Woman's Family Took Man In And Feels Betrayed (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is a case of<i> Patterson v. Rothwell.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone! AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Patterson, you have petitioned the court for a DNA test to prove to your ex-boyfriend, Mr. Rothwell, that he is the father of your one-year-old daughter, Jayde. JOURDAN: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You claim he abandoned you, stuck you with bills and now your parents are forced to help you raise your daughter. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: But, after today's DNA results, he will pay. You are right, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You are suing him for $6,423.45 for child-rearing expenses. Am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right, Mr. Rothwell, you say Ms. Patterson has her parents fooled into believing she is not a cheater, and you refuse to be the fool for taking care of a child that is not yours. Yes, Your Honor. All right, so, Ms. Patterson, does Mr. Rothwell, have any reason to deny your... No, Your Honor. Today I will prove that he is the father. I'm tired of doing everything by myself, I have to rely on my parents, to do everything or help me, when we both made this child. So, he should step up and do what he has to do. For what child? That's not my baby. Okay, I get it. It is. Not my baby... Take me back, let me understand the nature of this relationship. We met in high school in 2009, we both graduated from the same high school, we met in 2011, like rekindled through a mutual friend. Hmm, nothing. We started dating on and off because he is a cheater so I can't stay with a cheater. Hey, I am not a cheater, you are a cheater. So... I got pregnant in 2013, in September... JUDGE LAKE: So, wait... This relationship, you said you were dating on and off. On and off, yeah. Were you in a committed relationship at some point? Yeah, I was always committed to him, he wasn't committed to me. (LAUGHING) You are kidding... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Rothwell, in your opinion, were you in a committed relationship with Ms. Patterson? Yes, Your Honor. JOURDAN: You're a liar. JUDGE LAKE: You were? JUDGE LAKE: Did you do a lot of cheating? Ah, no. Yes, he did. Me? What about you? A lot of cheating. What proof do you have? What proof do you have? I have never cheated on him. Never. At what point did you find out you're pregnant? In 2013, while we were on a trip for my birthday I didn't, you know, didn't, you know, have my regular monthly, so we took a pregnancy test, and I could see in his eyes that he was scared so he made up some excuse when we came back from this trip, we got into a big argument. And, you know, so, I didn't see him until December. But all through this time he's telling me, you know, "That's not my baby." It's not. And then all of a sudden in December you said, "I'm gonna step up and do what I have to do." No... It's just not right. And I feel like, you know, today we're gonna prove that he is the father, and if he doesn't do what he has to do, I will put him on child support. No, not at all, not me. JUDGE LAKE: And so... I ain't not paying child support for a child that's not mine. JUDGE LAKE: You said you met in high school. Yes. And what was his relationship with your family? We wouldn't have a relationship, but you know my family did take him up, take him in like a family. (ANTHONY ARGUING) You know, we treated him like he was family, you know, he sold me false dreams telling me he was gonna marry me, we'd have kids, be happy. All right now, Mr. Rothwell, you had a great relationship with Ms. Patterson and her family? Yes, Your Honor. They did take you in? They did take me in but that was their decision. I didn't go there and say, "Hey, you know... JOURDAN: What? "Can you take me in?" You know, crawling through their door... JUDGE LAKE: When you say, hold on, when you say, "take you in," did you actually live with them or meaning they accepted you like... JOURDAN: He lived with us. RICHARD: I didn't want him to. It was both... We clothed him, we bathed him, fed him, treated him... My mom treated him like a son. That was their decision. She was claiming him as a son-in-law and I don't have a ring on my finger. All right, I wanna hear from your parents. Uh, please stand. He is a deadbeat. I'm sorry. Deadbeat? Oh really? He's a deadbeat. His daughter calls me daddy. This is a shame. I don't know. I am so mad... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Copeland, I can see you are very angry, you feel like he has not stepped up to the plate whatsoever. Not at all. Not at all. Not at all. Explain to the court. If you look at this baby, man, you know it's your baby. You're just sad. There's no comparison at all. He's a sad person. I can't call him mister nothing. The baby does not even look like me. There's no resemblance, nothing. Man, I can't even say "mister" to him. She looks just like you, that's his twin. Look at her, look at her, she looks just like him. Mouth and all. ANTHONY: She doesn't. The only thing different is she is brown- skinned, and you are so stupid, man... There's no comparison at all. You are losing a lot of great things in life you got... That's not my baby. You're about to let it pass you right by... And so, Ms. Gardner, and Mr. Copeland, you... Admittedly, they are saying that you took in Mr. Rothwell. I didn't want to. 'Cause I don't believe in taking care of no grown man. But he lost his job and he's the father of my grandbaby. So, I'm not the type of person to just go and let him be out on the street, I even gave him money to go get gas so he could find a new job. I didn't ask for it. You know what I'm saying. I didn't ask for him... (ALL ARGUING) Hold on. One at a time. All I want you to do is get a job and take care of your responsibility, man. That's all you need to do, you don't owe me anything, just do what you need to do. So, let me understand this... Ms. Patterson and Mr. Rothwell met when they were in high school, ALL: Yes. You began to form a relationship, a bond. At what point, do you take him in and he starts living with you? When I got pregnant, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. When you found out you were pregnant, then you take him in? JOURDAN: Yes. So, Mr. Rothwell, did you participate in the doctor's appointments? Yes, I actually have those pictures, I have doctor's appointment pictures and... Is that evidence you brought today? Yeah... I'd like to see that. Jerome, will you hand that to me, please. He's there through the birth. He cut her umbilical cord and he even signed the birth certificate. So if he wasn't the father, why did you sign the birth certificate? ANTHONY: One minute... RICHARD: Yeah, who does that? Who does that? If you're not the father, why did you sign the birth certificate? Well, 'cause at the time... Today you're gonna learn that you're the father, man. You're gonna learn today... JUDGE LAKE: These are pictures of... Explain to me, this first picture is... JOURDAN: The first picture is actually, we left the doctor's appointment, and I was actually, that day, I was on my way to the hospital to get induced. And he was there. And then the next picture is... ANTHONY: No. The second picture, that is at my baby shower. ANTHONY: I mean, I'm a good guy. You can clearly see that. But when it comes to her child, that's a different story. (ALL ARGUING) His shirt right there says "Jayde's Daddy," which is her name. Were you thinking in your mind, "This is my child, I don't have a doubt"? Yes, Your Honor. At that particular time, from the time she got pregnant, and then up until the day she was born, I was there, but then at the same time... You know, me and the baby started to try to bond, you know, she kept crying, kept hollering or screaming. JUDGE LAKE: That's what babies do... I mean I understand that. You didn't try. He didn't try. So, what is this last picture? That is at the hospital. That's at the hospital. And this is him holding? That's Jayde. Yeah JUDGE LAKE: And you look happy! I mean, yeah, at the time, yeah. But then, as time went on, you know, we were... We started falling out. But not only that, when it comes to the baby, you know, I understand babies cry, yes. That's what all babies do, but there still should be some type of bond with a father... JOURDAN: You didn't try to make a bond. JUDGE LAKE: So let me be clear. You were there for the birth Mr. Rothwell? Yes, Your Honor. You signed the birth certificate? Yes, Your Honor. So you acknowledged you were the father on that day? Yes, Your Honor. JOURDAN: So what changed now? Now what happens after you come home from the hospital with the baby? A month after... I came home with her, he was there, and then on his birthday, July 7, he wants to disappear and at midnight, I get a text from him saying he don't wanna be there anymore. Because this baby doesn't look like him and... Exactly... Had to get out of there! He doesn't have a bond, but you can't make a bond with someone if you are not trying. You were still living at home with your parents. No. We had an apartment. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: You did? Me and him had an apartment and then I had to... We had to break our lease, because we broke up. I had to move back in with my parents, because I can't raise my daughter by myself. But I feel like he cared more about that dang old truck that he got... RICHARD: Yes, indeed. But I can afford my truck! JUDGE LAKE: What truck is this? Look at his truck he has. Please I gotta... JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, will you show me? I mean, what is the matter... JUDGE LAKE: Will you hand me that evidence? (ALL ARGUING) (ALL ARGUING) I went from talking about a baby, to talking about a truck? (ALL ARGUING) Look at it. He washes it all nice, he's got stereos on it. ANTHONY: That's right, that is my pleasure. He hugged this truck more than he do my daughter. So I'm not going to take part... He is a electrician junkie, so he likes all the new latest electronics. Like iPad, iPhones, all of that. JUDGE LAKE: So what are you saying? You're saying that... He gives this truck more time, care, and attention, than he does the baby? RICHARD: Than anybody... Than his own self. He cares for his truck more than he does himself. So, hold on, if they can't afford the car... I bet you he washes the truck more than he does himself. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute... 'Cause he's dirty! No... He is dirty. No. That's not true. Wait a minute, If you can't afford an apartment, how do you afford a truck? 'Cause she went in half on it. 'Cause I went in half in on the truck. Okay, but that was my money too. We both went in for the truck. We both put half in on that truck. Right. But then I have another car also so I let him just have that truck, because I didn't wanna hear his mouth. No. Uh-uh. I actually was at a stop, like me and my cousin, he pulled up, and I see he's got these lights shining on the bottom. I see what's all on the inside, I'm hearing all this music. I'm like, this guy did nothing for my grandbaby, so me and my cousin, we follow him, and I followed him to where he parked the car, I waited a couple of hours, I got to the car, and look at that, look at that lights on it. Lights on the inside, lights on, I'm like, wow... JUDGE LAKE: So... He did nothing for my grandbaby and wasted about $3,000 worth of stuff in his car so... It's my money... I took his car, and I took it to my house and see I'm a mechanic, I told him, you gotta come see your daughter and I'll give you your keys. So he thinks he comes to see his daughter and I give him the keys, he's gonna be able to pull off... Psych, I took him. Right, you... You ain't going nowhere. So he got real nice... Me and this guy used to go out fishing, we used drink beers and stuff together. I mean he was, like, actually my son. At the time, yeah. And I'm like so frustrated, I took his truck, so when he came... JUDGE LAKE: I can see how frustrated you are... When we came over, he was real nice to my daughter to everybody, for two days, on the third day, I'm thinking, he's going to be back. On the third day, I put his truck back together, told him, "Yeah, you can start it." And he disappeared! 'Cause I was there for over a... That's right. So wait. So wait. You rigged the truck so he couldn't drive it? Yeah. So he had to come back home. So he played nice for two days and then he left? Mmm-hmm. Mr. Rothwell, did you just leave on the third day? Yes, Your Honor. After the truck started. Yes, Your Honor. Why? I mean... Why? Now, wait a minute, let him speak. I'm trying to understand how a young man, can do this to, not just a child, but a family that has done so much for him. Why would you just leave on the third day and not come back? I mean, it was their decision to take me in, they didn't have to but, they did. Out of the kindness of their heart. But at the same time when it comes to a child... You know, I just felt like, you know, there is no connection. Where did this doubt set in? The reason why the doubts came in, in place, is because... One of my friends said that he seen her with another guy. It all came together. So you felt like all these puzzle pieces came together and that's why the child didn't look like you. And that's why you weren't bonding because something fishy was going on back during the window of conception. Yes, Your Honor. What else? The baby, she doesn't look like me at all. You don't think the baby looks like you? She is short to be a one year old, her hair's a lot bigger than mine. JUDGE LAKE: Really? I mean, yeah. So you don't feel like there's any resemblance? At all. And what else? And I don't feel a connection at all. I need more evidence that you feel Ms. Patterson was cheating. Because, for one, my friend says he saw her. So... And I'm gonna believe him. Okay. And then what else? And not only that, I have seen Facebook messages, different guys. What did the Facebook messages say? That, I mean it was just random guys just in her inbox. "Hey, what's up?" "Can I come over?" I mean... Do I respond? (ALL ARGUING) So, wait, wait, wait. Now I'm getting somewhere... So, when you saw these messages, did they date back to the time period when Jayde was conceived? It was in the same time. And see, she even just admitted that... "Do I respond?" So that's clearly saying that she was talking to them. I never responded... So you are saying that validates the fact that there were the messages. Ms. Patterson, I have to ask you. So did you have different guys messaging you on Facebook? Some guys see your picture and he says, "How are you doing?" I don't respond to that. I don't get down like that. Do you remember this encounter with you in the truck with someone? No. What truck? What is he talking about? He's saying his old truck. He had it with him. How? ANTHONY: She don't know... When I found out about the Facebook messages, you know, I was like, as time went on, I'm like, well, you know, it's all coming together now. You know, from her cheating. And then, you know of my friend... It's all I can take. Telling me he saw her with another guy. So, ultimately, we're here for one reason, to get the results so we can figure out how to move forward and if he is the father... RICHARD: Yes, yes. You all have to talk together. You can't just talk over one another. RICHARD: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Is this, Ms. Patterson, this is the only child you have? JOURDAN: No, I have another child, Your Honor. You do? JOURDAN: Yes, Your Honor. Older or younger than Jayde? JOURDAN: She's older than her. She's four years old. And he's not the father? No, he's not the father. But when we were together, he took her in like he... She was his. So you'd established a bond with her older child too. Yes, Your Honor. He'll come get her, take her to the park, but then just leave Jayde there. It's not right. And Jayde's your biological child. I mean... No. You see, that's the difference, she's not my child. Ms. Patterson, you're suing for how much? Uh, I'm suing for $6,423.45. They are credible expenses. But I cannot rule on your suit until I get the results. That's fine. All right. With that said, I think it's time to get some answers. Jerome. At all. It is. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Patterson v. Rothwell,</i> pertaining to one-year-old Jayde Rothwell, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Rothwell, you... Are the father. I told you. RICHARD: You stupid... I told you. JOURDAN: You owe my child an apology. You owe my child an apology. You owe my child an apology and you owe my family an apology. For putting us through this. Anthony, I think you should step up and be, uh, be the man that you possibly can be and be a good father, hopefully. Mr. Rothwell, do you now understand the responsibility you have to this child. Yes, Your Honor. In my mind I was thinking to myself, oh, Lord, they sayin' he's the father, but this child is a mess, I don't even know. (LAUGHING) What he's gonna do if he is the father? Then I heard them testify that you come and get the older child, and you actually have a bond with the older child that you maintain. So that let me know you have it in you. Now that your doubts have been cleared, I want you to do the right thing by Jayde. Yes, Your Honor. With respect to your suit, now that it has been determined that Mr. Rothwell is in fact the biological father of beautiful Jayde, you are entitled to half of those childcare expenses you've incurred thus far. You came in saying you had spent $6,423.45 in childcare expenses, and so therefore you are entitled to half of that amount, $3,211.73. Judgment for the plaintiff, Mr. Rothwell. Yes, Your Honor. You owe her that and you need to start taking care of your child now. If you don't, the state will make sure you do. Do you understand? Yes, yes, Your Honor. Good luck to all of you. Court is adjourned. Thank you.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,432,007
Rating: 4.7426729 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: fE-B_PjC1HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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