Cops Share Criminals That ACTUALLY Impressed Them With Their SKILLS (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit police officers have read it what criminal actually impressed you with their criminal skills the ice has noticed a thief doubled his income that year and then the next year had a slump but somehow managed to buy a whole heaping lot of stuff with cash that had to be unreported he bought a Land Rover some sports car can't remember type a 400 K house a 30 K pool all with cash that was unaccounted for a check of cellphone records and one of the cell phones pinging about an hour away from the crime scene and the middle of the night and the truck he had was the same type of truck that showed up at the scene because one of them turned his phone on and called his wife to tell her he was out with said guys but at a bar it was a lot of little things but it was enough altogether to make a pretty decent case and a jury convicted him a trial edit there are some other evidentiary pieces I know I can't remember but overall he did a surprising amount of planning but just got too excited with his spending / laundering of gold once had a guy who shoplifted on an industrial scale he stole hundreds and sometimes thousands of pounds worth of merchandise from a particular well-known High Street clothing store every day he'd go to different branches all over the country UK obviously he spoke nicely and was smartly dressed he just used to fill up bags with high-value products and walk out he had a warehouse type unit somewhere police never found it with his own till because he would generate still receipts for these items and go back to return them at a different branch and get cash refunds he was at it for years made enough to put his kids through private school when he got caught he was jailed for about a year a shoplifting sentencing guidelines are absurdly low when he came out he got back on it police still couldn't find his base he was being investigated and was on bail one occasion when he answered his bail at the police station the police had a six-man surveillance team ready to tail him and track down the warehouse he was using lost them within two minutes of leaving the station when he came for trial based on the CCTV evidence we had from the various shots the case got thrown out the footage wasn't good enough to make out his features exactly and the officer who purported to identify him hadn't followed procedures after he was thus acquitted he was due to be investigated for some other matters but he gave the police and security the slip from the court before he could be arrested even I was impressed and I was prosecuting him I'm not a police officer but no some guys who are best one I heard was the guy who would drill a tiny hole beside a window to open the latch he would then enter at night and go straight to the front door and open it so he could make a quick exit if needed if he couldn't open a door he would leave again immediately he still staff then close the window and lock the door behind him most people had no idea they had been robbed he took wallets off bedside desks while people slept beside them or sometimes just took some cash in cards but left the wallet when he got caught he was making a plea deal so it was in his interest to admit all crimes so he couldn't later be prosecuted again for them he took police round dozens of houses and each had a tiny drill hole and every house owner thought they had lost wallets and credit cards never knowing they had been burgled stupidest one a kid broke into his school at night and stole ten laptops it was snowing that night police came when the alarm went off and there was one set of footprints in the snow that led them from the school the whole weight of the kids front door when I was a rookie I got a call at 3:00 a.m. one night about a holdup alarm going off at an ATM I respond and don't really take the call that seriously at first because I'm thinking no way a holdup alarm is being triggered at 3:00 in the morning I get there and start checking the bank when I see a guy walking through the drive-through stupidly strolls over and calmly says hey man come over here and talk to me for a minute he bolts and I take off after him only to realize I left my handled in my car I run back and call it in and my partner shows up shorty after while we can't find the guy and start looking around the guy spray-painted the ATM camera and he drive through camera which set off the alarm about an hour later I see a vehicle with out of state tags driving slowly through the drive-through and after running the plate he has fictitious tags we searched the vehicle and can find absolutely nothing but a very long tree branch in the back of the south we write him for fictitious tags and send him on his way from my sergeant the next day my investigator gets a call from the FBI because they had this guy's name flagged and saw where we ran him he had been at an ATMs in Texas Louisiana Arkansas and Tennessee we were the first department that actually came in contact with him he would spray-paint the cameras or use the tree branch to turn hi cameras away after the alarms go off he would wait nearby for police to leave he would then come back and saw the hinges off the ATMs and take the money he stole approximately 150 thousand dollars over a six month period he was caught a few weeks later by a guy I went to the Academy with I was an MP at Fort Carson the young man was in the service for two years before a dishonorable discharge sending him back home to Pennsylvania when he got home he used his uniform to get discounts and praise one day he decided to hop on a plane to Colorado he arrives in full uniform but with left 10 and Rankin gets off the plane and uses the government transportation to get on base he doesn't have an ID but [ __ ] he is an officer so they let him on then he stated the impresses in barracks without paperwork because he'll he is an officer stays there for weeks he goes walking to the PX and comes across a woman with a flat tire he helps her change it out and she invites him over for dinner there he meets her husband and their kids then convinces them that he is waiting for housing and they let him live with them for a month he cleans the house and babysits the kids one time he went to this guy's unit and shoot a supply sergeant out to help the guy he was living with the only reason this came to light is because of one phone call he made to his mother from the in-processing barracks she became worried about him and called them his mother let the people know he was not in the military after that the search began I was in MPI and got to pick him up he gave me a straightforward statement and was genuinely nice I just remember sitting on the office couch with him watching TV waiting for him to get transferred from my custody I told him that I was genuinely impressed in that after whatever happens to him happens that he could get it together and do well he wasn't the brightest kid but damn he had balls I guess that is what it really takes this guy in high school we'll call him Louis was a known drug dealer he didn't make it a secret everyone bought weed and harder stuff off of him the cops constantly pulled him over to search him and whenever a drug related thing happened at school he was often the first kid they pulled into the principal's office but they would never catch him with any drugs the principal used to turn all of his possessions inside out on a weekly basis apparently schools can't do that but cops can't they regularly cut locks off his gym locker and his regular locker in hopes of finding his stash but they never found it one time there was a rumor going around that his stash was stored in the locker not assigned to anyone which prompted the administration to search every single Locker in the school I remember we had to stand in the hallway and unlock it so the principal could have a look inside they definitely caught people with drugs but not the Lewis turns out he started that rumor drug dogs were a regular occurrence once a month they brought them into the school and they were present at every sports game Lewis was one of the only if not the sole supplier for the whole school the administration had no idea what to do they would catch kids we'd and the kids would flat-out say I bought this from the Lewis Lewis would encourage them to say it they would then flip Lewis [ __ ] inside out cops would search his car and he consented to all of it and laughed when they found nothing this was probably close to 15 years ago now the vice-principal loves to tell the story about how they eventually caught him VP's younger son asked for these shoes for Christmas that had a secret compartment in them lightbulbs go off in his head the first day back after holiday break he calls the school's DARE officer and pulls Lewis out of class they bring him into office and flip all of his [ __ ] out on the table then the VP tells him to take his shoes off turns out his hunch was right he had hidden compartments in his shoes but there were no drugs in there I guess Lewis is laughing his ass off at this point this was pre everyone owned a cell phone era Lewis has the audacity to explain that he hasn't seen any of his classmates for three weeks he had not take any orders yet had the VP waited a day he would have caught him edit a lot of people want to know what happened to Lewis from what I can recall he had been arrested a few times on small charges cleaned his act up had two kids got married and is now GM of the most profitable Taco Bell on the East Coast smartest criminal suspects would go door-to-door saying he was with Publishers Clearing House he would tell people they were one of several finalists he then explained he would need their name date of birth and social security number to verify who they were after that he would ask what house they weren't home so they could insure if the victim won the prize they would be home naturally he will break into their homes when they weren't home and steal all their valuables to top it off he would steal their identity and open a bunch of credit cards slash payday loans in their names afterwards after over 50 cases I finally caught the guy made off with over a half million dollars in three months before he was caught dumbest criminal suspect was robbing a gas station later I suspect pointed a gun at the cashier demanding money the cashier was surrounded by plexiglass all around cashier refused to give suspect the money and hit the panic alarm which locked the door suspect was angry and fired a shot at the cashier the bullet ricocheted off the plexiglass and struck him in the forehead the bullet knocked him unconscious but didn't penetrate the skull as I arrived the bullet was still protruding from his forehead and he was knocked out he got 99 years for his stupidity the best part was the cash register only had $60 in it was not involved in this case but was something we learned about two employees of a soccer betting company colluded to regards and make big money one would be in the office rigging the odds of the purchase ticket and the other would be in person purchasing the ticket at the moment the odds were tweaked they would always buy both sides to pay out 3 : 1 so that whatever the result they would win an estimated one portion which is in excess this was possible because of an option to allow no draws with the effect that the better we'll get back is capital therefore if a draw arose it would simply result in them getting their moani's back to avoid detection they made sure that their potential winning was always below the statutory minimum which required winners identification to be recorded they also made sure to go to different outlets when making the purchases however their grand scheme was eventually foiled not by their own mistake but by a busybody before them in the queue the said customer had some issues with buying his ticket and eventually wrote in to make a complaint upon investigating the tapes from the outlet where the complaint came from the company realized that their employee was making a purchase in their own outlets which was clearly prohibited this then led the company on a chain of inquiry which eventually led to a hefty jail term and fined for both of the criminals involved friend's dad was a cop three to four years ago my friend's dad had the duty of patrolling the streets to make sure there was no criminal activity after a long day he was called by a distressed man who had left his car keys inside his new mercedes-benz and after trying for two hours Ashley both realized there was no way God to call the company to get it out which would result in a two hundred dollar bill luckily for that owner of the car a suspiciously looking man walking down the street told him he would do it for him for twenty dollars my friend's dad in the owner seemed skeptical but honestly couldn't give a [ __ ] so they let him after being tired of their attempts the guy in less than two minutes went to the top of the car punched the roof extremely hard then bumped the driver seat door and voila it opened the owner gave the guy his 20 bucks and off he went two weeks later the cop arrested the guy for stealing a car edit if I remember what my friend told me correctly the guy told the police officers of how he did it and he detailed something about how the Merced's model had a specific switch under the roof I think it was the role of a sensor used to detect if the car has rolled over or not to open the doors the guy just knew his Merced as I guess My partner and I responded to a burglary call at a house late one night when we got there we heard the back fence rattle and knew someone jumped the fence to flee we set up a perimeter and ended up catching the burglar with the stolen goods as I put him in the back seat of the squad car he began throwing up he drank a bottle of whiskey while stealing the things from the house and after running from us the liquor didn't sit well I rolled the window down so he could puke on the outside of the car instead of the inside we drove back to the house to complete the report and he told me there was another person with him inside the house and he knew where the suspect was he motioned to a house two blocks away that had a garage door partially opened he said his friend went inside and was hiding in there I told my rookie partner to stay by the squad car while me and a few others checked the house I made it to the garage and realized nobody was in there and immediately heard tires squealing and a car speeding off I ran back to the house knowing what happened before I got there the burglar in my back seat was now the car thief in the front seat driving my squad car away from the scene naturally everyone there jumped in their squad cars and the search was on for the stolen squad car we found the squad car about 20 minutes later abandoned behind a house where a civilian was reporting their car stolen the civilian left their car running to warm up and the suspect stole that car to get away about an hour later the suspect was seen joyriding around where the burglary happened and the chase was on there were approximately 20 different units chasing this suspect throughout the city until the suspect finally crashed and was taken into custody he is now serving 19 years in federal prison due to the fact he was a convicted felon and when he stole the squad car he also removed several guns I had inside the car and was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm I was mad and embarrassed at the time but I have to had it to him for outwitting us he later told us he was double-jointed and knew he could slip the handcuffs off and get them around to the front of his body he said he made the story up of the second suspect in order to get us away from the car so he could use it to get away okay so obligatory not a police officer that I have source so this kid from near where I grew up decided to contact a guy on Craigslist who was selling a plane for his relative who was deployed in Afghanistan the guy selling the plane doesn't know this is a 17 year old kid and just tells him hey the planes in the hangar go check it out kid goes and checks the plane out tell the guy he's not interested this is where it gets good the kid then proceeds to teach himself to [ __ ] fly and starts joyriding the plane not once or twice like every week for six months he gets a job like 80 miles away and uses the plane to fly to work there's an interview in the first article I ever read about him where his coworker says something like yeah we although it was when he showed up for work one day and landed the plane on the road he finally got caught by a suspicious pilot who reported him and eventually the police looked into to it and put two and two together he got away with it for so long for a couple reasons one being small em in airports the other being the old planes can run on 91 octane so he brought his own gas and didn't need to interact with anyone at the airport really we all can aspire to have half the balls this kid does in the late eighties I had a Dodge Dart swinger I bought it and never registered it or plated it back then in Ontario you kept the plates on the vehicle never insured it either and well truth be told I had never bothered to get a license it was a great car but only the driver's side front brake worked it was great at turning left as all you had to do was stand on the brakes and it would four will slide around the corner a great trick for a 17-year old so me and my GF are taking our new kitten to the vet and it's querns out of her arms and decides to hide at my feet while I'm driving I reach down and try and drag her out as traffic stops in front of me I can't step on the brake as I might crush her as I frantically dig her out from behind the pedals and step on the brake the car just skids on its one breaking wheel and I rear-end the car in front we are downtown and there is a bus behind and it all goes crazy I get out and go to the lady in France no one is hurt it's just a fender bender and I convinced her to pull to the side while we sought out insurance details she pulls over and I burn it down a side street the GF is flipping and yelling and I pulled into a parking lot and go around back park the car roll down the windows and throw the keys into the bush hell I had only paid $500 for the car and it was a wreck anyway we walk away while she yells and screams at me and that's all until about three years later I'm pulled over in a completely legitimate car for a minor speeding infraction and get arrested for an outstanding warrant for a fail to remain at the scene of an accident I go to the station and they tell me it's about a green Dodge Dart rear-end accident I act stupid and say it wasn't a dart it was a motorcycle and yes I had a rear ender but there was only damage to my bike and everything was fine court date arrives the crown goes on about a motorbike accident the the Insurance Co is going on about a green Dodge cars it's a [ __ ] show the judge gets mad Weems them all out and makes them apologize for wasting my time and of I walk away with nothing not a police officer that I had impressed my friends and myself with my skills about 15 years ago when I was younger and AMA I had a lead foot I love to speed and I did it so much that my license was suspended at the time two speeding tickets within two years of each other equals suspension of driving privileges in il I'm not a speeder anymore and I don't condone it I'm just sharing my story of how I got away with being caught speeding one time I was dating someone who lived in we at the time that he would have to drive to see me in il as my license was suspended feeling bad for him having to drive much more than me one late night I offered to drive him and our friends all back to his place in we using his car the stretch of i-94 that brings you into we from Il is notoriously sprinkled with speed-trap cops but being young and dumb I still sped although with the very watchful eye it was probably 1 or 2 a.m. and there were few cars on the road while heading north in weed I kept my eyes so peeled that not only was I watching for police cars ahead of me that I was also watching cars behind me in the rearview in case one that I just passed happened to be a cop who was using radar I had no radar detector because I was driving my BS car I was lucky for the majority of the drive but as I watched one car pass in the opposite direction I saw it slow down and veer toward the center median of the highway and proceeded to make a u-turn the blue and red lights went on my heart sank here I'm driving on a suspended license with my B his friends and driving his car how embarrassing would it be to be arrested for driving while suspended in front of everyone hindsight upon reflection my own personal embarrassment was the least of my true problems back then so stupidly / brilliantly I sped up to get to a nearby exit ramp as soon as I was close to the ramp I killed the headlights this car being slightly older did not have daytime running lights so from a distance I was probably not visible to the pursuing officer the only trouble is when you are trying to be invisible to a cop ad you're speeding eventually you're going to have to brake which means brake lights will give you away and brake I did when I reached the end of the ramp that I use the parking brake to stop us to my knowledge no parking / emergency brake system activates the brake lights and thank all that is good in this world that the down break even mechanically worked older cars sometimes have e breaks that cease to function due to lack of use I got off the ramp quickly and pulled into a nearby driveway that was lined with trees again using the parking brake to stop me and just waited the trees provided ample coverage from afar I'm not sure if the cop saw me exit the highway but I'm pretty sure he was pursuing me as the highway was mostly deserted in the wee hours of the morning as I passed him maybe I gave him a spook when I disappeared I sure was spooked I hope this isn't incriminating at this point but just to be clear I used to have a lead foot these days I have a lot more respect for my world and its inhabitants and I have much more patience than I used to which is likely why I haven't had a speeding ticket in about 15 years we get a call reporting that the phone system of major UK bank has been hacked and that the caller has had several thousand pounds stolen from their account as a result seems unlikely but officers went round to see what had happened obviously the bank's system was fine but scanners had done something fairly clever turns out that there is a way in the UK of keeping a phone line and when only the recipient hangs up the scammers pulled the victim and pretended to be from the bank before asking for account details victim was suspicious so hung up and called the bank back at their real telephone number however the scammers held the line open and played a dial tone down the line so the victim thought that she was making a new call then they played a ring ring sample before a new scammer answered a call and took the details pretending to be the bank I've heard of it a few times since in the press but the first time I came across it was on duty and no one had any idea what was going on not a police officer attorney but this one is pretty good we had a guy who ran one of those we buy your gold places typically he did a moderate business but it just wasn't enough for the lifestyle he wanted so he decided to rob a better jewelry store he found one that sold only very high quality jewelry and was about three hundred miles away from his house he visited them one day and got the name of the safe they used noted the type of alarm cameras et Cie then went home and bought the exact same safe he spent months planning how to break into the safe without possibly tripping the alarm but he wasn't having an luck he was dedicated kept working on it and finally came up with a plan he got his brother and another person I can't remember relation and they turned off their cell phones at home then drove to the store got there in the middle of the night they climbed onto the roof cut a hole in the ceiling and purposefully tripped the alarm they put the ceiling tiles back and laid down on the roof the owner came and the police came the owner checks out the store nothing looks wrong police haven't seen anyone so the owner decided his alumnist have malfunctioned he turns off the alarm because hey he'll be back here in a couple hours to open sends the officer away and he goes home the thief's able to hear the system is disabled from his hiding spot then opens hole in the ceiling again they casual cat drop into the business and basically wiped the place out estimates ran around four to six million in gold they take all the gold home where he starts to slowly mix it in with his regular business he melts all the gold down to sell so it's not like the pieces can be identified they generate some fake business receipts but lots of his transactions are cash based in a small business keeping sloppy records is nothing new meanwhile the jewelry store owner feels like a complete idiot and the cops only find one lone cigarette butt inside no prints they must have worn glass this police also get a security image from a business outside of a black truck coming and going at the right time but the license plate is obscured and the thieves are covered up enough the poor quality camera can't catch much that's helpful I believe the cigarette came back with a partial match to one of the sidekicks now mind you a partial DNA match is pretty mediocre evidence at best even though juries love love love even partial DNA that gets the police looking in the right direction thank you so much for watching 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Id: GS3-Om4c8yo
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Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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