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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below and as the title indicates I do live on almost nothing which I've done my entire adult life I had a goal to get out of debt and become rich and well riches Rich depends on what your definition of rich is oh hello sorry all right everybody so I wanted to talk to you about something I I read earlier today there is something with the Baby Boomers and I believe Millennials I I'm technically a millennial where they are worried about the Next Generation being able to afford a house at some point in their lives now now everybody has a different opinion based on their own personal experiences everybody's going to think differently and I've just found okay so the rising cost of inflation the average home cost is like 450 000 now and okay so let's let's talk about that for a minute the average home I there's not a nice way to put it politely uh people don't want an average home they want a luxury move-in ready home so let's let's talk about this for a second here all right a few years ago I bought a house in Arizona for sixty seven thousand dollars it wasn't in the best neighborhood it wasn't the nicest house it was a fixer-upper two bed two bath sixty seven thousand dollars for a house in a town with a booming economy so getting a job would not be difficult I paid for that house in cash while I was there I saved up my money and I bought this house in cash now if the average home is four hundred thirty thousand dollars I live in California in a very nice area my house was less than half that because I chose simple I chose a modest home over the luxury move-in ready home as opposed as opposed to that I I chose the Fixer-Upper has Foundation issues and needs a new roof you know uh doesn't have a garage type house because you know I don't really need much I I don't need much I'm within a half mile to a grocery store in either direction I'm close to the police department fire department Library post office are all on my street they're on my street within two blocks the schools here are average but I don't have kids that go to school I don't have kids I'm not going to school so that doesn't bother me I also decided to choose a home in a county because yes counties matter where the property taxes would remain low so I'm in Northern California property taxes are about eight hundred dollars not about they're eight hundred sixteen dollars and 30 cents a year that's how much my property taxes were this year I have no mortgage I have no car payment student loans medical debt or credit card debt I have no debt now here's the thing with the cost of inflation that everybody is uh complaining about is that they're just wanting things that are beyond their budget and they say I can't make it you know I'm I'm renting for 2500 a month what 2500 a month now I know where typical I don't want to get into it I don't want to get into it you can get in a cheaper apartment you can you could probably not probably you can you can get something cheaper you just won't because it's not in the area that you want it doesn't have a gym a spa a hot tub sauna swimming pool laundromat in your apartment complex so you won't move let me tell you about the last apartment I lived in back in my 20s I was there for God I don't I don't know how long it was many many years I was there for many years um built in the 1940s it had an ironing board that came out of the wall in the kitchen and it was a tiny ironing board it's a little teeny tiny one single pane windows no insulation I could hear the person who lived in the apartment above me fart every morning when she woke up not kidding I could hear her every morning she'd wake up and fart um there was no laundry in my apartment I had to the apar the LA the apartment had a laundry facility which was one coin operated washer and dryer that's it one you had to like wait in line to do your laundry no garages there were parking spaces with no carports um the tile in the kitchen was that 1970s yellow tile and the kitchen countertops were uh it was like a blue with a dark red border and it was tile the bathroom was salmon pink the carpet in the bedroom no the whole apartment was dark brown dark dark brown there was a wall heater and the the breaker kept tripping because I used too much electricity if I turned on the air conditioner in my TV at the same time so I lived in a in a I you know what honestly I love that apartment I also lived in one of those fancy ones that had the pool and everything and then I had to lose that because my roommate wasn't paying his app for the rent so I went and decided maybe it's a better idea if I just live on my own and I was in that apartment forever I was in there forever but it was my favorite probably if if I won the lottery I would buy that little eight Plex it was an eight Plex of apartments and then there were like two houses on the property one that the property manager lived in that was a two bed one bath all the apartments were one bed one bath and I turned since I was on the lower level I turned the stairs there was this you know there's stairs so I had this giant um what is it like storage area in my there was a walk-in closet in the in the living room in a giant storage area under the stairs um that I used to make homemade soap and the walk-in closet was so big I turned it into my office and I uh okay yeah and there was also a closet on the other side of the living room right smack dab in the middle of the wall so where am I supposed to put my TV in the living room so I covered that closet with a curtain that looked like a decoration so like a curtain on a rod just to make it like looked like it was a wall I don't even know and then I put my TV in front of the curtain I loved that apartment I still remember the apartment manager Mary she probably still lives there anyway when I in when my mother ended up passing away I moved into her house paid off the mortgage and then uh sent spent the next 10 years fixing up the house but when I left that apartment Mary came up to me and she said you are welcome back any time I paid my rent on time every time if not early um I ca when I left the apartment was just as clean when I left as when I moved in several years before the only difference was the carpets were a little bit more worn I shampooed the carpets before I left I scrubbed the inside and out of the refrigerator um I I ca I kept that place in pristine condition I really loved that apartment what was I guess sorry little Nostalgia there my bad okay sorry so people are getting Apartments okay I apologize am I worried about the Next Generation yes and no so I don't have children but I do have four nieces and nephews and I have set up my life so that they will be okay meaning this house is a two bed one bath that house in Arizona is a two bed two bath so uh there's four children and that's four bedrooms so if anything happens if they fall on Hard Times um they you know something bad happens they have that house in Arizona free of charge anytime that they need it as long as I don't have a renter in there and if I do have a renter we'll just wait till the lease is up and then it's all theirs but um they will have a place to live rent free because when my mother passed away and I moved in and I took over the mortgage and I paid it off um even though it wasn't free to me I took full advantage of that opportunity and I took that 10 years while I was fixing up the house and I just put every extra dollar I had into my brokerage accounts in my 401ks so that was a huge help and I I think that it's my duty as a steward of my finances to pay it forward and to do that for God and for my family a good person leaves an inheritance to their children's children and a lot of people talk about their children just blowing it well then you didn't really leave an inheritance to your children you just left them money you didn't leave them the skills and knowledge to do the same thing so my job is to take any money that's been given to me and to grow it not to just uh stop it or save it or bottleneck it my job is to make it blossom and grow and then the next Generation their job is to make it blossom and grow as well so any opportunity that I give to them if they don't take Advil full advantage of that opportunity they get that opportunity taken away from them so I'm not worried about the Next Generation I'm worried about the affluenza and the consumption here in the United States which we already know is not sustainable at all and the people who complain complain complain complain that you can't get ahead the corporations are taking all my money um I can't afford a house these are people who only want the fancy big houses in the best possible neighborhood hood while they're working minimum wage at Walmart as a stalker overnight stalker and they're not willing to take on a second job they're not willing to go to school to learn a trade to become a plumber or an electrician or an apprentice of some some kind it's people that just simply in my opinion want too much for nothing they want everything for nothing and that's the that is the normal culture that we are dealing with here in the United States and we've been dealing with this culture for 20 30 years If people really educated themselves on finances they would realize that it's not the corporations taking all their money it's the government that's taking all your money you are taxed on 50 of everything that you earn if you don't believe me you can add it all up and it's not just sales tax and income tax it's property tax bridge tolls you name it there are taxes on every bill you get you get your sewer bill and you get a tax and then you get little fees on top of that you get your garbage bills there's fees and taxes on top of that and it's all taken by the government and the government has not given me anything they've no nothing that I've used nothing that I've yes they give me police officers and firemen that I have never used they give me good schools that I do not use my parents paid for for the schooling and I'm supposed to pay for the Next Generation but I don't have a Next Generation so my tax dollars are going to things that are of no use to me they're going to people uh that I do not agree with should have my money as well they're going to fight words that I do not agree in agree with they're going to uh bridge tolls on bridges that I don't use um infrastructure that I've never seen there's potholes up and down every street I know of and every Highway and freeway from here to catman's cataman Zoo that are never fixed so I don't really know where our tax dollars are going but I do know that 50 of everything that we earn is taxed and then don't forget you're taxed on your money and then you invest it and then you're taxed on the money that you earned from the money you already paid tax on it's not the corporations that are taking all over that are not providing a uh standard of living because you have the choice to leave that company and go to a company that does provide a standard of living that meets your qualifications however you do not have a say in how much of your money that the government gets so um when it comes to inflation my apologies um it does not affect me and the reason that it does not affect me is because I am debt free now people talk about well what about the food prices the food prices the food prices I am still uh I I spend I spent about a hundred dollars a month a little bit less over the last I don't know how many years and I would say that I've increased it to probably a hundred and fifty dollars between 130 and 150 per month on food uh for me and my two dogs combined but that's by choice that's not because I that's not uh because of the inflation of prices that's because I chose to increase it like so instead of getting bananas um I'll get dragon fruit because I like dragon fruit more than bananas and I have the income to sustain that instead of getting peanuts I'll get uh pistachio nuts which are more expensive and I just like them better but again I have the income to sustain that instead of getting like I'm just using examples here not really not things that I do every single day so instead of um instead of getting carrots maybe I'll get mushrooms one week and carrots are 68 cents a pound but mushrooms are like 350 a pound so I'm making small little changes just based on things that I like better because but I could absolutely go back to a hundred dollars a month and I wouldn't have any issues but inflation does not affect people who are debt free and I know that I'm going to get a lot of viewers on here who are gonna do do the poverty mindset and they're going to be like must be nice you know because that's something that we get all the time as if we've never been through any trials and tribulations and everything was handed to us in life no uh we work hard everybody works hard but some of us choose to do different things with our money than others so I drive a 20 25 year old car 98 Toyota Camry with 90 000 miles on it that I got for four thousand dollars um I live in a house that is less than half of the price of the average home here in the United States and I live in California one of the most expensive states in the country and I still got it for less than half the median of any house in any state in the United States um I this this house came with solar so I don't have an electric bill I actually make money off of my solar because I use yes less than the solar produces you know my my garbage bill has not gone up with inflation my water bill has not gone up with inflation uh those are kind of like fixed costs that just haven't changed so people who live debt-free and they live within or it's not a trick of living within your means it's a trick of living below your means and then taking that excess money and then putting it to work to make you more money you make your money have babies they're your little they're your little baby makers I want little baby dollars so that is what people do and that we're not talking about frugality we're talking about debt Freedom so I would say if you want inflation to not affect you live within your means you know buy a house you can afford buy a car that you can afford pay in cash whenever possible I paid cash for this house I paid cash for my other house um take advantage of every opportunity that's provided to you and don't um don't don't listen to other people who tell you the 10 different ways to beat inflation because there's only one way to beat inflation or to have it so that it doesn't bother you or it doesn't affect you there is only one way and that is to be completely debt free all right folks that's what I've got for you today dewage cams what you've got prepper princess out
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 100,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beat inflation, money saving, low income living
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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