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good morning YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below it's early morning and uh I'm getting in my e-bike ride I like to get exercise early in the morning so I'm doing a lot of reflection this week and I have worked two it almost full-time jobs two at least one full-time job and the other job working about 30 hours a week for my entire adult life up until three years ago where I became financially independent I'm 42 years old I'm middle age now and there's a few things that that use that are hard they're hard to explain like um you always say most people don't want to go through the struggle they just want to reap the rewards and it is a struggle you know when you can't find a job that pays more than twelve dollars an hour you have to work too just to get by and to save for your retirement I remember working my full-time job was for my bills and my part-time job was for my retirement or vice versa depending on how well things went and let me just say I had no significant other in my lifetime that financially benefited me in any way in fact I was financially used by a lot of people free rent free every you know free room and free food free you name it last long time relationship I had the only Bill that they paid was the cable bill because I refused to have cable and they wanted cable for their Sports and that's it that's the only thing they contributed to the household they didn't cook clean mow the lawn dust you know nothing nothing so I am a woman by Nature we have jobs that have lower wages we make less than men we do not negotiate for fear of having a uncomfortable conversation when we're going to jobs and losing those negotiation skills we lose out on a million dollars over the course of our lifetime in the job field so I never had anybody helping me so I had to work two jobs and even even up until three years ago um during that while I was in Arizona for three years for some reason I got a full-time job no reason there was no reason to get for me to get a full-time job other than the fact that when we now live in a society where if you don't want a full-time job there must be something wrong with you and things are starting to change but three years ago it was not that it that wasn't it people just assumed that there's something wrong with you or you're lazy if you don't want a job that you have to go to every day to earn a living now some of the things looking back on I don't have a significant other I don't have a I don't have children I don't have a family never had any time for that but here's something else that's interesting that people don't think about when you're working that much I was lucky to get Christmas off Christmas that's it the only day of the year that I could guarantee that I had the day off and I would be invited to Gatherings with my family and stuff like that and of course I would go of course and Thanksgiving sometimes but when you work in retail back in the day Thanksgiving you would have off but you'd have to be to work the next morning the day after Thanksgiving at like four in the morning now you have to be to work on Thanksgiving which I don't think is right for families and then people people don't want that but at the same time um they're they show up every year they're like man that's really messed up you're working on Thanksgiving it's like you're the reason I'm working on Thanksgiving thank you for thinking it's so messed up but um so these gatherings you know if somebody's having a barbecue or a birthday party or an anniversary they stop inviting you because they're so accustomed to you saying no that they just stop inviting you and maybe it's out of pity maybe they don't want you to feel guilty for not going or feel bad that you can't go so they just stop inviting you now up until three years ago I hadn't been invited to a family gathering for 10 years then when I was in Arizona I got an email it was like four months in advance saying hey we're planning a birthday party for Aunt Barbara's 80th birthday I know it's a long shot you know but we're trying to get everybody to come and I was like I'm going and I told her I said uh I said don't tell Aunt Barbara I'm coming don't tell her and uh I showed up and she was very happy about that now one of the other things that I've noticed is slightly detrimental a little bit bad is that I don't have social skills at parties and Gatherings meaning I don't understand the appropriateness of these things so it's customary to bring now I know this it's customary to bring something to a party like a glass a bottle of wine or like a plate of cookies or something and I didn't realize it took me a couple years to figure it out I'm a little bit slow but so now so I would show up with nothing and I'm like hey I'm here you know I made it and they and my family is so accepting and loving and wonderful they never said anything um and then I got a phone call I was going to another gathering from a cousin of mine who said what are you bringing to the party and I was like what do you mean and he goes like well I'm bringing like nachos and blah blah blah and I was he's like what are you bringing I was like what so he explained to me the appropriateness the culture the culture of bringing something to a party so I'm better at it now I I'm better at it but it took me a couple years to figure it out because somebody had to tell me because I hadn't gone to Gatherings except on Christmas and you're you've got Christmas presents so you know you brought something so uh that's something your social awkwardness social awkwardness is something that can happen when you're working two jobs full-time for 20 years now aside from the social aspects I want to talk to you a little bit about um life then in life now so life then was stressful Sleepless no sleep like hardly ever for 20 years I didn't sleep um I mean four hours a night if I was lucky some nights were two hours it was horrible I would like almost falling asleep at work every single day and you just have to chug down the coffee and the sugar in order to keep going because that's the only thing that keeps your body moving when it's about to collapse and um I find that now um it's like my body is making up for lost time so all of those four hours of sleep and two hours of sleep over 20 years now I sleep 10 hours a day 12 hours a day I mean if I get eight hours a day I'm like okay but my body if I if I wake up to an alarm at eight hours that's fine but otherwise I'm asleep for 10 to 12 hours a day my body is making up for that 20 years of no sleep so that's a huge thing a huge thing and um you know when you're when you're working it's you're moving you know I had an office job and I always worked retail so the retail job would always typically be my part-time job and you're walking 15 miles in a four hour shift I mean it's crazy not really 15 but you're walking the whole time and standing the whole time in a four to six hour shift so that's how I was able to keep my body weight down really low now that I'm not doing that anymore um the weight gain is coming on and I'm sure that it has to do with middle age and hormones too but now it's like I have to make a very concerted effort to get out and do something like ride an e-bike or get in my 12 000 steps in order to maintain my weight even eating the same diet that I was when I was working two jobs so that's really hard now I want to talk about the privilege that I have yes I am blessed I have privilege because I went through all of that suffering for 20 years and I'm gonna say something that is probably going to ruffle feathers or people are going to make assumptions I will never work another job again I will never go into a building and punch a Time clock and take orders from a manager ever again I will never I would I would literally rather die working like that was like prison for me it was like being in prison for 20 years and I finally have my freedom and I guess you could say I'm semi-retired but even if I were to quit YouTube I would still be able to live the rest of my life off of my other Investments now here's the thing people get upset when you say I will never work again I worked enough for the first 20 years of my lifetime than most people work in their entire lives so let's get that out of the way it's not out of laziness it's out of pure not being able to see family when you want to having to it's just the BS all behind the scenes you don't you know you have to request a day off four weeks in advance and if somebody can't cover your shift you can't have the day off you can never see people freely you can't see your family and friends when you want to um it's just an awful awful existence in my opinion and some people love it some people love that daily social interaction and the the busy busy the deadlines they just they crave it they thrive on it they love it I don't I don't thrive on that type of Lifestyle I thrive on being out in nature fixing things that are broken using my hands instead of my brain my brain is fried from working so long in a call center I I can't I just can't thinking about doing it gets my heart rate up and I start sweating I'm like oh my God no don't I would rather live in a shed in my backyard and rent out my house for income then get a job I would rather shut off the electricity the internet get sell my car go to food banks for food I would rather Panhandle in this trees then go and get another job one day here and one day they're cool maybe I'll go to Labor Ready or I'll work with or for a friend for a day or two but put me in a regular job and I'm as good as dead and I'm also an endangerment to other people at this point now I'm not a violent person and it takes a lot to pop my top like it really takes a lot to get me boiled over to the point of violence but the last time I had a job when I was in Arizona I almost hurt someone and I can be I can hurt people I have the ability to hurt people and I and just from the pure evil spewing out of this low life's mouth they needed it's I was beat red I was purple the veins were popping out of my head it took everything I had not to beat the holy hell out of this customer who was just evil incarnate and the world is a darker place because they're in it and I can't stand not being in a position where I can at least walk away at the very least walk away from the evil and go towards the light I didn't even have that option you are forced to be there and stand in front of them you are forced to take the assault and do nothing it's not right it's not the type of world I want to be in it's not the type of world I'm going to live in because it's it's just wrong okay it's getting too bright out here I'm sorry I went as long as I could without my sunglasses as long as I could I'm sorry I'm sorry but now that I have the freedom of not going back to that I I never will I would rather be homeless I really would okay maybe not maybe I wouldn't rather be homeless but um you know I would get rid of everything before and I would risk life to not go back it's it's that bad for me mentally psychologically physically I can't do it and people say it's just because you're lazy no nope 20 years of doing it for 12 14 6 what was it 16 to 18 hours a day not gonna do it again but reflecting do I regret doing what I did no I don't regret I don't regret it because now I'm in the second half of my life and I can do whatever I want whenever I want for as long as I want and most people spend their adult lives age 20 to 65 or 20 to 70 whatever 20 to 62. you know you don't get to get to this point until you're in your 60s so I'm 20 years 25 years ahead of the average person and I'm I'm not bragging but I I appreciate it I am blessed I am so glad that I suffered for so long so that I could reap the rewards at the end and it's something that I strongly believe that if you teach a kid starting in middle school or High School how to work their finances how to be financially literate and under really understand money and Investments they can do it too they can be retired by 40 now you're always going to see these things on YouTube about people how I became a multi-millionaire by age 25 but you got to look at it there we're gonna have to end it there because my phone is overheating do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out come back out here yeah that was up on uh goes through that or I would have you guys welcome right there oh yeah oh yeah that side there we're clear of 1127 King Road 22 Queen Road same problem
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 72,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: early retirement, working 2 jobs, poverty
Id: qTdedtmY-Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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