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Her video titled The New Insane Tumblr Identity is concerning because it fosters an environment where reactionaries thrive. Just one look at the comments is enough to see that. Not to mention that the rabies identity crap is obviously satire, which of course makes fun of LGBT in general. I don't know if she is really so naive that she fell for the satire, or she just reacted to it for the views and only pretended to not get it, but it worries me.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Some drunk incel might read “dot me” in their head and as misconstrue it as “DM me.”

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AldoPeck 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello friends welcome to another video it has become summer overnight in Toronto so I apologize if my face look sweaty the journey towards making this video has been weird videos of people going through the insel subreddit were really popular for a while I've seen a lot of them so I didn't really want to make another video that was exactly like that so since the intel suffered it was banned and the subsequent severance that they tried to set up were banned the Intel community now primarily exists on their website so I was planning to do a video looking into that website really similar format to my tumblr deep dive videos and the night before I was going to film it I had an encounter with this kind of creepy in Sully sort of guy on the street when I was walking home from work around like 2:00 a.m. I got out of it without being stabbed gave him a fake number you know I thought that's weirdly relevant I can talk about that in the video and just a side note I've seen men criticize women who give men fake numbers instead of just outright declining them I will only resort to that with the type of men that don't know how to hear the word no like when guys hit on me on the street most of the time they're really normal sweet guys I'd even made a friend that way before like if a guy talks to me on the street I'm not gonna win tag your eyes him right off the bat I'm gonna be nice and we're thinking for complimenting me but if he turns that into hitting on me I'm gonna make it clear that I'm not available so and if they don't know how to hear the word no I'm gonna do whatever I have to do get out of that situation because that's a huge red flag so you never never feel bad about giving a guy a fake number if you feel like you're in danger absolutely do that if you feel like you just need out of that situation which was what happened to me that night um with that guy um so I thought that's weirdly relevant I keep talking about that in the video I guess cuz that was he seemed to have the sort of mentality that some of these guys do and then the next day after that happened to me the van attack in Toronto where I live happened I didn't want it to feel like I was exploiting that situation um besides I visited the insult website to see what kind of opinions were coming from the Intel community on one of their own during ten people and there was overwhelming support for it so I just felt like I was too irrationally angry at these people to make a coherent a good video because I full of posts supporting mass murder in the name of people not wanting to have sex with you so we're gonna try to do a relatively level-headed look into the insult community today into a serious video we can do it I can do it so the website is called installs don't Amy this one says women would rather be with dykes than ugly men I hope so that would work out fine for me it's not Chad that's [ __ ] her it's a dyke cuts would rather be in an abusive relationship with an ugly guys been a loving one with an ugly man okay it's actual violence within lesbian relationships was found to be as high as 55% hmm okay and you're very scholarly link to that statistic is Wikipedia literature and research regarding domestic violence and lesbian relationships is relatively limited especially in the United States United Kingdom Australia many different factors play into this such as different definitions of domestic violence non-random self-selected opportunistic sampling methods this causes the results to be unreliable that's making it difficult to make general assumptions about the risks of domestic what about the rates of lesbian domestic violence too large of a scale to accurately determine the pervasiveness of lesbian abuse in the community I didn't know this had to be explained to anyone but generally when you like a source it's supposed to support the point that you're trying to make instead of just being kind of on the same topic and also happening to completely contradict your ridiculous bogus statistics okay and then he likes to some pornhub videos as well because that's relevant also perfect timing I just got a notification there you might have noticed if you are a queer girl a woman who loves women if you will in the province of Ontario there we now have a discord group chat for that and I will put the link in the description if you're not from Ontario preferably don't join but feel free to steal our idea and start your own posting rape threads to make us look bad you didn't make yourself look bad by posting about how rape is okay it's definitely been making me look bad yep have you ever considered adapting strong religious beliefs which essentially fully support in those cases the removal of both intense loved and I'll desire from your life Zen Buddhist here all right fill the void with Zen Buddhism as long as you're not murdering anyone it's one of the reasons I have not you probably met raped probably met right oh it's very good did meditation helped it should have short answer yes Buddhism is essentially the black fell out of all existence sin is the reason I'm not bitter or angry all the time I'm glad one person has a healthy coping mechanism this one is called don't you despise pregnant women I do I hate that they're treated as if they matter and that you were expected to get up and give them your seat so that they won't have to stand why show respect to a woman who's carrying another man's child maybe because being pregnant is physically difficult it's there's nothing wrong with having a little empathy and helping someone out also when they announce it and everyone congratulate them what the [ __ ] you're literally congratulating a woman but all pregnant women deserve to fall down a flight of stairs and lose their baby even then their pain wouldn't come close to our pain okay yeah getting injured and potentially losing your child is nowhere near as traumatic as having women not want to have sex with you I must admit it's very tempting to sucker punch them in the stomach how pathetic you have to be this [ __ ] that rejected me and you posted a picture of this girl selfie okay I remember when I saw her at my old job I tried to strike up numerous attempts and talking to her she was mean and cold and I was wondering what I did wrong her to act like that towards me then I realized it was because of my face hoes can sense when you want the [ __ ] they think it's an audacity that a low-volume and dared to approach them there's not enough information about this situation for me to like have an opinion if you like constantly asked her out and she said no and you kept trying then like that's creepy but if she was just rude to you for trying to like talk to her in a way that could be interpreted as just being friendly to her then like I mean maybe that's kind of weird there's no reason to just be a dick to someone you can't tell if she had like a legitimate reason you don't know if he said something creepy which maybe he did there's just a whole bunch of degrading comments about this girl as you would expect this one is called do you hate teenagers I just can't stand teenagers more than any population group it's like this people always remind me of my miserable and lonely youth years I just can't stand watching them have fun in the world being carefree and enjoying youth to the utmost I want to kill myself every time I see a happy group of teenagers walking down the street it's unbearable when I see something like this I want to boil myself alive and it's just a like it looks like a stock image of a bunch of high school kids just chilling they're just so miserable and selfish that they hate seeing other people happy teenagers pregnant women fear if your life is going great then you part you personally offend me if you have a happy life unfuckable women don't go on killing sprees it's true it's true what's the most low ambition act you've ever committed all I can think of is the time I turned off the lights in a public bathroom when someone was in there taking [ __ ] twice and it felt so good to do it to someone else I feel like as innocent of an example as this is if it is an insight into the Insull mentality in some way it really is the Aged pill is killing me I'm 25 turning 26 in August I can't even begin to describe the feelings of panic depression loneliness and terror that I feel I am a virgin in cell menial job it feels like just yesterday I was 21 22 my 20s had just begun I know all of a sudden I'm an older guy to prime girls and can't blend in at a college campus Oh No mid twenties virgin creep can't get those prime girls on the college campus what a tragedy society is going downhill I hate watching movies that there are characters younger than me engaging in sex or romance yes love to engage in some sex some time I just don't I way these people talk is just kind of funny it's just kind of funny yeah he sold his Bitcoin in 2012 he regrets things whatever okay it's completely normal to have anxiety about getting old without having achieved anything I can empathize with this to some degree feels bad man have you considered seeing an escort yeah all your problems oh yeah all your problems okay all your problems will be felt these upstairs or the prostitute I mean I solve all your problems all your all your life inside e um I've come close to seeing one and I likely will at some point but I don't see them as much more than masturbation aids because I can't afford one that will give me a realistic girlfriend experience I assume that means as soon as I start to be like okay I can understand that anxiety a little bit it's just it just goes it just goes back down to hell Chad was not good enough Jessica Clemens is a model she made a name for herself by being pretty she used to date a male model Chad named Erik Conover if you watch their old YouTube videos he seems to be a really nice guy that's what a guy who was too nice perhaps still the ultimate Chad and literal male model problem he wasn't more successful than her so she had to get a more established male model moral of the story Chad is not enough even Angelina Jolie dumped Brad Pitt it has to go back to him because no one better what what okay I was getting a little bit of data although reading that and that's because I saw basically the same [ __ ] in my make tower video just completely ignoring the fact that these people are real people with deep issues that go beyond how hot and successful are they like do you not understand that there are complex human emotions involved in creating a relationship beyond like just just have you talked to a human have you left the house in the past while I'm you know I'm genuinely asking and also in a way doesn't this disprove their whole black pill mentality of like everything is pointless because if I'm not a Chad and I don't have money no girl will ever want me doesn't this prove that just having those things isn't enough you also have to have a decent personality and a decent healthy relationship for something to work out two weeks ago this was completely laughable and now like 20 minutes away from where I live 10 people get murdered because of this [ __ ] this is the world that we live in and I don't know what to do about it except drink my stupid aloe and hate everything is Utah AKA mormon bill in cell paradise is it without a doubt Salt Lake City is the least degenerate place in the u.s. strongly Mormon morals high restrictions on hard liquor is this the insel Promised Land seems like my best bet finding a loyal virgin bride or at least rotting in peace without constant degeneracy triggering me if that's what works for you then go for it live your life less miserably why height over facial features oh is this about how like I see I I love it I have no experience in being attracted to men so I'm just like I saw this post on tumblr one time but I saw this post on tumblr it was like he's he hot or is he just six five and I might I say that in my straight sister he was just like oh this guy's like six five therefore he's hot I'm like why but also I'm good I mean there's this one girl in my program at U of T that I stare it in class like I'm like but so okay I get it to some degree but I've also met people who must be as in straight guys do everything for short girls so that's something - I don't know everything's a big good people have different things I don't I guess I haven't met anyone who's into short men but I don't know maybe if you're like a 5-1 girl and you don't want someone towering over you I can totally see it if you'd prefer a guy who's like five six or five seven um yeah I mean that's that doesn't sound absurd to me I'm sure that's the thing it's not like a hundred percent of this is toxic screaming you know it is interesting to think about and the fact that this even exists is of course an interesting commentary on our society because our society produced this well no I say get a hobby and this happens it doesn't really impress females much I always try to bring out my chest hobby to females and it seems like it turns them off I swear anything smart you say to females is an attraction killer I guess they like reach hearts when normies say get a hobby they mean like have interest in something other than getting in girl's pants and if you take up a hobby for the purpose of impressing women to get in their pants that kind of defeats the entire purpose you know like get find something in life that fulfills you besides creeping on women my camera shut off when someone was trying to call me so it probably got cut off but there was an earlier post for the women like unfuckable women don't commit mass murder or something it said like women get fulfillment from their friends and family and so they do they're not as bad as mail-in Sol's well what what the hell is stopping them from finding fulfillment and their family and friends world daily reminder every woman has a boyfriend unless she is taking time to find herself that's just blatantly untrue I know lots of single girls as well as lots of gay ones such as myself all homeless women in first world countries are voluntary homeless they could literally install tinder and find an invite number of [ __ ] in their local area who would gladly give her a place to stay you know just living with a creepy man who is so desperate he would let a homeless woman move into his house sounds like a great option in life I would probably probably not go for that one for every person who died at the hands of Alec and a/c and that's the toronto granite a guy and ER that's I think elliot rodger um there are 1,000 in cells who have killed themselves of all one because they chose to not because they got murdered in the streets and I don't want to sound I look I'm not trying to sound like an easy on it's your fault if you self harm and kill yourself but it's certainly very different from being murdered so Oh bla bla bla in cell life of suffering why I want to kill myself because nobody wants to have sex with me I don't doubt that it sucks I don't doubt that these people feel pain but I just I can't there is a limit to my empathy considering that they can do and hurting other people and that they think that other people should suffer random people who they've never met should suffer just because they have also suffered instead of wanting to make their own lives better they just want to make the world more terrible in general um which I think takes a really [ __ ] person so yeah that's that's what I got but that is that is truly what I got that's that's this video if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing since I do a lot of videos like this and I also do a lot of stupid videos if you feel like not hating the world you can also follow me on Instagram or tumblr if you would like to see some more of my face and you can support me on patreon which is greatly appreciated since I still do not making money from YouTube and if you are a queer girl from Ontario feel free to join the group chat and have a lovely day time with us thank you so much for watching this video I'm gonna go do something less bad it's been a time as always and I will see you again next Tuesday [Music]
Views: 2,014,976
Rating: 4.6183043 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE ÆONS, incels, inceltears, mgtow, r/incels, analysis, feminism, sjws, misogyny, toxic, cringe, subculture, deep dive
Id: jJvDMKsy8D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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