World Champ Reacts To "I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke"

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will you do this have technical difficulties if you watch my channel you know that this is a team I thought that there is take a long time already use this color well that's something um happy Pride Month everybody so okay first of all wolf are you doing please have some brains for ten seconds no skew hey we're gonna figure this out I don't want I don't want the video to be cut off um so I recognize that I should have done this before this all started I apologize for my decisions but I can't change them because this is where I am now okay so okay here's the deal I I'm at home I'm at my parents home in a in not where I normally live and in order to in order to come home I got a laptop okay that's the deal I got myself a laptop II might be tapping you know I'm saying um and so it's new and I like didn't test it extensively before coming home but what I can tell you is that it was working relatively fine I had all my I had on my software I did a little test recording I test streamed it was all fine or so I thought so I come home everything is going swimmingly you know I'm making my usual level of content which is to say I'm sorry um and I am at home and everything's fine and all of a sudden you'd never believe what happened I'll tell you the headphone jack stopped working I tried to fix it I did not I don't know what's going on I don't see any issues online about it nothing changed one day it was working one day it was not and so I wanted I really wanted to react to this video you know I've heard a lot of things about this this is probably my most requested reaction would do ever most requested reaction video ever it's up there with me losing the world's finals in 2012 thank you everybody I love having supportive viewers but anyway everyone's really been requesting this video however the issue is that I have to listen to the video which is normally not a problem because I have earbuds however this time I have your buds they are plugged in I will I will put them in and them in the hopes that something changes well the sound is to come out of my computer and so what I like I wanted to make this with you um I think what I'm gonna try and do is do like a little rotation of content so we'll do reaction video tearless would do battle with yo cuz I know people were like wanting more battles and I want to personally focus more on like tearless and reaction videos so we'll try and compromise and then ya do something kind of like that that's the tentative thing but today's plan was to do a reaction with you but the issue is I don't have earbuds so my solution to that is to hold the microphone here in front of my face and therefore I will try not to raise my voice because I know that many of you listening with earbuds in actually will raise my voice because if I have to suffer you have to suffer too I don't have the privilege of listening with your buds in and it's been three minutes I haven't said anything of substance anyway that's why I'm holding the microphone and yeah that's that's the deal this is your first wolfy ASMR I'll tell em I'll speak in a deeper register than normal you know so we can really have some nice say SMR I don't really know what ASMR is I'll be completely honest but I'm gonna use the really like gravelly part of my voice um just kidding I'm just trying not to yell and so I'm we're suppressing my voice anyway so this video is very requested it's by Jayden animations I have not ever seen it I know it's extremely popular I'm sure it's very good I'm familiar with the channel but I personally am not super like I don't know what to expect going into this so I'm very excited to kind of show you guys my you know my world champion world champion welltake likes perspective on um let me say hey who's this on this video I understand relegated I don't have a green screen right now I really need to go over here this is the Shadow Realm my understanding is that this is more like obviously like I don't think this is a competitive Pokemon channel for my understanding so I think that this is you know a very good glimpse into what people who want to do a Nuzlocke but you know how most people play through it so I'm very excited to watch I took the channels cool I'm excited to the animation as well so with all that being said let's go ahead and get started and go ahead and start the video and I hope tithers feedback I'm sorry this is the best solution I could come up with I didn't want to deprive you guys of you know my content or anything so let's get started within the Pokemon community there's a set of self-imposed rules you can add to the games to make them more challenging I like I like that it's hard mode for Pokemon and it is like to be completely honest I have never completed a Nuzlocke I've attempted a couple I don't normally fail them or like I don't really fail them I normally just get distracted and don't finish it is hard mode but now like I'm thinking like if knows like as hard mode what are these no damage runs we've been watching because those are definitely yeah those are definitely like expert like do not attempt without parental supervision do not attempt with don't do not attempt period actually called a Pokemon does lock you can only catch the first Pokemon you run into per route if a Pokemon fee the animations are already very good I I can understand yeah this is very good it dies and you can't use it anymore and you have to nickname your Pokemon to get more attached to them that means if you aren't careful I appreciate the I guess a long videos like can't pause as much as I normally do I think but I do appreciate the macadamia recipe I reference you can technically lose a Pokemon game under those conditions I've wanted to do a Nuzlocke for the longest time I've started a couple in the past but never actually got to finish any because busy wait that's me hang on a second I I am this person today's the day that all changes I decided to make a video on my first full attempt at a pokemon ruby Nuzlocke let's see how it went I'm free from the back of the moving truck my mom stuffed me in and introducing myself to the neighbor Brendan like it's always very interesting to me like it's a very strange way to start the Pokemon game like you literally start into Pokemon movie truck or the back of a moving truck very interesting kid that I always thought was a monkey said that he heard screaming up ahead professor birch is getting mauled by a level-two Poochyena so I let his Torchic out and she scratches the crap out of it he gifts me Torchic for rescuing him and I named her teriyaki nice first Pokemon walking up the route more I ran into Brendan who challenges me to a battle where teriyaki proceeds to also scratch the crap out of his Mudkip good job teriyaki you're two for two doing great professor birch gives me five pokeballs and the Nuzlocke has officially started writing back up I believe that knows like doesn't start until after the rival battle or maybe until after you can catch a Pokemon I'm not entirely sure I actually don't really know but I'll say I'll take I'll take the word for it to catch my first Pokemon and ran into a Zigzagoon not the best but I can work with this you know I think we're gonna have a really awesome adventure hey I had a question dude so what happens in a Nuzlocke this is very loved for like basic level what is UK well the public if all your Pokemon who can use the HMS you need to advance like get knocked out do you just lose because digging into great HM user but what if you like to or what if you just don't catch anything that can you'd like learn to surf for example I guess there's so many opportunities and like I don't know I guess it would be really hard to have that happen but I think I don't know what the rules like officially say so teriyaki one-shotted Zigzagoon with a critical hit whatever contain your murder a little bit alright guys that's old Jen crits I think Zigzagoon can live a crit scratch in new Jen the courage used to do double damage back when I first back my mind a critter could have let you see double damage there 1.5 times now so they were just completely broken they're still strong but like they were like actually broken I can't I literally can't believe we played with double damage crits for so long guy 102 is right around the corner and that's where I was able to catch corn the seedot a couple of friends ready to take on the Hoenn region after watching the weird kid Wally struggled to catch his first Pokemon I continued on to route 104 and found a little tour you guys think of Wally by the way I know it's not really on topic but like I think well he's an interesting character ila I actually like his character first math recive in screams and hungry why did they drop like that I know your name in petalburg forest a team magma grunt jumps some random professor so re and teriyaki Peck his eyes out oh hello Shroomish I'm gonna name you onion I mean I like Shroomish I like Breloom very strong I don't know how strong it is in-game but I'd say good Pokemon in my opinion I also really appreciate the animation here I don't know very well done I can already I could see why this would do is popular interests row and while getting ready to take on Roxanne's Jim teriyaki kills another Zigzagoon I was about to catch what problem with six a goons dude but it turned out all right because she also ended up evolving I'm just able to destroy Roxanne with ease and we got our first gym badge exiting the gym we catch a glance that Team Magma is up to no good again something about the scorching earth or something and this old man exclaims that they stole is Pico no because the best character in all of Pokemon I really appreciate this like it makes me happy that this video is so popular because it's just like it's it's just like we're well animated like narration over a Nuzlocke run and that's kind of cool I think like it's nothing like super flashy I mean the animations are very very good like that's definitely asked here but you know the actual like like it's it's it's just like it's like you don't have it's just a nice message that says like you don't have to do something super you know fancy or super you know it's completely original like sometimes if you just do something like cool my roommate does not have coronavirus that's nice sorry but yeah you don't have to do something like super flashy or like super I don't know you know fancy you can just the content that cut the content of your of your work is solid you do a really good job with it can be you know it's like people will love it so I think that's a cool message as an aside here's your dog i'll see you're coming with me wait is Pico being a dog like a meme I thought that I thought I seen it before I didn't realize that it was like a common thing I thought I saw one person reference it I think in a video we watched this channel on one of the reaction ones but I didn't realize that that was the thing by turning me into his errand boy and I arrived in dewford to give a letter to Steven I loved 3rd gen all right what do we got okay chomps after finding Steven it was time to take on Brawley the next gym leader Ari's a stone-cold killer and easily earned MVP in that fight thanks for going well two badges in and the test looking good on my way to the next city I caught a tentacle on the beach Squidward beating Team Magma and Brendan again in Slateport it was time again to get ready for the gym battle with Watson but as I was fighting some trainers chomps the mall while got electrocuted a bit too hard and was killed wait Magnemite one shot more while male I'm actually shocked even on a critical hit was that what move is that thunderstruck the mile got electrocuted thunderstruck crit one shot my while that has to be a high role there's no way that's supposed to happen you're telling me regular Magnemite three level disadvantage two shots with thundershock two shots ma well no way that had to have high rolled right could we get the calyx on that please because somewhere on the calc there's no way that there's no way that one shots there's absolutely no way that one shots with a crit nah I'm not - I'm not - open the surgeon damage calc control yourself this is a long video we are three minutes in we are not going to calculi if I will come afterwards a bit too hard and was killed hi hi Robin let's battle I want to show you how strong I am okay all right this is an electric Jim you're not allowed to fight in here so you can just wait outside oh poor teyla while battling the gym trainers onion evolved into Breloom nice yeah there with teriyaki they were able to get another victory now we were riding high three gym badges in and no main casualties with our massive confidence we decided to take on the wind straight family's challenge of beating all their family members aren't these trainers hard I kind of forgot also this makes me watching this makes me want to do it nuns law because I've never completed one I'd Squidward out front to get him some experience but we ran into some troubles with grandma right oh god it's gonna do a high jump kick we can take him out what I need to clean switch first No Oh No so I had to sacrifice hush child the whismur honestly that was the safest move to ensure no one else died goodbye hush child you might be miss I respect it often none of people play those Luck's they're like I'm willing to sacrifice anything so I appreciate that Jaden realized that they had to sometimes you have to make a sacrifice in order to achieve your goal Wow heading to fall Arbor fighting some trainers re-evolved nice look at my big board I like swallows yeah we were almost a town but we had to get through the grass on 113 oh geez all right barf get in there with the rest of them I walked into meteor falls to see Team Aqua and team magma arguing about water and rocks they kept complaining and I had to go up the volcano they were blocking to fight Maxie the Team Magma leader that was a hard fight onion and teriyaki were able to take out his mighty nnk camera that hit hard yeah going to switch in re and double team up to win the battle not the most honourable of strategy no extremely honorable I respect it a lot it takes guts to use double team let's go but it worked and we're moving on on the way down the volcano I ran into a matchup oh hello there Chad what you're a female did I stutter we've arrived in Louisville Ridgetown and started getting through Flannery's gym during that time Squidward was almost killed by a fury so I mean kecleon oh no oh that's a lot of damage oh yeah definitely no stronger tentacle is very low base defense but when it came time to battle he pulled his weight and more honestly with the team there wasn't much I could have done to Flannery's fire or pokemon but Squidward came and clutched by learning bubble beam and it was all over for badge for under our belt it's like a weird you guys that Maxie has a camera up to put in flannery his animal destroyed I have a camera I don't know interesting balancing decision I didn't met up with us outside the gym to give us goggles so we could walk in the sand storms fossil and an erisa was born I didn't know what to name it so my friend named him Gary now it's time for the fifth gym after some training Chad evolved into Machoke and the team was I really like the animations like there's a couple things I'm not talking too much about them because I'm expert in pokeyman not in not in yeah animation man but I think I'd like the and there's a couple like with the gym battles for example some of them are really cool the evolution scenes are really cool I don't know I can't imagine how much time this took to animate did the battle with re and after realizing I was in trouble oh yeah it's not gonna work yeah that doesn't do a lot of damage yeah that's can do a lot of damage just enjoy 80% I know what's 20 that did that did like almost exactly a Tia was I wrong it did 75 re was barely able to take out the first slaking so when the second stronger one found out I knew I had to use a different strategy body types onion to leech seed it and try and get more chip damage in which works but who was also killed by slashing his facade which I thought he could take job I was able to finish off the rest of the fight but that was the first death that that's unfortunate Breloom is strong especially I don't know I think spore should be a level up move yeah it's unfortunate but with every down there's enough and corn stepped up and was ready to fill onion spot while passing through Marvell I appreciate that there there very clearly conscience just about the typing they're keeping fire water grasses is obviously on their mind so I I respect that they're they're definitely very aware of the typing that they want on this team Watson asked us to help him turn off the city's generator and while down there I found a Magnemite you want to come with butter we kept on our way catching spur key the Electrike and while fighting some trade well I did you didn't have to draw those leaf like that very close yeah hang on wait does leave his grass and dark which is four times active bug and also weak to flying he took and a misclick from me which resulted in him tanking a wing attack from a tail oh yeah gel is not very strong corn I'm so sorry you're such a trooper good news is Squidward evolved while training so that's a neat we arrived in I wish I have to be and this was a gym I was really nervous about this why did we not have a good team to take on a flying-type gym but Wynonna's Altaria is notorious for sweeping teams if she sets up too many dragon dances I went to the grass to train up the team and the worst happened corn was killed by pin missile from a Zigzagoon this pin missile oh that one hurts that one really hurts I didn't know digs a good learned pin missile so I would have done that as well I want to thank that corn sacrificed himself because he knew we were at too much of a disadvantage I mean to me Nona's gym and by opening up a space we could get the type advantage we needed to stand a chance with my heart I brought zip zap zop the Magnemite to the team and realized how much more grinding I was gonna have to do I had to fight so many Merrill's to get zip zap zop on par with the rest of the team you want to know how many the move Thunderbolt can be used 15 times before I like this part I had to go back to the Pokemon Center almost six separate times to refill it I mean I like to imagine the the people who have done the no damage run to watching this the the biking for eight hours not not not to minimize that that's a lot of Mara was able to take out but she immediately brought out alt area which was very scared because I know she's got earthquake on odd thing I didn't have a clean switch and I knew no one on the team could take two hits from this cloud bird so I ultimately decided that I'd have to have zip zap zop paralyze it in exchange for his death goodbye zip zap zop you weren't here for long but your efforts will not be in vit nice the earthquake yeah i'll Tory it kind of sucks like I expected that Takeo would be clear and this is when I talk about it's a good thing that was oh wait no if that was new sturdy and not old sturdy it's my favorite line talking about sturdy Magnemite and Magneton get the ability sturdy disability means that if they would be one hit knocked out by a move it was arrived with one HP but only after generation like six or something not in generation three and people like to remind me that there is no sturdy in gen1 to which I say on to HP like a mad lad Mike this was a good program looking down on us for that one because there was definitely a 90% chance zip zap zop was supposed to die there with that string of luck I was able to switch our en 4 zip zap zop to bring it to another earthquake and started chipping away at the alt area which was not gonna be easy she was already starting to stack up those dragon dances which make her moves even more powerful legitimately sweaty but with what little luck we had left Winona got greedy and tried to get in that last dragon dance and that's when re was able to swoop in and snipe that kill if that alt area would have decided to attack at any point she would have one shot at anyone and everyone on Mike thank you corn you shined your photosynthesis on to us from there I was able to heal up zip zap zop and sweep the rest of her team the sixth gym badge was ours nice I found a desk oh I was able to catch I tried to have Gery on the team since resurrecting him from the dirt but he honestly has like no moves that do damage so I decided to replace him with sin weõve and I tried that's cool I mean as we all know just cops is a strong program one each for a Pokemon but Chad punched the wailmer I reeled up too hard and killed it we storm team magma's base and while trying to get the master ball they've got on the ground an electrode exploded and almost killed Chad you have to rather called for after beating their admin they escaped into a submarine and I went on to fight the next Jim Haden Liza were the first double battle gym leaders and I didn't realize until too late that I was just a tad underleveled oh no yeah they're actually super strong they're actually super strong that's my analysis they're very strong they only have two pokemon though I thought they'd more maybe an emerald a more 42 ah yeah that's a big difference made a good let's go this person played Pokemon I'm sorry another loud let's go didn't just play VGC that's all you have to do that like they're a natural managed to get off a sunny day powered flamethrower in zip zap zop space which totally kills them really sucked he put in so much work for the team and really carried us this far the rest of this fights for you zip zap zop Squidward came out and together with sin were able very brave to be tentacle in front of two psychic types but I guess especially both handedly wiped out the entire water pokemon population between zip zap zop and spur key I went to show cave and caught blobby this field take on maxi one last time for some reason I didn't learn my lesson when being underleveled for Tate and Liza because I was even more underleveled for maxi or my deanna it doesn't go down this fight was rough Chad was able to take out his Mightyena but I resorted to Squidward when his crow bat came out no luck wasn't on my side here yeah that's that's not good I think you do the tentacle for the camera up so yeah that's unfortunate Squidward was killed by a high roll wing attack oh my god range of damage and attack can do it's not actually the same all the time it's kind of based on chance yes even though it looked like Squidward could have lived two wing attacks wait hang on let's see yeah yeah you can't risk that you actually can't risk that yep anything like if you take 45 from the first one anything below 45 you should feel safe but do you take 45 second one could do 55 for sure tough lesson to learn though Edward but it wasn't time to give up we had to persevere for Squidward Hari came in and took out the crobat and lived on one HP when hit by camera yeah you need tenth referral for that it was a tough battle but we squeaked by barely after that fight I needed to take a step back and seriously grind up the team let's go spheal if we were just a bit more underleveled we would have been murdered blobby joined the team and we got to work eventually arriving in sootopolis Steven and the sootopolis gym leader Wallace were there saying Groudon was in the cave because someone used the wrong orb and pissed them off I went in there walked up to Groudon and master ball at the movie nice nice fighting now get in the box while fighting Wallace Sparky was able to take out his love disk in sealeo sin beat his whiscash and Chad finished off the my load I'm actually surprised choke beat Milotic doesn't seem like a positive stat matchup team was perfect and after obtaining our final gym badge also I know that Dustin or isn't in this game but I think it's funny that like both much oak and dusclops of all via trade I think that's cool we were ready for the Elite Four we got through Victory Road I swore he tried to fight us for the last time but he just needs to stop we exited the cave and there it was nice the final challenge here we go Sydney was up first and honestly she was Chad and teriyaki were able to take care of his team with ease maybe it wasn't difficult either with sin and Bobby being MVPs Glacia was a bit tougher teriyaki really I'm suppose was a problem when you have yep Blaziken dailies and Sparky could handle her stelios but her walrein was the big problem all rains are thick can tank a lot of hits and can do a lot of damage because I have one I brought out Chad and she was able to get in a good amount of damage but she was ultimately killed by Blizzard oh wow to try and confuse it but it broke through the confusion and landed a sheer cold oh that's unfortunate that's actually super unfortunate there's a one-hit ko move it has a 30% chance of hitting the target and will fail if the target pokemons level is higher than the users but even under all those conditions technically it's not 30 percentage depending on who is a higher level the chance change is it's only 30% if you're the same level actually I don't know the tile works Agentry that's just how it works now and Finn was not by the way is for everyone who says that I would lose to Clefairy because Clefairy would metronome Fisher and one-shot me and my I could be ever pokin when I could beat in a fight just so you know I'm higher level Oh Clefairy so Fisher does not work checkmate - great team members down and out yeah that's very unfortunate losing desktops especially pulled so much weight and sin got us through some really tough battles even with those losses we were able to finish Glacia off and move on to the final elite 4 member great team but we've got a blobby and she wanted revenge for her fallen comrade I like this animation a lot beamed every single one of Drake spoke this is the this is the brother are you flying me one of my favorite old old old memes amazing me this is yeah brother are you flying come on just a straight-up massacre and with that it was on to the last battle steel types yeah they Blaziken story I was legitimately in every fine I led what's perky to take out as Skarmory as quick as possible and blobby was able to take out his clay doll in Agron but then came his Metagross yeah music arose this might be the end Metagross is Steven strongest Pokemon so I needed to hinder it as much as I could before it started doing serious damage I knew his Metagross had earthquake which would definitely take out most of my team so I had to have spur ki kamikaze to get a paralysis nice nice I respect you came out again and after a lot of hard work finally beat the Metagross by spamming sir teriyaki was able to finish his crazy Lee and his final Pokemon was our model Secretary's final revenge for getting booted from the team I brought out blobby because teriyaki was pretty weakened and after realizing she gets to shotted by him I knew she was gonna have to die so with a heavy heart blobby pulled off her last surf getting our maldo in the red and was killed recipes teriyaki the Pokemon who's been with us from the start let's go this is a great this is great I mean narrative great story building oh I hope I didn't corrupt the audio okay run over the og refused to let anymore murder happen onion corn zip zap zop Squidward Chad since perky bloody she's a good nickname zeros and ones go down in vain one good kick to the head paper what move to use we completed the pokemon ruby no sorry only survivors but the whole team put in a lot of work to get us to number one a cheers to the true mad lads I enjoyed that a lot I thought that was really really good I see why this is so popular it's great narrative great animation great storytelling really really overall amazing amazing would do wait what am i from recording I am let's go wolf yeah really well done I don't really have anything else to add to that I enjoyed it a lot very well played I appreciate that Jayden seems to have really done their research and knows like exactly like they were very aware of a lot of like a lot of little moments in the video or like they talked about leading manectric teal Skarmory for example and about like knowing him when you had to grind and when you didn't have to grind for the most part yeah I really enjoyed it I thought I thought it was very well done both both of the video end as a run so I also appreciate that they recognized that they had to make sacrifices at times so I think that's a that's a trait of you know a successful nose Locker as someone who has never completed in as Locke so anyway thank you so much for watching this video go check out the original I will link it in the description and comments down below check out Jaden because obviously they're super talented and yeah that's it I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 683,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc20, vgc 2020, jaiden, jaiden animations, jaiden animations nuzlocke, nuzlocke, first nuzlocke, my first pokemon nuzlocke, jaiden pokemon, jaiden animations Pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke rules, nuzlocke tier list, pokemon tier list, wolfey reaction, reaction video, pokemon ruby, ruby nuzlocke
Id: dcDgJhtNWYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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