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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will leave a link in the description box below I had to evict my very first tenant in my very first rental property and the Ridiculousness that I'm about to tell you makes no sense okay I'll just say that right out the open the lies that I was receiving from the Well from the property manager I paid for a property manager and you know what when things are going great with a rental property you're like God why am I even paying for a property manager this is stupid it's 10% you know I could be earning an extra 150 bucks a month Well when things are going great that's what you're thinking when things go south that is the best time to have a property manager and I am so glad that I have the one that I have now I don't necessarily like this man but he is a kick it's like a lawyer you don't have you don't want to like your lawyer you want to despise your lawyer but when push comes to shove that's when they come through and that's what happened here so I'm just going to go back and forth a little bit with the rental property so my my rental property currently rents for5 $100 a month keep remember this fully furnished remember that because it's going to come back later fully furnished beautifully decorated like a like an air Airbnb or a hotel very nicely designed very good condition easy to maintain um and just keep that in mind uh so rents for 1,500 a month all utilities included I wanted to now when you talk to people who own properties and I'm not going to be listening to this advice in the future they always say uh rent slightly below market value make it as easy as possible for the tenant and you'll have a tenant for life that really takes care of your property not true so we'll get to what I'll be doing in the future renting it out uh it's rent is definitely going up and and uh utilities will not be included so in the in the market where it's rented most in that area go for 1,600 to 1650 with no utilities included so I set it at 1,500 with all utilities included thinking I was going to get the best renter available and the property manager goes through a huge background check credit check um uh job check like all the checks pass with flying colors now keep in mind my renter was a 24 4-year-old short chubby Hispanic female okay so no big deal whatever that's just a description because it's going to come up in a little bit um when the before the renter even moved in they they put down the deposit background check all this stuff before they even moved into the property they asked if they could sublet the property no that's absolutely not in the lead not no you can't sublet the property absolutely not she goes well I don't want to lose my deposit I'll just work it out um couple months pass uh and I have amazing Neighbors at my property amazing neighbors we all stick together very tightnit little community so they've got their eye on my house always always I mean the back neighbors side neighbors neighbors in the front but the renter does not know that so couple months pass I get a text from my neighbor the back neighbor who says your tenant's dog is barking can you get it to stop well my lease agreement said no dogs and they film it in my backyard filming a German Shepherd puppy in a cage that is way too small for the dog and it is just barking non-stop I get a text the same day from my other neighbor about the dog saying the tenant hasn't picked up dog poop in so long that flies have come around so badly that I can't enjoy my backyard can you do something about this I was like I'm on it call the property manager property manager goes over there and it is a middle-aged tall slender black man that answers the door doesn't really match the 24-year-old short chubby Hispanic girl that I rented to and he says oh I'm I'm uh her financial adviser I'm her banker and I'm just watching the pro we're friends I do Investments for her and I'm just watching the property for her for a couple weeks while she's working in California but she filled out the application stating that she worked in Arizona where the property is so that's a a big one also um before before that happened the first month or two getting all these calls from the property the from the tenant saying this is broken uh they first of all she said um the stove is leaking gas you need a new stove and it's like that's $1,000 I'm already in the hole if I do a new stove anyway property manager sends out a contractor there's no gas leak um then she states um the plumbing under the kitchen sink is broken you need to come fix this so we go and fix that then States the refrigerator is broken it needs to be replaced it was like three months it was like 6 months old it was not an old refrigerator send a repairman out there he repairs it for like 10 bucks um but all of these times that these are happening it she is so angry and like so like yelling at my property manager about these problems and what a huge inconvenience it is for her to be there at the time of the repair so we're starting to so he shows up there's a black man there he says oh no I'm just watching the place and we can't evict because um he's not on the lease but we can't evict if he's only staying there for a couple weeks and we have no proof that he's been there any longer there's no car I've my neighbors send pictures there's no cars outside so and you know there's no noise coming from the property it's really quiet except for the dog and we can't evict on the dog because we have to give notice to for them to fix the issue before we evict so we can't evict them and uh give her and he says we can evict based on the fact that she lied on her application about her job but um you know she's not willing to leave now keep in mind rent is paid on time every time sometimes even early and the inside of the property is kept Immaculate it's just the outside of the property with the dog poop in the front yard all the plants are dead my my neighbor sent me pictures everything I planted is dead but most not a lot of not everybody wants a garden so I can't blame them for that so it is what it is all the plants are dead and the front foliage it looked really nice but now it doesn't it just looks dead so but again can't evict based on that so um time moves on and about 9 10 months into the lease just no rent just no rent it does not it did not get paid and my my property manager was really quick cuz he put in like a seven I don't I'm whatever terms I'm using I don't know if they're exact I don't know if they're correct but and I don't even know if the time frame is correct but he put up like a five-day quit notice or something like that or a 7-Day quit I don't 24-hour quit I don't know what it was and then a week later puts a no contact phone numbers are disconnected um and the only way to contact her is via email she says oh I've been in the hospital I'm in California um can't get there and he goes okay so he goes to he puts like a 48 hour notice and she's not going to pay she's moving out whatever um so we're going to use the deposit or the last or whatever I don't know how how that all works um and and I would just confuse you because I wouldn't be correct if I tried to explain it but goes and puts the 48 hour notice on the house comes my property manager shows up 48 hours later with a big guy my property manager is a big guy but shows up with an even bigger guy knocks on the the door because it is considered that it was abandoned if they don't respond within 48 hours or whatever it is goes in to change the locks 50-year-old tall slender black man is there um and this is like six months after the last time we was so yeah so um he says it's illegal for you to be in here your squatting rent has not been paid get out the guy wants to fight him and then in comes the big scary guy he's like and my property manager says we're calling the cops get out of here right now you are illegally trespassing you are not on the lease and rent has not been paid so get out of the house he gets out of the house funny thing is now here's the part remember how I said my house was fully furnished beautifully so when a house is fully furnished and you got a single man there the only thing that he has is some clothes and towels right there was a U-Haul outside and my property manager showed up about 8 hours earlier than expected so explain to me I I mean you don't have to explain to me I'm jumping to my own conclusions wee uh why would he need a U-Haul if all he has is clothes and towels you can fit that in a car this guy was getting ready to steal all my stuff he was getting ready to steal all of the furnishings and I've heard horror stories of stealing the refrigerator the stove the washer the dryer everything so this guy had a U-Haul and he got not violent but he got aggressive with my property manager when he told him to leave because he was setting up to steal all my stuff he's not on the lease we don't have his name we don't have a return address and of course he was saying oh you know um no I have a penthouse in Las Vegas and um I work at Chili's and I own a cleaning business that's not how I roll and my property manager is like that's funny you own a cleaning business this place is filthy now and I'll get to that this place is filthy now uh you work at Chili's you have a cleaning business this place is filthy but last time we spoke you were a banker and um you were helping her out and he like no no no she owes me in money so I'm staying here what and my property manager kept going into like if she owes you money and you're staying here rentree then um but you have a penthouse in Las Vegas why aren't you staying at the penthouse in Las Vegas instead of this little tiny house in a tiny little town he's like oh no man that's not how I roll get out just get out I don't want to hear your excuses anymore so whatever this person so it's obvious that even though we said no you are not allowed to sublet that's illegal they did it anyway had every excuse in the book knew the laws in and out that we could not evict based on this this and that and the other and uh my Pro and that place was Immaculate you guys remember my old videos immaculate this place place will be Immaculate eventually it will be beautiful but totally Immaculate and he walks in and he says oh man this place is disgusting he said there's stains all over everything like he's there's just stains everywhere we're going to have to call in a deep cleaning cleaning crew before we can have a a new tenant come in he said there's dead cockroaches everywhere uh the sink is full of like black nasty water with really old gnarly dishes in there with stuff floating on top and I was like and he said he said do you go he goes do you want me to send pictures and I said Noe no because I I'm slightly emotionally invested in that property because I put so much person like my own Blood Sweat and Tears into it like I hired out contractors for stuff I couldn't do but I did a lot of the work so I don't want to see like that physical like I spent 10 hours on a project and then looking at at it and knowing that it's just destroyed like I can't no don't say and I know you guys probably want pictures but it's just not going to happen also outside the like why does how is the fence is like broken like it it's that fence that has like a couple of things like this not like a full fence but it's just like a little thing like and they're just like broken laying all over the place and I'm like this house look like he made it look like it's an abandoned house and also the back door was kicked in so if you're like a fancy investment banker why do you need to kick in the back door so the back door had to be repaired had to change the security code which was a pain in the butt on my end I have access here and uh and so I have access here but it's a pain in the butt to recode it like have the security code it's it's tough to do when you're not there to push the butt buttons on the wall so I would took like 3 hours of phone calls it was awful and it was and that is why I am so glad I have a great property manager very stressful so now moving forward I am no longer on the uh Road I'm I'm no longer with those property managers who say charge slightly less make it easy no now I'm charging market value which is $6.50 per month no utilities included you have to pay them yourself and it's going to take them out of my name and if they don't pay the bill it's not in my name so it's it doesn't matter so that is what's going to happen and it's going to put an additional probably $300 to $400 a month in my pocket additional to what I was making before and that's because I was really trying to find a good renter and I wanted to be I I had these dreams of being that landlord like that landlord who um I have a tenant for three years they're taking great care of the property and they pay their rent on time all the time I really wanted to be that landlord that was like Merry Christmas you don't have to pay rent this month like I hope that you and your family have a great Christmas like that's the one that's what I wanted to be and of course I'm going to take care of the property and it's not just taking care of it it's gorgeous it's beautiful in there it's luxurious those dreams are gone it's just like whatever's cheapest to fix it you know if they go and and you know they're in there trying to steal all my stuff and they're squatting in my house not paying rent trying not to leave it's not cool man you know and people often wonder you know what you know rent is too expensive landlords charge too much no we don't I don't think that we do at all we're here to make profit not run a charity you know because if if we were here doing this rental property stuff not to to make any profit we wouldn't do it we would just in invest our money in something else so if we're not making any profit because these people come in and they um ruin the first of all they they embarrass Us by ruining the neighborhood but they you know they destroy the property they don't pay rent that's why rent has to keep going up and that's why it's so hard to get a rental that's why you have to pass all of these background checks because these people passed every test in the book and they still destroyed the property and squatted and lived there rentree and subletted did illegal things tried to have an illegal pet a whole bunch of stuff and it's a huge hassle and it's a huge headache it has to be worth us worth it for us as property managers to make a profit otherwise you know I'll just sell the property take the money invest it in the stock market uh I I would put it in jeppy and make 10 or 11% off of $150,000 house that's 15,000 a year which is little like 12 $1,300 a month I don't have a calculator with me so if I can't make $4 $1,500 a month off of this property every month I'll just invest it in something where I can make 1,200 or300 so it has to be worth it for us and and that's that's just the way it is this is this was a really great and and I'm not angry or well I'm I'm annoyed but I'm not like super angry or super upset I think that this was a really important and really great learning opportunity and moving forward I'm able to raise my rent I'm also putting in I have a security alarm system but no cameras I'm now putting in cameras I just had those sent to my property manager to have them install them so that I can see I'm going to ask for a copy of the driver's license and this will all be explained to the the a new tenant that moves in but I can see you I can see you kicking in the door I can see you um bringing in other people I can see people that are not on the lease that have been staying there for a long time I can see you so now at this point it's not just my neighbors watching me it's going to be me watching the property as well so that my property manager can stay on top of it and I can continue to make a profit all right folks that's what I've got for you today my crazy eviction Story and there's even more to it that makes even it just complicat it and makes it make even less sense like it doesn't make sense as it is but like the other stories that I could tell you like the excuses this girl made oh no my grandma's in the hospital now my mom's in the hospital now I'm in the hospital and that's why it's so hard for me to get to the property for you to repair this and you know so many times we sent people out and they just didn't answer the door you know to uh do the HVAC cleaning the semi-early HVAC cleaning or not HVAC back the what is this thing swamp cooler cleaning thing the mini split the mini split Service uh to repair the the the plumbing that they broke by the way that they broke it I'm the one who installed that plumbing and they you had to kick it pretty hard to get it to break and um the broken stove which wasn't broken and the broken gas line which wasn't broken it was confirmed they even we even called out the gas company not broken there's nothing wrong with it it's your head friend refrigerator whatever uh it was so and and she was yelling at us like uh how dare you I want cheaper rent because she she was seriously argu I want cheaper rent there's too many problems with this place yeah no glad we didn't give you a discount all right folks property management 101 learning lessons do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out [Music] hi I love you guys I love you guys so much I love my babies my puppies I love you you too you are the best Big Brother Rocky you are such a good big brother and I'm so proud of you and Nala you are just the sweetest little booger that anybody could ever ask for you know that I am so happy that I have you I am so happy to be your mommy you know that I am so happy to be your mommy you guys make me so happy I love you I love you and you guys love each other such good doggies
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 104,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eviction, poverty, finance, investing
Id: ixC7HAdlzao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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