Grandma's Secret Italian Beef Braciole Recipe: Braised to Perfection | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another old Italian classic recipe for my grandmother beef marol a beautifully braced beef stuff with a pruto ham in a amazing tomato sauce braced slowly to Perfection want to show you exactly how she used to make it remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned friends we're doing it right now together [Applause] okay friends well this recipe have been requested I don't know how many times but lots of lots of lots of time and uh so I'm going to make it the way my grandmother used to make it okay and so you can buy the the top round or the bottom round whatever pieces your grocery store that in many grocery store uh especially with a big Italian uh clientele uh they they sell you all Publix as a like that this is a bottom round pieces and they're a little thick so I would pound them a little bit uh or you can buy a a top round pieces and uh and I just want to show you how to clean it in case they don't have this uh you want to be able to cut it yourself so I was going to start cleaning it but I said hey let me not do it now let me wait let me do it in front of the camera so so basically there's some uh fat and silver skin underneath here so we're just going to remove it all we're just going to go in there and uh and do it not much different than I would do the the skin of a fish I would just go down there and just remove it you see I don't need that silver skin and that extra fat right there so might as well just remove it all and voila we don't need this okay so now what we're going to do we're going to take a um a a a slicer if you have one of those that have if all you have is the chef's knives it's not going to be as easy because you need a very thin knife and basically I just cut I'm going to cut a scallopini you know and if it's a little thick thick don't worry because you know depends the knife you have it it might be difficult for you to do it like this but if you don't have it uh if you don't have one of those knife like I they might be difficult and if it's a little thick don't worry about it okay so I tell you what I'm going to do I'm going to cut them all I'm going to continue doing this but I am right now I want to show you how to pound them correctly so let me put all this right here okay and I want to show you how I use my plastic wrap okay so um I am going to wet my uh my cutting board I show you this technique that is very simple to use the plastic wrap friends okay and uh so I I clean it and I keep it wet and you know this is my sanitized water that I use and I'm I'm doing a uh video where I explain the whole for those of you that are new to the channel I like to keep it wet right and so when you put your plastic w h uh this is a this is a commercial dispenser that you can buy online in restaurant side I bought that that that site called Web restaurants you can buy it anywhere it makes it easier to put the wrap in there and uh and it what you do you take your your beef right there like this okay and you put another piece on top you see the reason why I put the water on it is because it sticks to this right there right and then I'm going to take another piece that makes it really easy you see to do it this way friends all right I'm going to take this out of the way and then I'm going to pound it a little bit I'm just going to be gentle remember when you when you get a meid pound you get two side right you get this guy right there that is called the pyramid and you get the flat side all you really need is the flat side this is only if you get like a road kill you know like a pom or you don't need to use this okay and you be gentle okay be gentle please make a thin okay make it thin you don't need a huge piece of beef so do do it nice and thin how thin I'm going to show you in a minute I'm not going to do all of them right now I'm going to do them off camera I just want to get them ready right and after this well let me finish this I really want to show you the thickness you got to get you got to aim okay friends I'll show you it's good to take your aggression if you have any agation I think it's a it's important that we do it correctly friends all right now I want to show you we want it to be thin but we do not want it we don't want to tear it so it's very important that we are careful and I'm going to show you how to tie them correctly I see so many people M how they tie them I going show you the right way to do it okay so look all right so now let's look at the inside and if we look at the thickness friends you see it's pretty nice see it's not too thick it's not too thin okay this is about the right thickness than you want okay I would say it's uh two eight of an inch to this is the right thickness right there all right so I'm going to continue pounding them all I'm going to get them all ready to go and then I'm going to show you how I roll them and what I put inside of it I'm going to make like a paste with it it's going to be fantastic so I'm finish to do that I'm going to clean up it all and then the next step the next step is going to be when we roll them okay I'll be back in a second okay friends now that I got migration out uh I got um I think six scallopini of beef out of 2 pound beef so uh two pound was a piece of H uh bottom round that I got and U all right so now we're going to make a you know normally you know I could see some people what they do they they put some pruto or salami or sausage and the cheese and and the bread C and then they roll it and it's the mess I like I like better when we make a paste of it out of it so kind of like a pesto if you will right so I'm going to put some basil in there I got some beautiful basil uh it smells amazing okay it's kind like a pesto you know it's not a pesto pesto it's not a pesto pesto what is is it a pesto is it not a pesto je it's not all right a little bit of uh garlic okay uh not too much just a little bit of garlic and then we're going to put some olive oil oil now I happen to have a pesto olive oil if you don't have a pesto olive oil you have a garlic olive oil if you don't have a garlic olive oil you put a beautiful Olive o it doesn't matter and we're going to make a little paste we're going to make sure the the garlic the garlic is very fine okay and and again it's matter of opinion how you do this you know do it however you want do it the way it makes you happy food at the end of the day we make it the way it makes us happy yeah and you see the garlic is stuck on the side of the machine so what do we do no problem we go right there cuz I don't want the garlic to be big okay I want the garlic to be present but delicate please delicate please all right here we go I I think I don't need all that basil all right so now what I'm going to do I'm going to add this I have I have enough oil right here is beautiful and what we're going to do we're going to mix everything together then we're going to put in here friends okay I'm going to put some uh peino Romano cheese very grated extremely fine I'll give you the exact measurement not that I'm really measuring it okay but we get an idea when I write the recipe this is not very much Pano just a little bit right there and I got this beautiful bre home fresh bre home now you don't have to use a this you can use the regular Italian breakr okay this is a breakr we make it uh it's a fresh breor it's got the sundried Tomato it's got basili It's got the garlic in it and it's got the parmesan orano chck is going to give you a um a link for it I use it all the time for so many recipe friends it's fantastic and I keep it in the freezer when I need it I keep it in the freezer it's easy and then I'm going to take some uh lemon zest I'm going to put some lemon zest in there and this is going to give us some freshness are you always try to add a little bit of uh uh uh uh acid when I can a little bit of vinegar vinegar a little bit of lemon uh lemon Ren things it wxs up the ingredients and and by the way I know all of you know how to use the microplane greater number for the new camera in the channel remember that's how you use it right so now you get it right there and you go boom you are going to be amazed what one lemon the zest of a lemon does to a dish like this you'll be amazed I promise you friends absolutely amazing what it does okay and then we're going to put it right in there and that's it okay and then we're going to put a little bit more olive oil and we're going to create this spast that we're going to put on the inside of the uh of the um the Rad Rad it's a French way French word for it for the Tini the Italian version of it see see right there friends this is the paste we're going to put on here so and and then we're going to put some poo in there some salami de Genoa just a little bit more oil I wanted a little bit more uh liquid and then we have ourselves a beautiful P so I'm going to put this in a balll friends okay and then I'm going to take out the beef again and I'm going to show you what I'm going to do now I'm going to take it and the nuts I have the pine nuts over there friends then I toast it and I'm going to take the pine nuts I don't want to grind them in there CU I like to keep the texture of it so I'm going to put my paste in here see right there friends it's beautiful is it so instead of having a mess with your rad you're the meat you're going to roll I keep saying the French word of it uh it's you'll see it's cleaner it's a cleaner pre preparation and then we'll do we add the nuts in there and we fold the in then the nuts are sticking to your rou you see so you still get the texture of the nuts and I roast them in the pan just a few minutes you see so so they taste better otherwise they get starchy all right friends I'm going to clean all this up finish it up and then we'll make the roll out I'll show you how to tie them correctly I got a perfect trick for you okay so I'll be back in a minute friends okay friends now that we got a paste we got a beef we got a pruto and we got a salami de Gena don't have to put those if you don't want to just a little uh Grand my thing so look guys um I got my beef right there and uh I'm going to put uh a little salt and pepper and there there's a little salt and paper boom boom boom and um right and then I'm going to put some of that paste I'm going to stay in the middle okay I'm going to put a little bit of it and I'm going to stay in the middle and yeah stay I say that right and then I'm I go right out of the middle you notice I tell you to do something and then I don't do it or I mess it up I tell everybody I mess it up so you guys don't do it see I I I really go out of my way to demonstrate things so then you don't make the mistake stay out of the edges like right there stay out of the edges stay in the middle right so far not complicated right none of the stuff we do is complicated now this is a this is like uh not Wednesday dinner okay it's Sunday dinner you start in the morning take two slices of uh of salami right there don't have to put it in there but uh I put it in there right there right and to hold the whole thing together put a nice piece of uh a nice uh uh a piece of ham right there P the pal this is p the Palma it's beautiful all right now we're going to roll it let me take it everything out of the way I'm going to roll it it's very simple eh a child could do this roll it tight tight tight tight stay out of the edges stay out of the Ed stay stay out of the edges and say that and then I roll it right there all right so now now we got a beautiful roll you see if you don't stay out of the edges see what happen it comes out like that so put it like that so nobody sees it all right so now we're going to tie it now Mama me I see so many people that they tie where did they learn how to tie they put twine over there twine over there twine over there twine over there and then Mama me it takes forever I show you very simple one piece of twine about three times the length of what you got so we got one one two three okay cut it three time not complicated right take the the short piece keep it about a time a time and a half of what you got right here see this right there keep it in front right there right take the other piece right there take it about a third right you're going to do two knot right there right you're going to go you're going to go did I keep yeah okay one two it's very simple okay and then tie it's stays together if you do one two and you go like this it stays and then you do a three to be to be sure but when you time you do one two and a stays together okay now what else do you do you go over there and you go about a third another third right there right there you're going to put another loop you don't have to cut it look you go in you don't have to cut it you go like this okay and you take it and you Loop it boom look look very simple what I did right it's not one of them complicated thing right right and now you go right there and what do you got now you flip it and then you tuck Everything In It's okay if it doesn't stay in it's not going to come out tuck it in the best you can now I cut it a little short you have to notice again I do the mistakes so you don't make them just just's give yourself a little more twine next time okay so then you don't suffer like I'm suffering right now and right there my friends you got yourself a perfect package not complicated all right so I'm going to do all of those right there I'm going to get them all ready and then we're going to saute and we're going to put in a tomato sauce I'll be back in a minute friends okay friends well here they are actually six I got out of that two pound and I want to show you sometime you know I do two and sometime I do three you know one to three depends how long they are you know it depends how much I pounded them and uh so we're going to put some salt and pepper in there now I can certainly saute them in the um in the same pot as uh as I'm going to make the sauce and then we and then uh make the sauce but I find it's easier if i s them separately especially for the for the purpose of this video it's a lot easier if I'm at home I bring probably not going to dirty a fry pen I'll do it in a pot I just find it's easier if I do it in for the demonstration right there friends so I got a I got some olive oil going over there and I'm going to see him really beautiful golden brown on all side I want a nice and golden brown I want to give him a nice May reaction here some nice caramelization okay I'm going to do that on all turn and then I'm going to uh I'm going to make the sauce nice tomato sauce now if you have a tomato sauce already made friends use that tomato sauce if you already got one then it's already made in your freezer then by all mean use that you know it be nothing nothing wrong with this to use it if you have it otherwise you're just going to have to make it right now we're going to make it we're going to make it right now the last minute so pretty simple eh so I got my onion going over there and I got two uh one one big onion you know I use the big ones and I'm going to wait for it to get a little golden brown then very simple nothing special here we got to got some tomato sauce uh some uh uh a tomato right there I got don't know where they are over there I'll bring them over there Jack I got two large can of uh of tomatoes uh peeled tomato Italian tomato lav tomato so I use uh those big cans and then we're going to saute this on all side going to get a beautiful golden brown and then we're going to make the sauce at the same time no different than what I make my regular sauce onion nicely caramelized and we're going to put some garlic as soon as we smell the garlic we're going to put the Tomato in there and we're going to cook them now you can cook them on the stove but it St requires more attention you know what I like to do I got in the oven at 350 360 370 between 350 and 375 put it in the oven for 2 and 1 half three hours should be nice and tender the meat should be ready to fall apart I'm going to serve it with a my Penta cake you know I make my famous Penta for those of you that I made you know what I'm talking about it's amazing if you have never made it Jackie is going to give you a link of it I'm telling you it's fantastic and it's right here see look I made it it's already on a cookie sheet I just made it this morning it's it's now going in it was in the fridge for like 4 hours I'm going to cut it in cakes you know with a cookie cutter and then I'm going to reheat it when I'm ready to eat and pop it in the oven with uh with the rest of it for however long it takes to get it hot so it's really fantastic so or you can have a soft Penta nothing wrong with that consistency of much potato but if you want to make it a little more elegant then you want to make it a potato cake okay it makes it very elegant you see it's not that big of a deal and it makes it elegant I mean there nothing wrong with s Penta don't get me wrong another thing that I wanted to tell you you know this uh this stuffing then we did you know if you taste it it's got to taste good right away you know with all the bread and the garlic it's not too too garlicky not too much basil not too much anything it's a perfect balance all right so look let's put the garlic in there and remember now how long do we cook the garlic for just until you smell it and the second you smell it which will be really quick cuz my pen is super hot you smell it what do you do you put something wet on it here we go Tomatoes they're wet they wet now it's a miracle I don't get any on my jacket but we not finish yet we're not finished yet usually a little bit in the you know when I had the restaurant I would always have a chef jacket behind the kitchen door there was no way I'm going coming out in the kitchen coming out in the dining room with a stain on my jacket so I always had an extra jacket in there you know people be coming and oh why you working it's say yeah yeah you know you usually when you're working in the kitchen you get some stain on your on your jacket unless you're really not working but if you're really working you're going to get some stain all right so we got the uh the the tomatoes we're going to put it tomato puree okay we're going to reduce the heat we don't need to be so high anymore everything is nice we're going to put a can of tomato puree that's 28 oz so actually those kind of tomato I was using friends was uh was the 30 30 some ounces they were a little bigger I think it was 36 ounces two of them that's there was a lot of lot lot of tomato right there right and then the Tomato P was a 28 Oz can we're going to put it little basil in there just take Leaf of Basil right there and just tear tear them up like this don't worry about a thing just tear them up they'll be perfectly fine just tetir them up okay piz of cake let's put some salt and pepper in there friends okay let's measure carefully and let's not forget to put a tablespoon and a half of fresh th and what there my friends you got a dish that is ready look look see see they looking good they're looking good it smells amazing doesn't it Jack eh smells great right it's all the uh all the garlic and all that this is beautiful right there look at this friends it's gorgeous all right so this very simple ehh it's not a complicated dish we're going to pop it in the oven and we're not going to let we're not going to worry about it I'm going to check it maybe every hour to make sure everything is nice you you don't want to cook it too high heat otherwise you lose all that moisture in there we don't want to do that all right so look friends we're going in we're going in submerge you see everything submerge and here my friend right there so you know what I'm going to do I don't have it right here but this this looks very nice so I'm going to deglaze this with a little bit of red wine I don't have it here and I'm going to pour it in here so I'm going to clean up my pen so I don't waste all the like goodies right there all right so I'll be back out of the oven when it's all beautiful and ready to go okay friends well one thing is for sure you got to give yourself a good two and a half 3 hours three and a half if that's what it takes depends the kind of beef you're going to have you'll find out you you'll go and and check with a fork to make sure they're okay all right at least 2 and a half hour don't think you're going to do it less than that at 3 hours at thing is about the right thing so we're going to take the top off and I'm going to I'm going to serve them with a Penta cake you see from uh from the whole cookie sheet I get a cookie cutter you know first you got to put it okay so you cook them not long 15 20 minutes you let them cool at room temperature you put them in the fridge for five hours and when you're ready for dinner when you're ready for lunch when you're ready for whatever it is you cut them in the size you're going to want them and then all you got to do after that is take him you you rewarm them on like that and they're nice and soft and that's the only way you get yourself you put them on a warm plate that's the only way you get yourself a nice serving of a palenta i and there's nothing wrong with having a spoon of palenta like a mashed potatoes but if you want a a classy dinner this is the way to do it all right okay so let's grab one uh let's grab uh here you go let's grab one normally you should be able to grab the twine uh uh from from the other side and uh and you don't want to lose track of that uh of that wine let me just put this back over there and then what you do you'll cut and then you'll keep that wine and then you'll pull you see you you'll pull and then the whole thing comes out okay and if it doesn't come out a whole thing completely it's because you didn't do it you didn't pull correctly all right so if you put it all out right there you got to see one one cut is all you need because you got one piece it's not like you have 17 little pieces out there you see that's why I think it's very important you learn how to do it the right way my friends all right so now let's take a tongue let me wash wipe my hand let's take a tongue and then we'll put them on a plate it's very simple and then we put a little sauce you see right there and this is cooked to Perfection and uh we're going to put the sauce and we got ourself a a sauce right there and you put right you can put as much of course or as little of the sauce as you want it's really up to you my friend how much sauce you want to put in I like to put just a little bit so it goes It goes on the on the penta a little bit right and at this point you can put a little bit of Cho parsel you can put a little chiffon of Basil or or just like I spr I don't have the chiffon out of Basil I have it right there oh you know what would be nice also is a little bit of Cho parcel on there and I probably have some in there I love a little Cho parity also in here or like I said shiffon out of Basil if you thought of doing it of course I didn't but we'll have it right there and it's still going to be perfect so now let me cut into it so you get the idea of what we have it should cut really nice and easy friends me get a fork it should cut nice and easy you you don't have to go like this okay it should be like really really nice and easy and you go right through it and you have yourself a beautiful was see look at that look at the inside friends it's gorgeous am I in your way right here Jack with the camera you're good you have a beautiful wash right here you see so it's beautiful extender it's going to be amazing and you know and I love I love like a spoon right there or it's going to be hot be careful um you see it's perfectly I kept the whole thing together you see if I eat all this I'm not going to be able to talk so I'm just going to have a half of it and uh and right there but this is a beautiful watch my grandmother would be very proud and she was always very proud oh wow just missed my friend it's worth it give yourself plenty of time remember okay and and you don't need an expensive piece of beef can either a top round or bottom round uh it's perfect for this that's why you have to let cook a long time long and slow friends I hope you enjoyed it it's uh you're going to make it I know you're going to make it remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell thanks for watching [Music] friends wow this is delicious this is a good very good Jack I hope you're hungry because let me tell you this is great mhm wow I'm hungry I'm going to have at least two for myself
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 135,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Italian beef recipe, Beef Braciole, Grandma's cooking, Italian cuisine, Braised beef, Tomato sauce, Beef Scallopini, Pounding meat technique, Cooking with prosciutto, Basil pesto, Pecorino Romano cheese, Sundried tomatoes, Tying meat rolls, Braising meat, Oven braised beef, Hearty Italian meals, Traditional Italian recipes, Cooking with olive oil, Gourmet home cooking, Beef roll-ups, Polenta side dish, Kitchen tricks, Homemade Italian food, Slow cooked beef
Id: gDnQs9oq90g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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