Cosmic Sneeze ๐ŸŒˆ FULL EPISODE ๐ŸŒˆ True and the Rainbow Kingdom ๐ŸŒˆ

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[Music] cosmic sneeze three two one come out bartleby come out wherever you are [Music] with my ninja kitty hiding skills true will never find me little helpers knock it off you're getting away my hiding spot [Music] wow i guess my ninja landing skills are better than my ninja hiding skills what was that sounds like someone's got a really bad cold huh whoa our house was not orange and blue before i wonder what's going on let's see if anyone else's house is changing color wow each time we hear that sneeze something changes color amazing b you'd better take a look at yourself you're looking a little green huh what do you think drew does it bring out the color of my eyes true your hair it's pink and almost as fabulous as mine you think speed [Music] it looks like the sneezes are coming from the rainbow castle oh no [Music] true bartleby oh my greedness i'm so happy you're here your greenness check out my greenness i see what you mean i'm so sorry it seems i've caught a dusty case of the watuki boogies what shooky yes they make me very sneezy and as you may have noticed tend to confound my colors i'll say everything changes color when you sneeze but it'll be okay right purple pumpkins no from what i've read if i don't remedy my wachuki boogie soon the color changes will spread and stay that way forever forever there has to be some way to stop at your highness according to legend the only cure is to be tickled by the feather of a hinotari bird it's a magical bird that is high atop bug tippy tippy top but it's so steep and cold and snowy no one's ever made it all the way up well we will because we're gonna get you that feather true you mustn't it's far too dangerous you're our friend rainbow king when a friend is in need we do whatever we can to help isn't she the greatest i mean isn't she come on bartleby wait before you leave what's your favorite yes [Music] we'll fly straight to the mountain top and get the feather oh no cumulo's got a bad case of bicycle rump the air's too cold up here for clouds freezing [Music] we're gonna be okay there the sunlight will warm you right back up again oh you know this mountain isn't as high as i thought it's way higher it's too steep and cold and snowy to climb on our own now we need some wish help to the wishing tree cumulo [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need some ingredients please wishes [Music] that soup smells um [Music] different it's for the king it won't heal him but it should help him rest until we find a cure for his watchu gala watching woo we [Music] i knew you'd like it so how can the wishing tree help you we have to climb out tippy tippy top what that mountain is gigantic i don't think that's a good idea it's the only way to get a hinotari feather to tickle the king and get rid of his wachuki boogies along with my soup your climb will be a challenge let's have a think about this so how will you get up there well it's really steep and snowy and cold it's for freezing cold we'll need a wish to help us with the climb and a wish to help us with the cold the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] [Applause] [Music] tiny me tree [Music] an amazing group of wishes let's see what the wikipedia says about them [Music] your first wish is floto it's a floating wish it can float anything or anyone inside its bubble that'll be great for getting us over those tricky spots now for which number two uh yes warmer it can heat up anything like the delicious soup i made for the king yes can melt the snow in the ice that's blocking our way so we can get to the top of the mountain yeah best use for melting snow not so much for heating soup and lastly you have blabby oh this wish is exciting it's a communication wish blah blah blah it can help you understand what someone is saying no matter what language they speak [Music] hey how you doing true and b amazing i'm just not sure how a talking wish can help us get the feather for the king maybe i'm just a blobby mouth but i say you'll figure it out thanks and thank you wishing tree for sharing these wishes with me [Music] good luck you too back to mouth tippy tippy top please jamie [Music] perfect spot humila thanks and look there's a path no need for wishes yet we're off to a great start let's find that feather [Music] they're nice and cozy your highness how about some homemade soup oh thank you well well that's different oh z what's that behind you huh [Music] i didn't see anything oh sipped all your soup i hope it helps oh oh yes i can feel it working already hey i'm the same color as my soup [Music] thanks true are you thinking what i'm thinking [Applause] that is a really icy hill ahead don't worry b we have a wish that can help we'll float over it come on floto time to bubble up zip zap [Applause] [Music] we need you to bubble us up and float us over that icy hill to the other side ready to float [Music] uh true dude things get smaller when they get cold i i guess they do but on the bright side more kitty cuddle time right true did you grow a mustache no it's your tail and it's tickling my nose my whiskers are caught under your boot here floato pop us out [Music] you know what else is cold on mount tippy tippy top me too let's fix that warming hug [Music] this book of sneeze gears should help ease your discomfort sire first apply warming cream to help clear the sinuses [Music] sure this is next cover the patient's head in a warm woolly hat i i i i don't see then oh playing soft music helps patients relax it's working what's wrong with me what's your name what's going on out there [Music] flying photons the whole city's gone crazy with color [Music] are you okay a little sore but at least it didn't start an avalanche can we just pretend i didn't say that there's no time to waste we'll have to melt our way through zip zap zoo wish come true let's warm things up warm-up [Music] thanks warmo uh true it's gotten really slippery again i guess melting the avalanche that fast made the path icy [Music] no we went three steps forward and a hundred steps back then we'd better start climbing just watch out for the slippery parts this time oh i will i will [Music] i'm a kitty cat sickle oh gotcha upside down sickle sorry b true the rainbow king is getting worse the entire kingdom is changing colors [Music] please hurry come on we have to get to the top fast i'll say stripes and polka dots yeah um who's that i don't know and i don't want to find out [Music] it's a snow well fling wait come back your hug was keeping me warm thanks warmo can i keep you forever and ever can i hi i'm true and this is my best friend bartleby could you please take us to the top of mount tippytippytop [Music] what's he trying to tell us to go home we are so not going home snow elfling the rainbow king has the wachuki boogies to help him get well we have to find a special feather from a hinotari bird who lives at the top of the mountain why won't he let us pass i don't get it i don't know b we can't understand what he's saying true i got this speaking louder won't help no but we have a wish that can [Music] zip zap zyggy wake up blobby can you translate what the snow elfling is saying so we can understand him [Music] don't take the path it's the long way up to the mountain top huh it's working oh i did not do that back this way is a secret passage through the mountain it's warm and it's safe and what was that it has a great shortcut to the top easy peasy mountain squeezy i added the last part all right thank you so much lead the way please [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're [Music] soup but way better bottle bottle we look [Music] it's beef oh that's so nice oh you know sorry bird we need your help to cure the rainbow king your magical feather is the only way we can and we only need one please i would like to help you but i'm afraid that i cannot why i only shed my feathers when it's summertime summer it's not even close to summer up here let's think about this bee warmer still active right oh yeah my fur has never been toastier then we can use this warm glow to help us if the heat of tarry bird only sheds its feathers when it feels warmer maybe we can melt my eyes so it feels like summer then she'll give us a feather that's it oh yeah feather weather true that's an awesome idea [Music] [Music] it's working [Music] hey where are you going we still need the feather that was our last chance to cure the rainbow king [Music] thank you for warming me up again i hope the king feels much better [Music] this feather is going to a tickle party true portal the king is getting worse his sneezes are draining all the color from rainbow city ah hurry as quick as we can see [Music] oh no there won't be any color left at all if we don't get back to the king fast we need cumulo oh wait ah it can't fly this high i know what we have to do we need to slide down [Music] ready to rock it down the steepest mountain ever sounds terrifying let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rainbow city with no color me with no color the only thing left with color is you rainbow king what's your name you're fading too one more sneeze and you'll be gray [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] look it's working the colors are coming back sparkling saplings i feel so much better i'm cured thank you true no climber has ever made it up mount tippy tippy top the steepest snowiest coldest peak in the kingdom well done when a friend's in me we do everything we can to help them sire like climb the highest mountain ever if you want to rename a true in bartleby mountain we wouldn't mind a hacking soup bartleby huh i thought only the watchuggy boogies made things change color okay i take that back [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 3,020,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and bartleby, bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom wishes, rainbow king, shows for preschoolers, rainbow kingdom, true kingdom of rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom season 2, princess grizelda, new true and the ranbow kingdom, rainbow kingdom full episodes, cosmic sneeze
Id: xj5BfCIVbno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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