Babies Having Babies (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Richardson v. Smith.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Richardson, you say you were in an exclusive relationship with Mr. Smith and even tried to have a baby together. <i> But, after you conceived your daughter, Kalani,</i> <i> Mr. Smith started denying your baby, is that correct?</i> Yes, Your Honor. You intend to prove he is the father today. Mr. Smith, while you admit to having a relationship with Ms. Richardson, you say you were not in town during the window of conception and claim to know who the father is, is that correct? BOBBY SMITH:<i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, Ms. Richardson,</i> you say Mr. Smith begged you to have a baby with him? Yes, Your Honor. Around the time we were together, for about 8 months. He had told me he was in a situation where he didn't know if he were going to live a long time so he had said he wanted a child with me. Me, being young and dumb, and I was actually in love with him, I agreed on it. Around October 31st, we were together, I had left Job Corps, which he was still in. I left on the 28th. On the 31st, I had sent for him to come in town for the weekend, so, you know, we can go home on weekends. That day we did have sex and that's whenever my daughter was conceived. <i> I called him immediately and let him know that I was pregnant.</i> From then on, we started going to appointments together... JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute. You say he begged you to have the baby? RICHARDSON: Yes, he wanted to leave a piece of himself behind, he said. JUDGE LAKE: And, Mr. Smith, you wanted to leave a piece of yourself behind, where did you think you were going? What was happening in your mind? I wasn't really thinking. When she was like, she had baby fever. RICHARDSON: No. No, no, no. I didn't have baby fever. And I was like, "Wow." I was only 19 years old. She was talking to me the whole time on the bus, saying she got baby fever. That was actually him. And I basically was like, "Well, "if we both agree we wanna have a baby, "we can have a baby, you know?" Like, we could start trying to have one. For what? I don't know. Just the thought of it, I guess, I don't know. RICHARDSON: He actually wanted to have a child. Once we didn't conceive in June and July, I told him that we weren't financially stable and I wanted to wait, until we're further in our relationship... How long were you all together at this point? We were together for eight months when we first started, but I've known him for a good bit of a year. Ms. Richardson, I can't let you go any further unless I just have a moment with you. RICHARDSON: Okay. Baby... You cannot have babies by everybody you feel like you fall in love with. We're about three minutes in, and I can see that you decided you had fallen in love with him, and from there on, everything you heard come out his mouth, everything you saw was through the lens of love that you had created. 'Cause he stood right here and the second thing out of his mouth was, "I really wasn't trying to be with her that long, "if we wanted to have a baby, if she wanted to do it, okay." Everything is so nonchalant. RICHARDSON: Which was a lie. Which is a lie. He definitely wanted to be with me. There's been times we've broken up and he has came back to me saying, he wanted to be with me. He stayed with me for a year... JUDGE LAKE: Did he marry you? RICHARDSON: No. Okay. So, let me explain what "being with you" means, and what "being with you" means. Now, this is just woman-to-woman. You got to be able to decide and be able to know the difference between being his comfort and his convenience, and being the commitment. What I'm hearing now is, yeah, he might come back and forth and back and forth. That's 'cause you let him. Yes, he wants to be with you, in the bed. (AUDIENCE CHUCKLES) You understand? That does not mean he's going to stick around for a relationship, <i> or for the child.</i> <i> Let's fast-forward</i> to the point where you tell him you're pregnant. What is his reaction? Now, you say he wanted this baby. What was his reaction? He was quiet on the phone, and he had asked to see the... The pregnancy test. And so, Mr. Smith, when you got this news... That she was pregnant, was it the news you wanted to hear? Were you excited about having a baby? Or, what were you feeling? I actually was excited. JUDGE LAKE: You were excited? Yes, ma'am. At what point do you feel doubtful, then? Um... Well, I was doubtful at the first. JUDGE LAKE: You were? Yes, ma'am, I was. Well, why? You all have been planning for this. I thought she probably found somebody else outside of Job Corps. Or, you know, probably got old flings. I called him every day. He called me every day. I worked from 2:00 in the p.m. to 11:00 at night. There was no time I could cheat at all. I called him each time. Mr. Smith disagrees, he's shaking his head when you testify. We were with each other almost every weekend. Every time I went home, he went home. What part of that story do you disagree with, Mr. Smith? BOBBY: The date. I don't remember coming home that day. Whenever he'd be mad at me, he'd be like, "That's not my baby." So by that time, I was like, "You know, I just don't want nothing to do with you." "It's not your child. It's mine." That's a lie. RICHARDSON: It is... All right, so, I want to hear from your witness, Mr. Smith, because I wanna understand... Where this doubt stems from, and I wanna see if they can provide the court with some answers. Please stand, ma'am. Step up to the podium. State your name for the court. Brianna Smith. Ms. Smith, you are Mr. Smith's... Twin sister. JUDGE LAKE: Twin sister. Yes, ma'am. Tell me what you know. She, you know, when we were cool with each other, um... You know, she would confide in me about my brother. And I do know that they were planning to have a baby or whatever and when she did tell him about it, he was excited about it to a certain extent. Um, at first he... So, he was excited. Yes. And you remember this. Yeah, I remember. Okay, go ahead. At first he didn't... He didn't tell me that he had any doubt about anything. It just, you know, progressed, I guess, with him even more when the pregnancy got further along and she, you know, her attitude is very, very vicious. She would say stuff that would, you know, make him even, make him feel even more like Kalani is not his daughter. I would hear voice mails, I would see messages. And what do these voice mails say, what do these messages say? She was upset at him. She just was saying how Kalani was sitting. She was with another dude and she was smiling and she was happy about the person. <i> Basically...</i> BOBBY:<i> Sitting in his lap.</i> <i> Yeah.</i> BOBBY:<i> He looks just like her.</i> BRIANA:<i> They do not look nothing alike except the skin color.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> I actually...</i> <i> Looks just like him.</i> When I see them, when I see the video... I have evidence I would like to show. I would like to see that. Okay. What is this evidence? What is it? It's a picture of Kalani and it's a picture of me when I was four months old. Um... BRIANNA:<i> With Bobby, me and him being twins</i> <i> I feel like she should look like me to a certain extent.</i> <i> And you know, she has her big eyes,</i> I'll give her that. JUDGE LAKE: Just like her mother. But as far as the lips and the things of that nature, I just don't see it. And honestly, I'm gonna be truthful here, at first, I did think that Kalani was Bobby's but after seeing all of these messages and seeing how she acts and all the things that she said, it is hard to believe. And then with the video, I have never seen the dude in person. <i> This is the same dude</i> <i> that she posted on her Facebook</i> <i> as her man crush Monday.</i> I would never allow no dude to do that, period. You doing stuff out of spite to make him upset. JUDGE LAKE:<i> This is a still of the video you submitted.</i> BOBBY:<i> Yes, ma'am.</i> BRIANNA:<i> Yes.</i> BRIANA:<i> That is her godfather.</i> And if he choose to kiss her on the forehead. That's not the lips, on the forehead. If you can... If you can see the video now. If you can see the video, honestly, your opinion of a godfather, that's not it. You know, I mean, I have never someone... JUDGE LAKE: Well, look, look, look, I get it and Ms. Richardson this is what's difficult because as a woman, I do want you to understand and I have to say this a lot in this courtroom because it is true and it never changes and it will never change. Once you ring that bell, and say this isn't your baby you ain't never getting that bell back. That bell has rung. Rung... (STAMMERS) It is vibrating. You hearing the echo of it. It will not stop. JUDGE LAKE:<i> So this gentleman,</i> <i> I wanna stop right here,</i> <i> because I want to hear from him cause he's in court today.</i> Jerome, will you please escort Mr. Brock into the courtroom? You can step this way. JEROME: Sir, come with me. You'll be right up next before the judge on the witness stand. Mr. Brock... Yes, ma'am. Thank you for joining us today. Yes, Your Honor. I'd like to know what is your relationship exactly with Ms. Richardson? I'm gonna keep it real with you, I would die for Briana. I would take my last breath for that little girl up on the screen right there. And that's my goddaughter. And it is because I have built that relationship with them that quick. We've told each other things that I have told nobody else. We've been through things that have told nobody else. We've been through some bad times even in just, eight, like people are focusing on eight months that we've known each other. Oh, God, this is so exhausting. You all are all just kids! And everything is so intense. It's like, I'm thinking about a baby... You know, have you ever seen a baby, the first time they taste the food and it's just so... And you can just get inside of 'em and see how good the flavor is to 'em, cause it's new and it's like everything you all feel is so intense in 30 years from now you all going to be talking about, "You remember, Briana, where is she?" I mean... And it troubles me because what I see is a pattern. With each of you, where you are establishing these intense emotions feelings and connections and yet you don't have the maturity to recognize the complicated familial connections that are now formed, un-formed and affected because of the way you all are conducting yourselves in these relationships. Do you follow me? Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. And the last I heard the parents choose the godparents together and that's another fact we don't have on track 'cause you all ain't on track, 'cause you're kids. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: So messy. You not ready for all of this. You not ready for it emotionally, you not ready for it at all. This is hard enough on adults. Okay, I want to hear from your next witness. Ma'am, will you please stand? I'd like to hear from you. My name is Darlene Bagley. And I'm the twins' mother. Oh, thank you for joining us, Ms. Bagley so... I've been trying to talk to these young people, Ms. Bagley. Yes... They've gotten themselves in... A situation. BAGLEY: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: What do you know about this? Do you believe Kalani is your granddaughter? BAGLEY: Yes, I do. JUDGE LAKE: You do? They always did have problems. They always did, I just stayed neutral. You know, because I didn't want to get in between. You know, not seeing her because I'm on my son's side but once this video came out that's when everything in me changed. <i> He was holding the baby and kissing on her</i> <i> I'm like, I don't even know this guy.</i> Do my son know this guy? If you're her godfather, why we don't know you? Where did you come from? BRIANA: Every time he gets mad, he says, "Oh, that's not my daughter. Oh, that's not my daughter. "I'm not going to put my all into her, "'cause I don't know if that's my daughter." He has plenty of time to get a DNA test. He's on child support. He had a point, a time to get a DNA test but he didn't want to because at first he doesn't want Kalani to grow up that he got a DNA test on her. Then it's, "Oh, I don't want to spend my shopping money." Well, see that's another problem. That you too young to understand. Because if you have a doubt. You get the DNA test. It's not about when the child grows up. You don't want her to know that you got a DNA test on her that's the problem today, everybody tells all their business all the time. JUDGE LAKE: So, where do we go from here? You now believe, you have doubts, Ms. Bagley, even though you say you believe she is yours. Or do you hope she is your grandchild? I hope and pray, I really do. (SNIFFLES) I really do. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And why does it make you so emotional?</i> <i> You've grown attached to her?</i> (SOBBING) I lost a son. Five years ago and he didn't leave any kids behind. So I think, Bobby probably thought that he was going to die young and... Maybe that's why he had the baby... I don't know, but I'm hoping she is. <i> She's a beautiful baby.</i> <i> She's a good baby. And if she is... I'm looking forward</i> to spending time with her. JUDGE LAKE: Listen, you all have all been through a lot. And because of that you all are taking actions like I said that really don't... They don't support Kalani. And in this moment let us all just refocus as we go forward to these results. On who and what is most important and that's her. Jerome, I'm ready for the results. JEROME: Okay. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Richardson v. Smith</i> pertaining to whether Mr. Brock or Mr. Smith is the father of eight-month-old Kalani Smith. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Richardson v. Smith</i> pertaining to whether Mr. Brock or Mr. Smith is the father of eight-month-old Kalani Smith. JUDGE LAKE: It has been determined by this court. The biological father is... Mr. Smith. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Now, we have the results, we know the truth. Where do we go from here, family? People will know I'm her father now. So... You know. JUDGE LAKE: And listen, how will people know? Let's grow up in this moment right before we go. How will they know? We're not talking about no Facebook post. We're talking about some face to face child rearing, right? Oh, yes, ma'am, definitely. JUDGE LAKE: Right. Loving a child, is oftentimes about sacrificing yourself. Your own feelings. Right? And maybe you all need to take advantage of this counseling and these resources we have for you all and sit down and hammer this out. Because one thing I will say. You don't want to get into a position where your actions and the drama and everything you bring to pass push her father away. Right? 'Cause we've seen that. Don't we see that, Jerome? You all take advantage of this counseling, you need it. I wish you the very best of luck and I'mma check on this baby. Court is adjourned. NARRATOR:<i> Closed captioning provided by...</i>
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 3,021,078
Rating: 4.7934828 out of 5
Keywords: 23 and me,, baby, couples court, court show, divorce court, dna testing, full episode, judge faith, judge judy, judge rinder, lauren lake, maury, paternity court, rogers, you are not the father, you are the father
Id: s3M_knBwqOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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