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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave the link down in the description box below today I'm going to talk about 10 to 15 probably 12. old-fashioned habits that need to come back in style for the betterment of mankind the betterment of our society for our own integrity and morals and values all right so let's go ahead and get right into it the first one is important to me I think that we need to get back to one TV in the house not one in every bedroom and bathroom and kitchen and secondary basement living room and family room one TV in the house for starters it teaches for starter well for starters it's going to be a lot less costly um you don't have to pay thousands of dollars for 10 TVs in a house and all the extra cable boxes that you have to put here and there and the modems and the extenders and and all this other stuff that's the first thing but second of all when it comes to a family that has one TV you are forced to learn how to share and how to have delayed gratification I think that that is very important and it's something that we simply do not see in society anymore it's practically gone number two and I think that this is one of the most important this is so important to everything dinner every night at the same time at the dinner table together with no cell phones so when you sit at a dinner table you talk about how your day went what you learned in school um you talk about your problems your fears and you work together as a group as a family unit to for starters it helps you emotionally it helps you get things off your chest so you don't have all this anger and rage and stress going on from multiple screen things like flipping the screen and seeing all these wonderfully successful people that are totally fake on your screen all the time and then it just develop as a teenager like these hormones it's just gonna give you anger and rage resentment you always want to feel special as a teenager and you see all these other people that are special on social media to you because you're you're so busy on your social media that your parents are not teaching you that you are special so that will give you a release it will help you to problem solving Community I think it is so important dinner at the table every night 7 pm and the parent or parents should be cooking that meal it should be a home-cooked meal and if anyone at the table says I don't want it I don't like it or they're picky eaters they don't get to eat and that doesn't mean get up from the table go in the fridge and find something you like it means you are eating what is in front of you and if you don't like it go to bed go straight to bed at 7 pm no phones no computers no laptops go to bed that also teaches you to be grateful for what you have because there truly are starving people in the world um number three I think we need less processed food no more boxed dinners potato chips um sodas and I'm not saying none I'm just saying like it needs to be a lot less like these need to be treats unfortunately in our society we have now learned that those treats are no longer treats anymore they're just a daily occurrence you do not appreciate them and you start believing that luxuries are Necessities which they are not absolutely not um so I think that less processed food eating at the dinner table with something that was home cooked is extra and it's also obviously cheaper and healthier for you big big win number four is to dress your best um not just like they say dress your best for church so you know a woman will put on a nice dress or a pencil skirt and go in there with a suit like a women's suit or a dress a sundress on uh kids go in used to go in in suits and ties and dresses and and now I see like people at the grocery store in pajamas you know legit pajamas leggings need to go unless you're working out at home that's what they were intended for initially yoga pants out in public need to go I think that people need to dress show some show some dignity I mean seriously I in case you have been watching for a long time I have people ask me all the time to make a makeup video you will never see me make a makeup video with me without makeup because that is not me showing my best and I will always show my best here on YouTube I I I'm not gonna be in um you know I'm just I'm not going to film in my pajamas unless I'm not in front of the camera and I think that it also shows respect to other people if you are dressing your best and you are showing that to other people you are also teaching the younger generation that they should dress their best every day is truly a gift from God and people just throw it away I watch this awesome video last night um so let me say I'll try and do it as best I can if I were to give you 10 million dollars you would take it and you would say thank you right you're just like yes thank you of course I would say thank you okay now what if I put a caveat that I'm going to give you 10 million dollars the caveat is that you don't get to wake up tomorrow you would obviously not take the 10 million dollars so every single day is worth 10 million dollars to you so if every day is worth 10 million dollars to you dress like 10 million bucks dress like it you know even if you have a low income you can still dress your best put on your makeup do your hair as best you can or for the look that you're going for that day I don't know what my hair is doing today it's doing a bunch of weird crazy stuff looks like I went surfing but it looks to me it looks good it's brushed it's clean it's good so dress your best number five I think people need to work through college and Scott using scholarships and grants I don't think that enough people apply or realize that there are scholarships and grants out there and a lot of people lose out on a lot of money in doing that and they just take out loans and then these loans follow them for the next 30 Years um we are a debt decide society and I don't want to get into the fact that I don't even believe in college anymore but if you are going to go to college I think that you need to pay as you go and work through college and also apply for every scholarship and Grant that you can I don't see that happening anymore and also I do not agree with um debt uh where the government's going to pay for your college no so what that is is you're essentially stealing from all of us you're stealing from us taxpayers who went to college and paid for our college degrees out of our own pocket and it's theft that's it's simple as that um and I don't think it's going to happen number six I strongly believe this is old-fashioned your first car should be a clunker and your second car should be paid for by you so when I went to high school I had this beat up 1985 Honda Civic hatchback where the dash lights didn't work and you had to punch the side of the dash to get the lights to work it was a stick shift and it didn't have a ball at the top so I had to buy like I bought like an eight ball stick shift it was the hardest stick shift you've ever you could imagine but I learned how to drive a stick using that car I maybe that's something that well no I don't think so because stick shifts are kind of go in the way of the dodo um so that's old technology but I can drive anything because I learned how to drive on that stick shift but when I went to high school I had the second worst car in my entire High School everybody else had brand new cars that their parents bought them and I thought that that was incredibly strange like that just didn't make sense to me the deal was in my family that um Mom would pay for half of the car but she got to pick the car you had to pay for any repairs and your insurance so my 85 Honda Civic was 700 it was a 700 car that's what she paid for it so I paid her the 350 and then I had to pay another like 500 um because it needed like a new clutch and a bunch of other stuff but it was her choice she's like you're getting a clunker that's the way it is it's not you're not going to get a new car that's not going to happen and you're going to pay for the insurance and I remember my radio had pennies as knobs that it didn't even have knobs so I put pennies in there and that's how I turned my radio on and off I loved that car it didn't have air conditioning it just had air like no it didn't have the option of air conditioning it had the roll-up Windows it was awesome um I kept that car for two and a half years I loved it until it completely broke like it died died and it was gonna cost me like five thousand dollars to fix it and I only paid 350 bucks for it so it was time to get a new car when I was like 19. but I think that everybody's first car should be a beater because it makes you appreciate the newer car that you're going to have after that and it's going you're going to appreciate that second car even more because you are the one paying for it you are the one paying for it number seven chores need to make a comeback I mean seriously kids these days do not do chores and they just want an allowance for nothing for literally nothing and this is of course it's not everyone but um most of the kids that I see it's like I need you to mow the lawn I'm busy like what okay Dad's teach your kids um mowing lawns cleaning gutters doing dishes so kids should be setting the table the parents provide the dinner the kids should be clearing the table and doing the dishes and saving any leftovers that's the way that it should be that's a chore that's a very simple chore that takes two minutes to set up a table in maybe 10 minutes to clear the table and do the dishes and that should be shown as gratefulness for providing them the food that you paid for which is not cheap so that needs to be done I also think that snacking should stop we are getting more and more obese and not to mention that the snacks are horrible for you um I understand that parents are busy but I think that there's a real problem with parents just getting tired of it and um out of their own laziness they just give their kids like an iPhone or a tablet or something just to get them out of their hair and I don't think that that's fair to the child and it's not fair to the parent and look at what is happening to our next Generation it's kind of sad um you see crime all the time from these uh sprees where kids are stealing stuff and they're so stupid if you don't believe that media influences the Next Generation you're wrong we had propaganda back during the World War II era propaganda and you know what the propaganda led to we all know I'm not going to say it because I don't want this video to get demonetized but we all know what happened to that the media today is also propaganda I was at this grocery store just the other day I live in a tiny town so everybody talks to each other and I'm talking to the checker and she was talking about how there is a trend going around for kids to steal certain kinds of cars Honda and Kia it's a trend on Tick Tock so now these kids are going around stealing cars because it's the cool thing to do if they were sitting down at dinner every night with their parents at 7 pm they would re their parents would teach them that no that is not okay um number eight we need more pleases and thank yous we need more kids opening doors for their Elders I occasionally I think once or twice I've seen a boy scout scout help somebody cross the road we need more Boy Scouts and we need more more kids trying to be like the Boy Scouts integrity is so important these days please thank you yes ma'am yes sir no sir no ma'am we need those back number nine oh well number nine is pretty much the same as number eight manners politeness and we need apologies more apologies I'm sorry not I'm right you're wrong I'm strong you're you're weak I'm smart you're dumb we need apologies we need to learn how even if you don't agree with it with saying you're sorry say it anyway you need to we need to learn humbleness in this world um number 10. vacations instead of going to expensive Disneyland or Airbnb destinations Hollywood um you know those it's super expensive touristy places I would like to see more camping vacations with family members my best memories are not Disneyland or Great America or Waterworld or Universal Studios well okay now Universal Studios because I had those memories with the kids but my best memories are going to move to a family their their family they're they're like family to me not by Blood but they're my family um going to their cabin and the best time was just sitting in front of a bonfire telling stories playing the bongo drums listening to so and so uh play the ukulele or the guitar cost equals nothing and I think we need to be teaching kids how to uh forage and fish um I think that's something that we always learned as a kid like it was just a given and it's like nowadays nobody nobody even knows what like berries are and then they think that if it's not in the grocery store it's dangerous they're not okay number 11 I think number 11 is kind of like the same as number one no TVs computers laptops uh phones tablets in individual bedrooms your cell phone once you walk in the front door it stays at the front door at the charging station you are not to pick up your phone when you were in this house they are meant to make phone calls for emergencies only again um kids especially teenagers are starting to really really act up and even if you listen to the people who created certain apps like Tick Tock and stuff like that they said my children will never use this app my children are forbidden to do this because the way that they designed it is addictive it's like gambling it's like being at the slot machine pulling pulling the the handle you can't get enough and I have recently gone down the YouTube rabbit hole on shorts I don't know how it happens you're just watching a video and then your your thumb hits something wrong and now you're on YouTube shorts and then you try to get out of it and then it goes to the next short and the next short and the net short and you can't get out of it you're just like I can't stop watching it is literally an addictiveness um number 12 is a bonus um Thinking Beyond yourself that is an old-fashioned thing we live in a very very self-obsessed self-absorbed self-entitled um Society now in other countries that's how other other countries see us I think that we need to look at things Beyond ourselves we need to put our best foot forward for the benefit of others we need to provide assistance for the benefit of others we need to look at our finance for the benefit of not just yourself but for others the Next Generation people don't even consider the Next Generation anymore they're like they're on their own and then it and then people will have children just so that their children will take care of them in retirement and that's the only reason they had kids is so their kids will take care of them that is the most selfish thing and I'm not talking about people who like want kids because they love them I'm talking about people who legit only have kids so that that's their retirement plan is having children and I'm sure that none of the people watching this are those people but I have met them and they disgust me that is the most selfish thing you can do and um you know we used to like if our neighbors needed something you I my neighbor needs his wood stacked or an oil change or he needs you know it's an elderly lady and she can't bring her garbage cans back to the garage we used to go and do that for them but you don't see that happening anymore we need to bring that back let's help our elderly neighbors neighbors bring their darn garbage cans back to their garage um let's wash their Windows Form let's clean their gutters for them just because it is a kind and neighborly thing to do and expect nothing in return that is old-fashioned call me old-fashioned but you know when I'm stuck on the side of the road I really do appreciate it when a man will stop and ask if I need help I'm serious it happened to me once in when I moved to Arizona I could not get my car off of the U-Haul tow thing and there was nobody at the U-Haul place I was sitting there for probably 20 minutes just trying to get my car off of the ramp thingy that was stuck to my truck a man thank God stopped and said do you need help and I was like yes I cannot get my car off it's it's stuck and um he just came up and just clicked a little button and then it unraveled and just came right rolled right off and he goes let me just call my wife let her know I'm going to be a few minutes late thank you to that man thank you I said trust me I thanked him profusely so much but it is people like that that keep this world going around and I want to see more of those people all right folks do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out of their choice this is lost in French would expect there's no time for the defeated Army coming today your majesty then all we need to do to bring them into range a small party could cross and a cover of darkness and dispatch their centuries
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 33,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family values, extreme frugality, poverty, finance, budget
Id: 003JtIEuYnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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