Pokemon World Champion Reacts to Pachirisu Winning the World Championships

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okay so here's the deal sage in parks 2014 pokemon world championship finals match is probably the most famous VGC match of all time did you see being the official format for competitive Pokemon hosted by the Pokemon company and I realized I've never really watched his match like on stream or on YouTube I'm never reviewed it or anything and I thought it could be really interesting for me to sit down and kind of give my thoughts and kind of give some perspective into commentary on the match and the overall scene as well so here we are so I guess for those of you don't know most you probably know my name is wolf Glick it is my real name thank you for asking I'm the 2016 pokemon world champion so I won the World Championships two years after Sagan did and I knew sage in actually two years before this we met at the 2012 World Championships where we played twice actually one time in Swiss and one time in top cut both of which were really good games he won the one in Swiss I won the one in top cut and I moved on to top of four so I realized that this like I said this match is extremely famous within the obviously the general gaming community if someone's gonna know one like one match of competitive Pokemon it's probably this one realistically I would be like almost everybody who knows about competitive pokemon is like oh yeah that one time that punch arisu won worlds right he was a very famous match but there's a lot of kind of subtext here and a lot of things that I think are really interesting that don't get talked about as much so the first thing I'm not gonna watch this whole video I'm only going to watch the battle but first thing to note is that this matches being commentated by Scott glossa and Evan lot who are the pioneers of VGC commentary these were the original commentators when we had like technically there was a stream in 2012 that world but it was done by people who didn't really who did not know anything about competitive pokemon or new extremely little now I haven't Scott we're both community members and are still like were and are still widely respected in the community and we're some of the founders behind nugget bridge which was the community's main website before Twitter kind of took over so having these two commentate I think probably the most iconic match of all time is very fitting now let's talk a little without the players so the first one the first person will be at the talk about here is Jodi has a rally so Jodi is actually a smash player now I'm sure he still dabbles in VCC really nice guy Jodi so let's talk about Jodi first so um why does it say seven plays 2014 worlds isn't this 2014 worlds am I an idiot second place ATX 2014 yeah so I believe did Jodi play Aaron at finals or was that a different year I don't remember but yeah so basically Jodi was I think at the time he was a relatively newer player um I think that's about Worlds they're supposed to be nationals not not worlds but yeah Jodi I believe at the time was a relatively newer player to the scene and he was part of the group that was I do an it I didn't know I don't know how to pronounce their name and I'm it's in a different language just to be sure I'm not gonna pronounce it um but he was part of a group with angel Miranda who many of you guys probably don't know sapphire Burch was his handle at the time I think now he's goodbye angel um really nice guy and another very widely respected player he was he was um back in the day and probably still today I don't know how to be his but he's geez widely respected is a very good team builder so Jodi it was with angel and all these other guys and they were part of you know part of this group and they made it to the finals of world I remember something that was interesting about this team is that it had choice scarfed Tyranitar with ice punch so actually this year I was nine if I have my resistance was just a little bit better I would have top cut but I miss top cut on a couple points of resistance and yeah like I said Jodi's team was really cool so it had Lucario I believe was mega actually um so Lucario was interesting here because the main Megas have this format originally it was kangaskhan so that's kind of the first thing to know what we're talking about Jodi's team was that kangaskhan was the real driving force of this mad this meta game for a lot of it people were here Kangaskhan with Salomon's and a moon guess and Garchomp and Tyranitar but like this is back when amoonguss could rage powder and came from were used for covert powerup punch and boost attack by two stages so on top of the already you know big power that Kangas gonna put out for those of you don't know parental bond was nerfed in generation 7 but generation 6 and before way it was generation 6 it was not nerfed and so it was a 1.5 times boost all attack so gentlemen this is really threatening sucker punch was threatening the metagame was not that bulky as I recall there were some bulky stuff but a lot of frail pokémon like talonflame and you know I've got fighting covers for Tyranitar and normal stab was strong and priority was strong with fake-out and sucker punch was a very strong Pokemon in order to combat that the real like the main story of worlds even though that doesn't show up in the final was mega Mawile mega mall while started taking off stage it actually won nationals this year with mega Mawile on a rain team or am I being crazy it was punch of the decolo ages / hi dragon I don't remember lots - maybe he didn't use mega mall while but mega mall well was huge mortgage doctor actually was the owner of that I'm sorry Marcus it's really hard I'm sorry I've no excuse uh I've been like one of the best friends for like seven years I should say it properly but anyway so Marcus gut was actually the highest place in kangaskhan and make a cake it's gone up this Turner and as I recall and I think he was 14th this year anyway so Joe Diaz really here has a really cool team he doesn't have Kenya Shana doesn't have mall while mall while was very popular this tournament but it didn't make finals so instead his mega Pokemon our Charizard y which was a bit of a weird call on paper because politoed was pretty big rain real close and won nationals this year with rain and mega lucario was the second one so I believe the way this team worked was yuju's Charizard of the opponent didn't have good answers for it like for example they didn't have politoed and maybe if they didn't have to run at our cuz it's a very powerful Pokemon and if they did have answers for it you do can you go Lucario as a secondary mega so in a dual mega which at the time was really creative do a mega was not used that much back of the day and or maybe it was I don't remember I don't remember - oh my god being used especially a lot and then it had other strong Pokemon - it did ice punch Tyranitar which is only legal through a Japanese event so a lot of players didn't have access to it but Jody was able to get one which is cool and then he had Garchomp which is obviously a solid Pokemon and then Solomon's as well but the interesting thing year the last music Pokemon his Rotom cut who had almost no usage throughout the season so that's a bit on his back story right now we have Sagan right who's Asian is the three-time national champion of Korea I think he won in 11 12 and 14 if I recall quickly but I if you wanted 13 as well at the time he was a three-time Korean national champion so Sagan is it's kind of hard to describe like the how incredible this guy is right when it comes to well a lot of things but especially especially Pokemon especially video games in general so just some extra context here station is he won nationals right he is a national champion three times right then after he won the World Championship spoilers he wins with Pachirisu he goes on to compete in TCG he qualified for the World Championships I can't remember he won Korean nationals and TCG I was trying to look it up I'm not sure and as if that weren't enough he's also currently power ranked in Korea I think he's he's in the top ten I want to say he's sixth or eighth but I'm not positive but yeah and that's not even talking about VGC we're talking about other games the one he's a world champion in so let's talk about Stajan and VGC he his first tournament to my knowledge could be 2200 I believe is 2011 he finishes second he's one of I believe two players to gut both second and first place at the World Championships um I could be wrong but I think that's correct he gets second in 2011 and C in the senior division he then in 2012 moves up to the masters division and gets top eight being eliminated by me he then top cuts again for the third consecutive year in 2013 and get to talk eight again you can see 2013 fifth place he was I think he might've been the number one seed but I'm not positive then in 2014 he top cuts for the fourth consecutive year so he has come very close three times before this he has gotten second and then two top cuts and the thing is once you talk cut there's three opponents in your way and in your world champion so at least back in the day will be at Table eight cuts a little different now but you get what I'm saying right so he's come very very close right and this year he's in the finals with a bizarre team he's got guard over who's not mega but his scarf he's got talonflame which is something weird I don't remember he's got Garchomp standard Pokemon but then things get interesting so Gotha tall picked up a lot this tournament god the dome all while was a very popular core I used it myself in this tournament but instead of pairing with mo while he's actually gone with mega Gyarados which is a Pokemon that nobody ever talks about and that if I ask most people they wouldn't remember that this thing won worlds but as mega Pokemon as Garrity's for some reason um not for that not for some reason to suspect me saved you but like from like a from like somebody who was watching this for the first time they'd be like why does he have mega Garrity's and that he is Pachirisu so a lot of the story that was told about this finals is about Pachirisu right it's about said you used his favorite Pokemon I just don't think Potteries is a Pokemon but you know he used this create a Pokemon and he won worlds that etc etc right Pachirisu was it wasn't used very much it was used probably close to about as much as the person cut like it wasn't that much of a weirder pick than mega Gyarados I would say or maybe scarf Gardevoir but and because the thing is that it got following me and this was a format with redirection with a munis and so it wasn't crazy in my opinion it was not a crazy pic looking back like we knew marcus and i knew about Pachirisu we didn't think it was like good enough to use obviously we were wrong but yeah i wasn't like as off-the-wall as probably i think she was somebody looking in probably what a guest but yeah like for me the interesting like the storyline going into this final what i thought it would be is that season has come so close three times he's proved he's an incredible player he's a three-time national champion and you know he's top cut world's three times he's got second he's got two top aides in the masters division now he's in the finals again so he can go home as the winner you know he could go home as the world champion or he getting out in second place twice which would really stink so that's what I thought the storyline would be instead what end to talk happening is this is all becomes about pottery so we've got an interview with a Rasha body previous year's World Champion and then let's just go into the battle so um yeah if Jodie has just started getting hot at Nationals and he's carried it through the world yeah I think that that confirms that it should have been to do so Jodie should have been they should've been talking about topic either but said you get the second place trophies at that time so I love to see here and say you'll be able to do what he do the crowd dispersed here as well I was in the Crouch as I watched you slide on all right we are jumping right into team preview on your screen you're seeing se-jin park Jodi's obviously from America Korea's from so god patel Gardevoir I'm actually curious if a narrative at the comedy ters talked about Scott in the crowd yeah it looks like okay it looks like even at the time the narrative was about Pachirisu a Charizard Salamence guard shop Luke I like this guy dancing I wonder as she signs the crowd I wonder if I could see me probably not Jodi's wearing the American flag the body language is interesting I don't know if you guys agree with that but like Jodi is like really like he's really moving he's really hyped up and staged it looks like not that either is wrong I think both work for so Garchomp and Gardevoir the leaves here versus to Rena trench Arthur so immediately station knows that Jodi does not have mega lucario the guard over a scarf as is the trinitarios I think it's not trace it's telemetry that's right so looking at this situation sorry guys I'm depositing throughout but looking to the situation if your ass agent you've got you have options right um I don't remember the items on the Garchomp so that's gonna be kind of crucial here it's probably a berry but the thing is this feels kind of like a mind game right because staging go for earthquake or you can go for blessed or over rockslide right if you rockslide tickets to take out Charizard back its hold of them holding the mega crystal so I can't hold my another item so he knows they can probably do one chunk of Charizard alright and if let's say let's say let's assume he survives a nice punch let's say he's yeah to Barry let's say he goes for rockslide and last year on Tyranitar then and Charizard does not protect himself then he's in pretty good shape actually that play feels pretty safe because assuming he takes some nice punch then he can do blasting in the next term because it's Gardevoir outspeeds Chara nets or a cigar divorce pink scarf here is actually really nice he can also bridge to switch um we know that we know that Jodi has Garchomp on his team so it seems like a coup come in here but the offensive pressure that's agents putting out which mean both guard over Garchomp like they're really covering for the with Garchomp hitting steel types of grounds Oh regarding the dragon types yeah so this feels like a very strongly from Satan but again it depends on if his um it depends a lot on if his car jump could survive and ice punch because if it can't things get a little more interesting right because that means that Jody actually is a safe move of ice punch into the Garchomp and maybe use flamethrower into carnivores are like a fire move overheat you may have to try and kale it the other thing to notes are interesting the other thing to note is that assuming that Charizard which is here because more careful comes out okay it looks a different pack need a amazing play by sage in like I said he like there's no drawback to that play um Jodi I think doesn't realize Jodi's probably made a game plan right he's had the night to prepare he's gone to the finals he's probably thinking if I hit stone Asgard over all faint and then I can win and then like I can go from there right but he doesn't realize that say June has a bit of like I think a small bit of defensive investment on a scarf Gardevoir so it barely hangs on between Stone Edge and sand a risky play from Jodi but he did kind of get like his leads were not amazing here there's no sages playing that card show I'm assuming it could take a nice punch um I'm assuming as he ought to your sash or something um but yeah so I staged it makes the perfect play like I said there's really not much that Jodi can do about it and I don't think Jodi's play as bad I think if he gets that stone as knockout he's not in terrible shape but because he misses it barely he now really is kind of forced charger out because if he if he stays any can't mega wolf because if he does mega mall people over at the sanding garden or hang on so he has to try and switch Charizard out Jodi I think has a switch charger out and hope he doesn't take too much damage from whatever decision goes for and then trade yeah and then and then go from there basically trying to trade Tyrannosaur for guard Awards the decision could read this because he kinda has no reason not to me Washington's actually yeah he couldn't move less Bacon's a digitizer here's the plan so obvious I think I'm definitely rather be a decision that Jodi's right now let's see what he goes for them they both have a lot of very offensive Pokemon and there's gonna be a lot of high-risk maneuvers it's good cheezer's which is out okay so alright doubling out okay so he wants to reset the position mess okay so Sager read this and boom boss the carnival or moolah so you can do so much damage regardless goes into new bus comes out read it there's no reason to take a risk there I agree with that he has no reason to take that risk he actually dragon claws the Barry is going to help okay so I really like that PlayStation Barry and I feel like Jodie did what he had to do there was frankly there was nothing really a better place he just got not led frankly all right so let's talk about what happened there staging goes for a moon blast into the Tyranitar slot it's safe he has no reason not to he knows that nothing on Jody's team really wants to switch into that because his only fairy resist is is Charizard is currently on the field so we know that he's gonna get a guaranteed moon blast off on something either get to ko in Charizard which is good for him or he hits something for a lot of damage right either whether it's whether it's Garchomp or Rotom cut or ments he knows that because we know it's brought out the caria but even the khari would take a time it's a good damage output and he also knows that Charizard very likely switching out here very very low switching out and so he figures well even if chars are stays in it would have to mega evolve and let my guard or survive so so I'm kind of safe - dragon clawed it will still do good damage anyway he might have even expected ments to switch in for for chars or for Tyranitar instead sacraments to try it and attack off with Charizard but yeah overall really safe play from sage Ian and it was like it was a safe read to make the downside was not that high-end and pays off really well it's not even like Jody could have switched in the reverse order is helping a lot here say it has lost him on Jody's gotten Tiffin a couple Pokemon and guards looking like a problem but he's just off trying to turn the back you can bend it solids will be feeling better most likely of Attilan to having buried it looks like it to me close whether or not is his time he's on the rush this is back in the day when we had 15 minute timer so he doesn't to keep that someone in mind but yeah with charnot err so low with Garchomp looking to you this is it is porous the sweet spot roosting in the back actually crowd cheering all right I still remember part reason was the story long time poetry's is good there a big scar trauma I think station is realize that regard some kind of beats all four of these people on that that Jody has left but the thing is Garchomp is intimidated so it's not doing as much damage here it can't do that much to Rotom salads out probably charger a minion Tyranitar yet render comes back in here he wants to reset Tommy comes out cards wants to move next rockslide mrs. Trenor jar I wonder why okay I like that I like that move does he get the flinch no Sitrus berry to heal right back up while Rotom has lost offers to turn acting a lot of offensive power from it yeah it's a present oh I had the opposite effect I thought I know puncher reason wasn't very bulky anyway that turns aging why decision go for rockslide most likely he feels at another dragon claws na canakkale with the Salomon she's probably correct um there I would I would agree that no the dragon claws probably not gonna KO so he figures if I'm gonna have to Dragon clogged in anyway I may as well go for a rockslide gives me a chance of flinching on both will put Solomon's and range of another dragon claw and yeah the chance to flinching is good and it gets a little more chip on the road song who's kind of feels like Rossum feels like garchomps biggest opponent like a problem right now so this next job saved you really want the turn in circles it's the only thing that on speeds Issachar charm but I don't get it probably will but maybe not if sages to be worried oh stop switching out here the other question is have you Jodi do you go for ice punch or do you go for storage into Pachirisu instead you lose the ability to call that with predict on any Pokemon Pachirisu Garchomp goes for protect alright interesting what he goes for my sponge okay good protect and nozzle comes out paralyzing try offense that's a really big plant that was a huge play Louis comes out both at okay so Jodi made a call there and it wasn't a bad call that was not a bad play at all in my opinion um Jodi realizes okay so my reports was - to the obvious play for Jodi is to ice punch or crunch or stone edge into the punch arisu and Leafs or take it out he can then be afforded to hit the intimidates are permanent and he can peek and you know bring Salomon's back in get another intimidate offa the story editor goes down and he can go for a will-o-wisp into the Garchomp and kind of win the game from there right with the intimidates and the burn he can almost certainly win the game depending on what decisions lost Pokemon is and also Jodi knows that sage and wants his trencher gone so he knows that there's a pretty good chance that sage and most likely will go for protection earthquake just to try and take out the Pteranodon because again if Jodi doubles that slot or even if he makes like a 50/50 you know like he goes for like storage into pottery store maybe crunch and we'll Louis Garchomp to try and cover both options this then predict an earthquake is still not a terrible play but station knows that and actually those were protect nozzle and it calls Jodie perfectly because Jody's reaction to thinking that say Jean is going to predict upon Teresa was to double Garchomp Stajan realizes this quickly you can see you locked into the moves and just move quickly there he knew immediately what he wanted to do and he doesn't the opposite he says I know that you know that I want to predict my poncho Risa would attack with Garchomp so I'm gonna flip that I'm gonna protect my guard top an attack with Pachirisu instead and it Nets him a lot here even though paralysis like it doesn't get out to run after anything but it changes the dynamic of this whole thing you probably noticed the cherished well previously knowing that the Saran Attar's from that promotion I wonder if he goes for Dragon Claw and he's following me let's try and get the KO on Treasure or if he goes for rockslide rank of the guard true it's not that strong after it intimidate it's actually yeah also can we talk about how they have this like the the thing is covering the screen let's see here Pachirisu the obvious players predict is follow me in Dragon Claw you get to damage off regardless follow me comes out let's see because the Dragon Claw I do nothing rockslide will KO but it could flinch that's not a bad play he was rejecting law I grew that oh it's wrote on willows comes out it does connect this is paralyzed it does not ice punch comes out some in departure assume okay so sage in there knows that's kind of not gonna lie okay so I really like that Dragon Claw there first of all station switching to running her out to Solomon's or something is really obvious he also knows that the biggest threat to his Garchomp is this Rotom right we already talked about how Turner is not paralyzed and Salamis is a range of a ton intimidate dragon claw Charizard arrangement unlimited rockslide to render and range of a dragon claw earthquake so really the last Pokemon that Stajan has to beat down is this Rotom so instead of taking the easy ko in Tyranitar and letting agent Jody go back into Salamence he says I know you're knocked into ice punch I know that can't kill me let me let me put your road some of my dragon claw range and then we'll go from there no chip damage now if you're Jody you have to make a choice here do you predict so obviously say you want to take out your try this turn do you predict that in switch out baby do you expect me over the rock slide and you will of us here or do you leave storm because you could willow if you think pottery Sue's gonna go for a nozzle reading the Trender smash out or something else I just kind of like Potteries who has no downside to follow I think we put all your best pedicure journey I really like the way that decisions positioning like he's keeping his goes into talonflame and protects Pachirisu okay so this is this is a safe switch I didn't expect that talent live in the back there I thought it's maybe Garrity's for sure so this is a safe switch here because well not say fish so sage knows that Jodi is not gonna be using Thunderbolt right he knows that he they're gonna go for willow a relief storm leave storms approach reason to try and Kate take it out or willows tuned to Garchomp to read a predict on Pachirisu what he does is he switches talonflame and who doesn't care about leaf storm especially I - - and doesn't can't be burned he also knows surrender is locked into ice punch which is really really important here and predict spot release do to make sure that there's pretty much no way than getting that Jodie can take a tail ice punch comes out let's see if it's Dookie oh oh freezes counseling that's a big deal huge deal although I think flerbert will thaw but now that I'm saying in I exit no floats will thaw so he's forced to flavorless here I think in here you really should be considering switching your Pachirisu out because it's kind of risky though yeah I guess you just everybody like you really just can't take a kale this turn on one of these Pokemon so you can set it for talon Garchomp I think probably follow me and flare blitz into the over deep does that guarantee thaw Burton goes down okay it's not playing around but he could lose both Pokemon this turn I forgot was overheat Alma's life were problems at paints and goes back to judgments gone okay life war he might die to another ice punch super bang interesting okay breeding a switch maybe and he gets to para okay so if I spun she connected their station one of the dads was lost to Pokemon Wow actually wait that could have been really bad says you would have been locked down to his last two Pokemon and probably needed a rockslide flinch on the Solomons but yeah that full pair of mites yeah that full pair actually saves him I think independent of town fun goes down there it's looks like a role and also depends on if Jodi who was tardy Jodi I spots because he could have hit pops me so they're going I said the obvious which like sage it really wants to judge his on his guards puncher you see there to save Satsuki bomb Garchomp or be a leg left to work on switch later get another turn I'm also really surprised to you went into Charizard here instead of Salomon's that's a bit of a weird play in my opinion I feel like you want to go Salim it's good the intimidate down but let's see Jody obviously has a plant is guaranteed oh I didn't think it was but I'm kind of weird I think Jody's trying to get to intimidate Stan I think that's his plan keep in mind on limits at -2 as well the only thing that I'm worried about here is that as we can see he mega evolves he's gonna override his own son I wonder why he yeah really curious you might even our ice that might be a if he hasn't got ice that makes and strengthen the attack of all the fire moves on the side of course a braver comes out that's telling I might need double chars ur will come out from talonflame yeah he probably would charge a little water damage that's a strong move there's a crit no this is that much rocks like comes out and connects and that's that's gonna be it yeah he reads the switching yes maybe there was no read I mean I still got you buried but yeah it was a safe place Asian because rockslide was gonna ko Tyranitar anyway so as long as didn't mr. rockslide he was fine so I don't think it was that crazy of a play but it was a good start right here like the thing is that super ranked did look kinda like a wasted attack but it might make sure that like it might make sure that - one brave bird or minus one rocks like a motor-car Isis agent jinks k1 eat was chickens miss near that was close honestly I think would be I don't know a agent like if you're staging you can't be feeling with that say talk to that because it was it was very narrow it was very very narrow like he he could have lost that like pretty pretty it was close is all interesting he had to make a couple hardware eats like he dragon hog he played very well he had to me he but he had to Dragon Claw the Manson the switch in he had to you got the big play of that game my opinion is protect Wow Jodi doubles into his Jodi doubles the Garchomp is guard protects he Gibson knows law that changed the rest of the game but yeah say Jen to make a couple hard reach there and we didn't look actually like that favorable matchup despite have shrunk are different ways because Jodi was so smart with and that happened very bulky match which looks like it's three hit ko by Garchomp that makes a big deal here because teacher because team doesn't have that much offense he has I mean Pachirisu de Gotha no just don't have that much offense in general so shamans do more damage than I remember but Gardevoir isn't the most powerful form on it didn't even know coach on it sorry I mean he switches it up so Jodi switches a delete here he's adapting to what punch was his you did last stuff come quadrants to he does basically a counter they can he goes for mega lucario and intimidate Salomon too chomp guard over here I like this from Jody I'm really what I think is what I respect about this is that Jody says I think you're gonna do the same thing again you just won Game one you felt like it was a good lead I'm gonna counter both you're both your leads here I'm gonna put your you don't have a two-minute in your team I'm gonna put your shoe of Gyarados okay well I don't think you brought Garrett oh this is probably what he's saying I'm gonna kale your guard over with my max Bullough punch with my mega bullet punch excuse me and with your with your Garchomp we know you can't do that much damage to me so I'm gonna go for a drink a meteor most likely and try and ko your your Garchomp in one shot in locsin quickly as well so the Carbonite activates these accurateness mega nose which out so if you're Jodi you have to be feeling good bowl of punch is gonna do a ton of damage to our dough or Jodi expects it to came out he goes were bullet punch like I said earlier though staging is PV for this he actually hangs on Jodi hands on his head down something comes out Hansa damage there just to indicating both vents and earthquake comes out KO mook aria so Jodi loses his mega turn one we also know that this means that he doesn't have chars in Nevada I respect the play again this is like he just didn't know say Jim was bulky guard or and honestly that's a really hard thing to know and rock sue comes out that's unfortunate that is unfortunate so it wasn't I wasn't a bad play um Jodi expected to switch out there so he went for whoever what he thought he thought was a safe plan it was a good investment because you know oh god he could just definitely worth quick ng roxxon's good move there because it ensures he could drink me here at this turn but the thing is guard over the sand range so maybe you protects elements I don't really know this is a tough position Solomons is really kind of it back against the wall even if it's not in range that would prevent it from swishing moves again Thomas goes would protect he will ice punch the Garchomp most likely I expect station to protect here no johns let me mirthquake that's right doesn't the earthquake comes out 178 Dunn's 98 I'm not sure okay make sure this rock slide I'm really surprised by that he might not have known that carnival was in Santa range he also probably expected Garchomp to switch they're here let's see if he gets the flinch he goes were earthquake I don't get this chaos it's stupid aah it's gonna be close I think it will hang on though apparently hangs on barely so I'm surprised Jody went for a rock slide there I felt like nice punch was pretty solid but yes Sage's got a feeling good in his position like he's really really in command of this game he's taken out mega lucario he's put solomon's with a ton of damage and he's turned her at the ton of damage and if he has held him in the back both these Pokemon are in great burn range which and this jet has priority so the question is who's he going to now Jody from Aram Jody expected a talonflame switching guards are really decent job so I do I do agree that it really looks like our music shop but he could just pretend for one turn one of the back he's kind of he's in a bit of a tricky situation because on the one hand follow me rocks fiber truly saved ya he goes pottery series now this looks familiar to me this looks very familiar to it to probably many of us so stay tuned has no reason not to follow me rocks fine here he's got he's in a great position to render or silence they both half stick a hit here if they want if they he's guaranteed ação as long as mr. rockslide in both right because and well not guaranteed samus we get the dole protect but I also don't break on Salomon's yeah Jody has to get a rockslide flinch holders rocks leg comes out I don't know since anvil maybe that's why you did nice punch I don't know rocks light comes out actually it's a lot of damage Draco meteor comes out Pachirisu redirects the attack I still think even if hotter even the cars on flinches here it's not the end of the world Scherzer hangs on yet you can actually hear the crowd that's crazy toddler to the back means like I don't know Garchomp you still win this is if it lost but one is rock slide does not flinch connects on beau staging clubs his hands and that should be a double ko yep salads hangs on but the sample take it out I like that Evan phrases that is a question it's funny yeah and now he's up three to five or three to one and it's gonna be almost impossible for Jody to win this at the last Pokemon is Rotom yeah like I don't know how you win this because you kind of have to leave storm to caleb Pachirisu yeah it's Rotom I I greet the Pokemon Jody brought I agree this game plan like it was a solid game plan he just didn't realize that that guard over so bulky and that changed the whole course of this so I think if you're staging here you can just switch out your bar shop and follow me have you Garrett in the back though I feel like he would have run into earlier but actually no I mean he's in a good position Superman comes out interesting alright go through the offensive and it's okay say she doesn't good job cuz he I guess he just wants to he has a voice people one of the back he gets the critical head it doesn't matter like a long scheme of things and he wins the World Championships and let's watch it let's watch him celebrate its hosting look at her look at how happy is oh my heart he came so close oh saging that's so nice those people there and you see me he pops off what all he's so happy cause makes me feel so good I'm honestly I'm so happy for him he really deserved it I feel bad for Jody but look at him good sport shaking hands smiling that's a terribly as someone who was lost in the finals it's a bad feeling it's a really bad feeling to lose in the final so yeah hats off to Jody good sportsmanship and well played honestly like I don't know I think that if Gardevoir hadn't had had less bulk and it wasn't a lot of bulk as I recall I think it was very slight but it changed the entire outcome of the of the set and this is why V's matter rights agent put a little bit of bulk Arnaz Gardevoir and it won in Game one and Game two and the plans that Jody made were good plans but they were predicated on the fact that sage' was max speed max Special Attack if I had to guess I'm just making assumption to here but if I had to guess probably he assumed he was Kalki he was like a scarf guard over why would you run bulk he says okay my bullet punch can KO it and stone edge post animal ko at him because the small amount of bulk says you hang us on from both and changes the whole course of the scent so was Pachirisu impactful yeah it was it made a big deal it was a really good Pokemon for what stage you needed to do we didn't see Garrett us Agathe tell in the finals um I'm like Pat Rosa did graded and and the way the staging used it supporting his Garchomp was really smart and yeah nuzzled super phango really good he really showed it off in this finals match but yeah there was more at play here than just Pachirisu the defensive investment on Gardevoir changes the entire outcome of this game that is crucial honestly that is honestly one of the yeah one of the most important things that happens here and the flinching game one may have changed things or the full pair excuse me and game one may have changed things unclear um yeah and and the way that Stajan and and Jody danced around stage into Garchomp I thought was really really interesting so overall an amazing set the road team cut was really good as well we saw staging kind of struggling to bring it down quickly in Game one thanks to the defensive synergy of roads have gotten Salomon's like I honestly feel like Jody really did a good job of kind of capitalizing on the weaknesses of Sage's team which is that he if you intimidating his Garchomp his offense dropped significantly but yeah what agents don't manage to play around it and do really well like I really liked what yo Dee was doing with like Salamence Rotom cut to slow down Garchomp but yeah okay and that's where Pachirisu really came in is that Jody needed to hit he needed Salomon to Rotom cut to hit Garchomp and saging wouldn't let him do that because thanks to follow me if Pachirisu so I think it's my analysis I think that's all I want to say I'm so happy for staging he's yeah you couldn't ask for a better guy and a more deserving player so yeah that's kind of my take on a little bit of VGC history I know this match is very famous I hope you guys enjoyed and I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do when I started this video which is the case of almost all my videos but yeah III a conscious you know gives me commentary if you thought this kind of thing was interesting let me know I'm happy to do more like it's not me playing but it you know it's an important bit of our history so yeah I think that's pretty much all I want to say again let me if you like this make sure to leave a like and a comment and subscriber if you enjoy because yeah I haven't done one of these before on the channel or at least not in a long time yeah and I think that's it thanks very much for watching and I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 493,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sejun Park, Park Se jun, Pachirisu, Sejun Pachirisu, 2014 Pokemon World Finals, pachirisu world championship, pachirisu wolfe glick, pachirisu meme, vgc 2020, vgc20, jeudy azzarelli
Id: oNSkPn6o2Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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