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hello everyone I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested below today I want to talk to you about decluttering and minimalism and as you can tell by my thumbnail photo um I've had to deal with this I I have personal experience in this matter of when people die and they leave a bunch of stuff behind to their children that they think that they're going to want and the children do not want it I can tell you that okay minimalism is pretty much getting rid of the the Syrian on in your house there's also something called Swedish death cleaning where if you are getting older in age maybe your health isn't quite what it used to be a lot of people will go on these extreme cleaning type things to get rid of everything in their house that is non-essential so that when they do die their family is not going to have to deal with the horrible Fallout of the situation they just come in it's pretty much just furniture that they can take over to wherever one load and done and then it's over with and it's not a huge burden on your children so the thumbnail of this video it was my mother's garage when she passed away in 2010 and in case you didn't get a good view of it I will go ahead and insert a picture now and this was just the garage just the garage so it it was a three bed two bath 1500 square foot house plus about a 500 square foot garage so you're looking at 2 000 square feet altogether approximately when and my mother was never a hoarder she wasn't a minimalist but she wasn't she was she never had a problem accumulating large amounts of anything with me growing up her when my brother and I moved out uh around the age of 20. her health started to decline pretty badly it seemed like the Health declined the more stuff she accumulated uh she wasn't really able to work any longer and she was on disability she had a type stage four terminal cancer along with a million other different things but um her thing it's it's like she thought that so she was doing eBay and it seemed like every day every day she was going to garage sales estate sales thrift stores assigned consignment shops like anywhere she could go she would be going there and it's and she would it's like she didn't go a single day without filling up her pickup truck to the brim and then she would go in for about three or four years I would go in there I would organize it so she had space she was a big smoker and she smoked in the garage so um I would move all of her stuff and organize it so that she had a place to sit in the middle because I didn't want her if she was going to smoke I didn't want her smoking outside where it was cold and windy and rainy and the winter time in in the winter time so at least the garage provided some shelter and it was a little bit warmer mostly because the dryer was always going but um so I set that up for and then I would come back two days later and it would just be completely full again and she almost made jokes about it like thanks for clearing that space for me so I can fill it back up again and it's like that's not really funny you know I just spent four hours of work making it so you would have a place to sit and two days later it would be gone and after about two or three years everybody in the family pretty much gave up um it actually got to the point where she would get angry at us just for touching things like uh we would go to dust something just to dust it because she had a lot of lung condition problems and we didn't want dust in the house to mess with her lungs so we would try dusting and you would have to move something in order to dust Another thing and then move that thing to dust the next thing and she got so angry about that stuff and I remember there were only 24 inch Pathways to get anywhere I remember the guest room the door only opened enough for you to scoot through so that you could get into the bedroom and then it was just like uh three feet straight to the bed a twin size bed in a bedroom and then the rest of the bedroom was stacked floor to ceiling the whole thing the closet wouldn't open floor to ceiling all you had was a tiny Pathway to the bed and then she had her eBay room which was just stacked floor to ceiling as you can imagine she had shelves that were just um over shelved over stocked with stuff she got at yard sales that she planned on selling on eBay but she somehow never got around to it because she was too busy shopping for more things and we were poor growing up so she knew that she couldn't shop for new items and she always had the intention of selling these items but I don't really think she had the intention of selling them knowing how sick she was so there was she was always an amazing mother but in the last few years she she wasn't well she she wasn't she wasn't well not only physically but mentally spiritually she was not doing well amazing woman I mean she brightened a room she got along with everybody I mean she found the best in everybody she loved animals um not a great housekeeper growing up I was always the one keeping house but other than that amazing mom she wanted nothing but the best for us and it when she passed away I moved into the house and there was no I mean you were going through the worst time in your life you know losing my mother was the worst thing that anybody could go through and I would not wish it on my worst enemy I would not wish it on Hitler or Dahmer or anyone I would never wish that on literally what I went through I I couldn't I would not be able to do it again I I would not make it through a second time if if I had somebody that close in my life that I had to lose again I would not survive it I can tell you that I would not make it but when you're going through the absolute worst time in your life and then you go into a mess like that um which took I believe a year and a half to get rid of it and it was over I know it was like between 50 and 60 truckloads of stuff that had to go either to the dump or the thrift store and what the ironic thing is is that she got most of those items from garage sales and thrift stores and when she passed away they went right back and all that money those thousands and thousands of dollars that she put into these items that that she had some sort of intention for whether that be to sell them or keep them or improve Renovations in the house I don't know but all of that money was completely wasted I mean think about it it was just a big circle she got it from the thrift store she brought it home she died I took it back to the thrift store and people say um you should have sold it I sold it I sold as much as I could I had a estate sales and garage sales family members came by I allowed them to take whatever they wanted didn't even put a dent in it and I think I did the calculations of it was a three bed two bath house but it had enough furniture for a four bed four four bed four bath houses yeah so uh 16 rooms worth of furniture 16 bedrooms worth of furniture and that doesn't even include like kitchen couches the the living room she had the she had the couch in the middle of the living room which didn't make any sense but behind the couch was stacked floor-to-ceiling Furniture so imagine a coffee table inside table under a kitchen table and on top of the kitchen table you somehow put a couch on top of the kitchen table and then on top of the couch you stacked chairs and small end tables stacked floor to ceiling I can tell you I didn't want any of it I kept maybe three pieces of furniture that were hers the rest was history and you know a lot of people keep things they hold on to things because they think that they're worth money or they think that they're going to pass it on to their children so but they don't necessarily want them but they but they're worth money so or they might be worth money someday or I'm going to pass this on to my daughter or my son because it's worth money um I would say sell the item now and give your kids the money if if that is really what you intend to do or what you intended to do I'm going to give them this painting because it's worth money they don't want it they're going to sell it so save them the trouble and sell the painting and give them the money but more than likely you're going to keep the money I'm just saying um and when it comes to your stuff your trinkets your knickknacks your tchotchkes your old photos of you and your buddies from high school they don't want them they don't know who five out of six of the people in those pictures are I went through so many pictures took me hours and hours the only pictures that I have kept in my picture inventory are pictures that have my mom my grandma and my dog that's it every other picture gone well and my brother but I don't really I don't even want those I don't I don't want them I I don't care what my brother looked like as a kid I I think of him as now and we get into this there there is a consumer culture in America that is sickening people people are becoming mentally ill it is killing our planet and it is a vicious horrible cycle of accumulation I always had this theory that it went down to something in our DNA if you go out into the wild and you watch a cheetah and it will be stalking a herd of gazelles it'll be stalking them just watching out in the Tall Grass peeking through looking and it's there for 45 minutes to an hour it will attack one that has something wrong with it it'll attack the one that has a limp or is a little bit slower mentally mentally or physically just a tiny bit something that you wouldn't even be able to tell right away but in the animal kingdom they can see it and in our DNA it is our DNA for women to be beautiful and of child bearing age and young and gorgeous and men have to be providers they have to have the wealth because and I'm not talking you know this is just in our this is going back hundreds of thousands of years the man has to be able to kill something and drag it home into the cave while The Woman Cooks it and nurtures the children in order for a man to do that he feels that he needs to accumulate Things based on status um based on looking like they have or they can provide more than the next man and a woman bases their purchases on beauty products and looking younger and More Beautiful in Slimmer and slender and child-bearing age and if they can't do that so if a woman is simply knows that they are not beautiful simply knows and don't go all crazy but this is just an analogy knows that they are overweight and refuses to become overweight they will try to provide to present themselves as Superior in some way so that they can attract a mate so if you have somebody who is not athletic or beautiful and never will be they typically focus on intelligence they get a really really big education so they can look super smart uh for the opposite sex and then it's just a big huge cycle so that's why women always purchase their Hail they get their hair and nails done they they get per purses fancy whatever that makeup is Mac iMac IMAX the movie theater Matt I I don't know I get my makeup at the dollar store and I I style my hair with water okay but um it is a terrible culture that is based on fear of loneliness and here in America that is somehow turned into a consumer culture that is mentally physically emotionally and spiritually detrimental to the population you know if you can't pay your bills but you have all this stuff you got nothing you've got nothing you are not making yourself more beautiful or more handsome to the opposite or same sex whatever you're into you are not making things better for yourself look at the mental illness that is going on in our country I swear it is getting horrible I I'm afraid to talk to anybody these days it's getting that bad and I think that a lot of that has to do with it's just all fear it's it starts out with fear then they get on the drugs and alcohol and it's a horrible horrible cycle in every generation says the next generation is doing so much worse than them and they don't know what hard work is and it and I'm getting older I'm getting wiser and in my old age um I'm seeing that the next generation is totally screwed maybe Jesus is coming back soon not to get too spiritual on you or religious on you but like it seems like it's the end of days here pretty much like it really does um and you know funny funny side fact um when I was in my 20s my early 20s like 22 23 I was working two jobs one of them was a cashier at Home Depot worst job I've ever had um I'll never cashier again but I would work at Home Depot again just not as a cashier but uh early 20s I had 55 and 60 year old men hitting on me every day that's disgusting 35 to 40 year difference I'm not exaggerating either I had a guy who was like 56 and he's like what's a pretty girl like you doing it working at Home Depot and I said well nobody's gonna pay my bills I have to pay off my debt and he goes I will I was like ew gross nasty and now that I'm 41 I think I'm 41 I'm either I'm somewhere between 40 and 42. so let's say 41. um now that I'm 41 um I get hit on by 65 year olds um 40 year olds simply are not interested in those of their own age and I don't think that they realize that I'm gay either but when I tell them I'm gay they think it's an excuse but um that's just a really weird side fact let me know if you guys have the same issue like you only get hit I've I've only had um no I've never had a guy a male hit on me the same age as me never in my life not once ever all right folks that was random and unnecessary but um I want you guys to take a second and rethink some of things like you know can you instead of completely renovating your entire kitchen can you maybe fix it up with some paint instead or maybe some new drawer pulls um you know in instead of going out and buying new side tables can you maybe paint the ones that you have paint them and get some new um what did I just say poles instead of going out and buying new lamps can you maybe spray paint the ones that you have it's just uh think smaller you know I'm seeing so God the just the destruction that is going on and with the Burak is bureaucracy that we've got in politics right now politicians are not going to change it politicians are not going to allow people to have Cobb houses in residential neighborhoods they're not going to allow uh composting toilets and septic systems in town it's just not it's not going to happen so our options as Citizens are are limited and I say citizens not consumers because I am not a consumer I am a citizen and and I would I also like you guys to rethink thrift store and garage sale shopping so if you are on a really low income I understand that thrift stores and garage sales might be the only things that you're able to afford but I I don't go to them anymore and and the reason I don't go to them anymore is because I learned just not even that long ago four or five years ago maybe even three years ago that I was using them as an excuse to go shopping because in the Dollar Trees Too like it's only a dollar you know I can get a pair of pants two pairs of pants for five dollars it's only five dollars but I didn't need those things I just went in there to see what they had I'm just gonna go in to see what they have and then I walked out thirty dollars later a bit of stuff that I didn't need and ended up not wanting and ended up discarding anyway because they fit but they weren't comfortable so now I have I've I've changed my I've changed my procedure when it comes to uh clothing most people wear 20 they they wear 20 of their stuff eighty percent of the time I think I think that's how the saying goes so I would say get rid of that eighty percent and don't replace it just don't replace it once it's gone that's what I did I have two pairs of jeans and I am perfectly I don't want more I don't want any more jeans I want I don't want them if somebody brought me a pair of jeans from the thrift store I'd be like no thank you please take them back I don't want them um I very specifically find one pair of pants that I like and I will stick to that and I found my pair and when it comes time to replace them I'm gonna have to find them again because I'm not I'm not gonna go to a thrift store and spend 30 when I can buy one pair for twenty dollars in um instead of buying 10 pairs for 30 anyway all right folks so I know that I went on a little bit of ramp but the truth of the matter is that all that stuff that you accumulate is going to end up in a landfill anyway when you pass away and if you're holding on to things to give to your children give the give it give them give it to them now save them the hassle and find out if they even want it they might not even want it and if they don't want it and if you think it's worth money I I I would implore you to go and sell it or try and sell it my guess is that it's not worth even a quarter of what you think it is all right folks that's what I've got for you today do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out you too trying to both sit on my lap at the same time you guys are crazy you're crazy but it works you both fit on mommy's lap oh oh yeah help me [Music] oh my gosh okay okay good morning to you too good morning good morning hi
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 99,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minimalism, Declutter, Cleaning, Budget
Id: tciXzD2w6kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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