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women have read it have you ever had a run-in with an insult if so what happened I'm not sure if the guy was an insole this was over a decade ago now I think but at the very least he was pretty convinced that women were the issue the issue was that he was obese and unwashed and looked exactly the way you think an insole would we got along very well and I tried to get past all that but you can't force a traction basically we hung out alone once and it was pretty much a disaster awkward uncomfortable smelly anyway after that I tried to diplomatically let him down he basically told me I was asphalt tried to rake my name through the mud and cut me out of his life so yeah pretty much a paint-by-numbers I started chatting with him on tinder about an hour later I run into a friend of mine and we decide to grab a beer together I tell the guy cause I was still chatting with him and he explodes goes on a huge rant about how if I have a straight male friend I should just sleep with him then since the only reason a straight single man would be friends with a girl is to sleep with her also that if we were dating he'd never let me have male friends cause they'd just want to sleep with me no doubt of that one pretty fast the worst thing about tinder for me when I was single with how many guys seemed to think matched meant you're my exclusive serious girlfriend now dudes won't even know your last name or phone number and get mad at you for speaking to other men you know like men you already knew and have met before or not messaging back promptly or whatever I never got a dick pic on tinder but damn did I get a lot of crazy guys going you didn't respond to my message at 2:00 a.m. / in the middle of the workday within 30 seconds you are a horrible [ __ ] the wrestler who's sleeping with everyone in town but me met one in college he seemed normal at the time although we rarely talked had literally one class together he friend requested me on Facebook and I accepted soon after he asked me out on Facebook and I rejected him he started staring at me in the one class we had together and followed me around a law one day I got a text from my mom telling me I should check my FAFSA book I maybe looked at it once a day at the time he had commented on every single post I made every picture anything on my wall literally everything he could every comment was different too but all some variation of how I'm a [ __ ] how all I'm good for is to please a man and produces offspring if he finds me worthy he planned it out while I think because the semester ended the week before which was good for me I guess didn't have to see him anymore I blocked him then deleted my FAFSA book I was rarely using it anyway he put so much effort into those comments hundreds of them just weird there is a silver lining he got you to give up faster book one down only a few million more to go I went on a date with one about six months ago it was so so uncomfortable he was asking me what I was looking for in a relationship and the conversation went something like this and represents me and he will represent him d so do you know what you're looking for M I'm new to the state so I think that for now I just want to go out a bit and meet new people I'm the commitment type though and I'm not at all opposed to finding something serious what about you D well I don't really think I want a girlfriend you know I don't want to feel smothered I mean sex is nice of course but I just like hooking up I hooked up with some girls this summer and the sex was fun we just ducked no dating M ah yeah I'm not really the hookup type I feel like healthy relationships are pretty balanced and no one needs to feel smothered but I can see how going out with no strings attached could be a good time D yeah I really just like six like any other dude ya know I don't need a girlfriend of course there are the times that I see a stupid couple holding hands and being all cute and that makes me mad of course I don't like seeing it flaunted like that I kind of froze at that point it's difficult to explain that voice he uses an he said that last thing but it made me uneasy I could see the anger / hatred in his eyes and he went from casually conversing to seriously mad and he kept saying of course like everyone felt the same way or like he was trying to gauge if I felt similarly needless to say I never went out with a guy again I met my now boyfriend two days later and we've run into thee together while on campus Dee and I go to college together everytime he glares at me and shoots my boyfriend dirty looks edit I realized that he said he was ducking girls which would make him not an insole by definition but he seemed to be lying about the six and the way that he spoke about his anger to ward couple / women with boyfriends made it really clear that he had an insult like min cert yeah sex is cool but have you ever been angry at couples holding hands rejected him twice and resulted in months of stalking and harassment which still has not ended hopefully it will soon had a couple of his friends ping me on discord to tell me about his little misogynistic rants he'd go on about how women are only useful for their holes the normal staff also raided my discord server three times yeah I thought he was a sweetheart talked to him for about two months I was starting to like him but I was too stressed to start anything up yet I wanted to wait a little while after nicely rejecting him but telling him that I do like him he turned ape [ __ ] on me a side of him I had never seen or his true self I don't know but the [ __ ] that came out of his goddamn mouth my god it was the usual or a shallow [ __ ] etcetera you matric stop that MF bullet at some point he decided he wanted to try to get a girlfriend and figured out my timetable at uni and would follow me around between classes I told him I wasn't interested then he did the same thing with my friend and within a few weeks he was trying it with basically all the girls from my year from waiting them up after class to sending them a lot of messages through FB we were all very aware of what he was trying to do and it became a bit of a joke I guess he thought if you've just tried enough it'll work eventually which it might if it wasn't for the creepy stalking and awkward approach and you know trying it with all the women at the same time long after that he decided all women were bad for choosing our souls over a nice guy like him but he must be dead by now probably due to the insane amount of salt I always saw him put on his food during lunch I'm talking about a small pile of salt he put on his Apple each time before taking a bite as if he wasn't salty enough already law let's face it as guys we've had that one friend in the group who was an insole [ __ ] Whitney starting fights over a girl can't get a GF cock-blocker and up her upper of the party when girls are around and the only reason he's tolerated is because he's the brother / cousin of your core group we hate insults as much as the girls he said sexism in the workplace wasn't real then proceeded to give an example of a person being denied a role because of their gender when an arrant discriminated against in the workforce we had a lady put in her as you may at our construction company and the workers wanted to hire her but the boss didn't end up hiring her because his wife would be jealous yeah the cognitive dissonance hurt my head not an insole that I was approached by a red pill pickup artist in Melbourne when I was visiting there in November last year I'm sorry if this story comes across a bit r / that happened it is not made up at all this guy came up to me on the street one afternoon and asked me if I knew how to color coordinate my clothes I was wearing red Doc's blue jeans and a green jumper not the best outfit sure I was living out of a backpack we started talking and I realized he was a pickup artist and he was pretty good at it too charismatic and skilled at nagging plus decent looking him oh it was almost a shame that he was repeating direct quotes from our / vid pill that I'd read the previous evening little side note I was completely fascinated by TRP for a long time I know every single trick in the literal book some of it is really awesome advice how to be confident and stand your ground I gained respect at work and developed a better relationship with myself and others through some of their advice most of it though is misogyny stick and unhealthy if you can detach yourself from it successfully it's well worth a browse back to the story I kept talking to this guy and just demolished his whole plan of attack I literally watched the spark and charm he had fade away as he wasn't met with the meekness he was expecting the things he said to me i deflected with the same tactics he had read to use himself I led the conversation turned it back onto him got him talking his whole frame as they call it fell apart he started stumbling over words getting caught on his attempts to neg me I asked him at the end why he does it at all and he said he wasn't sure that he wanted to have a family and have kids one day I told him my new way he was getting the techniques from and dad yep they work maybe on me too if I didn't know them back to front but they were taking him on a really hard path and a path that often leads to slash coincides with being an insole he asked for my number again I declined and we shook hands and he said this has been refreshing Tom I hope you read this I hope you've escaped that world I met a guy online who turned out to be an insole we chatted casually for maybe a month nothing sexual just friendship as we had a hobby in common we were discussing one day he asked me to check his dating profile for him hoping that a woman's perspective would tell him why he wasn't getting any messages I didn't mind as he'd been polite up until this point but I didn't read that this was his way of flirting with me I just told him his Bo was far too long it was the longest profile on a dating website I'd ever seen it would have been pages and pages of paragraphs if you printed it out I just said it's easier to read if you shorten it and make it about the lasting impression you want a woman to have a view and I sent him an example since I knew about his hobbies I just wrote something like I like philosophy debating and discussing psychology and leave it at that instead of discussing every topic in detail and what you like and don't like about them also his page was filled with more negatives than positives paragraphs upon paragraphs about what he found unattractive in women his standards were ridiculously high they couldn't have had any previous relationships no tattoos can't be in two hobbies he doesn't like he accused anyone who didn't like his hobbies of being stupid and he thought other people were all vapid and shallow for only caring about looks also he required a woman to have a very specific body and face type when I told him maybe he should cut this part out and stick to what Tracy likes in a woman he suddenly flipped out of nowhere he'd shown no sign of craziness before he asked me about his dating profile suddenly he starts ranting about how women don't want him but he's a catch and if I wasn't such a [ __ ] I wouldn't be single and he could show me a good time if I learned to be more passive and not speak my mind as much I told him to calm down and he wouldn't he sent me pages and pages and pages of hateful venomous messages about hating women for not seeing how intelligent and insightful he was and how I would be single forever if I didn't take his offer to date him because he could improve me by making me more alluring to other men I tried to give him another chance but my message was drowned out by the paragraphs he sent me over the course of a few hours so I blocked him on skype and his original account that we spoke on on another platform disappeared the very next day never heard of him since I agreed to sleep with a friend of mine as a favor to him he was worried that he would die virgin he was a good friend of mine but I wasn't particularly attracted to him or anything the sex was pretty boring overall anyway he made fun of my vagina afterwards which did offend me actually carried around that weight for a long time he also told me he loved me a few days after that which was not what we had agreed upon but I do think that me having sex with him really helped him come out of his shell and be able to talk to go etcetera there was a guy at my best friend's University whom we are about 90% sure as slash was an insole he was born with a genetic defect where half of his face is about one inch lower than the other half of his face and because of this defect he believed that the world owed him big-time he was a general [ __ ] to everyone male and female alike he never showered use deodorant or brushed his teeth my best friend had a misfortune of being in the same dorm as him for one year she also had a couple of classes with him his personality somehow was uglier than his appearance he was always very negative towards everyone this is just sad I think the way we look on the outside can sometimes correspond with how we are on the inside sometimes good-looking people are really empathic and sweet and thoughtful because they get treated well by others based on their appearance which in turn encourages them to be positive to the rest of the world it happened more frequently in my younger years cell a teen slasher leat winters almost exclusively online I used to be one of those super nice but actually posh every girls and gave everyone the time of day to at least chat and small talk now I do not 100% because of insel run-ins worst run-in I've had with a boy after agreeing to exchange phone numbers I don't know why I did would call / texts sometimes as early as 7 a.m. I never answered and eventually got pissed off and told him to stop calling me he was way too obsessive and I barely knew the guy he later threatened to post my social media pictures and phone number on Craigslist and Backpage on the casual sex ads no idea if he ever did but for weeks almost months would text just dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign and say nothing else so man if you approach a lady and she seems short and snotty with you like she has her guard up she's probably actually a really cool girl but has had one or two really disturbing run-ins with an insole so she's protecting herself from the trouble will watch too many episodes of data line to play around with that shirt insoles seem to make life a little more shitty for everybody even other man sadly I can't tell you if I ever ran into one in real life but I know I have I'm 100% sure I did but it was completely non memorable and I can't say I even noticed them in passing maybe that's why they get so upset with people it seems like a sad life but they make it impossible to feel sorry for them poor you've been visited by swinging thick boy like and comment swing well thick boy and you'll be blessed with many thick woofers in your life
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 466,195
Rating: 4.7440195 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, reddit and chill, toadfilms, Women, men, incel, neckbeard, creepy men
Id: rbX25m9eVDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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