how to make Beef BRACIOLE BETTER Than Your GRANDMA

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now before I show you how to make beef Brazil better than your grandma we first need to prepare the beef so let's just jump right into it now what beef Brazil is or Brazil in general it's just another word for involtini basically just means a roll up and so the idea is we sliced beef then season the inside with a whole bunch of goodies roll it up tie it up braise it in tomato sauce so before we get okay from getting all beefy everywhere let's prepare all the insides the stuffing that we're gonna need to make this Brazil better than your grandma and no disrespect to Grandma I'm a student of the grandma I identify as a grandma but we're going to take the idea of the beef virtual and we're going to amp up the flavors we're going to think a little outside the box we're gonna try and minimize the cost on some of the more expensive ingredients like prosciutto and pine nuts get those out of the way and replace them with other stuff first thing I need to do is I'm going to take a few cloves of garlic three or four three or four of them I'm gonna grate into this little bowl so it's a nice fine puree first the grated garlic using a microplane grate the garlic into a small bowl until it becomes a fine puree this will be for the Brazil then I'm going to grab a few more cloves slice them very thin this garlic will be from making the tomato sauce next up fresh parsley roll it up into a tight bunch and then slice it very thinly then turn the knife 90 degrees and start to process it into a fine Dice and then get two small bowls about half of that mixture is going to go in one bowl for the Brazil the other Bowl will be reserved for garnish at the end then one of my secrets in this recipe are cherry pepper pull out about a quarter cup to a half cup cherry peppers chop those up into a small dice get those into a bowl so for the stuffing we've got the cherry peppers we've got the parsley we've got the grated garlic we've got seasoned Italian bread crumbs pecorino Romano like I said we're not using prosciutto we're not using pine nuts what I'm going to use is some hot italian sausage that I've just removed from their casing that porkiness that fat plus the cherry peppers a little brightness from some lemon zest some beautiful Italian oregano keep it in this bag you just cut holes at the top and then you kind of just scrunch it up this is going to add a ton of flavor inside of the beef while the pork fat is also going to keep it moist from the inside so now that we've got all this stuff prepared we can set it off to the side then I'm also going to need twine so I'm basically going to need I don't know that 12 inches you're gonna have you want slack anyway so you're just going to cut a whole bunch of twine measure them out I'm gonna go about three pieces per Brazil and I might be able to get maybe six or seven brush holes out of this piece of beef that we're using so now we've got our twine we can set that off to the side so I'm gonna get a big cutting board here I also got a little cutting board I'm going to set that off to the side we're going to be cutting a lot of thin slices off the beef so it's just nice to have a place to kind of move things around then I'm going to use a little fillet knife a straight fillet knife very thin it's going to allow me to get thin slices depending on the width of your beef though this might be a little short so maybe a carving knife or something or maybe a larger fillet knife might work but I'm gonna make this work what I've got here is a two and a half pound eye roast top round anything like that's gonna work I like to use top round the store didn't have top round today so I got this eye round see it's just a single solid muscle beef that's all you want some stores will sell slices of B4 Brazil but if yours doesn't here's how to cut it just like we do chicken breasts for chicken cutlets we're gonna get down to beef level get our knife nice and parallel with the beef and then start shaving slices of the beef horizontal taking your time and being careful now the top slice is a bit thick so I'm gonna butterfly a move that you can always Implement for sure now we have a bit more of a flat surface so we can get a little bit thinner slices well this slice is actually still a little thick I'm calibrating here this slice however I'm feeling it's nice and thin this is a good one but don't worry we're going to be pounding these thinner anyways once I get down past halfway through the beef I flip it so there's another flat surface Facing The Cutting Board and then I'm gonna start shaving from the other curved side until I'm done cutting the beef Once You Got That Beef cut place a few slices on the board at a Time cover with elastic wrap and then we're gonna start pounding the beef I like using a rolling pin you could use a mallet as well but I'm also going to pound it at an angle away from me pounding it at an angle sort of spreads the beef out so the slice of beef becomes actually longer and wider and easier to roll then rotate the pounded beef out get it onto a plate and replace it with more slices and just work your way through pounding out all the pieces of beef trying your best to get each slice relatively equal in size and thickness [Music] you want to start to lay them out on the cutting board but you want to lay them so that the grains are pointing straight away from you and that the tapered Edge is closest to you first thing we're going to do is salt this side of the beef foreign a little bit just onto the surface of the meat it's going to flavor it then we can start to add a bit of the diced Cherry pepper to each piece of beef I could have probably used a little bit more cherry peppers so I'm being a little stingy with it but just chop up a little more if you're running low I'm going to follow up the cherry peppers with some fresh chopped parsley just sprinkle a nice amount on each piece it's this isn't a science really then we're going to take those Italian seasoned bread crumbs and sprinkle a few Hefty pinches of those bread crumbs on each piece of beef on top of the breadcrumbs roughly the same amount of pecorino Romano cheese next we're going to take some of that Italian oregano and we're just going to scrunch that up and sprinkle that on top of each piece and I'm going to take a micro plane and Grate some lemon zest onto each piece one lemon should do the trick finally I'm gonna take some of the loose sausage meat I'm gonna pull it and stretch it out sort of flat and just place it right on top of the stuffing you don't need to go crazy we don't need a ton in there the more you add the harder it's going to be to contain the roll up now we're ready to roll up starting with that tapered Edge closest to you lift up that end pull it over the stuffing and almost pull it back tight like you're rolling a burrito you don't really need to fold in the sides but if you have excess you can then just slowly roll it up nice and tight and then set it off to the side this piece right here you can see there's a little flap hanging out right so I'm just going to fold that in and then roll it up now you can just make your way through rolling up the rest of the beef when you're done it's time to tie them up each piece is going to need about two to three pieces of that twine so you just take one at a time shimmy it under the beef then Loop that twine up not once like you would do your shoe but twice to create a stronger knot then you're gonna repeat that Loop twice again and then you can pull it top it doesn't need to be too tight though or it will almost cut the beef when it becomes tender [Music] once you make your way through tying up all the beef take some kitchen shears and snip off the excess and then we're ready to go so now we got our beef Brazil rolls ready to go they're just gonna get salted and seared and for the sauce I'm just gonna go with a moti passata today when my Bianco DiNapoli tomatoes are sold out I tend to just go for a passata which is what's called after I run my whole peeled Tomatoes through a food mill that's essentially the passata so this is already done for you you just want to find a good brand and Muti is a good one you're just gonna make sure before you head on over to the stove that your oven is preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and now we can sear the Brazil in a large Dutch oven on high heat add enough oil to coat the bottom of the Pan Once it's hot take a piece of the Brazil and hit it on all sides of the outside with salt which have yet to be seasoned then place it in the oil and press it down make sure it makes full contact with the bottom of the pan in that oil and then repeat that same process with the rest of the brush roll now generally you don't really want to overcrowd the pan but it's really annoying to leave one piece left to sear so I'm just going to overcrowd it but I know my pan conducts heat well so I'm gonna get my Sears you see that that's a nice sear once you start developing color on the beef start to flip them to just Brown them on all sides the ones in the middle however need more time that's the coolest part of the pan so I'll just rearrange them to the edge of the pan which I know is hotter than the center based on how the burner is designed once the beef is seared and you've developed a ton of color and flavor on the bottom of the pan get them out of the pan for a minute then add that garlic to the oil cook it for a minute or two until fragrant and begins to lightly toast around the edges and then we can deglaze it with about a cup or two of some good white wine something dry something you drink now use a flat bottom wooden spoon to scrape up all that flavor off the bottom of the pan and once that wine has reduced a bit then we can add the tomato passata which is super thick too thick for this long cook so I'm gonna fill up that bottle with water and add it to the pan if you're cooking for more than a few people I'd go ahead and use a second jar of passata just to make sure you have enough sauce in the end Stir It Up I can see it's still too thick so I'm going to add another bottle of water to thin it out you really need that extra moisture for this long cook otherwise the sauce May over reduce and potentially burn season the sauce with some salt then return the Brazil back to the pot with all the juices that accumulated in that dish bring the sauce up to a simmer cover with a lid and place in that 350 degree Fahrenheit oven and forget about it for a few hours so we're going to let that cook for about three hours after three hours we're gonna check it for tenderness and for thickness and consistency of the sauce and then we'll take it from there so it's been about three hours we're gonna pull it out get it onto the stove top and see where we're at the sauce has reduced nicely it looks nice and thick there is a layer of fat at the top I'm going to stir it into the sauce to emulsify it there's too much oil after that you can always remove some of it but not too much because that fat is the defining flavor of this sauce then with a cake tester I'm gonna check tenderness the outer layer of the beef should be super tender the inner layer should be nice and fork tender but it could also have a little more bite or Texture the idea is for that beef to be able to be cut with a fork and not fall apart entirely and maintain that shape as a roll now it's time for my honorary bread sacrifice and for those who scoff at dipping bread and sauce for whatever your grandma told you you can get out of here with that nonsense my kitchen my rules these are perfect and I'm going to set that off to the side and prepare the pasta get a small pan to finish the pasta or a larger one if you're cooking for a lot of people and then fill up a pot of water get it on the stove and bring it up to a boil now in the summer I don't buy basil I pick basil a few leaves for the garnish will be fine then today I'm going to pair the Brazil with some squared spaghetti or some spaghetti a la chitara which takes about 11 minutes to get to Al Dente I'm just gonna be cooking for one today so I'm gonna measure out about 3.5 ounces of the pasta but you can cook as much as you like once the water is boiling season it with some salt and then drop the pasta [Music] while that cooks I'm going to take the Brazil I want I'm gonna get it out of the sauce I'm gonna snip off that twine that was holding it together and then replace it back in the pot to stay warm see how it's holding together if it's not if it's falling apart you overcook them still gonna be good though now that pasta should be Al Dente and I'm gonna get that pan on the stove then I'm gonna finish the pasta in get the pan hot and then add a few ladles of the tomato sauce which I noticed is thickening up a bit more than I like so I'm gonna adjust that in a second strain out your pasta get it into the pan with the sauce and start to marry the pasta with the sauce [Music] I like to throw a little butter in there too and get it all worked in now I'm going to adjust that pasta sauce like I mentioned with some of the pasta water get it all mixed up and now it should be a little looser it's perfect now once that sauce is coated the pasta and it's perfectly Al Dente now we're ready to serve now whenever you plate pasta you're going to want to Plate it in a warm bowl or plate if you want to form a little nest of pasta you're going to take some tongs or these pasta tweezers pick up the strands of pasta then roll them up on the tweezers and I like to lean it forward a little bit to Bunch it nice and tight and then twirl it again to create a nice tight nest and transfer it onto the plate [Music] on top goes the Brazil then we're going to take our sauce which is now the perfect consistency in poor generous amount right on top then some pecorino Romano cheese [Music] some fresh parsley and finally some fresh basil and just from the look of it it's exactly how I want it the pasta is perfectly cooked now let's see if the Brazil passes the test does it cut with a fork check it stays together it's not falling apart check and it should be insanely delicious and moist double check I'm extremely happy with this recipe your grandma on the other hand may not be because now she knows you can make Brazil better than her so what you basically have is a beef roll with meatball flavor Vibes it's got the acidity and the spiciness from the cherry peppers and the lemon the pork fat has kept it moist and the flavor it gives to the sauce is beautiful and that is why this beef Brazil is better than your grandma recipe is going to be down in the description that's all that I have today I'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself [Music] oh
Views: 200,415
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Keywords: braciole, beef braciole, involtini, beef roll ups, italian beef braciole, not another cooking show, Stephen cusato, the food freak, italian recipes, classic italian recipes, how to cook, cooking for beginners, recipes for beginners, easy recipes, easy italian recipes
Id: yP8PbaQK07U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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