NDA Secrets People Can Finally Reveal

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like the video and subscribe right now and fire doggo will teach you how to breathe fire people who have signed an nda that's now expired what's the story used to be an au pair for a famous couple's children nda was there to protect the family i wasn't allowed to take pictures of the kids on any of my devices the photos i did take on the provided device were not allowed to include their faces and the rest were just general rules about not sharing their private information even to this day i won't sell that information even though the nda has expired probably some of the nicest people i have ever worked for i had an artist he told me he was known all over the world have me sign an nda when i was a young website designer he wanted a site to promote his new sculpture idea i recall it was a group of kids holding hands in a circle it looked okay but not unlike any sculpture you'd see outside a public library this guy was saying it would lead to world peace and such the requirements for the website were crazy detailed like 40 pages of instruction it had diagrams of how i should use a mouse to make blur effects and similar bullshittery i remember we were going over his vision after i signed the nda and vividly thinking oh this guy is just plain crazy after 10 minutes i said i had an emergency and had to go and just never talked with him again i guess you were not concerned with world peace and such i worked security for a gated neighborhood of extremely wealthy people like fortune 500 ceo senator or senators sometimes both etc we got to know which cars were authorized without being authorized because we weren't allowed to stop them question them or log them in in any way because they were coke dealers selling to the elite edit to clarify when i said state senator or senators i meant senators from the state to the federal senate not senators of the state to the state senate i have been a part of a focus group program for over 10 years now it's mostly opinion chat sessions but there were occasional times where i would test or try out some new product that i'd have to sign an nda for you remember when hp started that line of many laptops yup beta tested those some other things now on the market i've tested before release were gillette's fusion faster book dating xbox project xcloud and yes they pay wonderfully the nokia 7110 will have a scroll wheel there it is so glad i could finally talk about it also the release wasn't delayed because of problems with the operating system but rather because the entire development team caught a rather bad flu probably from me i'm so sorry i kinda want a smartphone with a scroll wheel on the side of it as security chief i found that my boss the region security manager was stealing at that time i thought to keep things in the family imagine the scandal that in the security branch of a nationwide mobile phone company one of the people in charge of security was caught doing what he was supposed to prevent naive me so i reported directly to the cso who after getting a confession ask the culprit to resign after that he placed his 24 yeonis or something family related in the region management then after two months fired me a year later i found out that the first boss was indeed the cso cousin who ordered his niece to fire me in retaliation wise aminos now to bring those things directly to ours i worked for a mall pretzel stand about 25 years ago and had to sign an nda about the secret pretzel ingredient it was baking soda pretzel bakers hate this one simple trick i did an advert for what was at the time htc's biggest swing into ultra high-end phone technology i was allowed to hold the phone during filming and a guard put it in a suitcase at all other times i was not to talk about the phone until it was on sale to the general public pretty lame now but i had tech friends who knew i did the ad grill me about stuff i wasn't even allowed to say what color it was i was a game tester at ea i could not talk about what i saw i was testing fifa so nothing new to see though rustic hairpin table legs and shelving brackets sold on etsy are bent with a modified pneumatic wood splitter i know everyone was dying to know that i ducking knew it they've been hiding it all this time worked for my college's testing center for a year nda expressways a year after you leave so mine went up in december 2019 even though i graduate this december disability services did not have control over testing services but they sent a lot of their students through us for their accommodations but then constantly cut our budget i'm talking we had over 800 plus disability accommodations for the university but operated out of a portable with only two private rooms and a computer room with six cubicles occasionally got to get a random classroom on the weekend to run ls 80. the amount of stories i have from my one year with them was wild students from the pharmacy program telling me i had no clue what i was doing when i would do the math in front of them to calculate their over five hours testing time teachers sending in tests to us for six classes that i'll use google forms and then sending us the wrong links or in some cases passwords which usually got mixed up with the ones for other classes having to pull apart the calculator of a known cheetah to make sure she didn't smuggle in any notes she did teachers sending paper copies of tests through campus mail which takes about a week to go through it would be easier for them to walk it up seriously 100 of all cheating took place with the students who received disability accommodations the highlight reel calc 2 student had been cheating all semester long without us knowing because we could not physically pat her down but going into the final hernautic had slipped out of the leg of her pants onto the floor just as we walked her into the private room the professor canned her semester grade immediately got yelled at by a pharmacy student because she couldn't have a timer in the room with her for her test there was an analog clock on the wall she was like 40 at the time and couldn't read an analog clock i told her that's rough buddy you got 3 hours 15 minutes he'd go on the timer and shut the door my boss had to fight to not howl on our side of the door he heard the whole interaction and i shut that down she was nice specifically to me after that had all the pharmacy students schedule a midterm for the exact same day in addition to that we had about four other students who receive accommodations schedule their tests not one person's professor allowed us to reschedule them we ended up having or last half on shift that day used three extra portables with the disability services director's approval which came like three minutes before the first four tests were supposed to start and had to reserve a study room in the library for another test had someone in my own calc 2 class who received disability accommodations try to schedule their final 10 minutes before the exam was supposed to start while i didn't handle it for the obvious reason of she was in my class apparently my professor responded to the ml with jano sent her to my actual classroom i only found out when she walked in and my professor proceeded to tell her that he had specifically told her she could shed you lena time before two days prior to the exam he failed her right then and there publicly had the disability services director try to coerce me into breaking my nda and tell her who in the last year we had caught cheating on exims because she doesn't tolerate that that was the day i turned in my resignation because she didn't leave and didn't let us leave until she knew who i filed with a whistleblower hotline and it went nowhere i signed her nda with the a games in order to pitch them a game idea that myself and two friends had developed they turned us down due to there being a similar title already being in production that was 10 years ago and there's still never been a game in even remotely the same vein as the one we pitched frustrating to say the least try again not with ea obviously we need some new games as someone who works in the entertainment industry and had to go out and pitch my shows this is the nice way of telling you they think it sucks i have also experienced just this type of thing i got into a super small alpha test of a game in 2014 it was a new survival game one of those where you build during the day and try to survive the night and let me tell you the game was so so meh i played in a small server for about four hours and was so bored i just stopped playing for the rest of my access time there were all kinds of issues not with the tech but just glaring flaws in how the game worked some resources were way too abundant some were really rare there was practically no music and the guns were dull we also completely broke the enemy ai by building a jump pad to get up to a floating platform that required using your air control so the zombies couldn't get up to us the game was fortnite the feedback on that alpha we played was so bad they basically took the whole game back into development until the version you know came out what we were playing was a pretty early version of save the world except it was more like a typical survival game no british rail back then as you might expect edit the more i think about it the more i'm convinced this was in 2013 not 2014 i was still living in a dormant college so it couldn't have been any later than may 14th i was previously not allowed to tell you that the company i used to work for did white label work for bt and that if you ever have a bt open reach engineer come out to your property they very rarely actually work for bt themselves basically if they have a bt van and are in fact one job contractors with next to no knowledge of what they're actually repairing i was also not allowed to tell you that while it's standard practice to have sales people not take their contacts with them when they move companies and that my business would enforce that by suing leavers who did they also would not employ sales people who said they were not allowed or not willing to poach their previous clients and contacts from their previous company edit two op and reach engineers have claimed this is not the case while the numbers may be inaccurate employees vs contractors and purely down to my perspective their illusion that contractors are only used for install tasks and never repairs is false i worked for a market research company for something like four to five years it is without a doubt one of the most useless industries out there in most cases all the clients really want is for you to reinforce whatever opinions they already have trust me when i say the clients are sitting behind the glass laughing at you the entire time really vile stuff advertising people ducking suck most of the time also has anyone ever had a recruiter for a focus group hint nudge or straight up tell you to lie when going over the questionnaire some of the quotas they have to fill are insane just say you like died coke play the tuba hate all sports accept badminton and driver to door sedan i'm of course being sarcastic but it can be that difficult sometimes to find people to fill a study and fudging happens all the time if half the people in a focus group are misrepresenting themselves in a study then what is the point some people are smart and can pick up when going over the questionnaire what the focus group is looking for and will like to get in then they get there a week later totally forget what they originally lied about and completely duck up the study thereby causing a world of crap to fall upon the recruiter's head that's why recruiters will call you to confirm you are coming to the study yes it's to make sure you are coming but a lot of the time it's to remind you what you said originally they know you lied believe me it's such a stupid industry i recruited for a lot of medical studies and holy don't get me started on doctors i'm not even exaggerating when i say a good 50 of the doctors who we recruited were lying through their teeth they can be paid well for an hour or two of their time and some are more than happy to like to get in i heard just tell me what i need to say so many times the thing is if the study is being done to improve or develop a drug to help people how can you sleep at night by lying about your expertise or experience with it it was very disillusioning i will say though that the other 50 percent of physicians had integrity and would never lie they had my respect in my experience friends and nurses were pretty much always on the level good people some of the focus groups i did really wore on me and still haunt me cigarette companies targeting teenagers you bet your ass i did more than a few of those the cigarette company was never to be mentioned of course to secret the gist of them was to find out what teams thought was hip and cool what kind of video games do you like kind of thing the military did those two so gross from a secondary source but trustworthy john travolta is gay his partner was sick in the hospital he came to visit him many times whole floor was emptied and everyone in the floor had to sign an nda but yeah those rumors are true weird how they started way back then i used to design and produce custom products clients would come to us with an idea and pay for prototypes and then production i've designed products you see every day and others you don't see but are part of your daily life also many classified military products and projects i was bound by an nda to my employer i'm named as inventor in many patents but due to the nature of my employment the company or companies i worked for own the patents i did some mighty stuff for a state government a couple actually but only one had me sign an nda nothing terribly interesting other than there is so little for tourists to do in the state that they photoshopped people kayaking in the super polluted river that no one would dream kayaking in even worse they listed attractions from the next state over as something tourists could do while visiting them you've been visited by a burb doggo comment get off the tree doggo or he will fall down thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 6,009
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, nda, not disclosure agreement, expired, people
Id: CElW7B3hWD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.