AskReddit, fire me I dare you! #3

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what's your best fire me I [ __ ] dare you moment from work I work to Burger King as a teenager one day the assistant manager who illegally brought her teenage daughter to work to help her out asked me to clean the restrooms it wasn't my normal job but I didn't mind I had a good attitude about it and prepared to go clean the bathrooms I walked into the men's room and discovered that the reason she asked me to do it was because someone [ __ ] all over the bathroom Smit vekl matter on the walls the sink the floor the outside of the toilet the toilet was clogged and hand wet used toilet paper inside of that and all over the room it was a complete disaster I walked out of the bathroom went back to the kitchen and told the assistant manager I'm not cleaning that you can fire me but I'm not cleaning it she sighed heavily and went and got a mop I'm not cleaning that you can fire me but I'm not cleaning it she sighed heavily and went and got a mop little-known fact health and safety you aren't allowed to handle bodily fluids without training in safety gear fesses counts as a biohazard and chances are your and amass minimum wage workplace lacks both the OSHA required gear and never bothered to train you to use it even if they got it I wish I had known this years ago I've been the unfortunate soul to clean up several times and I'm a pushover so I never say no recently I was working a concert the management of this site was trash and never actually gave us any orders they just expected people who rarely work there to inherently know when to stop letting people in when to kick people out who was allowed in and who wasn't et Cie etcetera well and at the guard and I let one girl in who said she was with her boyfriend who worked with the people who set up the concert supervisor was there with a couple of other supervisors and they laughed and called us lemons other God didn't know what it meant before the supervisor could say anything I said a lemon is a car that doesn't work he's saying that we are bad at our jobs he's saying that because blaming us for him being a bad leader is easier than admitting he didn't do his job correctly and helping us be better Oh things got real [ __ ] quiet after that I'm five feet two and the supervisor had at least four or five inches on me he got really close to my face and said I didn't quite hear what you said could you repeat it so I craned my head up at him and cleared my throat I said a lemon is a car that doesn't work he's saying that we are bad at our jobs he's saying that because blaming us for him being a bad leader is easier than admitting he didn't do his job correctly and helping us be better he said he'd tell the Home Office that I was fired I said yeah okay see you tomorrow see what he didn't know is that Home Office loves me I'm the single most reliable guy they have I show up hours early to a job always willing to stay late if needed and usually pick up last-minute shifts on top of that they've never had a single complaint about me until that night don't know if he ever did call the office because no one ever said a thing to me about it he scowled when he saw me the next day and didn't say a word to me so I'm gonna assume that the office didn't believe him when he called in law my dog became very ill quite suddenly and he needed to be put down I was at work and I asked to leave half an hour early so I could be there for him I asked my manager and she got annoyed and said there was no way and that I should have told her earlier I said I'm sorry I didn't realize my dog was going to die in the most sarcastic way possible then walked away no and she'd follow me I then stood at my desk and typed my resignation up in front of her she gave me the time off no one was going to stop me from being there for my boy there was a similar event at a company I worked for where a woman in my training class went through a family tragedy her close family member sustained a severe head injury in an accident and after a couple weeks the family had to meet to decide if they would pull the plug they were meeting in an afternoon so she asked her manager if she could use one of her emergency PTO days to take the afternoon off the office was trying to reach a certain daily performance metric of which this employees attendance for the afternoon probably would have made up less than 1% of their goal the manager said well I can't give you the time off because it's not really an emergency you know the meeting is happening and it isn't unexpected or anything anyway the employee just called in sick for the entire day instead for some reason she stayed with the company for around the year longer than I did worked for a newspaper editing and actually putting the paper together arranging it all placing stories in pictures where they need to be titling quoting and sourcing everything I was a one-man team and used an overly complicated system that I figured out how to use really effectively they treated me like shirts set impossible deadlines and they rated me for not meeting them one day the boss tells me to fully put a paper done by the end of the day gave me no warning I had no articles from the journalists and no photos from photographers it was my job to collect it all from everyone and he wants me to do it in a single day I told him now if he wants it done he has to give me more time he tells me if I don't have it done by the end of the day I'm fired I tell him that this paper can't function without me he tells me I need to take the day off and cool my temper and that he'll do my job for me get a call an hour after I get home that he needs me to come in and do it and I can have as much time as I need promptly quit on that [ __ ] [ __ ] your shitty newspaper best one only took an hour of having to do your job to make them say [ __ ] this nobody so far has given an example of when they did it and got fired so I will but some details are changed for privacy I worked at a terrible retail boutique in college worked my way up to management their pay policies were illegal and the idiot district director they hired staff terribly I worked open to close by myself multiple times I finally locked up in the middle of the day to go take a break once got caught told if I did it again I'd be fired said stopped staffing so shitty they did it again locked up again and a customer called corporate I was fired last laugh was on them because I threatened to sue them for violating employment law longer backstory not for here sure did class-action multi-million dollar settlement getting back lost wages for one thousand plus employees across multiple states plus unemployment for me actually what led to a complete life change for me and I wouldn't be as successful now had I just let them continue to abuse me short-term financial pain and scary when you don't know how you will afford food or how to pay bills made it through and definitely worth it not only for me but a lot of people benefited [ __ ] you park you piece of [ __ ] you don't deserve to still be in business I've been at the company a long time therefore I know both day and night shift duties in and out are well liked by our clients and in charge of training the new recruits most work for us up to six to twelve months before growing tired on the workload all finding that they can't handle the job or just wanted cash enough to study up for something else anyway they are heavily dependent on me my closest boss threatened to fire me for being home one day and drinking beer when I was supposed to be at work two weeks prior I had agreed to do overtime but I wanted a new schedule so I would not miss it I got a new schedule that she had forgotten to fill in that day on it she blamed me for it anyway and said it was grounds for terminating my contract I dared her to do it and see how long we could stay in business similar story here had a big staff meeting to plan for the upcoming year about holidays and such so we could have the appropriately trained people on site to cover the guys that would be away in the meeting I say to the owner so do you want us to wear mail you or the scheduler about this directly he says both so I say okay I'll am eliten that I will be gone for two weeks and I tell him the date he says that it's approved but ml it in so IML it to him the shakeela and my foreman at the time my holidays come and on the last day I send my Foreman a message the usual where are we how has it gone where my company truck who do I need to pick up tomorrow the whole nine yards he fires back with you didn't tell me you were taking days off I'm gonna suspend you without pay for two week well as you imagine that didn't go well I politely told him he could go [ __ ] himself and that I had the emails and he was in the room when we discussed the exact dates I would be gone and that is lack of planning wasn't my fault at all so I phoned the owner who I had happened to work for for seven years at this point being the second longest employed person there and told him that the three of us would be having a meeting in the morning to sort it out so I write up my resignation and take it with me along with my company phone credit card and keys to the meeting where the owner proceeds to fire the foreman after about five minutes and gives me the job as Foreman for the crews thanked me for bring it to his attention as it had happened before and as being the most knowledgeable person about our products and equipment he gave me the job which I had for the next five years till I destroyed my back and had to move on for the past few years I've worked at one of the nicer restaurants in my small beach town I'm one of the only servers there who cares about doing a good and I'm the only one who doesn't take a smoke break every 15 minutes this past summer Anu very illegal rule was implemented that if we messed up an order in any way we would be liable to pay for that messed up food I usually didn't have a problem with mess-ups so I didn't bring up the legality of this matter since I make good money and don't want to start fires in places that don't concern me that until I rang in a back quote cherry glazed burger instead of a back quote cherry glazed stake each stylized cgb and CGS in our shitty computer system I fixed this with the kitchen but not before they had already started the burger I told my manager and she just gave me a disappointed and told me that the rules are the rules I then dived into both federal and state workers rights code and told her she would never see me again if I found any money out of my tips at the end of the night never had a problem fixing an order again what is that like three dollars to the restaurant would laugh my ass off if they tried that with me I'm already over dollar sign for tea cane damaging mistakes for the year at my machine operator job that's what I'm saying they have big fish in a small pond syndrome' just because they have no real competition they think their shitty frozen food is worth something used to work at a liquor store with two extremely unreliable people who love drama both of them got into dick-measuring contest swith the manager and quit on the spot leaving me and a skeleton crew to manage the rest of the crazy summer season the rest of the crew spent a good portion of their shifts sitting on pallets doing coke in the bathroom and or drinking on the job so I was the go-to employee suddenly comparatively - the two drama queens I was a very well behaved employee that I would sometimes take my tips and pop over to the coffee shop next door while on the clock one time I stepped back into the store right as the manager came into the other entrance I just stood there and looked at her she kind of shrugged helplessly and let me do it for the rest of the summer and let me do it for the rest of the summer but as soon as September 22nd rolled around she was like [ __ ] that noise working at an important political building been there for about a year other employees have been there for decades 99% of the staff is black including myself none of us have ever been written up new manager shows up I roll the white lady with a complex and starts parroting people for not doing their jobs when they are very clearly doing their jobs as the job is defined she berates people until they backtalk then fires them for insubordination she fires 10 out of 13 people all black and replaces them with white workers she approaches me and begins berating me I'm onto what she is doing I do not react my lack of reaction leads her to tell me I'm being insubordinate and I'm fired that was my I [ __ ] dare you moment although I did not say it she fired me six months later she's been fired her supervisor is fired and his supervisor has been demoted to the worst position a supervisor can have a lawsuit has been filed that resolved in about $100,000 in damages to the victims bet she won't do that [ __ ] again ha I worked at an unspecified telecom a few years ago I was a senior manager in charge of programming third level support and production support a business unit bullied through code changes made by the business site through a side deal with a legacy programmer in the data center circumventing my team Callan production testing that just had to get implemented immediately without going through any testing at all I refused the Shia overruled me 72 hours later phone activations had ground to a halt customers nationwide were screaming and the Shia called phone conference after phone conference demanding timelines for when I was going to get this [ __ ] fixed he kept screaming to have members of my team to get on the phone and explain themselves to him I refused finally I snapped and told him that if he wanted me to fix his mistake I would need to get off the [ __ ] phone go work with my teams and the only reason they hadn't walked out yet was that I was keeping him off their asses but we would all happily go together 24 hours later Cal my team had the [ __ ] cleaned up and fixed for a clean rollout this was all to avoid a 24-hour delay forecast ash production testing I wish I could say that was the only slash worst time well not really work but still I was an intern at a 3d printer company the manager was a complete piece of sh asterisk T on my first week he made a co-worker cry because she send an order to the wrong client she apologized to the customer and he didn't mind she sent the right one afterwards however the manager screamed and yelled at her for the entire week it was a small company and I was sitting next to her at the time that I didn't know how to react to the situation because if I was afraid he would fire me and then I wouldn't pass class well the week after that I made a wrong sketch of an advertisement and he just completely lost his mind he screamed and yelled at me I stood up called my school and said what happened they called the manager and was threatened to take his intern lice away I was left alone with my schoolwork after that and he never screamed at any of us ever again past the internship barely and he hated my guts after the incident pees sorry if my English is not that great
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Views: 128
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, AskReddit, Ask Reddit, Fire me i dare you, reddit work, ask reddit work, askreddit work, askreddit real stories, ask reddit real stories, askreddit truth or dare, truth or dare, ask reddit truth or dare, reddit truth or dare
Id: oDTX-4kVOTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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