Wishing Heart Hollow 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈 Season 1

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign most of the work but I chewed her on like a champ right everybody right everybody yes that's right Bartleby now I won't be long in the wishing heart Hollow I'll be back in time for our yummy picnic lunch and we'll have it all set up happy wish searching rainbow King bye-bye oh the wee wee wishes and the wishing heart Hollow it's here that wishes grow we have so many goodies Boogie woogies chewy chew chippies peppy Peppers sazumi juice and yep I even packed your favorite fishy poof crackers fishy poof crackers thanks true group hug you me and the poofs these are happy tears Bartleby [Music] [Applause] I'm off to get some wishes wish me luck foreign this area is full of wishes who's ready to come with me to the wishing tree ah well don't you worry I'll check back again on my next visit but you you're full of energy you're ready to come with me now [Music] wonderful what's happening over there huh these plants are dry and wilted they need water right away but I don't see any water around here I must find some quickly drips perfect that's one two three oh fishy poofs fishy poofs how could I ever live without you I can't that's how what I think you want your crackers well he can think again I'm guarding this picnic basket with all my nine lives don't worry Bartleby the king should be back any minute now any minute [Music] 177. I'll have to do for now open up ah oh my this is terrible I'll never gather enough water with my scepter at this rate I must contact true true I need your help true I need your Rainbow King what's wrong I need to get what's I've never heard of before his message isn't coming through clearly talk more clearly please must find water quick giant plants I'll never get out help yes we need help to hear you too uh oh this is bad looks like the king is in trouble Bartleby we have to take a closer look yeah yeah wait you mean by going into the cave like entering um oh you know I'm not a big fan of caves true is it because they're a little dark like frighteningly dark wow whoa thanks chew hmm we can't do this on our own we need some wish help I agree agree agree agree cumulo teamilo are you ready to take us to the wishing tree then let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I've been here all day listening to a whisper wish and a tip to wish to hear which one is the quietest which one is it I am not sure I've not heard a peep so how can I help you true we set up a picnic for when the rainbow King comes out of the wishing heart Hollow but he hasn't yet nah he's in trouble down there where it's all dark and spooky trouble the rainbow King let us take a moment and we will figure this out together [Music] what kind of trouble is he in we were talking to him by face bubble but his message kept breaking up all we could hear was that he needed to find water then he said something about giant plants giant plants Giant and then he sat there without help he'd never get out great gravity we have to go and uh you two are going to go rescue him right yes but getting a him will be hard the cave is full of pits someone needs some wish help to get across them definitely caves can be very tricky to navigate and so dark in there so we'll need some wish help to light the way something about finding water and giant plants if he can't find water maybe the cave is dried up so we might need some wish help to find water too it's time to get your three wishes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow these are some great wishes true let's see what the wishopedia says about them [Music] [Applause] [Music] your first wish ah here it is its name is it is a stretchy wish that is strong enough to walk on but it can also be a bit sprungy so watch your step I love scoring new things you never know when you might need to bounce and your glowy wish is well glow it can make life that is super bright or really faint this wish can also be a bit of a Friday hey me too maybe we're related and your last wish is squidsy it's super grabby its tentacles can do all kinds of things like reaching places that are very hard to get to I don't know how squidsy will help me find water in a cave but I'm sure I'll think of something we're off to help the rainbow King thank you wishing Cree for sharing these wishes with me [Applause] okay bye see thanks for all your help but wait I want to come with you huh you want to leave the wishing tree yes the rainbow King needs my help too I look up to him he taught me everything I know about the wishes but most of all he's our friend well the wishes be okay without you I'm sure they will I will be back soon all right [Applause] then let's go help the king yeah it might be better not to look down interesting thanks um Z how many deep dark pits do you think there are in this cave hundreds hundreds thousands millions that sounds like a lot I'm feeling anxious Barnaby we don't all have to go in the cave we don't no [Music] I need someone to stay up here me me me me me me and protect the picnic basket I can protect my fishy poof crackers from shoe Yeti shoe good luck myrtleby ready to go Z let's go [Music] careful whoa this is where Bartleby tripped thanks true look cool let's check it out fascinating glowing crystals rainbow King are you hey true look man easy onesie Macy's onesie Man true many truths let's go Z [Music] now this is a big chasm I have the perfect wish to get us across [Music] zip [Music] wish come true alongi can you help us cross over the chasm hi [Music] Yay good AIM now to test it nice and spongy but it feels sturdy come on oh see look hey that's Rocky he's stuck and he needs our help you'll never get past bartleby's snap trap see I heard that now to make sure my fishy poof crackers are still fresh who's there daddy I know it's you great catch Hey listen have you seen cutting the picnic basket will be harder than I thought no but worth every fishy poof cracker this is very difficult I'm gonna be very hard job true what can we do to help our little friend hmm I have an idea we'll bounce over then get Rocky to do the same [Music] let's start bouncing across it's working keep jumping okay Rocky jump down too it's okay you can do it [Music] well done nice job elongi time to go back in the pack oh you're welcome Rocky we'll see you again after we help the rainbow King [Music] oh yeah [Music] right I detect a strong absence of light here yeah for long I have a light wish [Music] wish come true I will glow are you ready to wow us with your glow ah don't be shy I'll hold you woglow [Music] what was that sound [Music] whoa it's okay you can come back now the wishopedia did say that woglow is a scaredy cat sometimes this is one of those times isn't it I think so Z did you hear that oh glow there you are there's no need to be scared we're here I can't reach you see can you try with your staff hop on would a cuddle make you feel better oh Perfect Light thanks well glow and thank you Rocky if it wasn't for you well glow would still be down there in that crevice foreign [Music] how is that big yeti able to get around so fast [Music] these are the giant plants I saw in the king's message Z this is where he was deep cave Leaf Snappers they usually have an underground water source but these ones are dry rainbow King can you hear us hmm what does that really tall plant have in its mouth sure that plant a rainbow cake no no no no no no no ate the rainbow King that would be terrible but hang on a second Z let's take a moment and think [Music] we still have much to learn from the rainbow King I look up to him he taught me everything I know about the wishes and he is our friend sweet yellow Sunny sunshine you made it my friends I miss him so much it is like I can hear his voice beside me hi juicy he's right here welcome back your majesty I'm glad you're all here I'm going to need everyone's help these plants need water badly and we can't possibly leave until we find some unfortunately these tiny grips and drops are the only water I was able to collect with by scepter this big fella was so thirsty he slurped it right out of my hand thank you let's think about this okay if water drops are falling from the ceiling maybe there's more water above it if squitzy can make the hole bigger then more water can come out then the water will come down like a rain shower that's it I know you're tired but I need to get to the top can I bounce up your leaves thank you [Music] your leaves are so spoingy time for some wish help [Music] wish come true squidsy see that drippy spot that's where I need you to go but I don't think I can reach it Rocky Ian help me can you bounce down to me like you did before I don't know [Music] whoa hey that gives me an idea if we bounce together we can get high enough to put squidsy on the ceiling ready here go whoa [Music] there squidsy can you make that drippy spot bigger so more water comes out oh we need more we have to push really hard squidsy can you try again you can do it squidsy I believe in you oh is it gonna work Ed no didn't spin Spin and spray [Music] [Applause] way to go squishy now back in the pack yay did a wonderful job of getting water to the plants but how did you ever find me down here DeLonghi and woglow got us most of the way here but we couldn't have made it all the way without our good friend Rocky great job Rocky now let's get back to our picnic [Music] yeah what um fishy poof deliciousness hello Bartleby oh rainbow King you're you're back I am hmm uh chewable chippies oh I love you chippies I thought you wanted to stop the yeti uh yetis from eating our Royal picnic okay what happened you know they're not so bad after all so I thought I'd be a nice kitty and share besides I know what it's like to be hungry you don't mind do you rainbow King oh not a tall Barkley being kind to others brings kindness in return doesn't it true it sure does Rainbow King Rocky fishy poof cracker no no [Music] what a great every color of the rainbow day [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 2,012,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow true, wishing heart hollow, rainbow kingdom, true the rainbow kingdom, true and rainbow kingdom, the rainbow kingdom, tru and rainbow kingdom, and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow, wishing heart hollow cave rainbow king, rainbow kingdom true, true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom wishes, rainbow kingdom wishing tree, wishing tree, trua nd the rainbow kingdom season 1, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes
Id: iyA3VBjtUHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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