Our Grandma’s Italian Sunday Gravy - Made with Love

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[Music] hey welcome to the brooklyn brothers today we're making our ultimate comfort food it's called sunday gravy all right we got some ribs some meatballs some italian sausage and we're gonna we'll have some nice iron iron over here and i'm going to make a brush all today all right so we get two recipes we're getting a sunday gravy and a brush all all right let's get cooking let's do it all right first thing we're going to do is we're going to make our brush all you're going to want to pound it out uh pretty thin because it's going to have to cook it's going to have to cook in the gravy for a couple hours i'm going to leave a little bit of fat on there for for flavor it's not that much all right all right all right we got our uh round uh pound it out nice now what we're gonna do is we're gonna season it with salt and pepper uh italian parsley garlic and a little parmesan cheese beautiful then we're going to roll it up tie it and then we're going to braise it in the pot and a little olive oil all right and then that's it let's do it let's get started all right all right hey i want to give a shout out to my wife jerry lee she went and resurfaced these cabinets all by herself she didn't get any help from me but yeah that's half the kitchen is done all right let's get cooking okay here we go all right we're gonna season our brush all i got i got a little salt and pepper mixture here make it a little easier all right i'm going to put a little garlic in here nice yeah folks this is uh it's kind of a long process but let me tell you it is so worth the wait i remember just salivating while my grandmother and my mother were cooking this like you all in that dish yeah exactly we got a little ways to go but it's definitely worth it all right we put a little uh parmesan cheese in there oh yeah it looks beautiful already yeah this is this is going to cook in the sauce and it's just going to melt in your mouth when you're eating it you have to remember when you're cooking brush oil you got to make sure that it's you cook it a long time and it's real tender just stick a fork in it if it goes in real easy it's done otherwise if it's not cooked long enough it'll be very tough yeah all right now i'm just gonna roll it up just like that see how easy that is nice now we're gonna tie it with some twine tie it up okay we're gonna tie up our virgil with some string very easy all you do is just wrap it around there and and tie it up right here and that's it beautiful all right believe me when i tell you no one had no italian restaurant has brazil like this except for the brooklyn brothers here in texas that's my damn show [Laughter] and this is beef country out here folks texas is known for their beef it's definitely great beef texas has some incredible beef yeah and great prices too yeah oh yeah all right oh look at that now that's a work of art beautiful let's raise these puppies okay we're gonna braise our uh bajol in this pan right here yeah this is way too much meat to put all in this one pot to braise but it's enough it's [Applause] okay we got our pork ribs here also to go in the gravy we're gonna season them up a little bit with some salt and pepper on both sides all right you want to do is you want to get a nice sear on both sides oh man smelling good already we're gonna we're gonna sear now uh pork ribs and our sausage i'm going to put some in there too yeah we picked up this sausage of course you know where folks jimmy great sausage yeah incredible it'll add that flavor delicious it'll definitely add that flavor to you so fresh it's unbelievable and our meatballs we normally fry them on meatballs but what i'm going to do today is i'm going to cook them right in the in the sauce in the gravy you know the sauce yeah and we pre-made these meatballs you can actually get this meatball recipe on our channel oh yeah oh we have a symphony going on here hear that sound beautiful all this meat is going to give this sauce a wonderful flavor i probably haven't experienced before you want to get it that cold all the way around nice and seared as well as the sausages too and the pork ribs looking good dang this is a big pot yeah this part i have i bought this uh probably maybe about two years before we opened up uh daddy jackson for work uh and it's probably about the 25 years old wow look at that yum yum my god all right okay all right now we're gonna put it in one pot got that beautiful seal on here this is so what's up in there ribs yeah now we're going to blend up some of these whole pair tomato okay we're gonna start uh frying our onions and garlic and basil and this olive oil that we raised off all that beautiful meat in all right almost a few more minutes for the onions and garlic to cook smelling good it's already just about ready now i'm gonna throw uh some fresh basil in there a little fry up for a second oh my god smelling great oh thank you all right now i'm gonna throw the tomatoes in there beautiful okay i rinsed out the cans so with a little water i'm just gonna add that to it because it's gonna have to cook for about two hours and uh it'll evaporate two hours i can't wait that long come on put it on fast forward put some salt and pepper in here okay we're gonna put all of our meats in the gravy now a little brush oil and sausage nice pork ribs beautiful oh look at the bottom of that pot we're gonna use those drippings here in a minute nice that's where a lot of flavor is just hanging out right now look at that that's a concentrated broth right there all right all right it's all in the pot okay we're gonna put a little bit of red wine to deglaze the bottom of that pan that we seared all the beautiful meats in but first i'm gonna have to try this wine yeah [Laughter] all right all right nice let that cook out for about a minute and then we're gonna just put that right in the gravy nice we're going to add a little bit of parmesan cheese to our sauce just a little bit yeah that gives it a really good flavor i love that in the sauce and also too this is where we got we got this from jimmy's uh great parmesan cheese fresh okay when your sauce comes to a boil uh you can put it on simmer for about uh another hour or so but also too don't forget you have to keep turning this turning the sauce constantly great yeah you don't want that sucker to stick you don't want it to burn on the bottom it will ruin that whole powder sauce of meat one hour to go and that's it actually okay we uh we're just about there i took out the the ribs the pork ribs and the sausage and i still have the meatballs and brushol cooking the brushroll is gonna be a little longer awesome now we're cooking the pasta it's also been about 30 minutes oh beautiful look at that it looks like giant rigatoni i love it all right we're going to throw our pasta in there now all right oh that looks good beautiful oh wow oh yeah gonna let that cook for about about uh 10 15 minutes yeah these take a little while longer than uh regular domestic pastas yeah uh i believe these are from naples oh nice my boy all right i'll be back action all right our pasta is ready all right all right we're going to get our meatballs and brush all that idea too beautiful sauce looks dynamite all right we are ready for our sunday dinner mother mother's day dinner uh beautiful pasta fragile sausage meatballs pork ribs and we're gonna eat good today yeah hey i want to give a shout out to our neighbor tammy and her husband they're a subscriber in the neighborhood and we're going to go ahead and fix them a plate also today wish y'all were close by as well anyway no no happy mother's day happy mother's day to everyone yes happy mother's day and uh thanks for watching we appreciate the subscribers and we'll see you next time thanks take care see you next week let's eat
Channel: Brooklyn Brothers Cooking - Papa P & Chef Dom
Views: 77,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grandma's Gravy, Grandma's Sunday gravy, Grandmas gravy, How to make Bracciole, How to make spaghetti sauce, Italian tomato sauce, Sunday gravy recipe, Sunday gravy with braciole, Tomato Gravy, brooklyn brothers, grandma's sauce, grandmas Sunday gravy, grandmas sauce, how to make, how to make Sunday gravy, how to make braciole, how to make tomato gravy, how to make tomato sauce, italian sauce, sunday gravy, sunday sauce, tomato sauce, tomato sauce recipe
Id: 8BhOrIfuhOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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