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what is going on everybody i am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book i'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below today we're gonna go over a lot of stuff it's gonna be a long video i'm gonna do my best to delete as many commercials as i can or ads but uh feel free to leave it on in the background as you you do your chores throughout the day whatever but occasionally i like to do these long videos um so i don't even know where to start we live in a crazy backwards insane world and i find it harder and harder to relate to normal people these days because i am so cheap there was actually an article that i found online the other day about me it said a woman is so cheap she refuses to buy toilet roll like it must have been in the uk or something and i'm like what so i read i read the article and they're making me sound like kate hashimoto from extreme cheapskates where like i refuse to buy toilet paper and that's not the case i have bidets and i have toilet paper but i barely you know when you have a bidet you don't need nearly as much toilet paper but anyway i digress so there's a few not quotes but not always quotes but there's a few things that have stuck out with me stuck stuck with me for most of my adult life that really helped me stay on track and i want to talk about housing utilities transportation decorating you know whatever it is that you need you know in order to maintain a normal lifestyle how our society has has taught us to buy and buy and buy um and i have theories on that and pretty much everything that you buy almost like i'd say 95 of everything you buy can in fact be had for completely free um or extremely cheap uh like 10 of whatever number you're thinking i've got my homemade iced coffee here with this mug that i got from an old co-worker when i was leaving my previous job when i lived in california says congratulations on pursuing your dream of not working here anymore i love it i think it's like a wine thing but i don't drink wine but coffee it's a it's a really good thermos it works really good her name was barbara i miss barbara hi barbara you don't watch my videos but hi anyway okay so um and i'll be giving background of my life throughout here as well so whatever all right so one of the things a long long time ago i was with my cousin steve my cousin steve's awesome and he's incredibly he has a lot of wisdom like he's just mr wisdom uh but you know he's a fun-loving silly guy but he occasionally he says something and you're just like where did that come from and he was a college professor and then he was an elephant trainer and then he was a contractor he he switches from jobs to job because his brain gets too bored i guess yeah try to check out his resume college professor elephant trainer at a zoo crazy stuff but um one time we were in a parking lot and we were walking from one side of the parking lot to the other and we were passing a starbucks and i was really interested in a trip that he took to pompeii pompeii is that place where the volcano went and then it had all these people stuck in positions and and they still have the bodies in those positions because they got covered in ash you know the one i'm talking about well they do all this excavating of pompeii and they find you know aqueducts and and beautiful murals and uh all this other stuff and he was telling me about like for instance a buffet like you go to panda express and they have those walks right those those round circles and they just take their walk and they put it in there and then they serve you the buffet right well you know what i'm talking about and he said that yeah they had those there like 4 000 years ago they had panda express like they had buffets like it's crazy and i was talking to him about like houses and stuff like that and he says it's all every anything that a house is is just uh walls and ceiling so wall's floor and ceiling and he said everything else is just show and the more you look at it the more you realize that he's right like so um i'm living in this little tiny house this 900 well not tiny but small by american standards 900 square foot house and it's walls a roof and it's got electricity and plumbing right that's that's it that's all there is to it they have the aqueducts for plumbing back then and that's it they just had walls and anything else and then you look at like an executive like so i can't think of anybody offhand britney spears right she has this huge i don't know 10 000 square foot mansion in beverly hills you take her mansion and it's a bigger version of this it's walls a roof and electricity and plumbing right it's fancier it's got different probably different uh more expensive flooring more expensive paint more expensive but it's all the same thing it's paint it's flooring it's a roof so when you look at buying a house um when i look at buying a house i'm just looking for walls roof and a floor right and anything else i can work on myself and when it comes to being very very poor or being very very rich it it doesn't matter because as long as you as you've got your walls it's a big thing now one of the things that i see all over the internet all the time is real life on social security right there's a whole bunch of channels that talk about this and what happens is they will start doing youtube and they'll do videos on living real life on social security but then they start getting checks from youtube and then they're not really living their life on social security right because social security it's an average of 1500 a month i personally have never met anyone who makes that full amount most i've ever met was like 1200 but let's say they're making a thousand dollars on social security but then they start doing youtube and now they're getting an extra 500 a month a thousand a month what what have you and they're increasing their lifestyle to meet their new earning demand so when you see somebody living life on social security it's it's true in the beginning but then once they become popular they're not really living on social security anymore and what we have a tendency to do in this society is we make a certain level of money and we spend exactly at that amount exactly and that's like 90 percent of the population like you get a raise you increase your lifestyle you get um you get fired from your job you decrease your lifestyle to meet wherever it is and what i do is i since my 20s i live here now my income goes like this it it goes up and up and up and up but i stay here you know up and up stay and then everything in the middle here all this extra money i invested right but most people don't do that and and there's so many different aspects of this it's even hard to put into a video it's hard to put into a 10 hour video right and i don't want to make this too long but a lot of people first of all when it comes to housing they will buy more than they they need they'll be not just more than they need they'll buy more than is necessary um where say they make five thousand dollars a month and they qualify for a mortgage of three thousand dollars per month they will find out how much house they can get for that 3000 a month and they'll get that house they won't get say okay you're approved for 3 000 a month and then they'll they don't look for a house that's 1500 a month they look for the house that's 3 000 a month um and i have a theory that this all goes back to our ancient dna if you look and you watch national geographic and you're watching some predator go after a gazelle right yeah predator going after gazelle dave ramsey right here but i just picked a gazelle and a predator and if there is in in the animal kingdom if there is anything off about any of the gazelles you can have a group of 20 30 gazelles if one of them has a slight limp that even a human being can't notice a slight slight limp or they have a broken toe hoof i don't know or they have a gash on their ear that predator will go towards that one animal that is just slightly more deficient than all the other animals just a little bit just a little bit and you know it's predator versus prey well in our dna 50 000 years ago it was the same thing we would be cavemen or whatever in a group of 10 20 people and if there was a predator they would go after the weakest one in the group whether that person had um i don't know an injury or uh maybe they were slightly mentally slow somehow animals can see that in the wild i don't know how just years of evolution they can see the minor discrepancies that even we can't see if one is slightly slower than the others it will go after that one that is slightly slightly less perfect than the others so in our world we still have that ancient dna that 5 10 50 000 year old dna and consumerism capitalism preys on that weakness that is in our dna this is just my philosophy and it sounds a little bit weird so if you were to take me and a twin of me who has different thoughts and ideas they will go and buy the big house right the so that they can impress their friends and look like they are better than they actually are because in their dna they are thinking a predator is going to somehow get them if they look like they have less than somebody else so again that's just a philosophy that's just an idea that i have in my head that predator versus prey so we are the prey and we have to make ourselves look better for the others and that's not just predator versus prey that's also with the opposite sex so when you think of women and you think of men you know men have a tendency to make large purchases right they'll they'll be saving and doing great and then they'll go buy a boat or a motorcycle or a giant truck right and otherwise they're incredibly frugal well a woman is different so a man has to look as though he is successful he can feed his family um he has good genes he wants to pass those down to the next generation well a woman is different she doesn't make those typically typically she doesn't make those large purchases she makes small incremental ones but they add up to the same amount as a man's large purchase so a large man will spend nothing and then he'll have a huge purchase where a woman will spend a little bit a little bit a little bit and it equals out to about the same and what do we spend our money on we spend our money on looking more attractive uh the hair the nails the bannies the paddies the makeup uh the fancy purses the beautiful clothing the more expensive brands and we do that again because of our dna it is in our dna for a man to look as though he can take care of his tribe he can take care of his family it's a woman's eye to look more attractive to the man so that the male will want to mate with the female right and so and it's very strange like i always think about these things and it's really weird uh and a man will typically buy a house that is more than he needs so that he can impress the females where a female will move into that home and she'll turn her into that house and she'll turn it into a cozy loving fun home while the man goes out and kills the kills the food and drags it home and that's all in our dna there's nothing we can do about that it's you can fight it you can you can realize that that is part of our dna and you can go against that if you want to if you don't want to that's fine um so when it comes to housing all right sorry i digressed quite a bit there so my cousin you know walls windows ceiling roof whatever okay so when it comes to housing uh i find that a lot of these social security videos uh people will say living life on social security well here's here's the thing that bothers me me the most about that and i'm being totally candid totally honest here i'm not holding anything back so you went into the workforce 50 years ago and you you know you worked from age 16 to 65 so you've been working for almost 50 years throughout that entire 50 years you didn't save anything and now you're living life on social security you didn't you know you get paid uh twice a year that's or twice a month bi-weekly paycheck that's um 52 weeks in a year so it's 26 paychecks in a year over 50 years that's like i don't know a thousand paychecks so you had a thousand chances to save something throughout a 50-year period and you saved nothing the social security system was not meant for us to live on only social security it was meant to keep the elderly out of poverty but you're supposed to have additional savings um so that you don't have to live in poverty and unfortunately social security is pretty much poverty you're not going to starve but you're definitely not going to live any type of life that you've wanted to live because you already lived it all up in your youth through that entire 50 years where you never saved a penny you just lived right here and you you didn't uh you know drop your lifestyle and keep making that same amount of money you didn't save the difference you took that difference and you spent it it's gone so that is something that bothers me and then um another thing is that you know the social security videos videos start out that way but then they end up if you're not really living on social security anymore you're actually spending a lot more than you were when you first started the channel so i do find them not to be untruthful but um bending the facts a little bit just a little bit okay so housing so i i talked to you about the housing where most people will buy much more than they need much more than it is necessary um and people have a tendency to purchase move in ready houses and i think that there's a lot of different reasons for that one is that you want to just move your stuff in and have a barbecue with all your family and friends to show off your new house that's great um but another thing is is that with banking so here's the deal i've never been able to get a loan i have over an 800 credit score over an 800 credit score and when i was selling my house in california i bought this property before i sold my other house so i had a hundred and four thousand dollars saved not including my uh 401k or my brokerage accounts not including my retirement accounts so i was within that budget of i had to spend a hundred and four dollars well i found this amazing five bed three bath uh foreclosure with a separate like rv garage and all this stuff it was a foreclosure it was a hundred and eleven thousand i only had 104 i only needed seven thousand dollars i tell my realtor this and and it's a foreclosure remember foreclosure um i talked to my grandma asked if i could borrow 7000 she said she would look into it she was a multi-millionaire by the way and i think she forgot and i asked her twice and she i i kind of pushed that off the table like okay she's not going to win me that um and then uh i asked my realtor i said look i need seven thousand dollars more they won't go down on this price and she said i'm going to send you to a guy who has literally never turned anyone down he has never turned anyone down never he turned me down for the first time he turned me down i don't understand why i have over an 800 credit score i went to six different banks they all said no then i went to this guy who's never said no to anyone and he said no so i i don't understand so that house was out of the question i couldn't get it um it just didn't happen so with my fear of being homeless um and not having anywhere to go i need a place to go i need a place to go to the bathroom to take a shower to watch tv to have my dogs and nobody would rent to me because rocky who by the way he looks huge on camera he's not huge he's 67 pounds he's lit he's not that big um they wouldn't let me rent with rocky because he's a bully breed i don't know how a boxer is a bully breed but okay so i had to find literally the cheapest house i could so i found this one um and the reason that the guy was selling it is because this house was sitting here unoccupied for like 11 years and the pre it used to be a rental and the previous people like left it really messed up um and then i went back and i use my visualization and i think of pompeii i'm like okay it's just walls a floor and ceiling i can work around the rest so i fixed it up turned this 67 thousand dollar house into a 167 000 house especially with the real estate going up the way that it has but um i made sure you know i didn't buy a 3 000 square foot house and get a loan and all this other stuff i worked within a very small budget i went way under budget you know i had 104 and i only spent 67. so that left me with a lot of extra money to make any improvements on the house that i needed to and the funny thing is when i was selling my house in california before my brother told me he wanted to sell i was saving up for a rental property so i bought my rental property and i'm living in it and doing i guess technically like a slow flip and it has always been the plan for me to move from here and have this be a rental so over the last three years that i've been living here in arizona i've been saving up my money and doing house hunting for a few months several months because after saving all my money i now have enough for another house without a loan because i can't get i can't seem to get a loan anyway so what's the point in trying it never worked the last two times i tried or six times or seven or eight times i tried so um so i have to work within my budget and one of these days i'm gonna be making a video like this and you're gonna see a totally different background because i'm just going to have moved and rented this place out um which is not really i see other people that make videos on you know we just bought this awesome rental property and i find that to be sort of braggadocious but um if you ever if you ever heard the phrase wealth whispers i don't talk about my net worth and i don't talk about how much i make i might go over how much i save but i don't talk about how much i make and and i don't think that i should um i don't think that not only do i think that that's not really anybody's business but the amount of money that i make has nothing to do with how much i save and give to charity and i give a huge um i give to more to charity than most people make in a month okay and that's not bragging that's me i feel like i need to give back and you know that to me that is really important and a lot of these financial youtubers they they go over their bills and stuff and they never have charity on there i i don't understand they never have charity on on their bills um i guess maybe because it's not a necessity but i to me i i think you have to it's like to be a decent human being you have to give back anyway all right so um there's a lot of ways around housing and i always get comments and emails from people saying oh sure must be nice um to do that we can't do that here that's not possible where i live then you need to move you know and if you have the money if you have the money to buy a house you've got no debt you're debt free have a ball buy whatever your heart desires you know you've got enough save for retirement and you're putting money in there every month and you know you're good you're you know that's not really my demographic that's not really who i talk to i talk to the people who are at their ropes and they don't know what to do they're scared they're tired they're worried they're losing sleep or they're just looking for different ways to save all right so let me just say this i have made videos on cheap houses in the united states and they are everywhere they're everywhere if you're living on social security or disability it's perfectly doable now you might not be within driving distance to your family but you have to think about it like okay are you gonna stay within driving distance to your family and you're gonna be living off of ten dollars a month for food and hoping that the food bank has some extra food for you or are you going to be at a different location where maybe you can drive a car um you can have cable tv if you want satellite cell phone you can use the heater and air conditioner because you're not you're not um dying you know and and you can't afford the air conditioning or the heater you know if you live in a different area that can happen a lot of the things that i see at people on social security too um they're on they're on the channel you know typically complaining and i noticed that like 100 percent of them are renting they're renting apartments complaining that their apartments are too expensive well why didn't you buy a house well i could never afford a house well let me tell you something i met a guy a couple weeks ago um he bought a house in an entire pr four thousand dollars on two acres fourth out and he has a house right and you're like okay how did he do that well he thought outside the box right it depends on where you live it depends on the state the county the laws the zoning laws restrictions stuff like that but in arizona you are allowed legally to have a composting toilet whether you're in the city or rural and a lot of these rural properties say that you have to have a septic system but the law also indicates that you can have a composting system so he bought acreage and he paid two thousand bucks for it out here in the desert not that far away he's probably 10 to 15 miles away from the city where i live right and in the city you've got everything you've got the colorado river you've got fishing outdoor sports hiking biking you know trail walking uh you've got um bowling alleys movie theaters walmart target fast food you name it everything's in this city we've got everything and he's just 10 15 miles away and he bought the property for two thousand dollars now when it comes to mobile homes most mobile homes like i think i don't know what the exact year is like it's either 71 or 74. um they have some sort of wiring i want to say it's like aluminum wiring or something which was considered dangerous in the state of california so we're right on the border of california so all these california residents who buy properties and have these camper or trailers on them that are like 400 square feet or whatever big trailers you know mobile homes uh they will come over here and like literally drop them off in the middle of the desert on private property or wherever some of them even put them they'll spray paint free on it i saw that and i was so tempted i was so tempted to just go over there and like rent a truck and like take the mobile home it was crazy because my my neighbor across the street has like the same mobile home anyway um so whatever it is and people just get rid of them because they can't sell them because nobody wants them because of the dangerous wiring well also this guy he had he had some sort of truck like not a tow truck but a truck that would pull that thing 15 miles um so he got one of these trailers that nobody wanted totally livable not great but livable and he towed it himself onto his two thousand dollar property and he took uh two uh barrels i i don't barrels they're not buckets they're barrels and he built a composting uh outhouse and then uh he hauls his own water with a you know a thing that he has himself so he'll just go over to the colorado river put water in the thing every whatever couple weeks or months anyway so he had he paid two thousand dollars for the property he toted himself and he put like two thousand dollars into the flooring and the paint of his trailer and he has a house like he lives in it and he has his own solar which he already had before and he just hooked up a few panels to the top and he's good to go because he thought outside the box most people are like i'm not willing to live in a trailer i want this nice luxury apartment where they take care of everything for me they'll fix the roof they'll do the plumbing they'll do this they'll do that i don't want to do that well it's a again it's your choice it's your choice if you don't want to do that but some people have to do that um and it's kind of funny that you start seeing like okay when you have to do something it it gets done so there are people out there who are living on 500 per month i think they should start their own youtube channels but there are people who live on 500 per month without any government assistance they are out there but most of them don't have internet access most of them don't have cell phones to record with most of them don't have cable you know they don't have these things because they prefer to live a very simple life and that's totally cool too i am totally okay with that but i would like to learn from them i i love to learn from people who live on less than i do which is about a thousand dollars a month but that you know the way this guy thought of it is kind of the way i think of it it's just floors walls bathroom and electric right and he doesn't have to you to worry about the bad wiring in the mobile home because he's got his own solar system hooked up that he did with his own wiring so he's not worried about it he's got a propane stove um so he you know he spends maybe i don't know 50 bucks on propane a year for his stove and he says that he just that's it he has a little window ac unit and he's good he's good he's got a um sofa bed so if he ever has company he just pulls out the sofa bed and it's great he loves it and that's good good for him um it's not something that i would want to do but if i had to i definitely would i would that that if i went broke that would be my main priority is shelter and i'm not talking about an apartment i'm talking about shelter so that's something that you should think outside the box another thing is fixer uppers fixer uppers you can get 30 percent off the regular like what it would be so the great thing about that is if you buy a fixer-upper and you can i've heard you can get loans for those i whatever i've never been able i you know i can't give advice on a mortgage because i've i've had one for about three months and i just paid it off in cash and then i bought this house in cash and then my next house will be in cash but um if you buy a fixer-upper it's not move-in ready but you got to remember just floors walls and roof so you move in it's ugly you're like oh my god you know gangsters spray-painted everywhere but it's in a good neighborhood but they went in there to get you know it was a drug house prostitutes used to do their thing in here this is disgusting well you walk in you rip up the carpet you put in hardwood flooring you paint the walls and you pretty much have a fully functional house you know maybe replace the toilet and some shower heads and a vanity and you know a few little things here and there but if you're buying a 200 000 if if you're buying a what's the average house here if you're buying a 300 000 house for 200 000 and you go in and it looks all messed up and you spend five thousand dollars to fix it up you already have 95 000 in equity you could fix it up and sell it tomorrow and make 95 000 right that's the way i think of it when it comes to fixer-uppers uh just floors walls ceiling plumbing electric that's it that's all there is to it so um i do want to talk a little bit about utilities utilities what is utilities utilities is electric gas sewer garbage electric gas sewer garbage cable cell phone you know internet stuff like that okay so let's start with electricity now each county or city or state charges based on kilowatt hours there's a couple of things you can do you can not replace your appliances don't replace your appliances until they need replacing right um or if they're so inefficient that purchasing a new appliance will pay for itself all right but when you do purchase an appliance make sure you go with energy efficient appliances now i hear about people who have like two or three refrigerators and freezers and i have a hard time understanding that if it's just like two or three people living in the house um even if you're buying the sails it just i i don't get that because you you literally use so much electricity the refrigerator and heating air conditioning are in water heaters are the biggest energy users in the house so if you've got two or three refrigerators you're literally um just uh throwing extra money away in order to store your extra food and maybe you got that food on sale but the way but the the amount of electricity that you're using typically takes those savings away anyway so i don't really believe in having extra refrigerators unless you're running them on solar but that's just you know that's just me and there's a lot of stockpilers out there that would greatly disagree and that's fine but um i'm not a stockpiler anymore i prefer forage fishing and hunting so subsistence living i guess you could say and minimalism but uh so your appliances right um your appliances your water heater is going to be the biggest energy user so when you do have to replace your water heater typically people have 40 gallon water heaters 40 or 50. if you have you know see if you can um take it down to 30 gallon tank and if you can take it down to a 30 gallon tank it's not that hard you can just have your family members take different you know take a shower and then wait a half an hour and then somebody else takes a shower and waits a half an hour and stuff like that and that will greatly reduce your electric or your gas when it comes to heating so i love having a fireplace and i get all my wood for free typically from people who just want to get rid of their wood so i've only used the heater like once but i do live in the desert so and then when i turned on the heater i actually had to open the window because it got too hot but uh wood stoves are great they're very efficient and much you know as long as you can get your wood for free um a wood stove is going to be a typical heater any day and it costs zero dollars all it costs is your effort to get the wood same with fireplaces they're not nearly as efficient as wood stoves but you know if you're going to be cold you have free firewood and you have a fireplace you might as well have a fire going um and i love the smell of fires something about the smell i remember when i worked at my old job diana there was this girl diana i would purposefully take my jacket in the in the winter and i had one of those cages that goes around the fireplace i would hang my jacket on there every night when i had a fire because we had cut down a tree and i had enough firewood for like four years and i would put i would hang my jacket over there because she loved the smell of the smoke or you know the smoking of my jacket i don't even know and she would i really liked her and she would sit next to me on purpose and just be like how's it going it was pretty funny but she would do that and she'd just she'd sit like she would be leaning towards me all day because she just loved the smell and she said it was a homie it made her feel like she was at home and gave her like a sense of happiness smell so smells do crazy things but she loved it and you know whatever uh if you if you have a really inefficient heating system you can use um i personally use a heated blanket i love my heated blanket i'll turn it on an hour before i go to bed and then i'll jump into bed if i can if rocky hasn't taken up the whole bed and i'll jump into bed and it's just like oh feels so good uh another thing i do is the i will boil water and put it in a pan and stick my feet in there well not while it's boiling you know what i mean let it cool down whatever and i'll put my feet in there and it'll just warm up my whole body it feels amazing and of course putting on extra layers helps those water bottles you can just take a standard thermos not this one that has an open top but you know what i mean a metal thermos fill it with hot water and just hug it uh it feels good i've done that with old laundry bottles works amazing take an old laundry bottle and put in like almost boiling hot water and you just hug it under your robe and you're just like oh and it nestles up it feels so good sorry if i messed up the sound there feels amazing great ways to keep warm when it comes to keeping cool i'm sorry an air conditioner is all i can do in the desert and because i have pets i have a he's over there null is in the other room but because i have pets i have to use an air conditioner if i didn't have pets i would probably be closed i would have everything closed off so i would close that door back there i would close this door and it would just be this little tiny room that i would be using the air conditioner with i would close all my blinds close the windows make it super efficient i would close the flue in the fireplace and it i would just chill out in here and i i'm not the type who has it at like 64 degrees i'm fine with 75 degrees even when it's 120 degrees outside so but air conditioner for some who have medical issues is a must and i don't think that you that people should skimp on that unless they have to because it does turn into a health issue um and if you have solar that absolutely helps uh so let's talk about cell phones so hold on one second let me look something up here okay so i have mint mobile i love mint mobile hold on okay so i have i'm sorry just one more second one more oh okay so i use mint mobile you get a good old ryan reynolds it's 15 a month the catch is that you have to pay it a year in advance now a lot of people are saying it's not 15 a month it's 15 for the first three months and then you have to pay 25 or 30 a month after that no if you sign up for the whole year an entire 12-month plan you get the entire plan for 15 a month but you have to pay for it in advance so it's like 180 but it's paid off for the full year now i have mine on auto renew and it's four gigs of data which is plenty for me because i'm using mostly wi-fi in my house or at the library for my phone so it's not an issue for me there is also the option of boost mobile for in mine's 15 a month boost mobile has an option for 10 a month if you are not big on data that's great boost mobile 10 plan is two gigs of data per month mine is four or five but boost mobile has a 10 plan it's just 10 bucks a month um and and it's just less data so if you're just mostly a talker or you have it for emergencies that's awesome um and you don't have to have a home line or anything like that and they also work off the off of the t-mobile network but there's a ton of different ones so you've got big big people you've got att t-mobile sprint verizon stuff like that but then there's little carriers like cricket wireless and mint mobile and boost mobile and these carriers use the same network as the big guys they're just tons cheaper because they do most of their stuff online they're not spending on advertisement to bring people into the apple store to buy their products and get their service and blah blah blah blah that's the way you do it and to me that's easy i'm not for trac phones i don't like the idea of having to put in a bunch of information a bunch of times over the year refilling cards to me that's just a hassle i'll just pay the 15 bucks but again sometimes you don't have a choice and if you don't have a choice you got to do what you got to do right um so they've got cell phone um cable so cable tv uh with all of the technology that we have right now cable tv is literally um mostly for i'm trying to be as polite as i can i used to work for a cable company comcast xfinity cable is for [Music] i'm sorry it's for old people and those old people are going to die off really soon and cable is going to be a thing in the past we have streaming services now and these streaming services offer so much more than cable tv if if you if you have a problem getting off of cable and you're paying 150 250 per month and you need your sports you can pay 30 dollars a month with sling tv in order to get sling tv you need a streaming box i use a roku some people like the fire stick i've never tried it i did try i take that back i tried it once but for some reason it wasn't working so i went with roku and i've been happy with that ever since and you know you talk about there's a certain show that i like these networks now make it so that you can buy their network so if you're like you're like me right you're like i have to have the walking dead right amc well amc plus offers you can it you can pay 20 for a year not for a month you can pay 20 for a year and you can have your walking dead it's not you know the technology that we have now is just there is no reason no reason to be paying 150 to 250 a month for cable it's it's a complete waste of money at this point because we have literally so much we've got i i can't even go over all of it i've got local you know and people say i use an antenna well you know enjoy driving your horse and buggy to work okay um and and i'm not making fun i'm just making a joke okay if you like your antenna that's fine when i used an antenna all i got was spanish stations and um [Music] maybe one or two channels like pbs i got pbs and the rest was spanish or chinese um but i i couldn't get any channels in here i get nothing literally i'm nowhere near a station the closest one is an hour and a half away in las vegas and we've got huge mountains in between so i'm not going to get any signal here but back when i was in california all i could get with an antenna was pbs but with streaming services i get abc nbc msnbc uh i get pb pbs is easy um i can't even seriously there's hundreds of apps and on each app let's let's pretend this is an app just pretend this is an app you click on this app and in this app is 5 000 movies and tv shows 5 000 in this one app but your box your roku box holds 100 of these and in each of these has a 5 000 movies you've got 50 000 movies in a box for free and i don't understand and some of the movies are new and good um i'm sorry i don't know you've got free v pluto tv peacock uh free flicks you can even go and get um you can go to your library and get free canopy which is it has documentaries and uh every the youtube app you guys are watching me on youtube the youtube app has the history channel you can watch ancient aliens all day you can watch pawn stars all day for free for free why are you paying 150 a month for it when you can do it for free you just have to learn how to work the box you have to learn how to work how figure out how the streaming things work and and i know a lot of i'm sorry to say and i'm not trying to make fun i'm really not a lot of old people have problems learning things new or they just are too stubborn and don't want to well think about this you had when you were a little kid you had to learn how to use your tv you had to learn how to use your cable box when cable first came out because when i was a kid it was just like vhs or uhs and i had to go up and push the button to change the channel and there were only three of them but uh you know you had to learn you know you have to step out of your step out of your box step out of your comfort zone learn how to use it and then once you learn how to use it you're going to be like why didn't i do this 10 years ago you're going to call your cable company and you'll be like i'm done with you bro unless you're going to give me 10 a month which they won't uh you know i'm done with you you're you're a waste of my money and i get all the same stuff on my box i don't need you anymore i get all the same stuff for free um i'll leave a link to the roku box in the description below uh transportation so i recently sold my car and it's not that i i sold all of my you know i had two cars but i was given the opportunity to do a review on an e-bike an electric bike and the truth is is that okay for starters i now work from home you know i i quit my nine to my nine to five job because they were it was it was awful and i don't want to get into it but most of my transportation my commute to work everything like that was done via my electric bike anyway and i charge my electric bike via solar so it's like free right um and my cars both of them i had two were just sitting in the driveway one had 68 000 miles and the other one has 83 000 miles um and i'm just like why am i doing this so i sold one of my cars for a thousand dollars more than i bought it for because of inflation and the crazy chip shortage and the the car prices right now so i actually sold it for more than i bought it for and i still have a car uh i've got a 24 year old car with 83 000 miles on it but i that still sits sometimes i have to go out of my way to drive my car uh because i don't want it to like the gas to just goop up inside the engine and the battery to go dead so i have to literally go out of my way to drive my car but i use my electric bike for almost all of my travel because i live within four miles of everything so grocery store police station gas station library all of it i just bring my e-bike with me it has a removable battery and i use a heavy chain with a heavy lock and most times i'm in a store or in the library or whatever i'm only in there for a few minutes so it really really works for me and a lot of people will spend as much as they can on a car trying to look as cool as they can either to the opposite sex or some people have some sort of misconception that cars um are are dangerous if they're not brand new i don't know where that came from but some people actually think like that they're like my car's only two you know my car has almost 80 000 miles on it i need to get a new one what okay my car has almost 25 000 miles on it i need a new one or i'm gonna blow up on the freeway people do think like that i'm serious they do there are people out there that think that but there's great cars out there and you can get them for four to six thousand dollars a lot of them have less than a hundred thousand miles on them uh my car still only has 83 000 miles on it but i do need something a little bit um that transports a little bit more because i i'm gonna be fixing up houses here pretty soon um slow flips and then returning them into rentals so i will eventually need a like a minivan or something um but i'll just sell my car that i've got now and then i'll buy a minivan for about the same as i sell my car for but i'm not um personally i just don't care about cars i'm i'm not like some people care about cars and i'm not materialistic about anything i i can make a house comfortable i can make a car as long as a car gets me from a to b i don't care how ugly it is it can be rusted and discolored and painting coming off and i honestly do not care as long as the windows roll up and down and the gas pedal and the brake pedal work i'm good but a lot of people don't think like that but i would like to put you into the state of mind the um how much money you can save like think about this i literally just sold my car for over fourteen thousand dollars and i look around my house and i'm constantly looking for different things to sell because all i'm doing is looking at the stuff i'm not using it so if you have a car that's worth a lot and you can do and you don't have any money if you i mean if you have money enjoy your car i don't care um but if you don't have money and you've got a really expensive car so and and right now we're like at the peak like you're not going to get this opportunity again sell that car and you know go with a cheaper beater car until the prices come down and then you can get a nicer car later it's just an opinion that's what i did um and that's what i'm going to be doing so uh food i want to talk about food so and i think at the beginning of this video i was talking about how most things are like free or cheap so you can get food for free obviously we've got wic we've got food stamps and we've got food banks so if you're poor use them please do not say i'm doing fine if you're not saving if you are living literally paycheck to paycheck and you have nothing left at the end of the month but you're still able to get by with your groceries take the opportunity and go to a food bank and whatever you were spending at the grocery store you're 200 a month you're 100 a month even if you're down to 50 a month and you can get that food at the food bank please get it at the food bank and invest or save that 200 every month do it as long as you can because there's a misconception about food banks too they think that food banks are only for poor widowed mothers with five kids to feed no you know you shouldn't wait until it's until you're desperate to go to a food bank and you have literally no money for food like if you are having if you're still able to meet if you have like a zero balance budget like every month you know you have zero dollars left at the end of the month please go to the food bank and save that one or two hundred dollars save it invest it you know uh leave it to your kids don't you know don't just think that you know use the food bank please use it i please do i'm not joking and don't feel bad about it because a lot of people use the food make and food banks are getting better and better and better it's no longer rice and beans and moldy cheese this is stuff that comes straight from the grocery store they get new product in and they don't have space on their shelves for the stuff that they haven't sold yet it's still perfectly good and they will take it to the food bank i was so pleased i went to the grocery store about a month ago and i heard on the loudspeaker um somebody saying okay everybody get all your food bank stuff ready um they're picking up in 15 minutes or something like that and they had a huge you know a long truck what what a big rig they had a big rig outside and they were filling it palette by palette by palette with stuff to go to the food bank and i saw this stuff it was fresh good food they had beautiful watermelons and cantaloupe filled up an entire palette because they just didn't have space and they were getting their shipment in and they just have to they have to get rid of it and if it doesn't go to the food bank they have to throw it away and there's no reason to throw it away when there are people out there that are struggling and people who can be fed with it so please use the food bank and do not feel bad about it please please do that um i want to talk to you a little bit about just standard bills so your sewage bill your water bill your property tax um if you own a home and you are disabled or um elderly social security low-income stuff like that please call your local office not everywhere but a lot of places waive your property taxes if you are low-income meaning that you don't have to pay property taxes and that's a huge deal if your house is paid off and you did the right thing but you're still low income at the end of your life please call your local office see if your property tax is um if they if they waive it for you and there's a lot of places that do that i know that they do it um never mind i don't want to say any particular state but please call utilities there are some utilities like uh electric companies that will offer you reduced rates there's a lot of places that will offer you free internet if you don't have that option there are now get this at the local library you can rent a hot spot for 30 days meaning if you have a cell phone plan you can or if you have a cell phone your 10 boost mobile your 15 mint mobile whatever you have you can go to the local library and rent a hot spot and that's it like 90 percent of libraries now and you can take it home and you have free internet for a month and you can just bring it back in the next month and you can rent it again hopefully if nobody has a hold on it so that's free internet options if you're not low income enough to qualify for free internet through these different programs um i know that there's free cell phones but i've never heard of them like i've heard of obama phones but i don't know how to do that like i don't know where you could go for that maybe somebody can comment in the comment section medical medical insurance sucks it sucks all right so uh when you if you're working and you have a job that offers medical insurance that does not mean you have to take it okay and not all jobs offer the best or cheapest medical insurance so when they give you the package to check your medical insurance to see if you want to get it through your company take the pack at home and then go to healthcare.gov and compare them compare which one is better for you and everybody's going to be different on this because some people require medications and physical therapy while others don't um and and that's up to you but it doesn't just because they offer it at your work doesn't mean you have to have it so you can go to healthcare.gov and if you're low income healthcare.gov goes based on your income and your needs so um just that's that's where you should go to to check for insurance coverage um healthcare.gov or your job um and when it comes to medicare medical and medicaid i'm sorry i don't have any information on that because i'm not 60 something or older so i i don't know anything about that i'm sorry but you can probably call aarp and ask them where to go for that iced coffee is good but medical here's something funny about medical and how backup back back oh my bad bass ackwards um our society is we are the literally the only country here in the united states that it is legal to have commercials for medications um and our gdp is like 40 medical so if you think that somewhere in the future we're gonna have free medical not for a long time and the problem with privatized medical is they are uh bending us over and screwing us and i hate paying for medical i hate it but it has to be done um and well it doesn't have to be done i mean if you're healthy and you choose not to have medical that's your choice um most people will not go without medical but uh i'm all for it if it's within your comfort zone and and i don't judge if you don't have medical i don't judge at all um because i think that a large portion of it is bull hit bull hockey bull hockey and i think it's almost a scam same thing with car insurance depending depending and home insurance depending it always depends but um i mean if it one of the one of these days i'm gonna go completely psycho cheapskate and i'm gonna be like okay no i'm gonna go on like a no years no spending no spending for a year and i'm gonna take out medical home insurance car insurance electricity i'm just going to take it all out and be like i am living on nothing for an entire year watch this and but i've always wanted to do that i know it's totally weird but um it's not in my comfort zone right now but maybe in a couple of years um maybe i'll be comfortable with doing that and that would be something to document on youtube wouldn't it wow like yeah yeah my toilet went out and um i'm not spending any money this year so i need to find a free toilet somewhere something like that this is a long video all right so what i have for you guys i'm going to try and wrap it up here is almost everything that you have been taught to buy and consume is based on our predetermined dna on the fact that you need to believe that you are not the weakest link in the group so that you are not eaten by the predator you do not need to buy a four bed three bath house even if you are a family of six the most you need need you i mean shoot if you have a fold-out couch parents can sleep on the fold-out couch and then you can have a one-bedroom with two bunk beds and just stack them on top of each other i'm a horrible person no um child services is not going to go get you as long as they have a place to sleep and then the house is clean and nice all right um so look uh you can get you can buy a p you can buy an acre of property for two thousand dollars you can plop a camper on it and you have a house you can fix it up while you're living in it you will never be homeless again you will never have to worry about paying rent on an apartment in your old age or living off of social security if you do that utilities i have talked about cell phones i have talked about cable those are the two highest bills that are easily easily you can get them for 10 10 of what you're paying or less get yourself a roku box seriously get rid of the cable it's old technology it's gonna be going out the door uh within my lifetime definitely and you don't not only do not need it there are alternatives that are free for it free totally free and then don't forget to call your local offices you can get free internet free cell phone you can go to the food banks for free food um anything on top of that is just gravy when it comes to furniture i used to do garbage picking and nothing but garbage picking at this point in my life i will not cheap out on a couch that is the only a couch and shoes are the only items i won't cheap out on even when it comes to bed mattresses i'll get them at a thrift store but um after i get a mattress at a thrift store i will buy the two or three inch foam foam pads that go on top because i need an extra soft sleeping surface so i don't have a problem getting a mattress at a thrift store or any furniture at a thrift store and painting it to make it look nice but the only thing i won't get at a thrift store i take that back i would buy a couch at a thrift store if first of all i would need a way to transport it or they would have to transport it for me but um comfort is i am all about comfort and um i would have no problem buying like a used ugly old orange one that's like extremely comfortable as long as i could put a slipcover over it and uh cover the cushions and that is something you can do online unfortunately it's like probably 250 dollars well i don't want to spend 250 dollars for a slipcover and new cushions if i can just pay 500 for new couch so that's just me um but anything else i'm i am willing to scrimp on it uh clothing first of all go please go through your closet and see you know when you say i have nothing to wear and then you open the doors of your closet and it's nothing but clothing uh you do have plenty to wear it's just not what you want to wear so you don't need most people in the united states swear i swear unless you're a growing kid once you've reached adulthood you don't need any new clothes because i have yet to wear out a i think wearing out a pair of pants takes me 10 years uh 10 to 12 years to wear out a pair of pants and i have minimalized all of my clothing uh and i've got like three pairs of pants and that includes a pair of interview pants that i never wear so i've got two pairs of pants i've got uh painting clothes and pajamas and that's it but please you know stop going shopping for new clothes when you have a closet full of clothes because you're just you're just wasting your money you're spending your money on something that will make you feel good very temporarily maybe for a day or two and then the value of that clothing is just going to be out the door as soon as you receive it think about i don't even know if i'm going to publish this because i feel like i've just been ranting for an hour but it's true i promise you it's true like almost everything that you've been conditioned to believe costs a lot of money is not true as long as you think outside the box you know you don't have to have a four bed three bath house you can live in a trailer you don't have to have steak and lobster for dinner every night you can have bean burritos and fajitas and you're going to be just fine and you can also shop at the food bank you can get free hot spots from the library you can get your cell phone for 10 a month or fifteen dollars a month um cars you don't have to buy a new car a new fifty thousand dollar car buy a used one that just runs good and a car is a car it gets you from a to b uh try and do your own maintenance on everything try and repair everything yourself save money there that's about it housing transportation food shelter a couple of utilities i think i've gone over that um but only use things when you absolutely need to if you're trying to save all right folks i hope that helps all right do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 103,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poverty, cheapskate, money saving
Id: qB0-wgO1e7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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