show finally airing its season three finale turned season four opener turned random episode number with no special significance whatsoever super smash brothers ultimate's world of light is a massive single player campaign in nintendo's flagship crossover fighting series which takes the crossover to the ultimate with hundreds of collectible video game characters functioning as your equipment and determining how much you suck so of course i had no choice but to take the sucking to the max can you complete super smash brothers ultimate's world of light without spirits or skills keyword complete beating the game spirits list would be impressive but any percent is nowhere near painful enough this mission will only be considered complete if we manage to beat all 618 battles in the world of light on hard mode without ever equipping a spirit or skill there is also one extra rule dlc fighters are loud with one specific exception we're not allowed to use any of hero's one-hit ko moves for obvious reasons with the rules set let's get this hundred plus our journey started battle number one smokey prague without spirits we're at a major disadvantage all damage calculations are run through a math problem using our own spirit's power and our opponent's power there is however one equipment option we have available to us the currently selected player character we start out with just kirby and every non-dlc fighter is located in a preset location somewhere on the map and will be recruited upon defeat keep in mind where every character is located and prioritize the characters you're best with though i understand you might be terrified by the apparent requirement of being good at video games never fear while being good at video games is a valid strategy it's also a terrible obsolete and optional one say hello to the true dominant strategy unforgivable cheese battle number 18 jury kirby is the starter character and he just so happens to have one of the most broken move types in the game final cutter ends with a downward slash that carries any opponent's hit with it to the floor if used at just the right positioning kirby will send his opponent hurdling below the stage but save himself by catching the ledge while jury is normally a difficult spirit this cheese allows you to obliterate her effort-free unfortunately as awesome as this looks it's not the cheese to end all cheese battle number 10 fiora kirby's cheese will only be reliably useful against characters with terrible recovery for example lucina and julk here we got extremely lucky with the cheese followed by a footstool leaving both characters just barely incapable of recovering battle number 26 value if a character has good recovery the cheese might accidentally work after a hundred retries but i instead recommend getting creative or more accurately as uncreative as possible battle number 22 lucario say hello to the spiritslessrun's unofficial mascot you'll probably have to beat him legit but once you do he'll be a reliable option for almost every spirit battle in the entire game lucario's unique character gimmick is called aura giving him a proportional power boost based on his current damage percentage at zero percent damage he's one of the weakest members of the cast but at the maximum 190 percent he's 10 power houses duct taped together rivaling the heaviest characters in the game while still retaining his relative agility the worse you are at video games the better a character lucario becomes in the hands of an absolute loser he's capable of closing the spirit gap and letting us win a huge chunk of the early game battles before we get our hands on more reliable g's battle number 29 boom boom unfortunately some battles absolutely require cheese with absolutely no wiggle room boom boom has the benefit of super armor meaning he won't be launched or even stagger until high percentages i attempted this a few dozen times until i eventually stumbled on the winning strategy totally by accident wait for boom boom to flub his controller inputs and self-destruct i would joke about the ai being bad but let's be honest the ai probably does this less than you do battle number 34 ho-oh this is the first legend battle we managed to beat and by sheer luck we somehow managed to do it first try curry makes the kirby cheese much more difficult to pull off but somehow the rng gods graced us with a golden opportunity footstool battle number 35 twin bellows when going for kirby's cheese you don't necessarily have to grab the ledge the battle is officially won at the exact moment your opponent is defeated no matter how few micro seconds you have left on this mortal coil battle number 37 groot on this battle served as an important reminder never to get too caught up in one strategy after about half an hour of trying to cheese with kirby i tried experimenting with link using casual strats and ended up winning in just a handful of attempts battle number 41 gigabowser this is one of the easiest boss battles in the game and not coincidentally also the first we encounter unfortunately even the easy bosses are a ridiculous endurance challenge since our power level is so low our attacks only deal chip damage meanwhile we die in 2-3 hits luckily lucario is perfect for boss battles he's agile enough to dodge most attacks and luckily just so happens to have a long range neutral special the only attack difficult to dodge is bowser's fire breath which ever so luckily does not launch us and thus charges up aura for free with full aura you'll be dealing pathetic damage instead of just insignificant making this endurance challenge just slightly shorter battle number 42 snorlax the gimmick here is that snorlax just stands in place doing literally nothing but has tons of health and must be ko'd in a limited time i actually attempted this one a while before gigabowser with a variety of jesus but snorlax was too stubborn and always pushed its way back on stage after beating giga bowser we unlocked vanilla bowser who has his own highly situational brand of cheese his side b grabs the opponent regardless of size and brings both of you hurdling to the ground this move is automatically cancelled on contact with water letting you repeat it over and over to drag snorlax past the edge of the stage battle number 45 esna the extra distance gained from the grab makes bowser's cheese exceptional at walk-off stages usually completable in just a couple attempts battle number 47 cap'n say hello to the absolute worst possible spirit attribute heavy wind your opponents are never affected by the wind but you get blown around like a plastic bag in a tornado factory even the speedy characters are only barely capable of fighting the wind in midair and a small launch will send your character tumbling off-screen while incapable of receiving input my go-to pick here is lucario his recovery move is capable of moving in any direction can fight the wind and most importantly gains distance proportionally with aura as soon as the battle begins boost yourself to the right island this island leaves you more room to survive if launched in either direction since the wind will actually protect you if launched to the right the wind is also incapable of pushing you off a ledge while facing away from it camp up here and try to deal as much damage to captain as you can he'll charge up your aura pretty early so even if you get launched left you'll have a good enough chance of making the trip back after an hour or so of attempts i finally managed to bank high damage on captain and show him what it really means to get blown battle number 59 brittany no no don't grab the don't grab the freaking ledge battle number 65 rain do it do it do it you idiot battle number 116 metal gear ray not only is ray giant and made of metal this is also a stamina battle meaning they won't ever be launched any further as they take damage focus entirely on breaking the stage's outer wall then bowser cheese ray past the edge of the screen battle number 117 polar bear once again this is a stamina battle this time on a battlefield stage polar bear tends to approach very slowly so i tried an endurance strategy using ranged attacks turns out this strategy was terrible but that didn't matter all luck no skill battle number 135 inkling while not a game breaking character a mocking inkling marks an important milestone in my own playthrough inkling is my second mane in casual play meaning whenever i want to pretend to be good at video games i finally have a decent option battle number 136 cap'n wild world clearly captain is canonically the most powerful being in animal crossing war because both his spirit battles are ridiculously difficult the cap and assist trophy spawns in constantly and this is a stamina battle after tons of experimentation i eventually found the ultimate strategy place so lane captain gets bored of curb stomping you and styles off the nearest building battle number 145 sigma i have no idea what happened here but if anybody asks tell them i did it on purpose battle number 152 bomb man with two opponents to take down who are constantly barraging us with high damage explosives bomb man looks like it's going to be a difficult battle unless you think a little bit harder about bomb man's particular strategy say hello to bomb man's weakness in the rock paper scissors weakness triangle himself play as fox turn on his reflector sit back and drink a latte bomb man is absolutely forced to spam bombs over and over no matter what we happen to be doing with our reflector on any thrown bombs will bounce off and potentially deal damage back to zender battle number 154 gallium like gigabowser gallium is one of the easier bosses in world of light every one of his attacks is slow with some big obvious tells and half of them aren't even capable of hitting us if we sit back and spam projectiles this will still be a lengthy endurance match but as long as you never make any ridiculously stupid mistakes you'll be two-thirds of the way to opening the path to glean battle number 159 donkey kong this marks one of the most important milestones in the entire playthrough if i'd known what i was doing i would have been playing as dk 10 hours ago but despite the pleading of the scram chat i refuse to believe donkey kong's game design could possibly contain a single flaw the exact moment i actually tried using him however i realized as always that my entire life up to this point had been wasted battle number 164 muddy mole select donkey kong tornado your opponent to a ledge and that's it you automatically win your opponent can't manually escape the tornado once caught inside and if you edge guard with it they'll constantly jump right back into you effectively locking them in an infinite combo battle number 165 the chorus kids dk cheese is doubly useful on walk-off stages especially one like this with multiple opponents you can grab them in groups and carry them off in record time and thanks to dk i've finally gathered up the courage to challenge one of the hardest spirit battles in the entire game the one spirit battle that single-handedly had me shaking in fear at the very concept of a super smash brothers ultimate challenge run battle number 166 buzz buzz [Music] victory i did it i'm a super smash brothers master battle number 167 mario mario tennis aces as powerful as dk is don't get your hopes up too high even with his incredible ai warping superpowers you're still occasionally going to have to try mario mario tennis aces is extremely high in power meaning our incredibly low stats are even worse in comparison on top of that we have the infinitely respawning pong assist trophy constantly bouncing us around in addition to this cheese we'll need a little extra help from dumb luck eventually peach flubbed a dodge and self-destructed mario has terrible recovery and is totally susceptible to edge guarding so with just a bit more spam and a lucky pong pattern he got launched far enough to guarantee the ko battle number 168 great fairy great theory is another super strong spirit and even worse she has a great recovery move that prevents us from reliably edgeguarding while we can still rack up a little damage on her with tornado spam it's never gonna be enough for a bonafide launch we're gonna have to add a second move to donkey kong's moveset after a little percentage is built up knock great fairy off the stage jump after her and stomp down donkey kong's aerial down a sends targets straight downward and even if they're not at a high enough percentage for a launch with enough distance they'll be incapable of recovering battle number 177 affinity as amazing as dk is don't get so excited you start relying on him solo sometimes a character you might not expect could end up being a perfect choice in this battle i discovered captain falcon's rapid punch just so happen to be perfect for ko'ing each affinity when used at the end of the stage if ever you run out of ideas try showing your moves battle number 191 peppy hair in this high power level battle we have to fight three opponents simultaneously on one of the worst stages in the entire game venom the downward slope on the wings makes dk tornado spam much more difficult to pull off i can only recommend spamming dk tornado as much as possible and hoping the super aggressive ai decides to show you some mercy luckily pepe is the only required kill here and keep in mind his extra mid-air jumps won't recharge until he touches the ledge or solid land get a few tornadoes on pepe in a row and he'll be incapable of recovering battle number 193 jody summer the trick here is to get kicked in the face which i've personally discovered is a 100 valid strategy battle number 207 honey queen while honeyqueen could theoretically be easily cheesed with donkey kong it was at this point in the playthrough i got sick of the smell of cheese and decided as i eventually decide every day of my life to be bad at video [Music] games why am i getting hit by a b how did that even happen i was in the middle of comboing pikachu where did the bee come from you're still working i am okay battle number 210 lotius and latios we've got two tough opponents to ko and they always start the battle with a pokemon so dangerous it's likely to build on tons of damage if not ko us instantly but after about an hour of attempts i discovered something extremely peculiar if you hug the left edge of the stage both opponents are highly likely to get bored and walk away with some well-timed dodges you'll win the battle without having to land a single attack battle number 212 sakura fire emblem victory first try baby battle number 219 who's the girl next door investigating the abandoned mansion you better learn her name because it's ashley robbins not only does ashley have good recovery so does dee who is mostly invisible and also a required ko you'll need to rack on tons of damage to launch both of them i recommend focusing on ashley first so you don't have any distractions while trying to keep track of d otherwise just try to lock both of them into a ledge combo the same as usual battle number 233 walhart walhart's super armor makes dk tornado spam unfeasible bowser seems like a viable second choice since this is a walk-off stage but bowser isn't actually allowed to move in mid-air above certain types of ground including the ground that makes up most of this stage rather than any special cheese i ultimately sealed the deal with a chain of totally ordinary side throws which aren't affected by super armor battle number 237 eggplant wizard get ready for an extremely tough challenge eggplant wizard is decently high in power has wonderful recovery and worst of all food is constantly spawning over the level for you that food does almost nothing but for eggplant wizard even a single morsel will reset a huge chunk of the damage you've dealt you're gonna have to multitask laying down the damage while grabbing nearby food to make sure he can't sneak a bite when the stage transforms you'll be closer to the edge of the screen so if you manage to keep the percentage up now's your chance to get the ko battle number 239 medius this battle serves as a great example for inkling strengths since this is a stamina battle tornado spam is a no-go inklings bombs have the range to let us lay on lots of quick damage from afar and they have the added bonus of knocking our opponent back with every hit by keeping the spam up the whole match i managed to win without getting hit a single time battle number 240 squawks what was that jesus all right they're at a hundred victory battle number 241 daruk thanks to the lava floor most cheese options are out of the question eventually i gave up on cheese and tried to do it legit as link which turns out to be a much easier strategy his combination of ranged attacks and ridiculously useful bouncing stab let me rake on the damage just a little bit faster than daruk could to me battle number 242 volcanion [Music] ready yeah the video will be [Laughter] the video will just be a grab bag of moments like that i prepared the powerpoint in advance battle number 243 metroid this one is undoubtedly one of my favorite solutions found in the entire run the constant interruptions from the metroid void most strategies and make us take on tons of damage extremely quickly but the metroid can't actually kill us and you might remember we've got one character who welcomes payne with an open fist the metroid allows lucario to reach maximum aura safely and has the added bonus of charging up his final smash in record time we turn the tables and make the opponent's assist trophy our own double final smashing them into oblivion battle number 245 james macleod on a casual playthrough james is one of the hardest spirit battles and thanks to his choice of stage he still puts up a decent fight in a spiritless run he takes near zero damage gives near infinite and has enough recovery to survive a mid-air stomp we'll have to figure out a new strategy if we want to take james down and by that i mean we're doubling down on the old one knock james off the stage stomp him and stomp him getting a double stomp ko battle number 249 flying man welcome to one of the hardest most time consuming battles in the game on paper we only have two opponents but notice flying man has five stalks even if we pull off a cheesy ko he'll come back four more times after a little bit of experimentation though we managed to find a workable strategy the center platform can be jumped through from below but can't be dropped through from above if you position yourself on the small platform immediately below it the ai will sometimes get confused and aimlessly wander around above you the zero suit samus's upward smash attack is a long range laser whip your opponents can't hurt you but you can hurt them unfortunately the ai isn't quite perfectly flawed and will inevitably figure out they can reach you by dropping off the ledge every time this happens you've got two options the first is jumping back to the stage proper luring the ai to follow and hopefully setting up the cheese once again the other is sending them back where they came from after about three hours of attempts i finally managed to quintuple kill flying man who unfortunately will never find out where i was hiding during that 37th game of hide and seek battle number 250 ness oh my god i never considered that strategy battle number 254 dr falco ravioli in this high wind stamina battle i chose to fight ravioli with ravioli falco is decently capable of fighting the wind while running and his side b in particular lets him close some distance while simultaneously attacking keep moving yourself to the left and looking for opportunities to rack on the damage ravioli is programmed to spam his blaster which is difficult to hit with and barely has knockback as long as you don't get hit while at the very right edge you should be able to out stamina him and prove once and for all who's really the second best nintendo bird battle number 265 orbilon this match begins with an extremely dangerous star man assist trophy in play to get rid of it asap use fox's reflector to blast its own shots back once it's dead orbulan is weak enough you should be able to kill him no problem battle number 266 bullet bill oh my god this is the best game ever made this is beautiful [Laughter] battle number 271 king hippo this stamina battle is on a walk-off stage you might think the cheese we'd use with other characters is viable but king hippo's knockback is so incredibly low both dk and bowser's cheese aren't good enough instead we'll be altering the strategy with a new character lucas lucas has a long range grab and long distance back throw stand at the absolute edge of the play area facing inward wait for king hippo to foolishly approach then grab him and throw him backward for a super simple one hit ko battle number 274 sheldon with four high power high recovery opponents this match is extremely difficult even with dk tornado luckily tons of weapons spawn in during the battle including the drill and gus pillows which are both infamous for their cheesy ko potential blow your opponents off the stage with these to leave them flailing in frustration battle number 275 medley at first this battle seemed ridiculously difficult until i discovered a little quirk you can float in the water on the left side of the level indefinitely as long as you keep hopping above the water surface while down here the ai will ruthlessly attempt to attack you and every once in a while will totally flub their attempt and get run over by the ship just be patient for both medley and velou to chase after you for a free victory battle number 276 salamence with this high wind you'll have to play a game of keep away running over and under the stage to keep salamence at a distance and heaping on aura spheres whenever you get the opportunity if everything lines up right salamance will have good damage when your final smash charges allowing for a guaranteed ko battle number 282 nikki doing a 1v3 with nikki's constant swap note attacks is absolutely not going to happen luckily two of our three opponents have bad recovery and can be easily ko'd with kirby's cheese with the odd stack slightly less against us a 1v1 became feasible and we kicked me gunner in the face for a well-earned victory battle number 294 funky kong fun fact that makes this battle 50 times easier than it first looks bullet bills despite literally being the attacking player are legally projectiles and will be launched in the opposite direction by fox's reflector with proper positioning our opponents will be bounced back keeping us safe and hurdling them into each other credit for this discovery and victory goes to zabrudo or dragonflame 3030. i'm honestly not sure the chat got really weird battle number 302 lineback similar to medley the boat itself acts as an instant ko but this time the water moves way too fast for us to safely go down there instead just knock link and line back down and they'll have no chance to recover battle number 307 rick the ice floor on this stage is incredibly annoying but it thankfully doesn't extend to the very edge of the center platform plus you're safe while standing on the blocks stick around that area and wait for your opponent to come to you though do be careful if there's a live bomb nearby rick is thankfully not quite so wise battle number 317 rathalos once again lucario is the best choice for this boss battle my general strategy was to stick around rathalos's tail which acts as a safe spot i had a tough time dodging when rathalos went airborne but luckily deku nuts and pitfall seeds spawn throughout the battle pitfall seeds automatically stun rathalos while airborne and deku nuts automatically stun with a headshot with a bit of luck rathalo stayed on the ground for the majority of the battle and after about 10 minutes i whittled down its health bar to zero with the first three bosses dead we are now allowed to challenge master hand and gleam to finish the world of light but first battle number 318 guts man i can't wait for him to just flop off the ledge and just die you know just trip because i feel like that's how this is gonna end ready by the way exclamation mark pronouns unfortunately exclamation marks aren't a thing but pronouns still are i did it i told you i told you what would happen and it happened [Laughter] battle number 320 master hand thankfully this is much easier than every prior boss fight almost all of master hands attacks have obvious tells and several aren't even capable of launching you letting you charge up lucario's aura and finish the battle with ludicrous damage battle number 321 galeem as always lucario is your best bet and luckily most of galeem's attacks are easy to dodge for the electric balls stand on the bottom platform and right when the top orb starts to move jump over it to the top phase two is the hard part when galen will summon clones that stick around during the next attack in these moments i just dropped down off a ledge and hoped for the best obviously this isn't always going to work so it's highly recommended you reach phase 2 with 0 damage to let you take some hits once aura gets charged up the led strategy actually becomes even more viable since you can drop down a lower distance and still survive and of course you'll be dealing more damage to gleam to help end the fight just a little bit sooner with galeem temporarily out of the picture we head into the second half of the game the world of dark we're leaving a decent chunk of spirits behind but don't worry we'll be back for them soon enough battle number 323 again is the japanese version rare so i've had the pleasant revelation battle number 324 crazy hand though somewhat similar to master hand this time more attacks are capable of a ko most attacks can be dodged by jumping off stage as seen before we can recover from basically any point below the stage once at high aura so play it safe and stay down there until the coast is clear the hands take damage much more quickly than other bosses so this one shouldn't take you too long battle number 325 raikou entei and suicune at first this battle appeared ridiculously difficult until i discovered these legendary dogs are just as likely to flee as they were 20 years ago right at the beginning of the battle suicune did a quite frankly embarrassing self-destruct soon after entei apparently got curious what kind of party was happening down there leaving raikou cold and alone reiko thankfully has absolutely no idea how to play the game constantly jumping down towards me in exactly the same way over and over again eventually the cycle broke and riko's face with it battle number 327 octoling girl and octoling boy both our opponents are extremely strong and have great recovery though not normally great on characters like this after some experimentation i decided curvy cheese was our best option i'm not 100 sure what the deciding factor is but if you get extremely lucky with the down slash and hit one of them in just the right way they might be sent down far enough to fail to recover after about 45 minutes of endless spam i eventually got the ridiculous luck necessary to pull it off on both of them in one attempt battle number 329 rock walnut this being a walk-off stage the same strategy as usual applies that said it's not going to be as easy as usual since there's a constant spawn of extremely annoying ranged items and our opponents tend to prefer to attack from afar even in my final successful attempt i just happen to get extremely lucky getting launched into the safety of a launch barrel immediately before two rocks got hit by their weakness a mine cart afterward the last rock was easy pickings battle number 330 crade since this is a stamina match and crade has some of the best recovery in the game getting the ordinary gzko is absolutely not happening nevertheless dk tornado is still the answer every time you not crate off the stage he'll use his recovery move to get back on it and since he's doing his recovery move he'll leave himself completely vulnerable letting you do the same thing again and again and again and again and again using this quote-unquote strategy let me drain crates hp to zero without taking a single point of damage battle number 333 the imprisoned i'm doing it i'm killing the imprisoned i think i got this chat you have to believe in me give me your power i think we can do it i think we can stop the imprisoned i think we can seal them again believe in the power we did it battle number 339 wood man as seen with bomb man fox's reflector is all you need though now you'll actually have to do your best to keep your distance since the leaves are only legally projectiles after they've been thrown battle number 340 tiny kong in this battle i didn't just accidentally stumble into dumb luck i actually legitimately based my strategy on it get to the center platform and try to knock tiny off the right edge if the stars align she'll randomly get yoinked into the abyss battle number 341 rex since the arena has a fiery floor lead shenanigans are our only option and since this is a stamina match we've got a limited time to pull them off keep in mind you're only allowed to grab ledges up to seven times before having to recharge by touching the ground thankfully neither of our opponents have great recovery so landing the spike is a near-guaranteed ko battle number 343 mr l victory i did it i don't know what i did but i did it battle number 358 krom ready [Music] go victory [Music] true battle number 363 calamity ganon krom similar to kirby can use his soaring slash near a ledge for exactly the same cheese but unlike kirby crumbs up b will send opponents hurtling downward at ridiculous speed absolutely guaranteeing the ko against almost any opponent capable of receiving knockback this time they don't even get the chance to recover battle number 373 urbosa even stamina battles are no problem we don't need to build knockback this strategy still works even at zero percent and even if you don't manage the ledge grab there's still a decent chance your opponent will hit the blast zone first making you the legal victor battle number 366 y to put it bluntly krom is the win button and we'll be replacing donkey kong as our most used character from this point forward may every remaining being in the smash universe flee in terror and i've got even more good news battle number 361 young link five words young link is my main battle number 364 metagross since this is a stamina battle against a metal opponent crom cheese won't work here but it also happens to be the perfect opportunity to show off young link's strengths he's super agile and specializes in ranged attacks play keep away with metagross and rack up the damage from afar running to the opposite edge of the arena as necessary metagross has some range attacks too which will make this one extremely difficult either way but in the shoes of young link i was right at home battle number 382 ganon bet you didn't expect to see zelda here and honestly neither did i i was having difficulty fighting ganon with lucario since gannon can only be damaged by hitting his tail most characters need to get behind him to get any hits in zelda is a rare exception since dense fire travels straight through him letting you keep your distance for the majority of the battle we'll probably never use zelda again but for this single battle she was easily one of the best options battle number 385 crazy hand two we'll have to fight crazy hand several times throughout the world of dark this time i brought in young link the combination of his ranged attacks and my actually knowing how to play as him makes young link a great boss killer battle number 390 meta knights as delicious as krom's cheese is i don't recommend you have too much in one sitting there's a constant risk of flubbing downward to your death in large battles i recommend using it to thin the crowd then shifting to safer casual strats battle number 392 omega ridley yes i did it battle number 394 quick man okay we good [Music] so [Applause] i did it it was a long grueling endurance battle but managed to come out on top battle number 395 grey fox shadow moses is probably the worst possible stage for all our cheese options it's technically a walk-off stage rolling out crumb cheese but is also walled in ruling out walk-off cheese until the extremely sturdy walls break against grey fox here i worked around these limitations by using dk to rack up damage then dealing the fatal blow with dk's final smash which always launches opponents upward battle number 397 houndoo i did it i found the strat battle number 421 akuma [Music] wow beautiful battle number 426 dracula without any doubt dracula is the hardest boss we've seen yet it took tons of experimentation with tons of characters but eventually i gave in to the stream chat's incessant demands and switched to their top pick ness he immediately died because he sucks in his bad instead we're bringing in young link whose combination of small form factor high speed and ranged attacks made him perfect for both vanilla and transform dracula the transformation is easily the most dangerous section of the fight keep it at long range and get ready to dodge to the opposite side at any given moment play it safe and eventually you'll take one more boss down battle number 428 axel though not explicitly forced to use ranged attacks axel can still be skillfully cheesed with fox's reflector remember your opponent's attacks are way more powerful than your own let go of the reflector to bait your opponents into shooting you then immediately turn it back on and watch as they punch themselves in the face battle number 438 rosalina and luma go back are you okay [Music] victory i felt okay again battle number 447 and draw star fox 64 3d androst saved me and draw speed and drops for me battle number 451 off the hook framing device aside we're technically not showing off the battle this time instead we're showing something totally unrelated to the run that i nevertheless found interesting in the japanese quiz show we're asked which set of characters have a senpai kohai relationship this would roughly be the equivalent of a senior junior relationship rather than making any attempt to localize this difficult nuanced question requiring knowledge of the characters the english localization team instead flips the table over and scribbles over the original question in crayon which of these characters are from splatoon golly gee whiz i wonder if the splatoon characters might be from splatoon battle number 453 ike though not quite as big a game changer as krom ike is fully capable of the same cheese technique and honestly my preferred character between the two battle number 454 reggie gigas ike is a much slower character than krom and this translates to his recovery cheese while chrom's cheese is easier to use properly while grabbing the ledge for safety ike's cheese works better with intentional self-destruction battle number 464 marks for this third world of dark boss battle i once again brought in young link thankfully marx is the easiest of the main three in the world of dark well he's got some attacks that are difficult to dodge most aren't and the battle is short enough you can seal the deal with just a little bit of luck battle number 465 wispy woods welcome to what i personally believe is the absolute hardest spiritless battle in the entire game we've got five total opponents to ko are always fighting two to three simultaneously are under the effects of ridiculously high wind and the shape of the stage makes it impossible for almost every character in the game to reliably move back since we're forced to go airborne none of my prior cheese had any effect at all requiring a little help from the stream chat to find a totally new highly specific strategy with a totally new character ganondorf at the exact moment the battle begins jump to the left platform face left and charge up a leftward smash attack keep spamming these smash attacks as long as it's safe to do so when your opponents get too close switch to spamming the warlock punch while the punch is charging you gain super armor preventing your opponents from interrupting it as the fight goes on your opponents will inevitably eventually hit you try to land as close to the left of the screen as possible and always face to the left just keep spamming smash attacks and warlock punches and eventually through sheer rng you'll get the perfect match where all five kirbys walk directly into your fist battle number 470 maruhige shop owner [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] battle number 481 adam malkovich victory battle number 488 elencia i'm the best donkey kong crowned king of the skies battle number 496 master giant master giant is ridiculously powerful and has super armor necessitating a personalized strategy play as kirby and hover just below the arena away from the ledge after waiting a while hopefully master giant will get annoyed and try to jump towards you mash the jump button to perform a footstool after which he'll hopefully be incapable of recovering battle number 497 ancient minister this battle can be extremely difficult but only if it lasts longer than a couple seconds the arena starts as a walk-off stage before lifting up into the air rush straight towards the robs with dk do a tornado and hope you grab all four of them simultaneously battle number 501 shida shida is easily another of the hardest spirits in the game thanks to her combination of ultra heavy wind and the requirement that both opponents be ko'd thanks to the arena shape ganondorf essentially dies in one hit making his shenanigans even less reliable than before after experimenting with several characters i finally quote unquote found a quote-unquote strategy a theory i've thought of for the zelda timeline only breath of the wild age of calamity and breath of wild to our can oh my god oh my god the double stump that is going in the video battle number 508 yarn yoshi crom cheese doesn't work here due to the ridiculous low gravity instead we use reverse crom cheese if you hit a yoshi with crom soaring slash while near the top of the screen they'll be catapulted up so high they escape the second half of the attack and earth's atmosphere battle number 510 rover since we can't perform crom cheese or abuse the walk-off area this is the perfect opportunity to abuse ike's personal aether-flavored cheese alternative aether is a ridiculously overpowered move that the ai has difficulty dodging and since there's no ledge to grab they'll be forced to run straight into it while trying to recover give them as many servings of aether as it takes for them to finally ask for a box battle number 512 ashley yet another of the hardest spirit battles in the game it's difficult to tell just by watching but over the course of the match the player's controls are constantly reversing meaning left is right and right is left since cromtease requires precise horizontal movement you're going to have to rewire your brain on demand battle number 516 pauline though regarded as one of the hardest spirit battles in the game in a spiritless run she's actually one of the easy ones chase her down hit her with one of ike's aethers and fall into the abyss battle number 524 doctor wawi this is a highly dangerous stamina battle against nine total opponents eight of which specialize in ranged attacks that can hit you basically anywhere your chrome cheese is gonna have to be perfectly on point remember you can only grab a ledge seven times in sequence so occasionally you'll have to brave solid ground to recharge unfortunately these opponents are also hesitant to come after you if the chance presents itself and there's only one opponent around you can switch to trying to drain their stamina perform a soaring slash move backwards to safety then run back to your opponent to repeat the process this is going to be a tough one so be prepared for hours of pain and suffering once dr wawi himself shows his face the hard part is over you're just one more step away from everlasting peace battle number 525 metal gear rex play as lucas trick both rexes to destroy the wall for you run to the edge of the screen duck under the sub missiles and pray both of them are stupid enough to get close enough for a back throw battle number 526 snake i was actually just punching snake in the face for fun until accidentally witnessing something awesome snake flipped his input and got himself stuck under the stage but the ai is smart enough to know your recovery move recharges when you take damage so he dropped to c4 and blew himself up unfortunately he failed to stick the landing performing the same trick multiple times in a row before finally missing himself with the c4 this is very likely the most impressive self-destruct i have ever witnessed battle number 527 9 volt and 18 volt the assist trophy makes even chromchies a highly dangerous strategy but i happen to get super lucky and drag both 9 volt and 18 volt into the abyss simultaneously battle number 528 dr right rock man has super armor but luckily dr right is the only required ko chase him down and aether him away from the stage dragging him down to finish him off battle number 532 slippy toe victory battle number 536 mr sandman though technically a walk-off stage the ground here is sleep inducing meaning dk tornado and lucas cheese aren't an option instead i improvise with young link waiting for sandman to follow me to the edge of the screen before dragging him off with an aerial spin attack battle number 546 ryu if you want a challenge 3ds cruel smash who are you talking to i don't want a challenge i hate challenge exclamation mark can you be see this game is more my level of difficulty what i wasn't even looking at the screen for half the match you think you're good at street fighter i can beat it with my eyes closed battle number 547 emperor bull blacks this highly difficult super armored high recovery stamina battle necessitated a new strategy hence why we're bringing in a new character blackpit who just so happens to have all the attributes on my checklist his arrows let us get in some damage from afar his excellent recovery allows us not only to hide under the stage but to fly clean under the entire thing giving us maximum distance from the emperor finally his guardian orbiters can reflect the emperor's cannonballs right back into his ugly mug dealing way higher damage than we're normally capable of this will be an intense endurance battle and if you pull it off an incredibly satisfying victory battle number 548 zelda breath of the wild the battle begins with four highly dangerous opponents feline directly for daruk for the cheesy ko otherwise he'll constantly be spawning tornadoes while everybody else gangs up on you from there you'll just need to pull off four more successful chrom cheeses at this point i finally completed every single spirit battle in the world of light and world of dark it's finally time to earn the right to enter the end game battle number 560 dars though structurally similar to the galen fight with some similar attacks he's also got some totally new ones since the bombs explode at diagonal angles they're much harder to keep track of than their counterparts you'll need to get super good at hanging off the edge of the stage to dodge attacks plus i personally finally learned how good lucario's counter attacks are against bosses and by the way fun fact that will come in super useful for every boss fight from this point on if your shield breaks the higher your percentage the lower the time you're stunned if you're close to death you recover almost immediately if you get trapped in a corner intentionally breaking your shield is a valid survival strat in the second phase you'll once again have to deal with simultaneous attacks from both clones and dars how easy these are to survive is pure rng don't blame yourself if you get absolutely slaughtered with a ton of luck and a ton of skill you should eventually be able to finish dars off unlocking the final map the war zone battle number 573 e though not technically a walk-off stage moving platforms move off the side of the screen right at the beginning of the battle lure eve over with lucas for a cheesy back throw battle number 574 roy i had to i'm sorry battle number 586 master hand 3. this is the final battle against master hand featuring his complete move set this time i brought back my favorite boss killer lucario when master hand sends out fireballs from the back of the screen walk around the left side of the stage and duck down if properly positioned every fireball will completely miss you for any direct physical attacks with an early tell counter attacks are the easiest dodge method and also happen to deal some free damage when master hand starts to follow you around drop below the arena whatever attack he might be going for this will allow for an easy dodge jumping off stage is also the safest strategy i found for the bouncing spike balls every other attack you should be able to dodge just by reacting in the moment eventually permanently eliminating master hand from the boss roster battle number 593 takumi say hello to another of the hardest battles in the entire game once again featuring our old friend heavy wind the wind is so ridiculous this time even the footstool strat isn't gonna cut it instead we once again used an entirely new strategy featuring an entirely new character pokemon trainer squirtle's withdraw is capable of fighting the wind and protects us from takumi's aero attacks keep spamming withdraw back and forth and just pray takumi is stupid enough to stand in the way even if you go over the edge waterfall is able to fight the wind and lift you back up since takui focuses on firing arrows it takes a while before your own percentage is high enough for a killing launch so even though this strategy takes forever you've still got a decent chance when your final smash finally charges up aim it carefully to guarantee the ko battle number 594 arceus the exact moment arceus stomps the ground you'll be meteor smashed into oblivion you'll have to pray your opponent runs over to help you speed run before that happens battle number 599 magnus since magnus has super armor cheese is out of the question so i brought back blackpit for the same strategy as seen against emperor ball blacks since magnus doesn't have ranged attacks this is a lot easier than the last time eventually your arrows will become capable of launch and with a well-timed shot it will be impossible for magnus to recover battle number 607 claws you've been asleep for 10 years out your card wake up your family loves you it did it battle number 613 bayonetta come on 55 56.5 busta wolf no bustin wolf at the edge of the stage even bayonetta what kind of defense you got victory of course what would i ever expect in my entire life the final fighter battle to ever end i like super smash brothers ultimate for the nintendo switch battle number 614 crazy hand five this is the final crazy hand battle rivaling the prior master hand once again featuring crazy hands full move set much of your strategy will be the same as the one against master hand including the counter attacks on everything with an obvious tell and jumping off the stage to dodge particularly difficult attacks this includes the spinning fireballs which you'll only have to worry about when they fly straight off screen there's no way to avoid the eyeball stair so you'll just have to get used to a well-timed dodge to invulnerability frame your way through it once you've memorized all his attacks you have no excuse for taking damage and should be fully capable of winning the battle bidding farewell to crazy hand for good battle number 615 cloud 2. come on come down here and get me come on cloud you got this come on i know you've got decent enough recovery you could totally oh oh yeah yeah oh oh come on come on cloud i'm making it easy for you making it easy for you come on come on come on look i got my back to you i'm wide open come on come on what are you doing get over here get over here yeah get up get over here get over here come on come on i think master hand might need a nerf so how's it going everybody my morning's been fine i have been working on i was actually doing work work i was not being lazy this morning uh i've been working on a uh i'm gonna make a no commentary video just compiling every single spirit battle in this entire playthrough uh only the successful attempts this should be all one gigantic video that goes on the no commentary channel i've got about two hours of footage on it it's about uh 100 fights so far what is happening i just tuned in i'm trying to beat the cloud fight yeah how's everybody else morning remember when i said i was gonna go play melody of memory becca called me the moment the stream ended so i didn't play melody in memory i was debating just playing it all day today but [Music] nah i can't leave smash unfinished it's my fatal character flaw oh you're controlling this what did you come in here and think i was doing the boss fight playing as dark cloud and this is what the ai gave me just finished work congratulations kerrama why are you bullying poor cloud i'm more of an alto stratus fan myself okay wake up boop boop there you go oh thank you for the 100 bits chat congratulations you've now cleared out every single possible battle from the world of light world of dark and war zone leaving only the three separate final boss battles you can technically get an ending by fighting any of the three but remember this is a one hundred percent run be prepared these final boss battles are so hard they'll likely take you multiple days of attempts each battle number 616 galeem 2. to start the battle off intentionally get hit by the laser attack for ridiculous high damage i swear i can explain phase 2 of the battle is incredibly difficult and a bad pattern can essentially kill us instantly from 0 but phase 1 is comparatively easy taking damage immediately means lucario will be powered up by aura and deal way more damage getting us to phase 2 and thus beginning the actual attempt as fast as possible the reigning wings are easy enough to dodge you can likely get in some damage during but if you're apprehensive they'll never spawn off stage so you're safe there the bombs are always at easily readable angles i recommend just eliminating the one at ground level to ensure your safety when the electric balls show up stand halfway to the side facing center jump over the first ball then over again luring all the balls away from the stage so you can run under them when they chase a second time for the screen covering lasers just ignore where the lasers are actually located and air dodge through both sets for the fireball volley drop below the opposite ledge you're completely safe there for the explosive ball stand just below as it's fired then run to the opposite side of the stage for the light clones drop below the stage and keep as far away as possible remember if they're crowding you you can switch sides the parabola waves aren't capable of launching you but damage is damaged so you'll just have to improvise based on the pattern finally the absolute worst attack in the entire game the taboo style rings of light there are always four of these in a row and since we're already at high percent a single hit is a guaranteed ko where they spawn is determined by rng so you'll always have to improvise if they're approaching horizontally dodge through them if they start approaching vertically run off the opposite side of the stage and stall until they be spawned to give yourself the maximum amount of stall time perform a counter attack in midair to reset your vertical speed if you wait until the last possible second you might have just enough time to orilaunt yourself back onto the stage after the final ring dissipates with mario's brutally depressing on-screen death we achieve the first bad ending and move on to earn the second battle number 617 dars 2. similar to galeem i intentionally take damage immediately to build up aura and speed our way into phase two against the teleporting tentacles i recommend staying on the top platform in my personal experience you can safely dodge from all possible directions by jumping upward against the arena covering tentacle slashes stand in the center and perform a counter-attack keep in mind this attack leaves behind a terror in reality that doesn't damage you but slows you down during the next attack you'll probably have to improvise a bit to avoid it when dars snakes around the screen you're completely safe below the stage but keep an eye out for any safe opportunities to jump up and deal some damage the diagonal bombs are one of the most dangerous attacks get rid of whichever ones are closest to you and if you aren't certain you're safe move to the side of the stage the dark pillars are always summoned directly below you so with smart movement you can weave between them while begging some damage worst case scenario you're mostly safe off stage and can wait there against the gun attack always move off the side of the stage you'll be mostly safe there though remember to drop down to avoid the explosion the tentacle spikes are the equivalent of galeem's ring attack and are thankfully way easier to dodge stand roughly center stage and down dodge on time with each tentacle keep in mind the timing is slightly different depending on the distance of course stars is also capable of summoning clones just like glean at which point you'll have to employ the same solution of flailing your arms in terror while screaming below the stage ultimately dars 2 is an easier battle than galene 2 taking the only 3 days to complete with literally every single video game character that has ever or will ever exist thoroughly eradicated two times over there's only one battle left and wouldn't you know it it's the hardest battle in the entire game this one so ridiculously long a single attempt will likely take multiple days to complete welcome to the final battle galeem and dars there are three separate sections of the battle with two checkpoints in between even if you die you can continue from the beginning of the current section with all fighters at zero percent as long as you never explicitly quit the battle or end the game and even better upon loss there's no penalty for swapping characters so you're free to experiment and use whoever is most appropriate for the current checkpoint since the first section is an easy platforming warm-up i brought in three characters just for the symbolism points donkey kong ike and terry additionally since this section is so easy don't worry about closing smash to play another game you can get back to the second section in about 10 minutes said second section though is a nightmare it's a boss rush featuring six bosses returning from the world of light and world of dark in a row i recommend assigning two bosses to each character you choose based on their strengths and weaknesses lucario is the best character in the lineup capable of fighting every boss i put him in the front with his assigned bosses being rathalos and ganon next is young link he's less versatile but has a better arsenal of ranged attacks his assigned bosses are dracula and gigabowser finally inkling has excellent versatility aerial attacks and a long distance splat bomb their assigned bosses are marx and gallium we chose these bosses in order to get the hardest bosses out of the way asap while accounting for potential match-ups if we go ahead of or behind schedule that said always be ready to improvise and change up the plan though our actual plan was to go against the hardest boss rathalos first i eventually practiced rathalos to the point i was having a harder time on dracula and swapped dracula into lucario's front slot to get more practice considering how long this battle is you probably don't need the reminder to absolutely never take damage if you can help it we die in two to three hits and since we've got three characters to take on six bosses the math on that isn't very pretty when fighting vanilla dracula only his head can take damage with lucario's moveset your best damage dealer will be an aerial back a when dracula arrives from a teleport you always have time to get in one attack provided he spawned close to you otherwise keep away the only major attack to worry about is the spinning orbs position yourself just slightly to the side of where they pass by and you'll be safe if they happen to be combined with any other attack though the best possible strategy is getting pinballed around painfully and horribly in phase 3 dracula becomes an instant ko monster at close range so only attack from afar no exceptions keep in mind many of his attacks get upgraded and harder to dodge without warning in phase four roughly at his health bar's halfway point so keep an eye on that health bar and be ready for the shift when he jumps for you react with a very quick hop and side dodge in his direction when he fires homing orbs stand still wait for the first orb to fire then jump over and dodge down through the volley the lightning blast is super easy to jump over but remember the timing is slightly earlier in phase four the attack i had the most trouble dodging is the fireball volley in phase four these sprout flame pillars on contact with the ground stand still jump into the air and move slightly forward with dracula dead we go back on schedule to lucario's first assigned boss rathalos by this point i'd learned that sticking by rathalos's tail is far too dangerous instead focus on spamming ranged attacks during the battle always be on the lookout for fireballs they can come in either single doses or volleys of three for the triple volley jump above the first one then dodge under the second and third when rathalos roars while grounded it will either take off for a background attack or go into a charge for the charge do a counter attack in the opposite direction then get ready for up to two more counters in succession for the background fireballs stick to center stage and jump slightly to the side just as the first fireball is being launched these fireballs are always evenly spaced so this will be a guaranteed safe zone by the way remember in the first battle when i said rathalos was the most dangerous in the air turns out after tons of practice i eventually discovered an airborne rathalos is actually preferable similar to while grounded rathalos will only attempt an attack while facing you hug close and rathalos will be forced to constantly retreat while you rack up some free damage that said don't hang too close in case rathalos roars and be ready to counter at a moment's notice finally don't bother saving the deco nuts and pitfall seeds use them to stun rathalos asap for some free easy damage with your rathalos bagged we head into boss number three ganon since you can only damage ganon's tail you'll have to get creative pay attention for the few moments when his tail reverses sides so you can hit it with a ranged attack additionally with lucario's extreme speed you can travel straight through ganon to the other side the absolute most dangerous attack in ganon's arsenal is his off-screen ground pound which also happens to be the main reason he's assigned to lucario another character should do an upward air dodge but lucario has the extra safety of a counter-attack for the explosive ball stand close to ganon wait a little then run off so the ball explodes on the ground behind you similar to dracula keep an eye on the health bar and be prepared for ganon's shift to phase 2 which is usually signaled by his mouth laser in this phase the electric swings occur twice in a row so stay up in the air a little longer than usual once ganon fell i was officially ahead of schedule heading for the hardest remaining boss to take advantage of lucario's aura marks marx loves to wander around the entire screen so almost all damage will be dealt with aerial attacks be prepared when marx is near the top of the screen so as not to get hit by his cutter attack when his shadow appears on the ground he'll rubber band when moving past you abuse that by reversing directions and be ready to guard if he comes out with bad timing similarly you can rubber band marks as he prepares to spit ice at you making for an easier dodge when he plant seeds run for the edge of the arena usually the seeds won't fall there though do be prepared for the possibility when marx drops his eyeballs on you duck down slightly to his side how safe this is and the exact position to stand depend on marx's height but most of the time they'll bounce over you until eventually getting bored and bouncing away for the spreading veins i walk slightly off screen and span the shield button i hesitate to call this a strategy but it sort of kind of worked so i don't care for the spinning lasers i never found a consistent dodge method but since i was at high percent i didn't need one letting my shield break which just so happened to keep me invulnerable long enough to survive with mark's dead we've only got two lightweights left starting with boss number five gigabowser we've got a lot riding on this thing so even though he's easy play it absolutely safe case in point halfway through i failed to heed my own advice and got lucario slaughtered swapping in young link let bowser approach you and wait for the tell on his next attack jumping over him and maybe getting some damage in on the retreat unfortunately i messed up royally and sent young link flying into the stratosphere to join lucario leaving me with my last life inkling the same general strategy applies but thankfully inkling is more versatile in the air and thus can dodge more safely once you take gigabowser down you've only got one boss left in the rush gallium while gallium is the easiest boss we already saw just how dangerous the second easiest boss is so do not take any risks whatsoever deal absolutely all damage from the far side of the stage as inkling as long as you throw your bombs in midair they should be able to reach whenever he makes a move be prepared to jump up for one of the top corners of the screen these are usually the safe spot for all his ranged attacks when he starts hovering run under him to the opposite side of the screen for the spin attack run in the opposite direction to fight the wind finally watch out for when gallium goes off screen in vehicle mode in phase 2 he sometimes follows this up with a ground pound you can tell when he's about to fall based on his shadow popping in he never falls on the screen's edge but if you can't make it that far you'll have to do a quick hop and dodge once you deal the final blow to gallium the boss rush is officially over and with it the hardest moment of the entire playthrough as you bank the final checkpoint gaming godliness like this only comes once per lifetime so absolutely do not turn smash off until you seal the deal against the final boss of the final boss battle galeem and dars once again you have the opportunity to swap your fighters i'm personally keeping the characters the same but swapping the order around so our toughest contender lucario spawns in during phase two when we need him the most the thought of fighting two bosses simultaneously might have you preemptively scheduling a demolition date for your switch but it's not as bad as it sounds on paper to compensate for the extra complexity both bosses hold themselves back using simpler versions of all their attacks including the phase 2 super moves the same general strategy applies to dodging everything though you'll probably have to resort to flailing in terror a lot more often the clones are actually 10 times easier to dodge now since they're usually focused on murdering each other as for dealing damage i've got even more good news galeem and dars aren't exactly on speaking terms and are just as motivated to murder each other as you are them and since they are not doing a spiritsless run they'll be dealing unfathomable damage even so your own attacks add up over time so don't let up focus on attacking whichever of the two currently has the most health once one boss dies the other will stop holding back reverting to the attack pattern seen in their solo battles execute galeem first so you won't have to deal with the full power rings of light instead being left with dars's comparatively simple tentacle jabs this isn't gonna be easy but if you made it this far we both know how it's gonna end oh my god it's over oh my god [Laughter] after 149 hours 26 minutes and 31 seconds game time eight months real time and two root canals the super smash brothers ultimate spirits less skillless 100 run is officially an ultimate mission complete if you'd like to see the original run i've got two options for you the first is the live stream archives on the let strip channel on which you can watch the playthrough in its unabridged entirety the second is the demonstration on my no commentary channel which features only the successful attempts of every battle and has a companion spreadsheet to help find any specific battle you're interested in i also have a word from today's special guest who's that voice you heard about an hour ago you better learn my name because it's wario fan if you're curious about some of the spirits you saw in this video come check out my channel in watching chronicles it's a show where i cover nintendo's entire gaming catalog i just launched a video on kirby air ride and if you're a fan of gamechamp she shows up sometimes too wait hold on is that my percentage bar special thanks to all patreon backers including all the bugs you guys killed andrew cyber non-42 rb dronks all in zero les land chris snape alexander botkin on you at crera david tony covers vincent all alex nelson lively leader the quacky gamer luminescent dragon jason elgis backsoy prator faith rory kelly lane robert leishman lily kitty chase harsh crustacean creep queen sapphire plum sweater epic evan 921 alex likes to eat yield 4 and ace of hearts random misfunctional cam the can one nathaniel coletta alastair echoes the duck walked up to the lemonade stand etc so multi-core aaron bailey the green scorpion game champ says trans rights are human rights procrastinating destiny xander kozak celestial cookie 8-bit mysteries boom boxy john miller curbs d50 jorb kk damian r yapollonzo wave it platypu115 world's lowest game of chess waiting for black to move star captain eli shaba of clan ghost bear dwaro 25 blue moon van idaho brit face the nonchalant nacho bragger jester very gucci wispy syrup riley anderson arcombe samptonian baby chronoxanthium kid salty sweet slowest game of chess guess i'm black then one e4 e6 for the french defense officer slard what's that noise uh her name is game bad at video games but beat pokemon without getting hit champs and nova scenique says hashtag landback sulfuric boss fabie zith aggles sand dragon eric baron cyril marsbecker fyra shadowfire 638 silktoid ivy mackie drawn by aj2 the return of the haha funny meme amphison greg campbell nikki wiki 34 admiral ampersand literal cat sylvia when cat girl is gay and doesn't go to bed on time reblog if you two are gay and or don't go to bed on time a b cable ally shouts flip chicken matthew elliot handy capable sound of rain ryan garvey milk succubus arcade grand nero how much could would it could chuck chuck of the could chuck good wadashi can't believe game of champisan can beat de rantu samoshu barazazu superu tomashibi nohashi but can't say it correctly redacted fireblade974 literally judas now i only want to triumph nora hana do i have a funny haha meme name yet we're all about love peace and chicken grease and izumo according to all known laws of aviation there is no way a bee should be able to fly its wings are too small to get its fat lit beam animates charles cusser or gorad the insane one nathan riddle maria noah webster sorio 99 jack silverson dakota riggs it is generally accepted that velociraptor had feathers and may have even had wings so glove phantom phoenix infamous peace miles edge lord trish schandler airtime mackenzie trees bees are the knees lily sapp 11 sin parks colin monsma darkness zebra's tea coffee champ doesn't like to say funsy runs he lit act please stop making such long names i have sworn never to breathe in until the list of patreon backers is finished and i dr feed eli katniss 1818 nbli blue colin vadar the five dollar once guy margaret josephine and brandon weller let me know how much this video sucks and how to improve in the comments below yes there are actually 618 battles not 615 i don't know why exactly but suspect some of the crazy hand battles aren't officially counted and get out of my house [Music]
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 694,699
Rating: 4.9216666 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, nintendo, switch, super smash bros. ultimate, challenge, can you beat, can you complete, spiritless, skillless
Id: DDi-cF3Fafo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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