How I Won The Players Cup 2 With Coalossal

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Anyone has the pokepaste?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Add_n_7 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I got a shiny Carkol from dynamax adventures a few weeks ago so I guess I'll finally prep it for VGC now (it's flash fire, of course, and it has 31 Atk but whatevers). wondering if it's worth it to make a sneaky spread with slightly more bulk and speed (to outspeed other Coals) at the exepnse of SpA? or at least do the speed and leave the bulk the same

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mantiseye 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
real youtube it's one the players cub today i will tell you all about my team hello wait where's the wait i can't figure out how to turn this off oh there hello hello everybody so the last week was really difficult because i had to keep quite a big secret um which is that i actually ended up winning the players cup too um wait oh wait what's wrong huh oh hang on wait that's really actually i don't like the music okay cool i won the player's cup too with the team you see before you uh you can try it out for yourself here's the rental code we'll go more in depth in terms of the spreads and the decisions i made but um yeah i i end up winning this is a this is a big deal for me um this is a really really difficult tournament to win you had to uh in order to make it even to the finals you had to first make it through a wi-fi tournament um a wi-fi tournament you had to place in the top 256 in your region from there you had to play a double elimination bracket from 256 players down to only four so that's quite quite a few uh quite a few players eliminated um and then from there you had to play oh camera froze again well i guess it wouldn't be a new video without camera freeze um from there you had to play in another double elimination bracket where i was sent to the losers bracket in the second round so it was a really early um a really early uh fall into the losers bracket so it was there and there was so many good players and a lot of close games so this means a lot to me um but yeah i want to share a bit about the team before i do though i have two two groups of people i want to thank um the first is my subscribers um um i was only able to um like well i'm not only able to but they were a big help in getting the pokemon for me um i as many of you know normally for youtube teams i will ask my subscribers to help me get the pokemon because if you split up like a team up six ways it's a lot easier to like get the pokemon than to just do it all yourself so a big thank you to them i do want to know that okay so i made the decision basically alex one of my subscribers came to me and he said hey wolf um colossal i have a colossal depart do you want it the attack iv is 17. um for those of you who don't know normally you want the attack iv on a special attacker to be zero and i said colossal departure is the perfect mark right it's literally the perfect mark for colossal like couldn't you couldn't ask for better mark but it has 17 attack iv and i said you know what no could you could you get me one with zero attack iv like i feel like i should be responsible like what do i what if i lose to foul play grimster what if i have to take swagger or what if i get confused you know i think i'd better be safe and i didn't take anything that used colossal's physical attack all all games are all tournament i never was confused i never took a foul play so like do you think that i should have just risked the 17 attack iv and like it probably wouldn't have mattered and had a better mark for style points or do you think i made the right choice because i like after going to the tournament i kind of regret that the colossal isn't the parched actually like kind of is an understatement i really regret that it's not flossing the parched um anyway yeah so thank you to my subscribers for for helping me get the pokemon um yeah like uh that was that that's a real help i actually haven't even beaten the post game so um yeah like especially for moultrace that was that was especially a big help um yeah um and then also i want to thank aaron traylor those of you who have been watching this channel especially recently you should be familiar with erin erin's one of my best friends um and throughout the entire players cup 2 process was just like such a big help to me um helping me prep for specific matchups um helping me build helping me play test so yeah big big thank you to him because um yeah i don't think i would have made it i know for a fact i wouldn't have made it this far without his help so yeah so yeah thank you to my subscribers and aaron now let's talk about the team so uh rental team is here zero zero zero zero zero zero seven hacking tv i i wish i wish i don't know why that's the why is it hecking tv i don't watch that much tv so maybe that's why um anyway here's the team i think it's probably easier to talk about the uh this in showdown actually so we're going to talk about it here um just because that's easier to talk about the spreads actually before we talk about let's just talk about overall because that's probably let's talk about kind of the decision making process so um i talked about this a little on stream last night but when i was building the team i had some decisions that i had to make right first of all the starting point um and might actually know we do need to show up for this so wrong um in my head um there are a couple different starting points that i could choose from and you'll see a lot of them here um well if we go down to pc2 this is this is this is this is my regional bracket team so that's there um but if we move up a little bit you can kind of see my starting point so i thought the light force stack attack it was really strong with dust club so that dust collapse was a really strong pokemon life orb stack does like stupid damage and um i was actually doing something a little bit clever i had 21 speed iv stack attacker meaning it was actually faster than dust club so you could haze away intimidates before you uh attack so that was one idea i had this is a youtube team um i tried colossal here but i had it with like with bad pokemon for like the pokemon that didn't really synergy as well so i played a game with it and i was like this is bad and i moved on um i was trying gigas wheezing why was i trying comfy oh right i was trying like i thought gigas wheezing had a lot of potential um personally i think gigas wheezing is really really strong um and i was thinking it like maybe i could pair it with worry seed to overwrite slow start i don't think that works a few dynamax though like i think that this is where i was disappointed with that so your gigas music was something i had in mind um and then i started messing around with spectria but support spectre with boldo shadowball with those taunt um with reggie like i thought reggie rocket potential um i thought uh i thought i don't know what this is i don't know why this is here um yeah uh reggie rock spectre and then i just i was like okay supports picture is kind of cool in general although i don't know i don't even have boulders in this one um so yeah i built like more teams around that i was just testing stuff in general so spectre i thought could be cool like um like for stack attacker but they all felt kind of bad and then i tried colossal and the thing about colossal is that like i think when you're using colossal you're pretty much always gonna have the same four pokemon which is like are you you should be starting with the same four and if you decide to vary uh deviate from there that's fine but like dragapult colossal urshifu water for me and then rillaboom are just which camera they're just really really really really strong synergy um the reason is that colossal wants to get its steam engine up which means you need to have water moves um and the two best water moves to have are a weak surf and they're aqua jet uh surf is good because you can surf to get around follow me in rage powder um and you need not a fast pokemon that's also weak so dragon pulse like pretty much the best canon in my opinion because it's immune to fake out um it's got a really low special attack set and it's really fast if it would be effectively the fastest thing i've worn for a lucky um so and you can't even because clear body you can't even hit it with like electro web so it's like a really really good pokemon it's actually like a surprisingly good support pokemon um the reason you want aquajet is because there are some pokemon they're not speed dragon pulled like for example venusaur and sun like life or venus sun is a pokemon that can give you trouble um so having a priority way to activate colossal gigantic max or just like if they have talent or trick-or-treat although trick-or-treat wouldn't really be doing it most of the time but yeah um so awkward which is good as well and even though aquajet hits pretty hard like colossal's really good physical defense with base 120 um and like awkward it's just a relatively weak move so even though it's like it's doing good damage it's just like a third of colossal's health basically um which is approximately as much as surf does though it's actually a little weaker because colossals were special defense um but yeah basically like you always like aquajet and surfer just they synergize so well with colossal and on top of that dragon ball nursery who also synergizes really well with colossal um i'll get into this a little bit more like later but basically like colossal really baits your opponent into using max geyser and ursula in the rain is like actually broken because you can't intimidate or credit or you can't intimidate or set up reflect against it um and it always yeah like it always crits with surging strikes so um and it's like a relatively fast speed tier etcetera etcetera and almost all ground attacks are physical this is an earlier version but you'll see that i run with reflect or willows over reflect on a later version so yeah um and then real who completes the firewater grass core which is like really good synergy um and it provides really good switches to reload or to colossal like colossal speak to water and ground those are its two four times weaknesses and really resist both um and although like yeah it would speak to like rock and fighting uh as well like and reload doesn't resist those it's super effective against rock as is urshifu um yeah uh really it's also super effective against water and ground hershey was super fake doing its ground or is this water both these both these pokemon resist water um yeah but also like the thing about willow beam urshifu and colossal is that uh if you use colossal you're using gmax focal with a lot of the you should be using gmx vocalist like whenever you bring colossal as long as you can get it up um even to the point where like you don't even necessarily need steam engine to make colossal work you can or weakness policy like just gmax vocalist is broken on its own um and so like with all the passive damage you dish out between aquajet and grassy glide these are such strong or like these awkwardness with the strongest priority move and like i had bulky real boom as you could see so like grassy glide isn't the strongest um priority move either but um the like all the priority like given all the chip is really really helpful um overall so yeah this is the first version of the team that i built i just threw dust club stack on because i was testing them and they felt relatively strong um and then from there i started kind of uh kind of going like building from there so um i was worried about thunderous or i was sorry i was already a mungus right i was worried about mungus and venusaur so i had a lifelong thunderous um but i never brought it so then then i dropped it um but in theory it worked so then i went back to just club stack attack i tried just adding gigas wheezing on it was okay but like yeah as you can guess like it didn't synergize super well at all um with each other so yeah it wasn't great um and then i tried i added a cineroar and i was actually really impressed with incineroar um because basically like ursula colossal dragopol and rilaboo what pokemon do those pokemon not like fighting against well i'll tell you um a moongus is actually surprisingly hard especially among us with the right support because um if they if they have something that makes you not want to leave dragon pull like they normally run focus action and move this actually lives max flare anyway so um yeah so like among us actually like has a surprisingly good matchup and also like if you get out of position versus versus a mungus like all thr only colossal can damage it so if colossal's not in the field a mungus can really just start sporting things although i had safety goggles and grass type like it still isn't enough because you can't really you can't remove a mungus in any way shape or form and ursula really doesn't like a munga so a mungus was an issue that i was worried about um and also if i dropped dusk clubs i was worried about trickery so adding taunt fake out in sonora was really really uh good in my opinion because uh it covered like even among us in rain or like it like yeah um or a moon is like a movement with aquaberry for example or like some weird stuff like that um talk was also super useful against trick room um which i think i mentioned and venusaur was also a problem for the same reasons that a mungus is a venusaur was just inconsistent sleep but more offensive among us with ground coverage so venusaur could be really difficult normally versus venusaur would kind of end up leading colossal plus ursulfu but i noticed that smart players or players that had a trick room option were like definitely able to to get through that and focus venusaur was a problem as well so um yeah i didn't feel like i had enough for for venusaur or for a mooga so incineroar has a positive matchup against those pokemon it can still get slept by both but because it's like an alternative fire type um it not only benefits from the like from the synergy between water and grass that we already have but it also offers like another offensive fire type um and then from there i kind of got a little stuck i tried um reggie lucky with life ward because i knew i wanted to like four pokemon right and in theory reggie lucky with lifeform it's like interesting because you can go for like max lightning um and set up like uh electric train to block sleep but it didn't work very well um and then i tried maltrace so multis was actually really really good um so far pretty much people have only been using moltres with uh with weakness policy it feels like it feels like we did policymakers is kind of all people have been doing but on my team i already i already had um i already had weakness policy used so um i couldn't use weakness policy monitors because it had to be a colossal so um yeah so basically i was thinking to myself okay what do my pokemon struggle with i had this team of five that i thought was pretty solid and cinder was also really good because it just added in another like mode to the team like you could do you could drop dragopold and play insane on the on the core of four and it was still really good um if dragon ball like wasn't as good or if you wanted to do colossal in the back or something like that um so instead of like felt really good in the main core but then i was like okay what can i add here because like basically my i felt like i couldn't get any support that was better than the support i already had like if i had added another support pokemon here like let's say i added a mungus or something or indeedy um like i felt like i already had all the support i needed to to deal with the things that colossal was going to deal with so i kind of wanted a different offensive threat that already paired well with this with the defensive pieces i had as an alternate mode um and i was thinking about pokemon that i wanted to use and i was like okay i'm way too among us i'm weak to venus or we've already touched on those i'm okay versus trick him now because of incineroar um but this is a spectre was picking up in popularity and i'm like oh my god spectre is a problem spectre is a threat because colossal after a surf can't oco spectre and even if it's not even spectator lungus or spectra clefairy which i think everyone is like has they always have a redirection um call also doesn't even ko if they drag into max because it actually is really good special bulk um and so i like if you serve folkliff oh the camera froze if you search uh if you surf vocalist like you the trade isn't in your favor unlike versus like some water types like the spectre of max quakes and gets a special attack boost so i was like all right i can beat this thing with my main mode if i'm clever about it but it's not easy uh at all so what am i going to do um same with the spectre i'm weak to among us i'm weak to venusaur those are the poker those are the three pokemon i want to help with um and so i was like okay let me try out multrace right moultrace has the typing to deal with all three being a flying type um and being a dark type is come on what that was so fast doesn't even give me like 10 seconds obviously um being flying a dark type it matches up positively against all three of the pokemon that i've mentioned that i'm weak too right and it also takes advantage of the support that i already have having double fake out um and light screen willow us from breaking swipe um like it benefits from all of those because it's naturally bulky uh and intimidate so um yeah so mulches in theory made a lot of sense now like i mentioned the weakness policy was already used so what item could i use on multrace well in my opinion the three best items in the current format are weakness policy assault vest and lifeboard not in that order um and i was like okay well i wanted i wanted on my team i wanted to have a taunt user i wanted to have a fax pokemon i wanted a grass type i wanted to rock type there was a couple things i wanted and i wanted weakness policy and life form on the team so i had a six pokemon it could use the life orb uh the life was open so i gave it the life form and although life actually has like pretty significant anti-synergy with um with berserk because for those who don't know berserk won't activate on passive damage so sand vocalist life orb if you drop a below 50 for any of these moves or any of these effects um you don't get your berserk boost which is annoying um so life is pretty bad anti-synergy with berserk and testing there were a lot of times where i didn't get berserk because i was like putting myself on life range however lifeward makes delorean maltreats like really really really threatening offensively uh it's a pokemon with like a pretty mediocre special attack stat in my opinion however when you dynamics it can give it a life it becomes really threatening and the max moves feel like they get a lot more value because the real thing i want to talk about is max darkness because if your mole trace does like 40 to something with max darkness then next next turn because of the special defense drop it'll do 60 and get then get the ko um and like basically the additional power from lifeform puts it over there like range where it actually starts doing pretty significant damage on its own and it doesn't need the weakness policy boost and like i'm not saying life orb is better than weakness policy but i'm saying it was still for my team specifically it was really really good um weakness policy basically discourages your opponent from hitting you with super effective attacks um but if they never hit you with a super effective attack then you have a dead item right uh life orb is like okay you can hit me with super effective attacks and i acknowledge that but um yeah i'm going to be doing big damage like regardless and you could like life plus berserk is also really scary this comes into play in some of my matches especially versus the rain team um where like yeah the damage out just just kind of becomes ridiculous um because yeah basically like if you if you think about it like life over is a 1.3 boost and berserk has a 1.5 boost so like that's like you're you if you get berserk you're still what like you're so stronger right um then uh or wait am i stupid you're right you're like roughly as strong as plus two i think i'm not actually i'm having trouble doing math right now it's early in the morning for me um it's actually not that early but i'm just i'm just late riser i haven't been up for very long anyway liver mulch is really good so that's kind of the building process let's talk about the team so let's go into the final version um i'll talk about the spreads here because i've already talked a lot about the general synergy so i'll talk about spreads and moves dragonfold breaking swipe lewis slice green and surf um if you're using colossal you always need surf right um on my original colossal team back in april when i won the april on international challenge which is a wi-fi tournament i had light screen reflect surf dragon darts with focus sash right um but ursula with the focus stash so i knew that i couldn't use focus again um meaning that in order to use support dragon balls i couldn't do my old spread of max speed max attack with focus hash and i had to would have to actually invest in polk so um this is okay because basically like dragon pulp back when i first built this colossal team like offensive dragon boat was really common um for this tournament i expected to play one or zero like i didn't expect to play any offensive dragon pulp because uh with the crown tundra like it really fell off in popularity um with taboffini and walters and everything else like it became a lot worse so i didn't i no longer had to be max speed uh which is a big thing so i could take the evs out of speed which is actually pretty significant and invest in bulk um additionally because i wasn't investing in any attack and i knew i was gonna have to invest fully in bulk breaking swipe is a 60 base power move that hits both so like with spread reduction it's like oh god uh it's like 45 is that right i think it's like 45 base power on both uh mont um compared to dragon arts which is 50 base power in both mods and like yes dragon darts is like better in terms of raw damage because if one of them protects you hit both into the partner um but i wasn't using draggable to damage this time and i i didn't really anticipate it needed to do damage most of the time um and so breaking swipe is just like it's a spread move on like dragon dart so it can't be redirected by follow me or rage powder not that i could be directed by race predator anyway but like yeah can't be rejected by follow me or rage powder um and uh it also has a really nice secondary effect of lowering the foes attack by one uh this effect is really good it allows you to get around follow me uh it allows you to do damage around spread like yeah like regardless of redirection um and it allows you to like really really damage uh or take away uh foe's offensive capabilities this is a breaking swipe is a really really strong move i thought it was amazing when the game first came out and i wasn't really able to figure out how to use it um but it was so strong on dragon ball because it also is stabbed so like it's not doing zero damage it's not doing a lot of damage but it will add up over time um if you keep hitting pokemon with it it's really good chip damage um people a lot of people have asked me why i didn't run reflect and it's just because it's such a broken move um if you hit reflect you get a 1.5 times like defense boost in your team for like five turns if you had willis been a pokemon you kind of pokemon's attack in half for the rest of the game um and i had rid of them so i wasn't worried about misty terrain so will this been my opinion is a lot better because number one reflect will wear off and number two i didn't have light clay so i wasn't even getting max turn to reflect i don't know if you saw but on earlier version i definitely had dual screens uh i guess a much earlier version yeah i had light screen i like play dual screens but like um i decided to drop like i decided i didn't need the light clay because um yeah because like this like i wasn't often getting both strings up anyway and by dropping reflect i could run lewis instead and like this frees up my item slot and it frees up the move slot as well and this is just like well this is such a broken broken broken broken move because it's a permanent passive damage effect that uh you can't remove you can't crit through and um yeah like you can't stall out either so it's just such a strong attack um light screen is used whose colossal special defense is pretty garbage it's not garbage but it's not like given its typing it has a lot of trouble often um and it buffs up the rest of the team as well um and makes it like really really really like especially pokemon like really boom um and even pokemon like ursula who aren't bulky but it it like the light screen just benefits the whole team light screen and reflector great moves in general um surf to activate weakness policy so yeah i think that these were the best moves i could use like dragon pulp was a super sleeper pick for this tournament um it was really good it was amazing in practice it was amazing and testing it was amazing in the tournament itself um it's it was such a good support pokemon because it's also so fast and you can't drop at speed like i mentioned because of clear body you can't drop at speed with um with electro web so um yeah like it out speeds everything so i'll talk about the spread now so i gave it enough speed to outfeed tapacoco and to outspeed um spectre um as like i said at least like screen or surf at first i thought that was important but i didn't go up to like opposing dragon pole because like even if i i wasn't gonna like try and use this thing to be draggable anyway especially once i added small trace who's just better versus dragonfold if i thought it was like a dragonfold-centric team so um yeah so i i only had enough speed out speed um uh coco inspector which is good um the hp and special events evs are to make sure that it always survives um it always survives uh modest max facial attack feeny moon blast which means if the opponent was a combined boost with the troy specs you could light screen and still survive a hit so that's really big um initially on an earlier version i ev to survive burned glaster gloucester max hailstorm um but i don't think i live the life version anyway you can see this is the older spread um i didn't live i didn't live life burned my tails from any way as i recall and i didn't really anticipate having to do that anyway especially since i intimidate on the team so i figured that like i was more likely to fight against typofini than last year um with my dragonfall and so yeah this is what i went for um in the end a lot of people left me out safety goggles safety goggles are really really good in dragon pulse it's a good item in general especially with the mungus everywhere um i don't like to have two pokemon on my teams that are immune to spore in one way or another uh and immune to rage powder as well so a grass type and safety goggles gave me that um additionally like just having a pokemon immune safety goggles is like was really useful in testing there were a lot of scenarios where like the opponent would lead a mungus landorus right and if you look at my team like life orb landers t plus a mungus should be like i don't want to say impossible for me to deal with but like really really difficult because let's say it's like offensive letters t among us and i brought like colossal mode right let's say it's a team where i brought colossal um which like what happens sometimes you know like lots of teams have landorus if they just rage powder and like airstream and then quake and like you know like i really can't do that much against it right however with safety goggles you're able to just like switch colossal into willow boom and burn the dragon the landers turn one and then start firing off breaking swipes um and this dragon bolt is really bulky let me pull up the like i'll show you just leave these on the calcs because it's really wait which other thing froze oh no freeze um so like looking at dragon ball if you burn landers t like who's obviously one of the strongest pokemon in the game it's you're getting too accurate but by adamant but like versus even versus jolly life where if you have like uh like you you you take more damage however with grassy terrain the odds of koi are only 50 uh if it's jolly max attack and you burn it with life orb and then like you can uh you can break this right next turn um and make it so that like yeah they can't they can't ko you like you can be three killed by landorus and by burning the max turns you make landorus like omega useless and landers like so i guess one thing that i want to talk about with this team there's a lot i have to say sorry um one thing i want to talk about with this team is that colossal and dragopal like forces action on your opponent's end so like i didn't like just because of the matchups like the tournament didn't play out it's like in the exact same way practice did but in a lot of situations like i would lead drag up colossal never with the intention of clicking surf plus vote never never the intention of setting up turn one right i would do it because the opponent sees colossal improvement is forced to lead their counter um and like therefore like and the counter like is normally ground or water type and um they will often max turn one because if they don't max you can just serve vocalif and they'll get ko'd so you lead draggable colossal as a bait to force them into like taking using their dynamics and immediately you either protect your switch colossal off into gorilla boom and then either weaken their physical or special uh special side um and even if they're lead like feeny because you're switching it a lot of the time turn one um you can just burn them anyway even if they lead with feni so um yeah so basically like being able to waste your opponent's max turns and then set up late game with dragon ball colossal or ursula colossal was like a really really really really really good strategy that like like colossal's a really complex deep pokemon and when you choose to max and set up and like is a really big deal and a lot of people just like people are only really prepared for it so far at least like going into this tournament i think most people just expected it to be like a lead colossal and max immediately right um so yeah so basically like dragon ball was really really good because like almost always opponents would max versus be turned one and um by having a dragon fold like this which could like weaken the money to the physical or special side and that was especially strong on the physical side uh awakening opponents like yeah i could i could burn through their max turns easily and then go for a reverse sweep late game with colossal and that's like a really really powerful strategy um so yeah that's draggable uh goggles were really good it actually kind of ended up saving me in the grand finals as it predicted me from hail so that was kind of funny but the main intention is just to like ignore race power i have two pokemon that are immune to spore so i can always like i should i should generally have something i could switch in and then um yeah like to attack around race power is a big deal um and also because like versus venusaur i wanted something else but um yeah primary primarily it's uh it's attacker and rage powder and lunges and just to be able to like be annoying in front of mungus um next up okay let's talk about colossal next um these moves are standard on colossal protect heatwave i think are always coming he wave gives you an option outside of dynamaxx um meteor might seem like weird because it's basically like you don't have a rock move outside of max because they can always protect because it's a two turn move but the thing is that like meteor beam is a 140 base power move and your alternative ancient power is a 110 base power move and considering colossal is often double a special attack that's the difference between 280 and 220 so 60 base power difference um and you can really feel the power with colossal because as you can see i'm a modest max special attack my special attack set is weaker than timid multitrace um and mulches i already mentioned is like a pretty mediocre special attack stat so like colossal is not in the offensive stats department it's not strong at all um so like basically like the thing is that you need all the power you can get because you're doubling it and it becomes really powerful with the passive damage and with um with the high base power but you need all the damage you can get um in order for it to actually be threatening because the special effects of its own is not it's really not there um so here we have meteor beam protector always there um i had an opponent around earth power i like solar beam i had really been on the team um i i thought solar rain was solid uh solar beam like in theory i didn't really do this in the tournament but in theory you could like max grass liked over a feeney put pressure on water types and then burn the same turn by overriding misty train um i think these moves are the best i never really considered anything else i wouldn't recommend you try anything else unless you want to check for like the mirror match now but even so i think that solar beam is the best is the best option um yeah colossal's a really difficult pokemon to use but i feel like it has one of the highest skill ceilings in like all of competitive pokemon because there's just so much you can do with it and like even as someone who's used colossal a fair bit and won the tournament with it like i feel like i still have a ways to go in terms of like being a better colossal player personally um so i think the thing about colossal is that like i said like it's very it's very like multi-dimensional and how you play it um you can go for an early game sweep you can go for a late game suite but there's also a lot more layers to it than that like a lot of colossal what makes it strong is like it's passive effects so setting up vocalist is a vocalist is like stupidly broken like the passive damage from vocalist is actually ridiculous um like i think colossal will be a pretty good pokemon even without uh vocalist when you add vocalist and it's so so strong um it doesn't overwrite its own sun it doesn't have to set up sand um to break ursula's focus um and the passive damage is basically for those who don't know vocalist does 160 hp damage percentage based on both of your opponent's pokemon for four turns for a total of if they haven't like i mean assuming they're not immune and um didn't max or whatever that's a total of like 133 i think total damage um after using one attack like just in passive damage so the effect is like literally broken um and it the the passive damage just it's like it's so much um yeah the passive damage from the g-max forms like colossal charge or venusaur it's it adds up really quickly and yeah it like it's a big deal to get into play um there's a lot of layers to colossal there's a lot of things you have to consider one thing is like one of the advantages of like i mentioned i would play colossal in a slower mode a lot of the time i would try to bait out the opponent's uh dynamax and try and uh wait until their dynamics was over to use my own one of the big reasons for that is that the dynamics pokemon take half from vocalist so in order to get the most out of vocal if you want to use it after your opponent has already used their max and like it might not sound like a lot but the the damage adds up so quickly and using it into the mid to late game um setting up vocals in the mid to late game is just it's really it can be really devastating to to deal with so um yeah i think i think colossal is truly like actually omega broken um like it's it's actually like a ridiculous pokemon so um yeah meteor beam heat wave solar beam i think i talked about um in terms of the other ways you can play it like you have two ways of saying colossal up with this team but the funny thing about colossal is that like a lot of the time you don't even need to set it up like there were plenty of games i would win some in practice some testing uh or some testing some in like actual tournament where like you don't need to get weakest policy steam engine off to be strong because like you're still a good pokemon outside of that just because vocaloid is so broken like yeah um another thing is that you don't always have to get them like you could sometimes like sacrifice colossal after only one turn of max um to still win because one of the things about colossal and this is something that i picked up from watching santee who won the first players cup um my team ended up being five of the same six pokemon in santees it wasn't a purpose like i built like i wasn't yeah like it kind of just ended up that way but one thing that i did do is i watched all of santi's games back from the players cup one to see how he played colossal and i learned a lot from that um and he was his team was like whereas my team is kind of centered around colossal or multirace his team was it was a colossal or bust um and um one of the things that santi did was that um he would sometimes sacrifice colossal early game especially against water type dynamics pokemon um because that would allow him in the late game after he'd solved the opponent's dynamics um he would like hit something with like plus two colossal vocalist get his vocalist up bring in real women to threaten the water type and with brain up hershey through rapid strike is so strong um one of the big synergies around colossal hershey funeral boom is that um the setting up max geyser into colossal benefits really boom because it weakens fire type attacks and benefits usually because it's a water type and always crits so um one of the really interesting things about this team is that sometimes like you want colossal to go down or you want your opponent to to max they're like tapuffini or whatever so this at max geyser so um you uh so that you can win the little late in the late game with these two especially if you've got vocalists up already oh also i didn't mention it but often times like versus tempini i would try and get them to actually the weakness policy for me and i would like to screen vocalist or light screen protect um and let them max geyser me and then just go from there and like save a turn of max that way as well um yeah um in terms of like the other way things you can do with colossal like you can max flare often to weaken water type moves i think that's something that people don't really talk about with colossal but like versus type of feeding like if i was set up like i would sometimes max play the partner get good damage off and make it so that even if they maxed i would live another hit um and waste a turn of their dynamic so i think that's something that's actually really strong with colossal um max player is interesting on this team i said i feel like something i had to learn was that sometimes you may need to make sure that you don't set it up if your opponent is a lot of like ground and rock type pokemon because oftentimes you need hershey food to do damage in the light game and like ursula really doesn't want to be in sun um that being said if you think colossal is going to make it and be like a pivotal factor after it's dynamaxx you do want to set sun up because heatwave and solar beam are both like significantly improved in the sun um so yeah let's talk about the spread i didn't invest max speed the reason is that um i thought that i wasn't getting i wasn't likely to play against many other colossal and even if i did i didn't really want to be going for speed ties anyway so instead of investing in max speed i realized that i only wanted to put enough speed in town to speed venusaur and sun i think you could argue that maybe more is necessary because like i didn't speed plus two jolly landrus with this um but or like ursula tail wonders or plus dude or stuff like that but um i decided i'm gonna be one point faster than venusaur and sun i'm gonna put the rest in bulk um it's not a lot of bulk as you can see so you might be thinking like okay well if you got nine points of hp in one point each of the defenses was it really worth it to not be max speed like you had to play against a colossal team you were definitely slower like was it worth it it was so worth it like this extra bulk goes i don't even know why but it goes so so far in colossal um like it's actually like i don't even i don't really understand why but like oh my frozen the extra bulk it's like miraculous like i'm not gonna lie to you like if it plays such a big role uh so like so much of the time it doesn't even really make sense um but yeah basically like the extra bulk like there were games where like i would like survive like one hp with colossal or like i would realize that i was like living like in one of my earlier rounds i think even game one round one um i saw that i would always live sucker punch by like a couple hp and i lived on three hp which as a reminder like this extra bulk it was more than three hp it's nine um more than nine if you count the defense maybe the defense changed the role so the extra bulk went a really long way in colossal i didn't want to be timid i didn't really care like you already have to be reggie lucky he has to be venusaur and son like i wasn't that concerned about plus two or plus one really fast pokemon i figured the bulk like because the other alternatives do timid max speed and out speed like basically everything you can but for me it seemed like better just to get as much as you could out of like i would be the things you were likely to play against and then get bolt because the book will help you in every match up um but the speed will only help you in a couple of nice situations so that was my that was my logic um and i think it was i honestly think that this decision would be slightly bulky and colossal made a big deal because i took less from surf i took less from um aqua jet like colossal's always starting out if you're gonna set it up with like less hp than um with less hp than like full because you're always hitting it yourself so um not always but you're often hitting it yourself um so yeah i think i think the spread was really really good and i think the extra bulk went a long way and if you want to counter the team with your own colossal team you can just make yourself like four points faster so or you know uh 480 is faster so yeah ursula was the next easiest one to talk about so let's talk about this this one's pretty straightforward um with ursula it's focus it needs focus because it's pretty frail um focus on ursula in my opinion like i know people are running choice band but i just think the focus actually is so much more consistent um on both hershey forms um but yeah basically max speed max attack you're like you need max speed because of opposing irish view um max attack is you wanted to do damage you're at focus actually you don't need to invest in bulk for hp because that gives you an extra point of grassy train recovery because it's 16n um so yeah basically this thing is really straightforward i'm seeing this is a stupidly broken ability especially with priority like you can pick off 180 or like low speed pokemon with aquajet um i really liked using urshivu i don't know if it like works that well outside of i don't know version of water for me works that well outside of colossal teams but on this team it was like such a strong pokemon um the colossus oh yeah the other thing is that yeah i'm very going to do this here now um colossal is a special a really strong special attacker so to follow it up with two physical attackers most of the time that were pretty strong is really good um but yeah ursula being immune to critical hits and reflect is a big deal having priority is really good the coverage is really nice water and fighting are really good coverage options um and the the thing is that like it actually is a pretty good defense stat of 120 so like um yeah it's actually like not like it's not physically weak at all and all of the special events that is really bad like there were times where it would it could definitely take two or three hits or it always took two hits but it could take like sometimes three hits because of the support of dragon ball late game and like um yeah i don't know it was it was really a strong pokemon overall and i was i was honestly kind of blown away by just how powerful it was um throughout the tournament um it puts a lot of offensive pressure uh like i said the typing really complements colossal a lot um yeah like i don't know it's really difficult if you would get colossal in position and you bring an ursula next to it it's really difficult to stop and just the ability to attack through protect on its own is like we talked about it before usual came out and then we kind of stopped talking about it but it's broken like it's actually like unseen fist is like gotta be one of the best abilities in the game because like what's so nice about ursula is it sets up 100 conditions right like you're like okay i don't have to worry about is the opponent gonna get the double product are they gonna protect in the first place it's not like a read right you're like well i hope they protect because it's not doing anything um i actually had a conversation and this is funny i had a conversation with aaron traylor uh about urgent food and i was like hey is gmax or should be really bad or should it be dynamics because with dynamics or shifu you get like the ring up and then you power up your next attacks and like gigantomax are true like because of the crits it's not actually that much stronger than a regular base for me urshifu so like normally it's a bad pokemon to max anyway so i was like hey aaron do you think i should be like dynamat because i was leaning towards dynamics and he was like no i think the ability to hit through max guard is like kind of broken and opens up like extra avenues that you wouldn't have otherwise so i took his word for it and i used gigantic max and i'm glad i did um i think you would argue dynamics could be good as well like i i was leaning towards dynamics but um yeah like even though i didn't actually break any max cards there's a set where i was able to giant exercise and like i juggle mixed it to cover for a max card and i wouldn't have been able to do that with regular ishifu so i i do think that you can make sure she was the right choice here on the steam at least but yeah i don't know what to say about it like i paired really with colossal paired really well with really boom it's just a really strong pokemon like i think on a team like this it's very underrated because it's like definitely like an uh an unsung hero of um of this team like i mean honestly all the pokemon were so good like every pokemon i used pulled its weight and then more so yeah um let's talk about really boom so um really we might have to make a lot of choices on you only get four moves in overlapping and you often want more than that um let the music go you often want more than four moves in your room because like you have high horsepower you get wood hammer like there's a couple other moves that you really want and then the spread is also like i had to make choices with the spread so um i went with assault this really boom um for those of you familiar with santee's team he went with choice banner lumen but i thought solve this was like based on my style of play i thought assault bus was so much better effectively like i mentioned a lot of the time you're leading dragon ball colossal or when you leave dragon ball colossal you're immediately switching into rhythm turn one after you beat with the max and the extra bulk is so nice uh on this thing and it's actually really bulky so if we take a look i don't actually remember exactly what account for um but i believe it was okay first of all max airstream so um i even i think defensively to take adam and burned life or max airstream so that i could like even if they predict like hard read me i would still survive the term with really boom and like a lot of the thing is that like on this team like it doesn't necessarily matter if your pokemon go down like if dragon pulled a real boom go down early or it doesn't matter if they're going to faint in the long run it just matters what turn they faint like burning an extra turn of dynamics with a little bit is so so valuable like even if it's going down the next turn so even versus lifeform max airstream i wanted this the the um just the security to know that i could survive and then on the special side like i wanted to make sure that i was lying switching spectre so this is i believe this is lifeform yeah so i even have the special side to take lifewarp helping hand max uh spectre which is a really powerful move for those of you unaware like it does stupid damage so um when i had invested those like in that those in the stats like i didn't have much evs left over so i put like the rest in attack and foreign speed um i basically said like all right i'm not going to be very fast i'm also not going to be very strong but i think that the bulk is is more valuable and this is this was a decision that i was really nervous about going into the tournament because like um really boom can do a lot of damage when it's offensive and like especially if you're used to offensively or even like not even choice fan but just like max attacker boom like you oftentimes will underestimate how much grassy glide is doing as a main attack move and i was like i was definitely nervous about that like there were definitely moments where like um yeah i was like pretty pretty kind of spooked that grassy glide wasn't gonna do enough um but overall the bulk was so clutch in this tournament like i took helping hand max quake and then helping hand me strike from uh lifeworks factory or like there were so many moments where my religion would hang on with just like a little bit of health and um like it took like minus one choice by close combat pretty handily like it was really really um incredible the bulk made such an like an enormous difference in this tournament that um i feel really good about the decision to to make it bulky because like yes there are times where it was going to be a little bit underwhelming in terms of damage output but since you're mainly using it as a support pokemon anyway like using it for fake out using it for like a relatively like decent decent to weak priority attack and then using it for pivoting and knockoff support like yeah um and because i ran such a bulky spread like i wanted to use all the support moves so i think fake out is obvious grassy glide is obvious unless you're running choice but you should always have these two moves um i'm like yeah i could have had higher spiral i could have wood hammer but i wasn't really worried about really doing damage i really wanted just to be like a good support pokemon um i mentioned that trigger was like kind of difficult for me and especially pokemon like porygon 2 and dusk clubs like they're really hard for my team to remove um especially dust clubs because paintball is annoying um and i can't really get rid of it quickly and because of paint split like um it can heal back up and and mitigate the passive damage so having knockoff is really good against that knockoff is just an amazing support move in general um yeah so i i definitely want to knock off and then uturn is such a good support move as well being able to pivot safely between like into early food like ursula and colossal never want to switch in most of the time because it's focus obviously it's focus hash like this one's focus and then like this one's frail um so uh i know like i never i never really wanted to switch these guys in or focus action like the colossal's not frail per se but like unless you're switching it into fire attack like because you're normally damaging yourself anyway you kind of need all your health so it's really difficult to switch these two in um which is why really boom was like the ultimate pivot on my team like switching it in safely and then you turning out or switching it in just a second to get one of these two back in safely it was it was really incredible um i used choice manual in the first players cup in this in the regional bracket and i was kind of under i think it was strong but it was like really difficult to maneuver and i kept feeling like it was just barely not enough and this really boom like it was so impressive it was so strong it was so it was just like the perfect pokemon it was exactly what i needed and it really completed this core four and made it like really threatening um and and i think at large part the decision to be extra bulky at soulfest had a had a big role in that um and sudara is next i'm trying to remember what i give you this thing for oh i know what i used it for um actually i already have it in the calc wanted to make sure that i could live helping him life or max quake from sonora um that was a big deal to me um oh wait this little wait wait oh wait a second wait what about you before then oh oh not helping hand right wait was it was helping him but not okay wait what did i eat this thing for i eat it for something wait was it landorus tea maybe for virus oh okay so okay okay that's what i did i put the i put enough investment to live adam and uh landers see earthquake and then put the rest in special defense um i had some questions throughout the move so like i said i think fake out fake and partnership are always going to be on the set um i think those two are kind of like mandatory um party charters just like so it's again incentives for their pokemon where it fills a really similar role to really boom um where it's a it's a pivot right it's a bulky support pokemon that serves as a pivot um they have like they both have fake out they both have a switching move they both have a stab move um another more a dark type supportive move um but yeah faker and party shot are always there i mentioned that i was weak to mungus and venusaur so flare blitz is going to be my attack um and then why did i choose taunt well i already had multiple actually when i added this i didn't have multiples but yeah like i i had a taunt over dark dark move because most of the time you're using fake out in the parting shot with incineroar and occasionally you're flare blitzing um and especially on this team like i really didn't see a reason to like i didn't think i needed darkest lariat or whatever dark move i wanted to use or snarl or anything um on the other hand i really want to taunt and i was worried about trick room um and so todd just seemed like a much better option there wasn't a single point in any of my games where i was like man if i had dark like i want darkest lariat instead of taunt like flare boats is always almost always going to be like what you need and um yeah also you need flare blitz because you sometimes need the option of activating steam engine without weakest policy and flare let's let you do that so um yeah um yeah taunt i just think was it was really good i i think i'll use it a couple times throughout the tournament i used to talk to twerkle uh in grand finals but um it was a really really important move and and it helped me i didn't really play against any trick room team which is why i didn't like have to use it very often but it was a it's just like a really solid move for creating um for locking down opponents um in general and i also often paired with uh instant with moltres and being almost like just force like have a pokemon that you knew couldn't protect is really really helpful like taunt is really hard to fit on a lot of teams in my opinion like it's one of my favorite moves but it's like i don't always i'm not always able to use it because it's hard to fit sometimes if you don't know the right pokemon for it but it's just like it is such a good move like it's gotta be one of the best support moves in the game in my opinion in vgc and like yeah i like i don't know it's it's so good so i'm really glad i had taunt um a couple things i want to talk about you see that i invested in defense here to the landers earthquake i couldn't live spectre comfortably at least not consistently um i could live life for max quake but not helping him like we're next quake so i think like yeah given that i couldn't live this anyway like like i don't think i bothered investing in regular max quake or you know regular life or i mean i love life or back quake um i think i live modestly for next week yeah um so yeah without helping hand i knew i could survive uh a spectre that was those are the like strongest ground moves in the format so that's where the bulk went but i think it was just max hp enough to live with landorus tea and then the rest in special defense um but yeah one thing i want to talk about is citrus fairy so here's here's a little tip from my viewers this is going to make you better probably pokemon people are always flapping i pop barry on the center or i really disagree in my opinion um i like omega disagree with that decision like i think the citrus berry is like here's how you think about it right the citrus berry is 25 and it activates a 55 50 of your health right you get 25 health back at 50 of your health aya papa berry is 33 of your health right but it only activates 25 of your health so basically you you won't activate your berry for an additional 25 um that's 25 where you're just not gonna get recovery and um the exchange is only eight percent it's only an eight percent difference right so you basically trade 25 activation window for eight percent recovery um and the thing about ipob very is it doesn't turn into a ko into a three hit ko because if a move is doing 75 the first time it doesn't matter if you heal 33 it's still doing 75 the second time but if the move is doing anywhere from 50 to 62 percent the first time uh which came into play in this tournament when venusaur well actually venus or max quaked me twice and i died because the second one crit um but like it wasn't supposed to ko right um and if a move is going to do exactly 50 like you like citrus berry gives you an extra life it'll turn into a kale into a three-hit kale whereas i papa berry won't do that ipod berry is good if like you're consistently getting chipped down oh my god of all the frames of freeze on why that one um but yeah i popped berry is really good if you like you know expect to like and like i get why people use it right because you're thinking okay i'm always going to activate the berry anyway so like why not like why not just use something that um why not use something that is always going to activate but it's not just like venusaur like there's a lot of situations where it's taking about half half health right because like okay let's say i'm fighting against blanders tea right and i've burned it let's say it's uh it says jolly life or burned right or even adamant life or bird right this is a three ko on my citrus berry and sonora right whereas with uh with with ayah pop berry it's always too a killing and you can't do anything about that so i think that citrus berry is like even though it's a little bit less health like i think that on most pokemon like i'll always always like i'm almost always going to reverse it just very first and then if you've already used such very on your team you can use i pop a berry but in my opinion such as barry is just like a much better item um in general like i i will always splash this one like i never even considered i have popping berry because yeah like you have to think about the function of recovering hp and turning it to a camo to a 38k was kind of a big deal especially on a pokemon like in sonora where like let's say you switch it on venus or max quake um you want to be able to flare blitz a parting shot next turn right and that's a really realistic example like if they have torque venus or you switch internet you take max quake you're at 50 you could die the next turn if you don't have citrus berry and then you can't flare blood you can't parting shot or if you're citrus berry you can you can take an attack and flare the parting shot out so it's a pretty relevant example uh in my opinion so yeah incident was also like i think i mentioned it but it was just really good in general um urgent colossal and really have really good synergy together and the addition of the cinder over dragon pulp is um it makes the core even more flexible i don't think i ever actually did this in the tournament because dragon ball is really good in a lot of my matches but um yeah it adds another layer of depth to the team because like instant archival instant relevant up front are still pretty threatening and they like with instant andrew living on the same team or in the same four pokemon that you brought to a match like it gives you a really good ability to pivot and really get a bit of ability to switch around and kind of like um slow play so incineroar was really really good yeah it basically like flushes out the colossal mode even more it makes it like even more multi-dimensional because you're not forced to just do the same for pokemon with colossal every time now you have like a bunch of different combinations that can work um depending on the opponent like um versus some teams i would actually leave really women do instant draggable colossal or shifu sometimes so um yeah like it just like basically adds a whole another layer of depth that is really helpful um yeah and last but not least we have maltrace uh in terms of eevees like i was like more of offensive multitrace max speed was important because i wanted to be as fast as possible um this actually ended up coming into play where i i somehow oh hello i still actually i spent a kingdra only at plus one speed because i didn't know this but the kingdom was super bulky like i was surprised everyone watching probably like i had no idea was gonna happen but like yeah um you pretty much need to max speed anyway because like if you want to do offensive maltress like i was like um oh jolly landers is faster i actually forgot about that well there's a reason i don't know like you just want to be as fast as possible you want to be outspeeding other multitudes you want to be attacking first and you want to be as fast as you can when you get your boost right um so yeah like in theory you could drop some speed but like unlike colossal like mulches i really just wanted to be as fast and as strong as possible and just like it was just a damage bond so i didn't think i wanted to complicate the spread um so yeah max speed max special attack and the four hp the spread's pretty straight forward i've already talked about why i chose lifelord um but this thing was really really good um the thing about moltres and that i think like why mulches work so well is that like mulchers really benefited from the support i already had um and because i had just added a cinderella to the team i still had a firewater grass core that i could bring to matches even without colossal so maltress and cinderella really immersed if it was kind of like a nice mode of mine or mole trace those four pokemon while chasing the lead and the others in the back um because like the support is still really good like instant religion and earthquake are still really good pokemon and you still get your strong special attacker right out of the gates um and muldrew's benefits were intimidated it really benefits from double fake out um and yeah like it's just like a pretty it's an overall really strong pokemon um the max moves are really good urges really benefits from the max airstream um max circus doesn't combo with anything else on the team but it really accomplishes itself which is nice um and yeah overall moltres is just like very very very good this tournament because the pokemon the matchup that colossal didn't want to come to which were primarily spectra or sun um and in this tournament rain which i had to play against moltres did a really good job and maltress is one of the best pokemon versus spectre um because not only does it have good typing not only can you use airstream to speed it not only to use darkness to put on a lot of pressure um but outside the max you can actually get around redirection with fire wrath which never ended up coming into play but it's an option as well so maltress has got to be one of the best anti-anti-horse pokemon in the game actually anti-spectrum one of the game um it's also really good into a mungus it's really good into venusaur um the reason i actually ended up going with moltres because like maltress doesn't beat venusaur on paper because like they can just sleep powder you but what i realized is that venusaur can't have sleep powder protect earth power leaf storm sludge one but it could only that's five moves so that's five moves so it only gets four of those um and almost all the time it'll be either it'll always be grass poison ground and then either protect your sleep powder meaning versus sun teams and cinder mulches is a really strong lead because you can if there'll be electrical venous or you could take out airstream um and if they leave like yeah like that will force them either to max and therefore not sleep you and you win like the war of attrition that way because you have better pokemon or like your pokemon match up favorably or um they lead like something else and you have taunt to stop trick room or you have like fake out nasty plot um yeah so mulch is really good i was actually really unsure about nasty plot on life or multitrace but i ended up using it a couple times in the tournament and it was really really really um really good i think this is a really good decision and the other thing is that moltres like if i could have had like a ground type cover like i've been learning burning jealous of solo camera uh if i learned burning jealousy i would have probably done that instead but it doesn't learn to bring or sorry uh scorching sands not burning jealousy um oh actually yeah bernie jealousy too i might have considered but yeah scorching sands i would have learned that but it doesn't have that many good moves other than the ones that you have and everything else is worse than nasty plot um so yeah nasty plot actually ended up being really good when i wanted to play like oh my god aggressive and make hard read what my opponent was doing which was a couple times so yeah um i've got another thing i want to touch on before we wrap up here is that double fake out like i i won worlds with double fake out right so i i thought double fake it was like the truth for a little bit but it kind of fell off after 2016 like i tried it in 2017 it wasn't really as good and then with the addition of dynamax like fake out in general felt so much less valuable um but i think on this team it was especially good because like i wasn't doing my like fake out protect fake out like cycling stuff as as much as i was in 2016 but just like fake outfit really good in this team i think because because i was using colossal so often i would force the opponent to dynamex early it's not like figa got worse it just doesn't really work it doesn't work at all versus dynamics pokemon and um not only does like not only does my team encourage dynamics and early but fake out also encourages the opponent's giant max early as well so in the late game because really when it is so bulky they oftentimes will survive to the late game and therefore like having figa in the end game set up for a lot of like the combination of fake out with these two pokemon and then strong priority attacks or like priority attacks in general with these two pokemon strong because this hits to protect and this is actually just damage um was actually really strong in a lot of my end games like it doesn't matter if the lucky is one hp if you have awkward ursula you know it doesn't matter like if the election is you know one hp but doesn't have protect and it's sat like and you know specs are lucky with low hp because you're a fake out right with incineroar um and yeah like i think i think just like fake out was really really good this tournament overall i'm really happy with this team i don't think it would change anything like honestly looking back like i think i could have played better in a couple sets but um yeah overall i think the team was like really perfect and it gave me the tools i needed to win um which is like normally a finished tournament i'm like okay that could have been better maybe this could have been better like it wasn't perfect it was good but it wasn't perfect but like honestly like i don't think i would change anything i don't think i would change a single spread i don't think i would change a single itemization i don't think i would change a single move like everything did so well this tournament everything pulled its weight everything like did exactly what i wanted it to i was really really impressed with um with this team and so i think this is one of my better teams i've ever built um maybe not the best but definitely like it's it's up there it's like yeah probably probably top five for me like it's gotta be like world 16 2011 team this i wonder if this is number three for me like this is a really good team i'm really proud of this one um but yeah i think that like i don't know how obvious it is but a lot of the decisions like the eevee spreads the move choices the item choices like i feel like they all just kind of came together perfectly and and really worked out well so i'm really proud of this i'm really proud of this team i hope you enjoy using it um once again here is the rental code um but yeah i think it's pretty much all i have to say i could probably talk about the scene for like three hours if i wanted but um i think i covered most of the things i wanted to say um but yeah thank you so much for watching thank you for all the support i recorded all the matches i've ever won and my opponent recorded the one that i thought was lost forever which is the urgent or the colossal mirror match so i'll have this up on the channel over the coming days um also more gs cup stuff in the coming days but yeah once again thank you for the support thank you so much for for watching and um i think that's a lot to say i'll see you next time peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 254,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, vgc 21, vgc 2021, players cup, players cup 2, players cup 2 team report, coalossal team report, wolfey players cup 2, wolfe glick players cup team, wolfe glick team, wolfe glick players cup, wolfey players cup, wolfeyvgc players cup
Id: uAmEJ0W5W4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 16sec (3256 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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