Best Braciole Ever! - Show 63

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[Music] [Music] pap hi guys Michelle here welcome back to the traveling epicurian today I'm taking you back to my Italian Heritage and we are making bajal I can't wait to show you how to make this thinly sliced flank steak that I'm going to stuff with cheeses and herbs we're going to tie it up with string I'm going to pop it in the pan we'll sauté it and then simmer it in my tomato basil sauce till it's tender and it falls apart and then we're going to serve it with pasta and a little dollop of Rota cheese oh my goodness it's so good I can't wait to show you how to make this come on over here and I'll show you what we're going to need to get this going this is what we're going to need to make our delicious B we have a 2 lb piece of flank steak I have gred aago cheese I have grated Rano perano I have ground Italian seasoning some fresh herbs basil and parsley I have some white wine we're going to De glaze this with we're going to slice it thinly we're going to stuff it with some cheeses and fresh herbs we're going to roll it up and then we're going to start to sauté it and then we'll be simmering it and our tomato basil sauce that I'm going to get going we'll cook up some pasta a little dollop of Rota cheese and we're going to slice up our Bal it's going to be so delicious all right let's get slicing this flank steak so I love making Bal it's just a fun alternative to steak night it makes for a great presentation and it's really easy to do my suggestion to you is to have your butcher slice the layers for you they love to do that kind of thing but if you want to try it yourself I'm going to show you right now how I do my Bal okay so we're going to check this out first we're going to cut it in half this way we're slicing smaller portions and it makes it a lot easier and you could actually see the centerpiece on how far down you're going all right so first we're going to start slicing the center just like like that and see then you could see how thick this Center piece is right here so I'll turn it on the side so you can actually see what I'm doing here but I'm just going to look at the side and I'm going to be able to get three pieces out of there I'm going to hold my hand flat like this and then I'm just going to start to slice and I could feel the knife underneath there see I have about an eigh of an inch almost A4 of an inch and I'm just going to keep slicing and if you're worried about your hand you can put it in the front like that I'll turn it around see I'm in the front here and then just keep bringing the knife through to the end and then you have this lovely piece all right isn't that nice so that's one down and and I'm going to do another one I'm going to put it in the center and then I'm just going to start to slice it is really easy for your butcher to do I've been doing this for so many years so I just quickly went through it isn't that pretty so I have another nice layer and then I have this layer here too so we have our three layers here one two 2 three look really pretty I'm going to sprinkle a little bit of ground Italian seasonings just gives it a little bit of extra flavor then I'm going to sprinkle a couple tablespoons of cheese on each one I love the smell of the saang Bal and then we're going to De glaze it with a little bit of white wine too giving it that extra layer of flavor and you don't need a whole lot of salt because Rano and the Asiago do have a little bit of salt content there and then this Asiago is more of a melting cheese you want that just to be in the middle cuz you don't want it to seep out to the sides cuz it'll burn in the pan when we're sautéing the beef so I'm just going to put it in the middle but it'll be a nice added flavor when we go to sleep slice it up after it's cooked do a little bit of salt and we're going to do a little bit of pepper then I'm going to slice up these herbs we'll add a little bit of herbs it'll be really pretty to see that green in the center there when we slice up the the bah logs so I'm going to move these to the side and I'm going to grab some pretty basil this basil smells incred rible so we'll roll up our basil and do a little chiffonade to sprinkle on top of the Bal as well there that'll give it some really lovely flavor I'm going to chop up our parsley and get that in there as well really pretty and I'm going to do the same thing with the others and then we're going to start to tie them up all right so look what what I'm going to do here I'm going to start with the smaller end and I'm just going to tuck it in and I'm going to start to roll if things get moved around just push it back to the center and tuck it in you can even tuck in the sides like that it's really very easy I have a beautiful roll I'm going to take my string and the string is going to be about 40 in all I'm going to do is tie a knot at one end and leave a little excess so that we can tie it at the very end and you'll see as I wrap it [Music] around [Music] all right we got our first adorable little bundle done I'm going to get some more string you kind of get into a [Music] system [Music] all right so we got our Bal all tied up with the herbs and the cheese in the middle I'm going to get them sautéing on the pan and start to caramelize the outside of them let's get over there all right so I'm caramelizing my garlic carrots and onion because I'm making my tomato basil sauce and I'm going to deglaze with a little white wine that smells so great and then I'm going to get it puree with our whole peeled tomatoes and get our Bal in this pan and then start Browning that up all sides I'm going to put a little bit of salt on there we need to season as we go along and we're just going to sear for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side and then I'm going to roll them around wow these look so delicious I've got them caramelized on every side I'm going to take this batch out and get the next batch in and start caramelizing those I'm just going to start to sear them like I did the other one 3 to 4 minutes on each side all right they're all caramelized that looks fantastic I'm going to deglaze with some white wine now this the wine is infusing into the meat and you can see some of the basil and the herbs the fresh herbs in there wow oh it smells incredible so here we go I'm going to pour in our wonderful puree Tomatoes those Luigi tomatoes are so deep red they're going to make such a wonderful sauce so I'm doing my tomato basil sauce here the only difference is I'm not doing the 20 minutes of simmering I'm going to simmer the BAH for an hour and a half and we have a little bit of oil build up and I'm just going to skim that off right there and that's just from when we were sautéing the bals and I'm going to go along the side there as well and just skim off that oil really easy to do could smell the basil and the tomatoes and I'm going to show you what they look like on the inside I have two batches here one batch I made plain for my daughter okay so we have our two BS this is our plain one and I'm going to cut these about 38 of an inch thick the fresh basil and the parsley and the other cheese and then we're going to build our plate with the little dollop of ricota cheese it makes for a really elegant dish really pretty put some ricatonis in the [Music] center there a little bit more salt sauce build it and they will come isn't that it goes and then we'll put a dollop of ricota in the middle and then we have these beautiful oh my gosh look how pretty that is so delicious and we can't forget our grated cheese all right we're going to dig into our B here I love having the Rota in the middle just a little daop it can be room temperature you don't even need to heat that because the warm sauce kind of Heats it through oh my goodness wow you're going to love this it's absolutely delicious remember you could find the recipes on my website at the Trav tring epicurian [Music] [Music] docomo
Channel: The Traveling Epicurean
Views: 59,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, The Traveling Epicurean, Italian Braciole, Flank steak, Reggiano Parmigiano, fresh basil, parsley, tomato-basil sauce, braciole, Italian
Id: 95wY5atdWdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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