10 Chess Traps to Win FAST!!

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ladies and gentlemen it is no secret chess is a very difficult game but what if i told you we could make it a little bit easier in this video i'm going to show you traps with the white pieces and the black pieces to finish a game of chess in 10 moves or less you can use these tricks and traps to climb up the rating ladder and try to hit some of your goals or you can use these as party tricks to play against your friends or loved ones for them to think that you're absolutely a chess genius now before we get into it i just want to give you a little bit of a disclaimer some of these traps are definitely get rich quick schemes in terms of chess elo meaning that if you don't land the trap you're probably not going to have a great position but i've also given you options where if you don't land the trap you still have a completely playable position and there's a lot of possibilities for you the video is split into multiple parts here we go all right ladies and gentlemen we're going to begin this journey of quickly defeating opponents embarrassing them and feeling good about ourselves with the white pieces uh we are gotham subscriber obviously you're not subscribed yet go ahead and click it uh versus unsuspecting noob uh and the fastest way to win with the white pieces is to get your queen out early that's just the truth it's called the wayward queen attack uh and it begins with the king's pawn uh now beginners are probably sitting there or like intermediate players like hey i know this it's okay we're just beginning uh the point is that you need to get your queen and your bishop both out because together they can target this f7 square the weak square near the enemy king uh it's the only thing it's a pawn it's the only thing protecting it is the king black will play e5 and now we can develop our queen out to h5 this is just this is just the truth i know it it's it's very trivial and i even have a video called stopping early queen attacks in chess if you want to know how to deal with this but this is truly the fastest way to win now the absolute fastest way to win here is if black plays king to e7 uh which is just a horrible move even though it's technically called the bomb cloud and now white wins you just take this pawn on e5 congratulations it's checkmate most people will not be playing this with black so that is not the real intro to the video the real point of playing this queen is that you target the pawn which is free but also if the pawn gets protected you play bishop c4 and together you team up with the queen and the bishop on the f7 square and you can deliver a four move checkmate or the scholars mate okay great so we're like a minute two minutes into this video now you know how to win with in four moves but the other trap of the wayward queen attack if you bring the queen out so early is that some people are gonna be like aha well i'm very smart i can just kick your queen away with my pawn but now this move comes with an extra punch because not just winning a pawn with check you now will also win the rook so this is just very very basic bare bones beginner stuff wayward queen attack um you can also uh and j just so you understand what that sequence might look like that's the point and now you can obviously you know you might lose a pawn with check but you're up a rook you get out develop the rest of your pieces you're up a rook on move three or four i can't really do much better than that well actually i can because you're going to be checkmating people that fast um the wayward queen attack if they know what they're doing you get to a certain point obviously not that good but it is a good starting point you can also be creative and begin with the bishop first so you're like oh i'm not actually going for the wayward queen attack and then then you go for the wayward queen attack uh you can either go to h5 i like h5 because it packs two punches this just packs one so queen on f3 only attacks the f7 square it doesn't attack anything else uh but queen h5 is the way you can try to win uh in you know in in four and four moves you can also try to win in three moves uh but it's it's a little bit you know it's a little suspicious all right everything else in this video will be a little bit more reputable let's go see how you can win in five or six moves with white for a win in five or six moves uh as i mentioned uh this is going to be a little bit more reputable and you're still beginning with the king's pawn in many ways playing gambits with white is a little bit more fun because once you play e4 you can play a gambit against many of black's major responses now one of those major responses is the move c6 trying to build for the center with d5 this is known as the karo khan defense it's one of the most popular defenses on youtube chess it's one of the most popular defenses at beginner and intermediate level uh i love it so it's one of my favorite openings uh and in general what we're going to be doing is lining up this queen against the enemy king now we're not going to do it right now that's stupid but what we are going to do is do it at some point so for example you will play knight to c3 black will play d5 and now you will put your queen on e2 the point is that if your opponent takes on e4 which is really the entire purpose of the karo khan is like when you see this you're going to take and that's where the rest of your game will develop uh they will take you will take back with the knight and you have a very very sneaky threat set up against this king some people here will want to put a knight on f6 but they won't like it because you can take it and now they can't take back with the pawn in front of their king they would have to do this so what some people will do here is they will play the move knight to d7 to try to play this move and trade so they can get a knight there as a replacement and now you land the devastating checkmate blow knight d6 mate this is one of the most savage checkmates in all of chess it's a five move smothered mate the king has absolutely no breathing room and can't take because of the pin now this particular move order is it's a little bit rare which is why i've included this trap in a five or six move way the sixth move way is more common than the five move way uh but uh you might get both and the sixth move way is like this you will play a two knights karo khan so you will play knight f3 and knight c3 so this is th this is another way uh that i recommend uh here there is pawn takes e4 obviously right this is the entire purpose knight e4 and now for example if bishop f5 or knight f6 both targeting your knight you will put the queen on e2 and now we see the point right knight bd7 knight d6 mate this is the six move version of this checkmate there is also the six move version with bishop f5 queen to e2 knight d7 knight d6 mate this i've also seen hundreds if not thousands of times i've seen this one more because people are like well why would i block my bishop right this is silly let me develop my bishop first and when you protect well now i'm gonna develop my knight because i'm so smart knight d6 checkmate queen on e2 in the karo khan wins in five or six moves and obviously there are alternatives uh obviously if you play queenie two here they might play d4 right and the knight can rotate back and we just get a we get a game of chess but as i said in the introduction the point of this video is not to make a 90-minute segment on here's the gambit and here's everything else that can happen instead of you of you getting that trap and and winning quickly uh the karo khan is a very potent trap but i entrust you to fill in the gaps okay that's i'm kind of taking you there uh but you're gonna have to fill in some of the gaps if you are unsuccessful in getting this trap okay let's go to move seven all right this one is absolutely wonderful i also don't know why i just said let's go to move seven i should have said let's go to seven moves but whatever that's the beauty of editing i can make fun of my past self so for this one we're playing the ponziani opening we're still beginning with the king's pawn because it is the most aggressive way to play some gambits e5 by black uh we play knight f3 so now we're playing a little bit more standard knight c6 this is a position that's been seen countless times but here rather than developing our bishop like super grandmasters or playing the four knights or the scotch we play c3 ponziani not pawn ziani but p-o-n ponziani and the point is that you want to put a another pawn in the center of the board so that is the purpose of the ponziani opening it stops things like bishop c5 because this is just great for white you just want a big healthy center with knight c3 and if you want to investigate the ponziani on your own you're more than welcome to do that but i am here to show you a nasty trap one of the main moves of the ponziani is for black to play knight to f6 the other main line is pawn d5 immediately this attacks the pawn in the center but we're just going to ignore it we're just going to continue with our ponziani approach where four moves into the game it's crazy because i just showed you an example of winning in literal checkmate in four moves in here we're nowhere near that so obviously black can take on d4 that's for you to investigate there's some ponziani ideas you can check opening databases but let's say black gobbles this pawn which was their entire intention of moving the knight there right it's a free pawn we are actually not going to take back we are going to push to d5 this attacks the knight very logical move uh obviously black can move the knight in a handful of different ways so obviously if if black moves to the side of the board uh we trap the knight with the move b4 uh that's just a very clean trapping of the knight so this is actually a double layered trap we play b4 the knight is completely stuck it can't go here because it will be taken uh but the knight will most likely rotate back this way at which point we are ready to capture this center pawn we've got a little night trio here and this is the devastating move which is the most popular move on opening databases that played thousands of times attacking our knight the move d6 looks very reasonable because it looks like our knight has to leave but this opens up the devastating move 7 bishop to b5 check now opponent is in serious trouble because they can block the check on these two squares if they block on d7 we smother them to death and we are just picking up a queen kind of nice however if they block with the pawn we take with our pawn and now it's gonna get even uglier because if they take the knight we have takes pawn check and we are making a new queen so we're gonna take a full rook and get a full queen out of nowhere a completely winning position uh if they take back on c6 then we take with the knight and uh it's crushing i mean for example knight takes bishop takes it's a triple fork and believe it or not the best move here is not to take the rook because that would give up a full bishop so instead you come back and you take the knight three zero versus five three which one is better right so three zero get a full night you are now up a pawn you are now up a night and you are going to castle on the next move or you're going to take that rook if they blunder it and uh i know we're on move 12 but the winning knockout here happens on move seven in the ponziani with the move bishop to b5 so if you want to incorporate the ponziani into your opening repertoire with 3c3 uh know this trap if you don't get this at least you still get a very uh a very big center right you can get your pieces behind those pawns big center always helps in a game of chess but you have to know what to do against the two main lines which are knight f6 and d5 but that's how you win a game of chess with the ponziani in seven moves let's go to move eight this next one is one of the most powerful openings in all of chess and actually my very first over-the-board tournament game that i played as a kid i won with the fried liver trap uh the fried liver also begins with the king's pawn shocking e5 by black and knight f3 knight c6 but here you develop the bishop to c4 now you remember from the wayward queen section this bishop is very powerful targeting that weak square and what we want to do here is we want to put the knight on g5 to attack the pawn along with the bishop we can't do that because the queen blocks off that square so that just doesn't work which is why we need black to develop the knight to f6 it's very popular here for people to play the bishop to c5 at which point we can't do this but there is a gambit here known as the evans gambit which is very strong you can also go back to sort of playing in the style of the ponziani which is why you should watch this video chronologically to gain some ideas but in this case we're looking at knight f6 and now we go for knight g5 attacking the f7 square trying to get a situation that looks like this where we are just going to win big material uh knight f7 on its uh on its own is a big threat the main line here for black does go pawn d5 there is also something known as the traxler i have videos on both of these the traxler is a counter attack to the fried liver so if you're interested in all that you know who to you know where to find me just type in fried liver or traxler gotham chess you'll find it however most beginners at this point will play d5 not knowing that it's the main move because they think that you have to block and after pawn takes they will just take back which is just very natural because now they're like well i'm attacking this and this is blocked and protected so i'm good but now you detonate knight takes f7 anyway and they're like i thought i stopped that i don't wait what i'm ju huh now it's move seven you have to play queen check this attacks the knight and the kings now both of those pieces are under attack and in this position the best move for black is actually to come forward bravely defending the knight in the middle of the board that's very rare for beginners nobody wants to bring their king up and even here white can continue to apply pressure with a move like knight c3 right the bishop is targeting the knight three pieces targeting this very scary position for black my first tournament game went king g8 at which point i took the knight and it's checkmate it's not exactly checkmate because technically opponent can take you take and they can block but it's mate their king is smothered every move follows everything else so king g8 loses to bishop takes knight and now you've won a chess game in eight moves of course they don't have to play king g8 which is why i'm here right at that point you will just take back and you will have a very big attack and be slightly better but the point of this video is to give you the maximum in the minimum number of moves so bishop takes d5 or you want to flex queen takes d5 get a queen trade and whatever they block with it's a mate it's an easy checkmate and the game ends after eight moves with the fried liver trap but like i said there is a little bit more to this than just playing knight g5 and winning on the spot you might need to know the traxler you might need to fill in the gaps of your fried liver knowledge but it's there it's there for the taking and i guarantee if you start playing this you will catch a person or two or ten and feel good about it all right let's go to the final trap of the section for the white pieces and you've made it to the end now winning in 10 moves with white is it's actually a lot of moves already so a lot of things have to be correct right you basically black has to check every box and fall into every trap a trap in 10 moves normally uh doesn't end in checkmate you just have a big lead in material and there are some traps that can get you there however i will show you a checkmate in 10 moves this time we are not starting with the king's pawn we are starting with the english opening now again if you play the english there is a low chance that you play into this trap because as a beginner an intermediate player people might be doing god knows what however a 2700 rated grandmaster beat a 2700 rated grandmaster in this trap so i have to show it black will respond with e5 principle moving to the center of the board you both develop queen side knights right the queen's knight white now develops the next knight to f3 and black will play g6 looking for a fiance of the bishop on the g7 square you will attack the center that is the entire purpose we've seen this actually in a lot of those kingspawn positions that the queen's pawn is a helper to open up the board black takes the pawn because well if they don't i mean we push or we take but now we don't take back we jump into the middle with knight d5 the point of this move is to control some squares actually a very similar checkmate to the karo khan checkmate knight to f6 right you just saw that with the karo khan slightly different situation but a knight smothers the king to death obviously that's not going to happen if it does congrats bishop g7 and now white teams up with this knight and goes bishop g5 attacking the queen the queen is in a little bit of a bad spot queen can't move queen's gotta have something block knight e7 seems like a natural move however now we uncork a savage combination that ends the game by move 10. at this point it looks like all of black's defenses are fine but we play knight takes pawn now to the untrained eye that just doesn't make any sense because two pieces cover that whereas we only have one however if black takes with the knight they remove the defender of this knight and we smother the queen to death the queen dies queen's dead bishop takes that's it so obviously black won't do that black is going to take back with this bishop now we have a weird situation because uh it's not really clear what we've accomplished here well that's why it's a trap because sometimes traps are not obvious at all we take the bishop you go what i'm so what am i missing well if you're giving up a queen you're either losing a queen because you're trash which happens i've been there or you're getting something back for the queen that's worth more which means a queen and a bonus or you're getting the head of the king you're gonna decapitate them parents you might have to explain that word to your children you might have to lie to them a little bit gory here's the point knight f6 check king has to move bishop h6 check and mate it's move 10 you've sacrificed the queen and you just checkmated your opponent if you win a game like a chess like this you might as well uninstall everything it does not get any better than this you have just won a game of chess in 10 in 10 moves now the grand master at hand uh actually didn't fall for the entire trap but he resigned after castling and getting hit with this check and he resigned because he's going to lose the game on in the next couple of moves anyway but uh yeah this this trap is a little bit more rare but this whole idea of losing a pawn in the center and then putting a knight in the middle can also happen from a king's pawn opening i'm going to give you a little bonus here this is called the belgrade gambit capital of serbia e4 e5 knight f3 knight c6 notice the position is a little bit different four knights d4 takes knight d5 if you want to go investigate the belgrade gambit it is very interesting but there aren't immediate victories in it which is why it's not included in this video but that's why you're here right bonus nuggets of information and that is in a nutshell folks how you can win games of chess with relatively reputable not garbage gambits between four and ten moves with white pieces let's go see how you can win with black okay folks so winning with black in many ways is is just as fun and in a totally different way than winning with white because with black you see your opponent's first move and then you go oh now i can send this game in the direction that i want uh because normally with white you're kind of the person instigating the action so the first thing i want to show you is a four or five you can really classify this as as many different kinds of moves uh gambit but it's called the blackburn shilling uh just as your first trap with the white pieces it's not super reputable but if you get it you're going to feel like an absolute gangster so the opponent begins with the move e4 and you play e5 it's kind of difficult to push the pace with black early especially if you're going to get hit with a wayward queen attack you kind of have to know what you're doing watch my video how to stop early queen attacks in chess let's say you get a normal position with bishop to c4 okay we've been here before we've been here before uh and you want to play knight f6 or bishop c5 hold on the blackburn shilling gambit begins with the move knight to d4 so sacrificing development for the sake of a little bit of a trap now obviously if white takes your knight then you just trade and you just have to develop your bishop will come out your knight will come out you'll play d6 so you don't block in your bishop bishop first then pawn then chess has to get played but if you notice we put our knight in the middle because we're giving up this pawn i mean an advanced beginner will see that hopefully they're gonna be like oh how dumb knight takes pawn look at that and i'm getting that that good old-fashioned fried liver style knight takes f7 is coming so knight takes e5 is already our opponent falling into the trap knight takes c5 is not a good move uh it doesn't lose yet but it probably will now the point is our queen can go to g5 this attacks the pawn and the knight this is already borderline devastating for white uh the computer obviously knows the best moves the computer says you can take with check but no one's gonna do that because they've just moved their knight they see that this move attacks the knight they will continue down the rabbit hole of gobbling and forking us and thinking that we are the dumbest person on earth and they might be right but at least not in chess now we we demonstrate the second purpose of the queen on this square it's to go down here and take the rook this is already very bad very very bad so obviously taking here is terrible you're gonna take take and the the knight has no way out so most people here will go oh well this is simple i just slide my rook over to f1 now the reason i'm classifying this as a four or five move trap rather than a six or seven move trap is because the evaluation of this position is minus ten so the fact that you've even made it this far after five moves means you're completely winning now you just gotta finish the job just like in the ponziani trap with white did you watch that part of the video after rook f1 we gobble the pawn on e4 with check most people here will not want to play queen e2 and lose their queen that seems really bad so they will block with the bishop thinking the worst is over and that is when they will suffer knight f3 check mate it's over they lose game is over this knight just couldn't even couldn't even gobble the rook and white gets smothered and we've we've seen this a lot in this video this kind of smothering with the queen in the night very nasty combination some might compare it to a james harden and joel embiid i don't know who's the knight in the queen in that situation but that's my that's my best reference together they're unstoppable because they combine all the powers uh so uh you know kobe and shaq uh so this trap is just it's it's a little bit terrible uh in the sense that if white doesn't take on e5 and just plays kind of normal moves this is a bit of a hope trap but so is the wayward queen attack so all these parts you know winning in chess in four or five moves is borderline impossible unless the opponent completely self-destructs finds the nearest window jumps out of it not from a fatal height all right i would never want to allude to something like that but uh knight d4 with with queen g5 blackburn shilling is very potent let's go to the more reputable ones so this next gambit has the name portuguese or icelandic gambit because actually white decides which one we're going to go into uh this one i like because against the king's pawn you don't need to respond with symmetry and hope that your opponent will play something uh that will fall into a game but actually you play the queen spawn so you strike in the middle first and uh obviously many people are going to take this pawn because it's there for the taking and now they're playing on your terms here you can enter the scandinavian defense with queen takes pawn but i invite you to play knight f6 that f6 delays the recapture of the of the pawn and it can lead to either the portuguese or icelandic gambits obviously white doesn't have to hang on to this white can play knight f3 white can play bishop c4 which doesn't hang on to that pawn because it's just a fair trade in which case you have to play chess so in in that case you might take back with the knight you might develop your bishop uh you're inviting them to play into a gambit now if they try to hang on to this pawn with a second pawn now we enter gambit territory by trading like this should the opponent engage with us and allow us to get this lead in development we now have a very quick plan of attack just like in that karo khan section a couple and 15 minutes ago not how long ago it was we want to quickly swarm opponent and castle queenside so here my favorite trap is when white puts two pawns in the center all right this is move five we give a check i give a check and we'd like to play queen e7 knight c6 get our king out of the middle go go go go go opponent might block with the knight at which point we apply some pressure with knight e4 and we are already almost winning almost for example the move bishop d2 here blocking this attack is met with queen takes pawn because the entire purpose of the queen here is to guard the center like this so bishop d2 queen takes d4 and slightly different than the other gambits in this video we're not up a queen we're not checkmating but we might for example knight to f3 queen f2 is mate i've caught actually some very strong people like this before uh knight e4 is is very very potent swarming the king here is is just super super strong uh just in case anybody's confused not queen a4 doesn't win a piece i sometimes get comments about this knight c6 just defends both and the attack doesn't stop uh knight e4 is extremely strong there are obviously different things that can happen like bishop d2 uh but like i told you the point is to take play queen e7 line up an attack on this king knight c6 and long castles actually one of my courses that i have on my website link is in the description um is called the gambit's repertoire for black and the portuguese gambit is in it i absolutely adore this gambit and on move seven six seven eight in that range you can already have a position that's completely crushing for example if the opponent instead of blocking like this place queen d3 you have the beautiful idea of bishop f5 lining up very nasty intentions against this queen you can get your king out of the center and you're already threatening things like this attacking the queen attacking the rook and you're just crashing it's eight nine moves but it's totally totally winning for black so e4 d5 with the intention to play knight f6 and enter the icelandic or the portuguese gambits are very nice ways uh to get quickly winning positions now the only reason that i'm a little hesitant to include this i was a little hesitant to include this in the video is that there's a lot of flexibility like for example white can play many many things and so you have to kind of fill in the gaps of your knowledge but if you get a full portuguese or icelandic gamut on the board oh it's game over i mean it's honestly just game over so consider investigating this adding it to your toolbox i like the fact that it's very forcing against e4 trust me go investigate you'll have a great time all right let's keep going one of the most savage traps in the world of chess is called the england gambit trap the england gambit is a fan favorite uh at beginner and early intermediate levels because at in this day and age when chess information is widely available and you can study your games instantly uh tribes don't always work a lot and it begins with the queen's pawn and black responds with e5 so again the sort of forcing method of play not engaging in symmetry but trying to get the opponent to take you right away at this point black will play knight c6 trying to win the pawn back with the knight and white will play knight f3 again there is a lot of flexibility when you play with the black pieces white can really do a lot of things so i'm going to show you the most kind of forcing trap that can happen and then you have to fill in the gaps as you play here you play queen e7 queen e7 just like we've seen combining queen and knight in early gambit play wants to take this pawn and right that would be nice but also there is the idea to wander off over here to give a check to the king so bishop f4 protects this pawn but allows us to hit three things at once we only play this move if the bishop has gone over here i have a video on the england gambit if you want to learn some more uh you obviously don't play queen before if it's not a check right that doesn't make any sense the queen is here to take this pawn so in response to this we give a check uh smart player with white here will back up the bishop because they don't want to lose it for example that's a really nice way to lose a full piece so they go here and we continue down to attack the rook the best move here for white and if you want to know more about the england gambit go watch a video with knight to c3 but many people here will play bishop c3 that's a very natural move you just move the bishop multiple times you might as well move it one more time and you attack the queen and you defend your rook right but now black steps on the gas even harder and plays bishop b4 uh-oh this is an important move to remember you cannot lose your queen because you pin the bishop to the king if this there is this the rook is in trouble knight is coming into c2 so obviously white doesn't want that and white instead will defend the bishop with the queen okay white is out of danger right no you take and we are about to have something really really bad happen if knight takes bishop queen takes rook however if queen takes bishop it's mate it's a mate the game is over eight moves and you win by checkmate i have had some students lose heartbreaking games to something like this uh and they come out crying of their tournaments uh and we used to call it the london poison because if you're going up against someone who's gonna play d4 there's a very high chance as a beginner they're gonna play london this stops the london because if they go here you just take a full bishop you might get that uh but the other point is that you completely start forcing the action on your own now is the england gambit a force win for black no if white knows what they're doing they will get an advantage according to the computer but maybe you have fun anyway you don't care what the computer says you're here to play chess for fun you get this pawn back your queen's in the middle quick development again just as everything else in this video you can't just watch a three four minute segment and go i have my permanent opening weapon now you gotta fill in the gaps the england gambit wins by check made in eight moves if your opponent falls for the trap if not you have to play chess let's go to the last two for our nine move trap we're beginning once again with the queen spawn so you actually have a choice here you can play a little bit more professionally with the move d5 d4 d5 is a extremely normal way to start the game uh and uh this one is also in my black gambit's repertoire again i didn't make this video with the intention uh to kind of give you paid content pushes but what i'm saying when i say that is that some of the stuff in this video very very basic four move checkmate four or five move trap with black not very good from the learning chess in a long term standpoint but this trap this gambit and the one the portuguese gambit i i literally put in a paid course because they're actually legitimate you don't just have to win fast or your position is terrible so the album is after the queen's gambit d4 d5 c4 and now you respond with not uh not e6 which is the queen's game but declined but you play e5 so you are striking back in the middle of the board right and i love the album because i i play it in blitz all the time and even if i don't win quickly i get great attacking positions the point is that if white takes your pawn you shove this into the middle of the board and the point is that now developing is a little bit difficult for white knight c3 is impossible knight f3 is met with knight c6 you swarm with the bishops uh often times you will get your queen out of the way and quickly castle that's the point of a gambit at the end of the day however many unsuspecting folks will go ugh that pawn is really annoying i want to get rid of it immediately with the move e3 and actually that move doesn't look that bad at all because again if you take you lose your right to castle then i take back the pawn with my bishop and i'm doing very well however if white plays e3 you smash them with a check they cannot block with the knight so most of them will block with the bishop at which point you do take the pawn so you see now that the queens don't see each other right the bishop looks like he can take a bishop for free now if they double their pawns and they get themselves into this ugly situation you can trade bishops finish development and in the long run you'll eat these pawns like pac-man right uh however they might take your bishop for free now you continue gobbling pawn takes f2 comes with check uh this is already a very dire situation for white because if they take the pawn the queen takes the queen don't forget that is just a full queen queen takes queen across the board uh so many people here with white will lose the queen like that but some of them will be creative they'll be like oh my god wait a minute this is the only move that guards my queen thankfully i'm safe and here you uncork pure savagery you must remember this move you must remember to not have auto queen promotion on you take the night you take the knight but you make a knight yes it has to be check why because if you make a queen i take your queen with check then i take your other queen you lose both queens and two moves but if you make a knight it is czech and when i take now the bishop comes and white gets x-rayed bishop g4 the king goes and on your ninth move you take the queen and you're completely winning you might go on to lose this game i don't know how impressive of a chess player you are but i got you there in nine moves all right you have a queen up position i can't do much better than that well actually i can you can check made in eight moves in the england gambit but the albin is so brutal this is an incredible trap and just to instant replay you cannot do this first because the knight can block that is the whole point you have to take that knight you have to take it over the night blocks and whole trap doesn't work so this is super common this lasker trap named after uh lasker obviously um the famous chess player uh and uh yeah i mean what more to say like the can you imagine a trap where you promote to a knight on move six or seven with check and then bring your bishop out and when the i mean come on that's that's then it's the end of the story there's many times in this video that you can just do basically a walk-off you land the trap that's it you just move on with your life you never play a game of chess again i love the album counter gambit trap i also love the album even if you don't land this trap i love this opening uh time for our final trap of the video for the final way to win quickly in chess with the black pieces i want to shout out my good friend international master eric rosen he's also got a youtube channel in case you don't know i don't know if these videos hit the algorithm and people who have never watched chess are watching it but hello eric rosen look him up after this video uh he popularized the stafford gambit at all levels and the stafford gambit is when white plays e4 black plays e5 knight f3 and now not knight c6 but rather copycat knight f6 basically saying you can take my pawn and this is something known as the petrov defense but knight c6 now we are playing the stafford gambit when the stafford gambit reaches its initial position you take with the pawn that opens the queen and the bishop so we've seen this already before we want both bishops open we want the queen open because they're the most powerful attacking pieces uh now there are many variations of the stafford gambit so once again if you are interested in this gambit and you want to investigate it i just told you who to go look at for the full details but this is the way you win in 10 moves white will see that this pawn is under attack and will protect it relatively standard right you will move your bishop to the most active square that you can targeting that weak king square at this point many players with the white pieces will want to castle which is what you're taught as a beginner so they will move their bishop and then they will castle there should be two now there are other moves here which is why i just told you you gotta go investigate on your own you at this point would like to move your knight to g4 we've seen this concept this kind of knight infiltration but in this case it's covered by two pieces so what do you do lock in access to that square with knight to g4 you'd like to go there so you can do some kind of fried liver damaging to the opponent opponent will castle self-explanatory right um at that point knight g4 opponent plays h3 asking you very politely to move your knight if you take on f2 now then after takes takes takes where are all of your pieces that is not the point the point is not to take on f2 this is the point queen d6 you want to go deliver checkmate if the opponent takes your knight then you take and mate is unstoppable that's it they can't stop it they can delay it but they cannot stop it they can play for example uh e5 you just take it they can play g3 you take it it's mate the bishop pins the pawn to the king it can't take and the rook and the queen smash the king there are other ways to lose like this in 10 moves that was 10 moves i don't know if you were counting but there is also this way to lose they could play g3 like this and once again you take king h1 and it's mate on move 10. you win in 10 moves with the black pieces you shout out the stafford gambit dab on the opponent or something that's less cringe and then you leave and you retire from the game of chess right off into the sunset you feel good about yourself that is how you win a game of chess in 10 moves with an opening that's actually quite potent and quite common at many many levels the stafford gambit hey it's full screen gotham again i hope you enjoyed the video hopefully you can use some of these tips and tricks with the white pieces and the black pieces to get some quick wins feel good about yourself and temporarily feel that chess isn't just the absolute worst and a ton of work and demoralizing at times uh i envision you playing against uh someone you know and saying that you don't actually play a whole lot of chess and then bam you win the game in five moves and they think you're just the smartest person on earth anyway i hope you enjoyed the video i'll see you in the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,689,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: fotEfEXL60o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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