Seeing Two Men At Once! Man Believes Woman Lied (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good Morning. This is the case of<i> Dansby v. Simpson.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Dansby, you're petitioning the court for a DNA test to prove the defendant, Ms. Simpson has been lying in her claim that you are the father of her 3-year-old son, Ta'norris. Now Ms. Simpson, you are counter suing Mr. Dansby for child rearing expenses in the sum of $3,361.56, which is half of the money you claim to have spent on Ta'norris. Yes, Your Honor. So Mr. Dansby, why is it, it's taking you three years to petition the court for a DNA test? Good Morning, Your Honor... Um... JUDGE LAKE: Good Morning. The reason why I took three years Ma'am, is because Ms. Simpson she, uh, she had been lying to me. She had been. It was somewhat shady. She had another dude who she was dealing with. I mean, it was one particular morning... Really, no... What it was that... I've been trying to get you to do a DNA test but you chose to run. You didn't want to go to the child support place to do the DNA test so... JUDGE LAKE: Is that true, Mr. Dansby? DANSBY: Ma'am, that's not true. Ms. Simpson, she had been lying, I had doubts about this kid, Ta'norris... If this so much is my son, she have not let me see... I have... I don't even know the kid. But how... How can I let you see him when I can't find you? You knew where I was... SIMPSON: I don't know where you at. You don't stay in one spot, so therefore how can I find you? You got in contacted me through Facebook with one of my family members. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Dansby, let me ask you this though. Ma'am. What efforts have you made to try to get the DNA test done? DANSBY: I, well, well, uh... Your Honor, it was times where I had reached out to Ms. Simpson. I had got in contact with Ms. Simpson through phone. If he was so much as my son, why, uh... Why haven't you brought the kid around me? The kid carry another man... SIMPSON: All right, why should I... So, look, I want to understand this relationship more and I can see right now... Nobody made enough of an effort to get a DNA test but that's why you're here today. DANSBY: Yes. Um, so take me back. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) DANSBY: All right. This relationship... How did it start? DANSBY: Ma'am, we met through a mutual friend. She moved me into her home where she was staying with her other two kids. Ms. Simpson had another man who she was dealing with. When you met her? Explain. Okay, what happened was, it was one particular school morning... I was getting her kids ready for school, okay. I got them on the school bus. Ms. Simpson was taking a shower that morning. I just so happened to catch the phone call, it was another dude. He was shocked to hear me... I don't recall any phone call... I don't recall it. DANSBY: Later on, I had... I had talked to Ms. Simpson about this strange phone call and she told me that was the dude paying her phone bill. No, no, no. DANSBY: So I'm lying on you? Yes, you are lying. DANSBY: I caught the phone call. DANSBY: You told me about the dude. Like I said, you're lying. You told me about the dude. JUDGE LAKE: Well... Well... Ms. Simpson, how do you know he's lying if you don't remember the conversation. That's how I know he's lying because I don't recall of it. If it was the truth, I would remember it. That man told me that you were his lady. Point blank. And I asked you about it. SIMPSON: How can I be his lady... You were staying with me. If that's the case why would I have you... Mr. Dansby, the man told you that she was his lady? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And then what did you say? No. I spoke with her about it. I thought he heard my voice... JUDGE LAKE: So you all just hung up. After that you hung up and that's when you had the conversation with her. DANSBY: Yes, yes, yes. All right. So from... At that point you were on notice there was... DANSBY: Another man. Another man, you knew there was some man in the picture in your mind. Okay so... DANSBY: Exactly. How, how does this translate as it moves forward and find out she's pregnant? Are you... DANSBY: Okay, after the strange phone call she... We went to visit her dad in her hometown. Well, he's from which is Vidalia, Georgia. Okay, we went down there and she said she was feeling sick that particular day. And I was. So I went to the pharmacy, she wanted to... She wanted to take a pregnancy test. SIMPSON: Yes. Okay, and then after that she said she came out to find out that she was pregnant. Did you immediately assume... DANSBY: I had my doubts. I immediately assumed... JUDGE LAKE: Right from the beginning? So if you had a doubt, if you didn't think this baby was yours... Why did you so called put on like you were happy? Because I did not want to rain on nobody's parade, Ms. Simpson. On my parade? I mean rain on my parade? DANSBY: You had, you had me around your... Rain on my parade. Ms. Simpson, you had me around all your family members. Because when... I don't want you giving me this energy that you're happy about this child when you're not happy about this child. So you all were a couple having a baby? Right. DANSBY: She told me that this was not my child. Like he went on and told... JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute, she what? She, Ma'am, this... Ms. Simpson stated over the phone that Ta'norris was none of my child. When did she say this? SIMPSON: Okay, that came... This was while, uh, this was in... Three months before he was even born. It was not three months. It was not three months. DANSBY: I had... Hold on, hold on, I want to understand this. Get me to this conversation three months before the baby was even born where you say she told you, the baby wasn't even yours. I asked... We were, we were talking over the phone and, uh... She somewhere got an attitude with me. About the situation, about Ta'norris. Yes, I did. I did, I sure did. You know what I'm saying. She had told me one time that he wasn't my child. Who wants to deal with... So you got into an argument. DANSBY: We got into an argument about it. And she said... She said that Ta'norris was none of my child. JUDGE LAKE: And did you say that Ms. Simpson? Yes, I did. JUDGE LAKE: Why did you say that? Because... I don't want to deal with that child issue with him. I would rather sit here and go through it by myself than being stressed out about whether or not he's gonna play a part in my child's life. You had another man. I mean... SIMPSON: You keep bringing up another man... Ms. Simpson did you... Were you with anyone else? Were you sleeping with anyone else? It was a possibility of someone else, so... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So you admit there was another man? SIMPSON: Yes. Your Honor. At what point did you admit to Mr. Dansby that there was another man? It was maybe three months into the pregnancy. JUDGE LAKE: So that is the conversation he's speaking about when you said that this is not even your child? Yes. Why is it you don't believe anything she says? Okay, the reason why I have my, my doubts about Ms. Simpson because she's a compulsive liar. This is my timeline... JUDGE LAKE: Outlines all of the lies. JUDGE LAKE: Walk me through this, I want to understand everything. We met through a friend... okay. JUDGE LAKE: Huh-uh. JUDGE LAKE: In November 2011, <i> that's when you got the "Old Man" phone call.</i> DANSBY: Yes, I got a phone call from an old dude. And he was shocked to hear me like I was shocked to hear from him. JUDGE LAKE: All right... and then moving forward... Okay. JUDGE LAKE: <i> She announces the pregnancy.</i> DANSBY: <i> Yes, she announced that, she told everyone she was pregnant.</i> I had my doubts about it. About her being pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: So you were doubtful again anf felt like there was something shady going on then too. Yes. It was a lot of shady goin' on with Ms. Simpson. JUDGE LAKE: Move forward to April 2012, that's when she told you. DANSBY: <i> That's when she told me that I wasn't the father.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So now you're really questioning.</i> I'm questioning, Your Honor, like (SIGHS) one behind the other... I'm trying to find out whether she... Where's the truth. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Is she lying to me or not? JUDGE LAKE: So now, July 2012, <i> Ta'norris is born.</i> DANSBY: <i> Yes, he was born and she... I was trying to...</i> I hadn't got any contact with me, so I'm saying I was trying to find out whether he was my son or not, and she told me... JUDGE LAKE: Because you weren't there at the hospital when he was born? No, I wasn't. It was another man there while she was in the hospital. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE LAKE: There was? Yes, there was. Was there? Oh, Ms. Simpson, there was? Who was this man? SIMPSON: It was the guy that I had been dealing with for a while, and then we broke it off and that's when I started dealing with Mr. Dansby. And then me and this guy started back daily. So therefore, he stepped up to the plate and he helped me with my child. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so let me jump ahead in this timeline <i> to October, 2014.</i> DANSBY: <i> I, uh, I...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> When you say it's the first time you met Ta'norris.</i> <i> What was shady about that?</i> That was my first time ever seeing Ta'norris. But I'm feeling like, this so... If she's saying... If she's so confident about this is my son, why it's so tough for me to ask... Why it took three years for me to see Ta'norris? SIMPSON: Okay. But I got evidence that you put on Facebook. DANSBY: Okay, we did take a pic. What is that evidence, Ma'am? SIMPSON: It is a picture of him and Ta'norris where he said that... DANSBY: I took the picture. Jerome, will you hand that to me please? This is a picture of... DANSBY: Of me and Ta'norris. Mr. Dansby and Ta'norris. DANSBY: That was my first time ever seeing Ta'norris. That same day, my family members, they'd seen Ta'norris... SIMPSON: <i> If you didn't think he was yours, why would you say,</i> <i> "Like father, like son"?</i> I shouldn't have to drive an hour and a half just for him to meet my child. Yeah, it's true, no, you might not had a car but at the same time, you could've found a way to come and see this child. You know where I stay. DANSBY: Your Honor... You could've reached out through Facebook or... JUDGE LAKE: You felt like he wasn't making enough effort. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor. Your Honor, there had been several occasions several times I had tried to reach out to Ms. Simpson, as far as me and her getting together, sitting down and talking like grown people about Ta'norris. She, she... It was all talk and no action with Ms. Simpson. And so in a year though, Mr. Dansby, you couldn't, you couldn't get a ride for an hour and a half, or a bus... Judge, Your Honor, there had been times when I had people I had rides lined up to take me to visit Ms. Simpson and Ta'norris and her other two kids. JUDGE LAKE: And what would happen? But did you call? Did you try to reach out to me? Did you call? Did you try to reach me? I... There had been plenty of times I had called you, Ms. Simpson. But you didn't say you wanted to see this child. I would call you, that's the only reason I would call you for. So Mr. Dansby, you think she was dodging you? Yes, yes. I really do feel deep down that she was dodging me, Ma'am. Dodge you for what? Why? Why would I want to dodge you? There was an innocent child... DANSBY: 'Cause you had been lying to me. That need a father. So why would I dodge you when my child need a father? Can I, can I... My Daddy wasn't there for me when I was a kid. So I take this very, like, deep. I, I do want Ta'norris to know that who his father is. I do want to be his father. Yes. 'Cause you don't want that cycle. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) 'Cause I got three kids of my own. I got three girls, I take care of all of my kids. She know that. I don't understand why... I don't know nothing because mine ain't took care of. Since this picture and you've met Ta'norris have you stepped up to help support him? I mean, yes, I've been supporting Ta'norris, yes. Yes. SIMPSON: How? Child support? Yeah, child support. SIMPSON: Okay. And that just started, like, a month ago. DANSBY: It's not about the money. I need to bond with him, I need to bond with him if he's my son. Okay, and I understand that. DANSBY: So, you need to understand that. JUDGE LAKE: But have you bonded with him? No, I haven't had the oppurtunity to bond with Ta'norris. I only seen him one time, Ma'am. That's it. In your life? DANSBY: In my life. I've only seen him once and that was only for, like, two hours. He don't even know me... He don't know me. JUDGE LAKE: So... The man is saying he wanted to bond with the child, he wanted to be more active in the child's life. It just doesn't seem to add up. Well, I mean, I understand. But I feel like he needs to put as much effort into it to get me to bring my child. Because... The reason why because you were lying to me. You should never have told me... JUDGE LAKE: So... I heard that. As it relates to your suit, you have evidence outlining the expenses you've incurred thus far, I'd like to see that. Jerome, will you hand it to me please? Please explain to me, Ms. Simpson, the expenses that you've outlined here. Of course, food, bottles. JUDGE LAKE: What else have you bought for the child? Um... Clothes, diapers... They total $6,723.12. Which is why you are suing for half that amount. 'Cause you feel like that is what's owed to you? Yes. Because that's what he should have contributed. Now you understand, I can't rule on your suit until it is determined whether or not Mr. Dansby is in fact Ta'norris's biological father. Because he would have no legal responsibility to care for the child financially if in fact it is not his biological child. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Dansby, have you made any contribution to the upbringing of this child financially? I know you haven't seen him a lot. I mean, they, uh, they been taking money out of my cheque, every time I get paid for Ta'norris. JUDGE LAKE: How much have they taken out? They've been taking a hundred... They once took, like, about $360 from me already. $240. $240... $360. $240. $240, they once took... That's all I have received is $240. So they took $360 but you've received $240, ma'am. Okay. Yes. This is my child, why you haven't brought this man... Let me meet the kid, let me bond with the kid if you know for a fact he's my child. And when we get these results and... DANSBY: You keep talking about results... When we get these results and it's in print that Ta'norris is yours, you can have all the time that you want with your child because my child deserve a father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) DANSBY: He didn't ask for none of this. I feel as though, I feel as though... Until then, you will not get a minute until I get in print that he's yours. But you say, this is my son for sure. Yes, he's yours, he's yours. You're very confident about it? Very confident he's yours. Why you won't let me take... You won't let me... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Simpson, let me ask you this before I go to these results. Are there any other men that we need to know about that you've left out of the conversation? Mr. Dansby has been very clear... Very clear. That your facts are sometimes a little shady. And all the facts aren't always there when you tell a story. Let's just say that. SIMPSON: No, Your Honor. Is there anything you'd like to say in this courtroom today before I go to the results? Once we get these results I need for you to step up and be a father to my son. DANSBY: No problem. I have no problem with doing that Ms. Simpson. I would've been there had you just kept it real with me. You see what I'm saying. Don't lie to me. Don't do that. So, Ms. Simpson, Ms. Simpson, what you're saying is that there's no way, no how and no chance that anybody else could be Ta'norris's father beside Mr. Dansby? No, Your Honor. All right, Jerome, I'm ready for the envelope. Thank you. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows... These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows... In the case of<i> Dansby v. Simpson...</i> Pertaining to 3-year-old Ta'norris, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Dansby, you... Are Ta'norris's father. (LAUGHING) SIMPSON: Thank you, thank you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) SIMPSON: Thank you. I've sat at this bench many days and I've asked, uh, men to enumerate. Tell me what your doubt is and what it's based on. And there are sometimes, you know, when men just get in their heads that they're not the father, they can't be the father but they can't talk about and really explain why they're doubtful. In this case... Mr. Dansby, you had a right to be doubtful. I know, Ma'am... JUDGE LAKE: You did. JUDGE LAKE: And ultimately, Ms. Simpson admitted that. But now we have the truth. I feel... I feel good about the results. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've put you through. So now can we start over for a better start for our child. Sure, no problem. Yes, yes. I love that. I love that. DANSBY: True. Good for you Ms. Simpson, because that's what this courtroom is all about. Now in light of today's results that in fact Ta'norris is Mr. Dansby's biological child, Ms. Simpson you are entitled to half of the amount of money that you've spent, thus far, raising Ta'norris. Now you came to Court suing for $3,361.56, is that correct? SIMPSON: Yes, Your honor. You do acknowledge you've received $240 thus far from Mr. Dansby, right? Yes, Your Honor. So for that reason, the court can award you $3,121.56 in child rearing expenses. Mr. Dansby, you are responsible for that. This is your child... Pay it. Yeah. And keep paying. DANSBY: That's my son. Because he needs your support, all right? Judgment for the defendant. Court is adjourned. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,329,058
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: d27P_Q7XbE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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