World’s Best Braciole | Cooking Italian with Joe

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[Music] the good life full of fun seems super easy hey guys welcome to my kitchen how about we take a trip to my grandmother's kitchen would you like to go back about 40 years and take a visit to Grandma Caroline non-a Caroline boria's kitchen because she used to make a beautiful dish that I'm going to recreate for you at least least kind of recreate for you today in my kitchen and it's called Brazil um the the technical way to define that or pronounce that in Italian is braciole and actually in Italian they would define it as involtini which is basically a wrapped up piece of meat it's it's a meat roll that you're going to stop and commonly and traditionally they're stuffed with many different ingredients because depending on where you'd have it in Italy southern Italy many times they make a larger role of meat up in the north I'll make a small and involtini piece of meat a lot of times you'll see them married with sauce and they'll be married with meatballs they're absolutely delicious they're made with all different types of meats you can make with chicken you make it with pork today we're going to make it with beef and it's going to be delicious now sometimes you'll see them made with a lesser quality roll of meat and that's a common way that they were made a lot of times what they'll do is they'll take up maybe a tougher cut of meat like a shoulder or a flank and then they roll it they cook it down to break down the proteins and the connective tissue to make it to make it easy to eat but in this case I always like to make with a good quality piece of meat so we're going to use a London broil we're going to use a really nice piece of meat and that's going to be absolutely delicious and tender and regardless of how far down you cook it you're not going to run in anything that's that's difficult to chew on so I want this thing to be delicious so so certainly that's what we're going to do now the ingredients the traditional ingredient is going to be cheese you're going to have some capable you can have arugula you can have spinach you can have parsley so today we're going to use spinach and cheese you're going to make breadcrumbs and egg again my grandmother in the in Valencia a hard-boiled egg or cut a hard-boiled egg inside other times you can just mix egg in your stuffing in your ingredients which is what we're going to do so I was like to give you guys a little background history I think it makes it kind of fun so we're gonna we're going to meet grandma here in her kitchen so I want to go over some of the ingredients which I was kind of reviewing with you we're going to start off with some bread crumbs now I've got three pounds of meat just to give you guys a heads up so we've got about a cup and a half cup of three quarters of flavored breadcrumbs okay they're already flavored so you got some great bread and then you've got some parsley and then some of your tail ingredients a little salt and pepper we've got a cup a heavy cup and a half of spinach now again I cut the spinach is raw but I think it's important to cut that spinach because what you're going to do is when you bite into it you don't want to get a big hunk of spinach right we got a half a pound of pancetta which is going to be absolutely delicious we got one sweet onion that's chopped up real nice and then I've got a heavy cup of provolone or provolone a and I've got Reggiano Romano which is going to be absolutely delicious so we're going to couple those two cheese's and we're going to make a stuffing and I'll tell you this stuffing I'm going to show you how to make is going to be so delicious it's going to have that salty sweet flavor it's going to have a great combination a stuffing of the bread crumbs along with that Italian flavor with garlic so I don't want to forget my garlic in my secret ingredient here so I've got three and a half to four cloves of garlic paste which I made I get a great video on how to make that if you guys want to jump into that and I've got about 3/4 of a cup of chopped raw almonds or chopped in raw and then I've got three eggs traditionally you're going to use about one egg two pound of meat is the general rule we're going to need some red wine so this is you can get the vibe of is going to be a little bit complicated but really is if you follow along with me so we've got some red wine and that we're going to use the breeze of the the meat so we're going to actually braise and sear that meat and then we're going to put the meat into a pan we're going to add that red wine and we're going to cook all that down we're going to put some beautiful marinara some red sauce that I made a few days ago and then we've got olive oil salt pepper and I always got to do my shameless plug with my olive oil which is right here Vito and Jose Aldo it's a boolean oil it's all organic naturally pressed and comes from many of the olive groves that we that we work with directly and I've got a great picture of my family there I talked about in one of my videos a week or two ago but I get a lot of emails all questions on who's in that picture so that's the boreal family my grandmother and grandfather went back to Italy in the 1950s so just a nice testament to them and just a way to dedicate where we are in our life our boreal family thanks to them so so let's get jumping here this is going to be a little bit longer process you're probably looking at about two hours from start to finish as far as prep time because you're going to let this thing cook for about an hour and then you're going to use that marinara sauce from the Brazil with your pasta so your start so we're going to use a Capitoline spaghetti I'll show you exactly how to plate it and I'm an expert at tasting so I'm going to show you how to taste it as well all right so let's move forward what we basically want to do is we want to get everything cooking ahead of time in our pot now I'm going to use a cast-iron pot and essentially everything that I do is going to be done right out of that pot alright so I've already put some olive oil in there so I'm going to get the heat up and then what I want to do is I want to put my onions in my garlic in that olive oil now again don't get the olive oil too hot because you don't want to fry it so we're going to put that in you're going to sweat it and then you're going to cook it down a little bit more almost to the point of when you caramelize them which we're going to do then we're going to add that pancetta so we're going to cook the garlic we're going to cook the onion and we're going to cook the pancetta all the way down right and then what we're going to do and I'll show you a couple of quick shots of it then what we're going to do is we're going to take all of that out but we'll leave the oil in there when it gets nice and hot then we're going to sear our meat after we make it we're going to sear it right inside there okay because we want to use those oils to cook it then we'll make the stuffing we'll roll it it's going to be absolutely delicious all right so let's get started I'm gonna grab my garlic paste whoo no vampires in this kitchen I'm gonna tell you that right now I'm going to grab my onion and I'm going to grab my pancetta because those are my three main ingredients that I'm going to get going with right now okay so I'm going to take them take my onion now you're going hear a little sizzle but again make sure your oil I know I always say this make sure the oil is not too hot and now I've got garlic pits oh love it so we're just going to marry all that together now this can take a good 15 minutes to give you guys a heads up okay so we're just going to get all that olive oil around everything I'm a little bit heavy on the oil in this case why because I want to have so a lot of oil left when I sear our meat all right guys I've got onion and garlic caramelizing the background pancetta waiting to go in now we're going to take this meat we need to get that meat down because we're going to roll it right so you're basically going to take the Saran you're going to go over the top your meat this is good Saran because it doesn't want to let my fingers go okay and we're just going to we're going to hammer this one piece okay it's going to be a little loud so like I said now I'm going to start off with that smooth part first and what you're going to basically do is you're going to hit and kind of drag it off to the side you see what I mean and you're going to want to fit in it down now this thing's filled with all different types of connective tissue what I do is I think of somebody that like ticks me off right something that really and and it will go faster and it actually feels good it's like a stress reliever slow so I'm gonna ping this out and then what I'll do is I'll tune back with you guys on comments oh sure exactly what this is going to look like all right hey guys I got to tell you something I'm having a lot of fun and I feel better about myself I won the battle today I'm what I've been hammering this thing for a few minutes now there was a thick section air with some connective tissue so on a good tenderizer pounder you're going to see there's a smooth section and then there's a tenderizing point that's going to break up those little points are going to break up the scar tissue or the connective tissue in a meat or what you'd call like a grizzle so I did that so now I just want to finish it and almost there so as that's been caramelized in the back you see all nice set is I got a nice thin piece nice thin piece of quarter quarter inch right and then what we're going to do is we're going to roll season it right and then we're going to roll put the stuffing in here we're going to roll it up just like this okay and then roll it just like that and then we're going to string it then we're going to braise it cook it down over about an hour with sauce and then you'll cut it so you'll serve it in slices with the roll oh my god so delicious all right so I'm going to finish this up a couple minutes so two back with you one we're ready to add that pancetta we'll get moving on that stuffing hey guys alright so what I've got is I've got the onion in garlic and it's cooking down it's just starting to brown really caramelized so if you want to come right in here I'm going to add that 1/2 pound of pancetta I'll let you get in there and focus and then I'm gonna add that pancetta okay and that is just I got to tell you the smell in here if you guys could smell this oh my god multiple D'Alessio okay guys here we go we've got a nice clear Bowl right now we're going to start making our stuff so I've got my breadcrumbs I've got my three eggs rule cracker eggs over glass so you can see if you get any shell in there mix them up really well before you dump them in the crumbs you now that's going to give you a flavor it's going to bind everything together it's going to give it a texture to the absolutely delicious I've got my almonds right chopped almonds popping those in there all whole that's going to be good spinach now we've got a couple other really good things ready to get our cheese which is a provolone I've got my Romano and you may not use all the stuffing you know it always try to give your you try to give yourself exactly where you're going to need but you know depending on the size of the meat so forth everything might not fit now look at that that's our pancetta that's our caramelize don't kid yourself that is not burn that's all broken down see that gives it up when you put the onion and just sweat it onion with garlic in there I mean don't get me wrong it tastes good but when you take the in the same oil that pancetta with the garlic and the onion and you caramelize it down it's like gooey sugars oh my god that is just so good it's unbelievable so we're going to mix all that in all those little bits of just absolute deliciousness I got to tell you this kitchen smells so good oh my gosh so we're going to mix all that in just to get it basic there you go now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add my salt okay and then I'm going to add my pepper fresh ground pepper you can't be Oh can't be fresh ground pepper unbelievable I'm going to put about a third of a cup quarter third cup of oil and then just going to mix this up so one of the tricks I just want to show you from my dad let's go up you see this line of you know meat I'm sorry connective tissue like a grizzle or a fat when you bite into that sometimes they might not cook all the way down so just take your knife and just cut it up into little little notches like that and what it will do in this case is when you roll that out that'll assure that it will break down when it cooks and any piece of its not when you bite into it it won't be something that's you know this large piece that you're trying to break down if you're chewing it but most likely it'll break down really well when you do what I'm doing here and it's just one of those guarantees you just hate to bite into something I don't like to cut it up is that fat I'll actually have a lot of flavor so it's not anything to really worry about so that's my little trick that I'll share with you and let's just there you go so see that's all the little pieces now so it shouldn't cause any problem all right so now this is set right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to put my nice topping oh look at that and that's going to really break down when it absorbs all the juices the sauce and remember there's a lot of cheese in there so until my mouth is watering the flavors in this kitchen okay good and then what we're going to do is you want a nice thin layer about about the same width as the meat leave a little bit where you're going to start that roll and I'll show you what to do on the ends if you're worried about holding it together and then we're going to do real simple is we're just going to fold it in right so here you go so a nice that meat is now I remember we cut this side to my right look at that neck gorgeous off some stuff is going to come out don't worry about it and just make sure that your middle is right where you want it okay and some stuffs going to come out who cares right look at that beautiful alright so there's our there's our piece oh really get a couple important strings one is that middle you just want to hold that together right so I'm going to put that right in the over the middle and I'm going to tie what they call a Russian triple square now I have no idea I'm just going to church pink and tell you that okay so there's one that's easy right then what you'll see here what's happening on both sides see how these are starting to open so what I like to do I like to put any of that stuffing that's coming out in there then what I'm going to do is I'm going to tie it right to one of these here right and then you're just going to come around that piece and you're going to just tie a knot right on that side see I lost my string but we'll grab it right gonna slip that through if you can get it I feel like a surgeon for God's sakes I just open up a guy's chest trying to pump his liver back in I think we lost the pictures of this case all right so there's that one perfect and then what we're going to do is we're going to do the same thing on this side okay all right guys look at that huh is that awesome so we want to season the outside of these so just use a little salt okay and now we got that pot nice and half all right here we go ho all right so we've got these going so this is gonna sear and it's gonna be loud there you go okay we're just gonna fit I want to block my camera here okay you're just going to put them right in there not to worry everything's perfect okay so we want to have to seer down here for about say two or three minutes on each side will turn them turn them turn them and that will be perfect then we're going to deglaze it with that wine we're going to let that the glaze for about three to five minutes so we're going to add the soft put the cover over it the hardest part is the wait an hour to eat those guys and we're going to two back with you uh play that eat it's going to be delicious oh my god this smells unbelievable I'll talk to you guys in a minute so I've got these what I did is I turn them in all four sides so see how I've got them nice and caramelized in all sides right and then what happens look at that that beautiful oh my gosh then what happens is you see how you've got all those brown bits on the outside of the fan so that's our the glazing so when you add wine you're not really adding wine just for the flavor you're adding wine because the alcohol in the wine acts as like a solvent so it actually breaks down and extracts different flavors that you typically would be able to get that's why like a vodka sauce for example it brings down a little bit more of the structure on the fiber within the tomato and as a result you get a little different flavor when you add the vodka so now we're going to add some red wine alright I'm not going to tell you what happened to the rest of this now I'm just kidding so she's gonna she's going to pop back on you right the alcohol is going to come out all right so I'm going to add a good cop or more wine don't be afraid of in that moisture I don't like to end water so I'm just going to lit it but I'll show you what I mean in a minute are you go so we got about a cup and a half two cups of wine in it all right Kay so this has been going for a few minutes if you can come right in here you're going to see see how it's still bubbling now most the alcohol is already left the pots been or the pans been fully deglazed and now what's happening is we're starting to lose some of that moisture now here's the trick when you add the sauce if you just add sauce and you don't put a lid on it it's going to turn into tomato paste when it cooks down so we don't want that the other thing I see sometimes people do though I had water if you've watched in my videos I do not like getting water to anything because water dilutes the flavor so the simple answer here is we're going to add sauce and then we're going to cover it we're going to seal it up and you'll check it periodically turn things around a little bit keep those heat really really look you don't want anything to burn and what that will do is that will keep the moisture in there then between the wine and the and the liquid and the wine and the sauce you've added you won't lose any of that moisture so you've still got a beautiful sauce filled with all those flavors that you extracted from the result it'll be absolutely delicious alright so what we're going to do now is we're going to add some sauce so here's my here's my sauce oh I'll tell you that's good so without splashing it all over alright guys so there you go look at that huh oh so you got the wine bubble into the top and that's all going to marry into just wonderful flavors now what I want to do is I want to turn this way down way down does that pot hot right now so I'm going to turn it almost almost as low as you can get it like simmer simmer light simmer right because this is going to cook down for an hour and that's already hot then in this case right I cooked everything in one pot and this is a great recipe because now you're not dirtying a bunch of dishes right so now I've got this nice and sealed and then say every 15 minutes maybe every 10 minutes you're going to come make sure you start it gently make sure things are moving along on the bottom you very careful with the meat even though it's got string on it you don't to break apart I'll talk to you guys in about an hour hey guys welcome back we just pulled some capellini I have to make capellini because my little guy Vito he only likes capellini doesn't like the linguini or the thicker pasta so we've got a nice fresh sprig of basil oh they're so bad what I did is I just pulled that out of the boiling water and I just put a little salt pepper a little olive oil on there absolutely delicious and like I said we're going to use the sauce from the bridge all to marry with that on the side dish so everything is a perfect flavor everything so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab the bridge all out of here so this has been going for a little bit over an hour all right and just to show you guys make it easy for you here that's going to be hot whew look at that is that beautiful so now what I've got it's got the bridge all you see how it's still got that perfect sauce so we're not dealing with any anything that's cooked all the way down we've got a beautiful sauce and then I'm going to grab that result right out of there okay oh look at that I got to tell you the smell on this kitchen is absolutely perfect okay and we're going to grab our other one here I'm going to feed an army here okay perfect and then what I'll do is I'll take a ladle of that sauce later right I'll take a ladle that sauce will put it right over the top of the pasta hopefully everybody wants some sauce so I'm going to set the traitor on the side behind us okay so let me do this and then what we need to do is we want to cut it all right so that just got to look at it is that absolutely unbelievable oh I'll tell you the flavors of that incredible all right guys we got one of those right these are great this doesn't it remind of the one I did in The Godfather with Joe Pesci when he was in the back of the car remember the guy who says probably bad thing to talk about all right so we'll move on so here we go so there is her perch all I got a nice sharp knife and what I'm going to do it I'm going after got it I want to do it so you guys can see it well so I'll start with this one all right so we're going to just cut right through it and some of them might fall apart a little bit to worry about it's totally fine all right look at that right so you're going to try to do with nice simple slices there is that perfect I got to tell you the meat is so tender you can just feel it just cutting through the knife like I said I told you this earlier look at that look at that perfect look at that Oh cooked all the way through just perfect are you guys ready I gotta tell you one quick side note I can't believe I don't have sauce all over me I have a couple of spots but overall I'm so proud of myself and I think you hit it but does this look absolutely beautiful so I've got some capellini traditionally you're going to have like I said the bridge all served with a sauce that you're making and you're going to want to use that sauce with a side starch of pasta in this case we did capellini why because my son Vito loves capellini does like any other type of pasta so so when you look here as we showed you right here given my mouth is water you got all the meat which is that beautiful steak that we use at London broil right and then we've got all of that stuffing in there right so we've got the egg and the parmesan and we've got the spinach and the almonds oh my gosh just absolutely delicious in the romano so what the goal here is to get the perfect bike so I'm going to put that into two spots right there okay and then I'm going to grab some of that sauce that beautiful sauce it just cooked down even more so it's even more concentrated from your door great you guys ready for that the smell of that is unbelievable hmm oh boy [Music] that is absolutely incredibly delicious oh the almonds you just get a hint of them then you have got the the bread crumbs and you can taste the egg and you can taste the spinach and the salt and the garlic and the beautiful flavor of the meat and then sauce and like I said I like to use a high quality meat so it's tender and it chews perfect you know there's never an issue and just to be safe here I want to grab one more piece here before we call it oh yeah when the sauce marriage that's so perfect with just a little bit of cheese hmm oh my god I got to tie up one of the things I wanted to share with you is this recipe because when I start our video off today I talked about going to my grandmother's kitchen Caroline and Nana and this is one of her favorite little recipe she'd make the individual and the large and she'd always put them in with her meatballs in a sauce so it's really special for me to share this wonderful recipe something really delicious that you can make a lifetime make a tradition on this for the holidays or certainly any kind of meal throughout the week it's simple and easy and you can make it elegant like I said with a holiday meal or you can certainly just serve it simply with the kids on a sunny which is what we're going to do okay so thanks so much for joining me thanks for the great emails don't forget to shop on our website don't forget to subscribe to our Channel this is Joe with cooking a talent show make sure you celebrate your heritage and certainly set some traditions for your family in the kitchen until next week Bon Appetit have a great one the good life
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 286,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, vito and joe's italian extra virgin olive oil, Joe Borio, Braciola (Dish), Cooking (Interest), Italian Food (Industry), Recipe (Website Category), Pasta (Food), Meat (Food), Pizza (Cuisine), Italian Dressing (Food), Meatball (Food), Steak (Food), Giada De Laurentiis (Chef), Mario Batali (Chef), Rachael Ray (Chef), Travel (TV Genre), Oprah Winfrey Network (TV Network), How to Make World’s Best Braciole Recipe Cooking Italian with Joe
Id: 1VMxtwyp5Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2015
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