Dumbest DARES That Left Lasting Physical/Emotional Problems

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ass credit what's the dumbest there you ever went through with that left lasting physical mental or emotional problems in elementary school during a recess someone found a dead frog on one of the cement blocks by the gutter drains it was covered in and some sort of tacky dry from the heat of the Sun naturally a kid had anyone to eat the damn thing for a dollar I was stupid enough to take him up on that somehow against odds I didn't get sick but quite a few people called me Kermit for a while when I was 15 dared to jump off a moving car broke front two teeth in half had to get emergency dental care to this day I'm forbidden from biting an apple or any similar fruit hard edit cosmetically the teeth looks as good as real or and are reasonably strong with the crowns on them this is just a precaution suggested by the dentist when I was in school we went on a field trip to France for a week I was in my early teens at the time and fancied the hell out of a girl and I think she fancied me as well I let a friend in on that knowledge so we play truth or dare one night I my friend gets to dare the girl I like I think yes he will dare her to kiss me what does he do he tears her to stick a finger up my [ __ ] killed the romance right on the spot to say the least I was dead to chase after a bull in a lake decided I was Superman and could dive in hit my head on a rock damaged my spinal cord now I'm paralyzed from the chest down drink a case 20 bottles of desperados for ten bucks and get a free case of desperados for those who don't know it's beer flavored with tequila I will never forget that night I puked so ducking much and finally fell asleep and stinging nettles before that I pooped in my tent pissed my pants through my mp3 player in the river and tried to walk over a campfire to this day I feel sick whenever I smell tequila would not recommend edit yes I know it's not tequila in it yes I know it's 24 bottles a case yes I know it's 330 milliliters per bottle still roughly 8 liters of that dress that's like 16 beers some people I've told that story to try to play it down that's not much it's not even tequila in it etc but every time I told them come on I will buy a case and you will drink it just for fun they will back down I wonder why that is in high school one of my friends dared me to ask our metal professor whether he was on his period he offered me $20 and another friend threw in another $10 $30 is $30 so I creeped in quietly and asked him politely if the reason he was being a little irritable that morning and lashing out more than usual was because he was on his period he looked at me and I looked at him and he looked at me and I looked at him perfect unbroken eye contact neither of us moving a muscle not a word was spoken for about 20 seconds then he just said I guess you might think that's funny but there's a lot of people that really wouldn't at all I said okay walked out of the room grabbed my $30 and bolted have never been so embarrassed in my life as when I had to walk back into that room in a few minutes for the second half of class he was my teacher for the next whole year in a different course we never talked about it ever again make out with the ugly girl at a house party everyone was ducked up on ketamine so pretty Kay rocked as they used to say so I make my way over to this girl who had no idea she was part of a dare and swing her around romantic movie style over to me and started making out with her at some point soon thereafter I not seed a pretty large solid object in my mouth stop kissing remove my tongue from her mouth and notice my mouth is filled with blood I then spit out what looks like a tooth somehow the tooth came out during us making out no words were exchanged we both simply spit out the blood and I gave her tooth back then made a beeline exit to the next room with my group of friends in high school I was talking about how the nerves in my body are kind of messed up so I can take a lot of pain a guy in the class said it was [ __ ] and he dared me to let him hit me with a baseball in the nuts I said no to that but he could hit me anywhere else except the face so we go out in the hallway and he winds ups and throws a fastball found out later he was the school's star pitcher and hits me square in the jewels but like I said I have bad nerves so it hurt but not too bad so I didn't react and looked at him and said is that it he and his buddies looked at me shocked and I walked away and went to the bathroom in the building next door I pulled down my pants and saw the grapefruit-sized bruise forming and later on that day I peed a little blood but no lasting damage that wasn't already there edit whoever gave me gold thank you dared to hold the dog leash in my mouth and let the dog drag me through the wet grass there was too much slack in the line and when the dog took off it at my front two teeth out I was coming out of a bar and was very intoxicated I dared the valet guy to race me I was pretty confident I was like the fastest person alive and I had watched him run around all night fetching cars sidenote I was in flip-flops and this race was over a bunch of gravel well ready start go I take off he just stands there laughing I eat it hard after a few strides fall on the gravel sliced my toe completely open and have road rash on my hands and face he stopped laughing when I stood up bawling my eyes out I was dead to jump off the roof of a two-story pavilion holding an umbrella the thought process was that it would serve as a cartoon style parachute well I jumped the umbrella immediately inverted and flew out of my hand I landed on my feet but they immediately slipped out from under me and I landed hard on my tailbone the umbrella came down and bashed me on my head I bruised my tailbone in my head that night luckily the pain only lasted a few weeks I was completely sober for this I had to make out with my best friend's mom and that still makes me shudder you have to give more details than that nothing extravagant you know the cult for Rocky Horror Picture Show where you go to the theater and chat along with the songs and throw things and run around making etcetera well I went to one for the first time with my friends who were frequent goes and when it's your first time your classified is a virgin and have to go to the stage and do something to lose your virginity my friend's mom went with us and it was her first time too so she decided to participate in the festivities well the emcee chose us to be partners and we had to share a twizzler the same way the Pocky challenge worked I don't like thinking about the rest but we met halfway and made out and my friends congratulated me and now I can't look at my friend's mom the same way again it's been two years I had to walk into a company board meeting in full costume with a can of Chef Boyardee in one hand and a cap gun in the other the CEO almost stroked out the only time I've ever been fired Edit cowboy with an old Japanese man mask dared to let my grade 7 crush kick me in the nuts at a party I thought she'd think I was cool I thought wrong I was drunk and was given the option between a safety pin ear piercing or a bottle cap branding I thought piercings looked up so I opted for the much more permanent branding now I have to explain to my son why daddy has a huge ugly circular scar on his chest I don't know why the third option of neither never crossed my mind I was dead to do a ski trick / maneuver which I wasn't well versed in or trained to do I hit the jump and just trashed my body including both thumbs fractured and not being able to walk without pain for about a month afterwards this was in January and I still have pain in my left pinkie from it when I was around 8 me and my brother were in our room sitting on our beds I was standing on my bed falling down back onto my bed similar to the trust fall and bouncing back up my brother dared me to keep doing it so being the dumbest that I was I did it got to the point where he got bored and wanted to play catch he told me stop and I said let me do it one more time this is where I ducked out I fell down but instead of my head landing on the soft bed it landed on to the hard windowsill there was blood everywhere I tried to hide it from my mom because I knew she'd get mad but she saw me grab a tissue and immediately started yelling when I say there was blood I mean there was a lot of blood she thought I might die and was thinking she could drive me to the hospital faster than waiting for an ambulance by the time we get to the hospital the bleeding wasn't so bad but it was awkward being in a waiting room with a bunch of people while my head was bleeding we finally get into a room and a doctor comes in glues my head shut and all is well I still have a gnarly bald spot from it sucked on a 40 plus year olds nipple in front of her husband and three kids and the several other people playing truth or dare she was not attractive at all now that I think about it I think they were trying to start an orgy every time I was there back in high school the cafeteria had a slushie machine it had the normal spread of flavors and also a shocker flavor that was basically pure sour you were responsible for mix in your own slushie and if you wanted you could just fill your cup with nothing but flavoring and pay normal price one friend did that with roughly half cherry and half shocker and kept it for later so one night I'm hanging out at Sid friend's house and he dares me to drink the pure cherry / sour mixture including sweetening the deal with $20 I was poor throughout high school so naturally I agreed what followed was several hours rolling around my friend's couch in agony as the acid mixture slowly worked its way through my digestive system at 14 I walked into a police station and turned myself in for breaking the law of gravity police don't have a very good sense of humor I spent four hours in the lockup with real criminals I remember a big burly biker in there too and people started to tell why they were there those other guys were there for things like assault fighting drunken behavior I thought they'd find my story sunny but the biker told me I had better grow up or I was going to have a long miserable life full of bad decisions I took it to heart and grew up a little mine isn't that bad but in secondary school high school for Americans I got dead to get an inhaler and press it 50 times on my hand it froze a rectangle shape on my hand and for hours it was legit frozen I still have a scar on my hand from it it was me who dared my friend in high school to wear matching dresses during a play we played female twins who had to speak at the same time but he's a guy so it was going to be super funny he agreed the drama teacher agreed and during the rehearsal everything was going fine there was a scene where I had to jump into his arms and we would run backstage the day we presented in front of the whole class I jumped he started walking and caught his feet in his dress dropped me I flew into the wall got a pretty bad concussion spent six hours in intensive care at the hospital still don't remember the rest of that day my dad told me I was really confused for a week for about a year I had short-term memory issues I was 16 went to a new school in a different state and was dead to go into some underground catacombs trying to fit in and show off I was told that I could use robe I was deep underground when they cut the rope and left me luckily for me after three days of being trapped down there some local thrill-seekers heard me screaming and crying and helped me out because of this I suffer severe trust issues anxiety depression PTSD and other emotional trauma physically I broke my arm when I fell down a small chasm dehydration and other lacerations hey man that sounds like attempted murder while camping with Boy Scouts we were all lounging around waiting for our food to cook one of us noticed that the handle on the pot jet turned blue with the heat so he called to his friend hey John how about picking up that there blue handle forgive the accent sure enough he did I'm a guy and got given the dare to go up to a random guy on a night out put my arms around him and say I really want to kiss you so I pick a guy who looks smaller than me and say my line he looks petrified and then I slipped and head-butted him in the face I still cringe in fourth grade I was dead to tell the nerdy unattractive girl in my class that I was in love with her in front everyone people made fun of me for a whole year rumors spread in the girls parents ended up having a serious talk with my parents in fear that I might do something inappropriate to their beloved daughter as if someone dared me to tell the truth and I'm still in utter shock from it I was dead to prank call a guy one of my girlfriend's had rejected on a date I put on an accent and he thought I was a girl he really liked but then after five minutes his self-esteem kicked in and started saying how of course he gets pranked because no one would ever love him I hung up and my friends thought it was hilarious I called him back to tell him it was a dare and I'm sorry I wasn't the girl he thought I was no longer speak to these friends as I didn't find humiliating someone funny my best friend dared me to drink a small container of Dasani drops without other liquid I knew it would be sour but wanted to impress I had previously done the cinnamon challenge and felt I was up for it I wasn't I can't think about pink lemonade without crying ha ha ha a few months ago I was dead to chuck two-thirds of a bottle of Captain Morgan pineapple rum the [ __ ] was really syrupy and thick tasted like cheap pineapple candy I did it it took me about 30 seconds I spent the last two hours of that party puking my guts out and by that I mean the fish Takas and Mazzarella sticks I had for dinner the smell of flavored alcohol still makes me queasy and that was four months ago but hey I can still drink rum so I've got that going for me which is nice you have been visited by the great herb of capitalism many seed will come your way but only if you comment good job mister
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, reddit and chill, toadfilms, truth or dare, dare, dumb
Id: nPxuphLEDOU
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Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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