The Wacky World of Incels

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hey everyone so today i am diving into a topic that i wanted to talk about for a little while but just never got around to it for some reason but with everything that's been in the news recently i felt it was a good time to touch on the topic of incels today we are going to be taking a look at what an incel is and taking a look at a few specific posts from one particular online community called that i found some of the posts are going to be ridiculous we can just have a bit of a giggle at them some of the posts are a little bit on the scarier side so we need to kind of like be a bit more serious with them you know now before we talk about anything else we need to ask what the hell is an insult the word insult basically stands for involuntary celibate and we're going to start by taking a look at a definition from one of their own websites this one particular site reads insel means involuntary celibate a person who if you take the term literally can't have sex despite wanting to in practice this goes beyond simply having sex and enters the realm of having no possibility of finding a partner either to get validation love or acceptance from sex is mostly i think this is supposed to say secondary though just like in every group a minority of in cells disagrees moving on apparently there are different types of incel including true cells who are a type of in cell who hasn't ever had sex or been in a relationship despite numerous attempts there are mental cells who are a type of in-cell whose reason for failure in relationships or sex is related to mental illness or major insecurities and there's also fake cells who are people who claim to be in cell but who have recently had sex or been in a relationship so there you go that's just a few of the kinds of in cell and as you can see from this little clipping of a website here there are a lot more as well so um this is like not just a new thing this is kind of a well-established community with their own kind of guidelines and rules and definitions for things and so on this same website also gives the definition of chads chads are literally like the opposite of in cells this particular site reads chad is what incels are not charismatic tall good looking confident muscular so basically dan he can be perceived as good or bad it is a meme mostly apparently sex is part of what incels want yes but not as much as they want validation love care and friendship and then the site goes on to say insult them requires having tried repeatedly to approach females otherwise a person is considered a mental self someone with insecurities or mental health issues now most of the in-cell community are heterosexual males and this kind of explained because apparently it is vastly easier for a female to get validation and sex than a male in today's society unless a female belongs in the bottom percentile in terms of appearance me it's gonna it's gonna be very hard for them not to be able to find many suitors for any kind of romantic or sexual activity while not discussed as often it is believed homosexual men have it easier than heterosexual men for a good example of why try changing your preferences on tinder to men if you are one yourself to see how many matches you get so i think the implication here is that in cells are in cells they can't get in a relationship they can't be with a woman not because there's anything inherently wrong with them but because women are the problem women have two higher standards women are too picky women to do this and this and this and so these poor men suffer i'm kind of reading between the lines here but this idea is supported further by this little statement that says it is a common mistake to assume that in cells intrinsically have terrible personalities most have a normal life study work have friends and hobbies am i just another member of the community okay so if no one in the world wants to date you it's not your fault it's an issue with society and women this this is fair yes yes i completely see where you're coming from okay so now we've got all that out the way we can have a look at some actual posts from actual incels now when i was first looking at these i was like these have to be satire they have to be parody but i honestly don't think they are just from the like sheer amount of posts from the sheer number of different people who are replying and saying these things and just from the kind of sheer emotion in the posts you get the sense that it is not for a joke these are just genuinely like angry lonely men i think but that said i might be wrong so we're gonna have a look at some of the posts today and then you can make up your mind this is a post about what is the worst thing about being an incel and the opening poster says it isn't necessarily sex it's not having a girl next to you but being alone all the effing time honestly i'm going insane and i'm just raging so at this point i'm like oh my god this poor guy you know he feels lonely he feels sad he's upset you know maybe we can do something to help these guys you know they're clearly hurting they clearly maybe just need some friendship some companionship you know why aren't women you're not necessarily dating these guys but i know showing them a little bit more support oh this is why like when i see a couple making out in public i just want to effing kill them because i know that i will never get it that's why you don't have relationships that right there is why you feel lonely because no one wants to be around someone like that jealousy feeling lonely it's horrible i get it i understand it i can relate to it in some ways but to go from i feel lonely to i want to kill people who are happy that that's not normal that's not a normal jump that you make that is ridiculous and that is a sign that there's something a little bit wrong with you because normal people don't react like that and this is not a reaction that should be encouraged but then you read the replies they include things like you get used to it i've been in complete isolation for two and a half years now never had a friend it certainly does a good job of filling you with vengeance and anger and a desire to eat off now what is er you might ask well i had to google it as well because i was asking er stands for elliot roger who you may have heard of before elliot rodger was a 22 year old man who was known for vlogging and blogging about never been able to get a girlfriend never be able to get any girls feeling lonely and so on he made quite a lot of videos got a lot of angry videos and so on he's he was on youtube he was pretty known on youtube for this he at one point distributed a document he called it like a manifesto in which he said some pretty weird things and to quote from a newspaper article on it here um he described himself as the ideal magnificent gentleman and could not comprehend why women women would not want to have sex with him he said he planned to target the alpha phi sorority whose members he had deemed the hottest at his college and the kind of girls i've always desired but were never able to have after distributing this document his manifesto he then went out and killed several people it's disgusting it's sad and it proves that even if some of these people on websites like this are trolls they are doing it for satire they are doing it for you know parody or whatever it proves that not all of them are there are people out there like this who thoroughly believe in the things that we're going to be touching on today they thoroughly think that women owe them something they think you know they can go out and kill people hurt people just because they're not getting the attention they want they're not having sex all they want it's scary like this case of elliot roger was just one particular case and the rest of society should see it as kind of like you know a warning something to be wary of something to watch out for in other people not the in-cell community i mean i'm not saying everyone in the unsolved community is like this but a large section of that community particularly on sites like this literally idolize this man they use the term doing an elliot roger or going er or whatever to well you can guess basically going out and hurting or killing people it's it's terrifying moving on to another post on this forum and there seemed to be this like weird strange standard set in place for women where like if women aren't exactly as these men expect or exactly as these men picture in their heads then they're not good enough like all women are terrible people if they don't fit these ideals and they're not interested in them this this here was posted as a serious discussion topic and it says i don't want to read this can you talk to a girl knowing that her mouth has been filled with semen someone replies i willingly choose not to virgin or nothing another person says kind of disturbing to think even that old lady i want to read this who posts stuff like this the other person says femorites fill up their disgusting mouths with semen and then they pretend that they are innocent and victims every woman past the age of 15 has had chad seaman in her mouth even some at 12. women seem to be having sex at young ages these days so this is some pretty like gross disturbing stuff right but the one thing i want to pick up on here even though there's a lot i could talk about one thing in particular i want to pick up on here is 12 years old women also you know every woman past the age of 15. i'm sorry but if you're 12 or 15 you're not a woman you're still a child and if you can't make that distinction if you just think everyone who identifies as female is a woman there you have to have sex with if you can't make that distinction between child and consenting adult then there is something actually wrong with you and all this is like a completely separate point from you know consenting adults and consenting to women women being able to decide what they do with their bodies like these men should have no say over that these men should have no reason to judge them for what they choose to do you know but all that aside the child thing i found kind of creepy and seriously who is thinking about a 12 year old girl having sex and writing like they're jealous that they weren't the one to have sex with that's not normal even more of the posts go on and they get like more and more disgusting and dehumanizing to the point where like i don't even want to read them out for example this one i'm not reading this it's gross no this guy says we're forced to our entire society is blue pilled as hell i'm disgusted by all the women i'm forced to interact with so often the faq pages of this well of not only this site but sites like this are filled with statements like we don't condone misogyny we don't promote misogyny we don't encourage violence all these things but the majority of the comments on this site are revolting they are literally the epitome of misogyny they are often encouraging and promoting violence and no one does anything about it so i kind of think yeah you are encouraging misogyny and violence and all these horrible things and there's also a weird amount of racism as well but that's like a whole other issue we can talk about i don't get what goes through the head of people like this who spend their time writing and commenting and socializing on sites like this it's like oh so an adult woman has a physical or emotional relationship with someone completely consensual is completely like good and happy for them but because it wasn't with you suddenly she's a [ __ ] c word or an effing disgusting whatever or suddenly you're disgusted by all the women you're forced to interact with like no grow up i mean hey not all guys are disgusted by women who've had adult relationships though this guy says it makes talking to them easier knowing they've been degraded what a gent i'm sure if there's any single girls out there i'm sure his contact info is available on this site if you want to get in there and then there's this guy who says they weren't made to talk i have no reason to listen to them lovely moving on to another post one of the ones i found kind of like most sort of creepy and weird um was this one in which a man posts a video he took in a coffee shop and there's a woman sat there in the coffee shop on her phone minding her own business and it just so happens that she's using tinder and she's swiping whichever way no is on a few guys and this guy thinks that because this woman is sat there minding her own business doing her own thing it's perfectly acceptable for him to come up and record her so he can put it online to shame her for it they go on and on about how because apparently she's overweight and because he doesn't find her attractive how she has no right to be swiping no on potential dates like apparently just because you don't find someone attractive they're now not allowed to have dating preferences and it's completely okay for you to invade their privacy because of it i'm not gonna play the video because you know out of respect for this woman who is minding her own business and not doing anything to warrant this kind of attention you know i'm not going to show the video but i am going to show you some of the disgusting comments in reply to this and they just make all these assumptions about this woman they just throw insults out just for the sake of it and just out of anger with no attempt at like empathy or compassion or human decency you know none of that they're just angry because this woman doesn't want to date some other guys and so apparently they think she owes them something and they're angry about it and there's no logic here no the main comment on the video reads she was like a 3 out of 10 at best ham beast look at her swiping left like it ain't no thing another guy says well she's more delusional delusional than all of us combined haha over 30 and fat probably has kids too god damn do women really have it good where they can f any big d that walks in their prime years and just settle with any man who will provide for her goddamn model life and women say they're oppressed haha so a woman won't sleep with just the first guy who comes along and apparently now it's okay for you to call her a 3 out of 10 ham beast that's revolting and in this guy's like post here this this last line about oppression just really gets me so angry right i don't want to get into a discussion here about are women oppressed oh oh i think not oppressed that's not the issue here what's important is this guy doesn't understand what oppression is he has such a narrow worldview that his whole life revolves around are you having sex or are you not having sex and that just seems kind of sad to me it seems very naive it seems very narrow-minded and like i say it seems sad but these guys think that because that's all they think of like are you having sex or are you not having sex am i having sex am i not having sex because that's all they think of they think that's what the whole world is like revolving around as well so they see the word oppression and they think well if she can choose who she has sex with then she's not oppressed that's not what oppression is oppression isn't about whether someone's touching your genitals or not oppression is about whether you're treated as an equal in society it's about whether you're paid fairly for the work you do it's about is there violence against you do you have freedom of expression freedom of speech and so on there's so much more to oppression than just are you having sex and the fact these guys don't understand that just i find it insane their worldview is so so raw let's have a look at some of the other replies this bachelor doesn't even deserve me this society has helped elevated women so much i can't take this anymore greedy fat [ __ ] nothing worse than a fat [ __ ] overvaluing her smv i googled that as well apparently it's like sexual market value or something like that of course a true low inhib hero you are opie this is hilarious and maddening at the same time look at those disgusting fat legs women like that need a nice beating with a leather belt yeah your website really doesn't encourage violence does it seriously no one deserves to be spoken about like the this woman is it's revolting it's disgusting it's almost like they forget she's a human being with feelings like i'll be honest i don't care if she's overweight or if she's not i don't care if she is a little on the large side or if you're just trying to be mean don't speak about someone this way the funny thing is though there are some guys who don't even like see the irony and what they're saying like this guy here says well you i wouldn't want to get right swiped by that hippo anyways sane kind normal decent human beings do not talk this way the thing is like i know i'm saying all this now but i know exactly what the response to me would be from in-cells they need to turn around but they're like oh you don't get it you're a woman or well you don't get it you're in a long-term relationship or how dare you criticize us you three out of ten [ __ ] why won't you have sex with me it would be something like one of those but the thing is like i don't need to be in the same situation as them to get it i don't need to be in the same situation as them to know that their reaction is completely insane it's unwarranted it's unfair it's mean all i need is a little empathy and little time to have a little bit of compassion for other people to know that there is no justification for the way that they are acting other discussions on this site include why do women have equal rights who were the cooks allowing this were they mentally ill [ __ ] is this part of the dumbing down of society there are some pretty um interesting intellectual replies to this including white knight sold us out because they thought it would get them more sex they have doomed us because the feminist society only benefits women and chad apparently one guy outlines this whole thing about how it all went wrong when women got the vote another guy replies with this is where it went wrong women should be banned from politics what a bunch of moronic estrogen-filled new males i seriously wonder what went through their head when they made that decision and of course there are posed by the guys who blame it all on jeans they say it's nothing to do with them personally it's not their personalities it's not their attitude it's all because they were unlucky enough to be born with the wrong genes this guy says does anyone else have that bottom 1 phenotype never seen a woman lust after any guy with my phenotype it's over replies include i unfortunately have the new male beta male phenotype i've been trying to get rid of it for years with little to moderate success like it would be the biggest life fuel ever to see a guy with a similar nose skull and mouth shape to me holding hands with a pretty girl but i never see it my particular phenotype is so extremely unattractive to femoids that it's hilarious wait why does it have to be a pretty girl again and then there's this guy who um he doesn't like his bosses because they're women and he doesn't find them attractive they are presumably professionally enough to not want to sleep with him and so he calls him [ __ ] and says he wants to quit his job totally normal response right a very mature man right here the last post i want to talk about today is probably one of the most disturbing ones on the site and while i say on the site i literally read one page of threads to get all of this that was it and but it uses the term manlet which i hadn't heard of before apparently dan has and but i googled it and apparently it refers to any man who is under six foot tall but not short enough to be a dwarf yes that is a literal quote so this guy says being a manlet is worse than getting raped of course rape is a horrible thing and if it has been recorded or people have seen it happen i think it is as bad as being a manlet but if it only happened once and only you know about it the psychological pain of living your life as a manlet is much worse now i'll be honest some women do have a preference for dating men of a certain height some women like really tall men some women like me don't care so i i don't know how much of an issue it is if you're under six foot i'll be honest but let's assume that being under six foot does mean that less girls want to date you give me a clue as to how that is in any way comparable to being often violently physically violated by someone just a little clue how how are they related i'm going to read this bit again because i think it's disgusting if it only happened once and only you know about it the psychological pain of living life as a manlet is much worse cool um we'll have someone rates you and then you decide which is worse only once and who knows about it has nothing to do with the issue nothing to do with how much it hurts nothing to do with how traumatizing it is nothing to do with how horrific rape is he goes on and says that being a little bit on the short side is dramatic because you feel humiliated powerless and inferior unlike being raped which in no way makes you feel humiliated powerless and inferior does it he says being short is really difficult because you know that you will never be able to change it i mean he's right if you've been raped you can totally change that can't you with well maybe not actually but you can totally get over it with years and years and years of intensive therapy it's easy what are you supposed to do if you're a short man wear a heel on your shoes no don't even go there don't even go there seriously this whole post is disgusting and the replies oh my god the replies right literally all rape is is having sex with someone you don't like this can't be refuted there is no material difference between consensual sex and rape other than who the penis was attached to clearly written by someone who has never been raped now i've never been raped either thankfully just gonna preface this with that i'm not thankfully um but seeing as this guy doesn't seem to understand how horrible it is tell you what by the way potential trigger warning coming up or trigger warning for potentially horrible stuff coming up i'm gonna tell you what right this guy who wrote this post we are gonna get a six foot five guy to come along he's gonna be 150 pounds heavier than you he's gonna come along he's gonna hold you down he's gonna maybe hit you around a bit slap you beat you whatever it's gonna hold you down maybe he'll spit on you he'll definitely make you feel like crap and then he's gonna take advantage of your body he is gonna anally rape you he's really gonna make sure he's he tears at that skin causes some permanent damage right there he's gonna make you feel worthless and we're gonna make sure he tells you you're disgusting and afterwards people tell you how unclean and vile you are because you let something like this happen you know what maybe he is gonna leave you naked and alone maybe in a dark alley somewhere he's gonna leave you with no way of getting home no way of getting help he's gonna leave you feeling ashamed and dirty and then afterwards when you get reported you'll be asked what you're wearing had you been drinking did you bring this on yourself were you asking for it but you know this isn't gonna come anywhere close to the trauma of being a slightly short man but i mean i'm going to assume the guy who wrote this he would actually really enjoy this because hey you're not an incel anymore you just had sex surely you must be super happy surely you just really really enjoyed being anally raped right because i mean there's no material difference between consensual sex and rape so why does it matter if it's you consensually putting your penis in a woman or a man anally raping you what's the difference you should just be grateful that a man likes you enough to take that risk it gets worse this other guy says being a manlet is like getting raped every day and this guy says at least if i was getting raped i could have a pity party and people would think i'm brave for getting raped being a manlet is a thousand times worse because nobody cares and nobody tells you to suck it up knowing uh not knowing all the facts behind height and success in life what is wrong with these men thankfully i found one little piece of sanity in this thread from a guy who says i'm 5 foot 115 pounds and the smallest guy i've ever met and i have no issues with being this short life can be good but it takes time and then everyone proceeded to beat him down and tell him he was an idiot and why he was wrong and how he was probably just some like you know woman loving cook yeah so with this i'm going to end this video here there are some really disturbing things on this particular website there's a reason that the first um r in cells community was banned from reddit and there's a reason that certain communities have been banned from certain other websites and now they have to have their own websites there have been a number of cases like elliot rogers where people have gone out and hurt people because they felt they were justified in doing it for some way and there was a case on monday i think in toronto where there was a man who was part of this community who i think he like shot up a shop or something like that and i don't know the details off the top of my head unfortunately but i'll leave a news article about it below when i actually do find out about it my point is we can laugh at these people and say they're being silly and stupid but the truth is there's actual real danger behind this community there's there's a willingness to act on this it's not just words to these people and that's what i think is scary and that's where i want to end this and kind of pass this over to you and ask what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on your thoughts on these posts what are your thoughts on the insult community in general and and do you want me to do more videos like this diving into some of the scarier parts of the internet where people like these look if you haven't seen this far thank you so much for watching today i really appreciate you guys and i'll see you again soon if you like this video and you want to hear me talk more about sciencey stuff you can check out the hearing how podcast which i host with rationality rules and holy kool-aid but for now i just want to say an extra special thank you to everyone who is supporting me on patreon this month you guys are incredible a special thank you goes out to you gambit and shaw for mark donna eric reed christian berg rachel b royette religion is best matthew minomar jaylee moore sir michael murr jaden shepherd greg lad and pixelated skeptic also go check out everyone who is listed down in the description and on the video end screen here you guys are all amazing and i cannot thank you enough
Channel: undefined
Views: 356,681
Rating: 4.3419971 out of 5
Keywords: rachel, girl, rachel oates, oates, english, british, english vlogger, opinion, relationship advice, tumblr, incels, incel community, sociology, how not to treat women, feminism, feminist, mgtow, empowering women, internet culture, feminist response
Id: zvuoD9FoRsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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