The Big Green Bounce ๐ŸŒˆ FULL EPISODE ๐ŸŒˆ True and the Rainbow Kingdom ๐ŸŒˆ

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hello [Music] the big green bounce can i look now how about now ah can i please okay can i please please please please look okay open your eyes true that is the most i mean it's just so how did you okay i have no idea what this is what is it it's my invention for the maker shaker expo i call it the i heart you bubblegram it's magnificent i love it watch this wait for it wow are those sugar glitter swirls [Music] a heart for me even better a heart you can eat you sure know the weight of my heart true you're gonna win the sunshine ribbon for sure thanks b winning would be nice but i'm just excited to see what everyone else has made true i just heard about this maker shaker whatever thingy you need to help me win this sunshine ribbon griselda you can win it without my help you always make cool stuff like your giant grizz bot no no or maybe a mini chris bot something less stompy christmas are so passe i've been trying to come up with an idea but the grismos are being so loud carving my wall of me well it didn't quite capture my i don't know what do it again talk later true oh what's this green crystals gross i only work with pink bouncy green crystals now that i can work with i need you to okay i need you to make me an invention a thousand silver salutations welcome to the maker shaker expo [Music] [Applause] the winner takes home the spectacular sunshine now don't forget to vote for your favorite invention oh that means me too indigo inventions true this is remarkable what is it this is my i hurt you bubblegram oh how does it work allow me to show you [Music] terrific topaz oh and a snack too lovely lavender i bubble heart you too now shall we see what everyone else has come up with yes let's go mellow yellow a soothing rock look how the water comes up right through the rocks hi everybody hi mila what's your invention have you ever thought that one high five just isn't enough always but you'll love this presenting the high five hat for when you're feeling under five spring loaded high fives one two three four five that's five times the fun who wants to try bubbly's a zuni juice a juice bubbler i have to see how this works oh this'll be fine i just push the button here the bubbles bubble up and then come out here tickles purple pardons cheers cheers [Laughter] why hello little helpers what did you make very impressive i've got my own personal cleaning machine that's also very impressive b it's griselda's invention let's go check it out you get a bouncy bling bling and you get a bouncy bling bling and you get a bouncy bling bling [Music] [Applause] thanks for zelda wow they're so funny excuse me would you please sign my bling bling of course [Music] bouncy bling bling invented by yours truly princess preselta can you show me how your machine works works i have no idea how it works details are so not my thing details are exactly my thing okay let's see now first christmas carry the green crystals up the ladder and put them into the hopper then it seems like the crystals get all smooshed up into a green goo right and that green goo gets rolled up into a ball which comes out the front what was that [Music] rain water spews into the river hmm this doesn't look quite right i don't think this is normal we should go ask her zelda griselda did you know that i'm the best inventor yes smiley face now what did you want me to sign actually b and i were just at the back of your machine and it looks like you were saying how cool the back of my machine is well actually there's green polka dots on these bling blings i don't normally go for green but these dots are two adorbs winky face so are we gonna tell her about the green water thingy i don't know b griselda's really enjoying this i don't want to ruin it for her come on let's go see who's going to win the sunshine ribbon yeah maybe green water's good for the river i am delighted to announce the best invention of the maker shaker expo [Music] the winner of the sunshine ribbon is please please please please please please [Music] [Applause] griselda i knew you could do it i'd like to thank everyone who helped me but since i did it all myself i'll just thank me where did you get the idea for these bouncing bling blings they're fantastically fun and so pretty i base them mostly on myself [Music] huh never seen this before or this and especially fast [Music] hey you look like a bouncy bling bling you look like a bouncy bling [Music] what was that [Music] those bouncy bling blings are really big those aren't bling blings those are people they're flexing pistachio this water's green are you okay oh i'm fine just a little wet and round and bouncy okay what is going on people are turning into bouncy bling blings come again it happened to the rainbow king after he was splashed by that green river water griselda's machine we need to stop this before everyone turns into bling bling then let's ask for zelda to turn off the machine hey guys we can't why not she's having such a fun time with this also she doesn't know how the machine works so telling her wouldn't help smiley face so how do we stop the water well we know how the machine works we can fix it here grab one why put a turny thing on here if it won't turn [Applause] oh we've got to stop this we need some wish help oh cute to the wishing tree please cumulo [Music] see we have a huge problem true barnaby have you seen these bouncy bling blings aren't they fun they are fun but people are turning into them wow that's super fun but you seem worried explain please griselda's machine is turning all the water green and some people got splashed by it and then they became polka dotted and it gets worse they inflated and then they started bouncing and bouncing and bouncing just like the bouncy bling blings wandering wormholes let's sit and have a think [Music] okay drew how can the wishing tree help you well griselda's really proud of her invention so we need a way to stop the green water without having to tell her right and i'm sure you can with some wish help we also need a way to unblame the boinging citizens they'll keep bouncing forever if we don't get them back to normal the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing for please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] one two three [Music] [Music] [Applause] these wishes are spectacular true let's see what the wikipedia says about them first stop is ty ty this wish can tie itself into all sorts of knots great ty ty you can help tie up our loose ends oh bumbershoot has fantastic parachute powers bomber suit can fly you down to the ground safely from any height bumper shoe you could help catch the bouncing citizens uh-huh oh this is one of my favorite wishes q-bigly great to see you again cute little bird little cubicle has a jiggly gelatinous body that can absorb anything into it hmm i don't know how cubicle he can help stop the green water or the boinging citizens but i'm sure we can put your gooey center to good use zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] see you later now let's put a stop to this green water time for my first wish [Music] i need you to give the pipe a big hug [Music] yes bye-bye green water where's a high-five hat when you need one [Music] i want to be bouncy too [Music] how's everyone doing my insides feel jiggly i'm trying i don't know indigo insomnia this is ruining my royal nap hang in there we're going to figure this out [Music] never get tired of that cumulo time for my second wish wish come true hi bumbershoot i need your help to catch and hold down those boingy citizens uh-huh uh-huh are you sure this is gonna work only one way to find out roll over cumilo [Music] it worked everyone stopped bouncing oh great thank you for i'm bouncing us true i couldn't have done it without bumper suit you were super helpful now tuck yourself back in [Music] okay now stay put if you move you'll start bouncing again um true i think taita is about to untie tai oh no okay it's finally time to tell griselda to turn her machine off my tummy is all jiggly bubble is a zuni juice to calm your belly storm hmm that just might settle it excuse me 10 less jiggly make that 20 what's your name here you go puppy face [Music] next she can't hear us we need to get past this crowd sounds like a job for a stealth kitty-naughty master follow me [Music] almost there so how many fishy poop crackers for me and the friend to get to see the princess next [Music] we've got to tell griselda no matter what it takes even if it means standing in line next next next elsa what's your name it's me here you go it's me i need to tell you something i need to tell you something what a unique name zelda it's me true your machine is turning people into bouncy bling bling what oh no way how could my machine turn people into blinks allow me to when the green crystals ran through the machine bouncing bling wings weren't the only thing that came out green water gushed out of the back and into the river turning it green the green water ran through the city and any citizens that touched it blew up like bling blings they started bouncing higher and higher and higher and higher so we had to jump off cumulo to catch them with bumper shoot which was super scary then we ran to tell you to turn off the machine but the grismo said no and we said please and the grismo said no and we said pretty please and then they said no so we waited in line until it was our turn to see you and we said you're turning people into blink legs nice job b what's happening it's gonna [Music] i'm bloany what's happening to me [Applause] he's way bouncier than the others [Music] after that bouncy boingy princess [Music] lagoon [Music] we need a way to catch her something with the jiggly gooey center hmm sounds yummy it really does doesn't it less talking more savings it's time for my third wish [Music] which comes true thank you is going to land here any second we need you to catch her oh okay okay this way no no no this way [Music] it worked yes nice work too bigly now let's get griselda back to the expo we still need to un-buoy everyone now what princesses are rarely polka dotty and never inflated and absolutely never green don't worry griselda we just need to figure out how to unvoice the boinginess wow you're not boingy anymore no a bubbly zazuni burp did the trick excuse me oh i can do that trick oh excuse me farmer monster just follow me please one juice ball coming at you what's up why aren't you burping are you kidding burping is very un-princessy but if you don't burp you'll stay like that forever i will do many things but i will never ah pardon me well i won't be doing that ever again i'm me again thanks cube youtube ty ty you were both super helpful zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome griselda oh and about my machine i'm sorry it caused all that trouble i'm sorry too griselda i should have told you about the green water in the first place huh i really will miss all that selfie-taking and autograph signing if only there was a way to fix the green water problem hold on i have an idea it worked the little helpers cleaning machine did the trick you're a genius true thanks bartleby it sure is nice to have everything back to normal next everything back to normal face [Music] you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,616,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: YjceV58iIzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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