Woman Had Relations With Man AND His Wife Separately (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Parker v. Morton.</i> Thank you Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Parker, in your suit, you claim Mr. Morton fathered your 7-month-old son, Erin, while in a relationship with his current girlfriend. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You say the only reason he denies paternity is because his girlfriend turned him against you, because she's been unable to conceive a child with him. Yes, Your Honor. In addition to the paternity test, you're suing for $2,047 in back child expenses. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Morton, you say, the timing of Ms. Parker's pregnancy doesn't add up, and when today's DNA results come in, you will win the case because you're not the father. Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Parker, how did you end up having sex with Mr. Morton, if he has a girlfriend? First of all, Your Honor, that's my baby's father. Anytime I wanna have sex with him, I'm gonna have sex with him. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) You understand? I was vulnerable, he called me, so, you know, we did what we did. So, hold on. You have a child with Mr. Morton? Yes, I have a 5-year-old son. And he's not the child in question? No, Erin is. But you also still continued a sexual relationship... Yes, with the both of them. Both of them? You were having sex with... I have sex with both of them. JUDGE LAKE: With Mr. Morton... EBONY: And Mrs. Lemon. And his girlfriend? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Yes, Your Honor. Yes. Oh! So, a threesome at the same time, or you have two separate relationships? Oh, threesome at the same time, separate relationship... If I don't wanna have sex with her, and I wanna have sex with him, that's what happens. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Oh, okay. It just got interesting. Um... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) SHONNEISE: Well, the only reason, Your Honor, the only reason why she was able to have sex with us is because I asked my boyfriend to have sex with her because she was lonely. My desires, me and my little freakiness... I said, my boyfriend, "Can you have sex with your pregnant baby mother because she's in need?" Pause, Your Honor. SHONNEISE: How would she know? Pause, Your Honor. You Honor, that is not true. Before I even left to go anywhere, before I was gone for a while, we was having sex before then. She wanted to have sex with me. Your Honor. She didn't ask her boyfriend nothing. Her boyfriend 'bout it all, anyway, he had two girlfriends from the beginning. So, that's, um, consensual? Consensual or not, if I wanna have sex with my baby's father, Your Honor, it goes down. Try it now. It goes down. Try it now. It goes down. I don't wanna try it now. I'm good, I'm good. When was the last time you did it? When we did it, right? No. So, ultimately, Ms. Parker, Ms. Lemon, Mr. Morton, you all agree that you were all in a sexual relationship? Yes, ma'am. EBONY: Yes, Your Honor. And so, you also are in an agreement that there's a possibility that this could be your child? It cannot be my child because the timing is not right at all. I'm not trippin' off of that. I know that that's my son's father. I know. He looks exactly like my other son. JUDGE LAKE: <i> And so, you're doubtful, Mr. Morton,</i> <i> because you say there's a timing issue.</i> ERIC: <i> Yes. She supposedly</i> got pregnant in May. So, I wanna understand your doubt. But, from my understanding, that would be only seven months if she had my son. I never said I got pregnant in May, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, hold on. Let me get my calendar so I can just understand what's going on exactly. When were you intimate with Ms. Parker? During the window... ERIC: The week of Mother's Day. May 11th, I believe? JUDGE LAKE: <i> You're intimate that day?</i> EBONY: <i> The only intimacy we had on Mother's Day was oral sex, Your Honor.</i> How you gonna get pregnant off oral sex, Your Honor? SHONNEISE: Judge, Judge... When was Erin born? December 5th. JUDGE LAKE: So, December 5th... ERIC: <i> It only adds up to about seven months.</i> <i> Her boyfriend's been locked up since February, and that's the guy</i> that she said could've been the father. JUDGE LAKE: The baby... ...was born December 5th? So, your doubt is that it's only seven months from when baby Erin was born to when you were having sex with her, and that doesn't add up to you? Yes, ma'am. And, Ms. Parker, when was the last time you were intimate with someone else before that May 11th period when you were intimate with... The only person, Your Honor, I lie to you not, the only person that I had unprotected sex with was my baby's father. Was Mr. Morton. SHONNEISE: Your Honor, that's a lie. EBONY: Your Honor... SHONNEISE: That's a lie. EBONY: She's clocking my... SHONNEISE: Yeah, I'm clocking it. You can't clock it, baby. SHONNEISE: Just like you clock mine. You can't. You can't clock it. SHONNEISE: We downtown. The guy walks up to her. They talking and everything, and he swears up and down Erin is his. She had to keep reminding him that, "It's not yours, boy, it's not yours. "I had sex with you after he was already in my stomach." Exactly! I said... What did I just say? But you told us you had sex with nobody after you got pregnant. I said I didn't have unprotected sex. That's a lie... She all over the place, that's what it is. EBONY: Your Honor, that's a lie. Okay, let's get some... Let's get some control, let's... I wanna understand this story. Your testimony, Ms. Parker, is that you weren't intimate with anyone else during that time? I did not have unprotected... JUDGE LAKE: Unprotected? That's what I said. She don't use condoms, Your Honor. Were you having sex with anyone... EBONY: Are you serious? You Honor, I... Listen. I do what I do. I'm not... I love me. You understand me? I don't have unprotected sex with nobody but the ones that I trust. I trust this man, so, yeah, every time I have sex with him, it's unprotected. You think of me so bad, so you trust me too, right? Every time. You think of me so bad, you yelling at me, but you had sex with me, too, so you like me, right? Yeah! Yeah! You like me, right? I like the way you, um, do your thing. That's what I like. Okay, yeah. I know. I like the way you do your thing, baby. That's fine. EBONY: That's all. SHONNEISE: I know. I know. You trippin'. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, listen, listen. Ms. Parker, you stated that you weren't having unprotected sex with anyone else. Yes. You're saying you're only... You only have unprotected sex with Mr. Morton... EBONY: Yes, Your Honor, yes. Let me explain my side of the story 'cause I'm trying to, you know... JUDGE LAKE: Yeah. (STAMMERING) Before my boyfriend went away, I was pregnant by him. That's where they're getting confused. I had a whole miscarriage, Your Honor. A whole miscarriage by this man. She had plenty of those now, all of a sudden. So, what you're saying is you were pregnant, but you... EBONY: Before. Like, this was before, though. This is before I got pregnant again. SHONNEISE: He was only locked up... ...a month or something. He wasn't even away when I was pregnant, he was with me when I was pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: You were, in fact, pregnant by your boyfriend. EBONY: Yes, I was. But you miscarried. But I miscarried. Listen, Ms. Parker, I'm trying to explain what my understanding is, so you can correct me. Okay. "I was pregnant by my boyfriend, yes, "but I had a miscarriage." EBONY: Exactly. "Subsequently I got back in a sexual relationship with Mr. Morton, "had unprotected sex, and I was pregnant again." EBONY: Yes, Your Honor. That's what I wanted to understand. Yes, Your Honor. Now, let's move forward. At the point you realize you're pregnant, did you tell Mr. Morton? I told... Yes. That's what I'm trying to get to. I told him I was pregnant, and I did, I'm not gonna lie, I told him, "This is not your baby," being as though I have a sonogram telling me I'm 13 weeks. So, when I go to my first prenatal appointment, and they give me a fetal assessment and they say, "No, miss, you're eight weeks pregnant. "Your baby is due December the 24th." So, you went to your appointment, and then your due date got adjusted? Yes! JUDGE LAKE: So, initially, when you got pregnant, they gave you a certain due date? EBONY: Yes, ma'am. And you said, based upon that due date, "This is not your child... EBONY: That he was not... <i> "Because I was not sleeping with you then."</i> EBONY: <i> My point exactly.</i> Then you go, because that's what happens, you do, you go to subsequent appointments as you get further along in your pregnancy. They then gave you another test... EBONY: Yes, they gave me the sonogram. ...and determined, "Oh, no, "the first due date we calculated was wrong." Exactly. You're, in fact, how many weeks? Eight weeks pregnant. You're eight weeks. I was eight weeks pregnant when I got that sonogram, and I gave... I went home, and I gave him the sonogram to let him know we got a baby on the way. What was your response, Mr. Morton, when she told you, "We have a baby on the way, "they miscalculated my due date, "and now, I really believe it's your child." What was your response? I had my doubts because of what she had told me at first. JUDGE LAKE: You still had doubts. Did you participate... <i> You have a child with her already.</i> ERIC: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Did you participate in the birth?</i> Were you there through the pregnancy? I didn't go to none of the appointments. I ain't show up to none of the doctor's appointments, but I was there when she had him. I have a picture. I have a picture of him holding my son when he first came out of the womb. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, may I see that, please. So, Mr. Morton, you say that you didn't go to the appointments? ERIC: No, ma'am. But this is a picture of you <i> holding baby Erin when he was first born.</i> ERIC: <i> Yes.</i> <i> So, you went to the hospital when he was first born?</i> Yes, I was there. To see him? Did you sign the birth certificate? I seen him when he came out. Did you sign the birth certificate? No, ma'am, I didn't sign the birth certificate because of my doubts. What is that evidence you're holding for me? The birth certificate I didn't sign. JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see that. So, you decided not to sign the birth certificate because you felt like, "I just have too many doubts. I don't wanna do that." <i> Have you been involved with baby Erin since?</i> ERIC: <i> Yes.</i> You have? So, you still have doubts? I still have doubts. He got doubts, Your Honor, but he on Facebook, "My son..." Hand that to me. What is that, Ms. Parker? This is a page from Facebook, from off of his page. EBONY: "My son hands always in the air." But you got so many doubts. That's what you do. JUDGE LAKE: This is a picture of baby Erin <i> from your Facebook page, Mr. Morton? It says,</i> <i> "My son hands always in the air."</i> Mmm-hmm. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: (STAMMERING) You wrote that? Yes. So, if you had doubts, why would you post that? I know this man, you feel me? I know he love people's kids. I know he loves children. I gave this man his first child. I know this. You understand what I'm saying? And she feels like she holds authority, she don't. She don't. It don't matter. Like I said... Like I said. I know... Like I said, this is not the first situation. And, so, listen. This feeling, that you... (READING) "He steps up to the plate and takes care of other people's children, "but does not properly take care of baby Erin," is the basis of your suit? Right. JUDGE LAKE: You're suing for $2,047 in child care expenses. Things you've spent on baby Erin. EBONY: That's right. Since he's been born. That's right. JUDGE LAKE: And you say Mr. Morton's done nothing. Besides $30 and some hand-me-downs. ERIC: I've done a lot of things... A lot of hand-me-downs. Contributing to the childcare expenses, that she has incurred, have you contributed anything besides this $30? She probably has no record 'cause I never did anything to her but gave her that $30. That's what I wanted to know. All right, so just the $30. Do you have any receipts from what you've spent, what you've done? Thank you. Explain to the court, ma'am, the items. Things that you've purchased thus far. I see you have... Diapers. EBONY: Diapers. Um, baby wipes, um, bottles, clothes... JUDGE LAKE: Formula, toiletries... Yes, all that. I've been working almost a whole year... Is the total of this $2,047? Yes, ma'am, minus the $30... Okay, $2,047. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Morton, you acknowledge that all you've done is the $30? That I put in her hands, for her. JUDGE LAKE: Right. For these $2,047 worth of expenses, It wasn't the only thing... you've paid 30 of it. ERIC: Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna rule on this after we get the DNA results, because, of course, that will determine whether or not you have a responsibility to care for this child. Ms. Parker, I'd like to hear from your witness before we... EBONY: Yes, ma'am. ...get to the results. Ma'am, please stand. Thank you so much for joining us. What's your name, ma'am? State it for the record. Marie Dunlap. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Dunlap, you are? I'm Mr. Morton's mother. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, you are? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: You're Mr. Morton's mother? MARIE: Yes. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) What do you have to add, ma'am? Well, for the most part, as far as support system, when she first had baby Erin, she did not have anything, 'cause we were supposed to try to get together a baby shower. So, she did have him early. So, as far as support system, it was me and my daughter, which is Eric's sister. SHONNEISE: And her mother. Mr. Morton's sister. And her mother. And... Excuse me, I'm talking. SHONNEISE: It don't matter. It does. SHONNEISE: It don't. So, therefore... Did you just let her disrespect your mother? EBONY: Yeah, real bad! I'm sorry, I had to catch that. EBONY: Come again? Okay. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mmm-hmm. Honestly, I don't even know why she's over there. She don't do nothing for her grandson. (JUDGE LAKE STAMMERING) She don't get him anything. JUDGE LAKE: It doesn't matter. That's still your mother. MARIE: I do get my grandson... I do get him... All right, so, ma'am, the bottom line is you know what about this situation? Well, as far as them two, to be honest, I really think that they never stop dealing with each other from time to time. Even when she had the boyfriend, I still believe they were dippin' and dabbin'. Because him and the boyfriend had got into it over I don't know what the altercation was about. But I heard about they had got into it. And at several times, they are together... So, it is your belief that baby Erin is your grandchild? MARIE: Yes. That's us all the way. Have you witnessed your son connect with this child? MARIE: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And you've connected with the child.</i> Yes. ERIC: When? Your family accepts the child without doubt? We do accept him, without a doubt. JUDGE LAKE: Without doubt? Without a doubt. MARIE: I don't share his doubts because that's ours. That's a Morton. She wouldn't know my doubts, Your Honor. My mother don't know anything about the situation. Every time I try to put her into the situation, she don't wanna bother. Thank you so much for your testimony, you may be seated. Where are we going from here with this? EBONY: Let me tell you where I'm going from this. When you read them DNA tests and they tell you that that's that man's son, I'm going to child support. That's where I'm going with this. I'm going straight downtown. You got me twisted. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Come on, now. And, so... I have to ask this. Are you all gonna continue to have this unprotected sex... EBONY: No sex. No sex, Your Honor. He's good. He's good with his wife. (SCOFFS) How long that's gonna last? Feel me? What's the point of knocking what we have? Feel me? He's good. I mean, Ebony... Your Honor. I'm knocking it because... This is the reason my son is being denied. I never... First of all, (STAMMERING) I... This is out of character for me. I have never, ever in a million years, came at this woman like this. It's one thing when you sitting there stating facts, but it's another thing when you try and degrade me. The reason that I feel the way I feel about her, is because we formed a relationship. Her whole pregnancy with Erin, when she moved to the house, I was right there with her. Every pain, every time her foot got swollen, I wanted to rub it, I took care of her to support her and show her that she wasn't alone. I don't care what my boyfriend did. If he didn't want to be a part of Erin's life, if he denied him, if he felt any way, I ignored that, and I still played a role. I'm a very loving person, I'm a very honest person. "Please bring her over... I've never done anything to her. "I wanna have sex with your baby mama." I have never told him to deny him. She's trying to make me low, and that's not the case. Listen, listen... I would never do nothing like that to her. And listen. I think before I go to the results I just need to ask the question, are you two finished? 'Cause it's become obvious that we're talking about the relationship between you and Mr. Morton, and yet there is still a relationship between you and Ms. Lemon that has a lot of unfinished workings. It's a lot going on here. Let's get to the results. EBONY: Please, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Parker v. Morton,</i> when it comes to 7-month-old Erin Morton, it has been determined by this court... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Morton, you... Are Erin's father. Thank you! I told you! Like, I know. Come on. Thank you. I need that paper so I can go down to child support tomorrow morning when I get up. Ms. Parker, you came to court with a suit in the amount of $2,047, Mr. Morton is, in fact, baby Erin's biological father, which means you are legally obligated to care for that child, and Ms. Parker is entitled to half of the child care expenses she has incurred thus far. You admit you contributed $30, is that correct? Yes, ma'am. You came in suing for $2,047. Half of that is $1,023.50, less the $30 you contributed. So, therefore, my ruling is for the plaintiff in the amount of $993.50. Is that clear? EBONY: Yes, Your Honor. Yes, ma'am. I feel like you two agreed to bring Ms. Parker into your relationship, and now, it seems like Ms. Lemon and Ms. Parker got more unfinished business than Mr. Morton and Ms. Parker, and they got two babies together. A relationship with two people is difficult enough to manage. Bring a third in? Now, you really got a mess that's magnified. So, now, you all had the fun, so now you gotta do the work. I want you all to talk to one another and start figuring out how to work this out. I don't think it's healthy for anyone involved. I wish you all the very best of luck. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,870,494
Rating: 4.7170529 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: bRxWsnSyw6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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