OMG! Paternity Court's Most Shocking Moments Pt. I (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Ms. Williams, you are here today with your two sisters because you say you're tired of being lied to by your mother, Ms. Liddell. You all claim she wasn't a good mother, and say her promiscuous behavior is the reason you need the results of a paternity test today. Ms. Liddell, you admit you haven't been the best mother, but, you say your daughters are being unfair. You claim they're still punishing you for the mistakes you've made in the past, and today, you want it to end. Do you believe you are these young girls' biological father? Do you believe that? Uh, deep in my heart, you know, Your Honor, and I hate to say it, and it's hurting me to say it, too... But no, I do not think that... JASMINE:<i> You don't act like it,</i> so it shouldn't be hurting you. He said, "No"? He said, "No." You don't act like it. You sure don't act like it. JUDE LAKE: And what... What are your doubts... What are your doubts based upon? He don't believe he had any. <i>I always had a doubt in my heart.</i> <i> When I met their mom, uh, she was living the type of lifestyle as</i> <i> a party girl, fast girl.</i> <i> I even caught her in the act. One time I caught her in a car with a guy...</i> 'Cause he was watching my back! That's what I'm saying. How was he going to catch him if he was helping? Why did it take 23 years for this? That doesn't make no sense. (ALL TALKING AT ONCE) JUDGE LAKE: Okay, ladies, let's get some order. (GAVEL POUNDING) Let's get some order. This is the man that you were told was your father? Correct. Yes. Now, he's expressed that he doesn't truly believe he's your father. JASMINE: Right. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Your Honor, I have a question for, for both of them. Um, why did you miss my eighth grade graduation? You were... You weren't away. Because... You weren't out. You were able to come. Why did you miss it? Jamie, because I was a piece of... Like, I'm not gonna keep... I'm not gonna keep down on myself, but I didn't care about y'all. Oh, wow, thank you! (AUDIENCE GASPING) Thank you! I'm keeping it... Y'all want me to keep it real? I didn't care about y'all... LISA: Thank you. Because... Thank you for finally admitting it. Y'all was in my way of doing what I wanted to do. She told me she should have aborted me. She said I'm not her daughter, she should have aborted me. I sure did. I sure said that because you never... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Liddell... (ALL TALKING AT ONCE) Ms. Liddell! Ms. Liddell, hold on, hold on, hold on! Oh, my gosh, it's like poison just coming out your mouth! You know, Your Honor, they talk so bad to me that I don't know how to get back at them. So I say what I know is gonna hurt them. (ALL TALKING AT ONCE) (GAVEL POUNDING) Let's get some order! Let's get some order! We're here regarding the paternity of young Hope, Ms. Wilson's daughter. All right. Mr. Phillips contends that you were with Ms. Wilson in the club, that you were kissing in the club. I was. Were you kissing... We weren't kissing. She was showing me how to kiss. I'm a good teacher. I'm a good teacher. And then... And she really showed me how to kiss. Yes. So, you were at school, getting a lesson. That is correct. WILSON: Yes, I was giving him a lesson. You weren't really kissing her, it was a lesson? Right. It was a lesson. It was, I'm a good kisser. Mr. Garcia? Yes, Your Honor? Have you ever been intimate, sexually, with Ms. Wilson? Uh, no, Your Honor. Only mouth-wise, kissing. Only kissing. And her lips only, that's it. And tongue. (LAUGHING) So silly. But, never sexually, or anything like that. No. So, why should Mr. Phillips be so sure that you are the father of her child, when you admit to having this... "Lesson." And being very close traveling together, any man would think. Right, no, it's understandable, but... I'm gay, so, I can't be the father. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) Oh. Well, that would be a material fact. GARCIA: Have you ever had a conversation... I thought he was a regular, you know... Friend of hers, that was the gay friend. Now, I believe he's a bisexual friend. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) At some point, you two were happy. Take me back briefly, I wanna understand. Were you happy at one time? You had to be. At one point in our life, I believe that we truly were happy. And I think it was when we first met. We were just teenagers. Our moms were really good friends. And occasionally I would see Edward and I thought he was a goofy little kid, but at the same time, I was attracted to him, so... From that point on, me and Edward were pretty much inseparable. And then we ended up just throughout all the situations, the cheatings that had already occurred, I got past that. I forgave him. I gave him another chance. Then we decided to get married. And when I was a child, I used to go to Maui on my summer vacations, 'cause my stepfather lives there. So we went there, we had a nice island wedding. And things were really good for a long time. At least I thought so. JUDGE LAKE: At some point you realized maybe... He's a dirty nasty... That's what you are. That's why we're here today. So, wait a minute, but before we go there, before we go back there... Mr. Rajotte, at one point you loved this woman very much. Yes, Your Honor. That's correct. You know, I knew from the first time that I laid my eyes on her that she was gonna be the person I was gonna be with. Then why had you always cheated on me? Because you do the same thing. He's a liar. That's why he's always hitting on my family members. He what? He hits on them all day long. Mr. Rajotte, are you hitting on her family members? You know, the thing here is, Your Honor, with this situation... What is the thing? Please tell me. Let me know. The thing is, I've been with the same woman since I was... More than half my life, since I was 15 years old. And you know, I started getting the itch. You know, wanted to go outside of our relationship. Dirty, nasty, like I said. After we had our first child, then she started gaining weight and I started losing my affection in our relationship. For real? Mr. Rajotte, now wait a minute. (LAUGHING) As a husband, you've got to understand. You act like you're pretty or something. (LAUGHS) You act like you perfect or something. Point is, is that's your wife. You're supposed to love her unconditionally. KING-RAJOTTE: Okay, what about the... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) you're admitting, Ms. Hall, that you slept with Mr. Elliot and your ex. Yes, Your Honor. I am. Is this a yo-yo, a seesaw type relationship? I love them both. It was hard, one gave me great sex, the other one gave me a great relationship (AUDIENCE MOANS) and the support I needed for my kids. I needed it all from him, and then, Max also couldn't give me that. So, I had to run to the other guy. ELLIOT: I wasn't really financially stable at the time. That's how I feel like she really went back to him every time because his family is well off. I was poor growing up, I had to fight for everything I had. I couldn't support him financially, that's how I felt like she kept going back. AMANDA: I was honest with him from the get-go. He knew who I was before we was even together. He knew... JUDGE LAKE: When you say "He knew who you were." tell me, what do you mean by that? Well, I was with him and the other guy, he knew that (AUDIENCE HOWLING) before he even started a relationship with me. Is that true, Mr. Elliot? Were you aware of it? ELLIOT: Yes, I was aware of it, but when we started talking and everything, and after she broke up with him, then she said she had feelings for me. I told her I had feelings for her. See, we started a relationship so I thought she started a new commitment with me. She wouldn't do what she'd done before with him. And we would be in a relationship together. See, I know she's like that. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Hall, wait. Let me understand her position here. Her position is, you knew this going in. AMANDA: Yes, he did. Now, correct me when I'm wrong, 'cause I wanna understand. JUDGE LAKE: I love you for this reason. I love him for this reason. So, if you wanna be with me, I wanna be with you, but don't be mad if I also wanna be with him sometimes, (AUDIENCE GASPS) Is that what you pretty much told him? Basically, but if he wouldn't have pushed me to do this, I wouldn't have. I gotta get to this pushing part because what is it about the arguing or what he's doing that's pushing you? I mean, it sounds like it's just an excuse. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) No, it's not an excuse, Your Honor. I can't be with a guy that's going to argue with me. See, I can't trust her if she's gonna go back every time to him. Well, I don't think you can! Under what... Well, maybe, you could trust me... You would be... Give me a reason to trust you if you'd stay with me and didn't go back then, everything would work out. I wouldn't go back if you wouldn't be such an (BLEEP) to me. (AUDIENCE GASPS) Hold on now, Ms. Hall, this is a court room, you need to use appropriate language. I'm sorry, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Okay? So, the point is, if Mr. Elliot truly isn't giving you what you need in a relationship, why not just break it off? AMANDA: It's hard, when you love somebody. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) All right, so you say you love him and you also love your ex, right? Not as much as I do Max. (AUDIENCE MOANS) Okay. ELLIOT: When she had the baby, I didn't even know she had the baby. I wasn't even allowed to come up there to see. I wanted to be there, I wanted, I wanted to... JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute! ELLIOT: I wanted to be at the hospital when he was... You weren't allowed, to come up there? I'm sorry, if he could find a ride himself, Your Honor, he could've came up there. That's his fault. ELLIOT: No. Wait a minute, you're saying you weren't allowed? What do you mean by that? Who told you you couldn't come? Uh, her boyfriend. She let him sign the birth certificate. I'm sorry, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MOANS) He didn't sign no birth certificate. There's no birth certificate signed at all. Who was at the hospital? Uh, my ex and me. And at that time when you were at the hospital, had you made your ex believe this was his son? AMANDA: Yes, Your Honor, I did. He gave me the comfort, the love, the support, the financial stability that I needed for me and my kids. And so, at what point did you then decide that Noah was Max's son? AMANDA: I slept with both of them in the same week. Monday, I slept with one and then Friday I slept with another. (AUDIENCE GASPS) About three months into the pregnancy, she broke up... I was confused, I didn't know who the father was. Where are you two in your relationship, right now? I'd like to trust her, I wanna be able to trust her, I want you to know, I love you. I really do love you with all my heart. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) I love Noah. I want him to be in our lives. Your other girls, they look at me like a dad. I wanna be with you, I wanna be able to trust you. I want the arguing to stop. I'm willing to do anything I can to prove to you, that I do wanna be with you. But the arguing and stuff has to stop. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Hall, when's the last time you were with your ex? About a month ago. (AUDIENCE BOOING) She told me she hasn't been with him. And I could be pregnant again (AUDIENCE GASPS) So, I also could be pregnant again in the same situation, that I am in now, where both guys could be the dad. Oh, my goodness. Wow. Miss Fisher, you say your mother Miss Johnson raised you not knowing which of two men is your biological father. Today you were hoping to finally get that answer because both men have been tested and we will meet them shortly. Now, Miss Johnson, you argue that you've always had doubts about your daughter's paternity, but since both potential fathers have taken part in her life, you feel Miss Fisher should just be grateful for what she has. Yes, Your Honor. Now, Miss Fisher, tell us why do you disagree with your mother's position? I deserve to know who my father is. She know who her father is. You know who your father is, I assume. JUDGE LAKE: I absolutely do. So I should know who my father is. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) So, tell me a little bit about this. I've grown up thinking that one man was my father. But at the age of ten I find out it could possibly be somebody else. JUDGE LAKE: So you grew up believing that Kalvin was your father. And that's Mr. Triplett. FISHER: Yes. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And he'll be joining us in a moment.</i> FISHER:<i> And then...</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Keep going.</i> At ten years old, John comes around, and... And that's Mr. Fisher. Mr. Fisher. <i> He comes around to a birthday party</i> <i> and she says, "This is your God-dad."</i> About two weeks into that he's coming, picking me up for little day to day outings, but I can't understand it as a ten-year-old child. Until two months after that she tells me that this is my dad. AUDIENCE: Ooh. As a third grade, over the intercom, I've learned that my name was changed to Fisher. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. In third grade over the intercom? Yeah, after the Pledge of Allegiance they congratulated me that my name changed. And you were sitting in your class and didn't know it was coming? Didn't know it was coming. You decided it was Mr. Fisher? Yeah. Why did you tell everyone that Mr. Triplett was your daughter's father for ten years? He was there. Okay? At the time. Listen. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) I never told John and I never told Kalvin. I never told John and I never told Kalvin. So you're telling me that this man is just raising this little girl <i> but you've never told him this is your child?</i> Exactly. What? (AUDIENCE CHUCKLES) Let me get this together. Miss Fisher, so all this time you're growing up and you've been told Mr. Triplett is your father. Yes. But deep down in your heart you always felt like Mr. Fisher was her father? Exactly. Whoa. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Ms. Prowell, now you're asking the court to award you $475 in back child care expenses... Yes, Your Honor. ...should one of three men be identified as your baby's biological father. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You say your six-week-old baby has three potential fathers? MECHELLE: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Including the defendant, Mr. Morton. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All of these men have been tested, <i> and we will hear from them shortly.</i> Now, Mr. Morton, you say that the endless list of men Ms. Prowell has slept with has led you all here to <i> Paternity Court.</i> You believe it will be proven today that you are not her baby's biological father? Yes, ma'am. What upsets you most about this situation? So you were sleeping with three co-workers from the sandwich shop? MECHELLE: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: <i> You contacted two of them to say you were pregnant,</i> but you never contacted him? Yes, Your Honor, but I do not want him to be my child's father. Well, you can't control that, can you? (ALL TALKING) No one is talking to you! I didn't know you could pick. JUDGE LAKE: Let me make something clear. If you're having sex at the back of parties, in the bathroom, unprotected, everybody in the sandwich shop, you're not going to know who your child's father is. Ms. Bido, you say you were furious when the defendant asked you for a DNA test on your seven-month-old daughter Iliana. Now you claim that request... Yes. ...has broken up your happy home. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) Mr. Bolton, you state you have reason to believe Ms. Bido's child may not be your biological daughter. You say you are desperate to discover the truth because you've already grown to love her as your own. AUDIENCE: Aw. Yes, ma'am. When the baby was born, I cut the umbilical cord. The doctors wiped the baby off <i> and they gave Ms. Bido the baby at first.</i> She was still fatigued from delivering birth. JUDGE LAKE: Understandably. So they gave me the baby. The doctor that gave the procedure to deliver the baby, he handed me the baby and he looked at me. He said, "Are you sure this baby's yours?" (AUDIENCE GASPING) What? And I looked at the doctor, I looked at the doctor... And I'm like, "What do you mean?" He said, "'Cause this baby's white." I'm looking at him like, "What do you mean, this baby's white?" Jerome, have you ever heard of such? But... It's a first for me. So, I had a lot of things on my plate, but I wasn't denying her because I had other things on my plate. I just kept saying I don't know because we haven't had a DNA test. Her mother told me I was not the father. Ms. Tucker, when does your mom finally admit to you she believes Mr. Hunter is your biological father? Um, I was 23, and we were in a car with my aunt, and they have a... They're a loving relationship, but my aunt's very vocal. And I just was talking about something that I wanted to do, and my aunt made the comment to my mom that she had not been truthful to me about <i> who my dad was, and she needed to tell me the truth.</i> <i> And my mom looked like she...</i> She just looked like my aunt better keep her mouth shut. -Oh! -[Adriana] Yeah. And so, I'm in the back seat, and I'm looking at my mom and I'm looking at my aunt, and I'm like, "Mom, what is she talking about?" And my mom was like, "You better be quiet. You better not..." And that's when my aunt told me that he was my father. -[audience exclaims] -Yeah. Ah. So, your aunt actually submitted a statement to the court. -[Adriana] Mmm-hmm. -It reads. [reading] So, Mr. Hunter, have you ever thought and said to yourself "What did I do to her? Why am I the person she wouldn't tell?" And the whole town... My mother might know, her sister might know, my family might know. How are you the only one that don't know? Did it have something to do with another situation that we were in -that she was mad about? -What situation? We here now. I mean... I can see the look on your face right now. I know it's gotta be something else. What's the situation? Well, I had met a young lady, and, uh... come to find out it was Adrian's sister. -[audience exclaims] -And I thought-- Oh! So, you slept with her sister? Did you know this? Your Honor, um, this has nothing to do with my sister. When I came back to North Carolina, Adrian wouldn't speak to me, she wouldn't talk to me. She had nothing to do with me. That was the reason why I felt she wouldn't talk to me. Got it. See, this is it. Whoo! Thank you, Lord, for patience. -That's it. -And then after all this, you find out you pregnant? Not exactly that way. He took me to Vegas for my birthday. And on that trip is when we had sex again, unprotected and I know... for a fact that I conceived October 20th, that's my birthday. -So-- -In Vegas? -Mmm-hmm. -On October 20th. -Mmm-hmm. -But I have proof that, October 15th, a friend of mine, Mr. Stevenson, seen her at a bar talking to somebody else -and I have his statement right here. -What? Let me see that evidence, Jerome. -Absolutely, Your Honor. -This statement says... [reading] [audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake continues reading] And that's the statement from your friend. Yes, Your Honor. And that date was what? October 15th, and I believe that could've been the conception date. [audience exclaiming] [Sanchez] It looks bad. It looks bad, I get that. I understand that. Ms. Wilson. You're in the middle of a paternity triangle, caught between two men you slept with. Cousins, who grew up as brothers, <i> two men who believe they fathered</i> your ten-month-old son, Arrow. -[Judge Lake] Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] Mr. Nicola. You've always believed Arrow is your biological son and you are here to prove that today because your whole family has come to love him as yours. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. [Judge Lake] Mr. Eddy. You admit to sleeping with your cousin's fiance. [audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake] You and your aunt contend you are Arrow's father and plan to prove it today. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. And for the record, these two young men are first cousins. -Yes, Your Honor. -[audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake] And their mothers are identical twins. [Wilson] Yes, Your Honor. So, I'm not sure how much looks is going to play in this equation. So, Ms. Wilson, I want to ask you, how do we end up in a paternity dispute involving two cousins? I messed up. I made a mistake. I'm here today to figure it out. I don't want the family feud going on anymore. And me exactly in the middle of it, my child in the middle of it. One night there was a family get-together. There was alcohol involved. Cordell had been tired from work that day. He had work the next day. And he didn't want to drink. We had all gotten hot inside. Nathan and I went outside. Um, I became very intoxicated and he kind of like took care of me. And before it ended up, we were on a hay bale and we had sex. [audience exclaiming] Wow. Um, Mr. Eddy, what is your recollection of this night? I mean, I wish it wouldn't have happened, because, you know, he's my cousin. Um, she told me that I was really cute, and she kissed me and... And then we started walking toward the hay bale, and it just went from there. So, you had sex on this hay bale... -[audience exclaiming] -[Eddy] Yes, Your Honor. ...outside of the house where your cousin was in there sleeping after work. [Eddy] Yes, Your Honor. [audience] Ooh... How many times did you have sex that night? Uh, twice, Your Honor. [audience exclaiming] So, is it safe to assume that it was unsafe sex? -Yes, Your Honor. -So, no protection. What happens when you wake up the next day? [Eddy] He went to work and, uh, we just kept it secret until... So, Mr. Nicola, they admittedly kept it a secret. What was your recollection of that night? [Nicola] I came home from work, I dozed off on the couch, woke up, they were all outside, it was like two, three o'clock in the morning. I went out and told 'em it's time to come in 'cause it was getting late. And I came in and put everybody to bed. Being responsible. Because I had to get up early the next day. And I went and slept on the couch again, got up for work the next day. And you had no idea that your cousin had had sex with your girlfriend out on the hay bale... [audience laughing] ...before you put them to bed. [Nicola] No, Your Honor. He is my cousin. And I trusted her. And it happened twice. It happened that night after Cordell had put us to bed. Oh, after he put you to bed you had sex again? -Yeah. -Yes, Your Honor. [audience exclaiming] [Judge Lake] Wow.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 207,238
Rating: 4.7791166 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, shocking, compilation, highlights, season 3, season 1
Id: OM3eG_ZKN1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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