People IMMEDIATELY LOSING Interest in Their CRUSH (r/AksReddit)

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ah slashes credit what did a crush do that made you immediately lose interest she was a cute intern at the company I worked at who I had a small crush on in the first week or so but she came on so strongly that it was like a semaphore dictionary of red flags when I realized she was a little intense I started talking to her a little less at work though I was still perfectly friendly some lunch breaks she would put on earphones and salsa danced seductively by herself in the little break area near my desk she was a good dancer but dude come on things kinda culminated when she turned up on my doorstep at 9 p.m. on a really rainy night I was like WTF what are you doing here but invited her to come in to get out of the rain she refused several times preferring to stand in the pouring rain while she apologized for everything she'd ever done no specifics and then went on a rant about how stupid I was for not coming to her salsa dancing classes when she'd invited me I was mostly too surprised to respond but she was doing enough talking for both of us then after 10 to 15 minutes of this she said I should get home turned around got on her bike and rode off didn't even say goodnight one of my housemates had awkwardly been standing in the kitchen for the entire thing and had heard her whole spiel and she was like dude that girl is about six different flavors of crazy you were so nice to her it only occurred to me after she left and I was talking about her to my housemate that I'd never given her ma dress to this day I have no idea how the hell she found out where I lived short of stalking me and following me home she wouldn't have had access to any our Doc's at work she was just an intern I actively avoided her at work after that though she acted like nothing had happened when the end of their internship came up and she went back to Germany she bought me a leading present it was an a3 blown-up photo of her laying on her front sunbathing topless which had been her profile picture on her work Skype account until she'd been asked to change it because her manager said it was inappropriate it came with a really long letter that basically was telling me what an idiot I'm for about five pages I'm just glad the crush only lasted a week or so and at no point did I start thinking with my dick not so much what he did but rather what he didn't do I got my first job a couple months ago and developed a crush on a cow occur it happened slowly but one day I realized that I really liked him a few weeks into the job this kid comes in as I'm closing during the closing shift I'm the only one who works because we are a small shop inside a convenience store as I'm sweeping the floor the kid asks me if I eat I give him a confused look I've always been very tall and pretty lanky so I assume he's making an unsolicited comment about my figure upon seeing my face and not hearing a response he says I'm talking to you you're the only [ __ ] here I roll my eyes and realize he's just a dumb [ __ ] and go back to work a few moments later my cow walker walks in the kid who said that to me my cow walker and the guy who was working the shift of the store start talking I realized they're all friends I'm immediately put off by this if he's friends with someone like that I didn't know if I wanted to be friends with him you tend to be like the people you hang around I close my area and get a drink from the back of the store as I'm walking to pay for it the kid says something to me and keeps trying to get my attention I can't remember exactly what he said but it was very clearly making me uncomfortable I didn't want to even make eye contact with him after he made that statement to me the whole time my cow walker was looking on not saying a word his friend was being a dick right in front of him and he didn't do anything about it didn't say anything nothing I know it's not his responsibility to scold his friends but the fact that he didn't say anything just put me off instantly I didn't want to be friends with someone who would associate himself with an idiot like that I had asked her to homecoming I think a week before it was to happen and she said yes we had been snapchatting constantly before I had asked we are on the cross-country team for our high school after I asked her she never spoke to me since except for once or twice then of the day it was to happen she snapped chatted back and said that she didn't want to go to the park to take pics because she was going to be there just for a few minutes I said okay and then I thought to myself wow that's quite odd so I had gotten my entire outfit steam-cleaned for the pics for nothing during the whole spirit week at my school I got and another outfit for meme day but that's besides the point I show up to the check-in that homecoming night and she wasn't there she didn't say anything back after I had texted her saying I was there waiting so I go through the check-in and see her and her friends ahead of me aways up the line that put my ago down a lot because she never texted me back saying she was there so I see a group of friends that I hang out with as we go through the line and we get in I decide to hang with them most of the time after a while of dancing and talking to friends I see her and her group I go to dance and talk to them however it seemed like their group was inching away from me a minute or two go by and they are gone after that I decide to just not hang out with her or her friends I go about the rest of the night just hanging with one of my good friends the next day since everyone posts jaco pics I see her pics of that remember how I said that she was just gonna be there for a few minutes well she has about 10 different pictures on her page and all of them are different from each other so she did not spend just a few minutes but rather at least 10 minutes I immediately thought to myself wow you didn't tell me the truth of what you were going to do and yet just blow me off like that okay then fine after a few weeks I text her and say what had happened she said that we hadn't talked at all at school the problem is we have no classes together and I don't see her at all during school except before school because of training I asked my mom what I should do and tell her all of this and she says she could have made an effort to talk to me at school and that's the reason I don't try to find a GF now edit I have forgiven her because it's high school and that was temporary no reason to hate her still had her okay this is super current wanted to start messing around with my next-door neighbor I know I'm an idiot we hung out almost every day for like a week I had a good time she seemingly was into me slept over my house a couple times we would just chill and watch movies and cuddle and [ __ ] well I literally wake up to some dude walking around her house with flowers as she's sleeping in my bed I was taking her dogs out right before I saw him I don't think he saw he hangs around for a while before asking me where she is I didn't know what to say so I just told him she was probably sleeping and she got home late she's still sleeping at my house as I'm saying this I'm getting ready to go to work he leaves I go to work I come home and Eva's do just chilling in my backyard with my brother who knows the whole situation brother said she slept basically the whole time I was working she's not there or at her house so I sit down talk to him for a minute he's showing me [ __ ] on his phone which his background I asked her about it she kind of gets mad about it says they do business together I'm like okay a little weird but whatever I'm depressed and kind of desperate for someone and was willing to just forget about it maybe he's just really into her and she's just kind of being nice fast-forward to later that day when I get off work she had hung out with him all day doing business saying he's just an awkward friend haha ignores my texts fast-forward again I'm talking my dog out it's like 1:00 to 2:00 on the morning and there she is chilling with this guy getting drunk with my other neighbor my dog runs over to her all excited to see her and I follow her to grab her she tells me they're just having fun doesn't ask me if I want to hang out quickly says she wants to go to the gas station to get something I leave go to bed because I have to work in the morning fast-forward to the next morning as in let my dog out to pee before work I see them leaving her place and quickly get in her car to take him to who-knows-where although while my brother is like dude WTF is going on I'm embarrassed a little Ellis but mostly lost and just go to work we text back and forth about it and she's getting pissed about me asking questions I'll be honest I was depressed for a long time before this I wanted to try to make it work but it fell apart so fast I never really got a chance to try to see WTF was actually going on this was a week ago was really into an angsty Punk guy at my college he always asked me to go to the Student Center with him to buy snacks for our friends he always surprised me with my favorite soda energy drink ramen etc this went on for a few weeks and I was falling hard for this guy because he seemed like such a gentleman to be constantly gifting his friends stuff he was also very charming and witty one day I found out he and one of his other friends had been shoplifting from the Student Center for months they thought it was no big deal and were openly joking about it I was not into it and expressed that I thought that was wrong he sort of brushed me off and said I shouldn't worry so the next week we were getting lunch in the Student Center he came up behind me and hugged me for a while while I was ordering my food longer than usual so I thought it was odd he wasn't the PDA type he walked away after a few seconds and I went to get my student ID out of my backpack immediately I noticed it was open I looked inside and my bag was stocked full of food and soda he planned on shoplifting I quickly put it all back while he wasn't looking and didn't say a word I just took my food and left later on he went to go look for his hole in my bag and got upset when I told him I sabotaged it and put it back he got pissy and took his friend to go back and try to steal it again I said I wanted nothing to do with it and to leave me out of it as soon as they went into the center I tipped off the security guard and got them both busted his friend wasn't even a student at the college and was banned from campus and he was written up and put on academic probation he blew up at me and threw a cafeteria chair at me we didn't continue seeing each other I might be a little late to the party here but when I had just started college I had met this girl who was pretty cute I have a small crush on her she has some strange qualities to her but overall she's pretty nice if anything I'll get a friend out of the whole thing all good we had been talking for about a week and on one Friday my last class gets canceled so I'm back at my donor Lea she texts me asking what I'm doing making small talk whatever I tell her that I just got back to my dorm cause my last class got canceled the convo goes like this her oh cool want to hang out me sure what do you want to do I'm free the rest of the day huh I'm going to come over and we can listen to music or something me feeling a little weird she didn't ask if she could come over but just told me she was okay sure sounds great she comes over and instantly something as strange she's being very controlling of the conversation hating on my music choices and keeps jumping back and forth between being really energetic and then really slouched almost sad looking this is taking place within an hour back and forth every minute it seems then she gets into one of the energetic moods touching me and stuff which I guess was her trying to drop hints I finally get the hint and I'm sitting next to her on my bed so I ask her if I can kiss her totally normal thing to do right ask for consent the right thing to do always nope not to her so all hell breaks loose you start screaming at me for asking to kiss her yelling you don't ask a girl to [ __ ] kiss her you just do it like loudly verbally berating me then she starts just laughing at me and calling me a little [ __ ] and other varieties of that using words I won't type out once she's done with her aunt I just got up opened my door and straight-faced told her get the [ __ ] out of my room she's crying her eyes out now that I keep telling her to leave as soon as she stepped out the door I go on my phone and block her on everything TL DR girl is hinting that she wants me to make a move ask her if I can kiss her she freaks out then rants and laughs at me for asking her I tell her to get out and blow her on everything I've got a few but this one takes the cake for me I was seeing this woman who was about 20 years older than me we hit it off pretty well had great conversations and meshed well physically thing was whenever we would try to make plans she would always have a excuse one night she was supposed to come by my house for dinner when the time she was supposed to be here passed I went and double-checked our messages to see if I might have had the day wrong nope it was the right day so I just figured maybe she was running late it's whatever I covered the food I had made and drank a beer thirty minutes go by and she still hasn't arrived I haven't gotten a message or a call so I go and shoot her a message saying hey is everything okay about ten minutes later I got a response saying oh it was tonight I'm sorry I went to go get some drinks with a few friends I said it's fine do you just want to do it another night she says oh no I really want to come over I'll take an uber back to your place I said cool see you soon an hour later she still hasn't shown up I fallen asleep and then the next morning I text her seeing if she's okay I get a text back from her sister saying that she had gotten the ride from a friend who wasn't drinking that night to my place because he had offered apparently they had gotten hit by a cop car going 70 miles an hour and had t-boned him he was seriously hurt and that she had some injuries to her right ear and right side of her body at the time I believed the story and told her sister to let I know that I hope she feels better soon and to message me when she can a couple days go by and she messages me saying that she wants me to come over and to show me how sorry she was for missing our dinner date so I go over and when I see her there isn't any noticeable injuries to her right ear I played that offers maybe I can't see it because it's further in her ear than I can see so the night continues and we are going to her room and she starts stripping to get into her PJs and I see that there's no injury to her right side after I had seen that she was obviously lying to me about that night I pretended that I needed to go due to a family emergency after that night I just stopped contacting her near the end of high school I had a crush on a very popular girl who had lots of friends and was superficially nice to everyone she was on the women's soccer team which was very good and had recently won an HS state championship I was on the men's JV soccer team but wasn't very good she had once accidentally left her college applications open and logged in after leaving a computer and I inadvertently saw that she had unbelievably good grades and test scores and she had just been admitted to Harvard and was planning to go there the next year basically she was smart and athletic and liked by everyone and I was madly in love with her until one day everything I thought I knew about her came crashing down the first sign she wasn't how she seemed to be wasn't what you'd expect the men's and women's soccer teams from my school went to a tournament and both stayed in the same hotel and the first night I saw her brush her teeth in a strange way I've never seen anyone do before instead of moving the toothbrush around and brushing all the different parts of her mouth she spent three minutes just brushing the front teeth with the same repetitive hand motion sure enough the next morning at breakfast I looked at her mouth trying not to appear as if I were staring at a girl I liked and her front teeth were perfectly white but the teeth you don't usually notice was stained and yellow everything about her turned out to be like that she kept up appearances but wasn't really as great as I had perceived through my rose tinted glasses I heard from her friend and her mom while she wasn't around that she had gotten quite a bad score on the Saturday and her family had to hire tutors for her and send her to the test several times before she got a good score someone else mentioned something about how she often missed a volunteer thing she had said she did every day so I eventually found out she had exaggerated or lied about all the extracurricular activities / accomplishments she put on her college applications I later considered sending her College a letter to tip them off but decided against it and she hadn't even played in that game where her soccer team won the state championship which she always bragged about it turned out everything she had told me and everyone else about herself was described in a way that would seem as flattering as possible one way or another basically I had fallen in love with a girl surrounded with a web of lies and what tipped me off was her weird tooth brushing technique I liked a guy enough that I enjoyed talking on the phone with him almost all night but then on our first date things got weird he had a huge sloth tattoo on his calf which is okay but that's just a big red flag of his unexpected personality I guess when he picked me up he asked where I wanted to go but then insisted we go somewhere else saying he'd take me to Red Lobster last minute he pulls into the cheap Mexican food restaurant right in from a bar L because he changed his mind I ordered chicken nachas and because I switch it up often didn't even notice they brought me beef instead of chicken but he did and while he is considerate enough to inform me of the mistake he also begs me not to complain to the waitstaff because he worked in that kind of job and knew what it was like I'm not a Karen at most I would have mentioned it was wrong but I won't have wanted another or complain really and the kicker he then tells me he only has $20 and I have to pay for the rest just his enter was nearly twenty dollars of mine like $10 but okay he also insists cite it well which I do because the waitress still deserved it and this just made me think was this guy really gonna take me to Red Lobster on $20 and expect me to cover it looking back I should have ditched him at the restaurant and all of this I could have let pass but as he is driving me to my house in the woods a deer crosses the road I excitedly yell deer and point like any sane happy person and this guy blandly goes yeah I saw it and that my friends is what really ruined it for me oh hey this person seems pretty nice might as well try I suppose I never actually crushed on this person they definitely did though but I kept it as a possibility so we talked quite a bit was nice was fun I'm not really much of a person that consistently and daily keeps talking to people in private messages I guess I was already kind of feeling that it was never going to work out when I started taking more time to get back to their messages but I still continued probably one of the worst mistakes I've made in my life booted up the communities forum in chat room one day was all online saw new messages and decided to get back to them in like half an hour after chatting a bit with friends in chat room keep in mind that these conversations weren't just your average hi how are you they were lines upon lines of text and every single one of them was like at least 20 lines 10 minutes later my p.m. box explodes how dare I talk to people while I haven't even gotten back to their messages the gist was basically that I had to drop absolutely everything that wasn't a necessity to get back to them when they sent a message because otherwise they'd kill themselves yes that threat was used multiple times I continued to try and be friends with them but it just became way way too tiring so one day after the bazillion time they broke down on me I threw in the towel and never interacted with them again later learned that aside from the many issues person had they were also dating like four people from that community at the same time and they were still trying to get to others which included me no one else except the mods eventually were aware so yeah still got hit by a bullet but dodged the majority can't say it was immediate but she put me on a shelf for the third time I'd asked her out twice and she always had some light excuse but kept leading me on I'd always been casual about it in the past when I asked her out but then the last time I straight-up told her everything over Ain but still am i dating myself enough now it was like four paragraphs long but it amounted to this I have feelings for you I want to go on a date and see how this goes if you don't feel the same way then that is totally fine but please just tell me so I can move on she just put me again saying this and that about how she wanted to but she was kind of seeing this other guy I'd never heard that they were dating despite the fact that I talked to her every day again over rain but often in person as well and she didn't want to hurt him but if that didn't work out then we definitely go on a date and after that I totally bought it again hook line and sinker I went to bed with a smile she was very good at this but over the next week or so I realized finally what she'd done again and again and again she just liked the attention she could date whoever but still have me there to listen to her [ __ ] about how shitty they were and I'm not talking friend zone here that's a BS term used by losers who can't take a hint she always intimated that maybe just maybe if I played my cards right that I'd be the next one she'd aim to date I wasn't the first one of my close friends she'd done this too but somehow I realized there were idiots but still fell for it myself I slowly stopped talking to her at all in about six months I started dating the woman who would later become my wife and the love of my life I put up a name away message seriously my young adult social life ran through that program until FB came into full swing people in their early thirties right now can relate about how happy I was she messaged me and we talked for a while she asked if I was seeing someone and I said I was then she dropped the last bomb maybe if we are both single at the same time again we can give it a try and I'll admit intrepid reader that I was tempted in that moment ever so slightly but I was tempted but I knew that the happiness I'd felt in a month I'd been with my new gf was more than any happiness I'd ever gotten being whatever it was with her in that moment it was truly truly over oh [ __ ] where do I start well I lost interest in a girl I really liked once all her actions started making sense here's a little story about it me and her were talking for about a year and we were best friends and we soon talked about me taking her out on a date and having fun I made plans and she soon canceled the day it was planned to happen I didn't make a big deal since she was a busy gal one point I just told her if she didn't want to hang out then she could tell it to my face she then proceeds to tell me her problems which I feel bad for not knowing since she never talked about them time carried on and I asked her out she said she didn't feel ready for a relationship I respected and waited a few more months same answer didn't make much a fuss since some people take time for themselves occasionally we argue but that's not the weird part most arguments are my fault and I'll admit I'm wrong when there's proof and logic behind it one of our fights was us making plans so I just decided to concede in peace to not make it a big deal so I then hung out with another female friend who I'm really close with and she got jealous to the point of apologizing that she doesn't have time to hang out it wasn't her act of being mean only that if we can't hang out then I'll hang out with a friend who wants to be around me a special night of prom happened and we promised a simple dance nothing too crazy just a way to get closer it never happened and when I explained it to her she redirects everything to what was happening to her that night which was drama-filled but before any of that took place she denied me a dance before anything she said took place now we reach the butter of this moment a big fight that happened when I was telling her my future and how that two girls I knew well had a crush on me the moment I broke the news to her I meant it as a funny thing because she knows that even if someone confesses to me I'll take their feelings into account and still be their friend a huge fight happened because she didn't like how I talked about other girls when we weren't exactly dating what really set her off as I told her a friend of mine didn't like her and she proceeded to force me to tell her who it was like she was gonna do something me protecting all my friends refused since its that friend's opinion that doesn't matter and everyone can't like you it ended with us taking a break from talking and blocked each other because I was near my wit's end two weeks passed by and I soon reflect about everything I been through with her when I noticed something and if you haven't picked about it by now read and you'll see how justified I am she's manipulative by playing a victim card when I confront her about things and proceeds to hold back the whole truth she has a huge ego and self-esteem that are really fragile two words takes no part in setting up plans to hang out always relying on things done for her she refuses to see other perspectives when given the chance and will stick to her side and rarely say she's in the wrong I pointed each of these things out to her and to this day I'm glad because I can't see her the same way again my best friend more like a sister we are super close could never see these red flags so after she was involved enough she'd have an occasion to invite me for the sole purpose of getting appraisal one guy was exhausting ly sexual he's into Tantrism she told me okay well cool meet him and oh my goodness I'm a chef brah you work at a Taco Bell guy was covered in tats which isn't a flag for either of us but they look like big tats we go to brunch and he spent a good five minutes dressing down the waitress about the preparation of his Carrizo Benny then we go looking at a house she was hunting at the time and he's immediately like well I'll fix this up this will have to go you don't need to worry about this I think it's a good fit for us bro lived with his mom and formerly with his cat who escaped from his room because she wasn't fixed and he left the window open class act I've never met anyone more full of himself her most recent one though I couldn't help he kept her as an emotional hostage until he killed himself in her basement he would beg her to have his kid she's a young professional and doing hella well for herself and has no desire to have kids and when she told him now his reply would be something along the lines of oh you'll come around she relented into getting a dog with him a really energetic and smart breed that he promised to take care of and then taught it to be aggressive two men refused to clean up after it so she was having to clean puppy shirt when she'd got home from work every day totally ruined the floors of her new house he was severely depressed but refused to get help because he also surprised had an outstanding warrant he had spent some time in jail and told her in no uncertain terms that he would go down fighting if they tried to take him again so no calling the cops for self danger in her mind either I didn't find out about this until the night he hung himself she couldn't tell anyone because she was afraid they'd call the cops on him which yeah I totally [ __ ] would have I hope she finds someone who will treat her as well as she deserves she's the best and most faithful person I know and she deserves the entire world PS she kept the puppy who is now extremely well trained and just the happiest girl she really had no time for a dog that she made time thank you so much for watching please like him subscribe the channel
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 213,275
Rating: 4.890646 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, high school, reddit story
Id: b_Wi-UJ7TlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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