How to Make BRACIOLE | Authentic Italian Recipe

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hi i'm harper today we're here to make a much requested recipe one that actually ava made in a previous video which you can watch here but it was very brief and i would like to learn how to make it myself because it's one of my favorites so maybe you'd like to learn with us too we are going to make the very famous brothel before we begin a quick shout out to a pasta grammarian in action kristen made a popetone a la genoveze did i get that right thank you kristen for trying out the recipe if you want to become a pasta grammarian then hit that subscribe button and let's get cooking what we have in front of us i'll start easy we've got pepper salt olive oil pecorino pecorino pecorino cheese white wine pine nuts raisins carrots celery onion parsley garlic we've got some very thin cut beef steaks this kind of dish can be made also with pork or veal but we choose beef just a side note ava once made this with pork skin if you can find that it will change your life we're using beef today because it's easier i imagine but you know just just saying uh here we have uh not bread crumbs like torn up bread fresh bread not even dry right this is what in italian we call molly cadiban that is the inside part of the bread i don't know how do you call this in english torn up bread i don't know okay there's a word for it and here we have something interesting uh a can of whole tomatoes but they're yellow tomatoes okay now we are going to use this because this is what we have at thomas oh okay is what we have at the top i was expecting like oh the real brachola only uses yellow tomatoes if a time you have the normales are marzano tomatoes or a very good tomato puree feel free to use that it's okay okay arpel to make our brochure we need to start from the meat which means that we need to use this amazing tool very excited two peas two big pieces of parchment paper okay this can be enough because okay we need to pour one slice of beef here [Music] now fold it close it another gentle gentle gentle how do you say beat the meat how do you say you don't say that anytime we say don't don't say that in english like this like this i assume we're trying to make it as flat as possible as thin as possible see thin but not too thin perfect that really worked so happen now that our meat is ready we need to stuff it we start with pour inside some bread i just sort of sprinkle it uh yes but keep in mind that this will be rolled so let's try not not on the edges i assume that the amounts that you use are kind of dependent on how big your meat is because you've made small ones you've made big ones yes because if you have a small cut of meat you don't need as much bread as we need uh right now so just use your own judgment then grease this is maybe the first time i've ever seen you not soak raisins before putting them in they're just dry they are dried up because we are going to cook them in liquid with the sauce so you don't need to soften them then fine nuts does that seem okay that's imperfect personal partly but you need to cut the parcel inside all right let me try my my ava cutting technique pay attention don't try this at home kids okay then we need to peel the garlic and chop the garlic and put here inside thank you for picking the absolute tiniest clove of garlic possible our pear the rule is that we need an hint of garlic we don't hate we don't need the so you would actually recommend going with a little mini clove of garlic like this let's see i don't know how you do this so fast i have some years years of experience out there so okay garlic and perfetto [Music] peppers pepper peppers i like the flour and then last but not least of course you need some cheese we need some cheese now you can choose two-way so you can grate some cheese or you can very very very thin cut it very thin slice and put here why do i have a feeling you want me to do the very very thin slices you're not because here there isn't a gray there so you understand okay look at how thin that is and then i just kind of break it up into pieces this is this is really a bizarre recipe it's like who thought of this actually harper i don't know who invented this now this is also i didn't really expect you to know the person who invented brachola and now arpel what we need to do is uh close it i i have my ideas for this but what is the best method in your opinion personally we usually i do i roll it and then i close and you check the insides okay then it's up to you we need it to close though [Music] okay i'm gonna go for the tuck do this how you think that it will work i trust you if then you destroy my brother okay i don't think that's too bad and now i feel we need to tie it up it's very important arthur that what is inside the stays inside see now we have the potential for some serious embarrassment on my part considering the fact that i used to be a sailor and i consider myself a literal expert on knots and rope so let's hope i can do an okay job here can i borrow a finger okay boom look at that okay here we have a pine nut but okay you know i lost one pine nut what's one pine nut in the grand scheme of brachola one pie not less when you will eat them all right now i assume you want me to repeat all of that with the second piece of meat yes we need to do the same thing when the with with the second piece of mint all right we'll be back in a few minutes once i'm done with this one another fine looking brachola if i may say so myself and now arpel we need to cook our blood that makes sense so we start with desofrito carrots onion celery olive oil and a little bit of love [Music] okay got our onion oh one of our viewers gave us a tip about biting a matchstick and that keeps you from crying but i don't have any matches actually i feel like the salary doesn't make you cry so same thing with the celery well if it's a very mean celery okay same thing with healthcare that's very very fine arpel okay we are going to use a terracotta pot now if you don't have use a normal pot well a little bit more that's okay there's a frito there i know what i'm doing all right this is not my first sofrito okay doing like medium uh medium high because i was just testing you i knew that the terracotta takes some times to oh yeah it heats up kind of slowly being the sofrito expert that i am we let this sort of uh saute until the onions are kind of uh slightly tender and transparent about two to three minutes [Music] the smell of the sofrito is one of the best smell in the world i don't understand they didn't think i'll perform with the smell of the sofrito hmm a cologne that smells like sofrito i can't believe i'm saying this but that's not a bad idea the meat there so i want to kind of brown the meat right we need to brown the meat a little bit it's a weird recipe it's so weird look at this look at what i'm cooking right now it's kind of strange sometimes we do also the big one and for big i mean something like that so so i assume i just want to kind of you know what you should stir also the onion otherwise the onion will burn now i don't want to oh yeah good call now one thing that is important to know if someone will make the bratala with the poor skin is that the pork skin easily stick to the pot to the pan so pay attention all right i think it's pretty good i don't see any more pink okay so now harper you can add the wine i prefer what wine because it doesn't change the color of the meat but feel free also to use red wine what it happens is that your meat will be darker but we need to let the wine completely evaporate completely all the liquid yes all the liquid needs to evaporate which means that it can take in between 20 25 minutes okay we'll be back in a little bit and we're back as you can see pretty much all the wine is evaporating we've just got the oil left and this is the moment in which we will put our tomatoes oh they're like cherry tomatoes see they are yellow cherry tomatoes should i just pour them in pour the tomatoes inside of them all of them because they are cherry tomatoes we need some water so go and clean this with some water a little bit of water it's like an inch so if you're using like canned whole tomatoes you would add some water and if you're using just a puree you wouldn't it depends from your tomato puree because if you do the tomato puree tama it will be much more watery so you don't need though oh but if it's from a can you probably do from a can yes because they are enough thick what we miss is salt then we will try during the process of cooking but i will and now the only thing that we need to do is let them cook it can be one hour and a half two hours so this is not a very fast recipe so we cover it we reduce a little bit the heat what we are looking for is a thickener sauce thicker sauce thicker sauce sorry a thicker sauce and the meat should be soft so soft that you could be able to cut just with a fork okay well we'll be back when our sauce is thickener and the meat can be cut with a fork okay it's been about an hour and a half and our sauce has thickened up quite a bit here there's a lot of sauce though yes there is a lot of sauce because traditionally this dish is made for raving the sauce for the pasta and the meat as a second course oh so we would take this out and then keep cooking the sauce and make a pasta dish with it if you want to have a complete meal you can cook the pasta and eat the broccoli as the second course all right so are these ready to serve they are ready to be eaten and i can't wait i'm very excited it's practice as you can see i was served it with some extra sauce be sure to take the string off cut the string off before you eat it that is probably obvious but you know frivolous lawsuits do exist so just saying can we try it we have to to see how you did the braziola because i know how i make brother i don't know how you make wheelchair nor do i now normally you would serve this atop a bed of pasta right never don't say something like that because i will not make you eat the broccoli pasta is by itself with the sauce but not with the meat on top never bon appetito that i've got your heart racing [Music] you did a great job because these are amazing do you know what i think this is missing though it's missing one thing a single pine nut if it had one more pine nut it would be perfect yeah right yeah oh wow better luck next time guys we hope you enjoyed this recipe if you try it tag us on a picture on social media facebook or instagram pasta grammar if you want to learn how to make some fresh pasta to go with that sauce that you just made then check out ava's complete guide to homemade pasta it'll be down in the description below we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 109,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: braciole recipe, braciola recipe, how to make braciole, how to make braciola, italian recipe, recipe, italian, authentic, traditional, original, real, italian food, authentic italian food, best recipe, how to cook, how to make, pork, beef, veal, pork skin
Id: pB0-XA3SvJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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