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ah making my own soy sauce or sorry barbecue sauce making my own barbecue sauce out of ketchup and soy sauce getting ready to throw these out on my grill or I guess you could call it a grill it's not really a grill but throw it out there cooking with some good oldfashioned wood that I got for free from my neighbor saving some money on electricity for you know it's getting harder and harder to save money on food so I have resorted to saving money on how I cook my food my house is solar except for the gas stove and gas heater so I'm doing all I can trying not to use gas and I honestly just with meat I just prefer it cooked uh over a fire like uh red meat chicken's different chicken I prefer in the oven because I can use all the pieces and soups and stuff like that but for the most part yeah uh meat over fire is the best and that's really good wood it's a walnut wood so really nice Smoky flavor that goes into the steaks and now I'm making mashed potato well I'm going to be making mashed potatoes but and I've got the I whenever I make chicken I take the extra stuff and I make it into gravy and then I freeze it so I've got my gravy thawing in the refrigerator so I'm going to have mashed potatoes gravy steak and I've got some I believe I've got some uh fresh green beans maybe if I don't I've always got canned green beans but got some green beans so this this is going to be the meal for the next dinner meal for the next 4 days and the steak was on sale I think that I've got I think it was 4.98 a pound and then the potatoes are like $138 a pound so yeah perfect timing with the fire dying down about five more minutes all right so we are almost out of green beans I I thought I had more than I did I only had one can so we're going to take these carrots that are 68 cents a pound loose carrots going to boil these up and we're going to get our beta carrot prot for our veggies in this meal and yes barbecues attract flies and my kitchen is full of them right now is there like a fly epidemic going on cuz I've never had it this bad I don't know about all you guys but jeez the FES and I usually use these carrots for the dogs food and I still have plenty left to make dog food so that's good well not it's not just carrots and the dog I mean come on no it's just one of the ingredients in the dog it's really good for dogs all right let's take a look at the steak see how we did I like mining medium rare to rare oh perfect medium rare yeah a rare this needs a taste test look at [Music] [Music] that this is the kind of steak where you take a bite and every bite is better than the last potato Fork test nope not ready ha good boy Rocky get him for there's like 50 of them in here who's my puppy silly girl did you get the Flies no did you get them I I got like 20 you got you got to you got to pitch in you got to pitch in yes hold on now you know I eat really simply I don't make extravagant things I'm not a foodie and uh not going to lie the the prices are are affecting everybody it's it's bad out there my half and half which is the most expensive item I buy went from 568 to 638 now it's 638 for a week's worth of coffee creamer which is just not even that long ago it was like a $150 $165 not a big deal but jeez and they're like oh CPI index yeah if they showed the real numbers of what was going on in the CPI index probably show like a 20 like a 20 oh jeez 20% unemployment rate 30% increase in uh cost of living it's insane I just got my property tax bill and it was 600 La $600 last year this year it's over 2,000 who knows what's going to happen with my medical insurance you want to renew I don't know not really sure so yeah it's it's hitting hitting us all and and you know I always say get a second job work this work that and there comes a point where you've run out of time and you've run out of different ways to save money now I'm on the you know we have to adjust there's nothing else you can do about it you have to because if inflation continues this is as good as it gets today is the best it's going to be it's not going to get better so if this is it we got to adapt you know but there's a lot of people in line at the food bank and it's no joke your electric bills go our electric bill is already like 42 cents per kilowatt hour at the cheapest just got to notice it's going to go up going to go up even more more I'm I thank God I really do that I have solar thank goodness because if I didn't I'd be sitting in the dark or using all my my product review solar generators to keep all the lights on or i' I'd probably kick back and uh install my own system my own little off grid system put in my own little off grid water heater right let's test this and I always keep the skins on it's just peeling them is just extra work and losing n extra nutrients and calories so that's perfect all right all right let's do it like this okay so I cook one meal I eat one meal a day and I cook four meals at a time it saves on electricity and gas and then it saves me on the hassle of knowing what I have to have to eat whatever day and this is only two big potatoes this is not like a whole bunch of potatoes I put in there and this came out to a lot more than I thought so I'll be eating a lot of potatoes this week so as I was saying you know the inflation is hitting a couple of things that I thought were kind of interesting this week not funny but just interesting so okay you can you can go ahead and laugh at me because I've never done this before I have an electric lawn mower and been mowing lawn since I was you know 10 years old never had a problem mowed over my extension cord here's my leftover chicken gravy that I had Frozen and I defrosted ran over the court I'm like okay great now you may think you know prepper princess is making it big she's super rich well yes and no but I don't want to get into that detail but um my budget is mostly going towards Renovations of the house so I had to save up what was it8 $88,000 for a new roof which I'm waiting for my contractor to come and do and then I had the 2 property tax bill it came out of nowhere my renter stopped paying and I had to evict them my book sales went from earning about $1,000 a month to about $400 a month overnight uh like a third of my patreon members are gone because they can't afford it they can't afford it so it's a trickle down effect and I'm on the back end of the trickle down so what hurts others hurts me too so I'm not I'm not doing that great financially so I'm just using all my my tactics which I'm used to doing but there's a big difference when you know you want to or you know you have to and knowing you have to is so super irritating but so anyway I I mowed over my cord and um I don't have the money to buy a new cord it's just it's not in the budget it's not that I don't like saying I can't afford it but it's not in the budget because the budget all went to property taxes and uh saving up for the roof the rest is an emergency fund and an extension court is not an emergency so um so I was I I cleaned out my Monica closet AKA my shed in the backyard so I cleaned it up organized it cleared it out got rid of what I could and I found two old extension cords in there not nearly as long as the one that I ran over and broke so I've got two extension cords in the place of my one old extension cord and I mowed the lawn today and I'm like everything in my mind was don't run over the cord don't run over the cord CU an extension cord what used to cost like $6 is like $25 now so it's it's just a matter of not spending where I don't have to using what I've got and that's what I've got thank goodness I found those those extra quarts I'm also reusing tin tin foil or aluminum foil for my meals I just clean them off and use them to cover my plate cover my plates which okay I'm going to well I haven't eaten today so I'm going to eat this one and then I'll cover the rest and I don't want to gross you guys out but I picked up probably 50 flies like I've been swatting them they're everywhere I don't know what the deal is like seriously I've never had it never has is anybody else having a fly issue and I just mowed the lawn today did that rile them up is that what happened and it's just like you know small little things the Trickle effect so I am not immune to this the stock market is down Dividends are down everything is down and I can use dividends if it's an emergency but I'm reinvesting those for retirement so you know and that is what I put on as part of my monthly income so because I have to pay taxes on it so and then I've got taxes coming up where I have to pay my quarterly taxes which is $5,100 per quarter that's not fun so all this money that I which one of my was I going to eat I don't know all this money that I've been saving is going out the door and build so I'm not you're not the only one that's hurting out there I I got to admit I'm I'm hurting it hurting too I've gone through my what I'm doing right now too is I went through my cupboards and found some expired food this is my expired or coming to expire and I'm going to incorporate this in my food and the dog food so I've got some Swiss mocha coffee some peanuts the dogs can eat this black beans are good for dogs there's a dead fly I've got a couple of stove tops I'm not really a fan of stove top it's too salty for me but I'm going to do what I can got some mushroom soup um I think my neighbor gave this to me so I got to figure out some recipes for these things and these will go to the dogs or as an additive in the dog food it's just pean nuts and black beans you know I'm going through I added some barley to the dog's food and people ask how sometimes ask how I keep things clean well I do dishes as I go along those are the dishes I've been using to make this meal oh jeez Rocky so good times and uh yeah and oh and nobody's buying anything on Facebook so when I do product reviews of my ebikes I try and sell them on Facebook because they don't pay me to make them they don't pay me to make those videos so I try and sell them on on Facebook Marketplace and nobody's buying the ebike so that's another I don't know how much gone th000 or 2,000 a month and then the ebik companies are no longer paying solar generators are not paying for product reviews anymore they're just trying to get uh they're trying to pay with free product and sorry I've got enough I that doesn't work for me and nobody's buying them so if nobody's buying them on Facebook and they're not paying me to make them that means less product review videos which is fine with me either way I do have two ebikes on the way though but I'm running out of space in the backyard to store them so that's another thing so it's a hurting let's go sit down here what what hold please no that's mine no that's mine oh you guys are way up there there you go bad lighting see all the wrinkles and the under things that's what that's the difference between good lighting and bad lighting so okay excellent steak excellent and these meals I made four of them probably cost $12 so $3 meals $3 for a steak dinner can't complain about that one10 the price of what you would pay at a restaurant and I've gone for the most part from another thing I'm doing I went from 4 ounces of meat down to 3 oz of meat for my meals just doing everything I can to save every penny still riding the ebikes everywhere not really using any gas so that's good 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 flies that I just counted oh my God and that's not even on the light fixture Three 6 9 12 15 17 that's like 35 flies in this room and I've been swatting them for the last hour something's wrong like seriously something's like I've never seen it like this it's disgusting and I already swept up 50 of them can you see them you can't see them can you and they're not picking up on the camera but trust me they're there I'm going to have to go get a spray or something somebody said they hate pinea so I was cleaning with pine saw and it like attracted them and the dogs are begging of course okay let's try the veggies M this is probably a long video huh mashed potatoes are delicious needs a needs a little salt in the gravy but Top Notch oh my goodness it's good to eat with you guys once I finish with the roof all the small stuff is done done now it's the big stuff roof raising the ceiling bathroom then floors then we're done one at a time the bathroom is so ugly oh and mini split install I bought a mini split that's another part of my big spending an8 an $1,800 mini split so that I don't have to use the gas um the gas furnace or have giant air conditioning window units um I I think that the mini the mini split not I think the mini split is like 10 times more efficient silent you know can't hear anything in the summer when the air conditioner's on in the window but it's going to be silent it's going to be a huge energy saver um which means more money in my pocket because the solar system pays me back their website's been down for two weeks so I don't even know what I'm getting back I don't know what my electricity usage is right now it just it's a guessing game at this point I've written them I've called them no no response and they don't pick up the phone so at least the lights are still on all right folks I know that we're going through a hard time times are getting harder it really is um and it's affecting everyone including me even though I have no debt still affects me so you are not alone in this I'm not happy either do what you can with what you got preer princess out like leaving great piles of steaming dung in their way but while the middle class pass were able to put their feet up and
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 144,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, money saving, poverty
Id: fpmRM0G7jI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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